New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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1)42 m/BBtfta* r. . ^-.iL -■- THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 4. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER »»> THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmltid.) rnornir.TcmB. ALBERT J. BOR1B, BMTOtttAL ASD RCHIKE88 MANAGER. oun Chicago letter. mou oca own corm'.si'ospent. SATURDAY, XOVKMBKR I, 190".. RATES: Advertisements—S2.S0 pec lack, single col- umn. Advertisements set with border, 10 pet ««iu. extra. st itsijiui'TioN. One year In advance, $ 1: sit months, $2; three moiilliH, |t. Foreign postage extra. Single copies will lie sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt ot in cents. Our Termi are Cash. THH CUPPER Is Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) pages 00 TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 a. m., and the other pages on MONDAY ond TUESDAY. (The Forma Cloalntr Froaaytlrt Tnea- «lii >. nt lO o'clock A. M. P'ensc remit hy express, money order, check, I\ O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Communication* to TUB NKW YOUK CLH'PBIt, , 47 West 28th Street, New York. Itcjlstcrcd C'ublo Aililrets, "Authobitt." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tin; Cmivhk Is located at lloom D02, Ashland Block, Chicago, Wllllutn K Bryan, rnauugcr und correspondent, where advertise- menu ami subscriptions ore received ut our tegular vutcB. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crunbourne St., London, W. C, John II. Ciirncy, manager nnd correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are lecclvcd at our regular rates. Tub Curm can hh obtained, wnoLB- Hii.u AS'D detail, at our agents, Drentano'a news depot, 37 Avenue do I'Opera, Parle, Franco; M. Llllenthal, Frederick Strnsso 001 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond News Co., 1)7 l'rado, Ila- nui Muulla Book nud Stationery Co., 128 F.scolln, Manila, 1'. 1.; Albert & Bon, 187- 0139 King St., Sydney, Australia. THE XIJIV VtiKK t LII'PI:il nnlillalica only one edition, and Unit la dated f roin New York. QUERI ES ANSW ERED!" No Id utiles by Mull or Telegraph. ———— AUPIIKHSKH on wiii;iikai:uut8 NOT oivsx. 'Al.l. IN UUKST Or SUCH H1IOUM1 WB1TH TO •rllOHB WHOM T1IKY NKEK, IN CARD OF TUB CLIPPER l'UHT OtTlCB. ALL I.KTTDR8 WILL »E AUVE1ITISKU ONK WIXK ONLY. I» TUB SOUTH 01' ANY TIUUTISICAI. COMrANT IS BOUGHT, IIBFUII TO Ol'l LIST OF KoUTKS ON ANOTHKIl l'AOB. Wl) CANNOT 3BND BOUTIB OY St AIL Oil TELKtWAFH. MHAMATIC. A. W., Cornwall.—We taw no knowledge Of rhe present whereabouts of the parly. Ad- dress n letter In cure ot lids iiflico uud we will advertise It In Tin; n.imtit letter list. C. P. S. T. k A. Co.. Detroit, Jilts. 11. D. O.. tilenford, , <;. W. L., Boston, .. 1.11 Mm. K. 1!.. McK., rtrooklyu, '». 1\ I!., Chuiiibersbiirg. D. A. S., Womlsbero. and II. linos., Nashville.—Sec answer to A. W„ nliuve S. 31. 41., llostmi.—Address party us pur ruate lu this Issue. A. II It., Cambridge.—Address parly In euro of llir Brluseo Theatre, New York City. A. «'., San Francisco.—I. Address parly la cure of Tin; C't.U'i-i:it and we will advertise (he letter In our letter list. 2. Wc con fur- nish bnih tinuibers of Tin: Cliitku. IV. W. W., Ilosloii.— I. Address Clmrles Hni-tuii, rare of Wen & Ilarloii lllg Gaiety Co., as per nmh' In this Issue. - mid 3. Watch our route list each week. S. D., Memphis.—The party Is tint dead. I!. I)., Hutfulo.—We never answer queries Iclmlng lo Hie prlvuie life of any one. C. 1. I., lied ltnuk.—4. There Is always iritiui fur a good performer. 2. It would de- pend upuu the merit of the work. A. S. T.. Columbus.—She Ik with the West it Voltes Co., pluylug lu "Jk 1'alr of I'luks." BASEBALL. IS. I. S,, ltrooklyu.—1. Wc have no record hi' ISowcruuili ever hating caught even a higgle mow to ttusle's pitching. 2. Huwcr- iniiu's professional career began Willi Ihe Twin I'lly leant, of I lie liilcr-Slnte League, In IS','5. On June 1- Ills release was pur- chased by I lie Ilaltlmore (tab, of the Nn- tlniial l.i'iiglii > . ' iilid he remained ill Haiti- liioiv lililir (lie Winter or INIrMSUS, when In' llgun-d lu u ileal Hint .sent liliu lo Pitts- lairg. He remained I here iiulll the Spring • H llinn. when he was transferred t<> the Mew Vert Club, and lias remained with Its leuai I'vi-r slure. .". liusle's lust seusou with New York was 1SUS. U1LLIAHDS, POOL, KC It C. W., Glcudlvo, Mod.