New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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NOVEMBER 4. THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. 945 TAULK OF CONTEXTS. J'i/i/c. lisa U8S ! IH S U3S . u:ts, mo ceum. did well. Miss Clll'pcr'n Anecdotes Marguerite Clarke—Sketch Cham Hanks—Sketch 'Cycling MtHord' Broe IJIIT l*W>Clu>l LcttlT - £'" FCHlurrs of tin' Weekly Show—Illustration*.. 03'J UnurlM Answered '112 Our Chicago Letter IHS VUw*t Hurt ouiiv m:s On tijc iio«ii o.*: Latest by Telegraph M3 Vaudeville Haute 1.1*1 l>4r.. «.i4<> New York (.'ll.v—Review and Comment... HOP, nil INnllM In t!ie Profession .1">1 Coder tbe Tents !>51 •rilE.MT.ICAl. COIil'liSPONDENCI - . Maryland PI2 Main" »«- Massachusetts 91- Dohiware ft l"l lll,]:lliu]l]:l M3 <n,!o 11-13, 051 IsnllslllllU W3 ( .l!l:i 'I ' 04S Connect leot MS i! bi*i>' islaml MB 1'eutisylvanla MJ Missouri !'IT Indiana MT Tennessee Hi Iowa MI Oregon !' 17 Colorado OK New York Statu IMS New Jersey !i is Minnesota IMS Tesns IMS Nebraska H18 Kentucky IMS Went Virginia HIS Aluhumn BAH Wlm-una'a Pol California Wl Michigan ; 001 Illinois KU Virginia 051 tliwrijin 051 Washington Out 1'lull 051 Kansas 051 LATEST BY TEL EQRAPH Monday NlKht's Ournlnm In all the Ulg Show Tonal. l.'OI.-DMV GATE GI.I'A.MM.s. ....... Koreti augh "s S lock Co. revived "Men and Women.* "A Ilesper- HW Uiniicc," nt Heuck's, opeuetl to capacity. • -....1 lie Orphoum Show, ut the Columbia. New York Slurs at tUc Standard, and llnlutv I oree Burlesqucrs ut the People's, cave good performances. ♦*♦ CANADA. Continued Prosperity 1m (be Rule. Sfi'oUil Dhputuhea io'l'uii New YokkCliitlr.. (iv.v Fuancisco, Oct. at.—At tbe Colum- bia, tbls Is tin- second and Inst week of An- drew Muck, presenting "Tom Moore" mid "The Way to Kentnare." Majestic. —"The Lottery of Love" Is this week's bill. Califounia. —Tbe Jolly Gross Widows this week. Tbe Washington Society Girls next week.> Oram, Hocsc—Yesterday marked the beginning of a two weeks' engagement of "Hen line" um'cr the local management of Ootllob. Marx & Co. "Foggy from Paris" Sunday, 20, afternoon and evening. Ai.c.vmi:. —"Iris" Is tbe curreut week's at- traction. ChStbal. —'-Hlg. Hearted Jim" Is tbe eur- reuL offering. 'Tivuli Opera Houhi;. —Grand Italian Opera: Tuesday (I.nlsa Tetrazzlnl) "Ln Son- naabula ;" Wednesday, "La Bubonic ;" Thurs- day, "La Truvlata;" Friday, "Norma," and Saturday matinee and Sunday evening, last appearances of Tetrazzlnl. Oiii'hkum. —11111 week beginning 20 : The Slslers Macarte, Charles Frolic's European .Novelty, lvdwnnl Esmond und company, the Twelve Broomstick Witches, Clayton, Jen- klnB and Juspar, sfguorlnu Verera, O'Brlou uud Buckley, and the ktnodrome. Car/tH. — Bill week of 30: Brownie's dainty Girls, Oelchlno and Dclmuni. Fryc and Bluud, the Bush Family, Bert White, Cllutou uud tbe blograph. I'lsciiKii'tf. —Bill week of 30: Mrs. Alice J. Shaw,'the Three Kohers, the Kdgar Sisters, Catherluc Clayton, tbe Diamond Comedy Four, Ilrowu mid Rogers, and the new moving pic- tures. Big business rules at tbls house. Notes. —Friday afternoon. Oct. 27, ut tbo Hrubcuiu, the seventh annual benefit In aid of lln oburlty fund of the Sau Francisco Asso- ciated Theatrical Managers took place. Every theatre and place of amusement waB repre- sented ou the programme Denis O'Sul- llvuu gave a song recital at tbe Alliamhra Theatre Tuesduy evening. 24, llila concert being given by particular reuuest of blx many friends and admirers The sale of seats Fur the two L'uiuiu Kames concerts, 2(1 and 28. nt the Alliamhra Theatre, under tbe local iMUUBMnent of Will L. Greenbautn, Is very la we.. . FROM ill HUH POINTS. Business Reported Good All Vlmm i In- Line. Chicago, Oct. III.—'Che horse show last week affected business Itlchunl Maus- Hcld cpriied In "Don Carlos." ut (he Grand Opera House, 30....01ga Nethersole opened ni tbo Illinois, In "The Lubyrluth." This la the last week of Blanche Walsh, lu "The Woman lu the Case." at McVlcker's.. .."The Clrl and the Bandit" returned to the Ourrlck •Sunday Current attractions are: '"Tbo 1'lnk llussnr," at the Chicago Opera House; "lluuiply Duuipty," ut the Auditorium: '•I'utiy-llve Minutes froui Broudway." ut (ho • 'oloulal: "'J'lie Yankee Itugeul." nt the La Siille. uud "In Hie Bishop's Carriage," ut t'owers' Capacity buslucss rules. BmroK, uci. SI.