The New York Clipper (October 1905)

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840 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 7. NEW YORK CITY. i Review and Comment.—Business fur luc past week ruled good. Junjcn K. Hackett nuil Murj' Mannorltig made their fl»t joint ulelUr nppearaucc Monday night, Sept. 20, lit rtio Savoy TMaaTO, giving tbe Brat metro- politan production of "The Walls of Jericho," a four act play, !>y Alfred Sutro At the ti.iitltliK TltEATltB Arnold Daly revived "You Novcr Can Tell," on Ihe same date, while Mrs. hiskc opened at the Manhattan Theatiik. oo Monday night, with "Leah Klescbna," an- other revival At the Amemcam Tiik- ATiiti Illckel, Walaon and Wmthe were the Mans lu "Toni, Dick and Harry," a two act musical play, book by Aaron Hoffman and music by Hubert Van Alstyne, which was llicn heard for the llritt time In New York. i. on Wednesday night, 27, at the Lr- CLi.n Theathk, occurred the first New York production of "Just Out of College," a three net comedy, by Ucorge Adc, In which Joseph Whcelork Jr. made his atellar debut In I his city. A review of the performance will lie found elsewhere In Ibis Issue The Inv- IXU Black TllEATRK opened the m-uson Sat- urday night, ,'!0, with the Merman stuck cam- puny, In Cungliofcr and Ncucrt'a well known play, "Der llcrrgotliKchullzcr von Ammer- gnu ("The Crucifix Carver of Animcrgnu">. .....The continued attractions for the week purling Kept. 30 were: James K. llarkett nnil Mary Manncrlng nt tho Savoy, Mm. Proctor'* Fifth Avenue Theatre (J. Austin Fynos, general manager).—"One of tlur (illIs" in the offering by the all star J'ructur .stock CO. this week, and on Monday, Vet. 1!, there was conalderahtc applause given the company for their capital work, very finished performances were given by J. If. Ollmour. chart. Dickson, Chan. Abbe, Gerald (liiflin. Meoffrey Stein, Miss lllnghnm and Mr. Klchmao, and It was well nigh Impos- sible to single any one Individual out for speeini mention In the company. The stage acttlngs were particularly pretty, and were noticeably effective, even in thin notise. where every attention to detail Is Invariably tbc rule. The cast! Dr. (ilrardot, Herald Griffin; M. l''onblanque, Geoffrey stein; Cupt. John (liegory, Chns. Rlrhmnti ; Compt. Florlnn De ebilllo Proctor's Twentr-tMrd Street The- ■>**■* "■<•? Theatre—Manager Heln- —).— rich Conrlcd opened tho aeuaon at i U is nV u ™e Lillhm "huh'seii signalized.. on Oct. & bej M^^aj^WBlng^^t 30. t to a well fin rt ^^t'sld/bou^toAe^ee-k &gt SSS? M4S!S«X%£ embraces an unusual a and attracted overflow! Thompson's elephants, headed the bill, billy m ) cefacu!ar S an\7or?cln^V"noveYu" v "Tre'Mu- appears"on an electric algn which 'SSkJS^S: a l J 0SS lne , tBgc . -r^e aluger was beautifully work. The supporting east Included tbe f,,| gowned, and when she appeared there w.ig considerable npplnuHC for her. She aan? the prettv waltz, "I/Amoureuse. by Bergtre: 'Napoll," by Kdwarda; "Your Kiss." by Gottacbalk, and an encore num- ber, and there was decided evidence of pleas- ure expressed by (he big audience at her steal Blacksmiths," with its quick transforma- tion scenes. Others who made bits were: Charles It. Sweet, monologlst and pianist; Henry Taylor and company, Kuropean equili- brists ; tbc Golden Mate Quintette, clever singing and dancing specialists; Baker and Lynn, In their fun provoking absurdity, "The Electric Bov:" Deltorelll and Ollsaando, mn lowing players and characters: Anton Hon mnlcr, Krnnr Klerschner: Lonl, Hedwlir » Ostermnnn: Fritz Baumlller. Otto t»ttiieri" Die I.obner Traude, Georglnc Neucndorir : Der Ilothelbachbniier, Hermann Ceroid • Muckl, Jacques Uorwltz; Der alte I'echler' lebnl, Oustav von 8ey«tertU«; Der Leaner Oct. 2. of "She Dared Do night," a four ait melodrama, presented by the Jas. II. Wnllkk Amusement Co. The llrst perf/irm- anco occurred Aug. Hi, at Mlddlctovvn, N -Y> The author's name Is not dlacloied. Tbe story