The New York Clipper (October 1905)

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Ogtobek 28, THE HEW YGEK CLIPPER. 921 fftXNSYLVANIA. Aflccr. Klekko uud Frevoll. the Musics' Johnstons, George Austin, nud the Gcrto- troiili . Good uliondauec iuIch. Notes. —John !'• Harris, manager of the <;rand, rltlSMirg, and Paul Keith, of New York, were visitors 20 , ..Conley and Greeley, local singing and dancing performers, left for Butte; Mont., to engage In vaude- ville Willi the Western Amusement Co....'.',. Manager Edward Stanley and family are notr located In tho city again, having recently thoved from Glrard. 0.; The local order of Elks Id contemplating a minstrel show la iae near future. i Toledo.—At the Valentine (Otto Kllvjs, manager) Wm. FaTersham pretented "The Squaw Matt,".to a good house, Oct. 11. "The Ian of Hong Bong' mot with fair success 13. '•The Crossing" pleased 10, 17. "la the Bishop's Carriage" 31. ■• ■ Ltcrum (Frank Burt, manager).—"The Seriocomic Governess" was splendidly given, to good business, 12-14. "The Smart Sot' 1 had Its usual good patronage 18-18. Mabel JlcKlnloy 10-21, "King of (no Opium Illtg" 22-25. ' ' ' jtMMIB (Abe Shapiro, manager).—Tua Parisian Widows Co. gave a llrst claui per- formance In every respect, and good business resulted, ltosc Sy dell's London Belles 22 aud An'r.uii; (II. H. Larokln. manager).—George Austin. Oallcttc's monkeys and the Messenger Boys' Trio were acts worthy of special men- tion on the bill IB and week. Bill 22 and week: Leon and Adeline, Gorman and West, Charlotte Townaend, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sbs«-, Hlckey and Nelson, Harry B. Lester, Avon Comedy Four, Klton Palo Troupe and BcaTV (Frank Burt, manager) "Olo 01- ton." -11M4. and "Secret Hervlce Sum," lfi-18, liolh played to satisfactory business. "How Hearts arc Broken" 10-21, r Tuc Eye Witness" 22-26. » Hamilton,—At the Jefferson Theatre (Tom A Stnlth, manager) Black Crook Jr. Co. played Oct. 12. "The Llttlo Bed School- house" drew good houses 14. 10. "The Seminary (till" played to u good house and was well received. "The-Isle of Mplce" 10. "The Bye Witness" 21. "A Trip to Egypt" 22, ".'way Down East" 23, "Alvln Josllu" 24. "The Genius odd the Model" 25, "Busy iizy" 20, "FInulgau's Boll" 27, "A Desper- ate Chance" 28. FAMIlt (Ward k McCarthy, man- agers).—Enormous business 10-21. I.eonia, with his trained dogs and Mexican Hon. proved a strong drawing card. Bill week of 22: Tegge and Daniels. Marrell and Qleason, Jeanrc and Elsworth, Hlcbards, the foot juggler; Nellie Itoot, and the klnodrome. i i liny ion.—At the National (Gil Burrows, manager) Howard Hall, In "Tho Millionaire Detective." played to good business Oct. 10- 18. ' lord and Ccbruc, In "looters and Luna- tics," did capacity business 10-21. Geo. Sid- ney, la "Busy May's Vacation," 28-20; "Confessions of a Wife" 20-28. Victoria (C. O. Miller, manager).—"The Gcnlas and the Model" drew a fair house It). Wilis tun Churchill's "The Crossing" pleased fair shed audiences 18. 10. Mildred Hol- land appeared In "Tho Triumph of an Em- press" 21, to good attendance. "'Way Down East" 24, Thus. \V. Ross, In "A Fair Ex- change," 211. '-.:.■ Holdieus' Home Theatre "The Eye Wit- ness" was well attended 10. The Itoyal Hun- garian. Orchestra. 27. i ' i i NiicIiikMcIiI. —At the Grand Opera House (L .1. Dalle, manager) "The Old Clothes Mini" pluyed to good business, matinee uud night, Oct 14. "Shooting the Chutes" hud a well Piled house 18. "Big Hearted Jlai" drew fair business 10. "The Isle of Brace" 23, "Alvln Justin" 21, Mildred Holland 24, 'j'liuuius W. Boss 25. oni-mot (Gus Sun, manager).—Bill for week of 215: Three Mardo Brothers, the Bem- stcltis, Cliurlcs Hall, Foruer, the Marvel, new songs aud pictures. ... I Akron—At the Colonial (Uly S. Hill, muutigor) tlic Four Huntings came Oct. 10. "Tun Flaming Arrow" had fair business 17. "The Maid uud the Mummy" pleased 18. "The Devil's Auction" did well 20. "Run- ning for Office" had two good houses 21. "The Eleventh .Hour" 20, Paul Olluiore, la "Cnpt. Debonalre," 28. Unique (Achtlle Phlllun, manager).— Business Is kood. Bill for week of 23: The Pruiuplns. Herbert Kartellu. Marcell und LeiiDctt. liarmou aud Zelrath, aud Jumca Muunellc. 1'hlladeliihiM.—Three new atlractloua will make tho week of Oct 23 an lraiiortaat one. In adldtloii to the prcmlrrr production, by Nat C. Goodwlu, of "Wolfvlllc." at tho snmiiisk}-.