—Savage's Kugiish Grand Oporu Co. opened ut the Treiuoiit, lu "Aldn." io capacity "The Duchess uf Duulilc" .started well at the Mollis Street "Me. llliu and I," ut the Globe, nml "Uueeu uf tbe Uighblndcri.!,'' ut the Gruud, were week wluuds. opening to good crowds Frltzi Srileff, In "Jtlle. Modiste," ut the Colonial, tmd I>«iiiuaii T'lioiiipsoti. at Hie Boston, be- gan llmlr last weelcH excellently The I'ligugeineut of "The Lion and the Mouse," nt ; lic I'urk. has been extended two weeks.... "As Ye Sow" tills Ihe Majestic The other lnjtises enjoyed great buslucss. , W.ISU1X0TON. Oct. ill,—VMn Allen opened hi "The Toawt of the Town," at Ihe Nntlumil, <o a lull bouse "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram" did well at Ihe Itolnsco "Little •Minii.v Juues" filled the Columbia "tilglil Hulls"' packed the Academy JJewi'se Fuller Golden beaded the bill at <-iii|ses's 'J'be Jdaacottca bad crowds at tbe Lyceum. ' LouiBvau;, Oct. 81.—"Sue Klernul City" vpeued at .Macaiilcy's. to a large audience. • ■ ■.. ."Busy lour's Vacation" packed tbo •ui'suule "The House of Mystery," ut [be Avenue, wus siicceBsfnl The Fay Foster Co. turned people away from the Uicklngtmui .Sunday Vaudeville at Hop- Inns' drew crowded houses. Kansas City, Oct. III.—"Baln-8 lu tbo >\ood" oiiciiod u week's engagement at Con- v elitlo|i Hull, Io u big liousc, Hcorlng a till. "Mrs. Led' '^vcII'm Boots" opened il tour ulghls' eugi- mcut at tbo Willis Wood. and was well re .ted M. It. 0. greeted "31ie Meld am' ne Mummy" at tbe Graud. '.Big bou -t saw tbe bill at tbe Or- Pbeunj At tbe Glllts. "The Millionaire Detective" drew two big bouses "The Old Cross Roads." at the Auditorium, fared yell.......The Trans-Atlantic lvxtravnganza 1 o., at the Majestic, and the Merry Makers, at the Century, drew well May Irwin comes to the Willis Wood Thursday. Ciuri.vNATi. Oct. 31.—At the Grand. Fran- el* Yvllson was seen In "Cousin Hilly" and Ihe Llltle Father of the Wilderness." 'Lovers'and I.uiintlrp." a' the Wnlntit Street. '"'•J "'Wijvii i'jc World tfleeua." m ib-- L;.- Monlr. ni—||| s Majesty's ( H. y. Brooks, nmnuger> was dark Oct. 23-28. "Tbe Prodi- gal fcon" :su and week. AoAmiMv ok Mrsie IF. llnwortli, mana- ger).—-Me. Him mid I" played to packed nouses 23-28, "Sherlock Holmes" .".0 nml week. The Serlo-Comic tiovemess'' Nov. 0- TiiMTni; Hovai, (II. C. Kgerlon. nmtiuger*. —wntsun's Orientals came to big business Oct. 2:;-28. Miner's Auierlcnus 30 and week, Miner m Bohemians Nov. ij-ll. Theatiii; (F. W. I.e Clair, ninu- Jger). — I,a Troupe Cnzi'iieuve. permanent Jrencb stock coui|iany, in "Xunoleon," lo fair business, Oct. 211-28. "l.a Tosca" 30 uud week. THSATBO MM Noivlaltcs (Ii. naveuii, nmnager).—Tin' permaneat French stock. In Le Frlnco tic Kllilnb." had fulr houses 28-28. "1. Advcrsalre" 30 and week. TllUATRK N'ATIONAI. FlIAXCAIS (C. GnilV- rcau. munngerK —The iiermnnent French stock company, in "Los i irplielln* du Pont Notre Dnme," hud good houses 23-2S. "Ln Crime du Nld de I/Algle" ("Eagle's Xcst"i .10 und week. Ahkna (F. Northey, manaeerl. — Cairo slugs Xov. 1. ■ Toronto.—At the 1'rlncess (0. U. Sbep- pard, malinger) B. S. Wlllurd, In '"J'be Fool's Revenge," drew large business Oct 23-28, and bas been retained lor week of 30. GUAM) (A. 3. Small, manager I.—"Tbe Serio-Comlc Governess" bad big business week of 23. "Kerry Gow" 30 und week. llAJUsrio (A. J Small, lunnuger).—"No Mother to Guide Her" drew well week of 23. Mlie Flaming Arrow" 30 und week. BUGA'8 (J. Shea, iimnager).—A good show and big business week of 23. Blfi week of 30 : The Williams and Walker Glee Chili, Bert Cuolc and company. Hassan Hen All's Arabs, De Witt, Burns and Torrance, Baron's Burlesque Menagerie. Mere! Yon YVurzl, Wood and Unv. ami Blllle Lltib. Maski;y Bali, (Stewart llnusher. manu- geri.—liuiitjii Calve, with Argyro t.'astron, Ysnbel Kamnrd, lierrlek Von Nordou, M. Bulxmaim and Louis Fleury appear ,'W.'. Star if. W. Sluir, manageri.—The Alca- zar Beauties. 2::-28, did imiueliso business. Walsou's Oriental Burles(|uers 30 und week. ■ HI. John.—At the Opera House (A. U. Skluuer. manager) tbe W. !*. llarklus Co. oiiened Its unuuiil engagement Oct 111, wilb a splendid performance of "Darkest ltusslu," to 8. II. u. Sue Van Duser, lltliel Duvls, Hurry Stubbs uud Aldrlcb Uowker. olil fa- vorites, reer'lved wiirm welcomes. Hurry Eng- lish. Joseph Sohunn. Albert. Tavernler, Kale 1'owew uud Lucille Nelson also deserve men- tion. Tbe coiupanr produced "Tbo Cowboy uud the lAHiy'" 23-2C, to igood business. '"I'lin Gentleman Burglar' 1 ao-88, King lidwuid Stock Co. (local) Nov. B, Spencer Star Coarse Ot'Ki'.x's Hink (A. J. Tuft, manager).— The Irish Guards Baud played a return en- gagement Oct 2J, to fair business. ,, ionic (11. .?. Armstrong, manager).—The raullue Ilanuuoiid Co. ois-ned a week's en- gagement 23, to fair business. Follurd's Juvenile OiK-ra Co. 30-Nov, it. ■ ""'inn.