The New York Clipper (October 1905)

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OCTOBEK 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 829 music and Song. uiTMABK Notes. — Frank M. Wltmark, h,. for a number of years, bag been asso- *■ i.«i with Nat D. Mann, la the conduct ot fi. rh coro branch offices of M. Wltuaark & «,n= is now permanently located at the Wlt- 525 Building, the headquarters of that nHvtng c"nHI In this city. Here he will Sivott Tilmsclf chiefly to the professional ln- <£*£ of bis bouse. Mr. Witmark has not ifirncd his back on Chicago permanently, E; t ,r, but expects to make frequent trips Fhliher for the purpose of looking after in- J h ",',„ 0 { his concern at that end of the }i„\. Mailory Bros., Brooks and Halllday, „..ninicnt.ill8tg. are winning new triumphs """'"icvlle with their renditions of "If I kLi " •■Tammany," "The Message of the K? "Tessle, Vou Arc the Only, Only, n„iv" and "The Coonvllle Collud Band." vi iVt B McCoy, character vocalist, appear- ing m vaudeville in the Far West, Ib suceess- h.fiv featuring "Good Night, Beloved, Good y, 1 ^,!." with illustrations, and other Wit m !Vk nubl'eatlons. "Dance of the Dervishes" n\,ndii) and "Venter-Thoughts," "Ocean m •"" V a»<> "Punchinello" (Herbert) ap- Jci r prominently In tbo programmes of hi- fervs Hand, now giving concerts at the CoIIb- i„"n Gardcu, Chicago. Fischers Military linnil CharleB M. b'lschcr, bandmaster, In 1J concert" at West End. the favorite amusement resort of New Orleans, Is prom- inintlv fenturlug the Wltmark overture, 9ed and aranged by Wm. Christopher OiK called "The Leader." Tho West Knd programmes mention this selection as ■■A neat bundle of popular songs." Fischer s Band el™ P ls * s Brattou-g valsc suite, "urde Bells;" Luder's "Cavalry Charge." Francis' "Down Ole Tampa Bay/' Langlcy■ s "Acwls" and Gurney's "Dance of the Night B 1[ Vk W. Savaob Notes.— While "The Val- kvrlc" Is to take the place of "Parsifal" In the repertory of the liugllsh Grand Opera Co this year, Mr. Savage does not Intend Hint Wagner shall monopolize his efforts. An elaborate production, in English, of Verdi's ■K'guletto" Is to be a feature equally prom- inent This Italian masterpiece, with Its exnul'slte melodies, became Immensely popu- lar In a shorter time than any of the many tuneful works by Verdi. In recent scuBons it was beyond question the most popular Italian work given at the Metropolitan, with Ci!riso Sembrlch and Bcottl In the leading role* Three seasons back It held the lend over all other operas during the Covent Car- den season. The Chevalier Emanuel, who has been of great assistance to Mr. Savage In making his first productions In English of "Tosca, "Othello, 1 ' "La Boheme' and other Important works, will be musical di- rector for "Bigolctto." The Chevalier Is a musician of such loyalty to nrt In the Italian oneras, that aomethlng especially excellent niuv be expected when the curtain rises on ••Kgoletto. The opera will have Its first performance by the reorganized English Grand Opera Co.. during the Urst week of the season at the New Montauk, In Brooklyn. NOTES FHOlt THE VlNCHNT BlIYAN MUKIC Cu—We are going to have a great, big bit lit the new wnltz song;, "Out In un Automo- bile," written by Vincent Bryan and George Kvcna. The song. "U. O. 1'.," bus set everybody talking. The CaBlno Comedy tour, hi Voung's Tier, Atlantic City, are featuring "Goodbye, Maggie May." Thomas Q. Sen- brook Is putting on a new sketch, with Jcnn- ncltc Lowrle, nnd Is using a new song en- titled "lthrnt In thlB Old Town," published by the Vincent Bryan Music Co. Stuart Imrnca, Charles Orapcwln and several other topllncrs are using this song with great succesB. ... . Yb Colonial Septette, which Is prou- ably one of the best known in vaudeville, are using exclusively the publications of Sol Bloom, Including a song speclully writ- ten for them by Clayton Kennedy and John Harding, entitled "In Old New Amsterdam. This number has been specially arranged for the septette by llaymond A. Browne, who also Btaged It. _, _ Fbom tub Continental Mobic Co.— "Itabes In the Wood," Shubcrt's big show, which opened at tho Lyric Theatre, Philadel- phia, will feature "The Message of the Moonbeams." "In the Valley of Yesterday and "My Little Lou" are going big. ihe Village Choir has taken up. "Betty," and "Little Lou." and, from reports, are very well satisfied with the songs. "Tub Beauty and the Beast" Show, which Is kuown for the magnificence of Its production, will again be seen under the management of W, B. Nankevllle, and the feature of each performance will bo the ren- dition of Bol Bloom's songs, "The Clock Upon the Mantle" and "Uoses at Twilight, respectively sung by Edith Arnold and ltose Sanelle. Geo. Snyder's laugh loosener, "Hussy Iziy," Is now delighting admirers of this style ot humor, and be Is ranking a special feature of "A Good Time" and "Mandy Lou." , .. >-iiA8. K. Habkis' Notes.