New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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NOVEEMBR 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1)81) j uorm of Piavers, KVBL1B BELtEW'8 LONDON COMPANY W-U Holland, whose detect^ characterization bag In almost every town played. At Angola, company, and this Is the flrat of his plnjs rink Huixars." with R II. Slough, advance J. N. Rcntfrow's Notes from the Poor Huntings Co. — J 0 "'. Pathfinders Co., writes: "We are In This company Is presenting "The Fool House" the thirteenth week of the twenty-eighth an- to large audiences everywhere. It Is a three nasi tour of this well known popular price act musical comedy, and abounds In humorous attraction, and so far business has been more dialogue and catchy songs. Harry Dull, the than satisfactory, with return dates wanted author of the comedy. Is manager of the produced Mr. Whitney's production of "Tho become essential to "Raffles." ind., the people were so'wcTl pteaseT*h'at to hV"KTvenVtagT 0 presentatro*n*on*thrroad!° K, B. WiNBTAMLEi and Jll» IM fflal two performances were necessary on one Notes from Parker'b Playbbb, I*. P. Urn Soiilke, general stage director of 11. Notes mom the Co. — C. Whitney's "Isle of Spice," "Isle of Bong We are In our eleveutb week through Kansas uonjr," "Hir I raff 11 Tout 111" and the new and Nebraska, and In tho eighth season which this attraction has played this territory. Business has never been better. Wo are booked solid for the season In the best towns In Kansas. Nebraska and Missouri, with a splendid outlook for the season's business, At McPherson. Knn., Oct. ill. three of tho reduction of "Captain Careless," writes that ic has just returned from Chicago, whore ue great success. "Tho Land of Nod, which Mr. Soiilke produced, has, we are Informed, been one ot Chicago's Hod) closed with Decker &\ero nees Girl night In the thirteen weeks we have broken Parker, manager.—Our plays and the manner biggest successes, running five months nt the members of the company—Manager Korkhoff, of the Streets to., nt 1 itisourg, to., vet, six house records. The roster of the com- In which we are producing them, using jur Chicago Opera House, Mr. Whitney la ne- Hilly Enston mid Advance Agent Owcu ,1. «N, and have retired from me stage, they puny Is as follows: Proprietor and manager, own special scenery for each bill, have cer- gotlatlng to take "Isle of Splcc." ''Islo if Kcnyon—were Initiated Into tho Elks, Lodge J. N. Itentfrow; stage manager, Harry Ring; tainly caught the people's fancy, as Is shown Hong Hong," "Plffl Pan*!! Ponf' and "The No. 602. and also enjoyed n banquet given nave gone to Tucson, Ariz. ve gone "» iu i? u, y *»■— ■ _ _ •»• «. uenurow; stage manager, Harry I 1,-boji OB U D. Carpenter Stock Ccv— advance representative, F. H. Slough; . This is our thirteenth week, and business has steal director, Capt. Collins. Acting corn- been exceptionally good. At Glen Rock. Pa., pany—Frank Armstrong. J. Wallace Clinton, we opened the new Grand Opera House (at Harry King, Fred Danon, Fred Bartlett popular prices), and hundreds were turned Jack Lynn, H. Foredycc, Cora Lawton Mlt- 1 chell, Clara Lynn and Grace Rentfrow. Spe- cialties: Little Harry King Jr., child per- former; Fred Danon, the Lynns, Sunetaros sway. Oar comedlanB, Clans. H. Franz and Irwin E. Giant, are keeping them laughing In the various comedy roles. Roster: L. D. Carpenter, Mrs. Anna Carpenter, Chas. U. Franz, Alice M. Frant. Irwin E. Giant, J. j Ray-Dee, Clarence Morton, Jessie Henry and Muster Harold. Our repertory Is the best we have ever offered at popular prices. We are booked solid In the South, and after plovlng three more one night stands, we go back to week stands. Notes from thh Orpheum Stock Co.