—At tho Grand Opera House (S'.nslor ■ & Smith, luiinagers) "The Old Clothes Muu" did well Oct. 21. "Flunlgnn's Ball." booked for .17, canceled. Itlninieleln's Ideals week of 21), Paul GHtnoro UO, "The Isle, of Splco" Nov. .1. ■ Marion—At the Grand (C. K. Perry, manager) "Our New Minister"' played lo u good house Oct. 20. "The Nasturcnc" put on « fine show 21, beautifully costumed. The Ureal Lafayette 24. <»» >l\ltVLA!U>. llnltliuorc—At Ford's (Cburles E. Ford, niuuaKer) "The Wizard of Oz" will bo seen Oct, i28 and.week. "The County Cliuirman" closed a week of prosperity 2L "Mary. Mary, Onltc Contrary,'' with Henrietta Crosmau, comes 30. • ■ Academy (Nixon A Zimmerman, mana- gers).—Viola Allen, lu "The Toast of the Town." 23-28, follows "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram," which drew fairly lust week. Maude Adams, In "Peter Pitu," o(». . . . Ai.!iai;(jii's (Robert 13. Irwin, manager).— Lloyd Bingham begins a stay of one wock 21!, In "Ireland, 1708. "The Girl of. tho Golden West," wus greatly enjoyed last week, Blanche Bates scoring heavily as tile girl, and Flunk Kvcn'ati as the sheriff. "Tho Darling of the Gods" Is billed for week of 110. Ai.iHTuitiiM (.lames L. Kernua. muuagorj. —Yorke uud Adinns, In "Bankers and Bro- kers," 28. "A Jolly Huron" closed 21. "Topi, Dick uud Hurry" Is duo 30. M.uiyland (.fumes L. Kernan, manager). —llltl for 23-28: Cecilia Loftus. CWy Cle- ment uud company, Kd. Bcyunrd, Brothers Dttuim, Billy Vnu, Altbeu Twin* and K't Kurson. Large altcudanco continued week ending 21. IUilliiiay Stii'kbt (Ucorgn W. Illfe, uian- nsur).-r-"Thc Ninety and Nine" opens 23. Well lllled houses held 10-21, with 'She Dared Do Bight." "Dangers of ■ Working Girls" 30. • BhanbVx (Charles E. Dlunoy, manager). —"Child Slaves of New York" 23-28. "For His Brother's Crime" did well dosing 21. "A Girl of the Streets" 30. Monumental (Jnihou L. Kerflan, mana- ger).;—The Merry Maidens begin a weeks engagement 23. Tho Cherry Blossom Bur- lcsnuerg packed the house week, ending 21. Next week, the New Century Girls. ■ .. Bum; (Jones & Gruff, mauagcrs).— "Hciirts of tlic Blue Ridge'' 2.",.; "A Gam- bler's Diiughlor" drew well, closing 21. "'"■ * !! * ■ ■ ALABAMA. . sdmii.—At the Academy of Music iLoilg A Ileus, mAnagers) "Ituster Brown" played lo a full house till. 12. "The. OnblllT l^llalr- Oian," 14, came to gn<si liiwlness. • , llnlx>» HI Tnylanrt," 18, drew n food bouse. "Funny Mr. hn.,1..)-' Hi, Paj-tiui SIsteM Co. 23 and ■reck. Broad, there will he seen, for the first time by local audiences. Lawrence D'Oraay, in "Tho Embassy Boll," at the Garrlck, and "Hearts of Gold" at the Glrurd. Buoad StREM Tiikmrb (Nixon A 7,lmm#r. innn mituagers).—On Monday evening, 23. "Wolfvlllc," a dratnatliatlon by Clyde Fitch and Wlllbj 8te?l of Alfred Henry Lewis' book, of the same name, will receive Its premiere by Not.C.' Goodwin. The supporting com- pany will Include: Guy Standing, Sam.Ed- ward* Charles W. Butler, Donald Bowlei, Nell O'Brien. N. H. Post, Baplcy lljlmes, Fulton Russell, Josephine Sherwood, Jessie Husley.- Phyllis Hnnkln, Katherlne Grey add Josio Lloyd, The entagemeat da. for two weeks. Viola Allen, In "The Toast of tho Town," ended a successful engagement 21. Henrietla Crosman. In "Mary, Mary, Quito Contrary." will be the attraction week of Nov. 0. Gaiirick Theatre (Frank Howe Jr., man- riger).—'For a two weeks' stay, beginning Oct. 28, Lawrence D'Orsay will be seen In his new play, "The EmbflBsy Ball," hy Augustus Thomas. The star will be supported by Harry Harwood. Stanley Dark, Charlotte Walker, Ida Darlltig. E. iiltehcock und Har- old Heaton. The two weeks' stay of "The Wizard of Oz," ending 21, was productive of good business. For week of Nov. 0, Kyrle Bellow, lu "Rallies." will be seen. CIIkstkut Street Opbha House (Nixon A Zimmerman, managers).—Joe Weber's All Star Stock Co. begins a two weeks' stay Oct. 23, In "Higgledy-piggledy" and "The College Widower." Fairly good business was done by "Woodland," which concluded a two Weeks', engagement week of 10. "The Rogers Brothers In Ireland" will be seen week of Nov. II Chestnut Strcet Theatre (Nlion & '/Am- mermun, managers).