New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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NOVEMBER 4. THE^ISTEW YORK CLIPPER, 943 BROWN AMERICA'S GREAT COLORED SINGING COMEDIAN AND SONG WRITER IS A GREAT SUCCESS IN ENGLAND. BOOKED UNTII* MAY, lOOO. Address X^OISTOOJV OOIyI»BU2VT. i in ■ \mure and Mile. Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Veil Litchfield, Frnnk Byron ami Louise Lnng- don Al Anderson and Joe Goloes, Tony Wil- son and Mile. Helolso, and tho moving pic- tures, showing "Baffles." Colonial Stock Co. ""VditoiJu'M (Hurry Katies, manager).— niislness is up to the capacity. This week's hlir Barrows ami Lancaster Co., Mabel Cn- rcw'nnd C.ortlo Hayes, Jessie lloutwoll, Joliu •ad Bertha Olcason and Fred Houlihan. Wal- ters and I'runlv, Kennedy nnd Quntrclll, Mr. end Mrs. Mark Murphy' and the vltnseopc. Hem [C. W. Sheafe,' manager).—Business list week was big. Current: Karle and Bari- lla* Dcmonln and Belle, the Alvnrotta Trio, Adn'ms and Mack, Master Willie Baum and ihe bioscope. , Saixm TnEATnn, Salem, (fl. IT. Ch.eetb.ira. manager).—The James Kennedy Co. play*! in excellent business week of 21'. The Cos- -rove Stock Co. :il and week. "The Isle of Spice" at). i SiirlnttftVlil.—At the Court Souare (D. 0 (Tiltnore. manager) the Savage Ornnd dnera t'". delighted hie music loving audi- rnees Oct. 28. Krroll Dunbar, In "Sherlock Holmes," 2.1, pleased. "The Duchess of Dant- ylc" 27, drew well. Irelnnd's Shamrock Iland .'l», Kvrle Bellow Ml, "Ben of Broken Bow" >'ov. i, "Tho Pearl nnd the Pumpkin" " New Cii-mokb (P. F. Shea & Co., mana- -crs)'.--"A Stranger in a Strange Land," last week, by the slock company, kept Its audi- ence in laughter. "A Poor Kelntlon." week of 30. with "in the Pniaco of the King" to " Pom's (J. C. Criddlo. manager).—Bill this week: George Monroe, Watson, Hutchlngs and i'dwnrds company, J..K. ilurray and Clara Lane. Dora pelletler. Toblit Sisters, CrlC Ilrothers, Curtis and May, uud clectrograph. Nr.i.sos (P. F. Shea & Co., managers.— The Casino Ulrla, in "Smiling Island," 2::-2r>, pleased good hmises. Harry Brown, In "IM- vld Hnrum," 2(1-28, made n decided Mr, to Mb business. "The Jlnsuiiorndeiti" 2()-Xov. 1. Notc —Dun McAvov was called to New York Saturday, Oct. 21, by the death of his mother. Therefore ho did not appear at the performance at Poll's Theatre on that dale. Xcvr Bedford.—At the Now Bedford Theatre (Wm. I!. Cross, manager) Jas. fi'Ncll Oct. 21i. "The Middleman" 24. Kyrlo lle'lcw packed them in 20. "The feuid of Cotton •'•». 1,'arguilo's Baud 31, Shepard's pictures Nov. 1, "Trucy, the Outlaw," 8. Hatha way's (T. IJ. Bay Its, luunagor).— Hlg business for week ot Oct 23. For week of 30 : Alulnl Kad.-r and company. Mills and Morris, Cavana. Searl Allen and company, Foster nnd Foster, II. Lester Muson, Mttrvol- lous Franks nnd vltagrnph. Savov .(D. U. Bullingtoii, manager).—Buf- Hngton Stock Co.', 23-2S, packed them in with "Her Mad Marriage.'.' 'The ltoytil Slave HO and week. , , Items. —A. E. Ilathaway, proprietor of 1 totbawas's, has recently purchased the Casto 'theatre, of Lowell, and will completely re- model the house, making it a ground floor the- atre, aud open about Christmas, with popular priced vaudeville. Frauk T. Mack, of Lowell, will be resident ma linger Wnlt Wlilt- man, formerly a member of Itatbawny s Sum- mer Slock Co., was In town with the Middle- man" Co., and was given u big recepliou.. ... Thos. Flaherty, of Washburn & D'Alrau's Ur- eas, Is In town, nnd has taken charge of llio lithograph work of Hn'thaway's Theatre. ■ m North Ailnms.—At the Empire (J. F. Sullivan, manager) the Hoe Comedy Co., week of Oct. 23. did Mr business. Bennett k Monltoo Co. this week, excepting Tuesday, :tl, when "David nnrum" will be given. RicuMOsn (W. P. Meade, manager).— Generous patronage last week. Bill week ot :i0: Patrice and- company, Mealy nnd .Madi- son Mccbaa's comedy dogs, RnYalle Musical Trio, Deimorc and Darreil, D'Elmar Trio and tue vltagropfi. r IfolyoLo—At the Bros., managers) Louis ... eaine to good business, Oct. 23. "David Ha rum," 25. and Ireland's own band. 27. John and Emma.Bay Nov. 1, "The Wizard of pa" 3, James O'Nell 7, "The Virginian" 8, "Be- fore and After" 10. .. Eupiitn (T.F. Murray,, manager)^- Paris by Night," 23-25. and the Casino Girls, 20- 28, drew full capacity. Barney Gllmore 30- Nov. 1, the • Gay Masquerades 2-4, "The Shadow Behind the Throne" 8-8. Bice and Barton's Gaiety Co. 9 ; 11. . Opera House (Lnwior 9 Morrison, lu "Faust,' Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Grant St Cahn, managers) the Bennett-Moulton Co., week of Oct. 23, did good business. She- nnrd's moving pictures had big business 29. lion Stock Co. 30 nnd week. Colonial 'Al. naynes, manager).