— We are In our twenty-first week of prosperity, and meeting with the lion's share of favor- able comment on our Initial trip. The show, although new to the field this season, has won tbe public's favor, and Is already as- sured of a brilliant career. Frank Holland Is featured, and many well known metro- politan plays are produced. The show Is under the management of Edward Doyle, and Is booked to run tbe entire Winter, as well as next Summer. Next Summer we play at the by the enormous business we have been do- ing ever since our opening, Aug. 10. The show Ib now In Its twelfth week, and has broken six opera houso records In that time. Our company Is acknowledged by managers and public to be the strongest repertory or- ganization that ever pinyed through this . territory. Our roster Includes: F. F. Parker, Family, In their wonderful Japanese act, and manager: J. W. White, advance reprc9entn- the Metropolitan Band and grand concert or- tlve: Jock C. Forrester. Harry C. Scolcs, B. chestra of twelve pieces." W. Carpenter, M. A. Fillmore, Earl K. Smith, Leonard A. Km.mebt writes that the new *i c - Dows, Dolly Jarvis, Wlnnlfrcd Green, play, "A Royal Waif," that he had written A,ma Adams, the Forrester Sisters and Daisy for his wife, MIna Grifiln, by FranclB Tucker, Asbmore Parker. Dong,' Show Girl" to Mexico. It has been rumored that Mr. Sohlke Is no longer connected with Mr. Whitney, but he Intends to continue with him. Mr. Sohlkc's production of "Captain Careless" will shortly be produced In New York City. ItoRTEH op Gordon & Bennett's "Tnn Ilot.v City" Co. —Clarence Bennett, Rlchnrd Chapman, Louis II. llostock, Frederick Slebkc, Win. H. Courtlelgh, J. Harrison Taylor, Harry Arnold, Maude Keldcn. Marie de Beau, Oacsr Piatt, J. K. llllas, Lcona Leigh. James W. Smith, Harry Stetson, Jack Davis. Raymond Gilbert, Rosalie Itclasco, Edward Carlton, them after the performance. Mr. IHIImon and Mrs. KerkholT received many lovely bouquets during the engagement, McPhorson being Mr. Itlllmnn's home town. Ito enter- tained the member* of the company nt his home during the engagement. Tim Ot.n Uk- j.uni.F. Is welcomed every-week. Notes from "Tun Wtmnra Hand" Co., Eddie I*. Delnney, manager nnd proprietor. —We opened'nt Mcllenry, III., Sept, a. to fair business, and have been playing to fair business ever since. Wo have just flnlsbcil Michigan (six weeks), nnd are now In In- diana. Our roster In as fnllnwB: John 1b meeting with success. The lead Is exactly Notes from the Tolson Stock Co. —This Laura Llbbcy, Frank De Vernon, Warren Stronncn, advance agent; Mnrlo Ostclln, suited to Miss Griffin's style of acting, and company opened Its season at Hot Springs, Brown, George Dickenson, Samuel Hoops, supported by tho following company—Scbcrt she Is receiving flattering press notices. Mr. ArK - Sept. 25, with phenomenal success. We George Blake, Norval Walker. Executive J. Bllx. stngc manager; tula Oneroid, Al- Ing at Mlnot, N. D., the Eagles Aerie,' No. 708, held a special social session In honor of our company, In which there are nine Eagles. Members ot the Mlnot Eagles are entertainers Casino Theatre, Mansfield, O.. for a term of of ability above the average, and they did all weeks, and Newark the rest of tbe time. The they could to make the P. & P. Co. happy, specialties with the show Include: Doyle Some of the members, who are business men, _ PL „ and Mrs. Emmert are with the Manners nr * no " '" our sixth week, playing to staff: Gordon & Bennett, proprietors; Otto Stock, Miss Griffin doing the leads and Mr. packed houses, presenting the following R. llenkcl. representative ; Frederick Slcbke, Emmert directing stage. Tbe play, "A Royal repertory: "Our Jim," "The Power of Man. stage manager: Bertha Graham, musical dl- Walf," will he put out next