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New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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NOVEMBER 4.' THE NEW YORK CLIPPER.* m mill The Touch of Time. Baby, Close Dem Coal Black Shiny Eyes. Madge and I. Sing Me a Song of Ireland. I'm Longing for You, Honey. When You Are Absent, Dear. Mother's Lullaby. I'll Come Back to the Cot by the Sea. Now Being Specially Featured by MISS ADELE RITCHIE, MR. R. J. JOSE, MR. SPENSER KELLY. NEW YORK MUSIC PUB. HOUSE, On a Paper and a Comb. Beat It While Your Shoes Are Good. Say "Yes," Honey, Do. M On the Banks of the Tennessee. HERBERT H. TAYLOR, Proprietor, .24 E. 21 ST., XtfESIWr I'm Longing to Meet You Again, Louise. Stolen Roses. Beside the River Lee, In the Dear Old Long Ago. THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDING HOUSES. Wabash A Madison, CHICAGO. O. 0. Vaughan, Prop. Strictly American Flan, $8-18 .Ingle; uUHilRLnlBL *± t7-12 double. VandeTlUe patronage Invited. HP VT'S El'HOPE AN HOTEL., 148 Dearborn hi. and OXFORD HotEL, Canal and Adams. Rates a profession. FRANK HUNT, Prop., CHICAGO. PALACE HOTEL. 101N. Clark St., Chicago. European, $3 per week; with private bath, $7. TartrMi Bath, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. Hotel Rexfor d BOLFINCH PLACE, BOSXON, MASS. FIREPROOF. EUROPEAN. tlegantlj furnished Btenm heated rooms, hot and '-old water, six baths on each floor, free to guest*. Near theatres. ROOMS 75 CErTTS A DAY, 43.00 A WEEK AND UP. HOTEL EUCLID, Buffalo.N.Y. European,$2.50 Per we ek and up. Two blocks from all theatres . PRVUEfnTIAL. HOTEL, 44 and 48 Bank St., Newark, N. J. H. A. ORBENLAN1), Prop. European and American Plan. Fi ne Rooms. TRAFALGAR,116-117 E.14, N.T., nr. Keith's, Acad.' of Music, Dewey. Rooms soc, 76c., $1, tUOdaj; ta.50to$8week.W.D.IlAj;NIQAJ<,Prop . CLABENDUN HOTEL. f^SSSSJSSi BlOLEY.tJENNINriS, Props. If. Clark St., cor. Ontario, Chicago. Hfttea , so, 76 ana $1 per day. $2 t o $8 per week . CITY HOTEL, 16th and State Su., Chicago. AMERICAN, $2.00 A ]>AY-$8.00 A WEEK. EUROPEAN, $3.00 A WEEK AND UP. FOR TOLEDO, Ohio MERCHANTS* HOTEL. Theatrical Rates: Am., $1.00, and Eup., £00. QOOD SERVIL'Ea THltOUGHODT. HOTEL ST. DENIS, lSe-lM West Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Convenient to all theatres. tieHt Utile Hotel In Indianapolis. Actors' Kates. PEaMERS, 11TESTIUS! When In New York stop at the real place, HOTEL STURTEVANT lD7-I-1 w. 33tn Ht., near Broadway, NltW YORK. Rooms by day or week. Convenient to all thea- tres and depots. ». A. oilman. FILMS! FILMS! OUTFIT No. lfJO. 1 LITFIIN, 1905. COMJIIN'ATIOX MOV1NC, l'JCTUKK AND STEIIKOPTICON, electric and calcium burners, rheostat, wire, carbons, linn's, sheet, two size lenses, long and short distances, about fiOOft. of lllm, two sets of song slides, sll packed in n trunk rend.v for use, cost n«-w, n few weeks nuo, $'jr,0.on. Our price, £110.00. Kent for examination on receipt of $10.00. Ol'TFIT No. 20O. 1 EDISON lUntOVKD COMBINATION, electric and calcium burners, rlieostat. wire, carbons sheet, limes. 