The New York Clipper (October 1905)

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844 TEtE iSJlirW YbllK CLIPPER. HlTOftKR 7, Clipper Post In order to nroid mistake* audi to Insure the prompt delivery -of the letter* -advertised in (tils lllit, an envelope iilnlnly Bildresaed must he ■ent for each letter) and a written order for the letter, alirned with the fnll name nnd addrea* and the line of InmliKKn followed liy the Render, niiiai ulsn he enclosed. 1'lenne nieiitlon the dote (or nnm- berj of (he CLII'PRIl In wlileb the letters sent for vrere advertised. l.ADIKS' MST. Allen Mrs. K.II. hrilngrr HI«|it< Mniitriiso, Biiko Amlc rsou Ntell'i Kslivr Shier* Altitevnirtli <trii.i> Kuril-. I.jinhi Auetto, Mil' AbteTi Stal B. AMttull Clirl«tli.e Agtin*t. Xlin«. Eiiiaiini'- Allen. Violet lieiler. I'uiiiIik 1 Item-h, Oirn Uill'Jis .Margaret Untitling Flor. r,. U. Behnoui. Dorothy Ilordt'titi* Murle lllulli'. Marlon Barrett, Palsy Bilrluu. l.ll Hue Heller. Ann Hair. Mil. A. Maker Cortinie burton MIsxKoy Hick. Ilfli'ii C I'.liiitley, Flor. lllll'lllll. ltOV UurlHcr, Aide HiiriiliM (lahrlel llalilivlll Kitty Hoi Hun. Mm. I'.oiiuln, DiiIkv UclllllOll l.llli.m liiinil. Ml llriuiiitii Kl .Salli. I.1111U'. Primer. Morajmtl Creeawvt, 11. 1. I'Yru. MIhh Fowler UellaM l'aiTliik'liiu. Mrs. All«'fi ttolfimiuil Mis J (Iralilii.ti, Mm tllct'll, II..til.' lillll'ett, km flnrrlty Sinters (iruliaiii. .ori'llu T. tiiii, nnnii r;.xnlrlrl: iiuii'iiiiiiii .Mn.-ji; (ilrvlli, Killtll (•hint. Aloy (truce, l.lz/i.' liii'l.illil. Iteli.1 Icnrgn', J111 1 / llarref, June lutliuwiiy All.*. to**, KltlllUt Mill. Pnrrle lluliH, Mmel.l llnnl. Sadie llollllll.l. lllll llOtll llltiusnuin, Urnee Dorothy Hiithimtiy, Iii'ili Itill.hulls. III')..I lli'l'lii'll. IMillle Hnrliiulioin, Hull, (Irniv Corrlue I In II, l.llllfr Harry. Holly Herring, KIM I.. Cnllliinn. Irene lliniley Sinter* . Clausen. Dolores Howard, May Coyne. Ili-li'ii illuiiler. Julia Caller. IlloWlinl, Nellie Mrs. Knbcrl'Hnhcr, Mr*. P.J. Clollhi, Ham Croui'h, Ko*u Ceyou, Mrs. Oheever, Ilelleii ('iiriii-cl. Ituse llel.l. I.IIII1111 lllvelv, Ite-Me Hyde. Kiln Hiireouri, Daisy HawkliM, Kb C'lnirmli'ii SllseC ll.ill. .lowle M. ciirnui. Hiii.i 041.11 Mrs. Wiri. f'liiillla, Mllv. Curtis Finllv Cute, l.lln. 11. Carter. Matel Crrlidiluii. A finite 11 lives. A.In lluslfwl, Smile ll.iilnl.l llenilee ll.'l.len Jess],. A Irvrln, Fig Jumi'Hon. Ktl IlierHie I, Sell i.e Clemens, Stint Unawttc l.llllnii (;luilli|iiiey Agues .leunette, l.lln. Coniitiuduiin. iKetiwIok. Annie Zell'i Ki'iiwvn knri'.i Cllllolll, Miidge iKIugsley. .I'll..1 Coiimtin-k I,inn a IKoenler (let Irml Clarke. Iliillle |I.nue. A. P. Cornell. Mmke Lowell Kluiielii' DcLttnll Knueiilii I IvIukhIoii l.lln De Lnlin Marie l.ii Vule. Ullvii liiinaviin, liiieiin l.lmleli. .May lieane. I.unr.i Leslie. HimaU'li De Lean. Millie l.flllnllle, ll.i:.« De V'cre. I iirnse ,.\l|ss .Mrs. M. It. Leslie. Klaii Miirkln lleatrlee Lnwreinv M.n-A. llel.liNnye llalsj- 1,11 Brilll .Millie !>,. Van -'isrefH 1a- Olnlr, Violet Dunoon, Ella LIvIimuumi l.lln. i/uikiii lieiuilee Leliirii. Ailn lli'rrlliKi'l Miii.i'I Il.ilinviili, Kllllllil De Faye l.lniie ■D.iveniiiiil. Illan.'li,' Iliiikln Hen 111- 1 ,' Dale, Katliryn Diiylitn. Mnv DnrkliiH. Id'iilv De Lisle. Alue Diillim, Alia li.ltl ll|inlt. Ivllel Diefskl, Aim,i lii'simiii.ln Millie I'.lllsnll Mlll'Kli'fl Kslier, Vlalei Kvnim. llessfe KlllMin Mlll-Killel Kvessun I.aellle LiiH't-eniv M-tlile Lee. Ilnse Leslie, Elsfi l.n Hue, Oraee lister, Nina l.lvlnustoii Mis'. Mori-Ill. Mute. Marks, Nellie Marie Maler. Mnli.'l Milium. (Inioe Mtirtlere. t.lllll'll M I'N'iirrlM, Ilei'lliu !■'. .MeOiiiiseliiinl. Susie Mlekle Itenril.' MuntiiKiii 1 Rerliiii Zeiln, II. I Mulier, Hessye 'Zuuiiul, Miss UHSTI.KllllJX'S JLIST. Miirrisuii. ^I.tla .Mortli.e, lUis.- M.l'nll. .lessle .Mel■nil. Kltte..' Murlln. .leuine .Milerniilif Lint*'.! May, Vlula >la>ir, I'Miiri'iiee Nelson, C It. Meliiits, l.n hi lirli'tta. May Onrl Allele! l.-.i I'ntilzer. Illilll.'.l re.vlnli Sisters I'nrker yisters I'enill, /una renin.r. Minute I'elers Mm. Will IVrrej. lluJiel "tatter llliiiielil I'eisonl. Caiiilile rouiemy, lulu v^ .InsleL. Heiul, Liitifa Itn.sell. Sella lliiinley, Iterilin Itlir, l''aiiiile RutiertM. KHtllerine IUmiI. Ilnriilliy Iteiiil. .Miss i.i. Itnvi'iiHirruri. Cluirlotte llljuta. Ituse S. lliiinley, Rett la llollhis. Tlterest lleililliijf, l-'rauei'sea Hensliaii, Klsle UusspIL I.enli Itelter, Ma Iluyle Helliia 1\ llrilinil, VleturU liustla. Ilerili.i Uiniidinl. Nellie Keeil,. Lulu lluse, Llliel IvIrliur.lB May H Id Inn.,I..1. Mm. II. I.. Itiumell. Nellie UllKllll MiirituriM Ht. Olnlr, A. Stewart. JCvelyu Seeley. Mrs. i\'. stiuiKin, Kilty Sullivan. .Mm. D. L. Slieliloa. Drll.rr Seauler. tlraee Sjiii mi Mrsllyruu .Mrs. II. ion Snyder. I.U?.ie Slunv. Kit 11.' Sillw'ell. Cnril" Seymuni', ftruoe Stinj, Carrie hliiery, HelU Slunv. llessle Kteiirus, Miss Sllllillier" I. Ill, II Slieruiiiii. Mrs. Dan Slutw. Itessle Sfliwntf.A'S.vrliia Siiitniutn UnseW Si-eley, Mrs.W. (Hliuileslm ine Ntlrk. Hose Tyrliiiuner Xitel 'iriivls vllssii.A. 