Is rather confnalng. but lu brief tells of the trials and uibulutlons of u poor girl, I.enn Hope, who dares (o do right. despite the many pitfalls set for her, with the usual reward of virtue. The piece Is well staged a in', shows eight scenes. Lillian VoJk- tuan gave an Interesting; Interpretation of Lena, being very unaffected and sincere, it was by far the best work among tho women. Frunk Klldny gave one of the best, cleanest book by Frederic Uankcn, and music by Iteglnnld Dc Kovcn. The work, which was originally produced Aug. 31, at (be Hyperion Tln.alre, New Haven, Conn., was staged by H. II. Httrnslde. The story: Keslatlcus. King of F.lysla, having bad a quarrel with Alliums, King of Altrurla, has In settle- ment promised his son In marriage to the daughter of the latter. Beststlcus In reality anxious to aire his wife, Bessie, of her ridiculous superstitions. It la Friday, tbc thirteenth of the month, and Bessie Is driv- ing him frantic bv recalling numerous "hard luck" signs for lilm to worry about. She has got him in a nervous state by Insisting that he look for burglars at all hours of tbc night, and has taunted him by calling him a •coward." Accordingly, he determines to """h"i' i «» iii>. jttii'.i. ijioinvii !•■■» iu ivuiii' — :-- .—ere' , has nu son, having only a daughter, and Al- show his nerve, tries to hire a man to Im- At __-. ■ ' a .V a v ■ ■**-■ m ■. h.j,*.,..,.*-*,,*., .* Lttttjvlni. natal I «* ntnb !•■#*> tftrniU i-iski! at Ibo Manhattan. Joseph Wheclock am J. " ,OHt conscientious- cliaracterlzatlona of V. i .,r . .. . •.,ii m . i. i a Hebrew ever seen on the me odramatlc ,lr.. In "Just Out of College," at the UKMM ! H m BI! . | a the part of David ltosen, "an Mrs. Leslie Carter nt IIli.asco'h, Margaret Angllu and her company nt the I'rinckhn, Arnold Daly nt the Oabkick, .Toba Drew at Hie Bmi-iiik, "The I'rodlgal Hon" at the. New Amktkhuam, Muxlne Blllott at the Ckitbiiihn, Lulu (ilaser at the Knil'Kkbbockkr, the lingers Brothers at the Liberty, Robert Lo- iiiliic, lu "Man and Superman," at the Htin- wntl laliui May nt Dam's, Mclntyre and at the New Yohk, diversified enter- tainment at the HtrroOBuMB, "It llnppened in Xorilhind" at the Lew, David War- llcbl at the Buoti, Rnymond Hitchcock nt Wali.ack'h, "The I'cnrl and the rumpkln"nt (he lliiu.MiWAY, Sam Bernard, In "The Rol- licking islrl," at the I1biiai.ii Shu am; "'Way Down Bust" at the Academy, tho slock com- pany al the Yoiikvii.i.k, Die licnnati stock couipauy at tbe Flack, "The I'rincc Clinp" at Ihe Mauino.n SqliAUK, "Fnntana" at the l.vuii', and "The Duke of Dulatb" nt the Majestic, tin- three last nnmcil closing on that dale. Al I'iioi-ioii'k Finn avknuk ami One Hu.miiiku ami TwE.vTV-riiTii Stiieet TlnVAl'aW slock productions continued Tbe tine week stands closing ill) were : Illckel, Watson ami Wrotbe, In "Tom, Dick and Harry," at I hi! Ameiiican ; (leorge Primrose's Mlnslrrls at Ibo Uranu Oi-eiia Houek. "The honest Jew, With a good lieart." he im- pressed every one by bis kindliness, aud made nuu-li out of several pathetic scenes. Stanley and I.ollLa l.amb, as I'at and ratsey, won laughs for lliclr comedy work. Her- bert Warren did some excellent work as 1'anl Harding, ever ready to defend tho weaker sex. The others were fairly compe- tent. Tin- cast: Lena Hope. Lillian Yolk- man: C-rncc Ilcnnrit. Ituth Ifandforlh; Judy Duffy. May Mrevllle; Mrs. l'otts. Mr*. S. A, Uingmore • "Mame" McCann, Nell f ilbsou : "Toots," Clara Bell: Sarah, Cora l»nrnh ; Siiwin, Belle Siiulns: I'at. Stanley Lamb: Hat soy. i.nllla t.!lmb; David Kosen. Krmik Kllduy: 1'anl Harding. Herbert Warren: Ho- burl 11 vile. Rett C. Ilalsey : llenrv Bennelt, Harry B. Kytlnge: Han Duffy. Kdnrard Hen- mIihw: I'olfccnmn -inn, 1'atil Miner; Mr. Stelnlmrt. Harry Squires; Walters. J. I'. Ilellly and I'. Kennedy ; Ouesls, James John- hIoii and Henry l.nilgilon. Incentive sluff: Mux ZiH.'llner, uranager: J. ]■;. James, busi- ness manager: Frank Kllduy. stage