— Never since the days of "After the Ball" has any song ever swept the country, and Is sweeping the coun- try, as Mr. Harris' now famous ballad, "Would You Care?" "I'm Trying So Hard to Forget You" 1b running a close second. Jos. E. Howard Is creating a sensation with his new song, "Central, Give Me Back My Dime. Mr. Howard has a knack of teaching the audi- ence the chorus from the stage, which cre- ates a great deal of enthusiasm and makes a hit with the audience as well bb the man- agement. There Ib no doubt that this song will be aa big a hit as his famous "Good-bye, My Lady Love." Fay Templeton'a new com- position, "Nobody But You," bids fair to eclipse all her former efforts In the song I ne. It has a beautiful, haunting melody, wlilih, once heard, can never be forgotten, and, liKe her famous song success, "I Want You Ma Honey," will soon be sung by all first class singers of America. ._ That a sono can bb too strong was de- monstrated one night last week, In Ncivburg, •>. Y. It seems that the action of a drama was Btopped by the rendering of Leo I cist s ballad, "Pal of Mine," and only after re- peated encores was the play allowed to pro- ceed. , Eva Allbn Is now In vaudeville, at present playing the Shea circuit of theatres. She is using, exclusively, the songs of llaymond A. Browne, Including "I'm Looking for a Sweet- heart," "I Wants a Man to Love Me All the Time" and "What You Want, and What You . Notes rnoM Jbromb H. Bbmick A Co.— The Johnston Bros., a musical act, Just re- turned from Australia, are featuring In ucar Old Georgia," "The Glggler." "Brl-ht Byes. Good-bye' p and "Cleopatra Flnnegan.'.BligeM Shnrp is scoring successfully over the west- ern circuit of parks with r 'My Irish Molly O" and "My Hindoo Man." Charlotte Rn*™- croft, violinist and singer, Is featuring her entire repertory from J. H. Bemlck * Co.s catalogue, Including "In Dear Old Georgia and "My Irish Molly 0." Kitty ^,? , *? n ' singing soubrette with "The Office Boy Co., has interpolated "My Irish Molly 0. Frank II. Catb. solo cornettlst, reports success with the Webster, Do Vry & Ken- nedy A mu semen I Co. , . „ _,,_,, In "East Dawson." which Is Mr. Bll«; cock's new medium of appearance, one of tne enjoyable features of the second act Is tne rendition of Raymond A. Browne s quaint. Philosophical ditty, entitled "It's a Waste of Time to Worry." . ,,„„ Josbitiinb Wellington, an eminent dra- matic soprano, will make «,.tMr of_tnM country this season. She will be heard n the leading cities of tha country. In oratorio and concert. Mmc. Wellingtons first ap- pearance In New York will take piece uec. ". at Carnegie Hall. Notes from Walter Jacobs, Boston.— 7.,,. \ < " k( ! t..o'De«y Eour write that the song, By the Watermelon Vine," as especially fffS?" by V'??',*' * tremendous .success. in fact, one of the best songs they have used Jn » a .. l "i m V er 1 °« ?f l, , sonB -„ ™? * UI contlnuo tltSSj* Indcflnltely. Orgerlta Arnold, the talented soprano, who has recently gone Inlo vaudeville, reports excellent success with "On .°.i \2 y '. , A J l ? n ' s ncw coon » on 8. She mnde a decided hit last season with "Llndy Lou," and Is still featuring this song. Alfred An- derson, the "Male Melba," now In the middle West, writes Waller Jacobs as follows : " '.My Dusky Hose' Is one of the greatest hits I have ever sung, and you can depend upon my boost- ing It along for jou. It will be the big hit of the season." Keith and Kcrable's great Kuhc song, "Hey, Mister Joshua," has lately been Introduced into Miner's Dreamland Co., by Jolly Zcb. The song Is dressed up for n big number and was llrst put on at the Tro- endero Theatre, Philadelphia. Anderson and Golncs, colored singing mid dancing team, will Introduce the Itubc song hit, "Hey, Mister Joshua." They luvc some special work In the song that is sure to bring the house down. 1'iioM IIarri Von Tilzeb. —Uennlcr and Gaudier write that last week, at Hnmmer- steln's Victoria (return date), "Making Eyes" and "On the Hunks of the Rhine with a Stein," which are their feature Bongs, were hummed by the entire audience, nnd they never failed to take two and three en- cores. The Carmen Sisters, In addition to their novel banjo specialty, have Introduced In their net ".Making Eyes," which they do very cleverly. Harry von Tllzcr has never published a song that has come to the front ns fnst ns his new march song, "Walt Till the Sun Shines, Nellie." Kentiire acts on many bills are