—Busi- ness Is very good. Booked week of JO: Piccolo Midgets; Sailor nnd Bnrbaretto, the Western Sisters. Flndlay and Burke, Lo Clftlr and Unrdt, Edwlna Mcrcler, Jas. Ilar- rlgan, nnd klnetogfflph,' ♦••♦> DELAWARE. Wilmington. —At the flr.tnd Opera House (Jesse K. Bnylls. manager) Oorgo Primrose's Minstrels drew n large house Oct. St, Joe Weber's All Star Co. was greeted by a H. fi. O. audience 21. The High Myors came 25. "The Sleeping Beauty and the iieast" had n good house 26. Booked: Aubrey Slock Co., .In repertory, 30-Nov. 4; '^<ir's Will Be Girls" 2, Viola Allen, la "The Toast of l ho Town," G. Uockst'adkii'h (W. L. Dockstader, mana- ger).—For week of Oct. 30: Hnrry Le Clair. .Salvagcles, Dolan uud Lcnhurr. Antrim and Peters, Vnlvcno Bros., Four Musketeers, Le Dent and the Ulnetogrnph. Week of Nov. 0: Millar's elephants, aud Hiilleu and Fuller. I.vcecm (Daniel llumplirics, ntaunger).— "Nettle, tho Newsglrl," fair Imslness 19, 20. HroH, Byrne, iu "Eight Bells.", drew medium houses £1-25. "She Iwwd Do Bight" came 2«-28. Booked : •'Neighborly Neighbors" 30- Nov. 1, "Cusler's Last Fight" 2--T "Curse of Drink" OS, "The Sign Of the Cross" U-ll. OKLAHOMA. Oklnhoinn Clt> —At the Ovcrholier (Ed. Ovevholzef, manager) the Lyceum offering for Oct. 10 wns the Harmony Concert C». aud l.ady IJitnrtetli'. Business was good. 'A Thoroughbred Tramp," 21. had fair business. Black Paul's Troubadours bad S. It. O. 22. "The Maid ftnd Ihe Mummy" 27, Lyceum at- traction 2K, fins Sun's Minstrels 2'J. . GA8KIL.L Cakniv.u. Co. had light business on account of baa.wwlunv. ." • i 1 1 d „■ . Jas. J. >Uce. late of MeCnbo and Mack, also Conrov nnd Mock. Is rehearsing n new act. entitled "The Ward Heelers." Mr. Mnck will re«t for two weeks, and then will start la vnudevillc with his new net. Clipper Post Office. In order to avoid mistakes nnd to Insure the prompt delivery of the letters advertised lu this list, an envelope plainly ntldre*ned must ne sent for eneh letter, uud a written order for the letter, sinned trlth the fall name nnd nddress nnd the line of bnslntess followed by the sender. mult nlno be enclosed. Please mention Ihe- date for nnm- ber) of the i"i.ipi'i:it in Whteh the letters sent for were advertised. M. 1. VDIES' LIST. Ailams, Grace. All lira Twill* Allen, I'liyllls A Ikon, BcN*iu Allen, Joslc Allen, Violet g, Aittims Lucille I! Ausilo Mnl'iel Ahtwtr, Kny AtllelH, Mis- llurke, Stetl.t Itcjrley, Mary I Jttrton. I. II!!. m Burnett AO.i 1!. Ilroekwny, Fine, llroobs, llel'o Duller, Amy liie-.uti, France) li'erzae, Mrs. Htctsoe, l.lty J! iriis. Jvsrtlo lliyint, M.ij- liurry, Iiorothci Vrnuctt .Mm AVm Bailer 31nrs:iret J'.elnionf. Msyclollne Ilcnil. l-oiito lienneit, Murle e'umernn, Hill- Carew, , Miihcl (10) <;ranti)Pl, W. li., .Mra. 0. •iuponter Clara Oonwiiy, Uuhy tlliroril. Maud iTilhf I M.uie Carmaulelle, tjonlon, Mnudi/T liiNuniii, :- r.',- l.|;iv!llii, Unj* ilnrilou, llflte (larr, Adelnlilo flrnhain, Esslo Itanter. Or.ace Bill, Stel.i Huston, ,le-slo llenslinw. Vella IlillmiiD, ciiici a. IIoywaM, <>. SI llentll, Mnii.' Ilnlmvrinsl, AUee llatltaw.'iy, Alkr Unrhawsy Belle llownnl, Ktlle lleale, Emm.i Hunt, t'ora Hart, Agnes llart, Sndle Holmes. I'cclle tlatturmy, Alice O. Hayes, ik-rilc How.inl, . .Mnrsaret Herbert, Xln-i Hnlpln. Sn^iKini liisrnlinui Lr» 1> Jones. Ainoisla Jerin. n, HIh Jcivwis, Irene Jiincll, L. Stella Juekfon, !'.