800ft. of lllm, two sets of song slides, packed in a trunk. Cost, new, $2WUH>. Our price. SUO.OO. Sent for exam inntion on receipt of $10.0*1, OITKIT So. 2R0. i nornLTi mssolyixo stuiif:optico>j, 'A i-nlclum Jetj, dissolving keys with 'J'/j wlzo French Dnrliit lenses, 140 colored slides of St. Louis World's Fair, sheet. 1 bos of limes, nil complete, cost, new, SSSUM). Our price. S80.0O. JJent for exnnilnailon on receipt of f&ML OUTFIT No. 300. 1 RINGI.B (flVKKOFTICOX. electric and calcium burners, rbeostal. wire, sheet, 110 colored slides St. Louis World'* Kail-, com- plete with llrues and carbons, cost, new, S100.00. Our price. $oO.OO. Sent for exrtm- inailon on receipt of $5.00. 1 EIIISON i:\lVHRSAI., Willi about 1,200 .feet of lllm and lot of slides, oxylltbc pas making outfit, cost, new. $500.00. Our price, $2.">ll.OO. 1 rr-ol of Him of about POOft., $.'10.00. Sent for examination on receipt of HARSTN & CO.. 138 E. 14th St., New York. N Y. TBI... IMia ORAM. Just ask some or yonr net or Irieods what lliey think of JIAIMSOVH BUDGET. ir ilit'V dou't unanimously declare it the "licstever" It's u sale lost. I'm willing to lei my reputation rest on my latest Isnue-MAniSON't) BIIDGKT No. 10 — Just Please picture a inagnltlclent book ot too pages jauimed full ot Hnest comedy materinl intended for gilt-edge vaudeville performers' nse. It contains SB great parodlo?, o excellem monologuos, * sketches for two males, 4 sketches for male and female, new Sidewalk Con- versations, ;i roaring commute banewraea, new sketch for two females, hundreds ot new Hebrew, Irish, Dutch und blsckrace gags—everything new, everything tirlghr, everything original. Price, only ONE DOLLAR FEU COPY. Back num- bers out of print except H0DGET8 3,7 and 8: will send any 2 for $1.60, a for $2, or BUIxiETS a, 7, s and 10 lor $100. L. •!. K. HF.IL, 1404 Third Avenue, Sew York. (AQenifor Jawex Natllxnn.) PASTOR'S THEATRE THIS WEEK. FRATI'HING THE I. U I.I1A Ol.f fOO\ SOMCJ, I and ALLUS DE SAME IN DIXIE. ^W^KTESrK Fon SAY CALL.—ADAMS THEATRE. W. SENECA, N. Y, Wanted at all times, Sketch Teams, Novelty Acts. Single Ladles, to write for open time. No Sunday work, no matinees; Ave miles on street '■nr from Huflalo. Address bi: KOTA. .Manager. WANTED AT ALL TIDIES, LIGHT Sketch or Bister Teams and Single Ladles, must ■lance some; also Vocalists who have Slides. Ka*y place. ML Mat. All write. JAS. 0. HARRY, Manager* Mtzpuh Garden, Ottawa, III. HOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS. (Copyright!, 3 different books, loo. All kinds acts, WUKPtfET'S SCHOOL. 837 N. 12th St, Fhlla., Pa. SIDESHO W MEN-Ont) Chinese Devil Dragon and 8xio Painting. $:i."i. The last one. It's the ureatcst platform, tent or store show attraction on ear.h List free. WH. NELSON, 8 Von Norden 8f», No. Cambridge, Mass. MOVING PICTURE MEN, LOOK I Wanted, man with 2,000 or 8,oooft. of Film. Wo furnish machine and pay all expenses. Write your lowest possible terms at once. CHAS. KHERSON, General Delivery, Sew Haven, Ct. AUCTION BALK.-I will sell the Ohlcien Thief, Life of American Fireman, Drama in Mtd- Air, Seven Ag«s, How the Cop Fooled theSergeanr, Shaving On Bowery, uud Fireworks; very good condition, Bllghtly used, to the highest bidder. Send yonr bids In before next i'sne of GLIPfhR. 