director : Squire F.ntwlstle. master carpenter; l'aul .?. Miner, muster of properties; F.d. McArdle, electrician: Odn Schorr, assistant corpentcr. Next week, Ynrkeintlit Adams, In "Hankers ami Minkers." circle Theatre (i, C w I'nrkcr, manager). —M. M. Theise's New York Stars Is Ihe at I met Ion selected lo entertain the Circle's tluius 1ms no children ut nil, thus each Is working deception on Ihe other. Altlmus comes to Bryant to complete the agreement, and Kcstntlcus, In desperation. Is compelled to disguise Sylvia, the daughter la question, as a boy to avert mote warfare. Prince Fortiinnti's. of For inula, falls la love with Sylvia and they elope, leaving Pedro to marry Knyenna. the ancient maid who Is nosing us the daughter of Alliums. The Prince nml Sylvia are captured, and the complication.-; which follow mnkc It ne- cessary for ICcslatlcus to marry Kcycnnn. which ho tines before slic can lie wedded lo I'cdro. The ceremony Is scarcely per- formed, however, when HeatatteMa discovers that Altlmus uus no daughter and that Kayeiiiie is merely one of the ladles of bis court. FortumiliiH anil Sylvia are re- united, and all ends happllv. Mr. Rankin has treated this little mythical Klorv cleverlv personate n burglar, nml. in making terms for the visit of tbc supposed tblef. over the telephone, Ik overheard by his wife. Jack leaves ihe basement window open, and a real burglar enters, Is in turn "jollied" by both the husband and wife, who take him for tbc bogus robber, and the complications follow. There was genuine entertainment &mvl<Iei] In this little musical sketch, ami llss Cohan acted effectively, sang well and oplpauded. "Er und seine Schweatcr" was given Monday, Oct. 2, JoteHne riens makia° her American debut as lolanthc, and "Frenh" llngsluft" will lie .presented Oct. !i Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, main, gor).—At tbc head of the bill, week of Drl i. Brown. Harris and Brown appeared In a bodge podge of comedy, song and dance scoring heavily In tbe good work. It is aii net which pleases. Bert C. Weston and Kunlee Raymond, in "A Comedy of Krrors." i-ainml plenty of laughter, and left all In good humor Kstellp Wordctte and company. In "tt'heu the Cat's Away." caught the humor of the sllaa- tlona aud held tbc audience firmly, with the Inevitable reward. Dorset) nnd Russell pre- sented their scenic musical act. "At the Rail road Crossing," which, by Its cleverness and originality, is a success. 'Tho Cbadwick Trio offered "Hank Hoover's Holiday," and plenty ..»" I«linlilnn Ailil n n r, 1 . L . . H n _._.^ _..■ a .. ' written bright and catchy numbers, which en- hance the cleverness of tbe book, and fall with pleasing effect upon the our. Solos, duels, trios anil chorus numbers all have a tuneful ring, and not since "Itobln Hood" lias Mr. Da Kovcn produced such a thorough- ly pleiiKing score, which Includes: "Hall. Ceiiile Kos;" "A Soldier of Love Am I." "A Sickening Sadness Sits on Me,' "Robin," "What's n Maiden:" "Under Wicket." "Pretty Maiden," "CnpUra Grammar. rhe Black Sheep.' •' "I'was the Itose." "Mlmette, Mv Hu- inau Mermaid :" "What Ik the Difference?" ■•Ilappv Is tile Kiitnmer'H Day" and "How I 1.OV0 Mowers." Tbe Messrs. Shubert. who are directing the tour of Mr. Hopper, have staged danced ns only she cnn. Mdwnrd Powers of laughter and applause rewarded th»m Tascott sang coon songs In bis own vociferous manner, winning many recalls. Naomi Ktbar- do. European equilibrist, secured a larg- amount of applause for commendable work Molden and Hughes, in "Slsterettc's Visit to the North," have a laugh maker, and know tho value of business. Arthur Huston and Mac Dallas, comedy Jugglers, were decidedly successful. John Dclinore and Kmlly Darreli. "The Beau Ideals." scored quite a hit with their refined work. Ash and Wlnslow an- singers, nnd made a good Impression. Itagraph presented some very good feal- act Is worth going n long way to aec. Others ures. on the programme are: Albert Ilellman and Keith's Theatre (K. F. Albee, general little Moore, In their clever skit. "A Bit of managerl.