<->sle .liut-fii. Mnrle Jewell, Loiter Soars, Florcnee Ilattlo Kcnion IWuiliy iStanley, (ierlrd. Curtis, Vera Flare. Kataiue Shannon, KIBa CaMtra TrlxicCIKUts SLsir Cbnter, Ida ll.nMuut lihinehe ilierry. Flo |l.eCI»Ire VUrt t'lirrull. Nettle jl/da, Klla Clievalier, UMott Mrs. B Pelnie, Mela Pomrror. Anna I'•■ii 11, i.ntllu Peurl, Mm Palmer & HnuitoTi I'rlngle AnhreyO Qiil^tey, Mri«. Irnnson. Mm. S. lihlneliiirt Stella Itaymoiiil. Habctta Rcntrrow, Mrs. J. X. Uudd. UlnaysW "Itelile, Adele UuuenstelD. Jennie Itlnno, Irene Uleh. Ilerllia liunkel, Ourlna Itlehni'iiul, Hurrlet L., Violet liusselle, JInr A Dmldla Ritchie. Mnxle llnye, Yvelte Stuekdu le, Mrs. J R. Mawtelle, Vli't.Tl.l Stowi-II Mrs.W.i; HnM, Kiiiimi Si'ille, lCnrlettu Stuniiinue, IjOtn sniltli. Bella St. Claire. '■■ I.: . . • B. Kathleen l.uwe. Sadie I'. Volvhi, Lawrence, A. M MariraietU) I.nneaslcr Freds Claude. Taby!oy, Bessie bousherty I.ewU Cuprlcelt. Slstcra Lyons, Ivy l»c Mar, Grace Ij'ster, Nlnu UusbaDfk, Ixiwlrt. llueliet Henrietta Lauslillii, Anua Delthlch. Irfoia Usle, Ixulle Dcuteu, Dora Krase, Murtba liiirM. Mrs.S.D. LawtcDev, ]>iiy. Myrtle r.lancli Downing, tablnncho 5ttl'j. Sirs. Walt. Uinly, Louise Dlcklnsun, >Ifie Manning, Kltiie Ucrilcksoii. Mooic, Lulu Frances B. Mnjbla. -May 0. Dudley. B. I.. Mirslmll, Bessie lVtimire, UtMn Mnyea, MargaretiTiiylor, Krtaa iPustih, Vl"!e( .Mi i rim. Dully 'J'resliHiu .feimlo DeLiNoyu Daisy McUouuld. iThoinss, Ilia nuvennort. Sana 1 Marlon Trowbridge, liinlie, Mrs. .'•;.!, Muson, Lllltiiu I Helen liovle, l'atsy iMorrlsou. Ilssrf [Taylnr SlaeAIIeu IHiVarney Louise Morun, Pauline |Tycc & Jermoii Diirnud, Fmnkle Marlton. Suplilo ilowcor. draco P« Coma. tJcrtlc McOrnber. flrace Thomas, lira II. «. Sam kin, Mrs. Sultou, V . Munlmilu-. l>nU matey. Violet Sn|N-rhn, M. Slsrr Frances D Slandlsli. Malvl II. Starr, Fiaiikle Slineer MheiTlieo Suiltli, llekii P. st.iin..ii. Kitty ■ Sals'rt, Ileleuo Sliimr, Then. Smith, Helen M. Sterling. Hot stnart, Sue Thurher, Mm Tlierstta. Lallrll Taylor, Lllllau leleu, X. Tliels, l.ulu 'liirner Sisters IiMinu, Uertha |Mo«s. Laura lie Vyiic. Holly |Morris. Nina linnncr Dlnmoud .Morrison, final lMvls, Lmra .Mead Mrs. ihos Dimple, Dotty Mlnto. Agnes Hi; Vine, Ouidys Ualralm. Xellle Monre, Abblo McrcdHh lie Vine, liu liny. Myrtle lu^raond, Brownie Errol, Oay Pok, Addlo l-lllion, Murgnrct Evans, Mrs. B. Kimeralda, 5lhs l'mmett, Kittle Foster, Mrs. R. Farrlngton, Mrs. Albert Fan, Cordelia C. I'lUraore Nellie Foster, Groa Forbes, Lll'n Fatlma Foytelte. DeUa Fairbanks, Fannie Fnrnsworth. Zoc Ford, Pearl 1. Pearle B. Meyers, Hells Mallory, Mary McBliir, F.Uie Jlontifwe, Vesta Malcom. Bexslo sii Mill -ii. Violet Miiv, Irene .Melv|lle. Sadie Norrls Mnmle U Kevan. Annie Nye, Mra. D. D. Neumann, Mr*..! Owen Co., Baby Ohrtniann, Hdlth F. Taylor Klhuhcth Vcrasa, Mrs. l, Vade. Mrs. A I. Vnnell Ullsnbetii varney VlvlauA Vernon Sisters Vcdilcr, Debbie West, Dot Warner, Oennrfa Wnuon, Llllle Woodruff Stock Co., Dora West, C'iira WH«on, Audillo Worth, Kino WHtsle. An- nette (10c.) Wallace Yohmils Wllber, Dolly Babe Worthlnston, Maud Wynne, Moua Wilt, MniKiiret Prlnglc Jessie B. York. Julls Phelps, Vera Younc, t'nlmpr. Allee Mrs, Kdwln Puntzer, lltuneh York, Julia Personl, Csmllle Zolhnan Virginia Plant. Mrs. J.Ul CBNTLEME^'S LIST. Anthony, B. II. Allen &Ciirnello Awry, Walt. Arsbs, — Amlcr Antliony Allen, F. N. A brums, John Armstrong ft Holly Alton, Will Allen & Delk Anders'in Ohnnle Allen, Mllf. Atery. 1.. W. Anderson, H. Aebrlcli. O. K. Arlington & Uelslnn Anger, Caiit.dryi Adams A: While Allen k Itedse Aide. Mas Allen, Hurry Itruiiks, Curacy ltnimiocll, W.A. Hrlpts, L. C. lterg, Pcfer Hen All.'lliissan, Fred Drunlow. 'f. C. Itcruir, Cllft Itclfrage, <Ien. li.pi-iiiil * Nevaro Jllaek. liddlc pi-iHler. Msniiel linrtletls Music, lillllncs, II. H. I.iwnisn, Frank lieck, Bennle liartctl. Harry Pruce & Dacnenil llruno, t.'lirls Brniil it P.nwll Itnrnne, Arthur I'.asii.v, .1. M, llolsn, IMS) Harry. Leonard Bristol. W. M. r.cun, I^o Boms, F. D. Itl.'ine, Citrr, T.. D. llarbonr, Harry Browne, Tom Brown. P. ii. Barrml. J- W. Boise. Harry lUrrett, Dan Brady, J. U. Dclmont, Hurry Bennett. 1. V. Dowers SOurttta llurcliani W. R Boyle, C. II. Karon, Charles Hell, Ilurry Becker. C. 4. Dechtol, Frauk Banks. J. <!. Bears-ford Harry Burry. Mr. Bralz & 1 Kv erctts Botlo, Walt Bletliiin, B. J. Bailey. Cliff Bums. F.!t. Dennett, A. II Bernard. Floyd Honda, Hnmliiig Billing, If. ,'.!. Brooks. Stua Kiinlen. J, It. lWind. Frederick Btohu, Whl-t Hug Turn Brown, h'rnlik Bishop, Hurry Hunks. J. II. Bowers, IMwnrd Coihiiii Hum. Carlton, (i. K. C'ralitree. ileirge Curley, Peter ?lnlr, Harry f.'arlton, n. 0. Cottons, The i.'iisli'lllon. Ygnaclo Curtis, Jack Collins, Sammy Crnln, High 0 nailer Clirlslnnlicr, F. Columbians Flro Carson, Cliarles Chiiniberlhi, P. Clayton, l''rnnk i;larkc. W. Crlmmlns &Uack Clamnii, Ilea Cooke. Mr. Cnrrllllo, I^s> i.'umior, llowanl Cuttys, Miislcnl Clement. Clay Cnvaiiaui.ii, Mr. Clmiiiherllna 'llio Cnrtella. O. V. I'liassliio, Muns. Frank