—At the Humid! (P. Gorman, manager) Klsle Jauls. lu "Tbo Little Du ch- ose," drew crowded bouses Oct. 18. HI. Rose Coghlaa scored a success 23, 04, Jerome h. Jerome Nov. 2, "Tbe Serlo-Couilc Gov- erness 3, 4. Oi'BHA Hoi:sh (H. J. Blrdwblstle, mauager) —"Too Proud to Beg" hod crowd- ed houses 111-21. Harvey & Gage Comeilv Co. 2:;-28, BIJou Comedy Co. 30-Nov. 4, "The Flaming Arrow" 0-11. « London,.—At the Grand (J. & Turton, manager) Joe Murphy gnve two pcrforoi- aueet, Oct. 31, to \'ery large houses. Elsie JuuIh, in "The Little Duchess," 25, 20, had big houses. "The Sign of the Four" VS. "The Serlo-Comle Governess" 30. "Her First balse Step" 31, Nov. I, "1'rlncess Chic" 2, "The Geulua and the Model" 4. JUMxtrrr'ti (C. W. Benuelt, manager).— Bill IblH week: Hstelle Wordctte and com- lainy, Parker's dogs, Torcat and D'Allzu. lluber. Be Anos, Gonuun and West, und 1 eager and Yeager. »«» CONNECTICUT. Hartford.—At Parsons' (II. C. Fufson<>, mnuiigei) Luwieueu D'Orsny, In "The l!m- hussy Bull," Oct. 20, ai, hud lingo audiences. Illcliuril Carle preseuled "Tbe Alayor of To- klo." 23. scoring a genulue suecess. The audiences were large and enthusiastic. Lewis Morrison repeated his usual success 24, In a Bcholarly presentation of Mephlsto, lu "Faust." ''The Duchess of IjmiikIc" fol- lowed, and wns (be only real comic opera of a strictly elevated type which bus been seen In tbls city for many moons. Kvle Greene was a revelation, and she so charmed her audiences that her recalls were numerous uud pcrslsteut. "The Pearl ami (bo Pumpkin" ."o-Nov. 1, "The College Widow" 3, I, "Be- fore and Alter" 0. 7. llAiiTi'uini Oi'I'.ka Hoosn (Jeaulngs & Graves Co., managers).—Tbls house was damaged by Water during tbe mist week, owing to a bud lire, which coinpletelv rained mi iidjuceiit building, and It Is estimated that Sl.ouo will scarcely make good the Injury. "The Trucked Around the World'' Co. lost two performances lu view of the bouse being closed by (lie olflchil building Inspector, who i-otislderud the walls adjacent lo the bonne unsafe. Carpets hud to be lakeil up, dra- peries removed for cleansing, uud numerous repairs nuidc lueldeut lo reoueiiiiig. HusIiic-h suffered soiuewhul. owing to Ihe dislurbnuec, but Mnnuger Jennings bus nveryildng In ritn- nlug order now. "The Lighthouse By the Sen" played a good engagement Oct, 21) 2S. "Purls by SH/bC' 30 Nov. I, the buys 2-4. I'oli'k (Uiiils V„ Kllby. manugeri.— A very good bill pleased large uudleuces during Ihe lui'-i week, uud tbe bill lor week of 3o em- bodies numerous excellent features. UMepille Rome Cist Thl« list 1* made op aa nearly no- curate as It la pnaaddc to make n ll»t of -vnndevllle booking;*. To Inaore In- ner! Ion in thin donnrtment the name of the tli.-nlre or nark, aa well as the oily or limn, MUST Bccomuaiiy ench booking- acnt u«. llrldi/epnrt —At Suill'i'fl (li. C. Smith. malinger I "The Shadow lleiilnd tlio Throne" played lo good business Oct. 23. "Nellie Ihe Ku«ni|{!rr did well 2-1. 25. Lewis Morri- son, played "Fnust." lo good .returns, 2(1. "Dora Tlioruc" did big business 27. 28. "For Ilia Brother's Crlme' r 3D. "The Vlrglnhiii" 31, "A RutiMWiiy Buy" Nov. 1, 2. Ill Henry's Minstrels 8, Kyrlu L'ellew -I. 1'oi.i'n IS, '/.. Foil, manugeri.—Bill for Week of Oet 2" playid lo good bUMttnmn, r.'ioked week uf 811 : llau McAvov and lll.'i Fifth Avenue (iirls. Ibe Three Dcfion.-. "Tbe Girl Behind the Drum,' George lloej. Tree uud Jerioou. th« Cuslnu Comedy l-our. the O'Uuurke-Buructle Trio, and tbe tltetro- gruph. < I 0 Steik Eiilito wriles from Gtnd, Belgium: "Wc have made a big bit. Tbe thcatru Is crowded each night In capacity, and Satur- day and Sunday many hundred people can not get se«H. Two hours before the doors are open hundreds of people stand In tbe rnln. so n« to get the best seats." Yai.b writes that she Is not working with Nellie Ilnriwell, but Is working alone. Miss Yale appeared nt the Howard. Boston, wix.k of Oei. 23-2S, niej luf.jrm: us (but bcr ,,..| ,. a ., w „|] ri;i-i!;M| Acker & Collins, Cleveland, 30-Nwv, I: Xoirltv, I.c\Iiil'H,ii. K}.. nil. Ailell.i, Iji, Cnh'lv. S|irlngllclil. HI.. "o-Nor. I. Ailnms, Muslcnl, Slur. Stirlngtlctil, Mnsii., 30-Nor. Ailinns a Mack, (ban, Lynn. Muss.. KO-Nov. -I. AiMlstm .V Livingston, llljuii. Isli|«'inluc, Midi.. .".o-.Ni.v. I; tir.tiul. Milwaukee, \VN.. oil. Aconst Fuiiill). Ki-Hh's. t'TMVlilcmv. :;oNov. I. Afierii. Cleis. & .Inc. Kwiiey's. Ukln., ;iil-Nnv. I ; l>niliiuin. I'lleii, N. V„ I'll. Ahem A- Itnxlir, Karl. Puthiu. Col., M Nov. 4; Crystal, Cripple Crivk, Oil. AlieiiH. The. Crystal. SI. Joseph. Mu.. .10-Nor. I. Alvi'irrtn Trio. Ocni, Lvnn, .Muss.. .".u-Nov. -!. AlUrln \ Wulfkrn, Ainllturluni. fiiiliuny, N, J., :;i'-N;>v. 4. AIM* (21 Ljilc. Cleviluiid, :u» Nov. -I. Alvu. All.c. Kinplrc. llrlilce|»Tl. it., ."t'-Xov. I. Allmrtii-: A: Millar. Circus Carre. Amslerdam, llol., Nov. II.V Aldn. tiros.. Family, Untie. .Mont., 30-Nov, ■.; Helena, n-ll. AllisKii, Mr. »v Mrs., Orjiiieiiin. New Orlciins. I.n.. 30 Nov. -I. AIIhiic * l.a Ilranl, Cruiiil. Iluiulltiii. il., .'Ill- No v. 4. Alblniis. Tlic, Novelty, Tejiku. C«n„ liONnv. t. Allui. Marie. I.'n«ili-. lllismiloglou, HI., Uo-Nor. I: (Islety, S|irliijillflil, (i II. AlraUKh .v May. Ainphloii. Ukln.. 30-Nor. 1. Allen. Phyllis, ttnymnrki't, Chicago. 