New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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064 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November u. rHE ABOVE IB A SAMPLE OF OUB 75c. NEWSPAPER HALF TONE Mode tor Posters, Newspapers, setter beads, etc SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGER SIZES. Cuts de- Uvered wnen cub accompanies tbe order. Send Mo. for »trlil order and be convinced. We do tat best work promptly and at tbe lowest price. KNUXVILLE EffCUlAVING CO., 535 Hay St, KnoiTllle. Tana. AT MBKRTY AFTER NOV. IB, «5 THE 8BBAT PADL BBACHABD, Address care of „_. ^Ei PATTERSON A WmNARI) CARNIVAL CO. CALL. MoMAHONS Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT 47JJ SIXTH AVE., Met. 28th and 28th Sts., NEW YORK CITY. BeBt of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Del lclously Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- ing Room for Ladles. flllllllllllH l\\\\V\U\\\\\\W\^V\ SHOW TENTS for Olrouaet, Wild West Shows, Blac* Tanta, Cahdy Tops, Flags, Kldd 4 mtom Ug *,** aliid for 18 Dane prloe list of second hand TenU. tend tor is 5£|££ R U 4 LOOKW0 OD MFG. CO.. 1th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. BIllD & CO., CHICAGO. HEADQUABTEB3 FOB 6. &S. Theatrical Truulf! Ctere- "opti- con • • . $15 4c. per Foot, op. FEATURE FILMS, - L. HETZ, 308 E. JI3d St ft. Y. IETTER ! LITHOGRAPH^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER SENO FOR CATALOOUE Morrison Show Print D .. roI . Ditrolt, Mich. SllkollB* Tights, fJ.oo Worsted. |TlBli«», •X.OO| Cotton Tlghti, 11.00) Silk Tights, from JS.03 up) I Shirts to iiiRtrh nil tame price 1 Shlru to match nil same price ns tight«; Pumps. 'J5 cental Galt- •rs, Sl.Oui Klatilc supporters, Hi Cloth Supporters, 95 emu. tsentl for catalogue and sasnplea of tights free. Positively n de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIOER BROS., M Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N.T. Old stand bat new address. J.R.KUHKELY , , „..-.,-,«-,«^*-»»--ia-t ^I^J MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, KtO. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 26c., free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor tricks tree MAKT1NKA A CO.. Mfrs.. 403 sixth Are., N. Y. II UNIFORMS Bands, Military. Minstrel Parade Out- fits, Ushers aud all others. Seud for Catalog, mention kind wanted. Specla.' Attention (liven tho Profession. West- ern Uniform Co., mo Clark St., Chicago TilE CHICAGO PLAY FACTORY BOUGHT and SOLD S03 I MUltON Si IV-AYS WUII ItNIOOUDtU. BOUGHT AIDSOID iooiuss - MPS A V BfXjA/NE SOS I muiion si IKK" PLAYS Wri WfRSR 1000 SKTOC M. 8TRA88MAN ATTORNEY, 853 Ilrondway, New York City. JESS DANDY In "Tlie I'rlnco of I'llscn," snvB: "A deml-lnsse, a good story nnd—n Murad Clgnr- ettc. Vns you offer In Zln- ilnnntl yntV" AMiERT HART Of the New York Hippodrome, says: "fiefore meals, after meals nnd between meals, I find the Murad Cigarette most enjoyable." WILLIAM COUUTENAY In Courtcnay Stock Co., says: "Murad—n cigarette that will make smokers." MEN who are accustomed to have life's luxuries, and whose wide experience leads them to the heights of fine preception and rare discrimination—prominent actors, as an instance—state openly their preference for and continued satisfaction in MURAD CIGARETTES In harmonious perfection of blend, in exquisite mildness, and in deep, full, uniform richness of flavor, the Murad is a de- lightful revelation to the American connoisseur. It is the mas- terpiece of a specialist, Allan Ramsay, who served for sixteen years as government tobacco expert of Turkey. lO for 15 Cents FREE ON REQUEST—A handsomely Illustrated booklet, giving late photographic reproductions and Interesting notes of many famous actors. Write for It. Address ALLAN