—For week of Oct. U, Ibe bill Hi Vaudeville: Prof. 1- red Macart s balloons and chides: (ieo. W. Monroe, of "My Aunt Hrld monkeys, always a big hit, and the Vernon get" fame, who disported In song and mouo Jroiipe.ln xylophone playing of n high rogue, with hla familiar Irish Impersonation: was excellent ns the burglar, Thomas Cltuttcrton played the husband pleasing- ly, and Virginia Watson played the maid. Fred Niblo. in his talk, was voted a filt edged entertainer by the audleuce, und tc certainly deserved the favor shown him. The Three Crane Brothers, "Mudtown Min- strels," had a corner In laughs during their rpeclnlty, and Dclmore and Lee, In their Kiilendlil athletic act, were big features of a He baa written a good book, with bright lines u '8 ,lltl - Kennedy nnd Quatrelll. In their their n and excellent lyrics, Mr. De Kovcn for his exceptionally impressive offering, had things parody part, has falriv excelled blniself. He has "" ,llelr "wn way, and scored heavily. This The Viti order. The motion pictures continue. Lyceum Tlientre (Daniel Frohman, man- ager i.—After a brief spell of darkness, fol- lowing the sudden withdrawal of "Beauty and the Knrge." this house rcoiicned Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 27. with the new Qeorge Adc play, "Just Out of College," a three act comedy, which then received Its introduction to New Y'ork. New Haven, Conn., was the first to see this production, the Three Keatona, with Raster strongly In tbc lead, presented their old knockabout a.-i. In which tbc little comedian did some uew and exceedingly clever work: Lew Illoooi and Jane Cootier. In "A Picture from Ufe." occupied n prominent position, and pleased. lib e and Cady, In Merman sidewalk conver- sation, caught the fancy and secured many laughs: Kern's mimic dog (bis llrst Amer- ican appearance) made u favorable itnprcs- llctiiity Doctor" at the Foiiiitkentii Stiiket, «f entertainment In any locality of the me patroos this week, nnd, Judging by the wel- Jho production with a lavish baud, and the which bad Its Initial rendering there on Sept. s i 0 n and looked verv funny In the varlou •.onto extended to the company on Monday, two scenes are mnrvels of the scenic artist's -'• at the Hyperion Theatre. While it i-oKtnmes and make-ups: Le Roy and Li Oct. 'J. and the verdict of those who were " rt - wn| l« I'm coslumes are gorgeous. Mr. 1'roved funny at Intervals, and a bright line Vanion created lots of amusement In their present. It will likely prove lo lie a bnnner Hopper, as Kcstatlcus, wus never more In bore and there occasionally gained a henrty comedy bar act. and did some verv clever week lu the Circle's new season. It Is a u,s element, nnd, aside from the success -augh. the reiuitatInn of the author will not work • the Scldoms made their Amcrlcau task to establish a new order feorcd by the opera llself, made a pronounced j* greatly enhanced by this play, which runs debut, and In plastic poses, of which they "The Way of Ihe Transgressor" at the Mun- n.u llJLt,. "Tho Uypsy Mlrl" at tbc TitinD Avenue, "The Lighthouse by the Sea" at the Thalia. Joe Weber's All Slar Co. at tbe lUtu.LM Dm House, "The Krrand Boy" at the West Kxt>. "Tbe Christian" at. the Mk- TitoruUN. and "Hearts of Mold" at the Star. Variety entertainment was furnished at Ihe Colonial, Tony Pastoh'h, the Yic- TimiA, Keith's Union SquAUK, PaocTon's Fifty F.ictmi Stkhkt, Paocion's Twnrn- Tifian Strket, the Alhamuiia, IIuiitiii & Si; ajion'k. the Palace, and the Family 'I'iik- atue. IliuLtrs Mi'.sklm presented the usual list of vaudeville nnd curios. Tho Cihcle, the Dewey, Mineii'k Itownnv, the I.onihin, Misr.n's F.IUUTH Avknik and tbc Cotiiam furnlahed luirlesqiic. Devrey Theatre (Sullivan & Krans. iiian- ngersl.