using this song with much success. Last week, In and around Ncw York It was being featured by the Trans- Atlantic Four, Arlington Quartette, Herald Square Comedy Four, Milton Kempner, Eleanor Wisdom, of the Corse I'ayton Stork Co.; Nick Parker, at the Yorkvllle Theatre: Emma Carus, at the Colonial, and many others. A new sono ivniTi'.r. has sprung Into light In the past mouth. Ills name Is J. J. Walker, and he is the son of Superintendent of 1'ubllc Buildings of New York. Mr. Walker has also had considerable experience nnd suc- cess on the platform, nnd has been nlcknnmcd In the political world "The Boy Orator." In the line of songs, he hns Just completed a very Jlngly lyric, called "Come Take n Spin In My Auto, which will be Introduced at once in "The Duke of Duluth," nnd for which Max M. Witt has written the music. The same management Is also expected to use Mr. Walker's new coon song, entitled "Solong. Mr. Jasper Long." for which Mr. Witt hits also furnished the melody. Mr. Walker's lyrics are pronounced by competent Judges as the finished article so much In demand by managers. Gkkaudv. the l'.clglnn 'cellist, who nrrlvcs In this country on Nov. 2, will lenve nt once for Indlnnnpolls, opening his season In thnt cltv on Nov. 0. He will afterwards visit St. Louis. Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit nnd Phil- adelphia, lie will be llrst heard In this city on Nov. 20, at Carnegie Hall: afterwards tit the same plnre with the Philharmonic Bo- clolv. the Boston Symphony, and In a Joint red'tnl with Mnrtoau. Tub k<iu.owix'i ur.roiiT nbont "The Babes In the Wood" production has reached Jos. W. Stern & Co., from their Plillndelphln renre- scntnllve: "Without question the recognized lilt of the Blmw Is your song, 'Mllo. At least ten choruses were sung. During the Inst chorus the stage Is entirely dnrk. Each member of Ihe company hns nn electric nookel 8Mb, and lo the music of the chorus thev flash Ihe HglitB until the nnmc 'Mllo' Is spelled, and nothing else but this In Been on the stage In Hie darkness. This effect, with the music, la very striking." Tub American invasion of notable acts In Enginnd continues, nnd prominent In the list we find Maud Courtney, playing return dutes nt all Ihe theatres, where her success has been unqunllSed. Miss Courtney, who sings the old songs, has added to her reper- tory Beveral ncw American ballads. Includ- ing: "Plain Little Soldier Man" and "When the Evening Breeze Is Sighing Home, Sweet Homo." which she Is compelled to repent to six nnd seven encores nightly. Tub WiNnson Music Co. informs us that their song, "Would You?" Is mnklng splendid headway, and the new song, "Tell Me Why, Little Girl." by the same writer, Evans Lloyd, is bound to be a great bit with the singing profession. Kelly and Violet arc fcntiirlng Bvans Lloyd's song, "Would YOU I and they write It Is a big success with their singing act. John T. WniwiBLD and John J. Inis have placed under contract for a period of two years, commencing on or nbout Nov. IB, 10ur>; Wheelock's United States Indian Band of Thirty, for a Kurnpenn tour. Although under contract but a few days, they already have bad offers from London, Berlin nnd St. Petersburg, all being done by cnble. is tub nosTRn op Empire Tiieatiie 0BCHE8TBA, Holyoke, Mobs., for the season: E. A, Rushford, lender: W. .!. Ilearn, clnrlnet; Joe O. Brown, cornet, Frank Chlcolne, piano: Fred Grady, trom- bone : M. F. Hurl, drums. "Katkv Dear" Is the title of a new, sim- ple love bnllad. published by the Ncw York 'fmi i. ib Bknner, contralto, Is featuring 'Tnl of Mine," by Nnthan and Costello FltOJI the F. B. IIaviland I'un. Co.— Mnmle Itemlngton and picks are fcntiirlng "Keep n Little Cosy Corner In Your Heart for Tie" nnd "The Leader of the Germnn Band" Barney Kcllly nnd Tom Gllien arc using "My Yniikce Irish Girl," by Drlslnne and Morse. John 3. Nestor wns the hit of ?he $1 Sunday night at the 0rand Opera lonse singing "Keep a .Little Cosy Corner In Your Hcnrt for Me" and 'Stnrllgl t. Flossie Allen continues to usp Keep a Lime Cosv Corner in Your Henrt for Me' 1 to great ndrantas" John Nestor, the little man with the l"g voice, has been engaged as |ispecial feature to sing at the Irish Fair, Madison Snunre Onrden B He will sing "Keep .Little Oibv Corner n Your Henrt for Me,' Jiy Yankee Irish Olrl." "Starlight" "The Leader of ?h« German Band" and 'In Jlmbuctoo." Austin S. Br.vhon writes: "Charles Cross- man baritone. Is singing nnd illustrating the new' ballad 'All for Country, Home and Mother'Kva Thntchcr Is winning laurels with her singing of 'lfa the Irish? on the Pncflc const circuit Dnvld Broderlc nnd jesslcka are featuring the ncw coon success. 