—Your (piery lcalls as follows: "A uml 11 piny it game ot pool, twenty bulls to constitute tho gume. 11 niukes twenty-one balls, uud A says, you want one. more bull. I*. inuUcs a shut uud •sci-nlchcs." Then lie counts up, nnd UmD liti \mis nut. If he liud nut sliot. Now Ihe injesllDii Is dill lie will the gume or mil?" The j.111110 was llul^lu'd nheu !■ Iiail scored (well- ty-niii' ball.-, anil the fact Unit lie. II, iiniile nuolhcr slinl, and scralclicil, luul no brurlwc Miiiitever, In couseqiieuco of I lie fact (hut if ciifleil I lie gume when he hud scored twenty, une bulls. CAltDS. I.. & '/... Chicago.— In eusino n player tuny have tun lmllils on Ihe I able titoiie lime. IS. II., Utile Pulls.—Any slmlelit ilnsli mUHllmlrM wliu I Is soiiieliuies eiilled"n l'oyul Hush." The luller term llnds no place In hlaiulard works upon the game of poker. DICK. W. C Steubcnvlllc.— In ull dice sanies the ^lx Is Ihe highest uud I lie nee (he lowest dice. >-'lve sixes me therefore better Hum live aces. MDiCKLL.WBOl'S. W. It. i:„ Itipnii.— The party laking the Jumiui'M! side nf the wuaer wlus. 3. I,. 1!., Iluletl. -Address the Trow W- leetory Co., New York City. ♦<-• Kwijui IIlai.y, nseiit for Magician Kellnr. writes: "Husluess hits been wouderful, nud Mr. Kellnr's iiiteilaluiueni l« uild (o mrfMM tniv nt Ids previous niferliigK, Ills newest llltndiHi. •Tlio WHeu. Ihe Sailer mm tin« t:n- i hunted Monkey." Is conceded to be the iciealeit e^iinnile of Itlu.l.n. neculilsin ev.T l/rodiiicd iu I hi.- coitulry." Wentern lliironu of the Xciv York <;il|i|ier. It mi in .VRC, A «li lii ml IllooU, Clilciiuii. I III. 2H. IlHI.'i. The horse «!io\v l.isl iyerk cut.Into innnn- L'.-iiiil prolilK lii nn small extent. There will be (ear change* nf bill mimng the down Intvti theatres next wi'ek. "The Karl and lite t;lrl" will retire front Ihe <!rsnd opera lliuivc, In ni.iki' K'l'in fur llirliiml Minis- lield nnd Hcblller's '■Hon (iirlos:" -The llelr in (he llnnrnli" will be ri'pliti'cd at the llll- ii. >ls l.v oIkii Ni'tl mill-, In "The Laby- rinth: I'lie Clii and the I'.andli" will sue- ,.,.h1 "T,uiiy Teazle" at Ihe ilarrlik. and 1'Tnrenee lllndli'v rmnes In the Great North- ern. In "Till' Hi'lle nf tin- WchI."'oih Tiiimtiik I Will .1. Davis, ninnn- g«'f>.--"The llelr to the HooiaU" was n big liil at this lmtiKe, and played lo cnptielly himiiH'KH during lis stay twee. Olgu Nelher- jolc, on Did. lit, opens In "The Liibyrlntlt." The easilgeinenl is fur two weeks. I'owctts:' Tin:.vriti: iHurry J. Powers, man- iiKer).--"ln Ihe kwajaii'ft .CairlMfU'" enters it|iott Km second mid lust week of what prom- ises la Ik- ii highly st;cresnful two weeks' engagement, Monday, ::n. IIABSICK TiltATili: (Sam P. Gersntl, man- nger).—"l.ady Teazle" closed Sundiiv. a>. "Tin.' Girl and the Itnndlt" conies for 1,0 uud week. McVickku'h Tiicvrm: (Geo. C. Wnrren, manager).—Monday night, "0, Illanchc WiiIkIi began tin: Inst week of her successful engagement In Clyde 1'Ttrli'n "The Woman lu (lie Case." Stciicii.ikki: Tiikatiu) fit. K. lliirmeycr, inuiiager).—"The Nnzui-enc" de|iarted Sntar- ilay evening. 'JH, nnd tills theatre will be closed for two weeks, reopening Nov. 1", wlllt "The Winning Girl," u play set to music. Colonial Tiuwtiir (Geo. W. l.edcrer, malinger).—Pay Templetou and Victor Moore, nnd "t*orty-llve Minutes from Uroudwny" aro still packing this house, and it Inoks now its If the engagement would lust until Christmas. The llflleth performance it week from Wed- nesday will Tie celebrated bv souvenirs. Ariirjiiiui'.u Thkatiik. —"Hiuupty Duinpty" i-fiitilmics the attraction at this house, lo big biislncsH. Giiand Opera Hoi-kk (Hurry Askln, mnn- tiger).—One of the hits of 'The Marl und the tlirl," which closed Us engagement hero Sat- urday. L'S, wus ileiiiard Dyllyn's Impersonn- (Imi of Hunker lillss. Itlehard MausUcld, III '•Don Carlos," opened Munilny evening, 20. The engagement Is for one week. Mrcat NOliTiicii.v 'ruiUTKR (Krcd. C. Elierts. ninniigcr).—Hap Ward nnd "The Grafter" played lo good business during Us stay of three weeks at this theatre. Pur week of ::il ITineare Illudley nnd "The Hello of the West" will be Ihe lit I rue I Ion. CillCAtjo UnSA llnl'SK (I.ynmn B. Glover, manager foe Kohl & Cnslle).—Business at Ibis liiiuse Is cmirnious. and "The Pink Hus- sars" Ik doubtless on for a run. Since the opening the east litis been strengthened and tin' various rules built up. Oi.vMi'ie TiitMTin: (Abe Jacobs, iniinager for Kohl & Cnsllei.