1). Q KFFNEIt,146 Second Ave., >'. V. SHOW MOM TO SELL-OOftTll. T., SOft. It. T., side wall, poles, complete to both; Monkey, pair trained Doves, o trained Dogs, props, for all; nillhnrn organ, sideshow banners, plalforraB, stere- ■iptlcon. mnmmtes, large gasoline stovo. LIbL u. B. OOWELL, SUndlsb, Mlotl. OHIQINAL PARODY, MOLLY 0, 1 Verses and Choruses, joe and postage. C080ROVE, care of CLirPKIt, X. T. ' ENGAGEMENT wanted at oneo by Two Citver Oirls, ages 9 and in. Clever Amatenr Sing- ers and Dancers. Mother wishes to Join also. Itcilablo Mgrn. wanting clever talent, add. Prof. lUyno's School.214 W.Ohio St., Indianapolis. Im" LITII08, one cent each; Faust and Melodra- matic Paper. • Send 20 cents for samples. JOHN tiOHDON, K. W, cor. Sth and Walnut, Fhlla., Pa. AT LIBERTY—For Ladles' Orchestra or t'haracters In stock or rep. »pccialtle>,\'loloncello Solos and Illustrated Songs. Furnl-n slides. South preferred. Join on wire. Reliable co'a only. LA I'll A MfPROPD, Farmland, Ind. AT LIBERTY, MILT ALLEN, Irish Sing- ing and Talking Comedian, and Eccentric Straight •>r Comedy In Acts. Finy organ or piano; good fakir, overtures, etc. Ticket. Chnstlansbnrg, Montgomery County, Vft. L., Box 198, out. WANTED. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. THOSE DOUBLING URASS PREFERRED. PIANO PLATER Z^Z mUolblAriO ORCHESTRA. filoversvllle. week Oct. £0; Wntcrtown, N. Y., week Sov. *. JAM8S R. WAITK, Walte's Comedy Co. II 111 UNION STAGE CARPENTER, TENOR SOLOIST AND TROMBONE BAND AND ORCHESlRA. Address as per route. gjHirnnn h. bicaby, MUSICAL BARGAINS. Novelty Inst, for two $'35, now; Mailmba, sort. Cliroiu., Rosewood (low C), $30, 8. II.; Tubaphoue. 13notes, $lo; one-'■ Oet. Chrom. $21, now and line new i|UHllty ot tone; '-'o cote Lyre, it elcc. Igbt.. nlckle front, $4.'., new; ft Crickets (lleagan), $10; I'/, Ocl. Chrom. (imig llelN. $!.'.; 21 Aluminum ulitmes and Rack, never used, s;». (/'atalog of Musical Jlells and Novelles. Stam]i Tor reply. EDWIN R. STItfcET, U Bro ok SLj Hartford, Conn. WANTED, FOR THE HUNT STOCK GO. Quick, an experienced man for General Ititsliiess, with Specialties, .stale your very lowest salary In your first letter. Management pays hoard and traveling; expenses. Wire or write as per route. IT. A. ntJNT, Wyandotte, Mleli., Nov.S-Cj Mon- roe, Mic h., Nov. tl-11. JAMES G. EVA SHEEHAN.RUNNALS, WANTED, GOOD TRAMP COMEDIAN, ALSO GOOD lllfill IMRITOIE FOR SMALL PART. Can Use at All Times Good Faroe-Comedy People. QUS HILL, 1358 Broadway, New York, AT LIBEHIY, LEO. DALE INGBAHAM, Leading Woman, ROOM K STB M, IND. Muglclan. Jnggler, Dancer and Silent wanted, that do several specialties and chuuge often. PIANO PUAYER That can slug nnd work In acts. Sttte salary and all you do. U'her useful people, write XATCKE'S REMEDY CO.. P Plilladelplila, l'a. WANiED, FOR MUSICAL COMEDY Al lieiivy Maii,tnustli0tall;3.nnd |i.Soubrcttuwlio can act, to feitture; S. and I). Cnmedlnn. Charac- t r Man and Woman, M Chorus Oirls who sing, Stage Manager who cun produce musical num- bers. Emily lieaupro call and return purl. Afldrcss WM. 'BEYHOCII. Adler'B Hall, M West 42d St., N. T. All kluils wanted, for Knrope and America. Also acts want.-O for Election Eve. Write i r call ntter- noom (Vaudeville Department) KAP1IAN TIIEAT- l;le:A L,sY^^I)I('AT^:.;c'311^roBdway(|^.'tl^8t■),».