New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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NOVEMBER* 11." THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 965 i JUST A LITTLE ROCKING CHAIR AND YOU J c c By FITZGIBBON-MORSE and DRISLANE. K J±-V I L, J±N ID 9 9 Dl Iflll Br'dway and 30th St. DIJUU Evgs, 8:15. Mat. 2. DAVID BELASCO lTeseilts, 2d Year In X. V., WAR FIELD! MUSIC" MASTER. HCIlCOn THEATRE, Eve.». Sat. Mat. 1 DlLAuuU Uavld Belaaco imifnli Jlr», *"• LKSI-ti: CARTER, I,ast is nights. I-Hst - Mailnut». 7.AZA. SPECIAL, Tuesday, Nov. II, 1>AVIU BELASCO Mill Present BLANCHE HATES [or lite lirel time in New York. In THE OIK1, OF THE GOLDEN WEST, a play of <*«, by DAVID UK LAjOO. Sea t Sale Opens a A. M. Tlitiratlwy. PASTOR'S CHARLES BRUNO & MABEL RUSSELL, ZISKA, KIN6 & CO., LEW HAWKINS, IRENE FRANKLIN, UK EI.MAR BROS., C.VUUOWNIE SISTERS, KMITELS' DOGS, SUHROEDER A DEANE, JOHN A CARRIE MACK, BERT1NA ft B110CK.WAY, CUNNINGHAM 4 SMITH. RUCK, Illustrator, ■ Tito Vltagruph—and as extra attraction, DOLPH & SUSIE LEVINO. Of High Class) Vaudeville Theatres, U. MEYERFELD JR., PRES.; MARTIN BECK, GENERAL MANAGER. All Aypllcnl Ioqh fur Time Must be Addressed to C. i;. BRAY, Hooking Manager, B04 A able nil Block. Chicago, 111. Huber's 'si" Museum WANTED, at all time* LIV1NU PRODIGIES, Trained and rare anliuula, nuveltleB of every de- scription for Curio Halls and Theatre. Add rein J. H. ANDERSON, Manager, an above. THE DEWEY E. lit Ti St. MATINEE EVERY DAY. Crackerjack Barlesquers Unrlesiiuo and Vaedevll'c. THE E. l'JSth St. MATINEE EVERY DAY'. European Sensation Co. Burlesque and Vaudeville. GEO. AND MAY WOODWARD ORUIIXAL SLNCLRNED RUBES. CEO. W. EVERS Add., ^POUK-cnoPS- Careof CLIPPER. ORVILLE and FRANK Arc now living at .11:1 W. 2181 Street, Una city, im d so la MS; OHVILI.E. BERTRAM MILLAR, 4 7 W. Ii8th ST., NE W YOKE. CHRISTOPHER "THAT POPULAR MAGICIAN." I'cr. address, 178 ONTARIO ST., Chicago. INTER NATIONAL ARTISTES MIDGE. MEETINGS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- KINO AFTER PERFORMANCES 'At TERBAOE OABDEK, lew York, Bsth St., near Third Ave. ALL PERFORMERS INVITED. A SOCIABLE GUY, Featuring his original Jew Buck Dance. , .602 ASHLAND BLOCK. Chicago, 111. no wm. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS HAND BALANCER, Touring with Orrtn Bros.' Circus, . IWIKXIC O. Booked Solid Until LH HDIlfHiitm Week of Nov. 8. FLO-MS THCATKE, MADISON. Wig. The Musical Brennans Permanent address, H. Y. 0L1PPEB. 8TII MEEK WITH "MISS X. Y. JR."CO. Wee k Xo v.u, NASSAU THEATRE, ttrookly r. FOOLISH ABOUT JUGGLING HY.CREE1MWAY. I AN bTILL WITH IT. Horry Faldman, Slpaina and Dancing Comnnlan, T . MYRKLE-HAHDtlR CO. (Eastern). Mile. Sousa Special Vautlsrllle Kmtar«. MYHKLK-IIARUF.R CO. ,Knateriii._ Harry Sloan '• CHARACTERS. Bates ©.Ernest GERMAN COMEDIANS. Homo Addres s. 211 gen ual Aw, Peoria, III. POWERS & THEOBALD, The HUMAN DOLL and HER BEAUX. Rooked solid nntll April. Adilrcas an per route. Nov. 6 to II, Scranton, Pa. M Confidence Car Be Placed In Renowned Good. Since GOOD QUALITY Gained Their R.putatlon. For the psst fifty yeara have been universally recognized as being the