—(Jeorgc M. Cuban. In "Little Johnny Jones," did a capacity busi- ness week of Oct. 10. Tho same attraction continues week of 23. The great popularity of the star Is well attested, when It Is con- sidered that, although this Is the third time the show has been seen here sluce last sea- son, the uttrndunce Is better than ever. For two weeks, Iwglnnlng 30, Gruee George will be seen In "The Marriage of William Ashe." LfRic Theatiie (Messrs. bUiubert, mnna- Sers). — Minnie Maddern Flake, In "Leah lleschnu." concludes' her engagement with week of 23. Excellent business was done week of HI, both the star and the play being well received. Blanche Hates, In "The Girl of tho Golden West," begins a fortnight's engage- ment 30. Walnut Street Theatre (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).—The absence of Mine. Sehu- mann-Helnk from the cast of "Love's Lot- tery" uffected busluess somewhat week of 10. For two weeks, beginning 2.'l, Hans Robert, In "Checkers," will be seen. Charles H. Grapcwln, In "it's Up to You. John Henry," will be the attraction week of Nov, 0. Park Theatre (F. G. Nlxoa-Nhdllngcr, manager).—"The Isle of Spice" Is the attrac- tion week of Oct. 23, followed by "The Beauty and the Beast," week of 30. Satisfactory business was done by "Simple Simon Simple,' which ended a twn weeks stay Oct 10. Guano Opera House (O. a. Wegefarth, manager).—For the current week of 23, "Gay New Vdrk" will be seen, "in New York Town" did good business week of 10. l^ouey Haskell, Mac Hunshuw und Georgle Francl- oll niuktng Individual hits. Week of 30, Evu Tuuguay, In "The Hambo G'lrl." Girard 'AvKNi'Ki; Theatre (Miller & Kauf- muti, inuuugcrs).—"Mure to bo 1'ltled than Scorned" did big business week of 10, the standing room only sign being displayed ut several performances. For the current, week, 23, "Ilcurts of Gold" will be given for the llrst time locally. Sellua llcrmuu, In "Queen of the Cdnvtels," week of 30. National Theatre (Joseph M. Kelly, manager).—"Queen of the Hlghbludcrs" Is the offering for week of 23. Fair business was done week of 10. with "Dangers of Working GlrlH." Week of 30, "David Harum." People's Theatre (if. G. NixoQ-Nlrdlinger, mauagcr).—"CUster's Last Fight" Is the of- ferlug week of 23. Barney GllDiorc, In "Tho Rocky Road to Dublin." wus the attraction week of 10. "Fast Life In. New York" will hold tic bourds week of 30. Blanlk'b Arch Street Theatiuj (M. S. SeklossHlger, tuuuugcr).—"Tho Gypsy Girl" wus popular with the patrons of this Louse week of 10, the ut tendance being large. Anne Bluuke, lu "Fighting Fute," Is the attraction for the current week of 23. Week of 30, "How Heurts Are Broken." Hart's New Tueathe (John W, Hurl, uiunager).—"Shudows of a Great City" will be seen week of 23, followed on Oct. 30 by "The Shadow Behind the Throne." "Wedded aud Parted" did well week of 10. Fojikpaugh's Tiikatiih fMiller & Kauf- man, managers).—The Slock company guve u good uccouul of themselves week of 10, lu "Heart Courageous."' For week of 2" a re- vival of "Quo Vadls" Is tho offering. "A Gen- tlcmau of France" Is In preparation for week of 30. Mtakuaiip Theatre (Darcy & Speck, tuun- Ugcra),—The slock company was well re- ceived week of 10. in "ller Mad Marriage." For Hie currcul week of 23, "King of Detec- Lives" Is being produced. "The Crime of Holliiwe'on" Is lu rehearsal for Week of 30. Keith's New Tiikatiid (H. T. Jordan, mumiger).—The bill for week of 23 Includes : W. If Murphy, Blanche Nichols and cotn- panv, In "From Baza to Undo Tom |" Kerry Corwcv, Bloom nnd Cooper. In "A Picture from Lire;" Joe Helrhen's dogs, Paul Con- chas, the l'antzer Trio, Harry Davenport, the Village Choir and the klnctograph. Busi- ness was good week of 10, F.i.evkntii Stiibet Ockba IIoeke (Frank Duuioiil, manager).—The burlesque, "The Athletics and the New Yorks," had mado u bin bit and will be continued week of 23. In udditiou to the regular first part by Bu- rnout's Minstrels Patronage ut this house continues lo he good. ■•■ Casino (Mllus. Koenlg k Lederer. mana- gers).—A I. Reeves' lllg Beauty Show did good business week of.TO. The World Beat- ers bcglus ti week's slay 23. Wluc, Women und Hong week of UO. . Bum. lUeurgo W. Rlre, manager).—The lliiltlniorc Beauties arc I he uttractlott week of 23. Fair business Was done week'of 10, wllh the Kuiplrr Burlusquers. The Merry Maidens Co. week of 30. ■ Lvckim Tiibatiid (John G. Jcrmon, IJIBIIS- ecr).—The Golden Crook Biirleiqtiers played to good business week of 10. For week of 23 the Dululy Duchess Is the offering. Week of 30 the Runaway Girls will be seen. Trocaueuo (Fred'Wilson, niunsger).—Big audiences witnessed the Yankee Doodle Girls Week of 10. •: For tho current week,' 23, tho Cherry Blossoms will exhale sweet odors. Empire Tiujatrb. (Wm. JJ- Allen, mana- ■nr).