'I'tiyltir AUeMMI. rslier, l'timiv Weal. .Mnfle WUIiur. iiiiln' Wehli, Maine Warner Mian K, Wuialsuu Slstei'a Wlllair. IIuIk- WODllMllIll, Dollle Wllauii, Ornee Wilson Arliuie Wnllaee riur.A. Warner lleul'Kla ilalttunu. I'l.n-k '.illlWIlii. A. !■". GoWHinlth A , Hoppe Glllls. n.Mierr lUlllu, I'rnii.'ls <M|!ii»iiY.:'.riie HtVrliert Dr.lVni niekeyv W. II, Hart. Billy ' Horn, I*re<l Itnrrlaoti. c. H lli.K'.'nls'ok .tbnwt llownnl, .M. Ilarllet. Mr. Iliilleu & Fuller lliiiul. K. C. llolJlilriy. tleurtjt 1 Mines. K. It. Hermans. Tlie I In wt rej, I'lms. II.iiiK'.v. M. K. Iliiliues, Ariliiit' Hnevel, A. .'J'. IIowe. Dauvllli: Hurls. Mualeal Harris, I'lmrles llunkliii, Kiltv. Flail, P. C. HailKliey. .Limes I lentil. lI.-rli.Ti Hurl. \V. S. Ilel'nii. Uillls llnnly, J. a. Hill A Sllvtilile llllo'inllll. DleK I Inl In way IVir'is Miller, It. I.. .\l<«ire, II, II. Ill Her, Halle., Jllller, C. c. .Mefull, W. Maliiltly, i. C Miaire, T. J. Monroe, Mark .Morion. A. I) Millar, l.mi Mark. Amlre.v Mniioru & • .Sliriiililln Miller, Hoi. MeKuy, .Aiulrevr .MlL-imn A HlllKle C. V. Mitrlliineitl K K MeCnlll, II. Maniiinl. Prank Minim, litis A .liwle .Mell.,1.1... Win. Mtllionev. Win. .Melriise & Kltner Miwle. J. V. Moon., '!'. .1. Murray, II, V. Merrltt. llaynion Morrison 1'uuue Mlrlinus, II. Meilralll. C. A. .M.' AuiMt'tl Myers, s. .1. .Mimtl'osi Kr.iliK Miuwii, to', I". Mallllllitt. Joe llerliert, W. O. Mnttlee, W, 11. Helm Cltlltlretl (.Merrill, H. II. Ileiiienw.'iy, Mellrlile. Hurry Heinpliill. K, A.I.Mihinev & Hlitllliuu' t'u, Hnlli.'l'i Howe. I)eu iMokk, Tlenry llouailt. Cliarles IMInnelli llros. ilillliinl W. K, .MaeDnnuiiBli .1 lui Hurls |.Mi«irehe.-il, II.I lliiiiuii A Keuruy Mi'Diinalil. Mifc lliniley. M. K lliiwai-il tVLIuiler lliill.lnolnl. I'M). ii.iii. n. u. Ilerl-ert. W. O. Htnulll il. II lliiynes. Hoy Htinler. W. I* llnniilsli, (l.i|.t. Huntley. .1. II lliiuson. N. ,1. Iltiiiil, Prank lliiymnii, .litek Hunter, Sum Irvluirlun, II. K. .luhttsuu. I.'. I-' .7uueH, C A. Jesia-raon U. H. .lernnie, N. S. .TefTrles, Dal .1:111, es, Artlt. Kmn, I-'rauK Kuler, II. I. Kllltt. T. J. Keene. Mr. Uetui. Wnlalt ,V Mel ruse Kelly & K'elsey JUorrlll. f. A Molt. HuiIoIihi Makovaky. Hole .MeClellint. Leu Marline, Muy Mlrkes, I'l/mk M.i'iik Hurry Morrlsaey T.l'. .Mmre. 'I'. J. MeCartliy Mt'lea Mette, I'nul Mlllnnl. Itola-rt Alnek. C. 1. Martin I'mf.K.D Nurrls, (l. s. Newingo, Dlek NefT. .Inllll Norrell. (.Unties Xevuro, .Iuae|ili Nyilltt. Mulls. Merluiu*. Ilerinm N'ewuinn. IV. 11 Nurinii, Ihi'li NelKur. .lohn NlerhiniH H. A. Xelmy. Mr. Nlsaen, Walter Kenneily *r IXeKiiinn. Oiiiilrelli Null, K. C. Ailaina, W. •.'. Cluiiniillu, 0, K Allen. Juek Cnsttlllniia, :l Auallii, I'ln.l Couke, Kuyiiimicl Arilell H I.e'lie Collins, (I. II, Ailllllla, Cullyee Trln, Ml'. Clielllllu. .Inllll Ailsllus Tossing rastellnl & Hull All, .Muly Crnver William Ash, I'M. Culcnlii, .1. AllHiii'iii. Clnls CoHles. Alliert Atkins, Lew Cunaer's lln^s Ailillsuir. II. I.. Cull Ins, It. Alilemi, Joe Colmrit, l.iliu Ailllllis. Mueli Cliriley, Hits Alton, Tlmnuis Creittner. T. I'. Ariiiiuul T. V. Crullua, ft, I'. Avlell. D. S. Cameron. IIikIi Knll wiioiI, lilw. Criitner .V .Inspei Halilwlii llHlney 1'i.relll, Jink Ilorilen. W. I'l. I.'rainer JvI.'us,k'i llintUu*. t'liuiIns Ci'osstujin Cluia. lllilwell, (;. 1>. Casey. N. II. llrmiy. .fnlin Cruiie. Lurry llrenuutia Music. Conk, Hilly llui'li KM*. Cmllus. It. I'. Ilnller & Lnniiii'i'iiy. I.nn W. Iiuilel. Willi.' Clink. II. f. Ilalley, W. K. Iceleatu. Win. lirnokes, t'nnu'v CurteK llernnuild I. I. Coliiirtl. J. \. Cluulwlek Trio CiirU'tl. J. J, Cniiiini's. I.ttrry Conk. C \V. Clark At llllinoiv I 'I I vet le. — I'lirliell & Purresier < Minimum & lllnek, I'risl Ilnwers. tills Humes, 1>'. . Ilnller llr. S, Hioveu. Prttnk llurrett. T. K. Ilalley ,v Hell Hurriiii. ilenrci 1 llivinn. Iluvlil IllH-WllIlL lleu.liiiiiln Hiii'liiii. K. .1. linaiks, Herbert Hiiiveti. Clnretiee Horwn. .laek Illshoii. Allle ltiistiti, HIIIv Ilowlte. C. W. liiinui. Ilonitu ll-i i'-.' Itiowiiliiii. W llaitii's. !•'. J. Ilnuiks, llerl Hariell. Toe lllll. I.ilikv lliiliuinn W'lllar.l framer. J. I>. Uiiekley. 11. M. ICtililira. A. 1 Hrown. II. M. Ciii'tliri'll. II. Ilitrrell. C W. M'IiiiiiiIhtIIi.. !>:. 11. 