i nine Hnis. |Cornitlier<, Frank Carroll, Mr.i Mrs. Bobert rnrmso. Bliss Chaniln'isils I'nslle, J. It. larller. Bert rrrtelffne, CbM, CW'ke, Ernest Oiiicro, K. V. Clark & Me- iCoiiser Klanortli Ciill.STjli Collins. M. S. I'staaasK, D-s <:n<.k it sniltti Clievalier, II. CIColllus. Saiumy Crowder, O. II Clniidltts. Ii. f'orwln, C K. Clifton, J. )». Usrlctl. .1. J. i.ViiuMl. Fi-oik C*itetnnn. f t.. Cole & t'leii«'ns Cleavcnger, Will C'olton. Frnn'i Calrln, P. •'. I'arnnsnch. Jim t'rorel, Win. tbrke. Cuss. < auipMI. II. C Carlton, Thos. ,.v, B**u j I Kjnnldsou, Centus Iliiiienii. Charles 'I i.,u. Arthur :lirew, <;. K. Davison, A.K. PsThs, W. C. Duffcy, James Down, Kelnvi Davis, Austin Darcr. Jaek rt<; Vere, .Mr. , Dnnle>'. Uc Forest iDcavrs, 0. L, Darling, tl Dee. J. II. Davis, W. II. lint's.i-., II. A. lloyle l\ P. Diirlelgti, Dan Dusliliieioa A.P. Dunn, Alex. Davis, II. 0. D tin:. Ciirli Dehnore k Dolan A- Lenliarr Dunn. Bob IV.wnlng, W. L Dull. II. W. Do C«U>. V. C IH-ave-.,. Walt. l>evellinns\ F. Dunbar, Ao'hlo jieriine, Kdjai.- lkdVis'i-hlo t\T. D.I l.alu Hurry Daley. Wm. 1 Kill II LIVJ - . I.nv.*rence Dlnnsinniv. Jolm Dolseu Jr. Diamond. IMrrj Donnelly, J. It. Deven>, tl. F. Daley. J. A. Di'lli'iina, M. Diiveiilor's O.K. Dinlil it I.nltai t l.iniiKlierty J. P. Daiinvns, ljw Pe Ferris, Joe Dealy. W. F. I»oii|!las. C. \V. Dyer. II. S. IV onto, Al F.lllott Maurice t.'Jniii. I't.iiiK Kdwards, <S. P. llldrliUe. Press Kim, Nullum I'.sierliroiiU Fred Kraut, Dan IJin.i, Pete & AUk Kvcri'lt, F. Kstnlsh, Harry Krncst, diaries Kdwlii, Mr. I'.nsleUey Sandy l.divarils, I.. A. Filer. Clinrli's Fsterbrook Fnil Fuylilo. S. Francclias, The Fern, Sid Feoton, M. J. Fredericks. The I'urixdl, I'haa. Poster, Kit. I'luulgaii's Bull Co. Fern Osn eily -t Prectuno. H. L. I'niii. Julio Frledrlch. ilustav l'owler, Kil. l'mitaa, T"wo l'niishiiwe, AL Fox, Lit ward Flagg, Wm. Fori In, .1. B. (I. Fiigau' .V Mcrrlnm Flint, Harold Flynu, Enrle l'raspr. Jack • Frininert, Harry Fluvelle, V. O. Flqlds, Kit Finser Trio Fernandez, Harry Flpg, L. & ttnrdener, Corn. Uleaseii, Prof. O. It. Oorman, A, D. Oraeey. W. II. t.'ui'doer, Joici ilr.iUlliiill. K. J. (■lick, ilnrry (Illroy, t;harles nregnry, A. W. Clllette. Al. 11 rami I i-li, Cbas. CJatca, Harry (Irani, Cltf. Carry. Billy (iraliam. Mr. (Jallagber, J. P. Raffy, Mm. tierrle, Geo. Urethra, Claude Onrrcl, Al Cilllgan, J. T, tiarlng, Atliol Olunt, I. R. (ioodwln, B. P. Oray. Chns. M. (intbzell, Wm. Hreene, Bert Hlrmix. B. V. Oteat SlarEhosv lirahnm. Will (inrmaii, 3. It. itnvly. John (tiMHlhne, Willis (lardluer it Vincent ClPleller, Karl ilrolier, Wlllluin lirecrir, L. L. (iraliam, Billy llersbey CVsiutF llorner, Heu Hvmaii, Uobcrt Haines & 1'lesmel ITayden, Italpli Huyer, J. P. lleymitnn, Jne. lliirlatiKiii, L.K. Harrison St Mnlunilcy Harris, II. K. Haver, J. 0. Ileelitngcr C. L. Hall St Ituckel llagcner, Wilhelm Hawkins, Is;w limit, Claude llalMay, a. v - Hint, Fredrlc HalU'n * l-'nller Howe, Frank llnven, V. P. Hornliy, Fre.1 Ilayden, il. M lletikel, (itu. llwk-y, Win. lllck.-y it Nelson ll'l-'lies, Nick lliiinuiD CaptSId ll.iuey, Felix Harris, Alfred HoldcD lin.s, Hunt, Melvin I [ageiier, S. D. II. W. Heller ftOladiug lloey, tleorire Henry 4: Voting lliin-er, W. A. Hayes. 1M, Hunting. J. W. Itstdsnar, Boot Hyde, Tommy Henry, J. P. I'llllleV, M. K. llyloinls. i'rt'il liolt, Cte uun s IMa-id. K. J. Ilanfonl, C. It. Ilollniid. K. J. Ilaufurd. U. II. lloc'iii. Frnrs!t Haslilik'-. Bell Hurl. SSili,,i,i Heek, F. S. Hays. II. D. HarVnart, Frank Hone. P. A. Hepburn, F. K. Heath. T. (1. Irma Oprra Co, living, I'rant; li'Vlli^ton, II. H liiglls, Has liiiaans, xtie liiKhnm, Leo .iitiklns, M. C, .'ones, Aium«tus .liidge, ' James A: IklTlS .leiiniietie. T. O. .lolirson, nily JerrcDis it Jlnrtonne .(ofTerson. I. T. Juliits.m it Perry sVsrpk, II. A .tunes, S. L. "enks « Clttloril ■ linker. W, A. Jaeknoiis 'I'll re*. .