— The Kurupeuii Seusiilloii lliirlcsquers is the II tie of this week's mi ruction, which was given a hearty welcome Monthly lifter- noon, l let J, nml I lie stamp of approval wus put upon It by the large audience iiresenl. The company abounds la pretty girls nr- iiiyetl lu showy costumes, and coiucillatis who are really funny. The company de- serves a week of big business. The pro- gi't 'nan- lupins wllb a sparkling playlet, culled '■Schiillz's Hotel." in which tho Ki-verul characters were ubly smanlncd. It Is fullowi'il by a strong olio, which composed the following acts • Furd mid l>ot West. In "Tin- Waller and the Maid:" Vivian SIS' triiiiuMs, hut the able men at the helm here, and Ihe excellent quality of the shows which have been presented so far this season, will surely bring success In Hints Nothing Is permitted In these shows which could pos- sibly offended a spectator, and tbe shows are eomjKjsod of the best material In the wnv of comedy and musical latent, vaude- ville; numbers and bright burlesques, excel- lently Rtaged nnd netcd, besides being lav- ishly costumed The programme of the New York Slurs begins with J, R Cooper and Tlios. Huverlys one act farce. "Society HwcIIk," which Is full of "go;" also n dozen eutchy musical numbers, and n chorus of pretty girls. The company Includes: Her- bert Simon. Will F. Collins. J. 1), Buss. Hobby Raymond. Victor Jerome, Frank Ter- rlll. Waller TerrJII, Harry Campbell, Ward Caiilflelil. Catharine Taylor, Maggie Clark, l^iltlc Frcemonl. Murln La Vail. Norlue Carmen, Louise Uu Pre, Dolly Scott, May Taylor, Kmlly Simpson, Lillian IJilli, Mnv Morrison, Doll Seymour, Florence Alloa, Alti v Howard, Kutlieriiie Howard. Anna Frohsln, Bessie WIIboh and Coldlo Bliss. The capable olio contained : Camp- bell nnd Cuulllcld. the Faust Trio, Raymond and Clark, Calhcrluo Taylor, and Ibo Ma- jestic Musical Foi-r. Closing the bill wus presented a capital farce, by Ward Caul- lleld, enlltlrd "Kasy Doeslt," In which Ihe fun docs not luir. and Interest Is well ails- laliietl to Its clows Kxocullve Mlnlf: Man- ager. M. M. Tlielse: business manager, J. Frohsln; musical director, llnrrv Armer: stage manager. Herbert Simon; 'master of proper)lis. l-'iink Dcvltt; electrician, Sam Weiss. Nuxt week, the Oolilen Crook Co. Miner's Clulilli Avenue Tlu-ntrc (IM- wln D Miner, uiaimgeri.—The Imperial Bur- hit. The role gives htm great scope, and he misses no opportunity to prove his mas- tery of the art of fuo making. New Yorkers have seen lilm la many roles, but few of them have promised to add as much to his popularity as does the role of Kcstatlcua. Marguerite Clark was charming as Sylvia. Ipo much In the groove of mediocrity to suit the American taste for humor. The first act Is decidedly the best, with Its farrlal situa- tions and u hit of dialogue here and there that shows Mr. Ade at his best, but the re- maining two acts are rather barren of _ entertainment, and the finish of the play Is She sang nnd acted the role in a way that conspicuously weuk. In fact. Mr. Ade clearlv completely captivated her audience, nnd messed bis opportunity, for his plot Is a good added more luurels to Ihe vroalh of popular- ? nt - """ offers many chances for witty and lly which has been Mors for some years. Wll- nlerestlnc treatment that have been neg- lected. The story tells of how a hustling, Ham Dunforth was an admirable aid us a lun maker, and did capital work as Altlmus. William Wolf, as Sphlnxus. and Ada I>euvi-s, as Ivayennu. were good. Ilstelle Weutworlh proved herself to be the possessor of an ex- cellent voice, which she used to advantage. Tills Is particularly true of her rendition of "Hall, lientle Kos." Ibe opening number of the iipern. Joseph Phillips nnd John "?wl of the pickle king by organizing a rival Dniismulre also did good koIo work. The I-'ckle concern that causes tho magnate con- cast In full: KcstatlciiH, Do Wolf Hopper; siderahlc worry. The young man's business Sphlnxus, William Wolff; Altlmus. William Ik finally bought out by the "e nit Impecunious young