11 Ciirittialy. J. .1 Downlnc. W. I„ l)iireii|iorl, O.M. Diii-lluxliui .luelt lmnterllelil J Ml DeinliiK. Lttwrenee DuVrlea Sa in liasliluuioii A..I. DiivIh, W. V. Dusliliik'tun A.I'. HarlliiK. S. I'. Dawsiui. J. A, llilliiin. I*. .1. Hit Vrles, rlalil Kilwurtla, C. !•' Mills Now- I 111 Til) Lhvon.l. CIlillli'J Kltuu, I'l'le «i Allle LlllotN, Til'. Hvniis, ..'isiri:.' KM, lle.itK,. KRvuer, Kren l'Miterlotm, The klrliiKlnu ('litis. Sun. II. W. Kvllle, Wlllliiiu I'llnei'snil Kit, Kuiree, Artitur Krle k Les Ulllnlt, MiiiiiI.'.' Ka|ty. Kil. I'.illvitnls. Al Krlnti. J. X. ICviM-s, IL W. Kuitcl. A il li ■•.lilrlilite. II. l-'ny. Joint Keller, W. ]•'. Keener, T. W. Kntler, Alalel Kearney &Iloiiu Knlli, J. W. Klrsbw. W. K, KtllK. .loselili KentltiK. W. J. Kuliers. TliriH" Krniuer, Sntti Kellev ,k lialley Kelly * Vlnlette Klui'iilil. J. A. Ktirleinniiii Otis Keni'i'iiv. Jnam Hilfk llros. Kllllll. OlIpL Klein. Iluii'V Lnekett, Fit. LiiMnrr Harry Lane Prank I.orre. William I.h'liiiisti'ii Artlt 1,11 (lette. Mr Linillev, Harry i l.tisky, .lease l.elllll.l, J. f, Luelit. liisirt;.' Intllp. Dnvl.l, .1. J. l.arkliia k l'ntterHtui I.nwrenee. Al. I.e Sniyilie k, -.1 Lemuels, Joint l.nililii. Jnltii link. Hilly Lealle, Deorite Look. Xlck Liiiui'a, Masle I.orre. William li Mnnte, llnu l.arklu. Jnltii Lester, M. T. Lake. .Innies Lenin i l.e.iiia l.tini)ie. Prml Lit ruse I'miilly tin.'.l Leounril. Alli.'it l.iieentrii. J. A., Hurry I.oell. Leon Little. Dlek Moiuriise Prnlik M.-Doiialil A. D Mi'Snrley Prank Met Ira tie. t'. A Miiorelietul II.P. MtiniihiK Pranli Mitekev. J. It. Mnlene. (I.. W. Mi. in. 'II West ley Meltne. Itniee May, Preil MeKnnie * l.n l'nrte Mette. Paul Miiellnalll, A. S. Mills. Itiila-rt Milliter. Kil. Miiiulnee I'rof.A Misuiey * XenTker, W Nleklson, .lultit Neivtnnn. J. P. Nllilu k Helll.v Owens, liaeiir K (I'Conner Herlit (•.'Conner. K. !■ Xoruuiii iiwen \- Ou en iweita. (listrae iniiu'i; Uln-erlor, Mr. I'oweis. J. T, I'ei'Muy, W. P. I'ratiiiiliis, The Petleraiiti, J. O t'rosser & Dliinioitil fluiir. ,1. p. Palter. Kil. Prlee'a Palace I'epperillve J. It I'lekrell. J. W. I'erri'.nili. Prof. O. II, Prlee. (.'ii|>t.,7 \V Plekerts Ktmr Piizett. .lue PaltorHuii, I. II. Potter, K. II. Prlnr * Xiitils Kiitilitsun, Ki' I..K, Uinters.'I.', (i. ltinlney. Hurt Hnaeriweetl Ann RiateTVnoil, Cell.t Kylainl .Vltylunil Itliasell ATillvtte lUo. A'lolpti , Iteioliar.l. (1. P Il.snicv .VAsliton linkers, P. J. Itnls'fls. A. .M. Hiillnlln. liisji'j.',' km p. a. Seyiiauir, V. V. ftealwok. C. St. Lion .V . McCiisiek Klielilou Howard s>tro«k. J. M. itory. V. S. legrlst. Toto !H Irk. Teil St.nun. Hymn s'lilelils. Prank Slieppell. HnrrV Sinter & Plueil Slimier, A. W, Ml. II. t». Sltereluti. J. II Heeker, Wilkes « Strmili, Wlllliiiu si,mlil, ,v Xliib'K Xlirlley. Juliu Seyiianir. Henry slirlrl k Mlirlel Srnne. It. W. Stevena. Jl. 11. Sluimtaa. Harry /Sliitekeroril. P.tnniot fttuirl. Mr. Heeley * West Siiinnsiiii, li. iv Sclieruier. Ikv Snilnillt. liei.ntn Strall.l & Slratul Stewart. Kiliv. Senlai'k. I'l.nrl.'s St Irk. Hob stinuui. c. ('. Sliuniuls. Diinuv Slliley, p. M. Snller, K. It. Stewart, Harry StmiiK. Iluliilt Sutiilei-soii iv.M. Stakes Claieiiei? Stewart. W. Killvnll. A. L. St. Onire Kmest Suilili. II. w. r'akamniii, K, Sltnrkey, Mr. & .Mrs. T«ul k l.naell r.issnll, Dlek rtiylor. Oaenr I'ltili. U. V.. riiiinins. Clint les riiompsnii W.W. I'relkelil Krle 1'erre. Wlllanl Peel. (I. M. Pftsinnnlnn Trniiiie 'Ptieker, J. L. 'I'roeiiileru Quart Tlioruton ltet-uil. Trneey. Jusepli Tuner. Tlios. 'I'lteker, Prtiuk Terre, W. >1. 'IViiliey, Kmest Taylor, llenrv 'lisile, J. it. Tevla, II. t:, 'Patia.', Artlnir 'i li ton. Puller & Milt mi Vermin, f'arl Veiliunrs. The Van (lufre. A. Van, Artlnir Van. Prof. Jitlrn Vtiii-Fnsseii. ■ Harry Von Wen«e, .Mr. WHIht. Burt n. Waldron, Billy Walters, Dlllv Wesley Wllllani Wire, Syiluey Walpelli. Jewel Went. PrM Went won li lin'k Wlktun. II. M. m;w ,i i;ii5icv. NKW VOllK MTAI'IJ. ♦ewarlt.- -Al Hie Newark Tltetitre (Lee Ottuleuglll. milnngeil n *(«id sale for "Tlie Wizard W Ox," Ort. L'-7,•■ Wdlcnlen that Us ilrullerv Is flu rreslnns ever. lUAei't Kdenon. In "Rtrnnghettrl," Was a itratlfyfog HtircesH In every way last week. Savage's Mngllsh Brand (.)p»ra Co. and ordiestra 9-H. __. MMi'tiiK (H. II. Ilvains, manager).—This week.tlrnee Van HtudfllfoM, in "laidy Teaitle. Tlie Orent Lafnyette. drew fnlr luiuses lant week. I'WK-rnn'H (J. AnaHti K.vnea. Konernl trinnn- geri.—A lllll of general excellent* tills week I* licnded liy Joltn ('. Itlce nnd Knlly Cohen, In "All the World Loves n l.over." Others tire: Hynnis nnd Meltlfyre, In n singing nov- elty;,Frank Hush, llama Vance. Snyder and Hiicklev, Hldcksiini and Hiirns, Ili'iinduw and Wiley and Zflninculs. Itunlness Inst week was "mill, ns usual. f'lii.ijipn (M. J. .Incolts. manager I.