The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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802 THE Nl^-W YORK CLIPPER. September 30. limtmt mi minsirel Notes rnoM the Duncan Cladk attsac- TiONa.—Tbc Duncan Clark female Mlustrela linve played to yntkcd houses every night fllDce opeulng the ueason, and manaKcrs liavc Invariably nuked (or return dates. The show Ifi gtvlni; nne satliifnclioD and the people are In excellent condition and well satislled, hav- ing a pleasant and comfortable home In one of the tlnest Tullman cars on the road. M'Ue. Donzello'a Living Htatuary, the Little Bcbool Ulrls, Uig lavc, ClIrlB In the Overalls, tbo drcat foster, and Klldzlo, European equlll- lirlst, are the olio features. A big llrHt part of thirty Tieople, and "I'be Newport Traves- ty," conclude tbe show. Itoster of company: .i^uncan Clark, proprietor and maoacer; \. •..nples, buHlnesK maoogeri J. K, Klidzo, stage aannger; Unrt Marquart, musical di- rector : L. Foster, costumcr ; V. Wells, props; M'lle. DoazcUo, Ilonale Sberman, Jane Adams, Ilelle Hart, Sadie Coonorr,, Violet Allen, May I^ng, Lilly Long, Marjorle Farr, Bert Wells, LotUC lll/les, Vivian Gray, Alice Moss, Be- atrice Grace, Morale Coll Ins, Agnes Klee, Uolly Madison, £dna Lyons, Florence Dink- Icy, Sylv Smith, Cora Haynes, Irene Harri- son, Busan Worth, Fanny Dennlson, Dora Cohan, Julia Brooks, Liza Jackson, .Tennlc Goodheart, Pearl Donaldson, J. F. Klldzlo, Leon Foster, Uiirt Marquart, Jack Lodz Cook, Henry Neullnger, porter. Tbe Fannie Hill Co. bas been meeting with continuous success since the season began. Mr. Clark has fur- nished everything new for this year. Jloster: C. 13. Itansoni, manager; I(. U. Blackburn, stage manager; F. Mackay, musical director; Harry Wilson, props; Fnnnle Hill, Kmmn UuBcli. Carrie BouKliton, Nettle Allen, Minnie Ulnsmorc, Viola Norrls, Lulu Hanson, Doro- thy Friend. Ada Klsh, Kuby Brown, Ida Wor- ton and Blanche Taft. . Notes kiiom Leonard Calveht's Bio COLORHB Behenadf.rb. —Tlie company opened at Coisackie, N. Y., Sept. 0, to capacity, and has been playing to big business nightly. Htr^iuder and Strnuuer are doing tbclr novel- ty singing act with this company, making one of the biggest hits with the show. John Le Fevre, one of our baritone soloists, Is anotlior .special feature with this company, receiving three and four encores nightly. Tbe company Is an excellent one, numbering twenty people, hand and orchestra. Mr. Calvert has spared no time or raoae? to make this one of the strongest colored snows on the road this season. Uanvby and Doajie write: "After thir- teen months of slearty work on tbe coast, we are about to return l^ast to our home. We are i)onl(cd Bollu In the Fast until next April, f'.nd then open In London, ICng. Mrs. Ilan- vey bus been ill for some time, but has fully recovered Iter licalth, and lias resumed work In nnr comedy slczlng net. Mrs. Hanvey's Imitation on the piano of a buck dance is n novel idea, and scores encore aftor encore." JRNMIM IiKNTi.KV, foot jugglpr. Writes that she was granted a divorce from ber husband in Grand It.inlds, Mich., Sept. 12. CiiAiiLBY Qano reports meetioK with great success as priiiclpnl comcdiuu with lU Henry's Minstrels. L. DeDriiikn, the French acrlnliat and ronfort'onlst, reports having met with favor everywhere the past season. He flnlshed his iinrk cngncerapnts nt Wonderland, Minneapo- lis, am! h now winning approval on the Naah circuit. IIc bas some very good time to follow. Bki.i.b Cdmau (wife of Frank Comnr) has iieeii conllned to I'cr home with typhoid fever since July 17. She Is now couvnles- tcnt. At,. Q. Field Notks. —A record breaking run was recently made over the B. and 0. Itallroad, from Louisville, ICy.. to Columbus. O. A special engine was cugneed for tbe llrst run. llcaching Columbus the minstrels were nearly frightened out of their bunks by the KnabeuBhiie airship, which allahted neac the cars of the II. and 0. yards. Ihe biggest Inislness Mr. b'lcld has done lu the