30-Nnr. I. Aleviuiiler, Oiv. It., lluwurd, Hosion. 3U-Xuv. 4. Aliuont & Dumuiit. II. O. II., I'lltsbnrg. :;o N.,v. I. Altlien Twins. I!. O. II.. rillstuint, !IU-.Nov. -1. Amerlciis I'aiuiily 1-niir, Mnje>tlc. Hot KprlllBS Ark.. IW-Nov. 4 : Majestic. Waco. Trx„ 1111. Aimini ,v riiiii'iotic, l.viui, Mas... :tu Ni,v. 4. Antrim fc I'ctvrs, Oiirrlcfe, Wllmlngioii. Del., SO- Nov. 4. Aiiilersni) \ (lolncs, Lynn. Lynn. Mase., 30-Xov. 4. Ainlersoii, I'has.. Acme, Norfolk, Vn., .10-Nov. I. Arliucitin Comiily l-'our, Family, Sernntou, l'u., :io-.Nov. 4. Arlliiiiton Four. Lyric, Clevelniul. 30-ReT, 4. Argtill. Win., Orphftim. Denver. Col., 20-Nov. 4. Arlington A. Ili'lstmi. Fninlly, Itlebinond, lad., 30- Nov. 4 I Sinr, llnucle, 0-11. Will & Jennie, liljou. La Crosse, tVls., 30-NoT. I. AHmiioii. Agnes, llnnleii. (.'antoll, O.. 30 Nov. I. AIIiiiiiIh. Ureal, Ynln-ullver, It. Cm 30-Nov. 4. Auburn. t!l>, KliTlrlc. XVolerloo. l:i., Nov. il-ll. Avullos. Aiuslcnl, .Mliiiinlirn. N. Y. C. "o-Nov. 4. Av.-o ti I'liiil, I'l'.ijili.-'s. Oeuar BanUs, la., no Nov. 4. Bailey a Austin, l'roclor's, Newark, N. J., 80- Nov. -I. Haker..Ci... Moll Toil, l'blln., So-Nov. 4. Huron's llurlesque Meungerlv, Shea's, Toronto, Una., ."iP-Nov. 4. U:i:iili>r-I,a Vcllc Troupe, Uiilque, Minneapolis, Minn., 811-Nov. 4. Harnells. The, Star, SplliignVlil, Mu.. 30-Ni.v. 4. Hnmu h Vane, Viihiue. Los Angeled. Unl., 30-Nov, II. Harry. Katie, I'roclerV, Ncwurk. N. J.. 30-Nov. 4. lli,<i|iic ijiiiirlt'ttc. Prut-tor's, Newark, N. .1., 'In- Nuv. -I. Hiniies ,V Washburn. Illjuti, Murlnette. Jllch., 30- Nov. I: HI],,n, KxiinuliN, (ill. Uiiics. Louie W., Crystal, Loyuusisirt, Inil., 30- Ni,v. I: Kiiiplre. l-nv|i,.rl. III., 0-11. IIiiiiiii. Millie. Hem. I..inn. Mass.. .".ii.Nnv. I. lliiniunl. Yirglnlu, ilriiilviiliiirgirs. Dills.. 30-Nov. -I. nnrloHS. Breakaway, Hujul, Monlrcul, Can., 30- Nov. 4: Star. Toronto, o-ll. Hari-ovvs-LniicaMcr Co., Auilltorluut. Lynn, Mass., 30-Nov. I. Itasseti, Mertlna-r. Star. Miniele. 1ml.. Nov. OIL Hni-ues. Sliuirt. Keith's. FnivMeMC, ,'IO-Xov. -1. Ileriililil, Yivlull, A. .V S., ttiisinli. 30 Nuv. I. Ili'iiuiaii, Maude, A. A S., Huston, 3n-Nov. 4. Ilrlfurt. Miiy. Mivre's. Portland, Me.. :in-N«v. I. Berry & Motlesk, Lyric, ltlehiuofnl, Vn., 30-Nov. •1; Tlvoll. New HraiMirlck. N. J.. (111. llcnreii, Ni-Ilu, Onilieuin. Ukln.. 3il-Nov. 4. IKs-ilnr .t May, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., So Nov. 1. Be.illey. Jeuiile, liljou, Kciiosbu, W'U., 3u-Nov. 1; liljou, Slichoygan, 11-11. Ural, in. it Milh'gle, Slur, Mlllli'le, lllil., 80-Xov. 4. Beiuler, Lillian, Fninlly, l'ntcrsou, K, J,, 30-Nov. lleu'uett, Mabel, Iirudi'liburgb's. l'lillu., .'10-Nnv. 4. Ilersae'ri, Clreus, U. 0. 11., Pltlabtirg, 30-Nov. I. Helbuaii & Moore, Procter's, Troy, N. Y., 30-Nov. 4. lk-iinclts. Musical, I'uiiiliy, lluzcllon, l'u., 811- Nnv. 4. lie Alios. The, Ul'lllll'U's. Li.iubiu, Cull.. 30-Nov. I. lleucli ic Reach, Spokniie, Wash., 2U-Nuv. 4; Se- attle, (ill. Ilosjiiih A .Miller, 11. & S., N. Y. C 3HNov. 4. llertlna * Hrockwny. Keith's. N, Y. C, 30-Xuv. 4, llcillnl ,V Arthur, Paris, Fr.. ao-Nov. 8tl. Heu All. lliirisioi. Shell's, 'J'omnlo, Can.. 3(i-Nov. 4. Mill, lllcycle, lluyniurkvl, LTdeago. 30-Nuv. 4. llinuliatii, J. W., Klei-trlc, YViilerloo, hi., Nov. il- ll. llloiulell. ICdwnnl, .t Co., Alinimtirii, If. Y. C, 30- Nov. 4. Hlnoiii It Coois-r, Mnrylaiiil. Iklthiioie, 30-Nov. 4. llliiek a Leslie, lliuiil. Vuuroiiver. Cm., 30-Nov. ■I; i;ran.I. lirlllicluiiii. Wusli., 11-11. Iliwcr, (Vie, I'riincls, urplieum, Kiuisiis City, Mo., Nov. 41-11, Holte. Cellini, Uuyiimrkel. Clilcugo. 30-Nov. 4, Iluotbliick (Jiiurtette, Orlfluul, liljou, l'lillu, 30- Nov. I. Bordevcrry, Col., (1. O. It., Ini]lauii|iolla, 30-N'ov. I; Coliiiiililu, Cliicllliiall. Il-ll. ".Hiker it Cnrhlev-. Kel'li's. I'rovlilcnci'. 30-Nov. 4. Iloslon. Karl. Acuie, Norfolk, Yu., 8UNuv. 4. Hi,-.two!'