RAMSAY, III Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. GEORGE BACKUS In "Business Is Business," says: "If you wish to enjoy n good cigarette, try the Murad." ROBERT DEOUET In "Tbe Woman In tbe Case," says: "I would not think of trying any other smoke than the Murad." ROBERT HAINES In "Darling of the Gods," says: "My first thought when I meet a friend Is to offer him a Murad Cigarette." PERFECTLY DELICIOUS POSITIVELY BENEFICIAL In Sozodont Tooth Paste are combined the antiseptic, alkaline nnd astringentproperticsof Sozo- dont Liquid and the smoothness of Sozodont Powder. Will not harden in the tube or decom- pose. Is positively free from acid and grit. Will not tarnish or scratch the enamel or gold work of the teeth. Sold in col- lapsible tubes at all stores. Sknt Fata: 'VJ/i'.v Revisits Won- tterliiml," an amusing anil attractive little story for the children. Hall & Ruckel, New York City. "fell It To Me" EZRA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL MEW. JUST OUT. For sale on all trains and news stands, or by mall. Hoe. Address EZRA KENDALL, 50 South 7th Ave., Jit. Vernon, !». V. ROr'ALTY PAID ON SONG-POEflS I mid llnstoal Competition*. Wo trrangtaad popuitriio Addrcw I PIONEER MUSIO PUB. CO, OneJ 1204 M.ohuiiti Blij.Cblcirt, III. Firee CMSttSMtsaStrttl Men. Rubbet nails,Cana*. Content. llallnuus.Slitll Goods, lu.ltrs. Jewel- 3. Tikk Matches, Whips. Rusilc Wood Noe- rJM. MIS'" <UH MM CO. OM'.'JSA tti World of Players, IIaiiry W. Bisnor, of San Francisco, has recently taken the management of tbe Cen- tral Theatre of that city. Mr. Blsbop con- trols tbe Ma,1f etlc Theatre, In San Frauclaco, and Ye Liberty Playhouse, In Oakland, two beautiful houses. Ye Liberty baa a re- volving stage, which Is Mr. Bishop's In- vention. The Central passes into tbe new management Nov. 27. It will be closed un- til tbe holidays, and thoroughly renovated. With new decorations and furnishings, It will open as a melodramatic house. No change will be made In its policy for the present. With these three stock bouses Mr, Bishop Is In a position to secure the best dramatic material In the market. New iiosteu or "Saul or Tarsus" Co.: Henry Thorn Bun, Dale Devereaux, Stanley Walls, Bert Bawllnaon, Dill McQaughy, Ed- ward Sparks, Lewis Laufer, Wins. Slevert, George Beard, I'red Hatpin, Terrance Hess, Stanley Hens, Frank K. Fields, May Woods, Anna Seelen, Adelaide Randall, H. H. Moore, advance agent Notes from tub Habbis-Paskinson Stock Co.—We opened our season Aug. 7, and have been playing to the largest business In the history of tbe company. At Lexington, Hunt- ington, Frankfort, Charleston, Ironton, Ports- mouth and l'arkersburg we broke the house records, and tbe company Is dally receiving flattering notices. Mr. Harris Is carrying the strongest acting company he has ever had, and from tbe bookings ahead nothing but a continuation of this season's excellent busi- ness Is In sight. Following Is the complete roster, no change having been made so far: Robt. II. Harris, Harry Feltus, James Letller, Frederick Moroa, Warren Burrows, Verne Phelps, Harry Mondereau, C. Rea Berger, Paul HUlla, Roy Cullenblne, Tbeo. Currle, Arthur Fnyno, David McGowen, Franklin Hal- lensivortli, Leona Leslie, Dora Phelps, Francis Fields, Louise Strothmore and Belle Tyson. Manaoeu K. J. Ravknchopt, of "The Den- ver Express" Co., writes that his attraction 1b playing to good business and giving general satisfaction. Clarence D. Newiian Is with tbe "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" Co. (Eastern), Frank XI. Morgan, manager, playing Abner Stiles, IiOSTHR or the "To DlB at Dawn" Co. : Eugene Spofford, manager; Lou HUdcbrand, advance representative; Lawrence Coghlan, Howard Stlllaian, Leo Nadel, Harry E. liowe, J. C. Kline, O. D. Carlyle, Dora Mitchell, Josephine Bushncll and Blanch