history u( his sliuw was that recorded during his m- cuQt engagements In Indlnuanolls, Dayton, I.cxlnctou, Ky., Chnttanoogn, KuoxvUIe and Ashvirie, N. 0. lioiiKe records were broken nt two or three points. Ed. ZEnKETii writes that lie is doing very nicely on the Coast with his new change act. The BAiiNEt.i.s, Kd. and Ilanna, have fin- ished a successful eight weeks' tour In Utah and Colorado, baring played the Crystal and Lubclskl circuits, and arc on their way Kast, opening at the Yale Theatre, Knusaa City, Sept. 10, with other work la Kansas and Missouri booked. CiiAB. Meuuitt and Mat Rozbli.a have iJis- Rolved partnership. Hereafter Mlaa llozella will do a single apcclnlty. MBANr AND Anpkuson Hre in tiie fifth week on tbe Keith circuit, and their net, "Bis and Zack Going to the City," bas been well re- ceived. Ed. Kelly anp Ida BaiiTtiA are la their sixth week at the Qlobe Theatre, Ullllngs, Mont., meeting with success la their sketch, and are to remain two weeks longer. The Ehiikk Sisrsns have just finished a ten weeks playing parks. They report meet- ing with success, and are booked solid until March, lOOfl. Onslow and OAnnBTT are playing the Coix- sidine, Bulllvan circuit of bouses In tbe Northwest, and report meeting with succes*. Their burlesque Oct, entitled '"rwlated," is a laughing hit. Manaukk Uodert Mancubhthr writes tbnt his two shows, the Cracker Jacks and Vanity I''h1i', hnvc been making good bityond exncc- tntlun, and business has been line, lie feelH assured that both will "get the money," The Till Thio, with their ootulc manl- klua, have Just closed a sticcessful season of sixteen weeks with the IngersoU Luua I'nrk Amusement Co., ut Cleveland and I'lttsburg, and commenccu an CDgngcmeat of several weeks, on Monday, Sept. 18, at tbe rittsbui'g Exposition Building. Anuekson and Goinbr have Just closed six- teen weeks over the J. W. Gorman circuit of parks throiigb New Knglnnd and New York. TiiH TiiiiKH IiiwiNS played BellcvUlo Gar- den, Ilellcvllle, 111., week of Sept. 17. William A. Krmv writes that he has Just closed a scasnn of twelve weeks nt Hyatt I'ark, Columbia, S. C. He was tUna trans- ferred to Mayflower Grove, BryantvlHc, Mass., from Aug. 'Jl to Sept. 10, thence going to Itroohsldo Park, Atbul, Mass., mnklns sixteen weeks as pianist on Maurice Booiirs circuit. TuiiNBli W. GliKdo AND WU'K (Joale Wise) have closed a eleven months' eugagement with Frank II. Hlce's latest Bcnsatlon, aud arc laklug a short rest at their home lu Louis- ville, Ky. I'um: Dg Blakrii and nona closed a very Nucccssful season of seventeen weeks at Midget City, Dreniiiland. Coney Island, N. Y. It was his second season there, and he has been engaged fur the season of ItlUS at the Hauic place. He reports great success with Ills llliputinn ilog drcus, Tl!K M.lLLOItY llIlOS., BaoOKB ANU tlALLI- i»AV rejiort success on the Toll circuit. Fkank CoiinN, known urofcs-ilonnlly rh I'rnnk L. Bvowue, writes: ''I am now work- ing under my right name, on account of the Kuuibcr of Frank Browne's In W. B. Watsox writes: "In the history of the BIJou Theatre, Paterson, N. 1., never was there such a week's business done as that of lay Oriental BurleiquerB, which broke the house record for the past twenty-one years NOTES mow TUB WA8B1N0I0K SOCIBTI BILLIH TATI.0R, Of the TttylorS, wHO has GiKLs, aDder"tbe direction of Keman 4 Wat- charge of the <:<>'ore^.e~Plf„!''i'L ?„1,c«9?u^ son.—This company la In Its fourth week, and Bpaun Show, writes: ■'We closed a Buccessful since tbe opening of the season has broken season of twenty weeks Sept. 10. JVe have house record lor tno past twcnry-one years, records In every house. In point of excel- the ^fl","* P^'^^j'^np "ill After oar last with no holiday, big opposition in tbe way lence the organization ranks as one of the and "'"" «'°"^„,P!«P'?-hj'*"" will all of Summer parks, and attractions at two foremost In its particular line, and credl for P^ffo™''""' S?'" ^«,T °^ other theatres No attraction has ever pleased the success of the show s due W. B. Watson, uttond a big se^?