BEST MADE, and are fdeferred by profeslonals everywhere, which s proven bv the numerous uoaollclted endorse- ments received from all parts of the world. THE DHG1I0L1 Is a splendid novelty to be used In vaudeville. It consists of a solo mouth organ, nearly cbromatlcal, attached to two lets of reeds, controlled by a double row of vnlvea, which render chords and baas notes, both minor and major. Has Ike some effect as a concertina. Instruction book goes with each Instrument. 1 MIRglJ MMEl' EB CO. flUekttl). Are made of the best materials which .kill and years of experience can obtain, thorough- ly seasoned wood, to stand any climate, the finest reeds, clear and resonant as a bell. "Just as good as the Hoboer Harmonicas," la the best proof of their superior quality. The "Bohner" Instruments ore endorsed by Wm. II. Burke, the original harmonica wonder, who was the drat to Introduce this Instrument and Its possibilities upon the ttago. During his professional career of the past 20yeara he has continually used the "Bonner" Harmonicas. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. M. HOHNER, 354 Broadway, N. Y. PRIME PHI FOR MOVING PICTURES and VAUDEVILLE. WRITE VOlt SAMPLES AND PRICES. The DONALDSON LITHO. CO., VKWPORT. KV. FILMS! FILMS! And Moving Picture Machine*, all, bought and lor sale. PHILADELPHIA FILM EXCHAHQE, 1808 North 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa., D. 8. A. GOWNS^Sr SLIGHTLY USED. Alan STREET GOWNS. We have, ou hand a large assortment, of slightly vrora Evening (Intvns,Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASH DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a lull line of Seal Skin Coals and Ptira or all kinds. MRS. IL STARR, 307 South State 81., CHICAGO. SCENERY TlieTim.\smiC(;OMI'AXV.Tiilin.ll. MEDICINE SPEELER CAR OBTAIN A PEBMANERT POBITIOR. Must be u uiiiu of .00 Hat. or over, t;ood drvsaer. ituoolli talker, gcutleuauly appear- ance and unlit !u his manner. A mau that knows a live une when be ices bltu. Address X V. f., car. of Western Bureau of CLIP- rLH. Btrj .Uhlaud Block, Chicago. WANTE Vaudeville IN ALL LINES. Also Sketch Teams, log. and Alice, write, s.oooft. Feature Films for sale. Add. KreetuBii Bros.' Dig Vaudeville Show, Nellgh, Neb. Coaching, rehearsing, public, appearance secured for YaudeTllle; also musical farcecomcdle:.i>pera, class, etc. Appiyrop.Ei;iiXR,i?;iSt«ilTjj^*.Y, ALWAYS PROGRESSING. WIDE AWAKE. FILMS FOR RENT. Vaudeville Theatre Mgrs. Everywhere, YOUR MONEY BACK if we cannot give you a better weekly service than you are now receiving. We receive all the Latest American and European F eatures first. Try us do It To-day. 20tH CENTURY OPTISCOPE GO. FAILING. 2 W. 14th 81 NEW YOBK. WE AHE A NEW FIHM. WATCH US GROW. 'One of the Greatest Selling Books This Country Ever Saw was WELLS' EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER' We Owned and Published that Beek. Mr. Well.