Hazel ton. "Tim Rkiiit or Way." by Gilbert Parker, will be dramatized by Eugene Presbrey and under the LIcbler management, Kyrle Bellew will star In It next season, Lynda Eaiilb has signed with Gordon ts Bennett for the lead la "A Slave of the Mill," and reports meeting with success. Hosteii or tub Nelson & Holman Comedy Co.: Jobn T. Condon A Harry C. Nelson, pro- prietors : John T. Condon, manager; Harry C. Nelson, director of plays; Al. Lee, stage manager; Martin Drew, props; Wm. Jeffer- son, electrician; Chas. Allen, master of trans- portation ; Wlllard Price, Max Dandy Cook, Clem Desklns, Al. Lee, Fred Brlakmeyer, Orgnrlta Hatfield, Agnes French, Bertha Bell, Alice Fisher and Baby Victoria. Notes pbom tiib Messenger Theatre, Coiuir, Pa, —The season thus far has been a —ry prosperous one, nnd under the manage- ment of c. T. Trimble, this bouse will prove a winner. TheCradoc-Neville Co. recently played on engagement, and gave great satisfaction to excellent business "A Pair of Country Kids," "Girl from Chill," "Princess Chic" and the Garslde Stock Co. are among tbe book- ings for November, nnd all should do well, Trimble's Imperial Orchestra has been en- gaged to supply musle this season. IUnRY E. McKee, of McKee and Ruther- ford, writes: "We will close onr engage- ment at the Burwood Theatre, In Omaha, net. 28, with Miss Uutberford as Nell, and myself as Bob Appleton, In 'The Lost Para- dise.' Last week t scored a hit as Theo. licnder, la 'All tbe Comforts of Home.' After several months of stock work In Omaha, we will leave Sunday, for Chicago. The stock work has been too hard for Miss Rutherford, nnd we will put our new act (with little Baby Jack) In vaudeville. We have received a good offer to star In 'Who's Baby Are Your Before The Old Reliable reached us we had good results from our 'ad,' and we received upwards of sixty answers, all told. Nothing like The Clipper when you want work." Notes from Bennett's Bio Dramatic and Specialty Co.—This company opened tbe season at Mllnca, Minn., Sept. 22, with tbe following people: Billy Bennett, manager; Hazel Bennett, treasurer: J. W. Sights, stage director: Norman Hanley, leader of band; Ralph Marlon Osborn, leader of orcbestra; Archie SIcColl, stage manager; Geo. B. Mor- gan, properties; John N. Morgan, chef; An- gelo F. Admlralll, O. E. Akres, C. E. Andeurs, Bob Fair, Norman Hanley, J. T. McGovern, Ernest Tabor, Jobn Stromwell, Pauline Sights and Minnie Thome. We travel In our two hotel and baggage cars, and are routed through Northwest Canada for the greater port of the season. Wilfrid II. Gbiffin bas joined "The Gay Matinee Girl" Co., as advance agent. Frederick II. Wilson, business manager of Virginia Drew Trescott, In "Cousin Kate," reports a season, so far, of unqualified suc- cess. Tbe production Is a beautiful one, tbe company thoroughly adequate, the star en- thusiastic, and the public responsive. Roster of tbe "A Gentleman Burglar" Co. —E. A. Harrington, manager; Edmond Bar- rett, Rex Leslie Klngdon, Thomas Jefferson Hardy, Joe II. Lee, Tom Conrad, Charles Tbarllng, George Goodwin, Louis Raymond, Claude Morris, Baby Gladys, Ethel Jordan, Lottie Glenmore, Beatrice Harrington and Lil- lian Montrose. Rosteb or Kennedy's Players : T. H. Delevan, manager; A. Fen Lewis, treasurer; J. F. Bannister, stage manager; J. K. Corbet, electrician; Geo. Hayes, property master; Mrs. Emma Macban, musical director; John J. Kennedy, R. C. Stout, Jos. N. Machan, Andrew MacKnlght, Nellie Kennedy, Leonore Hassan, Wlnntfred Greenwood, Little Dot Kennedy and Baby Rossle Macban. Our plays: "Octoroon," "The Midnight Express^' "A Dash for Liberty," "Two Jolly Tramps," "Another Man'B Wife," "Rip Van Winkle," "Tbe James Boys," "Lost and Won," "Faust," "Sapho" and "The Boy from the Bowery." Business good and everybody