—Itlllcd to upi>cui- fur Week ciininii'iiclng Munilny niiltlnee, :i(J: NTch- ulsou anil Morion, Violet Dale. Count Do Iintz and llrolher, Messenger Jloys' Trio, Nina Morris ami Co.. Iillls-Nmvbiii Trio. ItnniKcy Sbters. .lames II. Ciillen. Krcd nnd Annie Puinl. Master Slitter. l,.';imni.'s dogs, Keating uud Goodwin, aud Noblettc nnd MiirnhiiM. IIay.maiiki:t '1 iieatiie IW. W. Preranu, iDiimiger for Kohl .V: Casllei.—llcnglcr SIs- icrs, Miller Kent and company, Do Serrls pictures, Urn-ton nud Itmoks, Young and Itrooks. I'bvllls Allen. Martin and Itidgcwuv, W. V. Crcsswcll. the McCiirvcrs, Mabel Xny- Inr King, Cellini ltnbc. und Chus. Howlsou tire billed for week of !!0. 1,\ bULME TiiEArnn (Albert Campbell, mnn- user).—"The Yankee Ilegent" is still mov- ing nlnns prosperously, regardless of all competition. It bus passed rhe century mark, and crowded houses rule nt every per- formance. Dunn TiiiAitit: (William Mocha, mntin- uer).—"A ltiico for Life" w«b tho attraction last week. Kor week beginning Suntluy mat- inee, L"J, "More to be l'lllcd than Scorned" will be the bill. Acapkmy fWilliam Heche, manager).—"A Plghl: for Lo\»." wllli Hob l-'lt/.slmnions, was na atlriicllon Hint proved a lilt; drawing curd week of '.'". "Tho Smart Set," a compatiy of clever entertainers, who are great favorlles na this circuit, will appear hi a musical cuiu- eilv. with plenlv ot ,sungs. dances and dusky diunscls, will be I ho bill for week of 20.' Coj.miiiuh TliCATRi: (Welier Ilros., uiu lin- gers).—"Her Weddlug Day" pleased largo audiences nil lusc week. This week, "llii'.'o Daniel; a Message from Jitrvis Section." Ai.ti.oiiuiA TlikATjiU (Jninctt II. llrowne, maimger).—"At Plney Hldge" enjoyed n suc- cessful CBgueeinont here last week. For week of 2S. Joe Welch, In "Tho Peddler," will be Ihe offering. llfsii Tcmpm: Thkatiik (rilhtauctli Seho- lier, innimger).-"The Ctrl I Led llehlnd Me" was well received Inst week. Kor week of SO, Hto Players' Stock Co. will npuear lu "The Ironmaster." I'lnero's ndaiiliitlna of George Illinois celebrated piny, ' Le Malliu tics Purges." T'wl-xty-si:cuxii Stiuxt Tiii'Atiid (Ike lllisini. intinuger).—Marlon's Aveuue Ilelles lluiies'iucrs will play "The Duke of Dun- dee" for Ilio coining week, -J. la which John llrngg will enact Ihe title rale, llurton and tiiinklu. In "The llero of Sun Juan Hill," will head the nllu. Tuof.UiKltii Tiii:ati:i: i Harry 11. Hedges, lnutmgert.—Gayest Mauliaitan played to en- IHielty business week of 22. Por SN and week. Hurry Itryaufs Itiirlesiiiters. with (he Pour Nelson ('oinhuies, will be offered. I-'uI.i.y Tueatiu: i.loliu A. KeimesM-y. ninn- nger).--Thc P.roadwuy (Inlely Girls iwckcil 1liis house ull last week. Da Iiorls, tlia Great, was an lidded attraction here week of 22, and caused a sensation with his uuir- volous sharp shooting exhibition. Tho press nnd ihe public declare (but litis Is one of Ihe greatest exhibitions of nuirksiiiiinsldp er«e prescnled, and when lie iippeurs In Clcvehnul lieM week lie will most likely iiii-cl wllli Iho Nunc reeejtllon un-orded him In I his city. Knr week of SO, (he Jolly t:lrls will mate their llrst upneuramv. 'ITie lwu burlesiiaes. "Alt Honest l'ollllcliiu" and "A Tempest In » Tea House'' will be prescutcd. These two numbers eonluln lunuy of Hie latest song hits. Nov. M and week, lunui-'iil Maids. I*i:i>i'I.v:'n Tui:atku (Joseph Pilgrim, man- ager).—"The llomeseekers was given U'* llrst prrsenliillon Mnuiluy, S3, Kor week of BO, the lVo|ile's Slock Co. will present lloyt's "A TeiniH'raiiee Town." which will bo re- called us an amusing comedy with the occa- sional slabs and pathos, liow.niii Ttnuxaa <M. Magnus, umuager). —Piiigrumnie for wivk of 80: Warsaw Ilros., ritesler. Uohby Mack. Drown ami Wrlghl, La /are and I.n Ztire, Harry Lc Roy nud Ira Guy. NCW AiisTKiili.isi Tiii:atiu: (Prank It. Maple, luiiiiiigcri.—Hill for .'SO uud week: I 'elisor's dogs. La Itcnos, (be Savoys. Kat- ci'iilus, McClusky. Taylor and llrcuoaii, Mat- garH Sevemneo nnd Ilidu Walker. l'nni:iili>N TilCATBD t.lohn II. Iloguii. man- tiger).—"The (Jueeii of the While Slaves" was the Idll week of 22. "King of the OiiUnu Plug" 20. uud "Yoiiug IttiffitUt. Klug of the Wild West." will folluw week of Nov. 7. vans tiiutk twin h. smltiu muua- gcr).—An nil star specialty Mil Vf colored vaudeville cnlorrnlnrrs will appear nt this Iiiiukc week of f!0. ltusinei..i ai iliiu llienlre is very good. I.omsin Dihb Mi st.i: (William Sweeney, malinger).