season to plav " The Lighthouse Robbery," "The Roll ot the rector; Charles Ilolllnger. stage carpenter; one night stands. A complete line of print- Drum.' "Nell Gwynne," "Devil's Lane," Jack Davis, electrician; Edward Taylor, man- lng and special scenery is now being prepared '" rb " Rcd Cross Nurse" and "Falsely Ac- ngcr, Patten & Perbi Co. Notes. —While play- cuscd." Tbe following 1b the roster: Will James McLauohlin has Just closed a sue- fora Thompson, Worth O. Kinney, J. M. I.cavcrton. George Warren, Danny Colin, Wm. Shnughnessey, C. P. Moore, mualcal di- rector; W. C. Knbbernms, band master; Solomon Michel, property man; Roy Wenth- ertiy, stage carpenter: Dnvcnport nnd Hut- ton, musical tenm. We are not breaking till F. Conlon, manager; A. R. McKay, advance ccssful season with the Herald Square Stock records, but still holding "tlio winning and Emerson, comic Jugglers; Morris Smith, singing and dancing comedian ; Marie Freck, soubrette; Frank Holland, singing comedian, and tbe Orpheum Comedy Quartette. Mem- bers of the cast Include: Frank Holland, Joe Henley, Morris Smith, Wm. Lennox, Robert Emerson, Edward Doyle. Dallas Melvln, representative; w. W. Watson, carpenter; Alvln L. Teppor. electrician; James Phil- lips, musical director; Lorrona Tolson, May Roberte. Bella Goforth, Virginia Harvey, Marie Sparks. Gavin Dorctty, Jess II. Har- ris, Victor Gllard nnd J. A. Cole. Our co.. as juvenile man, and lins accepted an engogement with a new production In the same line of work, to open Nov. ID, hnnd." FnOM SltERMAN'8 "FAUST" CO. — Wo opened Monday, Oct. in, In Rossvlllc, III., to •-"— • «••» v» " >•■■■, »»» "I"- " »»»>¥. »■■. v-i'i in u .■• \-in ill j , wit, |ll| III Ikll.ini HIV, <ll> ( UP Maurice Campbell bns engaged Edgar cnpncltv, and linvo been doing good buslnoM Selwyn as lending man of "The Little Grey * hung cards In their Btore windows with the vaudeville features are: The Pepper Twins, nln 8 Pollock words: "This store will close at 8.40, and Goforth nnd Doyle, Jess Harris. W. F. Con nnen after tha alinn. " Inn Mlnatrnftwl annna a„,1 *V.™ -I..-- -.., open after the show. Dimib Davidson, who has been the past six months in London and the continent, has re- turned here. .William Richards, who was to Join Dot Lady," a new comedy, from tho pen of Chun 'ng Pollock. Iiie American Newsboys' Quartette (R since then. The roster Is as follows: Frank Sherman, proprietor; Geo. Sehnffer, mana- ger ; Ed, Manchester, advance; Jnrk Dan, stage manager; G. K. Town, electrician: Lo Uownrd Gross, Arthur Winchester, Frank Kerroll, as leading man, fell on Thursday, Bros.' Stock Co., No. 1, on Nov. 18. Little Mordaunt, Nora M. Dugan, Marie Freck, Oct. 20, and Bpnilued his back. Sydnee's performance of "Little Lord Fatint- lon. Illustrated songs and the clncograph R - Faulkner, 0. H. Carden, F. B. Dunlnp and Roy Manchester, master of properties; Kuth moving pictures. Leo Laird) closed with "The Pnradcrs Co., reen Sherman, Mnblo Mcintosh, Ornco llur- Ernest M. Bostwick, Lillian Bnrouch nnd Rt St - I-oula " Little Hydnee, the well known child actress, Joined Klaw wll! finish their engagement with the Fulton G " H Baui Oct. 21 i'L, of the Pauls, t. 21. and the following day done, with Gencvlovc Molyncnux, pianist. All Manger's "Home Folks"Co. John II, Kbeph, "The Quaint Vankee." will "e principal comedians In Will production of "Iln Lor eland." writes: "We go he one of the out shortly with a repertory company of our Block's n«w Josephine Bond, Nora Ilenby, Norma Ells worth. The present season will Include a tour of the central States, which Is booked up solid. C. C. McMeeiian and wife (Pearl Kln- cald) are In their eleventh week with tbe "Sandy Bottom" Co., playing tho principal comedy and Juvenile, respectively. Elizabeth Taylor and V. W. Crosby hnve been engaged for tbe respective Juven- ile leads by F. W. Falkner, for his trans- continental "Girl From Sweden" Co. Notes from tub Rachel Lewis Co.