feeling fine. Billib Merriam, aerial gymnast, has closed a tblrty-seven weeks' engagement with the Bauscher Carnival Co., and has joined the "Terry, the Outcast," Co., to do the part of Collie and his aerial specialty. Edwin F. Miner has severed his connec- tion with the "FInnlgan's Ball" Co., with which he was doing Flnnlgan. He has Joined Dick Huffman's "At Sunrise" Co., playing tbe part of James Van Camp, the heavy. Juliette Nlner Is with the same company, playing Alice Arden, tbe Juvenile lead. Habry Dull, manager of the Four Hunt- ings, has signed Lucia Leslie and Eva Kerns to play parts and do their specialty In "The Fool House." Lew Hunting Is making a pro- nounced success. Tony and John Hunting are doing creditable work, and Molly Hunt- ing's dancing Is one of the big hits of the show. Notes prom the "Hans Hamsen" Co.— Martin Bowers Is la his twelfth week playing tbe tramp and managing the stage. Business Is good, and the show is a hit Everybody Is enjoying good health. We are booked to tbe coast, and look forward to a prosperous season. John P. Elsen Is leader of tbe band and orchestra. Tbe band Is a hit In every town, and the muBlc Is appreciated. They are playing new numbers every day. Louise Lb Blanc Is In her eighth week with the Van Dyke Stock Co., and reports meeting with success, playing soubrette roles and doing her specialty. Recent additions to "The Slaves of the Mine" Co. are Lottie Zenobla and Louis Mount Joy. Recent cnANo.ES in the Eastern "Romance of Coon Hollow" Co. are Charlotte Jullen, for the leading ingenue; Marguerite Blake, for leading heavy; J. H. Ferris, for heavy, and Louis Hlllyer, for leads. Miss Jullen is only fifteen years of age. Miss Blake has hereto- fore played the leading Juvenile role In the same company. Harry Beresford, under the management or J-J. Coleman, opened bis season Oct. 21, at Newport News, Va., In "The Woman Hater,'supported by: Helen Travis, Julia Batchcder, Margaret L. Lee, Walter B. Woodall, Wilson Deal. Thomas V. Emory, Charles Kennedy. Harry F. Crelghton Oliver Ptigh. Chnrlea Yarbore, Edward nan^ Ion, with Philip Robson, business manager, and Peter Rice, In advance. """ger, Rt ley and Lawkbncb write: "We have been with the Ehlers Stock Co. since May 13 playing the responsible comedy parts. Our specialty act Is a big hit The company Is "h2^. EMt i fln £ wl " land ln New York Cbrlstmas week, when we will eat our turkev at our own borne." * Tom Bateman Is In his ninth week with he Harvey & Gage Co.. and Is still at he front, In hlB specialty and also playing parts "<5w?i ?KS^S ! n S ls sXxih week with the Shooting the Chutes" Co., playing German s5cce?s r ' nD<i repor ' 8 meetln * with Sam Rohinson wishes to announce that he has been engaged by W. F. Smith, proprietor IL T ron A ea Co " V l ct ° 9 business mana- g f r . for AV the /est of this season. He also Sr,.E J"?. A !!" e n rt La VeIle haa etoSa the ■m! "8? Llv<!8 £°" on account of not being able to secure the proper bookings, as 33 show was too expensive for one night stands John H. Murray, formerly of the "sko JvS^Ste h / B 8 i gned with the Cook-Hall Comedy Co., for advance. Tiie Clark & Converse Co., a new nlnv- p m ducln 5 flrm - naa recently been formed and will produce "The Gingerbread Man '• bv Frederic Ranken and A. fialdwln Sloane. 7 ■s^SST al V«^Parson? Edmond Barrett, who Is playing the title role with the "A Gentleman Burglar* Co writes that the attraction Is doing a big busU ness. The company has been greafly strentrth ened since leaving Chicago, six weeks fro The roster Includes: Ed. Harrington? mbsSC tor and manager; Edward Barrett bUm d?I A C rL : , Thcmn8 J ' ? ard * »tage managed; C M„^ a « lng '>. proP T er,y J nan '' R « k- KKgdon Harry Hamlin, Joe H. Lee, Tbos. Egerton A. C. Howard. Beatrice Harrlngton7 8 Lott?e Glenmore Baby Millie, Nana B. Howard and Marie Haines. Manager HarringtonT wHI have two companies on the road after the holidays rtJli™'.?