^'«'J^^" 7 iten we win as well, but the above Is only a repetition of v.uo worked Indefatlgably during the heated the members of the company. Jiicn we wiii the business that has been"^ done since the term on tbe two burlesquespreselited, as well "epa"t« un I we reopen about the third opening in Fhlladcipbla, nt the BiJou, where as doing the reheaalng. Tje company Is a weelt '°/Pj'^, l^^hu ..aJ^r that was In a record business wis also done In extrenf)ely large one, numbering over thirty-elglit people, only ha* one 'f^r this season, JQ"';;»«!" warm weather. Give the public what they anJ tbe olio is one of tbe beat ever put on a Somervlllc, N. J. Mrs. 8pa"°8 ?„ b *okIvn want and you will certainly do the business, burlesque stage, no expense having been (fom li^rt failure in a hospital In Brooklyn, has nlwayS been my motto. Consequently, spared to fully equip the show. The execu- N.,Y fboat two months ago. My wife and ^ my attractions have always proven lucrative, tfve staff: Kemon & Watson, general mana- will take about three weeks vacation, which The roster: Swan and ifambard, Yamamoto pers; Burt C. Pearson, manager; Wm. Lver- we will spend In Atlantic City, witn my - - -- - .. „ _ sole, advance representative; Ike Wall, mas- parents, and then All a few dates. ter mechanic, and Wm. Crosby, musical dl- Ous Rapier and wirB (Jessalee) have Just rector closed their engagement at Falrmount Park Casad and Db Vernb write that they Theatre, where they spent a pleasant and closed their park seanon week of Sept. 10. profitable Summer season of flfteen weekSj Brothers, Johnnie Carroll, Etsa Leslie, Bca trice llarlowc, Alice Hanson, Motile Williams, Llzette Howe, Caroline Duncan, Fannie Wil- liams, Edith Parker, Laura GtlnserettI, Mamie Howe, May De Vonde, Kitty Lucette, Viola uiunr.i ^ul,, ,,o.n ovo»vu ^ «.»>-» -wi,.. .-. r-- ;-;-- — -t-t, — ,-i"-;,„„„,. „» Uussell, Lllllao Tborndyke, Edith Crawford, nt Olentangy Park, Columbus, 0., and also and are now visiting relatives for a couple or Katherine Galtcly, Mamie Lamb, Hilda Btew- report having a very successful and pleasant weeks before beginning the Winter work, art, Edith Worth, W. B. Watson, comedian; seaRon. They open In vaudeville houses nt Edoab Foreman commenced his vaudeville ■■ - • * ..,...< v..^ „ , ,o _.i.,. T>. bookings Sept. 25. lie will shortly appear In New York presenting his tramp specialty. Negotiations are now pending for tbe produc- tion of his play, "The Blackmailers." Marie Coll/ns, mother of Madlyn Stell and Mattic Collins, died Sept. 12, la New York City, after a long illness. Lrwis and Harr, negro Impersonators, are In tbe East, after two and ono half years on the coast. They came East with a special endorsement of their work to Kohl Ic Castle, frooi U, J. Grauman, of Saa Francisco, hav- ing never played this, their new act, in the East. The act Is entitled "Old Folks at uome," and is a black face musical sketch. HALL'a Marvelous Doos are engaged with the Will A. Peters Stock Co., having Joined the company a*. Ashvllle, N. C, Sept. 18, as the feature act Caiikx and Cotter have Just flnlshed a successful Summer season of twelve weeks over tbe New England park circuit, and opened at the Pawtuckec Theatre week of Sept. 11, and for week of Sept. 18 were at Sheafe's, Lynn, Mass. KuHSBLi. Bingham writes: "I will play Harry Montague, author and producer; A. Jack Faust, manager; Geo, E. Donnelly, musi- cal director; J. E. Boon, master mechanic, and Wm. Madden, advance representative." Goodwin and Goodwin write: '!We Just closed twenty-three weeks on the coast for the Orpheum Co., and Weston circuit, and will play dates which we have booked from our recent 'ad.' In Tbb Old Reliable. It gets there every time." Chas. Stutzman, singing and talking co- median, la with Gus Illirs "McFaddcn's Flats" Co. this season. He reports a success- ful season In the parks this Summer. Ciiameu and Casper write that their act, "The Arrival of the Messenger