New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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940 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November l PATHE FILMS :nti PRICI ONI QUALITY. PATHE FILMS Are PHOTOGRAPHICALLY FINER than any other Films. _. _ _-_ . c mm mmm >* mmH are STEADIER than any other Films, PATH FELslVIS and therefore do notflicker when PATHE FILMS shown, like so many others do. are IMPORTED from Paris, conse- quently we only produce GOOD SUB* JECT8, as we cannot afford to pay heavy duty on doubtful sellers. PATHE FILMS »«•«»« omuh THE BEST. PATHE FILMS ^°™M2CENTSAF00T If You Waul GONHRMTION of These Facts ask Those People Who Have Used Our films or CALL and See for Yourself. 246ft, $29.52 262ft., $31.44 410ft, $49.20 37 Randolph Street, CHICAGO. IMPRACTICABLE I0UBNEY, Very Comic, • ■ - ■ PASTRY COOK'S PRACTICAL JOKE, Very Comic, - - ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, Interesting, iMtmctWe. .... 42 ST PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH CO. oh. rsicia oa ELGIN, WALTHAM ■ad Uof b«r lUeipdra *Mofati. -»rtt*U<t 80 jtut ui tU lot-eat- \i*hx* J<*t bui It will Del Nit SJttMtBaslBS LbW**-*t bUfUn.kM'Ball* WALTHAM •"QOEBCR fpi luld nilfd wMi-h J6.0Q. 14 eipma ofloe t-id rw«. And *« A llli Niu nil ftllwl Watch, WimilUS to »•« keep lt« •Dlot.lTan *\ai s*rj iUb Wt.lH*4 >lLh ■ mduIbo I Erin. WaJtbam. « Do'lef I!»»p4*o BSOTosne'i i, wUb U>a nimt •» lb. 4UI, ruby Jew •1*4, •ipttiloe bttuc*. paleal bair •prlaf. U4IM «tO«bui1u. Tb«M vwcbM in veil* ktomi u tbe boat tlaefcMf*™ !■ <!>• voeld, etirjot.. samolad. To'j ei.ra'.B* It at y;-uroi- M oflloe. If M repnaeni#d pay tipTSH a*iBl ppMlal n1<* 10.011 md si prat* etfcifai 1*4 » yours- M*nii33 nbllb «orVs y:u prefer esd tf job OnBtl or LsdlM ■*> A44>— D * I. 8« Dtsvrbo r» 8L, I hleaf*, III CALL MoMAHON'S Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT 47 4 SIXTH AVE, Bet. 28th and 2»th 8ts., NEW YORK CITY. Best of Food, Perfect- I j Cooked, DeHclously Served. PrlceB rea- gonnble. Sseclal Din- ing KooniwrLadles. I PUSH LIKE THE GENUINE I Day or night. Solid gold Imountlng. Ton can own a I diamond equal In brilliancy to lany genntne atone at one Itufrttoth the ooat. baroda ■ DIAMONDS ataod Bold Mat J and expert examination. We Bee them first and then pay no. Agents wanted. ...„ aARoV COMPAIJV, *, •»-" -Wnba-sl. Ave., Chicago, III 410 tot catalogue TBB1M 1^ CHICAGO. HEADQUABTBBS FOB a. &S. Theatrical Trunks I* MIlXlfiR) HANVFACTUHBR ot Theatrical Boota A StioeB. All work made on snort notice. No disappoint- ment; wo make from 1 pair to 1,000 pairs. Clog andBalletBboes ft HDPClftltV 202 w. 23d 8t., Sew York. Tel.100 Chelsea. WANTED, LADY MUSICIANS For Winter season, rionso suite if jou are a vocalist Address SC11NK1DER, Dlr. Cook's ruliu Osnlcn, Dulnth, Minn. CLARIONETTIST, LIBE BAND and ORC11BST1U (Experienced). DH'B POLAND, 18 Pearl street, - • ■ Springfield, Ohio. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Eta SAMPLED WEBB PTO. CO.. &M Dearborn 8L, Chicago, U Tooth Powder No acid—no grit—no waste—no spilling—no scratched enamel—no tarnished gold work. A REWARD Fine, strong, healthy teeth and iiims and av pure breath are the reward of Sorodont. THREE FORMS LIQUID, POWDER AND PASTE PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet Photosof yourself for selling, $3 per 100. ':]0 per 1,000. Edena OARBONA finish. Bend photo. HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS, 12.00 per 1,000: FORTUNES, SOo. Samp. 100, -'~ For Furore Photos, Lovers p.O.ASouvenlr Post car da «. SOS Aroa SL, Pkilaleliala, Pa Great Discovery, Expert* can not dotectltfrom gen- nlno diamond. Costa bnt one-tenth. In brilliancy and cnt It has no equal. Setting solid gold. Write for Illustrated catalogoe. tUVWK A (in.. Itant. f).. m Doarhnrn BL, Oali ZAMBEZI GEM "NATURE'S ONLY RIVAL." Qlvea anperb stylo, beauty, grace, comfort, health and aids natural development. Worn with or without cornot; cool, cleanly, durable; tit any figure; Impossi- ble to toll rrom real flesh, (lives support and grace to mothers; enthusiastically weloomed by women of style and fashion, by artists, sculptors and models. A'rcvelatlon and a boon to the onltured who abhor "padding." Write for photo- lllnstrated olroular, mailed free aa a plain letter. At all corset store*. HENDEHBOH k HENDEBBON, Jfept. B, Buffalo, N. V. TMf CHICAGO PL-AY FACTORY PL-AYS WRII UN lOOBOtW. BOUGHT AND SOLD IDOOtiS-MRS A VBBCWNE iom.HUUON si ^ p PLAYJ WITH WPE».i2R 1000 SKElQfJ Free Catalogue for Street Men. Rubber nalli.Cknti Confetti,llilloonl,SltelVGoodl. Ma.l| 3',Tl) , Trick M.tchel. Whip,, Kuitlc NKWUA.N uwr, Co rV.