., Jesse, Auditorium, loan, Mass., 80- ;«v. i. Ilnii'lyii k Wunl. Olympic. CIiIciiko, 30-Nov. 4; Iliiymurkel, CIiIcuko, "12. Hi.yil, Marry. KiIInjii. lleleuu. Man.. Su-Nnv. I. Uruwnliit! i Wallj. Clnrlnf, Isn: Angiles, Cal., ::n- Nov. It. Ilnclley ti Uuvls, Ilulicr's, N. V. C, Sn-Nuv. I. Brewers. The. & F. II. McAtloo, Socleli' Isles, So. I'nc, 8ii-Nov. 80. Bruno i- Russell. Victoria. N. Y. C .'10-Nov. 4 ; I'uslor's. N. Y. C, Oil. Hryaiit A: .Savlllc, Oipheum, New Urh-aus, La., .",li- No>. I. Brown Jt Druwn. Oiplivuio Ouniba, Neb., Nor. 5- II. Bright Hros., (irurul. llaiiley. Kiur., So Nov. t. Ilreiiiinii A: Itose. Keith's. I'mvldi'mv, ao-Nov. 4. llritnil. Smile, Itlnlin. Blinlrn, S. V. ::o Nor. 4. Ilruzll A Hrur.fl Kellli's, l'lillu.. SO Nui. I. Itrnivn, Harris ,v llriovii. Oorhtini, likln,. 30-Nov. I llrol'si Trio. Slur. Iluiiilllim, Cull,, SU-Nov. I. ' Hi'iiinlow A Wiley, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 30- Wrt. ■'. liriniiisilek Witches (121, OriJicum. Ban Fran.., 30-Nov. 1. Hrown, ilco.. Ilriiilfiiluircli's. l'lillu,. .'lONov, 4. Hrowu, Wlil.lllug Tola. Di'iilituin. Oiuulia, 30-Nor. 1. Ilrmlfonls, The. Music Hall, Gkiueciitcr, Jlanfi., Nov. il-li. lliiiivii ft vVrigbl. Ji'lTers, Suslauw, Mich., Jo- Nov. 4. Blown. .T.ick. A Lillian Wrlehl. Howard. (Jlilcugu, 30-Nov, 4: Lyi^-iiui. MIiiii^h|siII:i, Mini,.. IMI, Burke a Dcmpsey, JPsire's, Portland, Jfe., 30' Not. I. linscli I-'uullv. Ai'iiie. Siicriiineiito, f.'nl., 3"Nov. I. lliiil'.u a Hurt ti. West Shle, Ueloll, Wis., 3d- Nov. 4. Hui-kuer. ilrido'iun, Kiuisiis t'lty. Mo.. SU-Nov. I: Orpliclliu. New Orleuns, Lil.. II II. Husklrli \ Rich, Orpin-urn. ItmdHlf, l'u., 30- Nov, 4. HurLi'ii. .lutwllin:, b'nl'iue, Kuu CUIrs, VU., 'Ml- Not. |. Hiilz. i;ount lie, Ol.vniii!'-. Chlraco, .'.o-Nuv. I, Huriau, AI. II.. I.yric. cievclunri, Mi-Nov. 4. burl:i-. At.. Mmic Halt, OkiacKter, Mats., 30- Nov, 4; C.islr.o, Lawrence. All. Herns. Harry, liljou. Mmkeana, Mleb., 30-Nut, l; Crystal. Rattle Creek. Oil. Hj.-ion ii Iirvjkii. HayiiinrlK-t. Chlcneo, 80-Nov. 4: Mssonlc. Ft. Wayne. Ind.. il-ll. Ilnrke It Flynii. Hon Ton, l'lillu., r'.n-Nov. 4., Maurice. Family, Palrnon. K, J., ;io-N',t. 4. Iliirklinrl Lllllllll, HopklllH', l.i.nlsillli'. K)., 30- Nov. 4. Hurke A La Hue. Ainphloii. Hkln,. So-Not. 4. Burkharl A H»rry, Family, rocgbkei'iisle, N. y.. So.Nov. I. t: lp ,.i,.*.. 'i,i, .v„ f , ii. Vui :■! '.)'.. a.'.;.,,,., ^ Llim'e, |"1«M* '>!!. Hash. Vraiib, Alhnnihrn. N. V. c . 30-Nov. I. Parlous i:l>, Fuiully, IS, Si. Louis, 111.. 30-Nov. 4. Nor. 4. Bnebner, Orpbeum, Ouiulm, Neh., 30-Nev. 4, minis A Vein-, li. H. II.. Unite. Mem., 30-Nof. 4 , Sl.Anlie. Wlell.. Il-ll. Ilyne. Wi-st & Ketijnn, O. II., llngerslowu, Mil., 30-Nov. 4, llyivti A l.iiimilon. I.vou, t..Min. Miits., ::o-Nov. I. Ityroiis ■ 71- l.yrle. '(Vrre lliiiiic, Inil., Sn-Nov. I. Carter A Waters Co,, Moliauk, Scln'iiciuily. N. V., 30-Nor. -I: Au'lit'iriiini. Lynn, Mass.. nil. Ciirlln A- nile. Tn-iit. T'reuli.ii. V. J.. ,'mNov. I. Csrou A t'aiiiiiin. Ticni, Tri'iil.u, N. J.. 3o-Nov. I. Carver A I'olhml. inph.-nin Mlnneii|iolis, Minn., 30-X.iv. I; iii'iiliemn. Denver. ('"I.. Oil. Ciirrollion A Heagea, t'atipie, Mliiiu'u|ielis, Minn.. 30-Nov. 4. Cii.biI A IV Wrue. I'l.limilila. SI. Louis. 3d Nov. I. Cameron A I'hlilliynli. Ii. 0. 11., Gliillil ltu|ihls. Ml, In. SU-Nov. I. Cnn'w a llnycs, Aiiillb.iluui, byiui, Muss., 30- Xer. 4. Ciirmciicltn. Alhiiiiibrn. X. Y. I*., 30-Nov. I. Cunllcl.l A t'nrlcloii, l'roclor's, Nennrk. N. J., 80- Xov. 4. Cares, Cmum, AmphtMl, Ukln.. 30-N..V. I. Ciinunas (31. FriK'liir's 23il SI.. N. Y. C, SO- Nov. I. Ciuiil.iM'll. ilerlin.le. A. A S.. Iloslon. "O-Nov. 4. Caiiii'ion A Tolislo, 1'iiiiilly. X. V. I'.. 30-Nov. 4. Cunintwll. Ma, A, A s„ lio«i«.ii. ao-Nov. I. I'si-liion. ai.. Howard. H a lm , so Nov. I. Cnrndl a Clnrkc. I la veil port, lu., so Nov. I; K.lec- irle. Wnlrilno, OH. Civile A Collins. It 1:01>.. Klmlni, N. Y.. "o-Nov. I. Cariuii'll A llurrls. II. II. II.. I'lllsliurg. 30- Nov. I. Casino Comedy Four, Foil's, BrUgrfert, Conn., : lo- Nov. 4. Cliiunl«'rllns. The. Kellli's, Ruston, 30-Xov, 1; Mo.av's, I'm tliui.l. Me., Il-tl, llliailwlck Trio. Kellli's. Ikisimi. 3(INov. I. Cherry A Hales, llnwanl, Homoii, SU-Nov. 4; Slourc's. Portland. Mr., Otl. Chrlssle, I'M., Atlieira-imi. Untile Cm'k, Mich., SO- Not. 1; L'nhnio, Akron, l>., till. Cliniiicro.s, in,-, I'liii!., Nci\ ll.oeii, I'oiiu.. Sn- Nov, J: 1'iiik. Won-esler, Mass.. il-ll. llni-lle, AI., lsli|s'lnlllL'. Mleli.. SU-Nov. I. CJirlslopher, Cnsllio. Los Anai'les. ('ill.. SO Nov. I, Cliii.'liio. Ki lib's, Clevelniul, S.nNov. 4 ; Tollinlo. IVtridl. OIL I'lenieiit. Cluv, A Co., Temple. IMrolt, So Not. I. Cleriiiniilos, Frnnk A- Ktla, I'aslor's, N. Y. '.'