---The following are lo lie seen In the curio hull week vt SJOi Nolanleiiutlo's Kalian Hand, Harney Nelson, Ihe iirinless painter; Gfrnlrllne, Juggler; Albert Iler- luanii. tattooer. ana AlfMeyer's.. trained inoukevs: Jn 'the tbestre: Alice Barry. Jennfo Wright, Trlxlc l'flle, Gin I^c, nnd HitH'a moving pictures. Clark Struct Mrsnfu (I^iuls M. Hedges, ntr.nngori.—Popular rate will decide a wick ami wine dancins contest in wlile.b twenty women will conipelc nest week, other fent- Ores are: Vulva, magician: Prances Karris, glass dancer, and John I'adden, the man wlm never laughs. AiTF.nMATil.'—Managers I'rank Winter, Crystal Theatre. Milwaukee: John Connors, Calumet Theatre, Smith Chicago: Harry It, Summers. Oread Theatre, Marlon, Ind.: 1'. K. Stunner. Temple Thealre. Port Wnyue, 1ml.; riiiirehlll k Davis, were CLU'fEK Bu- reau callers week ending 211. ns were also Ihe following vaudeville performers: Kny, Coley ami Pay, II. J. Fargo, Dick Conn, I'rank Duck, iioltr Ilros.. Frauds Leonard, Kredo and Dare. I'assnril nud I>e Vera, I.twsnn Itraau Splljer and J'ltlman. Coleman nnd Mexis, llnhby Mack, Hobby Kemp and Knlli- '■rlne Pearl, Hilly Knrtliijiiake, Violet Old. the Two Hays, Luce and Luce, Dm ton nnd Itankln. til.iilys Carlton. Cameron and Flnn- nigaii, (he Itiiiidolphx, Tom Kiplcy, Viilcellii, Mlett, the Savoys, Green aud Ihtrton. Cecil, Iliirly, Neff una Miller, the Ouivh. the De Aeos, Castnllcty and Hall, Col Bovedcry, I Hi Lnris Hie Great, Pay De Loss, llcnglcr Slsiers. Phyllis Allen. West and Van Sicleu, llurton nnd Brooks, W. I\ Creswell,-Dan Lit- nionl. Nnuilin, Mixuno, M.iuu/. nud Muzctle, Fogcrly aud Brown. Patsy Doyle, Howley nnd Leslie. Mme. Colgrovc. Ilosa Lee Tyler, Wi'idiu ond Cloddish, the Two James, Smith- ern Slslei-s, Charles llbwlson, Sam Myers, Job Harris and Ilusley nud Itostelle Col'. of Cole and Johnson, was token 111 this week while playing the Haymnrket Theatre, iind lliev will lie repluMsl lu St. Louis, nt the Columbia Theatre, for week of Oct. .'in, l>y Pay, Oiley and Pity The Wilson Trio passed through tills city Wednesday, on Utelr way to Little Iloek Col. Hopkins left tills city for St. Louis and Louisville Tliiitwihi.v. ''ul Ilepklr.s will locate peruia- iiriii.iv iii Chicago .Muiiuger Krnnk It. Tate, of St. Louis, has been In Chicago alms! lust Thursday Martin Heck left for New York City Monday, Oct. 2.'1. to lie gone for one week Kdwnrd. C. Dayman aud Jake arc now lit charge of the book- ings of the uew houses taken In recently by the Western Managers' Aesocluliou..' Jake Slernad will leave this city Monday, ."u>, to attend the opening of the Lyric The- atre, TertB Haute, Ind., owued by Messrs. llnelTer nud Banhydl Lucy und Lucier niien mi Hie Orpiiciini circuit Nov. IP, at Suu Francisco Muitd Kockwcll made a tre- mendous lilt on her return engagement at llir Itoniluloii Tlieulre. Winnipeg, week of Oct. 23 W. W. I'reeliuin, manager of the Hiiymnrket Tlicatre. was suddenly culled lo Columbus, his home, lust Thursday, owing lu the Illness of his mother. Pram In I.c Marche and her tuirtuer, "Tlge." ure laying off In this city. Will re- main In vaudeville the coming season John P. McGrtul bus opened a suite of offices hi the Chicago Opera House Building Siuiili nnd I'm ilcc sail for Lundou next week, where they open nt the Palace on Dec. -I.... Mr. nnd Mrs. Kelcey were L'i.ii'i-i;u Bureau cnlli.-rs Friday, nnd will shortly open uu the Kohl it Cuslle tour lvugelie Chile left fur Pittsburg Inst Saturday, uud returned In lids city Tuesday, Oct. 21 Snuuldjiig, tnc tramp acrobat, has booked cntislderublu Western time, and will not return lo Ihe Mart for several lis I'utsy Doyle will piny Sullivan & I'oiisldiue's Theatre, MluuealHilis, week of Oel. :'.i». lllhet- Ihiok- tngs on this circuit will keep lilm engaged until Murch, lllUli Auierlcus Comedy Pour arc booked ut Ihe Majestic Theatre, Hot Springs, week of Del. :it> Kd. Christie was n Ci.ii'i-iat lliireuii culler this week, and Informs me Hint he will shortly start on a vaudeville tour, which will take iu twenty- eight weeks' consecutive work Mr. and Mrs. Juhu T. Powers will present llielr new sketch, "The Players." In vaude- ville, for the remainder of this season-. Kslcllltu nnd Slgnor Gubordnn were the features of Hie Olympic programme week of L'.'i Heatilii- Sherinuii has signed with "Loveland." which will stnrt on the road in about two weeks (Enslave Bordlne wus I Ci.ll'i-i:it lli|t-enii culler Friday, lid expects to start for California lit ubout a month Miibel Burdliie will play vuudc- vllle dates lids seusou. and Is now arrang- ing for u tour ul die Oi-plieinii and Kohl & (,'iistle elrciills. Ilollliui-k and Pitmuetlu have ln'cu playing the Chicago vaudeville, bouses for Iho past three weeks..... .Man- ager lfarry Liturenre, of Iho Cook Pnrk The- alre, Kvnusvlllt', Intl.. was a CLirt-iat Bureiiii caller Oct. 24. nnd reports u most prosper- ous season for bis park. . — ■ ».