^\^ • WASTED, CLEVEB ABATEOB. Either lady or gent, with small amount of money. Mtock Co.' Addres* A. C. OXFORD, , 602 WeBt 184th St., Sew Yurk. tlT.VPFTI Leadir.g Man to Direct, and Qeii. TTflrJ lIiU""'i:ii Woman, also Plaulsi; mast Read and Fake I'.ano and Organ. Don't want the best, Just plain, gooo und willing. J. CRIESE, Pembina, S. Dak. GOOD ATTRACTIONS always win ont at Roaevlllo. Ohio—that busy tows of 2.noo. Host v I lie ha* 10 pettenei, H coal mines and 2 large brick lilania, all working every day. That means money and last's what counts. Fru n r E. Johnson, Mana ger. HOW TO BECOME A CONTORTIONIST. Front and Hack Bending, each trick Illustrated. HSe, itorpuet's School, 837 8.12th St., Fhlla.,Pa. HEAVIES. TKUKKUKS, CHARACTERS. , 1.10IIT JUVENILES. EXPERIENCE, KEI.IAI1ILITY, WARDROBE. Responsible munugcrs address .lAMI-'.S V. MHRRHAN, 11HMI Monnt Venion St., Philadelphia, l'a. PEOPLE For Three NigMer Feature, HPECfALTIKH. Salary all you're worth, every week; I pay all. V1UTOR VANNETTA, MHinettpolls, Minn, I SAUK, CIBCDS CABS, BAG8A0E WA660H8 AND TINE BASD WAflGCR. Address LROlf WAsmn u\, ill* W. Viil Ht.. Ve« York t lij . 1'. 8 — Waul to buy, Leaping urcylioiinds.. MEDICINE COMPANIES, SOMETHING NEW. A Genuine Japanese Tooth Powder. Oreat Bales and Great Profits. Heml for terms and samples to W. M. FKA.NCK, No. 181 Sooth St., Eltnwood, llulynke, Mass. THE HUMAN DYNAMO. Most Marvelous Address Manipulator or Klcctrlcity. Care of N. V. CUPPER. Wanted, lor Canada Frank's Big Tent Show, fillers an o NOVELTY ACTH—People put- ting on Three Turns. I want a Uood Contortion Act, also Tuha, 1st and 2d Cornet, Baritone. I'.s.-l'or BuleCheap—No. 1 Wtt. sin. long Cast- lug Net, complete. Address F. M. MVKRB. Mgr., en route: Itasca, Texas, Nov. s; Ahhott 4, Wert •!, lA>rena 7, per route. EBWflOD WAITS Actors and Hnsiclans for II. and 0. Leaders, Clarionet, Traps, Cornet for car Porter, Leading Man and Woman, and Actors who piuy brass and do specialties. Mu- sical Team and others, write. It. J. KKWOOO, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Moving Picture Camera For Sale. Mule yonr own moving pictures. It's easy and pr»UlHl>le. Nothing makes a i.eiter lilt taan local moving pictures. Address •\V. II, BAKRICK, va C St., Tacoma, Wash. DEIrON T MARTIN AMUSEMENT CO., Featuring Moving Pictures and Specialties of the hlghCHt cliim. strong cmniiliiHileu, Tints open. nee Agents, pieasn tvrlin. IS30 AnNTKIIUAN \VK., \cw York < lly. Tueaire Mgrs,, Hooking Agents, and Advance Agents. p>e»sn w rim "iT— Xch and Second Hand Picture Macliincs .slides, f.1 .v>, lutes r. This week only. SiercnptlcouH, " grades, $1'. nnd J5o. Spot Lights, f :iA no. KiieostniH, l grades, $n.".i) to fllnk, Arc I -ii in] n. $"•,<"•". Condensers, Mc. each. Approved Calde. Adjiistalilc Tegs, f6.r.O. Weblied Tlleuchcil Screens, '.",o. poi a>|, ft. Automatic Water pipe. Lenses, Jels, Oarhon, fielatlne, lowest. HERMAN E. BOYS, 104 W. 40th St, H. T. SO Cants SO Cor»te» FOB A BOOK OF 10 BK«T0BES. r> Acts for l male, 1 femulo; fi Acts for 'i males. Monev order or 2 cunt stamps Address itjlK.VA Kit KI.INVi, I'layWright, Ml Jay St., Ilrooklyo, N, Y. V. 8.