New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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944 THE HEW:< YOEK CLIPPER. NOVEMBER ii ONE At FINEST BALLADS IN Particularly Adaptable for Minstrel First Part, and Already Being Sung by Some of Our Best Vaudeville Artists. TO YOUR OJy COLLIN DAVIS anil F. J. RICHMOND. TOUCHES EVERY HEART. MOVES EVERY AUuifcnCE. btflUTlFUL SLIDES BY THE CHICAGO TRANSPARENCY COMPANY. PRICE, »S*00 PER SET. POSITIVELY NONE FREE. FREE-PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS TO REC06NIZED PERFORMERS OR THOSE SENDING UP-TO-DATE PROGRAMS-NO CARDS. IVT. 17ITITMARK «fc SONS, Publishers, ' WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 W. 37th ST., NEW YORK. Look for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. f. f. PROCTOR, Salt Prtprittsr aid Managtr. I. AUSTIN FYNES, QiD.ral Maoagar. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 DeTOted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor's nth Ave. Theatre, Proctor'. Ml 81. Theatre. Proctor's Bsth St. Theatre, Proctor'* 125th St. Theatre, Proctor'* Newark Theatre, Proctor'. Albany Theatre, Proetor'a Tror The- atre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. But Plays and Btst Vudnlllt. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: S plot of acta: complete "prop" list; correct light plot; If you open or close In one; EXACT time of acta, and of "close In ;" bill- ing for newspapers and programme*; and CLKAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LORIIIES TWO WEE-KS IN ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT EACH, HOUS10, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OK CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS, 9 TO 11 A. M. MONDAYS. THEKE RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. -. Playwrights, AutborB, Flay Agents, . Address' J. AU STIN PYNBS, General Man ager, PU'I'H AVE. THEATRE. N. Y. CITS'. mCsTIATEB SOW flMRS ■ To try tbe (Ircut Now Novelty lilt, "EVERYBODY WORKS RUT FATHER," IN BIOORAPH PICTURES. Tliroe complete verses, with eliorus for enoli, done in moving pictures to the exact lime aud sense or the song. EXOKUOIATINGLY TUNNY. A SCREAMING HIT. Supp k d In 'cltlicr white or blaok tuco ehuraetcrs. LENGTH, t J.ift. PRICK, SUI.OU. mUM MUTOSCOPE & BI06RAPH CO,, 11 E. 14th ST., NEW YORK. Confidence Can B< Placet) In Renowned Good, Sine. GOOD QUALITY Gained Thilr Raputallon. Tor the past llfty years have been universally recognized ns being the best HADE, and are f(referred by prdfeslonale everywhere, which b proven by the numerous unsolicited endorse- ment, received from all parts of the world. IKE ORGAHOLA la a splendid novelty to be used In vaudeville. It consists of a solo month organ, nearly chromatics), attached to two seta of reeds, controlled by a double row of valves, which render chords and bass notes, both minor and major. linn the same effect as a concertina Instruction book goes with each Instrument WANTED rCUU m A FEW FIRST CLASS Are made of the best materials which skill and years of experience can obtain, thorough- ly seasoned wood, to stand any climate,- the finest reeds, clear end resonant as a bell. "Just as good as the Hobner Hsrmootcas," I. the best proof of their superior quality. The "llohner" Instruments are endorsed by Wm. II. Burke, the original harmonica wonder, who wns the first to Introduce this Instrument and Its possibilities upon tbe stage. During- his profeeslonnl career of the past 26 years he baa continually used tbe "Honner" Harmonicas. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. - | HOHNER, 354 Broadway, O. SIE6MAN •-FILMS-* EOrSOIf BOLL FIGHT L-OBIHTRalffhOBBERY LD8IS BA"K ROBBERY THEHIBIU'.'; P&SSIOH PL IT, 31 Films 788ft, 985.00 573M. 50.00 570ft. 50.00 81611. 87.5Q 165.00 Many other Ilium. low privet one lot of fllui, l,0OOft., for $31.00. • MOTION PICTURE Iff AC MINUS, AND . . FILMS WASTED, HaHBACH & CO., „,?„«*. Phlla, Pa. FILMS! FILMS! And Moving Plotnrs MaQhlnea, all maksa, booght tod (or sale. PRTLaDELPBIA Fill BI0BAH0E, 1608 North 15th St., . Fhiladalpnla, Pa., 0.8.1 RIO HIS k SHOW TO SELL FOR $50? Anything will do if It will msku good In stnuli towns. State everything urst-lotter. I. F» PUTT, Box 9SU, Buxton, Bedford Co., Pa. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HXrTNEGAH at CO w dnoUnati MOVING PICTURE MACHIIVE9, Films, Slides, Accessories. HEADQUARTERS FOR EDI»ON'S GOODS. , cii»*. st. sTKnaiNM. HIU« "aln St , KsniM City, Mo. WABBEK BEEBE, composer Aire ar hanger, PIANIST-DIRECTOR Haw a line Edison Moving Picture Machlie. ( Pre erfteuiiv theatre. Address 1 WARREN BKBWi, 4U V, Chirk 81., Chicago, HU 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bit. S.rlBj and Brttmtj, Ntw YarV Theatrical Supplies; Grease Paints,. . Tights, Wigs, . . Gold & Silver Trimmings, |*»? 0 {- Spangles, Etc., I« Wi Mud gMdi C. 0. D., aubjact to Inipictlio bat require a daaatltaa al.ardara' SEND a ota. tor OATALoara Ho. 4. w CAR A8ENTS and EXCURSION MEN Who understand their business and have no excuses to offer. Good wages, good treatment and a long season with the it ON EARTH AM ALSO PREPARED TO OFFER AW ENGAGEMENT TO A FIRST CLASS CAR MANAGER FOR THE Buffalo Bill Wild West Show IK EUROPE. One who speaks uod writes, the French aud German languages preferred Must ho competent to trans- act general advance business. Address all communications to LOUIS E. COOK, 25 West 34th St., New York City. MUSICAL BELLS AMI MUSICAL NOVELTIES as ua»d by leading artists the world over, bend Mr new HiiiRirnttd entaloguA. Our goods can be secu at KoIHO' A Chase, San Kran'T-oo, Calif.; Carl FI«oher, Now York; Oliver D t»on Co., Boston, MiiS".; Warner ,v Levolu Mexico City, Mexico; 8»ym»nr Dove A Co., Bombay, India. J. U. DEA- (i an, 2107 North Clara St., Oulcaao, III. YOU- FAT FOLKS I n° putnY-tflet thtttwm tell you of the most effective und least cxneu- elve remedy ever used—:i remedy that costa hardly anything und has liikeu 20 to 120 lwuuds off each, of over20.000men uudwouieu. No Pokeberry, No Lilellug, No Exercise, Nil Payslcluc. Nuthlng llko any stuff you may huvu tried. -Should you never use the: remedy the luformutlou and Instructions lii the pamphlet Is worth to you fifty times the cost of your two cent stnniii. SOCIETY OF. ASSOCIATED PHYSICIANS, 111 Wcst.82d ST., N. Y. Dept. 62. ■ - HI5H CLdSS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large .took, immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue Just Issued, Mo. New list of 400 bargain, in fine apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. ROTKRBEKO, 176Ontario St., Ohloago. MAKE MONEY. Roller Skates The best aud cheapest skate made for rlnk-flse. tlomlcttc or stee roller- Moud for prices CORT- LAND ROW •"> HK»TK CO., Cortlaud, V.Y:-s- AT LIBERTY. Harry Bubfa, MaMOER OR BUS. MaNAOEB Past sixeeaao m Managtr 1'KititiS' COUlDIANa Addttsa «0LOUISA ST.,MlUlanupott.TO', ILH.STR.1TED SOSfi SH'GEKS To try the Great New Novelty lilt, "EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER," IN BIOORAPH P1CTCAES. Three complete verses, with chorus ror each, done In moving pictures to the exact time and aonsc of the eoucf. EXCrtL'OIATlNtf LY FCNNY. A HURUAMISG HIT. Supplied In oltlier white or black race characters. LE.VGTII, llitt. PRICE, $31.00. AMERICAN MUToSCOPE &BIOSRAPH CO, II E. 14th Sf„ NEW YORK. GLOGAU'S ALCOHOL GAS STOVE Can do nuythliiK a Gas Stove doe*. In- fllapenvable tor the DHKiMNG IlOltM for the heating of water tea, coffee, etc. Just the tiling TO WARM GREAnE PAIN I 8, eto. Weight, 8 osl Huim« tcltle»i.n,lor- le.« and ssnnkelees. oannot explode. Consumes J* cents of wood or gra t n nleotiol In an hour, is ever get. oat of order. Agents wanted. 8EHT ANYWHERE,EXPRESS P «ID, 01.00. C. P. GLOGAV A CO., - 40 Dearborn St.. Chicago. SO. WILKmOTON OPBBA B0U*B .WANTS TO BOJK GOOD SH0W8. llouae has changed han<1«. Seatlt g capacl y, 600; population, 8,500. HENRY BORELLV Manager, south Wilmington, III, . GHAS, D. PERKINS Thanks Mrrs. tor Offers, Remains with GORDON A BENWE rT ATT RACTIOHB. AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. 4, EXPERT CLUB Jl'OOI.ER. Lightning Baton Spinning. Buck and Wlug Dancer. Elegant finish withtho double knob nre lint" ii. Add., Jan. Ouiibhaiiuua, Bennlugton.Vt. Trap Drummer, AT LIBERTY. Address WM. S. POTNAM, West Point Va. FINISH YODA AGT^^Ww'hil'e Singing. Dancing, Talking. Sample tidy, patterns and further parti miars for stamp. Geo. Breukor, Hunterdon Hol-l, Kleinlugton, N.J He». PERF«K«ERS ttAB'IB ,?