—The Golden Crook Burlcsnucrs 23-25. "Dr.. Jckyll aud Mr. Hyde" 20-28. Fair business was done by the New York Stars ' Ninth and Arch Stbebt Museum -(C. A. Bradetiburgli. manager).—In the curio halt week of 23-fire: Soblaukis Hindoos, Captain Hlnnum's Marian Carnival, Joe t'rumrr, rub- ber neck l»oy; llerr. llubcr. armless wonder i Hie' Novel lu*. P. II. Smith., mu-li-lau. und John Thouipsou, blind checker, player. In tho theatre the performers are; 15edt, Jnck and Eva Graham, Flossie I.u Van, Bob and Bertha Hyde, Raymond iMrrrllt, Ix-oroy and llerw. ami the clncngrdph. I'nlroiingn (reek or 1(1 was pood. Notrr. —Kilns, Kneulg k lederer lmve sdld the p'oilucilnii of "Coming Thro' the Bye" to Wlltluui Block- The show will slim out for a tour, With Dave Lewis as tho stnv. The tour will begin at Lbulsviii,-, Ky.. Nov. 20. Viola Allen delivered mi mid rem last week at the Glrla' Normal School, taking ns her subject "The Influence of Great Acl- ors." Mine Hchumanti-Heluk nus out of the cast of "Love's Loiters," ut tho Wal- nut, the entire week of Oct. 0, as a result of a strain to her vocal chords, The Bon Ton Theatre, In Eighth Street, below Vine, reopens 23, as a continuous vaudeville house The Irish Ladles' Choir tabuoked for the Academy of Music on Oct. 30,-31. lu old of n local charity.... The Knelsal Quartette begin a sctlea of concent at Iho Bellevuc-Htratforcl Nov. 18 Jerome K. Jerome will give o humorous recital on the afternoon of Nov. 10, at the ChculfiUt Street Opera House. ■ Pittsburg. At the Nixon (Thus. K. Kirk Jr., manager) "The Shepherd King" bcglus n two weeks engagement Oct. 23. Last week, Robert Kdesnn, In "Stroughcart," did well, nnd gave an excellent show. Bflasch (Geo. W. Sammls, manager).— "Babes In the Wood" began Its second woek 23. Mrs. Flske 30 nnd week. Alvix (tt. M. Gullck 4 Co., managers).— "Nnncy Brown," as Impersonaled by petite Mary .Marble and her hevy of girls, plays 23-28. 1/ast week, Yorkc und Adams were rewarded wllh fair patronage. " 'Way Down East" 30 nnd week. Grand (Harry Davis, manager).—The pa- trons tbls week are given another good vaude- ville bill, which Includes: WlirreJClark and company, Chasslno, the shadowgraph man; Four Dancing Fords, Belle Hathaway aud her monkeys. Four Juggling MncBanns, Klmer Tan ley, Lcona Thurber. Italian Trio, W. K. Whittle and others. The show closes with the cinematograph pictures. Last week's hill proved lo be a good box olllce winner, Cecilia Loftus being tho slur nf die bill. This house has been pluylng to capacity. Bijou (It. M. Gullck A Co., managers).— Lottie Williams, lu "My Tom-Bov Girl," 23- 28. I,ast week "After Midnight 1 ' played to good business and gave a good show. "Child Slaves of New York" 30 and week. GAyeti (Jas, K. Orr. manager).—The New York Stars 23-28. Last week tho Majesties gave the best show seen st this theatre this season, Larry Mel'ale being the principal fun producer. The Gulden Crook Burlcsi|uers 30 and week. Acaijemt ok Music (Harry W. Williams Jr., mauuger).—The Mascottes 23-28. Last week the New Century Girls did the usual big business, J. V. McCube taking earn of the comedy, He kupt the house in a good humor till through the show. Colonial Belles 30 and WML K.Mi'iiti) (K, J. McCullougu. manager).— "A Girl of Ihc Streets" 23-28. Laura Al- hcrtu appears In the leading role. "The Gypsy Girl" 30 and week. » llurrUl.nrn.—At Hie Lyceum (M. Rels. manager) "A Message from Mars" Is due Oct. 23. and "Paul Jonos" 28. Oir.UA lloHMn (M. Rels, manager),—"A Dangerous Life" did well 10-18. "A llot Old Time" lnul crowded houses ut each of Iho six performances 111-21. "A Wave of the Mlir 23-25, Mllly Clifford, In "A Jolly Barou." 26-28. Notkb. —The effects of Iho "Flghtlug the Flames" Co., which were attached neri', were sold to John McCulIougb. It Is mid he will lease l he oulllt to a company now organiz- ing for a tour of Ihe Soiilh "A Windy CHy" did well nt Mlddlelown. Pa. "The Girl from ("Mill" Is announced for 23. Il-r aud Ilnrrls. Those bold lug over: Lucille Blake. Grace Matthews, Florence W hi Hug. Bertie Vonhtluk, Fruuklc Kvuiis, May Bruns- wick, Bessie I.u Hue, and Bluko und Whit- ing. Uusluciui was very good week ut 10. a»» HBW JKBSEV. ■ Newark^--At Ihc Newark Theatre I Lee Ottotengut, manager! "Kasy Dawson," wlln Iluvmond lllichcock, net. 23-2S. "Tho Duchess of Dun! ale" was voted among thn beat-of light operas Ihut have appeared In Newark, and received fairly good business last week, tifllu Olnser, In "Miss Dolly Dollars," week of 80. BMMitB (II. M. Hymns, mnnagcr).