'Imag ination.'" SuntrUe" «h« Westerners. Omaha. Neb.. Sept. 23, 1005. "Dkar Sins :—Your paper Is a teonatr. We v aced nn nd. for two Inches. Ave columns wide? Which cost us something less than Jo'500 for one Insertion. To sny that the results are dnttcrlng would bo putting it niircnielv mild. Of course, we think that SWasorc tha results arc due to o,,r very nnnulnr niece of music and to Mr. van ai ft,™ the composer, but your paper ghoul, ...i.iniv rnmc In for a very bernl ghnre of fhe'eredit 0 7s fw, we placed this «d Just linee offering complimentary copies o< Mr. Vnn'Alslvne's "Ilosnnna" free to the pro- fession an we received In exnet figures, up fffl nresent time, 52.'t answers. This seemsVm" "» be •' tremendous, per cent. and I though It might be grntlfylng to you to learn tl'St for once, at Toast, you have a "^ttaWi- your paper, and trust we may '" able to do more Uslnew with mm In the near future 1 .* Yoors truly. A. Hosrr Co.. per Pryor, Mgr. Sheet Music Dept" World of Players, Ito.sTEti and Notes or the Jordan Dra- matic Co.—Wc are In our seventh week, plnylng to good business, nnd are booked solid for a long season. Hosier: James A. l-'cllz, manager; Chas. Connors, advance agent: Harry Smith, props; lthca ltlvers, musical director: Mr. and Mrs. Currier, Jns. Collins, Virginia Ilanalster, J. F.dwio llrown, Craig ltoylston and Helen Murray. Our spe- pteMbu the MopU H in tiie pnst. Our route cinltles arc bended by Mack nnd Armour, f, composed of return dales, and the play who are featured. Others arc: Chas. Uar- nrnn „ Vtter thnu ever. Mr. KUroy Is In Held, lthca ltlvers and Mamie Lewis. Every- j; e , v y 0 rk. making preparations for his new body Is enjoying the best of health, and we tutislcnl melodrama. "The Cowboy Girl." fent- ltosTMt or the "An Aristocratic Trami\" A Co.: Kllroy & llrltton. owners: I. Net Bronson, business ninnngcr: Harry A, Mur- ray, manager: Harry 9, Cnmnilngs. stage manager: lClmer II. l.:bnpinnn, muslrnl direc- tor: Will T. Morton, stage carpenter; It. Bight, properties. Cast—Snrah Trendwell, Helen McCabe, Hnnchn Blschoff. Jack Flem- ing, Albert W. Tnylor. Carl T. Jackson. Jack McCoy. Wo opened our senson nt Aurora, 111., Aug. (I. and are now In the seventh week. Business has been very good, nnd wc are all look forward for a prosperous season. Notks imou tub Jambs Kennedy Co. —We arc touring the Ncw Enginnd States, and the company has Jumped Into popular favor nt once. The business since our opening has urlng Julln A. Itowlnnd. nnd with a cast ot thirty people. The production will bo com- plete. nun W. Nason. who has "Neighborly Neighbors" nnd "When Women Love" on been to capacity. The company numbers , l)lir ,.,,,„, rtn ,| m t „„ f nr tho business being twenty-one people, nnd we carry two car ,i OI | e |» ijoii! coinpaulcs Is fnr beyond his ex- loads of sceuery. Mr. Kennedy, who la a fa- nf ct n tlons, vorlte with tlicntregoers In the East, hns surrounded himself with nn exceptlonnlly strong company, and the press and public prnlse this organization. II. 1*. Dasiimuue writes from Bnton, New Mexico, under date of Sept. IS, as follows Uohter or Stetson's Eastern "Unclh Tom's Cabin" Co.: L. W. Washburn, man- ager ; I*. J. Jones, general agent; O. K. Booth, programmer; 11. II. Hillings, stnge mnnnger; 11. Scovllle, band lender: F. Gnlgnno. or- chestra leader: E. II. Buyer, elcctrlclnu; "The llrst of I string of ncw playhouses to fcdward Kspy, John Kane, NIIcb Nelson. Wni be erected throughout New Mexico and ad- u,, nl i, a. lieckcr. J. Nyhan, Hnrry Wntklns, Joining States, known as the Coliseum Garden willls Holmes, Km. II. Kstcy, Nola Mnson, Theatres, specially constructed to suit the Amelln ltlcely, Hnby ltlcely, Clnra Wilson, country, was opened here last night It Beats win. Wykoff, Vernln Skinner, Hnrry Miller, 4.IHHI people. Is on the ground floor, has j 0 | ln 1 ,- r y i ( j c „, Thomna, Uus Golus, Chas. twenty-four boxes and covers 12,5011 Bounre willlnms, Emiiin Glnsby, Mai Harper, Dnlsy feet of ground. Hose Ivy, who opened the ivtcr*, Bell Shaw, llattlo Lewis and Sara house In a song recital. Is a beautiful young venerable. woman nnd the most perfect mistress of song -run "Saul or Tarsus" Co. closed at ever heard In this sectloa of the country." Klrksvllle, Mo., for reorganisation. The only Joseph AllSNTOH hns been engnged by members 0 f the orlglnnl cast rctnlncd nre: Bolhner & Campbell to play the comedy role iionry Thorn Hun, In the tltlo role of Saul of Sid Prince, In this season's production of ot Tarsus : Dnlo Dovcreaux. ns Agrlppa; Sherlock lloloics." . , Aaron I^uils Laufer, aa Festus and Peter; Notes from tub People's I'laybiis, under tho management of Woods A- Thompson.