—'I ho l'ltOUTIHl'N (Wlllliiiu II. (.....,. fimuHBer).—I'wkwl Umtses |»„''"' t ,-s| deiit for week of 2: Hnretnan's AnhJ ?*■ W Zlmtnermonn. Hathaway nn.l y$SS£ .!«* inn z,immermann, iinthnway and w« "„', ""lis Comedy l.'nttr. Hilly thmuI «m vffi P**, Hlekey nnd »Iiwb™ 11« n?mi!?M s 'i- Allen and company. "'antum, Kdj,, IWVAi, (William H. Wwrt m „ Wine, Women and Song packed ",?" f '. ri - rlept. 25-riO. Hoble's KmeKrin M Lrl f A h » ,1, « Crarkw Jacks 0-14. *™* N Ort, •.. Xotb. — The Mortimer Sno iiiiffnlii At the Star (1*. i'. Cornell, man- neer) "Tlie Isle nf Spice" returns Oct. 2-4. Mnihern-Marlnwe .VT. Jojepb Cawthome. In "lu Tsmnianv Hall," With an excellent sup- porting company, mode a hit. Cunvkntion- Ham. (H. 1-. Meecli, custn- dlanl.—Prospects are lirlght for a very large gathering 4, at the Hoston Symphony Orches- tra's ilrst concert. Kmma Karnes and Calve " r T^ r "Cornell, manager).-Charles o.o«d"at ggMSM aMtt,«V F■ .{raVwIn this week. Kellnr, with many Is dark. KIToi'ts nre being made ,,, „! *"<> nuveltK.nalntnlned his Im-nl popularity last » *»***££ *»»•. h« Tt may taTSatS week nnd business was excellent. with a new mock c ompany. m, l*M rtitKA's.—This week: Augusta filose. Long and Cotton, Dnrhyelle Sisters. Thompson and Vldnco, Four Isiindous nnd Belle Hntbaway's mntikeys. I'atronnge Is very Inrge. I.Yi'KCM (.1. I.aughlln, mnnnger). — "Ca- tnllle" Is the curreui drniun produced by the HaldwIn-.Melvllle Co. "Chder Two Flags" Selienectndy—At the Vim Porta, „ H... Henedlet. '££** "Wj Huiise (C Wniers. In "Neighborly Inters. In "Neghlwrlv XoIitIiIhh-. -• «. •-" Under Southern Skies'- 7 1 8 *;,,,' K ''- <■ Julia Marlowe. In "The •Pn,i,l„L , '*7 ) "" Shrew," 13. ■anuiig t,( Ilu , Mohawk (Weber h Rush, man week of 2; n1?.T"r".-liill tattle Wtlllnms. In "My Tom-Hoy (llri." this pnbly given, week, Anne Hlnn.'ke/ In "Fighting Fate." I.afavkttb C. Hn^^JL'^.eKfTv ?let ltnd good results last week. "Trackeir Around way i nlety li rls tl Is week. 1ended y Mel- the World" ll-H ruse Trnti|ie, Mildred Sloller. John Welter, the Waiiimavx's (W. S. Clark, manager).— I.lptilncutw nnd Creen Sisters, lhe ibor- The High Hollers this week, with ns gmid oiiglibreds had n roiialng engngeinent ■ JZSTLm . ...i . «,. ........i vi,„.i. ilteinrv. — Mutineer McAlubon s cu nnd varied enlertnlntnent as itsiinl. Sheri- dan's city Sports were favored with more llttin Hie average amount of business Inst week. Irwin's lllg Show H-14. XoTv.s.—Mrs. Phil Sheridan wenl on and led lite march In the City Sports Show Thursday night. Sept. L'8. In n linndsonie cos- tume, iiiid MM la-wtirili'il with a lininlsiiiiiL' intski't of Ilnwers, wlilik was presented liy lhe local lodge 'P. M. A., of which she Is a prominent tnemher. F.I Irnbet li.—At the Lyceum (Klroy & Prnke, mnnngen) "Lost In tt Itlg City" i-imir Sept. 2.-i-2", to fnlr liuslness, followed by Campbell & ltotliner'si "Sherlock llnlnies." with Ki-rnll Dinihiir In lhe title role, "S-IIO. This comiMiny met with Instant success nnd crowded nouses. The enst was most very good, while the scenic effects proved • mi small feature of the product Ion. The open- ing performance was for lhe bettedt of Court Scott Independent Order nf Forreslers, and the theatre won tastefully decorated. Tbe High Flyers Ort. 2-s). "Nettle, lhe News- jtlrl," 5-7: "Why Oltls Leave Home" !)-11, "Paris by Xlghl" 13-14, Jacoiis'. —"Tlie Sign nf the Four" Sept. 31). "The Crisis" Oct. tl. Xiith. —At lhe Lyceum Thentre lhe orches- tra director. Prof, Silvers, bus Introduced violin and xylophone solos night lv, much to lhe pleasure of the audiences. liuiiKN. —Mannger Mc.Mubon's current at- traction Is the flay Masquernders. The Cn- slno ilirls Co. met wilh favor Inst week. Niitks. —Prof. Joseph Mlschkti has been chiiaeti for tempornry direetur of the Or- pheus. In place of llerr Sclioreltt. deposed. ...The 'Peck has established n down town ticket olllip. In Kllicnlt Si|iinie Mnnnger John Laiighlln. of lhe Lyceum, Is getting In readiness for tbe coming of the Inde- pendent iittrnctlnnH The new store pennv shows of lhe Messrs. Marx are de- cided surceases Manager William Hren- nnii, formerly of Huffnlo. Is In the city in behalf nf Huston Symphony Orchestra Peebles Is resident manager of the week of 2: Colby Family. Con H,f a, iT 1 ,l " ton. Adele Purvb. Onrl. Al. L, w 1" ,l . «« Furmnii, Watson nnd MurrhSO ™, J^\ klnelograph. '' """ *nt Xotks.— The annlversnry nf the M»h..u Theatre occurred Sept. SB., n. k chlnn were given to everyone nltenViltS "' Twenty-seven people nre with "Pntler s "V ern Sklea." twenty-three of wiVu„, S 'u" h siienklng parts..... .Canrield and Tarif" have a n( w sketch "The Hnod,", " Xw T very ftinny Itndle Fiirinnn nniilii America. Syrnense.