Boy," bas been a big success wherever it bas been played. CiiAs. AND Kanny Van write; "We are meeting with big success In our second sea- son with the Merry Maidens Co. We played a return date nt Pastor's within four weeks. Just previous to rehearsals, and had to refusA Mr. Pastor's olTsr to stay two weeks, owing to our show leaving for Kansas City. Our act, 'The Maiden and tbe Mule,' is a big suc- cess, and Butler. Jacobs & Lowery intend to tbe Grnni], llnmilton, O., Sept. 18, with De- catur, Terrc Haute and tbe Kohl & Castle circuit to follow. They will then open on the HtcniDd & Brown circuit for elghtfen weeks, then ijo to tbe coast for fifteen weeks. They write that their act la new and is a big success. Cole and Clemens have Just closed their eighteenth week of park work over the Penn- aylvanlD. Delaware and New Jersey circuits. They are laying oB ot their home In Phila- delphia for two weeks, then open their Win- ter dales at Akron, 0., week of Oct 10. They are booked solid until tlie holidays, through the West Hoisr., Mayo and Jdliet, the hannonv singers, in n minstrel burlesque, will come Kast In October. They report success on the Paclllc coast, presenting an unique ar-t, with one Hebrew comedian, one light come- dian and one Swede comedian. They open In one, closing in two, with their own min- Btrel drop curtain. THE IlEALEYB (Jeff and Lavern) write: "We have Just flnlshed twenty weeks in the Northwest and California, and our act was produce It as a high priced attraction next well received In flrst clasa houses. We opened over Che Great Western circuit in the big unnnnrt atn *>,.tn r. Clam 1>l/.a nillv Qnnn,.n,. n nH nf r*rlnr«la Prnnlr /^n1 nn tha r*,.fral'a1 niPftlllh li<\ltaAa " season, starring Sam Illce, Billy Spencer and Chas. Van." Mrs. Julia BNnionT Kelly and her slater, Agnes Enrigbt, mourn the loss of tbeir father, who died at his home la Newark, N. J.. Sept, T. and was buried Sept 11. Agnes Enrlght rejoined lier company, the Jersey Lily. In St. Louis, Sept IT. The team op Swan and Haumond will hereafter he billed Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Hammond. Their new act, tbey Inform xm. has been a great success. They begin their New York engagement at Tony Paatoi's, Fet). 20, 1900, two shows a day. The 'loasiNO Austins, after their success- ful tour around tbe world, have returned to America, and report meeting with success In their act. "Tbe Funny Tramp and the Maid." They opened their American dates at tbe Roof Garden, Lancaster, Pa. After playlngr this season in tbe United States, tbey will return to England for a long tour. Francis W'oon, "Tbe Man with tbe Hoops," writes that be closed on tbe Melville circuit of parks, Sept. U. He opens Sept. 23, on the Mozart circuit, with tbe Keith circuit. Pastor's, and the Kobl & Castle circuit to follow. Juo Williams Is on the Empire circuit, with Miner's Americans. He reports making quite a hit with bis piano playing, slnfjlng and talking act. lie will play the flrst class vaudeville bouses next Summer. Tub Thalkh Sisters, whose rcflned sing- ing net, costumed In correct Tyrolean dresses. In which they do yodeling duetts, also the latest American songs, have been appearlnn In and about New York for nearly one year, since their debut at Tony Pastor's. They have ured at Cripple Creek, Col., on the Crystal circuit, houses.' and our act was a big bit. We will play Mullen and Corelli write from London, through the middle West, working our way Can., tbat they were compelled to cancel back East, where we are booked In tbe lean- Keith's, Cleveland; Shea's, Toronto, and Ing vaudeville houses, opening In New York other work owing to tbe iccident which bap- In Febraury." pened to Mr. Idullen, at the London fair. Deluo, Juggler, bos Just closed a success- Ue was struck in the wrong manner with an ful engagement over tbe Kohl & Castle cir- explosive slapstick, and received the full cult, wltn VVlnnipeg, Minneapolis, Dubuque, Des Moines and other Western work to follow. The Semon Children scored very hap- pily in their act st JeBers' Theatre, Saginaw, Mich., week of Sept 11-lC. Little Primrose Semon was the strong feature of tbe act. Notes and roster of Bert J. Norton's Musical Comedy Co.