- - We opened our senson early In April, nnd have been playing to very good linslnrss. tin Thursday night, nt Snndwlch, 111. (fnlr dntc), over five hundred people were turned away, and we were playing nt advanced prices. Onlnn Mnrlon, our lending Inily, Is a very rapnble nctrrss, nnd has been hon- ored with several social functions this sen- son. The compnny Is booked solid until June. In the best three night stands In Il- linois, Iow.i nnd Missouri. Hunter of the compnny : Woo.l« A Thompson, proprlel ors ; A. J. Woods, business mnnnger: Frnnk Zcnders, advance representative; Moek-Sml- Alll. stnge ninnnccr; It. S. lloyer, muslrnl director: O. Wnlter Thompson, singe di- rector; Will It. Doyle, Frank Durnnt, Banks lloyer, Onlnn Mnrlon, Fnnnle J'lhnson ami Dorothy Hnv. The vaudeville fenturcs nre: Mork-Sntl Alll, Hindoo tungldnn nnd lllu- slontst ; Thompson and .lolinsoii, lightning chnngo act: Arthur J. Woods, hnllndlst, and Will It. Doyle, singing nnd dnnclng comedlnn. Jambs t. Powbrs, long known In rnmic opera nnd muslrnl comedy, will, In compnny with his wife, Itachcl Booth, appear In vaude- ville, beginning enrly In October. ItRN OKKKT S COMPANY OK rt.AYEnS „IU Rresent "Henry V," "Much Ado About "thing." "The Merchant of Venice." "Mac- both" nnd "Julius Cncsnr," In New York Cltv, this sensnn. Iiabry Paukku will present "A Windy City" through tho Fnst. and open nt Unity- Ion, L. I., Sept. 25, nnd will Inter work West. Nonroi.K (Vn.) will have n new tlienlro shortly. In which Independent attractions Will lie booked. Mrs. Fi.obknpk Pendleton RpAnnonotinii will make her Mat In grand opera In the Savnga Grand Opera Co., In Brooklyn, In October. Sherlock Holmes. Aaron IXMll Lnufer, as 1'cstus nnu i cur, »| A „j.„ii| A A44J 1 MituAaMAl ALLEN Doanb, who Is starring In Joseph Annn seclcn, ns llcrnlce. nnd Dnlsy Clarke, IMlKl^Ullle dtlfl ITlll1\Irt*l urphy's play, "Kerry Oow," reports meet- a , mrKm, Krank It Field will be business VMHWVVIII* WIIM IIHHOII VI* g with great success through Mnlne, nnd ninnnger; Geo. W. Bcnrd. enrpenter; Fred U Ing witn grcac success tuning-" .«"iue, uuu ninnnge. , in St. John and Halifax, where bo played to 0 Hslpln. elcctrlcinn crowded houses. Mr. Doane la now touring Massachusetts. .... Notes kiiom Euobnb Krick's "Month Chisto" Co.—Iluslaess continues fair. We are not turning them away at every perform- ance, but are getting our shnrc. At La Clede. Md., we were billed for Sept. 13, and at D r. M. the entire house was gold out Having 1-t open, we remained there, nnd the receipts „,pport. Tho company will piny the Inrgcr cities In Illinois, lndlnnii, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. Fnr.iiK.itu- Kkiinaiiii writes: "Orette Al- retus Is bending tbo 'An Orphnn'a Prnyer Co.. plnylng the rolo of Cnlnmlty, nnd Is re- ceiving high prnlso from press nnd public wherever she hns appeared. Tim remainder of the compnny render Miss Alrctus good roached to within a few dollnrg of the pre ceding night Two more weeks In Missouri, and we go West „,_ _ IlLAN-ciiB Guuih, soubrette of "How Bax- ter Butted In" Co., and Walter J. Clauder, leader of the orchestra at the HIJou Theatre, Milwaukee. Wis., were married In Chicago, on Sept. 12. . m _, . Gkraliunb FAnitAti. of the Boynl Opern, Berlin, Uer. (nn American singer), will np Maiinbt, while plnylng Hobo- ken. N. J , with the "Fliinlgnn's Bull 1 ' Co., rcrclved from her friends n beautiful cres- cent (llnmond brooch. Edwin Nlncr Ih plny- lng Ihe part of Fliinlgnn. with success. He hns leased flic acting rights to his new piny, "Their G, Idcn Wedding," lo a Chicago llrm, for n innn of live leans, Note kiiom tub Duiia Wonimiirr Snow.— We arc In our fourth week of capacity busl- pcar for three years at the Metropolitan nn% holding house records nt "llordstowii Opera House, New York, commencing 'n Kllrnibctliluwit nnd Glasgow, Ky. Hosier: GKiinr.H M. Cohan bns christened his lat- est product "George Washington Jr., and tho production will be mnde In conjunc- tion with Klnw A Erlangcr, Its New York presentation being at the Herald Snuuro Thcntrc. , , ... W. P. NtiNN, character nctor, closed will .. Glnsgow, . J. I». Kllgore, solo owner nnd mnnnger; Don, Wiiodrulf, Tom Collins, Mac Mcl'licr- son. Curl Dnlnlree, Hurry Hays, /.cb Cho- nntilt, A. J. Davenport, Thomas Keller, f'hns. Whirl, F. J. |tpchiiri-li. Will Kclgley, Mnhcl Slicpberd, Alice Dnvenport. Lucille Kelglcy nnd Ihiby Lenox. Mr. luivcnporl's uniformed tut ml mill orclicslrn Is a decided lilt. Our !: I >oru Wood- until t. Collins and McPherson, the Great Kelglcy, tho Cot- tnu HIiiHHiiin tjtiiiirtct (,*. anil thu. In test mov- ing pictures anil lllustruled songs, Cathkiiinb Countish, who hud previously Idciillllcil herself ns n slur In "The Chris- tian." In the rolo of Glory Otiiilc. plnyt'd n week's special cngitKi'mciit nt thu Metropolis Thrnlrc, Nuw York, In conjunction with Italph Stiinrt. Cbanley iioi' bns been engnged In if. *. i-*ij*,n, >.,.n,i.... ..