—At (John L. Kerr, managerl''^.^" ■• the " tail (.loini L. Kerr, manager) "Tlie Ileum ■.; , the ta£ ai. 30. Paul Ollttntre, |,\ff tnln llebnnnalre." Oct. H : Wm. II /'rnne t "An American Urd." n, 7. ' Unnc ' io IIastabi-k (Harry A. Htirtlg. niana«eri Elsie Jjinls. In "Tne Little W^ crowded bouses last week. "Me, Him inrf i ■■ 2-7; "In Xew York Town" ll-H.C a" ,;?,,,;, win. In "John Henry," 12-14, rn|lp Hint of the'Star Linn's Museum con- tinues to attract good day and night, crowds. lliieliester.—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. K, Wolff, manager) "Ilitmply Dutiipty" played oupe, and klnetogriigib! Jamestown.—At (he Snnniela Open House (M. Itels. manngeri "Utile .luhtTii, Jones," Sept S3, iwn performnnw, hi" to raormonii Itiisliiess Inst week. It proved to mod Jjouso. nnd plonsod. MIMrM \h k. A _> m^ nal «*A>a. a ..mid* f,»ArtlA/ilA I.^ha tilr If Aitlnn . 1 — - >.«. _«^ ■■■ i ■ fl ■ ■ _- m ■A Trip tn Rgynt." 2t|, flrett \ lllll Ml, 27, gave an excellent pei'fnrniniiiv. nnd drur be a tuost gorgeous s|ieclncle. Frank Mottlan, Joseph Hcnrode, Maud Lillian Herri, (trace <! recti leaf and Mhimond Homier scored heavily. A word of praise Is due the nnl- innl liiipersoniitlnns of W. Fnlcs and David Ahrains. The chorus was excellently trained nnd good looking. "The Isle of Spice" Oct. (J. 7. .. National (Max lliirtig. manager).- Him nnd I" bad Immense retnrnR Inst „ y™*>:.± B«* eanrty. ay.llenty niossom. duplicating. Its big. hit nf .last season. ..las. Zo^ mA Hlnstrated songi" liiJneii ewt Trenton.—At the Taylor Opera House <Montgomery Muses, mannger) "A Fnlr Kx- n Inrge audience. Dnnlel Stilly'. 20 Im'i nice returns. "The Sleeuln B Hcaiitv nnd Hie Iteasl" Oct. 2, "Kben Hoften" 7, The nev r Auction" 11. Flinlrn.— Al lite ttinlto (P. W. Mr-Pan. nell. mnnnger) for week of Oct. 2: Allen mid r»_-\le {T n,,e ! ln '„? , ?y' , °. n< ' McMann. Alice Arntln, Bstlreek' 1 ecel]a w " ,on ' L ,ottle I'nyelte. Jlonme Slv J, *eeh, , oWl . ull)l j ?nwg „. p roil( || oe . „, „. , wns given Its |iremler at this theatre Sept. 2.':. to Immense business. Claire Kulp, a talented local stage representative, was In the cast. " 'Way Down Fast." 25-28, did well. "Woodland" tlct. 3, Frltzl Sclieff 7. "The Maid nnd the Mitnimy" II, "The County Cbulrmnn" 1.1. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" 14. Statu Stiikkt (Frank Sim Iters, toniiiigerj. —"A Hon of Itesl." Sept. 2.V27. did well. "Tracked Around the World." 28. 211. plnved Io good business. "Simple Simon Slitilile" .-III, "Dangers of Working filrls" Oct. 2-4. "A Hot Old Time" ii-7. TitK.vr (Ktlwnnl Kenton, mannger).—Last week's bill drew good business. Bill for Oct. 2 nnd week: Thomas Q. Scnbrouke nnd Jennette Lowrle, Ollle Young nnd Rrnther. line nnd Hroslie. Trnus-Allnnllc Four. Three Westons. Harry nnd Annie l.n Dell, Hllnore Sisters nnd lhe blograpb. Francis Sullivan. Hilly W. Watson und Ar tluir Whitelnw are now appearing - lu the title roles. Their work is very funny. The chorus Is large nnd hnudsomely costumed, and the dancing wns a feature. Klsle .latils, lu ' The Little Duchess." 2-7. CiniK Ot'KtiA lliii'SF. (J. II, Moore, iiinun- L'er).—Business Is big, as usual. The Six .Musical Cuttys made it Hue impression Inst week. lllll Oct. 2 and week : llengler Sisters. Chns. (Itiyer and Nellie O'Xell. Louis Simon nnd flrnce Oardner, May Heliport. Polk and Collins, Dixon and Auger, I'nntzer Trio and klnetngrnph lent. BliiK-linniton.—At the Stone Opera Iluti'r (J. i". f, Clark, manager) Kmma tiuntior Stock Co., In repertory, drew large tauten Sept. 2.-.-H0. Kdwlti J. Ilndley's muring die- Hires Oct. 'J, "Mllggs' IJtndlng-' .1, 4, -rhe lleatitv nnd the Ileast" ."i. COSNECTICHT. Hartford.—At Parsons' (n. C. I'arnons, manager) "The Duke of. Kllllrrnnkle" Sent. 20, 27. Ilose Coghlan, Wallace Krsklne. Mlaoa Pot is, Ckartal |Wahlroii, Jo? I'revust llowardiWIIIInnw. Chi- Poland. H. itese .1. Pntterann Clias. | Walker. W. it. Powers a PreeibWnrd, Hapiiy Proetnr. C. It. IWnli. I'reii Poller, II. 11. Williams, n. n. 'Ward. Mr. Ceeli | Wiley. Oseer World. J. W. Western. J. P. I!. I'liniiijillli. il. li. ('rittvfiiril (Hsu'ia' r.iniiv llei-uiinil. t'luy. Hilly I'tilliy, A. M. I'l'one, J. P. Poiiklry & Mellrlile Pooiict', F. P. ('itt'llou. Saut I'lil'lluii. Al Clinsshlii, Minis. Cruiii. Iliiithes (•iirisjll k Kller .Nelson Kuril, Will It,oil. I'litis. Hluek. Pied Hlel, PelU llrojiitivaler. Couke Jr. 11 id ict-1 rlittse. II. II liiillfnm-i'. il Udmurt 1 , it. K. ll.lll'lll'l llclllll'll, P. J. Hnrke DraaJWH Pritfaai * Hiirns I'liitl-les I I.mln Ittil.lwln. tl. A. lUenne. Snlm-y Hurl,mil; ('initios Do Vih> Mernlu Hiker. Wlllluiu Pillke. II, O. nrorhivn.v ••'• T. Hrer.v. Wallace Fund. Harry IiKliv. Pilaur Baxter. Sid Bulse. Hurry Hcatty. M. rt. Cotfrw. ••• II. Corab.v. Harrv Ciaiidiill Parker Co. Crne. Onnlner C.iiiiitilly. Ituttli Ciuike. Rriiest ciimi. iiitti. il. t: Crevby. II. W. tiii'. K, K. Iieavi's, Harrv Dalloa, W. Ililtvsoll. 