—• We closed our tentlnz season Sept O, and opened our Fall and It Inter season at Scbaghtlcoke, N. Y., Sept 18. Uoster: Bert J. Norton, proprietor and manager; Jack McBride, stage manager; Mrs. J. B. Norton, treasurer; Bert French, musical director ; tbe Nortons, comedy sketch; Besalo Ward, soubrette aud Illustrated songs; Leroy and Mack, biack face comedians ; Lewis Sisters, singing and dancing soubrettes; Prof. ICd Leroy. moving pictures. We will tour North- ern New York, .Massachusetts and Connecti- cut Little Llllle Slay Norton Is our mascot CitAs. Burns writes tbat he Is again with the Mattice Stock Co., and his specialties are meeting with last season's success at every stand. The Sisters McConhsll, after closing their Orpheum and Chutes engagement la California, returning to tbe Middle West, and have played Forest Park Highlands, St Louis; FnnJ|pm< " -.-.... East End TOrk ne Ferry Park, Louisville; Memphis, and Forest Park, ve also played many clubs and were feat- Kansas City, with their usual success. Their (J. ed ot the Lion Palace last vveek. father, James W. Thompson, has secured ond W. K Kaiil Joined Pain a Last Days of for them a ten weeks' engagement with tbe A Bgagement _ Dicmer Stock Co., at the Diemer Opera House, BprlngflcId, Mo., where they are at present. AaNBS Champnby, "The Little Sunbeam," concluded a Buccessful week's engagement at Electric Park, Newark, N. J., Sept. 10. Al. H. Wbst, black face comedian, with charge In his back, tearing a deep hole. At flrst It was thought to be very serious, but through the good care he Is receiving at tbe Victoria Hospital be may be able to resume work about the middle of October. NVuii.E playing HIverslde Park, New Brunswick, N. J., Mattle Stanley, ot the Stanley Sisters, was presented with a beau- tiful monagram locket, and after the per- formance tbe entire company were Invited to a repast which everyone enjoyed. N'JTES KROM Oui'8 Parlor Minstrels. — We have been on the coast sixty-flve weeks with our covelty act, the Parlor Minstrels, and have only lost four weeks. We have been treated unely by managers, press and pubilc, and our act has been a succcasful leature In every house. We are now on our way East, and expect to spend Christmas at our home, Oetrolt, Mich. Earl Klwn, formerly of the team of Kern and Selmer, and Arthur UcAdam, formerly with tbe Mack Swain Stock Co., have joined hands, and are now with the National Stock Co., us a special vaudeville feature, and are making a great hlf^vlth tUeIr own original act, "ily Uermau Cousin." The team will be known as Kern and Mack. W. G. ItozELL, tbe tramp musician, baa been engaged as leading comedian and vaude- ville feature with the Murray Comedy Co. ' ' Rua. Smith, manager), making bis sec- seuson with this company. .\iiTiiuu AsHTON Just closed a seven weeks' engagement ut tbe Palace Music Garden, Sthcnectndy, N. Y. Mr. Aghton was toast master at the birthday party of Mrs. Os- borne, several out of town performers being present. iJEBT Renshaw, of the team of Warren and Uenshaw, bas Joined tbe Musical Millers, and tbe United States Minstrels, writes that he the act will be known In the future as Miller, Is making a success on the end, "—'— ~~' ""•-- Jkssib MAnE.NO, after a year's Illness, has returned to work. Geo. P. Howard Is now tbe stage manager at Bonney's Comiquc, BulTalo, N. Y. Davemi'oiit's Bio City Show Notes. — This Is our fourth season, playing towns In Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. We carry a company of Al people lu all lines. Pompeii" Co., at Portland, Ore, Reno and Muhrav will remain In the Mid- dle West until January, where they have bookings. Tbey have put their California time forward. Tbey are playing an engage- ment at the Dominion 'rheatre, Winnipeg, Can., this