.. .'In-Nov. I. Clurko, Wllfnil. Jc Co., Kellli's, N. Y. OL, 30- Nof. -I. Ch. ami. .Ii'iikliis & .lasi'cr. Orpin inn. Sun I'run., C.U., 30-Xov. 4. Clurk A ITorelle, Kellli's. IM-uvlilence, It. I., Nov. f. II. (Terehniil. Marlon, A. A S., Iloslon, So Nov. I. run,,i,i A lluiki', Aiuiililoii, Hkln., :tu Nov. I; Kellli's, N. V. C. H II. (.'Iinkc A Tiniidi'. Mmloiielle, Wis., 311-Nnv. 4; Ks.iiiiiilui, Il-ll. Clinord a iiilli, 2'Jd Slrect, Chicago, 80 Nov. 4; People's, I'cilur ItiipblK, In., U-ll. riurke, Fihlle, II. A II., Ilkln., SoNui. I. ilnrke, l.iiev, Sloll Tour. I'.ng. (Turke. Ilariv Corson, tirplii'itui. Dctncr, Co'.., 30- Nov. 4. Corliley A Hurke, Iu'IIIi'h, l'lillu., "O-Nov. 4. I'lsite, llerl. A Co., Hues'*, Toruiilo, Call,, 30Nor. 4. Courlhopc, June, .t Co., Kianirr, I'utirson, N. J., 311 Nov. 4. Concrr, lie*. II. , Palace, Syincii,e, N. Y„ I'M- .Not. 4. C.iikey. Clever, Crjslul, Ih-iivcr, Col., SO Nov. I. Colmir. I'l-nuk. Slur. Aurora, III., 311 Not. I; 111 ' llllleslMIIK, II II. Coililliis, Puiil. Ke llll's. l'lillu., SO-Nov. 4. L'oakley A Mcllrhle, Proctor's, Albany. N. V., 110- Not. 4. C.ill.y A May. Ampl Hkln., Ml Nov. I. t.'omiii A Haii.'i-oft, I'mully, I'oiK'likis'psle, N. Y., So-.Nov. I; I'ali.ll.v, P.i<-aie. ». .!., U-ll. Coiiiads, The, Niivilly, IVuver. I'l.l., So Nov. 4. CiIiiiii. Josephine, A Co., Orpln-iuii, Hkln,, 80- Ml. . I. Colnnihlaiis, The, Lynn, Mass., Nov. Oil. UUb) Fuinll.i. l'oile, Youkcis. N. Y„ SO Nov. IJ Poll's. Wori-eslor. Mins., u-ll. Cook, frank, A. A s.. ttustm, s» N">. I. Collins A Hon, Wloier ilnnlin, lliiiln, tier., SO- Nui. 4: Apollo. \ iciiuii, ,\u.-., O-.'lo. Oolnnlll Septette. Tc. Columbia, Cliichiuull, So- Nov. 4; cl 'cat'- n II Ci niSiel'ifi ■ v. ,. ..oiu, l.yib', Terre Hiiulc, Inil., SO-Not. 1; l.yrle, Cbvehinil, nil. Cooke A Ml»s Rullicil, I'nliils H'Kle, llruusolu, Helg.. Nov. 1 21; S.iiIh, ,\lilv.i-r|i. 22-.I0. Coleniun. Ihiyil. A Co.. L'iib|ue, Akron, (>.. SO- Nov. 4; I'aiipli-e. Lonilii, Oil. Cimk A llrunl, Hliilln, IJIinlrii. N. Y., SDNuv. 4. Convey. Ferry, Maryland, llullliuore. sn Nuv. 4. Coin's I'aniiindnie Dugs, Mubiink, Kchenivliuly, N. Y'.. 30-Xuv. 4. Coiiu-v. laniiiii, llljuii, Wheeling, W. Vn., 80- No\. I. Cole, llnrloli ,V .liu'lnoiii. Crysliil, Detroit, Sn- Nov. 1. Cressv « Du.Mie, Kellh'K, l'lillu., ,'IO-Nov. 4; Man Laid, Malta., .Mil., u-ll. Crawford A Dun*. Fischer's, Angeles. (Jul., 30- Nov. 4, Criuner A Cuspcr. lliillarber's, Hiivi-rJilll, Mass., .".U-Nov. i. Criioii'itis A Mad, (it'i'lii'iiui. Si. I'iiiiI, Minn., Sd-Niiv. 4. Crime, Mr. ,v Mrs. lisnliier, U. II. II . I'lll<iburg, SU-Nov. I; Keith's, ITevehiuil, Oil. Criiii" Hros., Vp-ioriii. N. V. «'., So Nov. I. Cuius, Mu.deiil nil, Kellli's, N. V. C, SO-Nnv. I. CiirllM, May. Poll's. SpibiKililil. Muss.. So-Nov. I. Ciilleli. Jos. II., ulyiiipli-, Chl'Mgo, So-Nnv. I. IIS A It's, llllou. Iiiilnlli, .Minn.. .'In Nov. 1. Hinvsnii A Whllllelil. Doric,, N. Y„ 80- Nov. 4. Knliliis, Lev, .Moss A Sloll Tour, Ian,'.. So Nov. 30. Hiinlils, Warier. Krllli's, N. V. I.'.. So Nov. I. Hurls a Walker, lleiiillnu, l'u.. ,'IO-Nnv. I. Hurls, (l.-i. C, I .Jim. Linn. Muss., 3'1-N'ov. 4. Iliivls ,li Mncuiiley. Kel'h's, I'rovlileilec, 80-Xov. 4. Bay, lien. W., ii. o. II., PUtKhurg, so-Nov. I. Dnr. I'.ilnniiid, A Co., II. (>. II.. Ilslluniipolls, ,10- N'ov. 4. Huriow, Mr. A Mrs. Sluarl, Kvllh's, N. Y. C, 811 Nov. 4: Kellli's, Phlln., II I I. Hale. Vlolel. Olyinple. 1,'lllengo, 30-Nov. 4; (J. II. II.. Ill'llaillllmlls. Ii I I. Hacey. Chnsi: A Adulr. Melorla, Can.. SI) Nov. I. Uerdeli. Have, M'.s-ilV, Seihilla. Mu.. SO-Nov. I; Villi's. Kiuisiis (3l.v. li-ll. HelllHire. .Ml.sen, Pull's, M'llli-rliiuy, Colin., Sll- Xiii. -I: l.un.lro. t'lilimon, N. J.. OIL lieach. Kiln Fyvle, Cntoiilul. buwreiit'i', Masa.. .1(1.Nov. Ii Casio. Fall ltlvi-r. n-ll. l>evi-Hii. HnUrl, If. A S.. N. V. IS, SO-Nov. I. De Kock Trio, 0. O. II., liufluminollH. 30-Nov. 4. De Witt. Huriu) & Torruncc, Shea's, Toruiilo, Can., SO-Nov. 4. Deiiae, Sydney A Co., JcfTera, gagtuaw, Mich., So-Nov I. Deans. Mr. a Mrs. Wnller, .lelferu, Bngltiuw, Mich., 80-Nor. -I. De Sert-ls, llciirlcilc, Huyooirki'l, Chicago, SO- Nov. 1: (1. II. II.., nil. Di'iiioiiln A Hill, limn, l.yiiu. Music,, sn Nov. I. 1>c I.Ion. Cliiiipiii. l'u,|,In* T,,nr. Hug., so-Nov. -■'. lie Vllhl'. <iI--UI, A iiii:i|iii1|m. Mil.. Sli-Noi. I Ui'linnr A In-xfer, Marl. iii, Hen Monica, lu., Sin Nov. I. Helton llro>.. Poll's. llrVlgr|Kirl, Conn.. SO-Nov. I. 1*1 May, Muo, Nnvclly, Oi'liibu. SO-Nov. -I. De lllcre, Mysterious. Colonial. N. Y. C. S'lXov. •I. IMiraWr A I Vl.