11. J. Iirew. Syiliter Hi'lllil'tt. T. J. nlrksou. H. K. Iiiinefnitli. II. tt I ilen. It. 11. Hnrltpll. J. P. horrla. I'hlllii Iiexter. P. I.. Dt' I.ncour N- Fields l>nreii|>irt Shuns l>n»»ii|«irl '.'. M. Daly. Jos Pern. Sid Mean. P. tt'. Plahrr. Plittrh's Prleke. Wlllluiu Ptiiilus. Felix liiuclicr. J. II. I'liin. Joaeph Priiiiko. Mr. Purrell. pluultn Pergusun, Tlios. I'rectuiiii. II. L. puraylhe. Andrew Prick, tt'tll Plnrrr. (Itsiriu* Portlier, Will Parresl, Fred Piniahnwe A. I,. Fireman II. L. Pnrrell. I'lltf poi'il'iani. A. 1'awecll. ileome Pinitkllu. t'niii. Fitrrester A "hud I'rleiliniiii. M. Puivler. Harrv ilravlllln, II. (l.tllnither k ll.'llil il.tnlner. Jack dray W.M lltirrvelt. X. I. inly. Iliirr.v lilsaiidn TiMiiin* Unites. ). M. tbiivte. F.ddle i I..I inn n. .la mi's ilnth. Karl nil Inn. .1. C. niiKmni. The (lllnsite. K, (iuriiinti ft. O. Crntit. N. Oreeiie. I.. I.. Olyiidou. Wa'.te: Price, II M Paul, (iseiu- Palmer, ale Petty. John Patty Uma. Polk A Collins 8 Hitler, tiisltuc ^iieeii * lliiss QiilirK, -I.ilin Hfe.l Prnnx ltiKlCS. Illllpll Raw, Harry Hnuisey, Clias. Itomililns, Three ltnilellh'e. a J. Knilllils, F. S. ItllllUllll. Miinili'l lleln. A. 1,. Iloyce. Owiree Rtiiiklu. II. P. Ittithlmrn, ii, P. Ictiiitsey. I la try Howe, Wlllluiu Hnlilnsiili. Ilill'l'y Held, J. II. Klley &- Miiriran Hylini k Rylni'il lttiyniniul Jbiloml Rosenfelil. Svdnoy Kolterts. Then. Ilotierls W. C. Iteiii'.len. Svli'ester Held. J. II. Itolwrla. Andy Ilussell \Iiiiviiiii HolU'ln, Hurry Mrlcalf. II. W, Bay, I'nsl SltlK NOTICK AT IIBAD Of LIST, 4»» >i aim:, While, .loin West. Jna. J. A. Wheeler. Oscar While. Atlnvol.l 'Wilson. Wnlfn'il M'est & Fowler Wllsllll. fl. II. Williams. (.'. L. W'hltlleltl. ilen, Wlutllei', Tony Wooil k liny Ward. 11 o 111 i.v Walker, fleorae Wnll ink. J. II. Whitney. F. T. Wilson, IV. T. Woodbury, Max White, llerl ' Wiley, Oscar Wesley, Louis Woods. 1). H. When the Wnrld Steeps Co. Willis. II. J. Voiiiik. William Vcloivhear. — Vanl. llenrge Voiincs Mti o.iks YoiuiR. ill lie Zinni'ii. Mr. Zeli. Jolly Zliiinieniinu Kil. Xello. Mr. '/.Iiiiilicr. Oavt* Jcrtu-y City.—Jane Corcoran, In "Pretty Peggy," closed n very successful week at Hie Academy Sent. :«». "The Illnck Crook." per- fect lu detail, with np-lo-dnte specialties, had m" 0 . "?«? large business ttt the Bljoti. The American {HJJKi 1 S2. 1 Ilurlesquers nut with a tine reception at the fflSJjgft Ai'aukmv (F. R. Henderson, manager).— "A Runaway Hoy" Oct. 2-7, "The Ileauty Docfnr" ',114. Huoii t.Iolin W. Holmes, proprietor).— Week of 2, "Hunkers and llrokers." "Checkers" H-14. Hon Tux (T. W. Dlnklns. mnnnger).—lio- liemlnn Rurlestiuers 2-7. Yankee Doodle Girls next week. Xotks.— Harry Clark's new nullum dnuce was a bit at lhe Hon Ton Inst week Mannger John W. Holmes, or the llrjoii. will have bis new house In l'nterson. N. J„ open by Christians week, ' * i llolinken.—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) the attendance bos heen uniformly good. "Nellie, the Xewsglrl." Oct. 1-4. '•Henri's of Ooltl" .-|-7. "Shadows of a (treat City" 8- 11. "Child Slaves nf Xew York" 12-14. dlers of Fortune Corinthian (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). —Manchester's Cracker Jacks Co. did turn- away business Inst week. The show was up to Its high standard of previous seasons. Bob Van Osten, extremely popular here, scored hit. In the olio were: The Llllinn Held, the (Hackers and Sheppard Camp. Moving pictures of the lirit; .Nelson tight were an ndtled feature. The Casino (ilrls 2-7, and Ray Masqueraders li 14. Note. —The Hoston Symphony orchestra. soloist. Prof. Willy Hess, appears for one performance, at linker Theatre. Oct. 7. ai tinny. -At the Umpire (Frank Wil- liams, resident mannger) "The Virginian" wan presented to n copaclty house Seiit. 2.1. Paul Ollmore, in "Captain Debonnalr," 0; "The Heir to the Hooruh" 7. llAitMASt's ButBCKKH Hall (H. R. Jacobs, manager l.—"Xettle. the NewaglrL" drew good fitted audiences Sept. 23-27. followed liy Brothers Hyrue, In "Wight Hells," 28-30. a play thai always does well at this house. "Hearts of Oold" Oct. 2-4, "Fast Life tn Xew York' ,"i-7. "Tom, Hick and Horry" u-ll, "Marching Through (leorgla" 12-14. I'ltitcTon'M (.Howard Ornhnm, resident man- Kmciiik (A. M. HriigEcmanii. proprietor).