man. Just out of col- lege, falls in love with the daughter of a great pickle manufacturer. He endeavors to impress the girl's father with his business ability, and the old gentleman loans bitn "Mi.nmi dollars for three months, and puts him on his nu-ttle. He finally wins tbc re- •omblnallon. and all ends well. Joseph Wheelook Jr. makes his debut us a star la this plav, but he has no opportunity to do anything Im- pressive, und scored onlv a fair degree of success on the opening night. Kugene Jep- son, as the plcklo manufacturer, did cnpllnl work, and Charles Jackson, ns n loval friend to the yontii! .ollege graduate, showed n zeal In behalf of his chum that was very fnniiv, Dauforlh : Fortttuatus. Joseph Phillips: Ap- pollus, John Dansmiilrc; Pedro. Frunk Casey: Adonis. Carl Haydn; Kavennn. Ada Denies; T i, u r,ady pntrlclu, Kstclle Wenl- worlh; The Lady Alicia, Bertha Shulek: Sylvia. Marguerite Clark. Murray Mill Tlientre (Win. T. Keogh, manager).—"A Pair of Pinks." with West und Vokex lu the title rolea. Is Ibe attraction nt (bis house, which found every seat 111 led Monday evening, Oct. S. They were ably iiKslsted by Margaret Daly Yokes and an ex- cellent company. The east KM us follows: Percy Ban- Unites. Will West; Harold Bol- ton Sens, Harry Vokes: lkey Ixick, Hurrv M. Bl«wart; Tuft Nut, Jos. Kutus; Ell Fib- ber. Mm. Hiiguii; Hiram ilreen, Eddie Judge alioilt the lu-st drawn character of the play Illlllou Ayer. Leigh Alh-n ; Fuller Aver. ,ma . <! , a l,u - George 11. Truder did good 1-rcd Elsbree; Dunn Urown, Will Smith 1 work '" " "'">' character, and Barry Frees, -.ticrle, ns a country aunt of tbe young grud ia«c, was excellent, and FJcne Foster, li In lay claim lo he Ihe originators, they were very wonderful, presenting ten or more ex- cellent groups; Ann Warrington nnd Co.. In •'The First of Miiy," Its first New York per- formance, created a decidedly favorable Im presslon. The sketch Is cleverly written, de- pleting tbe trials of moving Into a Oat. Ana Warrington, as Mrs. Harmony: Donald Wells, as her husband, nnd Norman Roberts, as the tall, angular drayman, were all very good Stuart liarnes, parody singer, appeared with hie. usual success, nnd bad a new lot of songs; Rado and Bertram. In "The New filrl." have n comedy sketch which creates plentv of laughs Among others were: Mabel Mnltland. who told stories; Delia Clark and Co.. In "Half Past Two." Rnd the i'ryors. bnnjolats. singers and dancers. The klneto- graph gave several sets of good pictures. Miner's Bowery Theatre (Kdwln !'■ Miner, manageri,—W. B. Watson's Orientals opened hen- Oct. 2, to good houses. The bill oi>emi with "Miss (Mover." in which the couipauy appears to good advantage. It In eludes, besides W. B. Watson. Mollle Wll Hams. Hnrry Montague. Caroline Duncan. Mamie Lamb, Fannie VYIIIIums. Beatrice Bar lowe. Wm. L. Swun. Frank li. Bambard. F.lsa Leslie, Alice llunson, Llseltc Howe. Mamie Howe. Fannie Uupe. Stella Noppcr. Kitty iebhardt, Hlldn Stewart, May De Vonde. Edith M. borndyke. I nnd Kitty IjcsIIo. an Brothers, wire and perch performers: Swau and Bani_ bard, in their laughable specially, and Johnnie Carroll, whose character songs went as usual. "The Uusbful Venus," with Mr. Watson In the very funny character of Philip Srhlllz, also mnde a hit A. Jack Faust Is rlsvuy: Will K. Konncru. Ford West; Helen JluT ulc Vosm-U a'Telooll'Vor'a'sucec^rui iii'g.'lM"" '■Toa^"r'reVnl.'tonTina..rof U «'in' i'teorge"A'irv'n~r«" Kuiiscr'totion "boI* U A^?' A,I,IU1 «- <*»»"■ »"» v . ■'"»» N" 1 ' 18 - "'P 1 0r , S.untner Aiina Rich: Mell.uh. Iliiyslraw Do. ^'^tWHl'toV'i^y'.w . ...I I e n ' '"««! roosters^"and UrSFoi&lMi RwA-SB the UolST. '"*• gE« »<«»"■ H^SSS ItSii™ Wert: toddle, ,ussle Vivian; BrasKy.iilllc s | t .