-iorlu, N. y, C., Si'N'ot. I; II i II.. Hkln.. II II. fie (fan*, Two mid a Hair, llllou, WIiivIIiik, W. Vu . Un-Xnl. I DImiii A Holiinn, Denver, ObL, Nov. 0- Inllii A Teuiplelou, Rljou, Rockforil, 111., 30 Nov. 4. Dh'Ui, Hurt A la.ii. empire, Kockford, 111., SO- Nov. 4. Dlvoii, Honors A- llllou, (Jru'iil, Glovcrmlllo, N. Y., Nov. (ill. Dliiui'iii'l A Smllli, I'mully. LiiiiiiiHler, I'm,, S'l- Nov. I: rniiiilj. mmiuiiklii, n-ll. Dliou A Auger, Oruhcuui, Mluucuindla, Minn. .sin. o-ll. IHett A Morlli, IImIoii, Lou ell. Mass., Sn-Nov. I. Dliiimmd. May, 4 Co., Htnv. Heal He, Wu«li., So- Nov. I; LyiKuni. Tuonnu. o-ll. Donell U Kuysell. Chou'i. Wuililr.gti/u, D. C, So- DoDley, J. Francis, Keith's, PruiMtuce, 30-Nor. 4. Donaldson, Anna. Temple, Detroit. Mich., 80- Nov. 4: Conk. Uni-hi-slcr, N. Y.. O-ll. Doul & La Hart, Nashville. 111., 30-Nov. 4. Hollar Troupe fgl, Anii.l. 1 Hkln.. SO-.Vot. 4. D'.ukIiim A; Douglas, Solidly, Slum lulls, H. I>„ SO-NoV. 4. Doiiotilll. Arnold, A Co., Coil's, New Huveii, I'oiiu., 3n Nuv. I iMiuolly, .I..I.11, (i. n. |i,, Ciao'I llaiiHs, Mleb., SO-N.e. 4 Uujte, Bajar. I'«S'» iiJtugHrX M.u.. so y'i.-., i Douiii-v a Wlllnril. Mlimr. Dps Mollies, In., 80. N..\. 4: lii.ln.iilnl. Molllie, III., oil. Doniii'V, l.clli' T., Ninelly, Slockloll. I.'.ll., SO- .Inn. I. Hum. lion ne- ft Melh.iioiiLili. Paulwr'u, X. Y. C 30-Nor, Di-i'M. Hi.roiliv. uipl'iniii. lii'iiver. Col., So-Nnv. I, Hnn, .Mr. \ Mrs. Sliluex. Alhiiuil.ra, X. Y. ti., 30. Nov. I. Ihiuir. Sum. SI. I .mis. Mo. in Nov. I. Drmvis'. |-',iii|itre Tour, l-'.iic . So-Nov. 4 Hnilii'. .1. W. SI. I.011N. Mm . SO Nov. I. I i.m, l.vrle. I'.'i-at.'lio, I.In.. ao.Nnv. 1. Ini ml-. I.e.. ('ry-nnl Pnlace. Marseille.. I'r.. Sin Nov. ■•■. lni'l.ielle. Ion A I'm. MmM'e's, Piirllillnl. Me., Sii-N.v. I. DiiinKn. A. 11.. SIhii-. IlilOal". Sn Nov. I: Shea's, Toruiilo. Cull.. Ill I. I'lipri-e. Ii'miiwi' A l.l'.ln. Illlmi. Ki'iiii-lni. W|.., Sri-Xuv. I. Wi'». Hide, H1I..I1. nil. Hiien. Arthur, .V "«„ Tielil. Tieuloii. N. .1.. so. Nov. 4. IS11 I A Hull.'II. a, I ion, Mnss , sn Nor. 1. r.l.-.l.'. .I11I111. Kellli's. l'lillu.. si 1 Nov. I. KekliMiT a 1I01.I011. l'roclor's '.'S.l si., N. Y. C, Si> Nov I. r.!wnii|y A- Kernell. Ilelhiiin. Pklo.. SO Nov. 4. Kllii'ire SKIers. II. t\ II., 1*11 Islimg, Sn-Nov, Kellli's. Il I I. Kflwuuu Co., I'l.i.u-'s. N. V. C. an Nov. 4. Sum, Uiwa ft Sn.lil Tunr. Keg., Nov. l-S.I), ISlsiv.irlbs. l-'.uir. llUdcr. Yain'o'lier. Cull., SU- Nov. I; Celiirnl. SimiiIc. il II. Kills Nmvliiu Til... Mak'.ll.'. Clileuao. so Nov. I; II. li. II.. liiill:nue..olK. n 11. Kll»«..rlh A H1111. Kniplrc. Ilohikrn, N. J„ .ill. Xm. I. Kllersoli. I'urle. N.'lellv. (li.nili... SO Nov. I. 1311s. Mr. ,\ Mis. Jack. Joiie.boro, Ark., SO-Njr. I: Sew iirleiias, |,u., 11 11, I'.lili'llc A Silvern.', I'iii-Iui'i. N. Y. C. SU Nov. 4. Ian Hi re Cuiiiislv Four, Finiilie Tour. SO -Nov. 3o. I'.mniell. laoieue. list St.. (Td.iiiiii. 30-Nov. 4; M.1I11 St., I'l.uiii, 1! II. l-Sni'i-i-i-rs i.r Music ill. Iiriiheiiui Mluiii'a|ioll.s, Minn.. So Nov. I: Hnjliiiirkel. ITileuKii. Oil l:m i.iv - M'lk' . Hues. II. (I. II.. lliillauilJHill-.l, SO "MM. I. Hnii'lvi' I'll" ijuiirlelle. I'n.'ioi'« ostb SI.. N. Y. C. .In-.Niiv. 1: Prm'lor's, Album, N. V., (111. I nu,.n.l.'. Mr. A Mrs. Int.. (Iiplieuiii. Sun I'nin.. .10 Nov. II. F.-iii". I'M., lull lllier. Mnss.. SU Nov. 4. ISIiir SKIi'i'i, 1;. II. II.. ilrninl Knolils. Mleb., So Sot. li l.irh-. Telle llullti'. llol.. Illl. I lln, nt', Nii..nli', Ki'llliV. Pii.vl.lenee. lllXof. 4. Hvui.s A I inns. Family. I'nli-rsoii, X. .1., 30- Nov. I. Kielvn. Com. A. A S., Iloslon. SO Nov, 4. I'uln-lillil.. 'Ihe, Klivtrli', Wnlertoii. Ii„ 30-Nov. "• I'uili'ili' iiiilic-lrii. iirplieimi, New Drli'iina. l.a.. 311 W. I. Iiimui ,\ inion, II. A S. N. \ C. So Nov. 4. I'nii.e Ci. 1IIJ.11, liuiivllle, III.. SONoi. I. I'.ili'.au'.-. Hi-act-. A. A s,, ll.mloii. soNuv. -I. I'lniiio. Hull. Uracil. .1 Ilel . III.. SO Nov. 1. reliliiiiiii, I Jnrii . H. •>. II., Knsluii. I'n., lIU-Nor, I- l''1-i.ii. N. .1.. II II. t'orrv, ii|\uiplt>, Clil.'ii^o. Nov. li-ll. lelniiir Sl-li'i-, llouniil. Itoi.i.oi, SO-Nov. 4. rerrerns.. 1 irplieiiui, Ilkln., SO-N-n'. 4. leliv A tlnirv Co.. ti. n II.. li. Wnyne, Ind., 1'1-Nin. I: (irailc,'iln. II.. 11 II. reixil-oa ft l'll.-',ni»le, r.ljnii. Applelon, Wla., Ill 1 Not 1. leoie Slsiers 1S1. Itl.|..u. Norfolk. Vn.. soN'ov. I. I'itiiiiimIi:'. Mn> Tllo. Domini..11. \ViiiiiI|ioc, Coll., SO-Nnr. 4. ITelda h H.iiisiii I'mulli. l'u., SU. Nov. I ; l.vrn. I'b'i.lliui, 1, II I I'li.T. Mi. A Mrs. I'erk'ns, Miijesii.-, Hot Sprlnitu, Art., I" Nio. 11 I llliii..i-e A Ail-ims. li. II.. llH.perstoiiu, N. Dak., In Nov. I Khl.l-. MiiniuTlii'. Xunnrllle, 11. Nov. Oil. Fields A Wanl, Ciil.nbll. N. V. C. .'O-Nov. 4. Fisher A loliicnil. Jeireis, Silubuiw, Ml.'li., 80. Nov. 4. 