♦ MlltH AMI, MASSACIILSETTS. Dnliliiinre. —Henrietta Crosnmn will be seen la "Mary, Mury, (Julie Contrary." at Kurd's (Clmrles K. Kurd, inuuager) week 1m- glnuing Oct. SO. 'Tho Wizard of Oz" main, milled Its good record S3-3& Nov. ti, ltlch- ard'Cut-le. In "The Muyor of Toklo." (Nixon Jt Zliiiiiienuau, mana- gers i.—The appearance, ".0. of Maude Adams, III "l"eter Pan, is nu event of much interest. Viola Allen appeared last week. In "Th3 Tnnst of Hie Town." Wright Lot liner brings "The Shepherd King" Nov. <i, for two weeks. A t.llA cull's (Unber; K. Irwin, miinugeri. —"The 1 hilling of the Gisls" ojieuM ;ip, wllli Percy Haswell and Ilobrrl l\ Haines. Lloyd Itlngh.-ltii clostsl ^S. In "Ireland. I7!>8." Mrs. Plske, lu "Leuli Kleseluia," Nov. (I, Ai.mjokii . ji'ines L. Keriuin. mann- aer),—'-Tom. Pick and Harry" week o( Oct. BM. "Bankers and llrokers" did well 23-28. Nov. ti, "In New York Town." 'MAMTLASD (James U, Kcrnnn. manager). --Week of 3D: Murphy nud Nichols, the 'Three Seldom*;, Bloom uud Coo|ior, James lticbmoiid Glvuroy, Hello Hathaway, tku Villugc Choir, und Perry Convey. Cecilia Loftus proved a slroug inugtiet lust week. ll'H.i.tiivv Strhi.t (George W. Hlfe, mun- nger).-""Danwrs of Working Girls" opens 311. "The Ninety uud Nine" closed 2S. "K'ght Hells" returns Nov. «. Hi.axi:v's (Charles KL l'-laitey, eutoagrr). —"A Girl of Ihe Slreels" o|a-lis SU. "Child Slaves of New York" did well 23-2S. "1'lght- iutr l-'nle" Nov. 0. MoNL'MU.NTAL (Juuics I,. Kei'iiun. luaiia- 5er).—The New Cenliiry Girls ."p. Tho Jerry Muldens had a big week, closing •_•>(. ItUtfD (Jones & Craft, nunmgcrs).—"The Mblnlglit I'.spress" 30. "llviirtu of the Blue UMgeP closed 2S. Lvuu: (B. L'lrli'h, manager).--Alice Niel- sen, In two performances of "Don Pasuuulc," Nov. (I. 7. Mine. Calve 11. ♦ ■ » MAINE. Portland.—At the JcCersou (Cnhn & Grant, mutiagers) "Ben, of Broken Bow," wllli Franklin Wodnin". drew moderate busi- ness. Del. 2.I. Chevalier Gargullo's Coatvit Band played before two very fair sized audi- ences -U. "Buster Drown" drew sood patron- nge 27, 2S. Kennedy Stock Co. 30 and week. Pouri.ANn (J. K. Moore, mnuager).—Busi- ness has been extra good. I'.noKeil ;>d ami week: Bed Ilaven Cadets, May Yokes uud company, Burke and Dcnmscy. Kern's mlatle rtog. May Belfort, Durbyolle Sisters and tho Magtalrrt. ♦ «» ■ .V-\xA KrN-wteK, "Tho Aaaerlraa Coon Singer." has signed for the second has role In .Mtilisd, the Sailor." nt the Islington Grand Theatre, London, with (he continent lo follow. iinsinn.—Musical atlrnctlooa predomin- ate in the prlnelpnl changes for Ihe new week.. Ilenrv W. Savage's Bngllsh Orand OtH>ra Co will occupy the Tremont, and "The Duchess of Dnnttle" will Is; beard at the Hollis. The Globe offers ".Me. Iilm and I." nnd the Grand Opera House "Queen ot the Highbinders." Strong offerings nnd line weather made business good at all Ibc play- shops last. week. TCKMONT TllCATIlK (Jno. P.. SeluvelTcl, mnnngcrl. —Henry W. Savnse's English Grand Upera Co. will hold forth the current fortnlgbl at lids house for sixteen perform- ances. The present week will be devoted lo "Aide." "I^ihengrln," "Illgolello." 'Tnnn- bnuser." "fji Boheme" and "t'nust." 'The College Widow" departed last Saturday nlislit. after ten weeks of immense business. Baymond Hitchcock, In "Easy Dawson," will come Nov. 13. BTBKCT Tiikathi: (Isaac It. ltlch. manager).—"The Duchess nf Danlzle" will constitute (he offering nt this house for two weeks, commeuelug Monday evening, Oct. :to. Kvle Greene bus the leading female role, and Holbrnnk Iilliiu Is seen as Naixtlcnn. oilier nlayers of note In the ciuupauy an!: Wallace ltrownlow, Frank Cn-ene. Louie Sargent nnd Elizabeth Klrth. Good houses ruled during Henrietta Crosmaa's two weeks' engagement, in "Mary, Mary. Qolle Con- trary." Lulu Glaser will give u» our llrst views of "Miss Dolly Dollars" on Nov. 1". Park Thkatue (Cbns. Frohuiau, ltlch k Harris, manager*). — "The Lion and the Mouse" continues as Hie attraction the cur- rent week. The play has been most favor- ably received by big nndlcuccs, and a success is the verdict of all who have seen It. Grace Pulsion nud Edmund Breese scored indi- vidual hits, und the work of ttlchnrd Bennett Is also worthy of note. Next week brings Lawrence D'Orsay, In "The Embassy Boll." Colonial Tiieatiii: (Cims. Krohmau, Rich & Harris, muuagers).