•uiitis'r k I lay is .luriru*. Oik JiieUsnii, il. \V. .turvK F. 11. heene, C. p. Kenney, R. C. Kohler Mai tors' Klralfo. Vincent Knraia's, The Keuyon, T. tl. Kriimer, Juo oeb. II. It. Kennedy. B. S. Keller, W. P. Keleey, Herlit. Kennedy & Qnatrell Kennedy k Wllkcas Ulmhall, F. W Klhaire, J. D. Kiwler & Ctco Kerslinv,-.Mor- r;-,iii Stiadi Co. Kelly, Mr Klenko A: raroli Kaufman, Joe Kuelrge, Lew Keuo, Walsh & Melrose Kelly, Wall. Kelly. It. It. Muter, Morris Kenyon, C. A. Keoney, J. C. Kisiwles, J. 11. King, T. J. Kelly & Bertha illy k Adtillis Keller, Joe Kllvk. liny I.IIIIIOUl, ICllllil! add, Fred l.eiilliiin. Win. Lyman Twins I.vim k Classen Llbbcy, J. A. I.eliiuels Jnfiii I a- i'ump, II. S. Lnetimsn. M:'. I.lvliiiraton Dave Lu Porte, S. M. l.e Bran*, J. D. I.avlu Walton «t Co. I.orene, fiw. Luther, a B. l.ueas, Sain Lake. M. I.. I.esole, tl. W. a Vun, II. V. Lauseli, llir, y Ltebuiauu W. P.. .ewls. Boss LaVere Amn- ron Trki LeClalr ic llar<lt l.ii.'lulr, W. H. [.emohie, C. I!. laBrenue. H. K. I.eonnril. J. F. Lereli, J. 10. l/iiirjee Fnnilly Lowry, Kil. k Luclle La Pierre, Kredetle Lnmh, C. S. I.nvlue, Arthur ,eo. I,. P. Lane, P. 11. t.ucentrn, J. A. i.a Drew & La Zone I.i'onard. Parkei l.ees, 11. & .lisle l.a Harre, MMe l.e Mnrr, Harry Monroe, Mack A Lawrence McDonnell, Mlkc Military Bras Maeli, Oscar Monte, Joo McD.niald. Arch Miller, Fred Macio it Fo.e Martiuii irinvorl Morrlssey, T. P. Miller Bros. Mark. II. B, Mnmlnee. Prof. Alex. Marlenn. Frnnic MefVinnlil. Mlkr MeyiTB, It. A. Mills & Morris Murray. IVim May, Francis Minting (il,') Mnlloy, Dan M. '.Mullen. A. Mldilletcii, H. B. Meyerilelil Jr. M MeKinlune. J.Ci. Miickay. Frank McNnlr. 3. a. Marshall. Jack llr.rtliietlle k Madison's Bmlitel Mason, Itnynuiii't Martin, J. !*. Moutiaunery (• Cantor Morgan, A. K. Moia'ey, Jim Mix, ft L. Millard Bros. Mil!..11. .1... I■ 1111 Newliall. I. K. Nel«oti, Al Nct^.'ii, Neadn XoSli, J. It. .Nelson, I*. P. NVs'ton. 1 lurry Note, Harry, Nitan, W. V. -NeiiM'r, Henry Nelson, Clin Mwi s. Walter Nusn Tots lie.) Nernro. Insi'|ili Owen. I.. V. (Irlcnny, Follt iwcns. S. .1. QnnMaav, Jmnes urn. Cbarles "liver, s. P. Dldbaiu, C. L. (ic.) PIIelKT, Frcil Pitee, II. M. on ell. W.. F. Paiion It Perry Peterson. A. W. PhrosLi, Mr. Petty, Frank Parley, Pete 'emeil, W. II. liuisey, Alfreil Piircell, A. W. Pearl. Billy Probst. II. J. PetehliiE Bros. Price.' IT. M. t'uwtrs. Andrew Post, Ibilpli llnuril, Al Pcor, A. T. Peek, QMOJS I'arls, Llouel Price. 11. P. Phillips, Bill Pacheco Pnmily Prleo Boni Klmw Pal ion «v IVtn Phelps. K. A. I'UMt, It.ilph Ucdway, Hd IttUs it Culler Hire. Mr. Itonlaiiil f.- Cltft'ord (Ksckclu, II. B. liotli-lelii, P. II Krno. Charles ttassell Futtoa ioiioldn, FV-v. Italslnu, Bill Idiseis*, Sam It.-jo-rs, P. J. Heiyea, Mr. Itaiiklu, J. W. Ileeil, (Ins lilcu, J. O. Itoclifort & May ItiHiiiey. H. Ityiiu, Jas. k Muni Hogei's, T. .1. Itnstus k noaas ttli'kiirds. Jon ltlvcla. Kmllu Hire. WIlBuui Itentfrow J. Nf. Itondeait, J. Itorhwood, II. Q lit ce. Sam Itlce & Cohen lUiudeaii. Oeoras Hoy, Walter llola-rts, Allyn Uleh, Lnnls Itotiinsou k Urant llosrley, Jean Itudlr, D. T. ttobertsou's Dors llogers, Wll-ioo Held Jolinnyflue llelly & Morgan Itnymoml II. II. Ituymouil MeivllI, Archie Iteisl, 8. T. tcwl, S. T, (cede, .Musical toos, Allien -elireyer. A, M. ■tillly, Lew ^eotde, (ieorgc -etiwurti:. Y. F, 3iOCly. Walter ttlu-rlilan. J. J. Sydney, Clauds Fkiixga, J. B. Snyder Alluchtey shii'.iker, Vf. 0 spiugue. Alvin sieru, 1*. C. Stuns,. J. (1. Sterling. Al. 8an I''rnn- slnco, Slg. Sneath. Charles Staplelon, It. J. SilVI'l-l..!,. Will SI roiig, KnrjB .■sparks, Chas. Soknluvn, .Moris Sliillils. Frani. Somers, M. A. Slwxs. prof. I lerinnn Sryninur k Hill nrllle, (i. 11. Xi. Mnur. — Sherry. J. W. SeliaciTer. Ilerht Ml. II. W. Stanley A; lliiH' «trnng M«n Co. Stevens, P. W. Saler, Henry Skiver, Alvin Stone, Cliarli'-i Siieiieec, Waiter Sp.nks. F. A. iifliiuck A \ al Tramor, CllXird Vendell, Hurry \ lee ,v Viola Vreeland, C. W, Manniii.: Value. \V. M. Taylor, II. v„» Dell, UsttJ Transatlnntlc V.m, William Pour Vara, Frank Taylor. R. It. Wordeti. William Toivnsruil. Wliliehlll, W.K, Hoirnrd Winder, Itiils-rl Trlllens. Tlie W.usls. (iarni'V Triiiisiiiiani I ■ 4 Willlaias, F.. D. Ilinmsnu, llauy Wlnney * Furl •Tide or WIDon. F. II. LBVCa. Wlllleeai, n. A Tnjlor. O. P.. West. J. B. Taylor, Han Winner, Will Teiiiiywii. Will Wlmlen, W. M. TIMirtie, P. A. Willlnms, II. H Taylor, F. It. Walker. II. W. Travis. Frank Wells, Raymond Tlimcr. UfOritC Williams. Unlit. Thompson, Whipple, F. W, Raymond Wallers. Ktaff Thompson * Wllsou, A. W. Johnson Wills. L. Thornton, Wmldoll, Itlchard l.'reil i Mae Toler, II. (I. Jr. Whllaker. Tevls. It. C, t Itaymooil Tiiylnr, ft T.' jWIlher. II. D. Taylor, U. F. , Winchester, H I, Tucker, Nelson .Whlliuon*. ViiDsmt, Vletir 1 Cllgonl Vine, ('. S. Wbltelas', l.uu • While, Jnck see: notk n at