-died jcur* ago; shortly attar, we stopped puirttdiliig the book because the plates were worn In priming, and much of the contents had become obsolete. We Sold Hundreds of Thousands of Copies of that Booh, THE NEW GENERATION WANTS THE NEW ROOK, And ut great expense we have prepared "EVERYBODY'S LAW book; By J. ALEXANDER KOONES, LL. B„ oue of the most learned iiieiuburs of the New York Bar. Everyone who had "Every Mau lila Own Law- yer" will want thin new and enlarged work. It 1." up-lo-dato, containing over boo pages or Informa- tion valnableto every niuu or woman in the United Stales. Itlellsyou what yuur legal rights are and how to maintain them. What to do and what not to do. ''Ignoraucc of the law excuses no one," la a well established ma.Mni. and thousands of dol- lars arc squandered yearly by people who nugot to know better, and svonld it t hey were belter in- structed. This too pagu book contains valuable knowledge for business men as well as profes- sional men. It Is useful to the married and single woman, us well at lo the salaried man and dally toiler. Hi tabic of contents, which we mall free upou application, will astonish you by Its to- piotianeas. This book Itself embrace* cvplimu- tiuiiB 111 a plain, readily understood manner, its well as correct business rorms und general Infor- mation useful in every part of the Lulled Stales and Canada. The New Edition will bo reudy December 1, and will be sold by subscription ouly. Not to be sup- plied by bookstores. Price, lu library binding, fl.M, lu full sheep (law style), $3uu. Sample copies mailed ou receipt of price. Address HITCHCOCK PUBLI8HIHG 00IPAIT, Beaj. W. Bitchcoclt, President, 47 Eighth Aveune, Row York. A6ENTS WANTED. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. I'. S—Mr.Hitchcock Is uuo or the oblcat and ntoatcitoiielveiy kuuwn Publishers in the I'nlted States. I Character Comedian, any Dialect, Spicialties M, Juveniles, Heavies, Characters. First cIusk attractions onlj. .lo.-,t clored with Mr. George Samuels'Attraction.-. GKR. DHL., Kl I'nso, T. t. WANTED QUICK, Al S. and D. IUHK1»IA\. I IIAlHtTKH WOMAN, PIAN IOH JUVENILES, MAt Full tiKS. UUS„ LADY I'lANU PLSYEH. Others, virile. Slate lowest: give lull deserlptlou. WM. PALMER, NewARiaoy, lOd. PUHO PLATEB AND PEBF0BBEB8 01 All Kinds (or Vaudeville Show. CMnge often. Must be Al. (live lowest; pay your owa board. VA.UDKVII.K SHOW. Msn-ellos, New York. WILL bmt, it Libvriy. XSiKtn uu .nuu-. iins r cxaks. A'lUi.-.i t-ettze Sqiire. itslitont^'t, RJB>OOIill> BROKB.% AT MERIDIAN, MISS. (Uriind Opera House) "Tin- .Man Oulalile," Monday Night •'In the 8Br|.eii('a Fswrr," Tuesday Night j'Zls uu "Tin' Wii j «>r tin- World." Mcduesilay Matinee ftii.'J.i "The DtyHtoriinis Mr. It.iUloa," Wed re-day Night j^ 'Hainan Spider.," Thursday Night tralu, )'J0f>.u6 "Parilsal," Friday Night UlO-to "The Power of lint r," Saturday Matlner "A flentli inii n Burglar," Samrday Night $*J6T.?S GROSS *l,lj!I.U5 wih'orii::: THE Must lliiudsiunely L'uhiiiiuciI. Clm crest and M«hi Tlmrnughly CnmplL'tu Kepertnlre Drgnnl/alloii In llioHonili' .,« SKK HKCOHI) Kill WKRK UK OCT. Ill, 100.1. On Account el* Dlaa|i|i»liitmiint and Kalinin to Unlit rr I hit tlnoila anil Wanlronv, SHI ALL I'A HI t and PKATtHtK SI'KCIALTlKa. IMItiS und HI'KflAl.TIKH. I'AHTB anil M|>K.rlAl.TIK*. Want the Very lle-l. mid nitist ilreaa awcll for stiijrn ami at reel. Will pay anv Milnrv that yuur