— neer).—Ijist week the topllners weiw : Souvenir week 2-7. The people nre: Favor Wheelock's Indian Hand, Dolnn and Lenhnrr. and Sinclair. o'Honrke nnd Hiii'nelt Trln, ntul Kennedy and Hotniey. Fine business all Itlns llros,, J. H. Ciillhis. Alf. Holt. I'milntn, week. For Oct. 2 and week: Katie Harrv. (leu. and May Woodward, and the Wight Vlr- Kelly ami Kent. Hit Hey and Austin, liner nml glnlans. liuslness Is excellent. Kvans, llei'inanv's pnntnnilme dogs, Willie Xu'i'K.—Wlllliiiu lllnek. connected with I.unn Oardner. Chad, Lennard Fletcher, nnd Burke Park for a number of seasons, tins secured n and l.n Rue Cn (Jennings & fJravcs Co., managers).—The opening attrac- tion. "My Tom-Boy Olrl," with Lottie Wil- liams, "made gopd," lluunclully and ulluu'- wlse. Miss Williams tits the role lu an at- tractive nnd iilcaBlng manner, nod Is nell supported. Harriet Davis, ns Dlovoln, tin Octoroon, did very artistic work. Jessie MM Hall. In "The Street Singer," with a very cnpnble company.' was greeted by a large and well pleased audience 28. Mlsut Hall tatda an excellent Impression, eliciting frequent and prolnnged applause. The company In far bet- ter than the average. The engagement con- tinued 20, SO. "Fast Life In New York" Oct. 2-4, "Sherlock Holmes" 0-7. I'oiit'a (Louis K. Kllby, manager).—Week of Sept. £5, standing room wns difficult tu obtain, mil week of Oct. 2: Spike, llylni; ring net; Louise Henry and cnmpaay, M!g nsnl Family, Mnttle Keene and company, Hawthorne and Ittirke, Oau Mc-Avoy and ltH Fifth Avenue Girls, Polk and Trask. « i Brldnrepiirt.—At Smith's Theatre (R i'~ Smith, nut linger i Hose Cogblnn, In '"fhr Duke of Killlcrnnkle." played Sent. 2n. "Thr Ninety nnd Nine" did well 2U. 2t. lleiirletti Ct'osninn drew htg business 28. "When the World Sleeps" did well 21), 30. Vlolu Allen. In "Hie Toast of the Town," Oct. 2: Sher- lock Holmes" »,.. 4, .".Dangers of Working Girls" S, «. "A Midnight Hell" 7, l'oi.fH CM. B. Mltellell. manager).—IHH week of 25 played to good business. ♦ it ItllODIS ISLAND. libit nf ground nenr lhe II. I,. £ \V. Itttll mad. Xewark. N. J., and will erect a comtnii dlotis plnyhuiiHe thereon. flAIBrv (II. If Nichols, manager).— Rolile's Knickerbockers Inst week commnnded big crowds, giving IrarlaauUe to the sntlsfa. I'nn liiftio,.. —At the Providence Oppin House (Felix R. Wendelschncfer, manager).-- "The Shepherd King" wns played to imcketl Portland. At the Jefferson (Calm a Grant, managers) the Fenherg Stork Co. pre. Nettled "Thr Fnlnl Wedding," ••Puiiillle," "The Fnclor.v Girl," "Wedded. Hut No Wife." nnd other plnys, Sept. 'J."i-:iO. wilh speclalHi's by lleiirl French, Marie McNeil nnd other good nets. Leigh De Lucy maintained her iiii|iiilarlty with the piitroiiK ns leading Intly, nnd little Helen Mt'llrndy (a local perfornier now wilh the company) proved clever. At- tt'tidatice was cxcullent. I.ewls Morrison, III "Faust." Oct. 2: Dot Karroll Stock Co. :t-7. PiHlTt.ASli (J. K. Moore, miitiiiger).— Crowded houses Inst week litlrnctetl bv star nets, which Included: "Cunning." lhe lull breiiker, who. after n sejistitlnniil escape from the local Jnll. ivItuesM'il by public oUlclnls. cnmpietely bullied till enTorU of the olHrers In routine htm In Ills ciign upon the stum'. The inn rims consider this the most mystify- ing net yet presented. Honked week *of 2 : .lames .1. Corlicil. Kvu West colt nnd ciimpnnv. tliillnglier and Barrelt. llnllnn Ttiu. Whist- ling 'rum Drown, Hnheiiy Sisters, nnd Blath- ers Uniiiiu. 4-ss-*- FLtllllDA. Pnterson.—At tbe Onm House (John J. OoctuchUiS. manager) llenrlettn Crosmnn gave tin excellent performance, to a large and onlhnslimtle uiidtetice. Sept. 2.1. "A Hot Old Time" 20, 27. "The Ninety and Nine" plnved to large houses 2H-.'I0. Chester De Voiidc week of Oct. 2. Ityttti Stock Co. 11-14. Bliiiii (Mrs. Hen Lenvllt-Hnwley. mnnnger I. —Miner's Bnbeiiiliiim drew crowded lmnses last week. Ulnkln's Yankee Doodle Girls week of 2. Ilnlllnuire lleniitles 0-1 -1. Family (Morris & Slmms, ninnngers).— Business last week was gontl. Hill week of 2: Krlescl's dog and monkey circus, Pcro nnd Wilson, Gnylor and Gaff. Kdgnr Foro- ninn, Illnti Dure and moving pictures. Cnmileii.—At the Camden Theatre (M. «. Taylor, mnnngerl West ntul Yokes, In "A I'alr of Pinks," iilnyetl to S. It. ()., as did X. S. Wood, lu "Lost In a Big Cltv." "Why Girls Leave llntne" Oct. 2-4, '"For Ills Brolber's (.'rime" ."-7, "Wedded nnd Purled" 0-11, "The Gypsy Girl" 12-14. 