iikau ii. p, M'oikIs, D. Wtllliiins, V Warren A llorcnnl Wlll'l-llT. II. C. Wltion .V Rogers W.khI. AllKTt WiKltt'll. II. S. Whiteside, .fack Wnlton, Dul.'U Welch Minn- nise 1 l, ,,i;w Wanacu Frederlel: Wlllnrd, II. I'. Wltsen, Iteomo Walker, P. It. Ward, Fuianiiel Williams, It, T. Waisiin, Stun Weston. Harry wv-i. A. II. WoislS. p. .1. Waters. Lew Wilson A Morun Wiley, iisear West. C. W. K. rWe rnatnl.W o Winner Waller Wlllnnl, Clias. Voiuik, Prof. Yellow HoyCbU't /eiui. Mr. /nrelll. -lisi ili-ii-z, Mr. Zulu A- Pettln.i Zeh. Jolly OF LIST. OHIO. Cineiniintl.. Sylri'slcristamnrr, R. II. Msrvlnn, J. K. ISeolt A: JiiIiobou .Montruse. Hob Shaw, Mr. A Blindly, Nick Mra. Larry Unlike StockCo'Swisher, II. II. Mulsuim.tu, Mr UattlurWs, Jock Marshall. Harry Mnck. Tiaiy Me.Valt, L. J. Hnrphy, W. II. McAruy, Arthur Moure. J. H. Sainoili, (ieiirno Sweid. John Sims, Dnvlils Siillug, Frank Swnhi, W. (f, Sluiiin.iii, J. I. Mewurt. Cul iSpurrlrr, Jack MeCsrtcr. Bert isironse, Iloroco St.rl.'ue, Wilt .Simili'i-s. A. II. Murray. IT. B. ]stoiie. tk'n Military urtct'e Siidinn'ii Mlka Sl-S t..TI, J, J. srsreU, T. II. rkyawar, (ieo. SMatsufc Marluw Site pp. Cliarleu Snt ton, Frank lllller, Hiddolf Meyer, W. F. Meitae Mortimer Midler. Mr. MacKnroe & Lu I'ort-?.... Murray .'* Low- Slum-. O. L. M«i»t, I'. II. looter, Henry Morton Urns. Sslft. Ilerlsrt Msr/.h. K. <l, Si.innels. M. McFarlaiid. iSnlvesau, A. M, Plilltp Slicruiiii. 1. 0. >!ontro*c. Boi> iKmoers. .Marlin MaeDoe.ell, Simile.Isle, Carl Mellsoirne '.V. seuiniiion. A. Q. Slattle.vs, C. «.'. blivnntn, 1. W, The new Olymnlc Tltentrc, on Seventh Street, which John ,1. Itynn snys will he built ilurlug the coming Winter, will lie iintlerned, as fur as Its enliiiiices lire con- cerned, after the Now Amsterdam Theatre, In Stmt Y'orK. After passing tho ticket window Ihe pin ion of ihe house will turn to the left, I reverse >\ lobby, and turn directly Into the oiidltorliim. At Ihe conclusion of tho per- t'orniauce triple doors leading directly to tho street from the lobby will be opened. Tho theatre will be tho ilrsi eoiistruelcd under ilii- new liuildlng laws In t'lnclnimtl, and will be dedicated to vaudeville. (Jhanii iHt'Iia Hufsi: (Hurry Hnlnforth & Jolm II. tl.ivllu. taaaasetHl.—Francis Wil- son will emtio Oct. .'Ml, lu "t'oilnln Hilly," to Is! preceded by llio eiirliiln rarser, "The Lll- i le Father of the Wilderness." Lust week Henry W. Savage's eompiiuy wus seen In "Wowllaml.'' It wan the llrxt Iwiil preseu- latum of the odd conceit of Krnnk 1'lxley nntl UnslSTS Ludtrs. Harry Bulger, us llluu .lay, won llrst honors. In which Helen Hale nnil Jenny Wren shared. Business was j;ront. iJoekslndcr's Minstrels Nov. II. Wai.nit Stiiixt Tiikatiiii CM. 0. Ander. pory,. manager).—Johnny Ford mid Moymu (iehme are to nppeut' Oct. 'JO, In a new gaiety, "Lovers nnd Lunatics." Ijwt week tlio Ilnulnas were seen In miollier edition ot ' Fanttisnia," In which Italpli Do llnveu, Lorle Palmer, t'Inra Throtip, were ninoug tho uliU to ihe clever ucrobiiilc fniully. Tho houses M-cro crowded. "Tho Itiuiawtiys" Nov. 5. i'iii.umbu Tiir-ATno fM. C. Anderson, man- ngefj.—The Oriibciim Show will appear «)ct, I'll. Last weel,H bill wus good nil I ho way through, mid Ihe B. It. II. sign was up lit every iierformnncc. The Fudctte Ladles' Or- chestra proved n pleasing feature. (Nti-ilo Wordctlc'H sketch, "A Honeymoon lu thu CntsklllH," made it lilt. liiircK'B Upkra IlorsB (Ilouck, FeritieRsy & Stair managers).—"A Desperuto Fliancc, Theodore Ktemers neiiMitluiial inclutlrrnuii, founded, on the cscnpnden of tho lilihllo Brothers, will open Oct. L".l. F.iigenlo lies- sercr was seen Inst week, as Monn Fnttrher, In ."How HcartB Arc llrokcii." Kindness was very (rood. "The Qtieeu of tho Whllo Slaves" Nov. X>. KoBiNsoN'fl Orr.itA Boom (fleorgo P. Fish & r.uclla Forepnttgu Fish, inanugers). —Tho I'orcnoitgh Slock Co. are to revive "Men nnd Women" Oct. 211. Lovlnln Hhnn- iion. In the role of Viola, was a central llguro In the Forcuatiuh compnny'B presentation of "Twelfth Night last week. Wilson Hum- atel'fl Sir Andrew, the Marie of Ijitirn I'ler- pont, and Harry Fenwlck'a Mulvollu wcro especially clever. Large audiences guvo en- Ihuslnsllc evidences ot iipnrovnl nf the work, "Captain Harrington" will be put on Nor. 5. I.vcct'M TitBATiiu (lletick, Slnlr & Fcn- ness.v, managers) —"When tho World Sleeps," the mclodntiun, by I.angdon Mct.'wt'iillck nnd l.nwrenre Mtirsden, Is lo lie staged Oct. I'll. Vnn Kinj'le and Amy Fntmwoi'th, In tho roles of Jtick Rose and Cindy, weto the lend- ing spirits In David Hlggln.