■■•■-, » I in nil nun ori-iivsiiii is it un» Chns. Lamb's Murray Comedy Co., nnd slgnejl p 1H . 0 |,iit|,.s nre ttlrong, Including with the Dlomor Stock Co., at Sprlngllcld, n|(T rur[ \^ntrt», Zcb CJici Tim Mi'tiriiv has added an Interesting little one act play to his repertory, and Is giving It as n curtain raiser to "David onr- rlck. lP It Is called "Uncle Hen; or, My Lady Help," and haa niudo such a pronounced suc- cess that Mr. Murphy will shortly huvo It rewritten Into a three act comedy for future Ohcaii Dank Is winning laurels on the Pn- clflc coast with his entirely ncw version of "Dr. JeVyll and Mr. Hyde." Messrs. tred Belnsco and J. II. Blackwood booked Mr. Dune to piny a special engagement In the Belnsco Theatre, Los Angeles, Gal., Sept. 20, after which Mr. Dane began a tour of the Wyntt circuit of bouses. ltOSTEU or TUB BTOCIC Co., Southern, which opened nt Lafayette, Ind„ Aug. 28. Executive staff—Managers, Lntlmoro & Leigh; business mnnnger, Bert Leigh; advnnce agent, I. W. Talbcrt; ad- vertising agent, Sam Marks; stage man- ager, tbas. J. Dimmers; assistant stago mnnnger, Joe Kelly; Master of properties, Leslie Web; carpenter and scenic artist, J. W. Smith: electrician, Murry Campbell; musical director, Tom V. White. Members of company—Latlmore and Lclgb, Wayne Nunn, ,1. W. Smith, J. L, Talbert Chas. Lam- mers, Harry WyckofT, Edwin Scribner, Joo II. Patterson, Glenn Burt, Lillian Morris, Joe I. Kelly, Mattle Smith, Leslie Webb, Grace Valentine, Hnrry Ooode, Marie Bonsall, Tom White, Katie Gorman, Winnie Palmer and Frankle Goodrich. itoim, r N. Hobht writes: "I closed at the Central Turk Theatre, Dunkirk, N. V, Aug. 5, after a successful Summer season with the Fordbam Stock Co., and went to Ohio as musical director for the Buckeye Stock Co. I am now acting in the sunie capacity for Boxers A Powers, proprietor of Rogers Stock Co. We are booked to April I, 1000." Jewell Kklley writes: "My attraction, the Jewell Kelley Stoik Co.. since the open- ing dnte, July 110. has scored a triumph. Out of the first six weeks live houBe recordi were broken. Our two weeks' engagement at Stuub b Theatre, Knoxvlllc, proved the largest busi- ness In the history of that house. At Co- lumbus. Ga., Labor Day week, the company had the honor of plnylng to the largest WT- ^'^ direct nesa In the career of the house. Ihe com- f> , . panv goes South, where our name Is a house- gf.JliSRV™-.." hold word." . . , Hosb A. Padkkb has closed a successful Summer seasoa In the narks, nnd has Joined Frunk W. Nason's "Neighborly Neighbors Co. Mlis. Katiieri.nb A. Mack died suddenly on Bent 17, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Warren, 277 South Third Street Loudon,, to piny his orlglnnl rolo, tho Duke of Curboudulc, In Wllllu Collier's new production of Augustus Tlioinim' comedy, "On the Quiet," which la shortly to bo pre- sented in Englnud. "Tub Qpebn or tub Convicth" will bo the title of Ihe ncw thriller by Theodore Kremcr, based on tho murder of the king and queen of Servla, In which Holinn Her- man will piny tha stellar role. Thin Is tho llrst play Hint P. II. Sullivan, of Hulllvnn, Harris A Woods, will put out under his solo maitngemcnt. Those engnged thus far nm: Selinn Herman, Nettle Bourne, Arthur Lime, Smile Unruly, Snrah Klswiirtli. Fannla Hire. Flora Wentworth, Virginia Hrny, Klclinrii Qulltcr, Herbert Claire, Henry Fnlrchlld, Wil- liam Campbell, Frnnklyu Walters aud J. M. Stcrrltt. IIanron reports meeting with suc- cess In soubrette roles. NOTKS KllMSI TUB LYCEUM COMEDY CO. (Eastern).—Th's attraction will Inaugurate Its second senson nt Franklin. Mnss., Nov. rm (Thanksgiving Dny). Tho compnny wilt be headed by the capable young actress, Eva Hlllman, supported by a compnny of competent players, selected regardless of expense. Every production will be mounted In a painstaking manner. Our new scenery Is being prcpnnsl by our scenic artist, Mr. Murphy. We will carry our own paraphernalia and cITccts for each production, also a tine lino of special Snper nud advertising novelties Mnnnger IcF.voy, who Is giving bis pcrsonnl atten- tion to the booking, bns secured some very good time. The route will take In Connec- ticut, Massachusetts. New York nnd Penn- sylvnnln, plnylng only three ntght Simula, ilntc ' Ilrooklyn. The Interment wns at Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, Sept. 20. "In New Youk Town," Hurllg A Scnmon s musical comedy spectacle, will receive Its