— Business fine. We tire booked for nine months solid to Pacific coast and back, in- cluding eight weeks' stock at Colgory, Al- berto, Corrny, Can. There are fifteen people and six vaudeville acts, with J. R. Pollock's moving pictures and a repertory of sixteen plavs, Including productions ot "Ingomar," "Idol of Idaho," "A Mother's Heart," "As You Like It," "Vlrginlus," "A Little Trln- cess." "Sunday," "Merely Mary Ann," etc. Daniel F. "V. Flynn will hereafter be known by the name of Daniel Bruce. Mr, leroy" own, playing three night stands, with plenty Johnstone Hrs'srir Is dying Is* considered quite au achievement, of paper and tho best of plays, and Judging sumption In a public hospllnl In Los Angeles • >i„ n t„,. A _.l .i„„..i . ■ •. • frntn l,nnl/lfn>o mill trnnn l.n>, i* Will r>nt>i*\> Put I....•!■>.. l.,.yy.. ........t "- -— ■ I *— .1. from ron- ard her singing and dancing specialties are from bookhigB, will keep busy. Will carry twelve people, five specialties, nnd featuring Master b. Clifford Paul, the young buck and wing dancer, In the olio." Will II. Fields writes: "I nm In my twelfth week plnvlng the principal comedy Ic Co., playing Canada. So'fa'r'thls opened by Mr. Tnmm's productlotir "As"Toi<i P n , rt wllu " IC .'"' l '."' Wom . c i" , 8ln ' Co .-. . nn<1 has been very pleasant, and business in the Hills," Sunday, Nov B. u0l,, B nl ,v specialty in the third net, which Is good. While In Trenton, Can., our advance Edwin Khapit has signed with Lincoln B ult - J nm " s 'llf ni. v own original parodies, agent, II. Itooney, treated the company to a •'• Carter's "The Heart of Chicago" Co., to °, rl,c ,° Towner, of tbe Towner Sisters, Is sailing excursion. Although our vessel bad P'ny tbe comedy part of Swipes and do Ills P |n '''"S the Ingenue part and singing In the Croup, of La Porto, Ind.. Is associated with the reputation of being top heavy, 'Capt.' newsboy specialty. church scene. mo In my new undertaking. My wife. Ml Booney brought us safe to dock." HARnr Dull, manager of the Four Hunt- „ ""steii op H. J. Carpenter's "A Little ' Ralph Kellard, who is playing Don Ca- 'nga. says: "'The Fool House' mndc such a Outcast" Co.: B. F. Rutledgo, manager: Bruce Is at present playing the leading Juve- varied, bright and refined, nile role with Daniel Sully, In "Our Pastor." Oscar T Tamm, of Torams. 111., announ- A. S. Knioht, musical director, and K. <"os that he has lust completed n new opera Chas. Morse, song Illustrator, write: "We house, and will play attractions Sunday mnt- nre In our tenth week with Ernie Mark's l"o e B'd nights. The house was formally Dramatic Co, season Pal., Iinvlng been sent there Inst December. 8I10 lives In n tent with n number of other patlenls, She niny have n prlvnlo tent as long as alio Is likely to live for llm sum of s;»m, and n subscription has been matted to raise the nimuint. C11AK. W. Coleman writes; "Rlnco closing as manager of F. A. ltnlihlns' advance car, No. 2. 1 havo leased tho Opem Houso at Olsflplil, Md., and nm doing nicely. Hilly mlllo Murlllo, with "The Eternal City" Co., hit In McKeesport. Pa., that the company ■ , ? ck Campbell, business mnnngcr; Charles en tour, has been engaged to be stage mana- P'n.vs a return dnto there, making eight Mnrston, stage mnnngcr; \\ alter Htorov, _ n _ .