-i' TcnnesHee mountain Idyl, "At Plney Kltlgn," which drew goodi crowds all last week. "(Judo Dan'I" Is due Nov. 5. rcoi'LB'M Tiip.»'oit; (Herbert Hcuck. mnn- ngcr).—The D.ilnty Puree Co. opens Oct. HU. The Cnllf.omln (ilrls provided a great show last week. Six vuudevlllo nets were suiid- wlehwl between "I'ulm Iteuch, I'loriiln," mid "The (.'rent While Wity," tho opening uud closlnR builcwpies. Fay Fester Co. cornel Nov. 0. STANDAnn TiiEATitn (Charles II. Arnold, tnnnager).—The New York Stars are to tip- poor OcL Ull. Fred Irwin's New Majestic* were the magnets that drew splendidly Inst week. "Down the Line" ami "For (ilihi duly" were the burlesques put on. Kurrell nod Fny presented u new skit In "The 1/ut (Junit." The tiolden (.'rook llurlesnucis come Nov. 5. Hosstp of tub lAiinv.—The Apollo CJnh has taken up concert work at their rooms In Odd Fellow Temple, under lh<> direction of Hush W. Foley Will Heck, the ninnsc- ment director of Coney Island, linn formed n new nlllnnce with Oscar Fhfgolt. uud will book "l'lnafore" lor it tour of Ohio, Indiana iit'.il Kentucky towns The, Adolf Holm Fesilviil orchstitra hns left town on n llireo weeks' tour of Illinois ntul (own. The soloists are Wlllbim II. Sherwood. Oeorgle Kobcr, Helen Carter .MeCotnicl mid Harry Kopp.... Clam IIcmok, n Clnchinnll girl, has entered the Conrlcd opera School Mildred Marsh nnd (ievrge llogo Voy gave a inusleale at Able lleelliil Hull, Del. £"> Kd. Wllitcr- luirii will leave the Kliiudnrd Thontro In n week, lo look after the hoi ofllcii of the .Ma- jestic Then i re, lu Chicago. He bus been so- ■ uiisl by >f. ('. Anderson nnd Henry W. /.Icgler The llrlll-N'elson light pletnroM me lo ho shown tit Ike Auditorium for n week, commencing Oct. "ft Charles l.». Sllney. proiwrty man of Woodbind, wua mar- ried dirlng "he week, to Helen O'.Vi.-ll, *t iiiomher of the (hnriis of tho show (Jll Itobljis'jii s|ient tin; early part of tho recti here. Heidelberg," week of Sit, closed the Ions en- gagement of tho Vntiplmn iltiiser Stuck Co., which hns been transferred, by the .Shuberls, to Llio Hasl, fur stock work for a jierlotl nf twenty weeha. "Mis. Teniple's Telegram" nest week. Lvcfiim (.T. K, Cookson, tnnnnger).— "Nancy Brown" week of 3D. "The Semlnnry tllil" drew well week ut I'll. "FunttiBWft' next week. CLr.rr.LAXD (.T. IC. Piwkilna, mnnnger).— "Across the I'arillc" week of :m. "After Mbl- night" liiul good houses week of l"t. "Tho K}" Witness" next week. ttKirit'n (II. A. Diuili'N, mnnnger).—BUI week of :t<): Itos-d nnd his horse. Fd. V. Iteyiiiiid, Long uud Cotton, Jack 1,'ardner, Hoinhe and Doietlo and others. liVltto (i:. 1(. Lang, iiinmip-r).—Bill week of :t(i i Fnriner Jones unci pigs, Mrs. Tom Thumb, Count mid Huron Miigi'l. Two Allots. Al. II. Burton, Arlington Font', Vlctorcltl, nnd Hiirry rlrnulnn. Staii (Orew & Cninpbell, managers).—The California (.ilrls week of :lu. The Colonial belles had splendid houses week ot I'll. Dainty Pares Co. next .week. KSIMM (Henry Denzlnger. tiinnnger).— The London Holies week of .'!fl. The Pari- sian Widows had line houses week of -3. Tito Hun Tons next week. coliitnims. —At tho tltvitt Southern (O. M. HelVucr, imuutKvri "A I'nlr Hkchange" enli'iliilned full' slxed llotlscs Ocl. "it, 24. " 'Way Down Fast" drew good houses -fi. "The Land nf Nisi" nluyetl lo crowded hoiiBM ::7,' rs. "Thu School for HtiBbnuds" 30, Otis Skluner Nov 1, "The Kternul City" 8, •!, Win. II. Crnno tl. 7, 'I'lffl I'liltl! f'nuflll'' s, II; "Thu Isle ot Bong Hong" 10, 11. Rxnm (Fred Neddcriuyef, nianuger).— "Alice, of Old Vltii'cnuos," as presented by Ihe Umpire Slock Co., was thoroughly en- loveil bv good houses during WVft of Oct. S3. h'riuiU Oawn find Myrtle .May, In tltn lending roles, did excellent work. Illll week of HO: "Cricket on tin! Ilenrlh" and "I,cinl Mo Five Shilling-!." On Nov. I Ihe .liluglo Imps, il well known local athletic mid soclnl club will bold Us Raima! uiltisttcl show. "Incog" next week. tlKAxn Ot'ttn.v Hopnii (W. W. Pressor, man- ager).—The limine wus chirk week ot Oct. "II. Knllnr iltl-.Vov. .1, "FutiiiiHiiiii" "-I, "Tito Street Singer" (IS, "My Tom-Hoy Olfl" l»-ll. Ilt'llf MraGCT It'. W. Harper, tnrningcr).