$&% Opera Houses. Teams. Uoulediaua,S. aud D Ai tlsu>, Al Plsul ts; open Nov 11. I our all. AddrcuB CHAMBEHLAIN'S REMK.DY CO., Be1 Cloud Neb *l J EFFERSON STOCK CO. (8QUTN BCWIM), . (1th SEASON), DIRECTION BRUCE CONQUER, - . . i»E>or»iviL> r«r Aivi> i^ijv^s. Hustling Advance AgenU, Al Good Looking Juvenile Man and Woman, Man aud Woman for Heavies, and Characters, Comedians, with good Specialties. Good ..alary 10 Man Hrst class Moving Picture Outfit. Feature Vaudeville Team; change nightly and play small parts. Musical Act, S. and T>. Sinter Team. Tell all In first letter, Photoa returned. City time only. Keeley Slitter., Rosar Trio, Joeand Uonnle.Vance, Frank Tobln, Harry VIekery, write. Address ROBERT McADOO, Manager Opera House, Paris, Tenn. AT LIBERTY, Sam Drane and Bro., AI SPECIALTIES. A'so have Edison .Moving Picture Machine and Stereoptlcoiii Both play principal characters and comedy purw. - Also have good thing to feature that will bring tlrm as strong as Barman & Balley'M Circus. Will accept Burlesque, Farce Comedy or uny good show that wants goods and tvill pay lor good goodB. Weeks Oct. mj and week Feb. fl, care of Gen; Del. P. 0.. St. Louis, Mo. ■ SAM DRANK, from Dranetivllle. NTBD, FOR City Gaspard Bros.' am rations, "A DANGEROUS LIFE." ^HMiRL BEtEt3TIV£," "A WOMAN'S WORST SIN," AI DRAMATIC PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Address Must be Capable and Reliable. GASPARD BROS., General Del., Philadelphia, Pa. WARNING TO PIRATES - "Who have not the BRAINS to ORIGEPfATE an act of their own, but wait and see others and copy, and then have the WBP9M TO CLAIM the origi- nallty. AVe refer to Parties who have STOLEN our original idea, which we have been doing; for several years. This act is COPYRIGHTED and shall be FULLY PROTECTED according to law. '.'.' ' '•'.! ! SPINNERS OF WIOyOXES, ETC. THE FREMONT STOCK CO., COL W. H. PRRMONT, Manager, . . ' . „ Al LEADING WOMAN. WITH GOOD APPKARANOF, 4BIL1TY and WARDROBE. HEAVY MAN. must bo GOOD SIZED, of OOliD APPEARANCE and ABILITY. Also Good RKP. AGENT and other useful Rep. people; those with specialties preferred. Enclose progrmsund state everything'S'st letter. Address FKRMONT STOCK CO, Plvmouth, Ind., Nov. J, 3,4; Adrian, Mich., Nov.ti and week. Name lowest salary Urat letter, and state if you can Join on receipt of wire. - . ■ MULLENS THEATRE,OMAHA,NEB. WILL OPEN -SUNDAY, IVOT. 1*. , WA.VTBD—Vaudeville Acts, oxpoMenued Vaudeville Pianist. Sister Teams; Burlesqne Peoule'Biw ' Chorus Gl-ls for stock; Oomcdiau for stock, one thutcau direct and produce. r»0 WINE ROOMS. People wlsliing to bonk.this bouse, sund In for Immediate and future timcatouce. Opeu Urns for Vaudevillo Company, MIUBtrela (malo or femu'e) und DuiHiasiUu Shows; Address ■ W. M. BISRRY, Mg-r.. care. Midland Hotel, Oiualiu. Wol). ... DOT KARROLL GO. WANTS QUICK, LEADING JUVENILE MAN, for Strong Line of Leads. LEADER * Pianist 'and Arranger). Both mlia> jttla oq tflra. Blata own. Long, pleasant season If you have WAKDRO^t) ._, pleasant season If you SOBRIETY and COMPETENOV. SIXTH SEASON and SALARIES paid to THK MINPTE. J. \ . WKI.811, LOWELL, MASS. week so; Salem, weekKOV..*.. a AN ARISTOCRATIC TRAMP" CO., MAN FOR TRAMP, must double some Horn in Baud; J0VEN1LE WOMAN, OHAllAOTEIt W0M»N PIANO to double Snare Drum. People all lines who double band.wrlte. Name lowest, pay own hotels S. K. LESTER, Mir., So. MoAtestir, Ind. Ter„ Nov 4; Holdenyllle, Ind. Ter., Nov. 6; bhawnee, Ok. Ter., Nov. 7; Tecumseh Ok. Ter., Nov iv 8e» mute. > To correspond with Young Lady us Farmer tu ,. travel with leader._ AddresR. »" I E. I. UARTEPOOL, ft, Wayne, Ind. KAOifiPTOCirr PRomrcT»ow np TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR BOOM, Management ot J. M. BCSBY A CO. 80 successful wests.' Us eaaA cump.eie penormauce. Mn;e mone. i vesica and more New Vauderl|le Fcaiures than ever attempted by any one presenting tl great*, ot Tem-e u e Pmys. Munsgeis of OPiJRA HUDSES In Texas, Arkansas and the South, se open tune UiNoveUibir aud Derember. Musicians and Ten Nighta People, write. Addresn ' J. M. BUSH¥, permanent, l'A>A, ILL., or Tesarhaaa, Alt;,, until HOT. 1..