™ 00 will make an elaborate pr£ Auction of Edmond Barrett's new play "A Tennessee Home." v J ' A David Bispham will probably star next f,r n .??XV T1,e V,cn ^ of Wakefield "th?fi: t i« t0 r h £ ^wenoe Hounemnn, nnd music by of*Go^mTh D 's sSry. Bt0r7 f0 " 0W9 the llne » me^'wa^fs^rM^honaVre 8 ^^ o°n" £ count of Illness, and Is laying off at hfs home In Bellefontalne, O. ' 3 .i~ LEOt ',.J , S, R!:YNOU>s writes: "On Nov. 4 I Mm* ».Vi, 0 °. rdo ,. n ,* "exit's 'A Sla?e of the Mill, with which I was engaged to create the heavy lead, rejoining, on Nop™0 Rowland 4 Clifford's ,'Dora Thorns' Co. (Eastern) to play the lead, Lord Donald Earl which I created last season." * n * J "JiniX euYoTsirancte a ffUcr I C nlonrjlin o .alI ou r hgnr .&.' .3 .- * »c ,1 Which^fcind' of hair do you have? The^ 1 :h, heavy, young kind? Ther you are happy. Or the thin scragglyp old kind? Then use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hai; [Renewer, and you will be [happy. The hair grows more rapidly, stops coming out, and all' the natural, deep, rich color returns to gray hair. , For the wltltkera Anil mnuttuche wo malcn I a Dye known at BUCKINGHAM'S DTK. It colors Instantly s rich brown or a toft black B. P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H. ON :DIT Bi&rttmtk For Christmas Presents. F Tbo tferrjr X'mtu time draws netr, ami wltti It f comes thmuhtinnd plans for biintf'nK bappuieM) I touur dear ones by a loving remembrance. I The Loftis System at X'mas Time 'g?«t loonveiilcncoto|lioiit*anOa. HenablcttpcrsoiiHln jVpmMUHM 10 uiake beautiful and appropi]- I ate Cbrbjtmau I'reaeutu with a uinal! ca»b outlay I WhjRlvea cheap, ordinary Present, when with Ave or ten Dollars for a it ret jiayraent yon can j (five a beautiful Diamond or Watch. Think of I this carefully and write today for our l.|« IX'mii Cat uIob and let us explain Jn detail tho I Lottla System. H [Our Big Christmas Catalog ftJhTffiSfiK.! [ tratlons of btautiful Jewelry suKgi-stlon^ for I Carhtimas Preaenta. taken from our enormous I Chrltumus stock. Hr nd for a cupy today. Belect < he article you dealr** and we will send It I to you subject to ezamlnatloutand approval. You I are prerfectly fee to purchase or nut, we take all I risks, and pay all express charges. If npoa care- \ fal examination It meete with your approval, re- tain the article paying one fifth the purchaoo j price on delivery, balance in eight equal monthly I payments, gend today for our Hpeclul thrim". I nasCiitalos;. Do Your Christinas Shopping Now] I conveniently and leisurely In the privacy of your own home. Don't wait until the Christmas rush Is01. New Is tho time to make first and choice •elections. Write Today for OsUlcc- Igm. wm mm a «■% pfamond cut | I! I0FTIS IBROS&CO.^ Wttchmikirs, Ji.ilinl OlBtMSW si till! Jl, ' CHICAGO, ILL., U, S. A. , 1 Ida, CLUB COCKTAILS are the only kind you can depend on. They're ex- quisitely flavored, smooth, subtle, and aged to please the most critical taste. Seven kinds— Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin, York. 0. F. UEUBLEIN & BRO., TK ^ n HARTFORD NEW YORK LONDON MEILHENNY'5 t$cui<ae O YouVont;.jtjre\iof the breakfast egg if you dress It WjJhMcIlhenny': Masco Sauce, ity. Promotes digestion and'make»Spups. Salads, —the original-. In use half a\cen Roastsfetc, j Fr, price. All, m»nr gpod M ni - Weretra«lodlnfor"aOLTON"In«tTumcnt«,srtilcliii sx\ til other,, it you sstnt tho best, buy a "g™?™, -If you will htTe smother mtke, we h»TO It for rot ahetp. EterytbJnB for btndt. Our ctulog auid on SUa list free on request. ...... „„ WIAWK HQLTOH 4 CO.. WIWI Bld«.. CHIQOa VAN FLEET — AIHTE 4T WEST 28th STREET, NBW YOKK. PVAN FLEET fj^