week, Sept 18-23. Tub STEiN-Enr.TTO Family write of their success with their own show at their home town near Dresden, Germany. They appeared for three daya in the town, and to crowded houses. Their engatements lu Europe will continue for another year. Manaobr Max RosBNHERa reports that Wbeelock's V. 8. Indian Band met with much success over the Proctor circuit. The Y'orkvillb Vaddbvillb Coiiedz Co. commenced Its third season Sept 2S. at the Music Hall, Easton, Md., with the follow- ing people: Wm. J. Wilson ond Fuertlnger J. Irving. Johnson and Johnson, M. Blake, Nelson Sisters, H. Gladstone, May Jasper, Maud C. Clifford, May Adams, M. B. David- son, May Oath, Baby Rose, and Hartfleld's one act farce comeay, "The Doctor's OfBce." Stage manager, B. llettlngcr; business man- ager, M. Maxwell; pianist, E, Murry. Marlo and Aldo write from Mexico: "We _ _ _ _ ?h?Or°ri;B"i;.Det'\frtirwi:ieh"we';all l^"»r^.'J;^!l,A.5^"^''ilL"b?^?^i'''™P_Ab'e ^?^:^^^§K^^^;i^^^-^^^)'^ for Gcrmanv, opening at the Apollo Theatre, Duaacldorf." The Shantvtown Trio (Mackte, Taebler and Mack) was engaged throuzh Manager Lang, of the New Lyric Theatre, Cleveland, O., to strengthen the olio for tbe week of 11-10, at the Unique Theatre, Akron, 0. They closed the olio with good success. Hkjibh and Lewis, comedy acrobats, closed with "The Midnight Flyer" Co., Sept 23, at Sprlngfleld, 0. They will play vaude- ville tbe rest of the season, beginning at Uochester, N. Y., fair. Sept. 20-20. They will then work West, opening on the Kohl A Castle circuit, with Hopkins' circuit to follow. TiiR SMiins, in their musical act have Just closed the Crystol circuit, Colorado, and Uenshaw and Miller. Geo, and Libbib Dupkee, who recently flnlshed over the Kohl & Costle, BlJou and O'Brien circuits, 'and play all of tbe Loua circuits, ore booked to February, and theu ibey open on the Keith circuit Their new act has been a pronounced success, and has been praised by press, public aud managers. ^ . „. --- .--.-.- . Seibeut and Li.ndlky (comedian and sou- opening Oct 2 under the management of brette) closed with the Chase-Lister Theatre C. E. Davenport and J. W. Berry. Co. May 30, at Nevada, Mo., and went direct The Ahbahns, and Ma. Fisher, ot Fisher to Miss Lludley's home at Ceatralla, Wash and Johnson, bicycle experts, were visitors and after playing a number of vaudeville to the Union Printers' Home, at Colorado aates they purchased a half interest In tho Springs, Col., Sept 8. Tbey were on the pro- Edison Theatre, ot Centralla. The firm is framme week of 4-0, at the Empire Theatre, Belbert & Blnkley. Miss Lindley plays tho t twcoming known that Mrs. Ahearn's father piano and sings Illustrated songs, was a well known Chicago printer, a delega- Abthub Carlton, manager of the Original tinn from the Printers' Home were at the bootblack Quartette, writes: "We are now theatre one evening, and presented Mrs. with 'Home Folks' Co., under the direction of Ahearn with a beautiful bouquet from tbe Klaw & Erianger, having been re-engaged last floral department of the home. Manager season. We played dates all Summer, nloy- Chas. Alpbln, of the Empire, exteuded ing some of the Keith and Proctor houses and courtesies. a number of parks, and loafing only one week. ilYBTLH VEnDiER, of the Verdler Trio, and The four remains Arthur Connolly, first Daisy lleager, are In vaudeville, after a re- tenor; Arthur Carlton, second tenor; Chas tlroment of two vears. Tbey open at Qll- Weber, baritone, and M. B. Hayes, basso." dens Alhambra Music Hall, Savannah, Ga. The .Uhlverhs were the leature act nt Roor. E. Lively, contortionist and hand Ringing Botk Park, Pottstown, Pa., week balancer, is In his flfteenth week with the of Sept 11. ' ' "^®*" Great Barlow Minstrels, where bis act is Paop., Dodo and his dog, "Nigger." have one of the strong features of the olio. Mr. returned from the Paclllc coast Mr Dodd Lively Is now. doing bis act on a nickle reports success, playing fifty weeks out of pla ed pedestal. . llAy-two, and