-'.'-V C. lAiIrr,. Jewel c WoodNc* OUR LONDON LETTER. Continued from page 938. the Sandwiches, Vaallescu Troupe. Madame Ksty, and the Gordon Highlanders. Six o'clock bill: "Joseph and His Brethren," "The Wreck of the Hesperus," "Automates, the Bandurrias;' "The Maid of the Moon," iJerendu and Green, and Bell and Henry. I believe Miss Monks has signed a contract to appear at the Coliseum for an Indefinite period, and her first effort will be "Give My Kegurds to Leicester Square." the aong she has been singing at the Tlvoli and other Lon- don halls with the biggest kind of success. She will be assisted by the Coliseum Stock Company, and, 1 understand, special scenery has been painted, representing a ship leaving a dock. Uene Stratton will revive "My Little Octoroon." Derenda and Green, Gallando, and Conn and Conrad came over on the Majestic, which arrived on Thursday, after a very smooth voyage. Due next week are: Martin and guigg and Hayes and Suit. It looked for a lime as If the invasion bad stopped, but, Judging from reporta 1 have beard lately, mauy new American acts will be seen In Lon- don and provinces during the season. 1 have Just learned that Meely, of the dis- solved team of Heely and Meely, and Madi- son, of the dissolved team ot Bailey and MadiBon, have Joined bands. Margaret Ashton, by courtesy of the Pa- vilion management, will slog at the Royal Albert Hall tonight, on tbe occasion of the Grand Nelson Centenary Concert. The Metropole, Camberwell, which was re- cently closeu for an indefinite period, was practically the pioneer of the Loudon subur- ban houses, and for the Urst few years after It was opened by Mr. Mulholland enjoyed re- markable success. Not only were the best of travelling companies seen there, but many of the leading West End actors of the present time made their first suburban appearance on Its boards. It was, too, la great demand for first productions, among other first perform- ances there being Louis Parker's "A Vaga- bond King" and Henry Hamilton's version of "The Three Musketeers." its decline was cbieily due to the change in the character of the suburb and the sharp competition that was Induced by Its own success. Anne Kenwick has signed for a leading role In the pantomime to be done at the Grand. Islington, this Christmas. Devere and Ken- wick, who bave been meeting with much suc- cess In end about London, are going to South Africa Dec. 16. Harry Long, formerly of the Tlvoli box office, has been the der new management, 'me new manager Fred Anderson. Dr. Maxim Boyd Hart, who exhibited the magic kettle at the Hippodrome, last Kail, for a handsome salary, was a short time ago sentenced to three years' penal servltuae for forging and uttering the en- dorsement on a bill of exchange for $500. It la rumored that an English syndicate la to take over another Paris music hall. Frank Macnaghten has Issued a prospectus for the natation of an Opera House and Empire, Ltd., In a town in the North of England, which has a population of some 45,U0l> peo- ple, with a capital stock ot S50,0O0. Tom rricbard has severed his connection with the Empire Palace, Dudley, which in the future be run by the Midland Entertainment Corporation, The Blackpool season closed a week ago, and the Tower Circus, the Hippo- drome and the Winter Garden will remain dark until Easter, The Palace will, of course, remain open during the Winter. Sam Bury, late manager for Thomas Barrasford, Is on a continental tour. The trip la in the nature of a rest. At the Westminster County Court, on Tuesday, a case of some importance to the vaudeville profession was brought up. The action was brought by George Foster, an agent, against Mlgnon Tremalne, a vaude- ville performer, to recover commission due to him on procuring her engagements. The de- fendant lodged notice of special defense, plead- ing lnfaucy. It was contended on behalf of the plulntlaT