—Pnrcy 1 laiwolI. In "The Darling of the Cods," la giving Newark Us llrst taste of Bclasco's artistic entertnlnmenl the present week. Lloyd Illnghuhi, In bis new piny, "lroluml— 1708," opened hero 111, and nil Indications polut to marked success for tho new star and his excellent vehicle. Beginning 30, tho Vailghu Ulnsser Slock Co.. under the directum of tne Shuherts, will play a four weeks' ell- gagement nt this house, opening with "When we Were Twenty-olio." Collmiiia (M. J. Jacobs, niauager).—Jo- seph SHhtley, In "A' Runawuy Boy," gives tho patrons u big show for their money this week. 'The Way of the Trimagressor" turned out to Is; very popular and well paying, 10-21. "Hearts of Gold" week of 30. Bmmrv'8 (J. B. Buckeu. manager).— rotnpaur, UeUnot* and I.ce, Musical Klelnl, Ttro Pucka, and Mitchell and Mnrron. . ■ a '■ Ciimilcn.—At Ihv Cmiidcu Theatre iM W. Taylor, muniigrr) during the past week largo btihliu'Hs won done, "Nettle Ihe Npwh glrf," nnd "Child Slaves of New York" both doing excellent business. "She Oared Do lllglil" and "Klgbt Bcllx" are Ihu yehlchw Refect ml by Mtiuugcr Taylor for Ihc cur- l*nl week. "Custer's List Fight" Oct. 3I)- Nov. 1. "Neighborly Neighbors' 21. . . ««» CALIVOIIMA. i.os Ainu-leu.—At the Mason Opcrii House (II. C. Wyatt, mauuger) y.thvl Burr) more, lu "Sunday," packed I In- house OcL IN. ihc opening perlortiiimci: of her ctigiigeiueni of three ulgbts. "The Girl froiu Kay's" lit Bklasii! (John II. Bhii-kwood. niiiiuigcri. ■—"Audrey" scored well ut this house I) nnd week. "A Fool nnd Ills Money" HI 21. Uu ilcrllned, "The Ulsl Apprnl." Moruscu'h BuitRAKK tOllver Morosco, niuti ngcr).—"ThrA-o Men lu a Flat." und "The Greut Interrogation" proved a double draw lug card Wis'k cudltig 10. "The Forbidden Murrlago" 10-21. "Frou Frou" uuderllneil. Grand Oitiia HiitmK (Clarence Drown, manager).—A ginsl attendance was ntlrnctrd S and week by "liacuneil from the Harem." yiifen of ihe Highway" follows 18-21, "Arl McrHiitun.—At the Lyceum (A..J. Duffy, manager) Bauer's Band, sacred coucert, Oct. 22; Thai Is Theatre Yiddish Co. 24, "A Mcx- saxe from Murs" 20, Primrose's Mluslrels 27, "Simple Simon Sltnplu" 28. "The Beauty Doctor," 18, came to u good house. AuaueMv (A. .1. Duffy, munuger).—"Fust Llfo In New York" 23-2S, "A Pair of Pinks" 20-28. "Human Hearts," 10-21, was received hy good houses. Star (Alf. <i. Herrlugloii. manager).— Luropcuii Sensation week of 23. The Bowery Burlcsipiers. week of Hi, drew crowded houses. Family (Dau F. McCoy, muuager).—Week of 23: Count and Baron Mugrl and Mrs. Gen. 'Torn Thumb. Bice and Walters. Milt Wood, Cameron und Toledo, Kdwurd Boyd, Al, II. Burtou, Kutzciijaiumer Trio, anil moving pic- tures. the Fulton Oncru House anuger) "A Windy City" liBiicnstvr. —Al tl IChas. A. Vector, munuger) Oct, 10. "A Hot Old Time" hud R good houuo 17. "A Messute From Murs" did well 18. New York Sluis guve a good show, to fulr business, IV. "Peck's Bad Boy" wus well re- ceived 20. "Tlic (llrl From Chill" 21, Mutuio Fleming aud Co. 23-28. Family (Ed. Mozurl, tuuuugcr).—l'hroso. mechanical doll, was the lending nil ruction of lust: week. Crowded houses ruled. Bill week of 23 : I'iiucrsoii aud Omegu. JJcltuoro und Wil- son, Sum Boydell, Agnes Chuuipuey, Morton, Temple uud Morion, and lal. A. Webb. ruceby" 26, 30, "Cousin iMtouiiu.—Al. the Lleveulh Avenue Opera House (I. (?. Mishlcr, manager) "Mugg's Lauding." Oct. 17; "The Prince of Salerno," 18, nndriladley's moving pictures, 10. ull had fairly good titleiiduncc. New York Stars 20, "The Village Parson" 21, Kellar 23, Mme. Schumunu-fleluk 2-1. "Not I.lko Other Girls" 25, "The Gyjisy Girl" 20, the Golden Crook Burlcsnuera 27, "Uncle Josh Spi 1'aul Jones Comic Opcru Co. ii Kate" 31, "Tin- MldulL'ht Flyer" Nov. 1, "Tho Parson's Wife" 2, Dainly Duchess Bur- lesguo Co, 3. ICnatoii.—Al the Able Opcru House (W. K. Detwlller, manager i "The County Chair- man" pluyed lo a large and exceedingly well pleased audience Del. II. R. F. Uutciiiilt. 10 ; 'The Great I Am." 17, uud "The Hciil Widow Brown," 18. nil pleased. Brill-Nelson light pictures an. Primrose's Minstrels 23, "Muck's Lauding" 2U. "SI Slcbblns" 27, "A Hot Old Time" 28, Myrklellurder Slock Co. 30 nnd week. Wllllninnitnrt.