—Two weeks of ca- pacity business has been credited to Krltzl Sclieir. iu "Mile. Modiste." Her third and last week is now under wuy. .'The Prodigul Sou" will come fur a furluiglit, beginning Jionday. Nov. 0. Huston TilEATitH (Lawrence MeCarty. manager).—lien man Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," Is now lu Ills fourth aud Dual week hen*. The present engagement has been a highly successful one la every way. George Primrose nnd his mlnBlrels will enter- tain natrons week of Nov. 0, and 13 will see "Babes In Toyland." M.ukstic Thbatbk (Stair k Wilbur, man- agers).—"As Y'e Sow" starts upon its fourth week Monday evening, Oct. 30, with blx office Indications pointing to a continuance of crowded houses. The engagement Is Indefi- nite. Glork TtnUTBK (Sfnir & Wilbur, nmiin- gorsl.—"Me, Him nnd I." with James K. Sul- livan. Billy W. Walson uud Arthur Wltllc- ht« I'caluriHl. Is the week's attraction here, opening Jionday afternoon, for lilue per- formames. During the past week Billy H. Van. lu a new edition of "The Errand Itoy." nttracled sized bouses. Next week, tltt ltavs. lu "Down the Pike." Guavii OintA Iloust: (George YV. Magi-e. manager).—"ijuet-u of Hie Highbinders" will relgu here Ihlic week. A feHliire of Ihe per- formance will be the appearance of ('apt. Kelly's Zouaves. "Why Girls Leave Home." ns demons!ruled here last witk by an ex- cellenl company of players, was enjoyed by bit; aiidienees. Next week's card Is "For Ills Brother's Crime." ('•.nTU SiK'Aci: TllEATBE (Uoston SUige 'society. Iilllliai'irs).—"Mueh Ado About Nolhiug," the llrst of u series of Shakes- pearean plnys to be given at tills bouse tills season. Is being plnyei! by the stock coiii|juiiv tIlls week. John Craig uud Lillian Kemble lmvc the lending imils, and others la the cast are: John Waldron, Wlllurd Howe.Murk Kent. William MeVny and Mary Young. "Cbicpatrii" was well presented the past fort- night. For week of Nov. 0, Gillette's "Secret Service." Kam Tiikatrk (Lindsay Morlson. nimi- ager).—A revival of the drama, "The Fa- foreseen." engages the stock forces this wee':. A line production of "lllcburd Curve!" pleased great, numbers of patrons last week. How- ell Hunsel, In the tllle rote, lidded to his Isiirels. us did also Mury Hall, Frank Losee, Nut Joues, the Messrs. Byrne. Nlcauder, Sen- ley. Hnssun and Evnrts, uud the Misses Sun- ders, Berkeley. Mituola aud Tilbury. Next week, "Two Llllle Sailor Hoys." BuWlioiN Sol auk TncATtit; IG. E. Lnlbrop, nuiiiugerj.- -"The World" Is the current bill. In which the popular stock cuuiuuny Mill hu seen ut Us hesl. "Nobody's I'lnlm,'' with Charlotte Hunt and Charles Miller In the lend, deserved and was rewarded bv full houses last week. In rekcursul, "Driven from Home." Kkitii's Thkatiik (B. P. Kcltb. manager). —The Six Musical Cultys and Murshull P. Wilder feature this week's bill, on which is the fdlowlug excellent army of varlclv enlerlahiers: 'ihe Five Motvatts. Thomat J. ltyan and Mary lilehlleld, Joe Belch- en's d-igs. Jewell's luillilklli.s. I.ew yJullv, Augusta Glose, Paulzcr Trio, the Chamber- bilus. Sliungupavl. Fnrring<loa and Clarice, Chadwlek Trio, the Arinstrougs and the kl- netngruph. Htil Duvis aud Inez Macauley. In "Pals." was lust wink's feature act. nnd Hie Nnvajo Girls. Ward and Currau, Edwin Kcnitgb anil company. Slay Belfort nnd the Vnldares nlso wou particular favor. S. 11. O. Is the rule here. IIuwaiio Atiiknacum (Carl D. LaUtreo, business mnmigeri.—Opening Monihiy after- noon. Oil. 30: George B. Alexander. Myles McCarthy and company. Wills and Ilassoit, McCne mid Cnhlll, Cherry and Hales. AI. Curlelon, the Znrnes, Ha Dell and Corbley, Miiilohi aud Smith, Clemo and Cjisselfs, Henry Meyers uud new motion pictures. The bouse burlesipiers will iin'sent the ucw skit, "Would YoUV" Ex vol lent business results from ..ic presentation of line vaudeville and burlesque bills ut Ibis bouse. PALACE Thkatiik (Charles H. Wuhlron. miinugeri.