1 I' A Wnlli'V, Heeuej's. Ilkln., Sll Vol'. I. I'Tl.i.n A r.riul. Ciuik's. Ilis-licsier, N. Y„ 80« Sot. li II. A S.. N. Y. C., II II. I'll" in. 1 S|,il,,|.i, I'nlnls l.l'Kle, III II- m.Is, llelg.. Not. I Sll. ri.-l.-li.-e. CI.,.-. I... (irplieiim, Mlniii-.ipi.lls, Minn., SO Nov. I: llriil'e Ileliver. Col., Il-ll. ITe'i4n'i. A llllli. Auburn. Cnl.. Sn-Nov. I. I'l ii.v. I..-.'. Miiiilnill Norfolk, Vu., SO' Nut. -I. I'll on. lis', 'll'phi'lln. Ih.|ivi-r, CI.. Sn Nor. 4. I'm A Will. I. I llh SI. Opera House, l'lillu,, SU- Nov. 4, Furlns \ lurls's, Main SI., I'...rl.i. III.. Sli-Nor, I'01-il A W' II. A II.. Hkln.. SU Nov. I. I'm A I'lml.. Shell's, Hllirnl,., SIIN..V. I. J Fi.,'l.-i', Pbllllp-. Illelmiiiail. hid.. Sn Nov. 4. I ...lir, 11.'.... A. A Hi Hosloli. SO Ni.v. I. ' I'm A lln-ln». Slur, HolM'. bin . SO-Nov. II. Fuller, I'll. A .Mike. Aiiiplilmi, Ilkln.. so Nov. I. I IIS A <4||l|IIIM'l'S. II. II II., lllllllll HllplllH, Mll.'ll.. Sll Nov. I. I'o.v. Dellii, Mohawk. S. I.i'IiitIii.ij, N. V., 1V>' Nov. I. Frislcrleks, The, Nnvclly, |^..-i Aie'sdes, Cnl., .'111. Nov. 4. I'luiik, Murreliiiis, A Hob, lliilliimuy's, New lleilfoi-il. Mnss., Sll Nov. -I; Shieiloy'ii. Fall River, ii II. luiilili.! .1 ft l.iiurl, Acme, Norfolk, Vu., SO-Nov. I. Fuller, bin. Touring Huh. Ull-illii'l'. Nellie, I'loelor's fiSlli St.. N. Y. C, 30< Nov. fi. tlanb M'illli', I'ns'loi'M ,'.Mh Ml., N. Y. C.# :vi Nor. 1. • iariliier. Iliippr Jack, belili's, I'lereluud, SO- Nov. 1; (I. i). If.. I'lll.linik'. 'III. ilnvlonl. Il.ii'iili'. HIJi.ii. lies Moines, In., nil. Illi-ll I,.'i-|i|i)in . C'JiiOl' : WiihlllllUlnIl, I). C, So N ,v. -I. Hi,in.'II, 1 A ll.-inls, KellliV, N. V, IS, 3ll-N.iV. 4. iliivbii ,v liral)'. Atluiiile linrdi-ii. N. Y. 0., .10. Sar. 1: Family, N. v. ('.. 11 II. llalliiRlicr, Ivliiuiell. IIIJ011 La Cioui.e, Wis., 3(1" Nov. 4. (iulei A Nelvui, llownrd lloslnii, Sll Not. I. Ibllillier A Villi .'111. Kellli's, l'lillu.. 30-Nov. 4. liilnlaer A K1..I1I111.I, Majiwtle, Waco, Tex., 30' Not. f ; Mllje-lli'. I (minion. Oil. lial'elll's Monkeys, Kellli's, Providence, flONov, (Inn loo's I'lSiles, Hun Ton. l'lillu., 811 Nor. 4. lin'lor. ilr.'iii, Cryiilil, SI. Joseph, Mo., 30'N»r< •I: Cttsl.-il, Ueiiter. lot. (111. Iliivlii. I'lKI A Penclieu, Iioilc, Yoiikers, N. Y.< 3n Nov. I. i.riuiin a Tlicol, Finiilrc Tour, llur., ,'ION'iiv. 4. ib'iuiil. Crai'l'.. 1/ipln'iiiii, New ilrh'iius, Ln., 80' N .v. I. 1: to A 'I I'le. I'nnor'u. N. Y. 1!. so-N'uv. -1. I'JIrl llflibi'l Ihe Itiiini. I'oir 1. llrlil;:i'|iuil, Cnun., .111 Nov. I. 1.tiler. Tom. poll's, Wulirburv, I'oiiu.. Sn-Nov. I. 1. IIIIIi, in ti llriiw, liljou, (piliii-y. Ill,, so Nov. 4. ('limy. Ibiviii". A Muiilttouieiv. Prorlor's, Troy, N. V., .Ill Nov. I. lilllelle Slsiers. M'iblia-k, Si'belllMliely, N. Y., SO-Nov. I. lili-nrov. .Iiiiiii'h Kieliiiioiol, Muryhnol, Hullo., Mil., sn-.Nov. I. I Son.oil. .loin, A III rlliM. '; liolllllll Vn lllnrluiu, Lynn. Mass.. So-Nov. I. • Ilos". AiiuusIii. KilibV, Hosli.ii. SO-Nov. 4. 'Senior .'( Itolicrl.. Hon Tun.. I'hllu.. SO-Nov. 4. uloilui'. Finnllv, Poiiiivlllc. Ph.. sn Nov. I, 1 l',l.Ini Hun. ipilnn ini. fiotii 1,1.In . .'.'1 Nov. I. liinrby. Sully A lioinb-j. Ki-ii.eyV, Ilkln., 80- Nuv. I. lioilfiev, Unl A Cu.. II. A S.. '.. Y. C. Sn Nov. I. •ii.t.illli A I'olle. II II.. Tlil-,:i. I. T.. Sn-Nov. 1.* I l.ll.. loplhi. M..., '111. liuillnli. ,\|». A Mc. ilrniol. Sun HIi-k>i. (;u|., 30. Sol. I: Lllililre. Lo. Aluehs, Illl. il'.lih'ii. M , Crysl.-il, loiner. Col.. Sn-Nov. 4. • iohl.'ii A- llui'l,.'-. Ilcliiull'n, St. Tholnai., Can., .'Ill-Nov. 4. ili.riliim \ Weal. Ili'liliell's, Isiiiilon, (,'ull., 3(l« Nov. 4. lliu'l* fc Nel-iili llowiil'd. II- .,l"ii Sli.N'ue. 4. ■ Ii.l.ll...' .Ii-riei 1. Hnl'iUss. M lili, Sll Nov. 4. liolilill. I.e... Fllllel, Clni-e's. W111.I1I1111I011, I). C, SU Viv. I in.l.'iim.'. I'e' 1- |i"i's, Pnuior's fisth Klrnel, s. Y. 1.:. So.Vm. I. ili-ui'l ii'ii-i'i Trio, Keiney'i, Ilkln., S'l Nov. 1. 'Ii'i'ii- f) Winer. I'rni'l'A's 83.1 hi.. S. V. C, 30. Noc 1. '.;^-. 111.'. Tli- Ci ri. II, 0, .10< Nov. 4i Ariinle, Tolelr, li-ll • Iraliinii. C'ik.le. A. U !'•., r.'i«'.on, so-Nov. 4. liroiii Hros. I'umll.r, Bcmnlin, f'n.. Itn-Nev. 4. (Ir'.vi-s ,'. Puller. Hem. Hli'S-rlor. IVIo. So-Nnv, |, ' lln, Alluimbrii. N. Y. C.. S" Nov. 4. Cru.' .V llr.iloil., I.|i||iill|i|..lls, Nov. (111. ririilil A EloiiB. 13u|ilie. I'aler-ru, N. J.. .'IP-Nnr.4. HlllT Kins.. Pull's. S|irlligll"ld. M11-1 . SO-Nov. I. lirirnitiiy. II)., I.uiisliis, Mlrli., SU Nov. 4; liny ''ll.v. N-ll, Crr.v. Ibd All mile Curd'H. N. V. (!., fM). %oi. I. ■,.."' l-i'toi Ml:..';.'. I'l. a "l-lil's, K43., '• ■,-. ''.I!