those hi lost making Jumps. Kaymqnu Mason writes that he has re- After a rest at his home In Pittsburg, Pa turned Last after playing dates In the West he will take up his Eastern time, which is for one Bolld vear, where he was most sue booked solid until January ressful witli bis black face singing and danc- Collins and Brown report big success In ...... - . .. ,-■ r, ■„-, - '"K ■*''• 1" hia Joined bands \vlth a part- the prliiclpul comedy Darts with H S Wnna y^JJi ?»I''^l^''"i''1?i2 MT^'" Denver, Colo, ner, and will wort under the name of'^Sli- hull b Hlgt RollSa., also dobg their Datc^ Tbey had not visited their home for fifteen son and Riley, In a refined slnglug and danc- specialty; * "uicu IZl'u, Ihey opened on the Crystal circuit at Ing net. They open at the Gem Theatre, , Cmristophbr, the magician, recently fln- ■'"S,""«'^I»-'??Pl--"'« . ._ Lynn, MaB8.,_ Oct. 0. I^beil thirty weeks In the WeattrnvaiY.viiiA The Clbrmontos, Prank and Etta (the tiawnllan Duo), have closed a successful Summer tour of parks (ten weeks In all), over the Plhnmer & Blake circuit Tbey re- port doing ulccly with their new act, ar- ranged by F. T. Forgnrty. Schuster and Voas, Hebrew comedians; Lflznr and Lazar, musical novelty act, and Adnms and Edwards, comc<lv sketch, are oniong the people signed for tbe High Flyers, William Db Lano Is In his eighteenth week with Brown's Big Vaudeville Show, No. 2, and reports meeting with success. lie Is booked with this show until Oct 14, when be will leave to Join W. L. Frnnca's Vaudeville Stars. thirty weeks In the Weat'trn vaudeville theatres. LuciER's Vaddbvili,* Stars opened In trcderlcton, N. B., 14, to S. R. 0. Tney went to St. John week of 18, and Hallfni l'S, Company conslstB of: Mr. and Mrs. I,ucler, sketch; Floyd, the magician; Marguerite Claudius and Scarlet did not play the Lncler, vocalist; Brobat Trio, roller skate Lvrlc Theatre, Cleveland. 0.. week of Sept, dancers: I'hil Morton, comedian; Mohnla IMO, as was reported. mind reader, and Wnrdo and Wardle aero: ,, ■• - . „ --; .--r... ....—. . Besbib Suaw. formerly Mrs. A. L. Bur- bats. Fred D. Lucler Is mannucr Albert M Conni.Hr ANn Burke just closed llhecn lelgh, bus Joined H. C, Moore's Comedy Co., Hopkins musical director weeks oil Frniik Melville s circuit of parka, as soubrette and singing Illustrated songs. Leona and Edna AVayi and their act, they write, was oil every bill they were listed. laughing hit . , . ^ - — the business. rtils la my second week with 'The Twj Jiiliiiw' Co. The show Is doing very nicely. ' Hkht II. IlAViKS, trap drummer, who re- cently closed with 81g. Snutcllc & Welsh Jerdub Mora llnlshed an eight VN'ceks'en ., - ., •.,.,-„ .. gagenicnt with Wild & Rich's Players, ond Mr. and Jlns. A. W. Handt sailed Sept. 13, opened at Chester, Pa., with Frederick for Europe. They will open In Vienna, Aus- Schwartz's production, "Not Like Other trin. for the month of October. Girls," as one of the vaudeville features ore- Scott and Johnson have reunited and sentlng his novelty ranglc act begin their bookings at Keith's, Pbllndelphia, TiiH Uknos, Dottle aud Denny, opened at Sept 18, In a singing, dancing and acrobatic the .New Majestic Theatre, rhlladclphln, Sat- ""t, ,. „ urday, Sept 0, and report that their co'mcdv The tF..\K OP Van FofjsEN and McCauley acrobatic and dancing net went big from the lina been dissolved. Bob McCauley has Joined Rtart. 'lliey are having a new act written bands >vlth I'nnnle Donovan. They are doloi; for them, entitled "Fitzpntrick's Wake- or a refined singing, Inlklng and comedy dancing An Irish Dilemma," „v J. Dolan net and are booked solid until lOOa Id (be West. AVaynb are this season with Bob Manchester's Cracker Jack Co. , , , , ,„ , . -- play fairs, after which be will begin vaudeville dates, Oct. 0, In Boston. IIowLEY AND Leslib begad their dates at Hen llARNRV, whose denlh was repnrted lately, writes that, lu conlunctloa with Jessie IlnyncH. thoy arc producing ono of the beat „ -, ,,, , - , - ,- - - back face acts on the stage. Miss Ilnvnes' Bros.' i;ireus, la non' plnyUig nt the Cc octoroon impersonations have scored a sue- ratiii.; Theatre. East Llverpoor. <). cess tliroueli the West and East ...U'^'l?