-. e il. .. .1 AS-.. J ~ . . -_ 1.. » • w - . . " *r.T of ni'fl <nil funn tur ■ ArlhiiH I> 1 1 nun I 1 mil t- I nn I ,11 ger of the production Roster and Notes from "TnB Gay Mati- nee Girl" Co. —We have Just finished a tour of the provinces and Maine. Our business was very good, and we opened many nights with the S. R. O. sign displayed. The show performances lu McKeesport'In onemnnt'li"" Blni;Q carpenter: Arthur Russell, musical ill- Gphtrudb A. Lewis, who hns been playing EESS" Cb ,", rlc , s , Cotm. Edwin II. Wll, the part of Isadora. In Gordon & Bennett's JJ'HHania. Pauline hckbnrt, Grace Kolffer, Playing week stands to prices 25 to 75 cents, 'a a big success financially and artistically. Zena Keipe, formerly known as Baby Zena Kelfe, who bos appeared for the past three seasons as Jessie, In "Tbe Fatal Wedding," was engaged with the Keith Stock Co., Paw- tucket, 11. I., to play the part of " vlval of "The Fatal Wedding," several weeks "A ltoyni Slave' Co. fEnstern), has been compelled by 111 health to cancel her en- gagement until the first of the yenr. Metta Ciiamiierlain writes: "I have oh tnlned a divorce from II. Webb Chamberlain, playwright nnd nctor, In Oakland. Col." Evelyn Si:liiib. who Is with Al. II. Wll Jessie, in a re- Sbe was Immediately engaged to "For Her Children's Sake," ago. tbe boy part lu which was produced the week of Oct. 16, and Notes from Sn.iw & Gallaqher'r New We have many calls for return dates. Roster Is as follows: Patrick and Walker, mana- gers ; W. C. Connors, business manager: W. A. Grlllin, advance ageut; C. W. Connors, musical director; M. E. Hanley, John E. Flynn, 0. II. Cashing. Don Kensington, M. C. Hart, Mile. De Lome, Cora Merrill, Ida Ber«ten Matcle Vickers, Lottie Leslie, Dorothy Yomc Players (Western).—Ever sluce ouc Richardson, Bessie Keene, Isabella Stewart opening In ltccdsburg, Wis., we have played and Marlon Kaster. to n very nice business, and the last threo The Richmonds, comedy sketch team, weeks have been nothing but the best. Two contracts for Thanksgiving week at the same have canceled their vaudeville bookings and nights out of three wc have the S. It. O. house. Besides playing these roles, she also have Joined the "Miss Uursey from Jersey" out, and managers are all anxious for re- does her specialty. Sne has been engaged Co., to play parts and Introduce their own turn dates. At Anoka, Sandstone, Alkcn. to open on the Keith circuit, commencing original specialty, "Flnnlgnn's Finish." Cloquet and Two Harbors we have stood Nov. 20, with the Orpheum circuit to Gladys Lovett nnd Georgenc Hays. Haiiry A. HiticjHAM, Into of the Herald Square Stock Co., will Join tho It. W. Mnrks Dramatic Co.. nt Portsmouth, N. II., In two weeks. Lyons and Lyonh. the dancing duo, wrlto: 'We nre with tho Grace Ilnyward Co., butli son's Co., nnd Fred R. Iloff, musical director P ,nv ' ni { Juveniles .and doing our wooden and of the company, were married at Galveston, """i 1 Bm, ° specialties. Wo arc making good." Tex., Oct. 20. Lyceum Comedy Co. Notes.— This com- agaln was engaged for the week of Nov. 6, to play In "No Wedding Belis for Her," and has pany, supporting Marlon March, Is ono of tho strongest repertory companies on the road today. We arc carrying fifteen people, special scenery, and playlug a complete Hue of roy- alty bills. aIho have a fine line of special lies, Including: Tbe Grcnt Heat rice, lire dance; B. L. Itulnnd, moving pictures; Mabel Ito Infill ntnallllMn- Ti'n t>l III. .It nhnllnniri ilng. Man May Coleman, tho well know'n chnracter netress. Is also down hero. CrlHlleld Is n llvo community, nnd the people aro great thontre- goers. \c», The Old Uki.iaiii.h gets hero every Friday, nnd Is always welcome." NOTKH PIIOJI THE Nnill.HH DRAMATIC Co.