4s*-«l ,— WAMHINOTOS. thin of till. -For the Ilrst time this aeONon, hoV^Jn.twe.lT wh^wW.'S. mofi* SneM, ""and" I 'StftBhTltf "Wlti ■WLlWTBtf'ttiBr and 71}^ "JK^iL-'K-'l^SL^aiL" v,m - . ,n "'? pany had been here toward tbe end of lost season. "The Heir to the Ilooruh" coils' from Boston, and opened Oct. 2, for WW lierfiirinunccs. The remainder of the week. F.dnn' Aug, In "The Four Leaf Plover." l(»)- mond Hitchcock, In "Rnsy Dawsiui," D-H- ExtPinn (Spltsi & Nnlhanson, luniiiiK'-rs*. —The nnuiial visit Injit week of "The "W of the Cross" showed that the phiy l» «,* Spe olio were the Clausen Sisters, Lewis nnd Green mid Die Knickerbocker Four. Tlie Cracker Jacks 2-7. Willi the Cleincnso Bros., Lillian Held. Charles nnd Cluro Grocker. Shepard Cnmp, and Hennlngs, Lewis nnd lleniiliigs. The Nclson-Urltt plctureB will also lie presented. lltleu.—At the Majestic Theatre (Shu- liopninr a*"ever." "Tom, Dick nnd llnrry liert Bros., niunngers) -'She lwred Do -•<• "ShcrIo«k Holmeh" 0-14. drew big. Hill week of Oct. 2: Jamas F Dolnii and Ida Lenharr, In "A Bit of Trav- esty :" Cnrniencltii. Amy Lesser and lleatrlee Bertram as the Fgglcston Sisters, tlie He Atips. NorcroiiB. llliiln and Ln Mar. John U. itllberl, Mnrvpbius Frank and Little Hob, and the klnetngrnnh pictures. Dkwkv Mraic 11-vi.i- (David llnrry. man- ager).—Bernhelm. "lite grettt fittiny mini." pletised large last week. Hill week Jiii'kNwnvllle—At Huvnl Theatre the Interntitliiiml Vntidevllle came Sept. SB, 2.'l, doing good business at the usual prices. "Buster Hrown." 2."i. SO, wits greeted with line crowds; 2ft, advanced prices prevailed. Shepnrd's moving pictures, nt popular urlces. 27. doing fair liuslness. "MrFntlden's Pints." VS. rnred well. "The Office Boy," with Frank uphill, nnd W. C. Hoyt. Business is good. Deshon, 2D, :i(); Jnx Rlllcs (local) Minstrel* Oct. ii. Tiicoinii. —At the Tacomn Theatre (Cnl- vlu Heillg. ninnnk'er) "Sweet Clover," Sept. in. 2ii, drew fair houses. ",losh Perkins " 21. 22, hud fair business. "The Girl from Kii.v'n" wns tlelnyod on ncconnt nf rullroad wreck: cnsagcinrnt cinrelwl. -'Puder Ktiitili- ern Skies," 21. hail n good house. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cahbnge I'litch" drew n large house 2.1. "In (lid Kentucky" 211, .111, Mav Irwin Oct. 1. Saiov (Chns. York, manager).—Sam De W I 1ln .t T,,,1 Hurllnglon. Vt.. on the aliove Vere's Co., LM-'J.'t, drew fnlr houses. "On lhe ,lnU l s ' . ' h J ,"° ''nlled agent uses Hie namctt Bridge nt Midnight" 24. 2.1, "The I.tulv nf ' Lyoliu" 2S. 211. Staii l Dean Worle.v. manager).—Tlie Allen Co.. in "Love and Lnw." week of 25, had good business. (iiuMi (W. W. Kly. manager).—Week nf 2."i: Buseh Fntnlly, the Great IIiiiiIiths. OiiI- -rroy. At in m m ,.?W_ Gtunet U. Jh» "ettlbka. Bessie .Tan- Thompson., jreslden? maMgerJ. "Klght ( ?ell? ; . lllll week of Oct. 2: Heriibelm, "the Ureal ;" Roberts aud Italston. Bessie Xewtnnn. CoiUey and \iuing. Alice McVicnr. Robinson Sisters, Atnv kISSS 1 "'e'l 1 ' "i nl ? v ," 1 " 1 Uwl iS- "-■"» *=. Cross .Co.. tuiinagersi Hie <"»f r "\ f , •in '»»;7 r o. ""''"die w-as dark Sept. 2tt. Stock Co. did well Sept. 25-ilO. The**! '.m t " ,n ?. ,0 ., n .e'! k0 fovnnce ogutit for Kennedy Co. Oct. 2,-. h. 0-7, "The Dnkc "t lilL'i'i , '' i ?* '■'". H . ,I0W . . wa " '-egtilarly Kllllcrankle" 4. 'Tf-i ugg- • JIurViiy,'"Nichoifi" iiicl' compn Jy. ft " Vr S'" Z«8tt to Uncle Tom;" the Five VlroseoUH-. Ohnsslno, th« Village Choir. Ln Vliie-Clmaw'i Trio. Murphy and Frinirls. Nessen. I' 1 "";,, and Xossen, Klekko und Frnvtill. Bnrlnw »u" Nicholson. Imperlnl Musical Hun. the llrtft sntis, Lydlit Knutl and comtMny, In "* """ Street Battle."'1'Kii ' (0. II. Hntclicller. ninna- gerl.—The. IWlnlv Duchess Hnrlesipirrs .■>• KHUttwny lillls 11-14.-... . • i Newpwrt.—At the Newport Opera Hon"' hooked by him. and hotel bills made, and ?'..".'_"_V_ r L n . , . l, Hf "eeount. The liona Ode com- r. , ■*« . » . " W118T VlttMISIA. Wlieellnir. ili^gfi Troy.—At nnnd's Opera House (I -innger) "Klght ■The Virglumn" had a did well Sept. 20, 27. ■♦ »» Tine Kii.tiks Ttiui rnott having a Very W. fl. Iliirberk. Is open again. successful trip through the Northwest. GllEAt Fi.uto SltuWa drew well 25 Till: CtHfStAi. Is jtiving a minstrel enter- big So we 28 "She Dated Do iiaht" X* tolhinent to fairly good nttemlnncc. well 20 "Nettle the n**«»ih" VI5'. dl *? , THK t nuMiKi-M-. ttnder the ntaungement of hu„ w :io. )£$$' MmJSSn^»Wl\^ ..merson. In "Will o'~the Wlap." Oct. 8: "In New York Town" 6, Pool Gllmore, In "Captain Debonnalre," 7. had good returns. Coming;. "Babes In Tjf land' ? Oct. 2, 8, Mabel AleKIlitey 5. O""* 3 moving picture* 0. 7. , .,„.,,„ OnAst) Orp.*A • HnrRS (Chas. A. F*'" 1 ';: mnnageri.—"A Slave of the Mill." ftgjJS 27, had good business. "For ills BnrtW« Crluie," 28-Hll. drew well. Coining: ' ■"?• Slaves of Xew York" Oct. 2-4. "Dora Thorn* 5-7.