—At the Lyrnmlng Opera House (L. J. Flsk. mnuager) Paul Olliuorc, In "Cupt. De Booualre," guve an At perform- iinee, lo all enthusiastic audience. Oct. 13. "Mugg's Lauding," 10, und "A Dangerous Life. Hi, both drew fairly wall. Mary Em- eraou, lu "Wlllo' the Whin," 23: "Deserted nt tho Altar" 24, "Simple ftlmon Simple" 2fi, Stetson's "U. T. C." 27, "Cousin Kate" S'i, "Prince Salerno" 31, "A Jolly Burou" Nov. I, vuudevlllu 2-4. 4«» MIVMWUTC aonn" 22-28. "Dnceu of the CoilVlels" kIvcs sllrrlng ciiio- OhfiIKUH (Martin Keck, Kcticrul niniuigcri. Hon In great qimntltles, 2J-28. "Light Bells —Features 1(1 and week: Mucy uud Hull, whs as lively nnd funny ns ever, to good houses, last week. "Lost In a Rig City" week of Sill. WAi.OMANN'.s (W. S. Clark, manager).— The Bowery Burlcsuuers, with Ihe Three Hickman Brothers. Run Johnson, the Bini- nnns, Millar and Krcsko, Bstclla Wills and Cnrinelltii D'Avrea, 23-28. The Morning Glories were ns grenl fnvorllcs as ever, last week, and brought out Ihe full complement Of piiteoniige. The Kiiropeini Seilsullou 30 und wm-k Piioctoii's (J. Austin Fyues, general man- ager).—Lovers of vurylng entertainment are reveling In a Well appointed bill Ihls week, Including Kdwln Slovens, Charles F. Scmoii, Sloan and Wnllliour, Hayes und tlculy, Simon aud Gardner, Gllroy, Hayucs and Montgom- ery. Kuwsou uud June, uud James and Boiiulu Farley. Good business coullimes. NVriiH.—Fred Wnldmaun, well remenila-reil as a local manager for many years, has gone lo Kansas City, Mo., lo take chaw of Ibn Majestic Theatre, which Is under Ihe direc- tion of Ihe Columbia Amusement Co., and lu the Kasleru wheel. Jersey City.—"Tom. Hick and Hurry" proved to bo one of Dm best laughing nt(ruc- tions Hint, the city has had In u long time, and business at tne Academy, week of Oct III, wns very lu A Timely Awdkenlug;" Fruiix Iv'berl, Dlxuu nnd Holmes, I lid Merrill, Hurry Corson Clurko and company. In "A House Divided;" tie Hiiro und Bailey, tu "A Cigarette Cnse:" Prof. Allluel, the Spook Mluslrels uud am (Ion pictures. Flue IuinIhi'ss. I'Mori: Mieiiix A Xnllcu, proprleliii-x). - l''cnlures 1 r, anil wei.'k: Adams Brothers. dancers. Kutherlne, coiiloiihinlsls; F. II. Slniwlhdd, uilnile ; Bobby Boyle ullil thr i'lirce Biirloiis, sketch: l'adily Mulier, come illaii; Hayes atiil Wiucliel. comedy uud urn sic, mid Ihe Ciilniie-o-seope, (Iiuiaiiway iA. J. Morgunslcrii. luaiiugHri. —Features lf> nnd week: Montell uml i.'llf ford, comedy acrobuls; Moblec und Buxlei', coinedlttus; (Icncvleve Artlcll. Illustrated Nongni Jack Mcl''ndilen. iiioiioluglst; Tlpia-I nnd Klluit, comedy ami, and moving pictures. (A. .1. Moruim-derii, iiiiiinigcri.- b'catiires l.*i and week: Ahholl mid Bryant. in "Two Japs from Toklo;" l-'riink Darnell. Illuslratcil snugs; Jitcksou. mjulllbrlst und • oiiloi'tlonlst; Ferguson mid Beosuii, dune crs; Ciislnn Miisleul Cimicdy I'o., lu "A Day- lii Muilrlil," uml motion plclures. WiiU.'11's iltube Welch, manager).—Feat- ures lf> uml week: The hurti-amio. "Mfs. Mllrphy's Iteeepllon ;" Verollen llliil Houston, ciiuiedlniis; Biiyiunlul Teal, inllislrcl: Mill good. The Four Mortons lully Slwlcrs, singing mid ilnncing. and bar y bUsliiCHS nt tlic Bijou. Ths lesi|He, "A Mp;lil. ill. Iii'liilunliii's.'' played to capacity business Baltimore Beauties, nt Ihe Hon Toll, proved u strong uuigiiet for pleasure seekers, who turned out lu goodly numbers. Ai' F. B. Henderson, iiinuiigcr).— K. S. Wood, hi "Lost lu a Big City," 23-28; Tlios. K Shea, lu repertory, 30 and week. Iluou (John W. Holmes, proprlelur).— Al, Leech und the Three Roselmds, In "Girls Will Be Girls." 2H-28; Trucked Around the World' 30 and week. Hon Tom IT, W. Dlnklus, mamiffer).— rim High School (ilrls 23-28, the Imperial Bur- lcsiiucrs 30 and week. ■ Noteb.— Lurry Smith, with his liijurnd leg. Is receiving the best or euro al oiio of our hospitals, und ho expects lo shortly nsumu his work with Ihu Yankee Doodlo Girls. Mamie Champion is devoting her tluiu to him aud atlmiding lo his wants Harry Hogun. buniness manager at Ihc BIJou, who bus been sorely ulrlckeu wMh locomotor ulaxy fur thu pdst year. Is now confined lo his bed, and fears are entertained for his recovery. Mau- uger Hogun bus strictly attended to his duties wullc laboring under his severe affliction Frank Hawley, at one time manager at tttfl Gperu House, ml* Ihe Bon Ton. received n most cordial greeting from his many frleuils In this city last week. He. Is looking after Ihe Interests of the Four Mortous Sum Hcsstiucr is business manager with Blckel, Wiitaon and Wrol Fisl'Hlr's it',. A. Fischer, msuagei). - I'ealui'e.'i in uud week: Fletcher, comedy tan slcliin; Crawford unit lUiir, entertulnern; inovlnir pictures, ami farce, "Heller Skelter." .'K (.1. A. Brnwtie, manager).