ability, wardrobe ami o.vporlenco will warrant. AddiCHS C. bTAI-'KOItP I'AYTUN, Maniiger, New Oi iciiti-, Lii., care of Klyalum Theatro, Nov. (i II; Uaton ll.tugc. l.n.. I3-WJ Molilit'. Ala.. as-9h. AfSISTFR TEAM, Al SINGLE WOMAN, Al GENERAL ACTOR, ORIENTE CIRCUS For Month of December for Cuba. Address letter lu YTCKVll' ALIIA, Itlll West tl.tlk Htrnol, Nett Imk ■tatlil|( lowest term., et<t., fnr a period ni elglitarn tveeba. titr, MURDOCK BROS, and HALL, MoYIMi l'lOTOIli; AND VAIDKVILLK SHOW, WANT.1 A COMEDIAN that Is a Cornel Player. Wo carry Band and Orchestra. Week Bland, other Pmiplc, write. Money every week. No hold backa. ltegarita lo all. Doubled the show lu Inst two weeks. Itns. grunt, llrndfurd, N; II., week com. Nov. i>. IVNTMERS' SXOOK OO. WANTED AT ONCE, Al CHARACTER WOMAN, 6EN. BUS. MAN. "l'lionu Willi a'peclallles preferred. Write or wire. HAItKY MANNKIIS, Memphis, Mo., Now nauil week; Waraitw, III.,Nov. 18, II, lie, Kulioku, Mo , Nov. in, IV, It. MHF CRANE costumes SMGUTLY WOKN. nurlesque, Kvonlng, Street UownsKOIt BALE. CHEAP, OR MADE TO ORPHR-, 01VEN. IB1M Broadway. New York. Le MAIRE ^ Le MAIRE, ALL IflnTB, or 16 E. 117 ST., NEW YOBK. LIBERAL REWARD For III ft Return of DIMS, ut My Hongs, Stolen from mo some tliuo ago. I will punlah to the full nxUtit of the law any and all who use any pail of any of my songs wll bout try writ ten tcrmlssioii. No ageni, primer or manager has the am horlty lo act for Me. Ail those deairlng in use ,nv soiiga can call on lueriUNDAYHfrum Slo'.i P. M. Have many New, Good Snugs ror sale. Konufuliy yours, MILS. JfaiKIK JOHNSON, 116 East Sid HI , N. Y. CII). DODGE HALL MADISON BARRACKS, Saokotl Harbor, W. 7., ou military reservation scaling capacity lur,. Qui ml to good people. Vaudeville, repertoire people, «•;., write for time. Address POST EM.TIANTIK, Sn> kct. Harbor, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, JiMMIE COWPER, MEDIAN. SINGINO'.TALKIM. AND DAM IS*J COM Prlneliial Coiiii.'dlau with Jrrc linulyV 1'rniikli CarpcubTC" lor a aeaaoaa. I.NOII1II SAID. Address JIUMIK CIlWPKK. care ot Ihc Lenox, liliigltamloii. N. V. WAHTO, LAH RIM HATBL ONE 1I1AT BitvSS, FOR MbtHC HALL. OLOR0F.W. CLAIIK. Rloversvtlle, N. V., Unalc Hsll. it Liberty. « S. ROBBINS JIIYENILBH AND I.HJIIT fOMEIHKS. Bea4 traii*i«irialMi. IttiBNKMJU"ILI.E, l'». St liberty. EDW. YOUE. V-.9 TIIIlIU ST.', RWBd llt+Ji MP -'tlKt.'j /rums, we i-if i '.•!-. b.y OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS, BKND UI'KN TIMK—due to Poor Week Htanrli.--lt»n} in- Ptirreataa;*. Baker's Siberian lleiiertoire (omiiaoy. Baud and Orchestra. one ol i im Stioiigust on Hie road. Address JOHN BAKER, Mgr., PlurceClly.Mo.. wecli Nov. <1; Monctt.w o., IVJ!U CAL. L UHL, COMEDIAN, SINGING AND DANCING SPECIALTY. HlUSt. OHIO, WEEK NOV. .., CHICAGO STOCK CO._ AT lilUKIlTV, AlfTKIt NUv7m, Blind Leader, PI..W <:o«Ni-l B. i ».; TROMBONE PLAYER, PLAT t. i. n. .Inlii'. eui'iigument ouly. Addrcs HENRY SATER, Sew York, !•'. Y.. cars of CM Pf WAVrED. Al DIED. PEOPLE. hi. tie inervMiliig In llrst. Write or wire. PROF. JACh TIKM, Haleui, Harrison Co., W. Va. j nn UM&fag^ 25C I V " '-'.'. r-ut'jjoSv »l Uut'-.t. Maq»v