—Sketches and plays written to tinier. WANTED, for the . BROADWAY ENTERTAINERS, ( 8IN0LE HO8I0IL ACT (Hale). Cupalile of piuylng small part In upunlug ant You must hiakc good or closed at once. Long season ror right parly. Letters only to HKI.PIlAYlK ami ' " Wi '."W We: I'OOLKl St li'.thKt., K. V.C!, SUPERIOR SPRING Bargain at f'4>. Will sell subject to examination, Address It. I'. WISN!.\ 20 Harrison .St., N. V. WaSTKB, Flllt STETSON'S UNCLE TOM CO., PIANO I'LAYRIt to double some kind of bras* In band. Address as per route. OEO. 1'KCK, llgr. Route -Nov. s, Kalrbury, Neb,; Nov. 4, Heatrlce, Neb.; Nov. a, Ashland, Neb.; Nov. 7, Ulalr, Nel>; Nov. », Council liluirs, lown; Nov. a, 10 and 11, Llucolu, Neb, FOB BALE, KAI8EB DIOBAHA Imported from lierllu, ii>Ki views from all over the world, at one-third of original cost. . Ht'HIL.bIN«'M \T1.AS IIOTKL, . Iloukliway tleach, N. Y. W \MEI>-LADY PAHTHEB. Ooud Looking, cither flood Singer or Dancer, to double with a known comedian; must In: a Lady. Time booked. Answer by teller, tiood I'onn. ilAltltr WILSON, Leavenworth, Kan. PIANIST AT LIBERT.. Al Sight Reader aud Vaudeville. Address PIANIST, SOU) Jefferson St.. Philadelphia, l'a. WANTED, Al MED. LECTURER. Must bo Uood. Address MGtt. I'AI.M UAUOK.V WKATItKj West Heneca, N. Y. AT LIBERTY-JULE REYBOLD leader. Violin, Plana, t'uriiel. Vnudevlllc, Ibirlesiiue fir. Aildrrss Jill" KhmM, l.'lein- entou, ,\. J. 1', H. —I'leuse state all, salary, etc. I .U Calcium Gas and » Moving Picture Outfit You Cm EntirUlnln. IS* Public. Vi'ostarl joa,riirni«himf roni|i!nteflut(lH ivlih Hlinptn und <x pllcl t liiainiellmn. The f leld I. Lorge, comm-tnlug ilia rrgillHrtllelllrA lllKllf.-tlirn rlh-ull, Sim loriit lltOil. in Cljiirrtifif, Public Hehuolit, L'jiIki'h and (ti'i)crsl l'lililln l>iilhnriUK>. NniIiIiik ullerili lu'lier o|i[>urtiiiiHlr« fur ZSSfyuu Our Outfit Comprises the C. P. OO.'S rnodsl, FURK OALOIUM CAS OUTFIT, . tho Kfonto.t oiindlopowM-.tho siifejt undmoytocoromlonlRus-mukins; outfit over inventeil. w >i«hisoitn. Stertopllcaa, Moilni Plctur* Michlnu, ritm. <imi» >'"' everr luiemorjr rnrni, siian n ,. 0 ,| (11 | t ,„ m , n ,|>i 4 ia i-NteftitinirotH. AtMulabdy thu-iate.t flluitiuidvlflwH <at thiiinarknt, iticlinlliig all snl/JeitLs fur the I'll bile's enjoyment. ■RBI antayrtainmemt tupnly ontnloRU. aad SPECIAL OPFKH fully ntplulns merrthlau. CBICAOO PIlOJECTIIieco.. UOOiirtcra II.. Dipt, 207, Chltiii.'t Li.t of Now l'mfi -«tiiii(il HUd Aiauti'iir I'lr.j-. ViliHlrvUlo HlUitetilr, Slln.lrrl HtMil^Oprr- , llu». Mulloul VUtirm. .UVI'UI ___ KnlrrlalunMith ■tiH'ltalloal, llUlufur., Np.aUtn, llrlll., . l<-. < .l.|..«u. i- f ,r. T. .. UliMHHN, r, I>«pt. IT, Itllleugu, 111. PLAYS tlOflO0.O0pi«| clPPiAlNUlNSTHUMENTS • t .Ixiwt prlir. _ W«r<!tr«ile.lIn f..r"llllt.TON"Intlrurueuts,which -f.»llutlnT.. irjov want tin b.«t, hiir«"IIOLTOrl - it jou "111 li»«« muotlitr, »» Ii»t» It for tou I •h«|.. Hr.rjttilnir for baniJi our r»t»toi{ .oil U».- nlr. Hat RM on r»ia«« r.AMrtHOLTOH.CQ. ! Olt.W. Blda... WANT MUSICIAN Baritone to Double Slide Trombone. Other Musicians, write. 'Low bllvli). Hiale. all .Hick. .INO. A. IIIM.nkl.KIN, l NewC«sllo, l'a.,B« i; Voungstown, <),, <J-fl,