- Fculiires Jfi nnd week: Phil Onvls, uerohiltle newsboy; MiiIh'I lliimlieii, llluslriilml sougs: Madeline Rowe, ehurucler singer: Wiley Fer- ris Coiiipuiiy. In sketch, unit moving plclures. I.'Menu: iHilly Blinks, resldcnl uuinageri. -—Fculiires If, unit week: .luck Hilton, mono loglst; .leuiicltc Laiirelte, In electrical effects ; Jessie Brown, dancer; Billy Hunks. Illn- inited somes; Mursliult ami Lorraine, lu sketch : flmplrii Stock Co., In farce, uud the clnemitlugriiiih. Norns.—Tlim tics ie. I'nterNun. - - At. Ihc BIJou (Mrs. lion Leuvilt Rowley, munugir) Dlnklus' High School Glrlu drew good 'houses Inst week. Williams A Burns' Imperials week of 23, Avenue Glrla week of-80. Opera Huurl (John J. Goetachlus. mnna- g Pr ),—-The Duko of Duluth." with Nat Wills In tho title role, gave uu excellent per- fonnniice, to a crowded house, 10. Mamie Fleming Stock Co. drew well 17-21. "Tho Sign of the Cross" 24, SB, "The Mayor of Toklo" 20, "Tho Sleeping Beauty und thn Beast" 27, 28. ■ Family (Morris A Simmy, mauugcrai.— Business lust week was very good. Bill week of 23: John It. Nolan, r.u veil's don, La- mler-Deuii uud company, Barton uud Donald, Pbroso. and moving pictures, ilMi'inn (A. M. Hrtigggerman. muiuignr). —This bouse will open Oct. 30. Nothing but. hlgli eluss vaudeville will bo presented, and us there Is u good Held for Hint, clussi of en- Icrtulnuicnt In Ihls city, t'liu muuageincnt should receive llbernl isiironugc. Bill for Ihc opening week will include: Twelve Na- vajo Girls, Monroe, Mack und Lawrence, Trovollo, Mayme Itoiulligtou and her Buster Hrowus, June Court hope nnd coin puny, Alf. Gnint und Libel Hoag, Ihu Van Aukens, Inues and llyun, und klnelogrupli. a _ m Trfiilon.—At tho Taylor Opera lloifiii (Munlgomery Monea. manager) "Mrs. Tern- pic's Telegram" pluyed, lo good business. Oct. II. "Ttie Sleeping Uemity and the Bensl," 20, 21, had excellent business. Primrose's Mlustruls 24, Blcbiird Curie 28. "Girls Will He Girls" 30, Mabel McKlnlcy Nov. I. Statb Strkbt (Frank Shullers, munsger). —"Child Slaves of New Vork," 1018, pleased good slued houses. "A Pair of Plnks,' r 10-21. liHd satisfactory business. "Mom To Be Pitied Than Scorned" 23. 24, "The Shadow Behind the Throus" 2C, "Wedded uud Purled" 20-28. Trunt (Kdyrurd Heulun, luuunger).—Last week's bill pleased good sl/,ed houses. Bill for 23 and week Includes: "Dldu," Calluliitu mid .Mark, Hurry Le Clnlr, Kurtls nnd Busse, IRirseli and Itussell. Furn Comedy Four, MIIU aud Morris, and thu blugruph. uliiiis Gberle. wns tlit* reclplc.iil of ill! overflow house bciiclll. ill the llclasco Theatre, |(), uud Iho llliuucliil results were most grstlfylug. He hits gone to Arizona for his health, with lie best wishes of many friends. Wlllhitii Bcriiuid, of Ihe Morosco forces, iissiliueu his phiee In the Bclusco colli- liiiuv, uml ivarle Ityder succeeds to Berunrd's duties with Morosco Co The Novelty Tbealre Is u new popular price house open- ing here 23, with vaudeville ut I ructions. II Is controlled by the Novelty Vaudeville Com puny, of Hitu Friiiielsco, of which Then. Rothschild Is president. Leon Levy will L«- local miiiiuger The miimigers of severs) minor theatres In Lex Augncs are lu trouble wllli Ihe i-liy iiulhortlles, regurdlng proper exits, wllh further Itivcftllgntloii going uu. ■ OitMiind. At the Mucdonuiigh ll'liui-. C. Hull, munuger) Wlllou Lucknye, In "The I'll," played to Ihu lurgcut buslncsH so fur this m'msoii, Oct. 11-14. Bthel Burr) more, In "Suuduy," showed to cupticlty, ut ndvauced ur.ceu, II. "The Sultau of Kulu" 17, 18, 151- lery's Itnlluii Hand 22. Lioliitt (II. W. Bishop, manager).—.la-i. Nelll and ICiilth Chupuinii, supported by Blsh- op's company of players, showed to crowded audiences, lu "Janice Meredith," week end- lug JO. Frank Huron uud the regular stock eiimpuny. III "The County Fair," 10-22. "The lsdtnrv of love" lu follow. Chhsciikt (Callahan A Clnyiou, munugcru). —Guilder Sleviius, siiniiorleu by (ho r«giilnr slock, drew pxi-flllent houses week coding Hi, ill "Teu Nlglils In u Ibirroolii." "Klug or Detecllvi's" Is the hill 10-22. "Why Women Sin" lo follow. III.i.i. (Kd. lloicuii, liuiuiigeri.