— "Her Klrsl I'iiImo Step" mid "When the World Sleeps" divided Inst week, to good 1 iimIiicss. "Tlie CimfoHsloiis of it Wife" .'Ho Nov. 1, 'Secret Service Sum" "••!, "At 1'lncy Hldge" US, "Amiss tho Pnclltc." IMJ. a " ■■ Ilnylnn.—At thu National Theatre (Oil. Ititrrows, ninitiiger) Ceo. Sidney, lu "lltisy ia/.v's VncMllon,'"tittrticted big crowds Oct. L':i-25, "Cortfesslon of n Wlfo" did fairly well 20-38. Coming: 11 union Urns.' "Fun- 1*99)1" I'.O-Xov. 1, Kellnr, magician, Nov. 2--I. VicrottiA (C. H. Miller, nuuiagor).-- " 'Way Down Ktwt" did rwhI business Ocl. 24. Thos, W. Boss, lu "A Fair exchange," drew well i'(i, Allco Flshnr, In "Tito Bchool lor Husbands," was very well pntroulfiid 28. "Tin' Laud of Nod" III). Siii.nlrniH' IIomb, —Tho lloynl Iliiiigni'lnn Oi-clicsiiii entertained it goisl sized audluncu 27. "T'wo l.lltlo W.ilfs" ill. ■ruled At lint Valentino (Otto KIIvm. manager) "In I ho Bishop's Carriage" was given a good reception Oct., 21, Itlchard Mniisll.'lil 27, "Tho .School for Husbands" 31. Nov. 1, (Frtink lltttt, manager).—Mabel Mi'lililiey wits greeted by big ItoilNOA 10-21. "The King of the Ortliim Ring" hud fair put- rntinge 22-211, "Ills Last iMlfitr" 2d-28, "Tun Scmfiint-y Olrl" 20-Nov. 1. Lmiiiii: (Abo Hhatih'O, manager). — Ban Rydi'll's Tiondou Ilellos gavo an excellent show, lo big business, 22 and week. lion Ton Ilurlesquura 20 and week. AiicMii'i (11. II. Lnmkin, manager).-—Char- lotte Townsciitl nnd cniiipunv wuro features 22 and week. Thu Urcul Larayetlo aud com- pany 2!) and week. lltniT'H (Frniik Hurt, manager)^—"How Hearts Arc Broken," 111-21, and "The Mya Witness," 22-2r>, worn well patronized. "Her First FiiIm Htep" 202H, ''Afler Midnight" 211-Nov. J. Akron—At tho Colonial (Illy K Illll, muiiuger) "The Bieventh Hour" did well Oct. 2(1. Paul Gllmoro pleased two good houses 2«. Vogel's Minstrels II. "Italics In Toylnnd" Nor. l.^Khen llolileti" 2, "nig Hearted ,11m" II, Frtical Hogiin unit compnuy 4, "The Oypsy (ilrl" I), Mnry Kmersou Hi, "Tho Mummy and llio Humnilng Hint" II. Unique (Acbillo l'lillllon, mnnnKcr).—For week ot ,'IU: •Tlie Musical Hurts, Mr. and Mrs, Larry Shaw, the Boss Sisters, llnrmnn and Zeli'nib and Ilnrry Mnilun. Iliislneus In Sood. Changed (rout three shown to two ally, S3. Nuti:h. —Manager Uly R. mil, of tho Co. lonhil, returned 2f>, from his. cottage at Tur. Iteyfoot Luke, with tho Mention's record for duck, having bagged lit In two days' shoot- ing Homer Smith, or the "Llttlu Johnny Julio*." hIiow, spent Hunday, 22, hero. «»» LOUISIANA. ' ! '— ' "I rievelnnd.—At the Opera House (Harry D. Kline, ntiiiiugcr> W. II. (.'rune week uf .'III. Hohert Edcson, In "Mtfoughcuit," had excel- lent houses last week. < (Drew ft Cninplicll, tnaniigors).— "Tho Heart of Mary In, d" Is the Initial offer, ing of the Independent", week of 30. "Old Xe»v Orleans.—At Mm Cesceut (W. If. Itovles, tiiiiunger) Al. 0. Field's Minstrels enjiivcil u big week's business Oct. 22-2K. Al. 11. Wilson 2!) ntul week, "Huinuii Hearts" next week, TtiLANH (W. II. Howies, manager).—This Iioiihii will open Its doois for Hio heiison 211, wllh "The College Widow." "Frank Daniels next week. (IliANIi Oi'Kii.i llnnsi: 111. C. Fottrton, mnn- oger).—"Tho Itoynl Box" was hiiiidsomely Staged nnd iiicsented week of 22, to liu- mcnmi bttslncas. "Tho Only Way" 2'J uud Week. tiitiiKNWAi.p (Henry fiieeiiwnbl, inunngitr). —The lleulr.-Huiitley llurlesijun Co. pluycd lo good business Inst week, 'flic Blue lllb- bon (Ilrls .'ID mid week. Lvi.-if. (Orecnwnlil ft Baldwin, inuiuigers). —The llnldwlii. Melville Slock Cn. idiiyed lo Itniueiisu IiuhIiiiss (vcek of 22, presenting "M'llsa. I'liu tjreat WltltO Diamond" 21» uud week. Oiii'tiKi.M (Murllu Beck, general mnna- gori.—Bill for week of .'IU: The Failottu Or- chestra, tho Mllltuiin Tlio, Illicit, Flliiti and compnuy, Jacobs' dogs, Friincls (lerard, Mr. and Mih, Allison, uud Bryant, uud Hnvllle. NOTKH,—Mnnnger II. C, Fonrton, of th* (Jr'iml Opetn House, Invited the newsboyo to his thentro Oct. 21, ntul n large numbec wen; In nltenilatici; The miitingei's r,r tins Orcciiwalil tniiilo <neh Tuesday night tictvalmys' night Illchnrd II. Urdu, representative or tint lilito Itlhbon olrls Co., niiiile (hillUH lively here lust week III the ml- vcrllslng line Pete Lutleiitide, (hi! well known llthogriiphi'i', hus resumed his work ns nsslstuul lo Ceo. Vmus, of the Tiilnni) lllld (.'reseeiit Theatres.