—Hob Miinchesler's Cracker Juck-s provld" the eiirrrnt euterlainmenl. Headed by Hob Van Osleti. I lie cotupiitiy iiresenls Iwo bm' "Tin: Itmtzlf UuxaluGirls" und "Na- ture In Marble Hull." A good olio uiiiues: lleuulug, Lewis iind Ilcuulug, Llllhin Held. Cleiueuso liriis., the Lilurkers and Slie|ipunl Cniup. A gmid ]H<i'furiiiHUci! was given bv the ^'nnlly h'alr Co.. iind full houses gave evidence of enjoying the fun. CoLl'Mui.v TiiKArtti; (Hurry N. Farn-n, nmnuger).— Tom Miner's Ilidicuiliin llur- lesipters bold the buatds of this bouse the. current week. The show consists of a two net musical farce, culled "A Bohemian Branty," In which Audy (iurdnor. W. II. Ward, Will Browning, Cha*. Klug. Henry I*vls, (.'has. O'Connor, Jim Mahonev, Draco Tremont and Adelaide Leeds arc concerned, nnd vnuduvllle Is offered bv King and Tr»- mont. the Drownings. All. Hunter and All, Ida NTcolnl, Will IL Wnrd aud the Orpheinn Trio. iJist week. Miner's American.- plnved to crowded houses, uud gave good satisfac- tion. Lycki'M Tiii.ATiiK (G. II. Batcheller, man- agerl.—Phil Slurldnn's City Sports Co. should enjoy prosperity here this week with the following strong bill provided: The bur- league. "All iu one Night," with specialties by Ot» d a Sheridan, Mutl Schaefrr. Dan Evans, Dave Hilton, Pbll Anpcl, Mike Rey- nolds, Flossie Gaylor and others. l:oblo'"s Knlckerlsickers prospered last week. Acktin k Sroxc's Must:t'M (A. B. While, raanngcr).—This la children's week nt this popular resorl. nuil Iho uiunngctttcnt has se- cured, an an e«ra nlirncllon. Lilt la "Sweetie" Beaman's troupe of educated ponies for a curio hall card. Other acts arc: The Snnkerlnos. contortInnlsls, nnd Da- vanie, prtwe of llnliau ronjuren Htage show: Powell's Musical Maids, f.uturli, ■ Ida ond Gcrtrdtic Campbell. Vivian Bit'. nard. Grace Fairbanks. Marlon Cleyelaml Miriam Marlell, llac Irvine. Cora Kvelvu' Hob Morris, nnd McAvoy and liugkcV Business continues grent. WALKFns M(SE(K (L. B. Walker, maua- eer).—Curio hulli-week of Oct. ;tO: Flossie Iji Blanche, female Snudnw: Herman Pa- yclte. trick blcvelliu ; the Ilenrinorcs. aoveliv mush-nl act: 1. W. Coffey, Barnum's skele- ton dude; l'rof. Edwards, and Mile. June palmist. In the theatre: Nellie llurtfnrd's lliirlesijiiers. and the Walkcrsco]ie. X«l week. Iltirteit aud IMcrcc, champion lady arreatMra, are announced. Nii.'KKl.noi:ox ft« K. (.'berrv, manager) - - Curln ball ft attires nre: Kid nnd Hazel Parker, featherweight wrestlers ; P.-nnab.isi ku'H bird and dog cirrus, Itnraey Ives, ma- glriau, uud eight young Indies. In * s| ml - rins contest. Stage ahow: Cisik and Cook Naaoa and Ilosmer, Caroln linger, Ites«|.' Bene. Minnie Hassett, Itose N'orrls, Marie St. Clnlr, Pnrkcs and Morau, and Eddie Glcuone. Notes. — Sunday concert bills Oct. IIP- Uogioii Tlicittre —Toiu Nnwn and cuupauv. J. Francis Dooley and cumpuuy, Gn-at lii BelD, Crunch and Itlcbards. Amv Allen. Ken- nolle and Patterson, the Krlghuins and tlm Elite Trio. Olobe—Billy Is. Yan and Ij.esJ Iteaauiont, Ralph Ciiiuinlngs nud cuuipuii.v. I.uigl Bros.. Ilcunlngs, Lewis and Hcnahts?, Monroe Sisters, I'clc t;rlflln und Ihe Bowl- lugs. .1/uitalte-^-Y'un uud Beaumoiil. Wllsvn and llelolse. .Toseplilue Atuiims. George C Davis, the Dclmore*. J.'uis Trio. Anderson nnd Golnes. nnd C. W. Llttleticld. liowdi-in titfiwrc —K'ngsley and Lewis, George II Wood, Piccolo Midgets, Tyre, and Jcrinon Kelly and Reno, Fields and Hanson. Max Hitler, Ihe Cannons. Demonlo uud Belle Smith a in'. Began. Bob Morris nud Lizzie (Jit. 'J'rcmont —Elks' third concert: tins Williams. Fltzglbbon, Morse and Drls- lanc. Great La Utile 1 . Saudow uud Lambert. Anlc Carter, (he Kalclilfcs, Ihtlclle Chll- drcu, Lulgl Fitr.iro Troupe and Phil Morton. 'lite Drill-Nelson light pictures will be continued this week tit the Bub Theatre The It-lilt Ladles' Choir of Imblln will beglu a wivk's engagement at Symphony Usll next Sundnv evening Garghilu's Hand played ut Symphony Hall lust Sundnv even- iiig lerome 1\. Jerome read from Ids own works, and wns well received ut tlic Hollis Sln-et Theulrc Tlitirsdur ufleriutuii, Oct. 2li The Boston Sytupliouv t Mcir- tette will piny ut Jordan Hull Oct. iio Manager Morlson. of the Kiujilre:'Stork <t>., will return to Ihe stage for the production of "The Crisis." which will soon be put ou st the Empire. » Worcester.—At the Worcester (J. F. Itoek. resident manageri Prill Nelson pictures ivt. St. Kyrle Bellow :w, "Iten, of Broken Bow," III: David Kessler. Morris MusHkt- vllz and Suuitel Thoraberg. lu a Y'lddlsb presciitiitloii of "Kri'ittzer Simula.'' Nov. •) ; •The College Widow" '.'