„| „„ m \„, r!i „„ n » calrhv well rem lady, and several others which are hell over r rain Caller. M. B. Pollock; a Ticket Seller * ™ | l<*««n «f exce|.tlonally '"H'r-V-'" }u£SL S*» f fr"P ? . IW-.' fr'W- "fflSS deml as l.crelofoiis The cast Washington from week to we* An ex.'elbmt "alrform T." 11 ' "ft 1 "**" ■ *S Lindsay! Albert W .v»»ng womeii, who buckled down to work n Mortimer !Vlailys W (;^ ^"' ,l '"' *&* MHWJ.IWIw 1'red Warren; In Ihontre Is well atteuded, and Isi led ?te. r : "nrvejr Hughes. Jai-k Devereau ; Toni ?<«* *'»«l ■Motilcn Vcronn/llclle Anion. Louis Kit Hilda IIiiiTliigtiiu, Era Smith, Maude Killlli t:III. Slnff of Hie Karoiiean "' Co.: James Morris, business tlrt-w llyriic, musical director: 'I'oin Morri Key. singe director; I .mils Kurtzwcll. Hinge iar|N-u|or ; Mine. Romngosa, wordrube uns- tress. Next week. Al. Reeves' llciiiny Show. .Fuo Welter's Thentro (Joe Weber, ntaii- Bgi'ii.— This house fformerly Joe Weber's Music llalli opened for a dramatic season. HUder the direction of Waller N. Lawrence, mi Monday night, Oct. '.', on which date Man- ager Lawrence transferred his company and the play, '■The I'rincc Chun." to this house Iriiin Hie Madison Squuro Theatre, where II had enjoyed four weeks of ruccosk. The hew season was ushered In under the must pleas- ant, auspices, an audience of excellent size luing present und Inclined to greet Mr. l'eple's pretty little piny most kindly. The company remains Intact, with the exception llnil Maud While has replaced flrayee Scott In Hit- role of the "grown up" Claudia. "The I'litice limp" will remnln luilcliultely. fourteenth Ml reel Theatre I.I. Wesley lloseiHjiieKl. malinger i.—"The Ninety nnil Nlln" nppeareil til Ibis house 0-1. -'. Tin- cast- Tutu Sllverlun. Fred Moiilngui-: Aimer Blake. Alfred Hustings: Mink ' Heverldnc Hurry M. mVanar; Mud llrysnn. Hugo linldsinllli: Burton Red, Muster Willie link : Mill lireen. tleo. (iebhart: Ligc McLnnc, Ira 'I'. MiKiro: Frauk llalllle, (leorge Caslleberrv ; Sum I'lnini. Jos. Milton; llnlli Blake, llavone Whipple; lluclicl Blake. Myni llroote: kill-- iVall I i.i I.e. Alov Saullder- : llcil.-lla I>.,,,-!, rriv, i'.intiin ilreiiunii line: Aiiinainni Mali, ia'in. l.ll.i i.i) lor Hen ton . It, i i.i ni i f«jr. J.olllse ltryniil Sallv Curler. Marie imuin . Cindy Tllilis. Midn Wilson. Next week. Nat tH. Wills, lu "The Duke of Dublin." bins, Rose Walker; Muggsy. Jtmct Priest tli-urge. Earl Dewey; Tiger, May Taylor. Next week, Wile l-'ny, In 'The Belle of Ave- nue A." Third Avenue Theatre (A. II. Woods, manageri.—"After Midnight" was presented Monday evening, a. Next week, •'Fast Life la New York.", Timlin Theatre (Sullivan ,v Woods, managers).—"Tracked Around the World" Is this week's at traction. The cast Includes: lilchurd Carrlck. Henry P'ry, l.'druuud Surn- jtbnn. May Cllbcrr. Rose llrahaiu. BIJou vVnshbnrn, Bessie Marlowe, Mae Lloyd, Nodi Owens. O. W. Marks. .1. A. Cantor. Corn Deyo. Ah Hop. Cbas. (irahani. Bert Wilbur, S. It. JtrouH'. Waller Moore, Thomas Blair. ICdwIn Mordaunt, Harry Parks. Joseph Mor- gan, W. II. Mouroc, T. V. Morse. S. be VYItt. and (iearge Mack. .1. K. Roherls Is ltinna- ger. HoIm-iI McDowell lutaliiess inimager. Next week. "A Itimawav Boy." Bi-iuiiliiii v Tlientre fA. W. Dingwall, iniiniigeri. - "The Pearl mid Ibe t'liinpkln'' liegan Hs seventh week l.krt. Z. There was an peiforniiiucc Sepl. 'JH. the bouse bring closed out of respect to Jacob LIU, whose funeral occurred nu ihal dale Aeiiileiiiy c»f Jlnile (lllhnore & Tomp- kins, managers!.—"'Wny Down I'.asl" began Its ninth mid Inst week Oct. fc Xexf >veek, "The Vlrelijlijii." Hernttt K«|Mare Tlicmre ti'lurh— I'roh- iaaiiui\.-i i. --K.111I iteiiiud ketaa tic 2 bis twenty thud nvit: and iast u.itnigai in " li,e llollK hliip llirl" Joseph Coyne left Hie east Sept. .'Id, ln-ltia succeeded by Wlllard Simms. audiences grow iHirres]sintllngly In size, ami tbe season at this house, one of Manager Williams' latest additions to his chain of high class vaudeville bouses, Is fulrlv on. There was much sjieciilullon ami Interest Bl- lacbetl lo the headline of this week'K bill oa Monday, as la whether the reports from Eu- rope of Hotidlnl's cleverness In freeing him- self from rcgnliillnn linndciiffK and inunui-lcs Ht will had been cxngorntcd. Rut In no wav Julia Swinger. Mrs. B. A. Eherle: a News- stand ttirl, Llene Foster; a Umesome ljidy I ravelcr, I-iatu-cs Coiustoek: a Husv Ladv- raveier. Maud Slut-lair; Miss Larkanio. Lll- llaii Sevi e: Missi Byril. Ionise MeNamara; Miss UlyLhe, Myrtle Tanneblll. Vlelorln Tlientre (Oscar llammcrstcln. niiinagcrl.