—Fouling 23 uud week: The Kingsburys, Whitney Ford, lu pictured meloilles; Durbou uml Coiirtuey, the 11 rail Leon, iiiiiglelun, mid luteal Hell iiiullou pictures. Huslncim Is to S. II. O. Novti/rr (Timy Lnbelalil. miiiiuger),—Ai- liactlons 23 und week: Bingham ami Thui'ii- Ion. In "Flirtation ;" Nnt t'lirr, Marguerllo Davis. Gardiner mid Revere. prcsuuIliiK "Hyp-Not-Tlsin;" tlui Mcdiilloii Trio, and Ihe Novelty proJectoHcope. Cupuclly buslue^.i rulei). hliii'iRH (IS, M. Curlsoii, miiiuigerj.—Bill 23 nml week: Unhurt Nome Arthur Huyie. Morrell mid Hccly, Onion, itussell, Morion uud Fulrlluld, Hie Horseshoe Comedy Four, present Ins "Is Marrlugu u Failure," mid Mm plro moving plclures. Business Is excellent. ♦ «» IOWA. HI. I'huI, — At Ihe Melropolltau Opera House (L. N'. Scoll, luuuiiL'cri I'rancls Wil- son. In "Cousin Billy." followed by "The Little I'uthcr of Ihe Wilderness," played lo fairly good business Oct, 10 IB. "Sun Toy" plared a return engagement lo. lo a fair audience. "Mrs. Wlggs. of the Cubbuue Patch," 10-22, had big and well pleased au- diences. The piece made u lilt here. Ktbll Harry inure. In "Sunday," conies 2IL2i>. "Thu Sho-Oiiil" 20-28. "The Crossing" 20-Nov. J, "Home Folks" 2-1. Oiunii (Theodore L. lluys, munuger).— "A Race for Life" was u popular card and drew big bundle** week of 16. "Tcxiis" 22« 28. "'Ilie Show Girl" 20 aud week. Star (J, c. Van lloo, uiaiuigeri.—The London Gulcty (ilrls made a hit, lo big busi- ness, week of 15. Week of 22, Miner's Merry BurlOHqucrs; week of 21). Frank Carr's Thoroughbreds. OncimPM (Charles Frrrck. malinger). — There will lie no clianjie of bill for week of 23, all Ihe people- holding over. Business was hit - week of HI. , Kmi'IUR <A. manager).—New people week of 23.:. Melville Sisters, nnd Pot- i;il»»lirtb. —At (lie Lyceum (I'JIroy A Drake, managers) "Fast Life In New Vork" i Bine Out. 10-18, lo big business. The com- pany pleased. "Hunt Thome," 10-21, hud fulr business. A hard rain mi opeiiliiK night prevented a large turnout. The ennipauy Inui been changed muterlully from lis hid npticur- uncu here. "A Dangerous Life" 23 2r>, ''Tlie Fatal Wwldlng" 20-28. "The Curso of Drluk" 30-NoV. I, "Flghlllig Kate" g-l. Jacobs'.-— "Dr. Jekyll ami Mr. Hyde" Hi, Nut M. Wilts 21, Myrkle k Harder Stock Co. 23-28. Tins.—ilrorac Denloii nnd Gordon Gray, of Ihe "Bom Tlioruu" Co.. were Invited gnosis at ii blrllidny relclmilloti of II. A. Plersoii, currespoiideu'l of Till) Ci.iitkii, evening of Hi, at Miller's dlnlnn ball. In Hie Lyceum Build- ing. Mr. Dcuton uud Mr. Grsy Kimg mid i •■t-ticct Mr. Klroy. nf Ihc Lycemii The- utre. look m flying trip to I'lilludciphlu mid Plllsburg, lu-21. i i " " lliiliokeii. - At tho Lyrle III. P. Soulier, manager) "Wedded and Purled," Uet. 22-23. Anne Hlancke, In "Fighting Fate," 2l»-Nov. 1. "The Curse of Drink" 2-1. Business Is unod. KAirinn (A. M.'Bruggeumiiil, Proprietor). —A Njileiidhl nfferliii; la.I week did fine bual- iimmi, For week of 23: Miller's eleiihiinls, ..„«.« --— Polrlce nud coiupniij', Myles McCarthy uud ucr hud tho following hlgl Uvh Moines. At. I'otler'n Opera llon.e I Win. Foster, manager) Dockslailer'u Mlu elrels showed lo '■iiDilclty Oct. 13. "Hold" Folks" IB-SI, 'Tiff! 1'aff!! Pour:!!" 23, "Mrs. Lellliigwell's IbKits" 21. Grand im-iiiia Holsb (Wm. Foster, luuim jser).—"Young Buffulo, Klug of the Wild West," iiluyis] lo big hiislueiis io-18. "A Itojui Slave" IU-21, "iloadwood Dick" 82.23. "Humiiii HcHith" 28 28, lilJnu (Fred Itiichuntiii, manager).—The Fi-rnniidc Muy Trio urc featured sirougly uu Ilie bill week of 1ft. Sims, Hiu frump cooler Houliil, who made such a hit hern early In Hie season, wus buck hud. Week, und Is uuln lug new limine,, for his clever work. Jones mid WnlioD, Hlli1iort und Warren, Bl'ly L'arfhipiiiku and Ihe kinodroiiie nil mnde Lie successes. Bill week of 22: Hides und Lain est, Harney First, llucgel Bros., mid Ihe Fumoiis Ileiiee Family. a Keol.cii. ..,\t Hie liruud Opera liana* (I''. V. Slurgls, rcsldeut miiiiuger) lluverly's Mill slrels, Oul. 11, drew u jfood house. "Mid night In New Vork," 13, pleimcd. Well', Build, with Amy Whitley, lololil, d<lighted] -i fair sized hoiiKe Id. A return enuugcui>-i>l will Is; pluyed 22. "f berry Vnlli.v,' f IP. mid "The tlimawuys," 20. Iisd good returus. "Tlie Wayward Son" 21, Hull's Boston Novelty Co. 27, Martin's "C. T. C." Co. 2S, Clias. B. Hun ford 31. . , Notch. —The eighth Keokuk fren idreet fair. 3-7. drew Ihoiisuiiils or rlsllors. uml nil were Ideiiiied wllh ihe eiiterlulnitieiii ottered. AuiUNemeiil. MaliHKcr lal. 1'. Kirch class outdoor