. "Why Girls Ia-.-iv.: Home," Z, 4. Savage's English Grand Opera Ci>. Oct. 'Si, St. drew excellent Itatninuge. "The Ijtnd of Collon" was \vc|| recrived 37. Kkanki.ix Svr.'.ia: (.1. F. Burke, resident manager).—Week of :ai, Mub-oliu Williams and his slock, Im-hidlng Kktrritcc Heed, will prisluce "Too Much Jolmsun." Ijisl uii-k lite company produced "The Christian" ill a very liulshed attd enilllaUe uniilu-r. lo exroi- lent returns. "Aladluuc Suns Genu" next »'«.Tk. Pai:k (A. T. Wilton, niamigeri.—Wick of .10: Willie Eekslelu, Seven Allisons. G:il- lugber uud Barrett, Jack Norworlh. Dresser, the Alberlys, Klngsley and Lewis, and tlio kluetncraplL Business Is exrelleiil. I'oi.i's (C. W. Fonda, resident manageri. —Week of ",0: lCniiiielt Corrlgan mid com- pany, in "The Card Parly;" the runt us v. '•The C.lrl hi the Clouds:" Neil Nye uud D'Arvllle Sisters. L.iulse Henry aud coiu- puuy. In "That Sal Skinner Girl;" Marlowe. Phinkltt company, in "A Ia>ssoii 111 Sbakr- siieitnt:" Syduey Grunt, Pewitl. nud Ihe electro-ropit. Business Is to coulluual S. K o. Pai.acb. —Week of ."0: Sniith and Rcuguu. Iaiii La Clair anil llelr* West, Freda Lun- (aster. Hurry H. Liud. Felix Martin uud Mantle Dovle. Tliu blirlesipie is "I'eiicbis ami Cr-im." Nor. 1, Pmr. Mike Wlllard. of Sprlnglii.'hl. will itteel Peter (louletle, lu- cid : Kor. 3, Kid Turlington, of l'-ostuu. will loeel Fr'itz Hanson, local. Business is at par. Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House (lay Bros. & Hosford, mauugers) the Roe Stock Co. pleased, to very jjuod business, all lust week. Dot Knrroll Co. Oct. .'10 uud week. Acaukmy or Mi Mi (lltiiitliiglou A lieDeyn. managers).—The house wiis nut large enough last week for the crowds who wished tu see "As a Man Sows." given by the stock com- pany. Mr. llunllugiou made big success, nnd Isnliel Fletcher. Mnbellc Estelle. liuiiahl Meek. Howard Kussell, Marie Curtis uud Alexander Gaden gave excellent support. This week, 'The Christian," with Scverlii De Deyu. "When We YYcrc Twenty-one" will folluw. Boston (J. II. Tebbetts. manager).—The usual 8. I!, o. business lust week. The slm-h company Is making big hits in burlcst|iilug IKiptilur plays.' und "The Country Store," is n si mug magnet. Current: Kennelle and Puderson. Will Iji Belle. Wood und Berry. Euuynu Sweel. Dictt and Miirlit. und the Ilosloii I'lnwopc. featuring "Stolen by Gyp- sies." Tlie Sunday concerts please. S. It. O. business Pr.ocxc'sj (II. A. Woodward, manager).— Good business lust week. Ciirn-nl : The 1a>w- erys. Jink Murphy, Kittle llolduuU, Hay Ellis, Gertie Kolu uud the biugruplt. After- piece, "What It TIs It." The Sunday con- cents are drawing big. 1'ai.acu —This house opened under new mcnngeinen; lust wwk. aud Fred Cbagnoii has been rel allied to direct the stage nuilas Ktoi-k cumedliiii. Aiu-Aiu: («icn. W. Ciircv. nutnuger).—'Ill's numsc-incut Jiu11 bad a big npeiilug lust week, aud Is cntcrlulnlng big crowds. Fall Itlvrr.—At the Academy of Minic (Culm & Graul. manugrrst "When lYu Were Twcuty-uuc"' wns presented Oel. 2-1, to fulr n-lurns. James O'Ncll. 'Jo, played lo fair business. Chnuucey Olcolt ulttaclcd a geod slzetl and enthusiastic audience 20. Kyrle Hellew. 38, utlraetisl Iwo fair slued Inane.-. Slicpnrd's moving pleltircs pleased lurge an- dieuces 'JO. Brltl-N'clsou moving tiletiin-s .".0. SI, "Tracy, the Outlaw," Nov. J : Ourguilo lluud 2. 'The Ijind tif Cotton" 4. Colonial Stock Co. 0, "Under Southern Skies" S. Hhekdy'k Bijou (C. E. Cook, manager).— A very good bill was presented here lost week, to good husluess. Bill week of ,"l> ■ Creo, Pour Uiuiioo. Andy McIaKmI. Young anil Devoir. Ilawlhomc nnd Burt. Edeslus, Julie Ring and couipunv and canieragniph. Casto (AI. Huyues, manager).—Business Inst week, with Gallagher nnd iturrell lop- ping B slroni; bill, was up lo a good average- Hooked for ytt and week: Vivian Hhiekburn. nssislnl by Svlvln li-i-ilier and tiunpauy - Vnlduro Troupe, EHa-Fyvc Dcueh. Fratu-elli unci bowls. Charles Keutia. Peter linker. MiB.ney and Holbein mid klnetograpb. . . Nn KfLOOKfiN.—Good business. Bill we'k of yo: Uaycioud and Sarlonia. Melrose uml Elmer Jackson, Cotes and St. Peter, Goffiuud Connors and optiecope. » ■ Lynn.—At Ibe Lynn (P.O. Harrison, ma" aget) tho Casgrove SloA played to a goon business week of Oct. 23. H&mmersteln Spe clalty Co. week of 30. Introducing the Taylor Twin Sbters, George C. Davis, Josepliim-