—The usual big Monday mallnco audleuce assembled here Oct. g. and ull seats were filled. The bill for this week. In point did be fall on Monday, and his manner of of strength and merll, Is but n rciietlllun ot - accomplishing what he anuounced to per- nanny provided by the liberal manuaement of i„ . ( '"< ltlC3 , 3 ° r *}}* s 'o u , n lortn ronipk-lely mystified his audiences, llic Victoria, and the visitor Is "ways sure S-SSLs**?', T i'r C ,^T Mary Norman Is also u fcaliire of this week's of witnessing an entertaining show *at thb "°i& U "L V^l' '.?• I, , al ? l8 i bill, prcacntlng her new and original mono- commodious theatre. Adelc Ritchie Is at logne, which ahe terms "Masks aud Faces." tho ton of the bill, the comic opera star being in a refined way, and artistic to her linger cordially greeted on Monday, and scoring a lips. Miss Norman fairly eclipsed all of her pronounced success In her voeallams. Her costumes also were admired by tbu ladles. und pronounced models of tbe modistes' url Ye Colonial Septette were welcomed again! heir retard musical act gaining Ihe applause It Justly merits. Merlon's pantomime dogs. also n popular act here, t-utiaht the fancy or lite entire house, and It still ranks as the pre vloiis efforts In cliarnclerlxntlou. And her aiidlent-i'K were generous lu applauding her splendid work. Others who stared stronglv on Monday were: Sbean and Warren, lii "IJiio VadN, I'psldu Iiowti;" Three. Ynscarvs. comedy iieroliiiU: llriino ami Russell, in "Tricks of the Trade:" Miiyntr Ilrmlngton and picks: Sidney Brunt. In songs and stories; Mas Andors. "The Mysterious Duo:" Foster aud Foster, presenting "The Volunteer iirgiinlst." and the vllagrapb. senled nn exceptionally rapid blcyeli" act. and their various tricks ok well as Hie com edy work earned llictn continued npplaas" and several come lmcks. Jules Delimit sam: soluc ision songs well: Olga Orloff led several character ensembles, showing Ihe policemen, llremen and soldiers, with a pretty tableau lliilsh: Adams and Drew presented a funny character act: Herbert Brooks, curd inanlpu- hitor. also presented IiIk trick myslery: th r ClrMgruph showed some, of the latest uinis "The (iotldess of tbe Moon" closed the show times were show) „. v ' Is manager: Wni. T. Foro. musical director; Frank C. Irish. master meebunlc; Saul Lux, electrician. Next week. Watson's Americans. Princess Tlientre (Henry Miller, man nger).—-Margaret Anglln, In "Zlra," began her third week Oct. 2. Lew Fields' Theatre (Hamlin. Mltrlie I & Fields, niiinngcM).—»M llapiieued In Norrt- land" oiicued Its iilxth week Oct. a. Cinrrluk Tlientre (William H. Reynold*, president i.—Arnold Dalr commenced. OeL his sei-md week and list fortnight, lo "Y™J Never Can Tell." At the oho hundred, and . , ,'i l,s, r l > , . , '' >l, ',"""" M < -' Bnll >« act iu vaudeville. inen.^r7beTarg\^a„meme tt : t,, ileno USl* ??""" • S & S «2??£ S^^ffl urds. comedy acrobats •; Winona vtiulcr a i?.'- 11 w, ' r " '•IMrlbuted. Ulualratlue Ihe Mi^ i 111 I .it i- III Mlllli l I ■ lita —J (■•_!... - • .. ' . . Ilelnsrn Theatre (DaTld ReUac*. nuna terl.— Mm. Leslie Carter, In "Adren," start id In r scci-ud und last week Oct. L'. "Znza' Ucxt week. vilngraph. Torkvllle Theatre (Meyer R. Himhrrg mnnngerll —The Vnrkrllle Stock Co is are senllng --All the Comforts .,( Iluine" Ibis week. Next week, "La Tosca." ngen Cdna May. In "The Catrh nf Ihe son.' began Ort. - her sixth week- Oinml Tlientre.—This house again pre scull llelirx.w |ilars. Ihe two weeks of I'ns' lish dtuina having Unlshed Sept. 'JS.