Initial performance during the first week of October. The company will • Include slxty- flvc people, the most principal ones being: Cliff Gordon, Charles Howard, Teddy Burns, Loncy Haskell, Chas. Nevlns, Tell Tnylor, Ida Emcraon, Graclyn Wbltebouse. Vlnnle llenshaw, Georgia Fransloll. .May Ward, Lil- lian Slinw and the Austin Bisters. Mr. Haskell will act as manager of the new enterprise, which has been staged under the direction of Frank Hatch. The advance work of "In Ncw York Town" will rest with Klcbard Scbles- Inger. Georob II. Harris, who for a number of years ban been managing attractions for Iliirtlg & Seamon's thcatrlrnl enterprises, will this season again be identified as man- ager of one of the firm's lending musical spectacles, which Is to be sent on the road wlfliln a fortnight D. A. Herman, agent of the Via Stock Co.. writes: "On arriving In I'omeroy, 0., to fill an engagement for week of Bent 11, I found Hint all (he billboard space had been con- tracted for the Great Wallace Shows, but through the bustling of Manager Howell, In less than thirty-six hours we had up our two hundred feet of lionrd, completely covered with our paper, and on Monday night opened to the capacity of the house, which continued th mu ghoul the week." EtioKSK Cowi.KH will support Lillian Blau- vell, In "A ltose of Orenadn." Hicham* Bennett will nnpenr In Hie pro- duction of "The Lion and the Mouse." Tub AnBAKflnMENT whereby Augustus Plton manages Chancecy Olcott tins been renewed for two years, commencing May 1, 1000. The roHler lo dntc la: J. Harvey McUvoy and Fred W. Itclrliwcln, owners and man- ngers; Chns. Itoudenii, treasurer: Arthur F. Duntinr. muster of transportation: Kvcrott tor. All plays will rsonnl direction of Mnnnger McKvoy. Nelson A. Hkppnbr, who hns been with the Peterson Kutortiilncrs Vnudevlllo Show, this Summer, hns signed fnr the season of 1 no." on with Frnxor'g (Eastern) "Uncle Josh Perkins" Co. Enw. J. Hhnhiiaw reports meeting will, success In the Irish cunriictcr part of Dun Duffy, In "She Dared to Do Itlght" Co. NllTEH FROM TUB J. L. TEMI'KHT DRAMATIC Co.—We nre. In our sixth week, nnd business so far has been very good. At Mi. Joy our Miitiirdny night house was sold out nt II A. M. In Ephrala, week of Sept. 11, wc ployed to the largest business the house tins ever had. Our roster remains the same. ItARiir M. Phicb, Germnn comedlnn, hag Joined the Knglern "Iluster llrown" Co. WALiiotin.v and Wiiitnry write: "We closed n very successful fourteen weeks with the Stnddnrd Stuck Co., nt Spring Hank Pnrk, London, Cnn., Sept. 0, nnd opened tha regular season with the same compnny on Sept. is, at Stratford. Wc have hnd n very pleasant Hummer, and there has been but few changes since our opening, Inst June, which speaks well for the management, W, L. Htcwnrt." Nat 0, Goodwin will present "Wolfvlllc," Clyde Fitch's drnmntlEntfon of Alfred Lewis' hook. In Phllndelphla, Oct. I'.'l. VtnniNiA Harnlti will be seen this season In "La Hello Mnrscllnlse," by Pierre Barton. The piny hns met with success In Parts. The season will open at Ford's Theatre, Bal- timore, Nov. 20, Moiiirun.v Bbiirna, a Konmnnlnn. nnd n Rupll of Jean dc Kvszkc, will be henrd In the nvnerc English Grand Opern Co. She made her debut Inst season, nnd created a sensa- tion In Nice, Fr„ In "La NiivnrnlKi-," In the role rrcnted by Cnlve. She Is handy twenty- four years old. and speaks English fluently. Maiiteau will be heard In this city with the Boston Symphony, Dnmrnarh nnd the Plillndelphln orchestras. He will hnvc (wo recitals by himself, and two Joint recitals with Oersrdy. 1 I'acl West Is to write a new play for Edns May, In which she will be seen'next season. •< Guy Itniis.' Minstrel Notes. —Snme old story—pnckcil houses the rule, and show Is giving dig satisfaction. Tho new llrst part, with our fine electric effects, with the moon rising, ivnter rippling and passing clouds, the unity costumes of the Mngllsh liiiiilcmeii, and ihe big plantation sketch nnd song nnd dunce, In which wc use tho electric effects of sunrise nud sunset, nre pronounced grand by every one. The singing of Albert tiny, W. < I Irani, Jns, McDonnell, W. Illnnchctlo nnd Henry Marked receive big encores nightly. Arthur Guy, Edwin Guy. (ten. llrown and the McGlnitlH Brothers uinko decided lilts every- where wo piny. Cnruipii, tho lump roller, pleases, ns usual. Onthunk nnd lllnnchctto, l'lirlatnu iicrolmls, nre n big feature. I'lnlle, tho phenomenal nlto. hns thcin nil guessing. Chns. (luy's "tnnrble sluttics" win npnlnits,'. Hchneffer's Hrltiutliiirscnpo moving pictures keep (be nudlcnec In laughter. Tho big drill looks grand —In fnct, everything Ih of a high order. Tho concert orchestra