^ nuiiSR writes: "Just played tho Mills County fair. Malvern, la., with success. Des Moines to follow." ArTBR Ari'KARINll IN DENVER OOL and Penrtwood. 8. D.. Dickie Hown?<i hplaylnS mlVltaVy"mald;".";r;'lth"\h'^"Kentu"ckrifel}e"8 return engHgrment In I-""?'',^'"'..'^'"',.. . »"«' «l'«y write that their ict has been a hft Mat has Joined hands with her ever»-where. The Scotch finish has everv nn« rpool. .. GoiiDO.v & CiiANB, the long and sliort act now In vaudeville, are making good with their new and up-lo date net, as "Mine. I/Oiig iiiid I>ord Ilonsborl." Carl Gordon tnRk->s 11)1 as n Bwell lady, Mme. Long, Mr. Crano's English character work niul tenor vocallam, lis Lord Ilowshort, Is very pleasing, NouwAN, "the frog man," Joined Ibe Port wiira la BOSTON «id Yo. vruh to RapUnlah Tovr Stook of IVI AKE-VJP* —CALL AT<— KLEIN'S PHARMACY, Got. TREMONT and BOYLSTOK STS., (Oppositt Hotel Tauralne). FROPR1BTOR8 OP THK OBLBBRATKD „ . „,. Tune TLAM COLD GHEAH. Electric Park. Kansas City, Mo., Sept 3, and Guaranteed Not to Become Rancid and Con are booked solid until March 19. lOtStl. tains Neither Utd or VaSellne Mauvrllk and Gi.hason write that they l.2lh J>r9Br.nh iii. • «^« ^ have played ninety weeks In the middle West *'"* ■"' *" ''•""• "^' 'W 80 Cflntl. and are booked solid until Dec. 26. MAMPIAs PRBB. Gray and Grahan, the musical bellboy and *••««•• CLIPPBU When Writing. Ml..-. „„,.. — _.,,. ... „ .i.. PRBSCRIPTIONB A SPBCIALTX. CAi'r. Sidney Hinman closed his season with tho Excelalur Carnival Co., Sept 0. at Nprriatown, Pa. He will play fairs, after Arthur Co. Sept. 4, for live weeks. Florrncb M. sister, Mabel, dancing act doing a rcQaed singing and laughing, bit also, Scotch finish has every one The big saxaphoDe la a wonderful Fbee PERFECTLY DELICIOUS POSITIVELY BENEFICIAL In Sozodont Tooth Paste are combined the antiseptic, alkaline and astringentpropertiesoISozo- dont Liquid and the smoothness of Sozodont Powder. Will not harden in tlie tube or decom- pose. Is positively free from acid and grit Will not tarnish or scratch the enamel or gold work of the teeth. Sold in col- lapsible tubes at all stores. Sent Fsei: "Alice RcvUits Won- derland," on amusing and aUraclive little itory for the children. Hall & Rockel, New York City. J Pabst .Blue Ribbon; l^Beer of Quality I Witk aixty years <7^ absolute purity. m m ^'K Wo furnish anywhere on rnail-order, absolutely all material iieeded from the first rehearsal to tho fin al cu rtain for EKTEKTAIiniEliTS OF EVERT KDIII for men, women,- boys or girls; from monologue to drama, song, to opera, mafllo or minstrelsy: for public perform- ance, home, church, school or lodge. Flo other concern furnishes everything; as In a. departtnent store. You save much time and money where all is i CREST TRAOINC COMPANY^ ^ Id WITMASK aUILDINO, NSW TO» —^ CLUB COCKTAILS are the only kind you can depend on. They're ex- quisitely flavored, smooth, subtle, and aged to please the most critical taste. Seven kinds— Manhattan, Martini,, Vermouth, Whisliey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin, York. G.F.HEUBLEIN&BRO., HUITFORO NEW YORK 8ol« Pnpri«torf LONDON SHOW PRINTING. U«lDg«Terybr»nehofth^AmoMinentBiuiUiM». -''■'"" (D) of Dtamatio and Show Prjnti' i. to Pair and 0»rnlv»l Pflo""?i,..,fc (B) BlllpoBlere, Oommerclal ii> ' '»• Oolalogue (B) Blllpo»l«rB,,Ooiiiinerci». *" ■ Frnt-olass Prfntlng of all kind;. . -, GREAT WESTERN PRINTING /-O-i CstalOKae Oalalor - a. Trick Mttchn, Wtilpa. Ratlc Wood f^ iM. NSWiMJI uK: CO„CwSid.ft WIGS O. SniNDHBLU. 118 • 20tJb St. N. Y. Tbe up;i »- date THEATRICAL <V"1 UAKBB. Send aunp i«' ttaw Vrtnm VM. Jnrtoot HffW Cataloinie ot Plajs •; '' Unn Make Dp, for Prolt ; r I II I A Blontli and amitears, aeat <i> I kn I W applicatlOD. „ , DICK & FITZQEIUU), 20 Ann St, New T<.: ► ■