that the contract to pay the com- mission was for the Infant'a benefit, and, therefore, she was liable to pay commission to the agent The Judge upheld this con- tention and gave Judgment for the plaintiff, with costs. John James Klpple, a member of the Karno Troupe, died recently. During a performance of "The Early Birds," at South- ampton, he was struck In the eye by a piece :e, has been appointed acting manager of Cambridge. The Empire, Dudley, Is. un- new management. The new manager Is ■-j&&^ The Secret of Beauty Modem wonienhave long wished for the knowledjepojsessto by the beautiful women of Ancient Egypt--how they pre- served their wonderfu I complexions-how they acquired su-'i soft, brilliant skin. It has been discovered that benzoin »"as widely used by these ancient beauties as an adjunct lo the ri:h Bemul.1 has a delightfully softening effect up-n water, ana \. mirvelcusly refreshing to the skin. U-AR-DAS BATH of BENZOIN named for a famous Egyptian beauty, contains benioin in a highly concentrated form. One tablet is sufficient i u soften the water and diffuse a delicate odor thro jgnnul the bath which leaves just a suspicion of refined perfume on the body for hours afterward. U-AR-DAS tones and strength- ens the pores and builds up the skin until It becomes arm, bright and clear. tl-AR-DAS BATH OF BENZOIN for the bath, inj Wooitark Vermalie Ik Shampoe, for the hair, are two toilet articles indispensable to women who know them. We will .end postpaid a lupply of each of thett artli-le. Mifflcient for three month, forfl.oo.or liberal anmplea of each ror 10 cents. Iiepilar price L'-Alt-ruH hath of Henzoln. Joe box. Dermatic Kgy Shampoo, sac box. WOODaRD, CLARKE I CO.. 128 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon <A*> MA> of bread. The Injury required an operation, and the actor died under the effects of chloro- form. Dick Hsnlon, of the Bob Hanlon Troupe, died on Tuesday, at St. Thomas' Hospital, from the result of a recent acci- dent. In taking down the apparatus used by tbe troupe he took hold of a live electric wire near the celling. Numbed by the cur- rent, he fell to the ground before anyone could get to his assistance. Marshall, the Mystic, writes from Berlin, under date of Oct 16: "This Is salary day, and t feel happy. Not that I need the money so badly, but when tbe ghost only walks twice monthly be Is a welcome visitor. For the small number of good variety halls in this city America could not be much better repre- sented than at tbe present time. Generally It le only the Wlntergarten where American novelties are shown, but this month Is one of tbe exceptions. I sm tbe only one from tbe States at the Passage, bnt at the other re- sorts there are American acts which are doing nicely. There Is considerable difference be- tween tbe vaudeville of this city and that of London. There are only three first class balls here, while they have numerous beer gardens, where tbe cheaper class of variety Is shown. Another thing which differs from London Is the so-called Cabaret, where shows are given from 11 p. ii. to 4 t. u. These places are spread all over tbe city, and are patronized by all classes of people, while some of them are exclusively for tbe upper class." Mr. Stack and two partners are practising a new gymnastic act, which promises to be a very novel one. Tbe firm name will be the Stack and Milton Trio, and the act will be ready for the stage in tbe course of a few wbgIeb Lydla Teamans Titus and F. 3. Titus are at the Stoke Hippodrome this week, with the Hippodrome, Norwich, to follow. A few lines from a notice Miss Titus received this week. "Miss Lydla Yeamans, the lady who takes first place on the programme at the Hippodrome this week, Is distinguished by illty. iH©** Niet? Wool, being a non-conductor, preserves to the body it9 nor- mal amount of electricity, in- \ stead of carrying it oft and en-1 ieebling the body, as other fabrics l do. Hence the invigorating effect I of an all-wool underwear. Of ccjrse the best effects are obtained only from the best wool, and that, j as every one knows, is "Jaeger." Catalogue explains everything. Free, with samples Dr. Jaeger's 9.W.S. Co.'