New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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November 11. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 08 L * STAR HITS THAT TWINKLE IN THE MUSICAL FIRMAMENT* • EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER * * * * * Tlio only ui'tmliu- lilt liy HiIh title. Words l.y MVCLtNTOCK; Music liy I.KIIMAN. Thou- mint* of Singers uro I'd'omlng famous tlirotiKh tlil« hour. Why not yon? • YOU'RE CRAZY WITH THE HEAT * * * * * • DEAR STARRY E YES, GOOD-NIGHT • • • • * A complete novelty In llio Conn Sons lint. Kvnry word a laugh provoker. All the top- llnoni are mlntr It. (let In. A song of the lietler class. Splendid torn love sketch. Just the ill utf for concert and parlor. * MY HEART'S TO-NIGHT IN TENNESSEE * * * I'ETRIE'3 Ilc-antlful Ballad. Poetry and HentiTcnt In every note. superii Slides ready, is per set of 17, * IN THE VALLEY THAT THE SUNSHINE NEVER LEAVES * • DOWN WHERE THE SILV'RY MOHAWK FLOWS * * A Real "Douse of Hits" Ilallad. Yon know what that moans—areat I Slides Just out, V> per set of 17. The lltistlo Song Success of iho year. It touches the tender spot In your heart. Slides Just completed, *5 per set of 17. * WHEN THE EVENING RREEZE IS SIGHING S&ft HOME Tho Ra'lad 1111 of Primrose's Minstrels. Superior Slides »3 per sot of 17. MAHLER BROS. 6th Ave. and 81st Street, New York. PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. S SEASON oos-'oe. Complete Assortment of all THEATRICAL GOODS. Notably HOSIERY, TIGHTS. WAISTS, MILLINERY, ETC. SEND FOR OUR THEATRICAL CATALOGUE, ftl . . H^—n Originators of oar Famous Snort AlsOf] UhIsT. Vamp Shoes for Stage and Street »""* awwaiil W ear. Estimates freely given on Quantity orders. Complete Stocks. Up to Date Styles. Low est Cash Prices for Desirable Footwear. OUR KE-UI toxi Made from the very best tin, are black enameled. Espe daily made for professional use, having a tray with com- partments for Grease Paints, Powders, f% g\ Comb and Brush, Wigs, Etc., Etc. Has #lrfC5« doable action look, with two keys, at.... *** " **' • Onr cold CREAM, expressly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid in any climate. Put np In IBs Screw Top Tin Cans at *5c j a ft at SSc SAMPLES OF CREAM SENT FREE. All mall orders must be accompanied by money order. None sent 0. 0. D. XXX—Guaranteed 5 Tears. XXX—28, $11.00; SO, $11.50; 82, $12.00; $1.00 on size to lOln. XX—28, $7.28: Mc. on size up to 401n. Snipped C. O. D. on Receipt of 95.00. 441 8th Awe., WRITE FOB CATA100UE. N. Y. City. ESTABLISHED 47 YRS. Attention! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN ■pa, as. ^F Why handle rocky goods when yon c»n handle goods that will sell themselves' Electric Belts from SI per dos. np. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars 75c. dos.; Electric Insoles, 87%c doz. pairs. Soap, $2.10 gross; Fine Medl cal Batteries. Send 75c. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest ont Out third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Blot trie Belts and Appliances In U.S.A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list frs« THE ELECTRIC AFPUAICB CO., Burlington, Kan. Metropolitan Eleetrie Stage Lighting Co., 123 \*S. 40th »T. P IMe»w York. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ^ G i?A% **«£*** ABSOLUTE CURE HOME TREATMENT No suffering, no detention from business, no Harmful effects. TRIAL 8AMPLE FREE. DRUG, LIQUOR and CIGARETTE HABITS We cure and cure forever the craving for morphine, cocaine, opium, liquor and tobacco, and restore tbe system to health and strength. Onr remedy has been tested contlnously for many years by our associate physicians In their private practice. We can refer you by letter or In person to men and women who will gladly tell their nappy experience with onr treatment. SBHD FOR BOOKLET. Onr letters and remedies sent without any outside marks. Privacy Is complete. DRUG GRAVE CRUSADE, 113 Hartford Building, 41 Union 8q., New YorS. SIEGMAN & WEIL. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bit Barlsg sod Brtsmi), New Turk. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. .. Tights, Wigs, . . . Gold £ Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Ws find gswdi C. 0. D., iub]sct to Inipsctlsn Pit jjSjfcj j dsasslttB ii. triers BEND 4 ot*. lor OATAIiOODt Bo. 4. Bend 4 ots tor Catalogue SO. A TRICKS And Trick Apparatus. YOST k COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth Bt (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. JO" Large Catalogue for Stamp. mggsL Jf**^ Stereep. tleoas for pubflo entertainments, llluslrat- ,., _ lnshJitorlcsnilcurrenteTenU, aaO'I popular joiibs, etc. Nothing affords f* better opportunities for men with wall ■■*■* MAKE MONEY OmXA for i>e«, Ulciirtteil dialogue, telle what >B Mtflk 5V.* C «*<£ L« Bh wti, ei[il.lL. it.o ontrsUoo tod UitrueU jam ^"O f Sow to oooduct r-iylng eRtcrulQBae&u. \n\\\\\rnt° r ' Ll BeAUISTIl, BJBj, OpUtUa \m\Viii\\nn^*'*f 41/»«...,. 6ir..i, S*e ft* 33* Will rossiter'E OH IIP ORIGINAL MJHfl9or PER 00 L«TI«T"HITS" I'm Feclln' Floe Circus Iloolts Song Books Address; WILL BOSSITtS Wanhlnuton St CHICAGO BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the cure of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. Vou can be treated at homeunder same guaranty. Capital 1500,000. We solicit the most obstinate cases. If you nave exhausted the old methods of treatment and still hsve aches and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth, Sore Throat. Plm- p!e». Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of Ihe body. Hair or Eyebrows falllne out, write for proofs of cures. 100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO. lilt IUMIC TtWlE, Calcifs, 111,11.1 A For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of tbe BLADDER. Cures all Discbarges In 48 Hours Each ■(■ tmn ibf -■ CAPSULES / /VliDt CLASS A. 19 CERTS PKK FT. CLASS B. IK CKNTS PER FT. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Bzhlbltton Model, 1113.00. Universal Model, f7S.0O, CLA88 A-LATE8T FEATURE 8UBJBCT8. THE MILLERS DAUGHTER No. 0.101. Code, VA8TOIBTKN. Length, U7ftlT. A |l 10.145. A BEAUTIFUL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. HIGH CLA88 TALENT. A WORK OF ART. IL.L1STIIATKD CIRCULAR, NO. BOO, The Watermelon Patch T2B(t. Poor Aliry! SlDtt. The "Wliltccapa" 83Bft. The Boardlnsr School tllrl.... 9<Ulft. The Little Train Ilobbtrr . . 72Bft. MAILBO VRBB ON APPLICATION. Ntolen hr Oypelea H4titt. "Hnflle»"-Tlie Doar 006ft. The Whole Damn Patnllr and the Dnnuii Oosr 300ft. The Ilnrsrlar's Slide for Life.. 205ft. HEND roil LATEST CATALOGS AND ILLUHTRATBD CIRCULAOS. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO. MAIN OPPICB and FACTORY, OllANOK, N. J. Chicago Offlce, 30n Wabash Avenue. Hew York Offlce, 31 Union Square. Cable Address, Kurlllan, Hew York. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 26 CI.EKKKNWELL ROAD, LONDON, K. 0., KNULAND. OBiuiintt anLnio. pbtkh uAciaALuw, - • • 41 K. 21st St., New York. 786-788 Mission St., Han FraneUoo, Oal. Ws have the LARGE ST an d BEST EQUIPPED Work* In the World for th* Manufacture or ROLLER SKATING! IVIANAOEPIS oan mako more money during the coming season by operating a TOILER WKATINO WINK THAN IN ANY OTIIBH MANNKK. I AND K .dm. Write for Catalogue and full Information regarding Nkates and Rink Management. THE SAMUEL WINSLOW 8KATE MFO. CO., WORCESTER, MASS. WINSLOW SKATES Htandardof tbe World for FIFTY YEARS MEDICINEMEN WE SUPPLY With SILVERWARE, HOULOWARE, STATIONERY, AND EVERYTHING THEY NEED. We Are The W,IU to * °" r complete catalogue. WelAreT he Most Reliable House In the Business PVLVKUHOIISE 214 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. Promptest House In the World HEADQXTARTSB.S FOR WIGS L. a» rp;* as -t Itook In l«»w York. OCR 800BKKTTE WIO AT M-00 18 A I1KAUTY. A FULL LINK OF 8W1TCIIKB ON IIANW. Bend tor Price 1.1st. The Prices will flurprlsa 7011. B08E KOCH LBKOX, 17 E. 14th Street, near Union Square, NEW YORK