of ten men re- ceive their share of nppliiosu. Gen. It. Guy. our popular mnnnger, Is satisfied with all results. MlNiicgitA, Win., Note. —Tho SHU Opera House litis hnd n inosl prosperous senson ho fur. Tho people are very well pleased with our new bullae, nnd arc packing tho lioiiao for every show. Pilgrim Ik Elliott's "Fur Her Sake" iihiyed to stilliillng room only. .1. I . CltlPPBN hns replaced llnrlom W. navies ns iniislciil director for thu "Hooli- gan's Troubles" Co. Ava HurilKRN Iirb been engaged fur tho Ingenue role In the new vaudeville spectacu- lar comedy, "A Chinese Concession." Notion kiiom "Tub IIa.vkeii'h Child" Co. - Harry Slinnnon's "Thu Banker's child" Co. opened lis senson Aug. 27. at Kenosha, Wis., to excellent business. This Is our third time with Mnnnger Joo llhodo, nt Kenosha. (Ml Labor Dur two S. It (I. houses, greeted us at (ishkoHh. Mr. Shannon Is upiieiirlug lis John Carter, the convict Hurry Slinnnoii Jr. is ut school In [aldington. Mich. Ills port (War- ren) Is tiling played by Llttlu Vivien CtirlH, Little lln/.el Sliniiiion Is still plnylng Hlelln, the bunker's child. Among Ihe new peuiiln with the show this season nro: W. S. I Hilly I Lni-kiiye, Jerry I'rcscutt nud Crystal llcuguii. We hnvo Just received nuw scenery from the Cot Scenic Co. Jah. M. lliiAiiinimi writes; "Owing to llio scrloiiM Illness of HophloC. Hradford's mot Iter, (he Bradford Stock Co. was compelled n» close lis scuson nt Anon polls. Md., Hepl. 1'.'. Tho Hciisun will bo resumed In a short time, and all dates mnda lifter Nov. 1 will bo filled," llii.i.n: Mmiiiiiam, kuowu as "Flying Merrluui," uerliil perforiner with thu Biiiih- chor Carnival Co., full al Olnoy, III., Hepl. 14, from his rigging lo tho pnvemeiit. unit received Injuries which will compel him lo> lay off fur a while. ("II AMI. IE FauIIKI.I, lias lllst llulnlll'll plll)'- Ing Urn Melville circuit of pnrks, nnd Is re- engaged for next senson In I lie same net, mi old colored man. 'I'lti: TllllEB lliiNAi.tniH, Edward, ICvil mill Chns., griilesitues, art: In their seventh wci'k with tha Albert Tnylor Stock Co., No. 1, as n special feature, and report meeting: with success. THE I'ANllATogl/AC'K Cl.DII MlNSTBEI. Co. has been orgnnl/cd at Newmarket, N. II., with Chns. II. Chase, mnnnger; Frunk II. Pliikliiun, secretary and treasurer, and Ber- nard J. Haines, musical director. Wn.i, S. Bhecheii, of tho team of Heechcr nnd May, lllled nn ongngemont nt llrnden- burgh's, Phllndelphla, week of Sept. 18, doing nicely In a high class singing act MiiH, Davby, of the team of Dtivay and I'lillllpo, writes: "We opened nt thu Main Struct Theatre, Pciirln, III., Sent 10. My husbitiid wns taken seriously III and wns taken In the hospital. Ills lodge No. 2tl.'., F. O. 10., arc helping me to attend to his wnniH. We will stay here until Mr, Duvvy regains his health nud strength." Messrs. Wilmhb and vincbnt, lesice* of tho tirpheuin, at Heading, Pa., widen opened lis senson Monday, Sopl. 2fi, lutve engaged Bert It Miller, who will be on Die executive staff, to promote Hie Interest*, nnd general welfare of tha house. Mr, Mil- ler Is well known, Having been actively con- nected In different business rapacities of tho amusement and advertising business, for tlio past thirteen years. Leon a ano Lhota wrllo Hint lliey Just, closed two weeks of n most iilenaiiiit en- gagement at Coney Islnnd, Wheeling. W. Vn. After the Inst performance, Manager lingers Invited the compnny lo n buuqii'.d, which all enjoyed until tho small hour* In the morning, when all went their way with words of praise for Mr. lingers. Last week, at Poll's Thentro, llrldge- port. Baby Oeorgctta Ferris, the little loo dnncer, wns presented with n magnificent basket of flowers, a gift from Mr. ami Mrs. Fowler, the proprietor of Hie Fowler Home, where she was slopping, uiul nn their ar- rival home from tin: evening performance, they found Mr. Fowler had prepared an elaborate banquet In honor of Huby floor. gotta. IlKNiit He Greai;. manager of the Great Two and one Half De Groans, wns a caller al Ihe Chicago office of Tub Clipper 10. Mr. De Grcnii stated that he Is not connected 1 with a trio of men on the Pacific const Hint arc using the nnme of the Do Greaii Trio. Fi.iiiienph Oit.iiKiir Fox. closed nine sue eessful weeks at Ehret's Theatre, .Meyer's Lnkc, Canton, 0„ nnd Is now filling an en- gagement at the Piilm Garden, Cnnlun. Geo. W. Leslie, having finished thirty consecutive weeks In tho Northwesl nnd Cali- fornia, will open on the Cryalnl circuit at Denver, Col., Oct. 23, and Is hooked up to- Jan. 15, KlOfl. OEO. W. HusaBT. the ventriloquist. Is booked solid until March. 1003. In Ihe br.*t vaudeville theatres of the Knit.