. Own Stores New Tork: 305 Fifth Av.. 167 B'way. Bkn: 604 Fulton St. Boston: 228 Boylston at- Phlla.: 1610 Chestnuts:. Chicago: 82 State St. Agentt In all principal citie*. cleverness, refinement and versatlll As a ty. vocalist and mimic, she Is alike capital. She proves herself a soprano of decided sweet- ness In a tuneful ballad, and again In a most Interesting Imitation of Pattl. The latter Is quite an artistic achievement. But it is as a mimic that Miss Yeamans la most success- ful. She wbb encored again and again." Edna, tbe Whistling Nightingale, opens at the Palace of Varieties, Colchester, next week, after which she comes to tbe Alham- bra, In this city, for four weeks, to be fol- lowed by engagements at the Hippodrome, Manchester; Hippodrome, Preston ; Queen's Palace, Manchester; Hippodrome, Ashton, and the Palace, Blackpool. Miss Edna has more time booked after January, 1906. The Drlttons are tbe hit of the vaudeville portion of the Empire bill, and were noti- fied early In the week that tbey have been prolonged eight more weeks at that house, making sixteen In all. Quite a lengthy stay In one boose. They return to the continent after the Empire engagement ia concluded, to play a long string of dates. Alice Raymond and John Enrkamp re- turned from Amsterdam one day this week, and report usual success with their novel act They return to tbe continent next week to play two dates, and then to Mar- sallies, where they embark for Australia. On their return tbey play the Tiroil, Lon- don, for alx weeks; Blackpool, two weeks; London syndlcte bnlls, six weeks: provinces, eight weeks and back to tbe Tlvoli, for twelve weeks, which will bring them np to Feb. 11, 1007. They are arranging to go to South Af- rica In 1007. Frank and Jen Latona top the bill at the People's Palace, Leeds, current week, and are making a big hit with their delightful musi- cal comedy sketch. Nat Clifford, lately re- turned from the States, Is on the same bill. Stockton-on-Tees has been all aatir tbla week owing to the presence In that town of the wonderful automatic figure, "Enigma- rclle." which has been attracting record audi- ences to that bouse. Mr. Stoll has kindly allowed Mr. Ireland to set back the remain- ing few weeks he had booked on bis tour. In order that the latter might accept offers from suburban and provincial halls, not com- peting, of course, with those of tbe Moss A Stoll tour. Next week Mr. Ireland and his invention are at the Islington Empire, with the other halls of that tour to follow. run IVTW Catalogue of Plays and Lias"/ Make Cp, for Profes- sionals and amateurs, sent oi application. FITZGERALD. 20 Ana SUNev Tork ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-P0EHS [sod Hutlotvl Composition!. We I »r range avod popalu-lie. Address I PIONEER MUSIC FUB. CO, OncJ |2tt ttitbltUi BIsY.Cbicars, III MADE TO ORDER Suit $ 7 LATEST PALL AND WINTER S TYLES A PAIR OF Trousers To coavlnca yon that our value! an the greatest in Amel- ia, we will make lo your measure) a nobby Fall or Winter latest aaokordouble* breaatsd suit of pur* Scotcrt Cheviot, elenauy made and trimaMO with the finest materials, for S7.85, guaranteed to equal your local tailor's S1SJ0O suit, We will give you FREE an extra pair of trousers of the same cloth as the Kit ot of a rich worsted stripe or c 6i guaranteed or you don't take the goods. Wrile for our free samples of these fine amuss, t»P« measure, order blank ana samples of free trousara. Don't send any money but wrile today. MAGNUS BROTHERS & CO., Hig>CI«iTai!:ri ■SSS44 Wabash Aw. (Da*. 71) CHrCACO For a good drink's sake- turn down the man who offers a substi- tute when you order CLUB COCKTAILS. Seven kinds—Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Vhiskey, Holland Gin.Tom Gin, York— but only one brand—"CLUB." O.F.HUEBLEINiBR0., r 4'^, Hartford NewYork London SHOW PRINTING^, Btook Hangers, Posters and Cut. oo hsndfor adjMj tUlngeverybraochof the Amusement BoilneM.Bc-.aro. Catalogue (D) of Dramatic and Show Printing, OaUlogno (C) Pair aDd C.rnlval M B , M E«i,.._ Catalogae (B) Billposters, Commercial Posters. Plrst-ciass Printing of all alnda. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 513 ELM STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. SUBSTTUTES INCREASE dealers' profits ■atr INSIST ON HAVING THE GENUINE ""■» CUSHION BUTTON UOSE 1 ' CUPPORTER