— While (tlvlng a week's repertory, to linrucnsi) litislncHs, In Gootllnnd. Knn., we wore delight- fully etitertnlncd nftcr the show, Nov. I, bv Mr. nnd Mrs. ICniilltz. who hnd prepared 'a thin banquet. The company goes from hero to HillllpHliurg, Kan. Claiia Matiihh wiib discharged from Ilia Winnipeg flriioru! Hospital on Oct. Ill), lu perfect health. James Havens writes: "I nm lust In re- ceipt of a letter staling that .1. Wesley Hie- vPiiKoti, for ninny yenrs nsHlclntrd with John V. Illclccy, Al. \V. Martin mid other pittrnc- tlons, foil from n hnggngn car at Itonnnke, Vn„ breaking his ankle and receiving oilier Injuries, but nothing more serious will result than n course of hospital attendance." Dave Shvjiouh wrlton: "The tour of 'Tin land, poses plastlque; Earl Hlgly, challenge Old CIoIIich Man'company (James Kyrla Mil-: Notes from Copeland Bros.' Stock We have added four more big royalty plays our already big repertory. They are :"The Tide of Life," "Her Soldier Boy," "Virginia Since the War" and "In Kansas." We will be one of the best advertised attractions traveling this season, having twenty-one different styles follow. Albert Fable, advance for the De Pew- them up. We are now doing the Iron Range P n t z ». sketch team. Complete roster: A : Co.— Burdette Stock Co., reports that owing to an circuit, and continue doing a fine business. E' VIU ,V' proprietor and manager; Will lays to alleged deficiency la the organization's health Vivian Sloane has taken SIIsb Parker's placo Sterling, advance; C. C. Ilniini, stngo ra of special paper, and are not afraid to use U. Ed. Copeland Is handling the advance, while Clare C. Copeland takes charge of all busi- ness* with tbe show. The company consists of fourteen competent people and six vaudeville certificates, they were compelled to leave a as leading lady, and we have added W. II. McBrlde, a well known character comedian. to our list of performers. We are booked until May 20, after which we expect about Iwo weeks rest before going Into stock for the Summer. In a well known Western city. We nre all feeling fine, and the "ghost" ap- traln at Lake Park, Fla., en route to Lake City. The people returned to Valdosta, Ga., eleven miles distant, where new certificates were obtained, and thus armed afresh the company managed to convince the quarantine officer on the next southbound train that the had not been In yellow fever Infected territory, and reached Lake City in good . time. This was the only untoward Incident acts. Bonnie Waddell has been engaged to do since the company started en tour, Aug. 7, on tbe Stair & Havlln circuit, all the leads. The versatile team, Hayter and during which time business has been from big . Harry La Mack, manager of H. II. Fra- to inlr, usually tbe former. zer'a "Undo Josh Perkins Co., writes: "We "Tub County Chairman" has been sold by aro playing to 8. R. O. business In Texas, 1,1' W Sbhim tn Innanh I.? I„/il/at* nt nnrl ttin enmnnnv (a nlnoulnn Oia n.ikll. .a........ pears regularly every Sunday. Spencer Walker c buck and wing dancer, and Oskara and lira- pntza, sketch tenm. Complete roster: Al, 8. ' W. mana- ger ; Harry Oskara, leading man; llul. Den- ton, heavies; Blaine Darloud, Theo. Doucet, Earl Hlgley, Chas, Stone, musical director; B. L. Roland, electrician; Marlon March, leading woman; Hyacinth OrapaUa, singing and dancing soubrette; Josephine West, heavies; Mabcllo Roland, general business Curdy slurring), litis been very Kiirci'tinfiil, but sinco playlug Michigan tho direct oppo- site Is I ho ciiku. Tho local opera hoitwH linvo virtually done nothing IhW season. Tho towns are nil prosperous, plenty of money In cir- culation, but the people 'Just wun t enmo.' The local inanngors urn uhnble lo ncrotint for the slump. As a means to offset tho bud IiiihI- ncss, numerous combination Ihmihoh arc going to try vaudeville, two shows dally, nt tnn cents flat, tho vnudovllle companies tilling .. continues ploying the lead with the Eastern "Midnight Flyer" Co., Nellie Denton, Juveniles. Wo are playing to nil open time, thus giving those towns daily big business, and have re-booked all ot our uli Janet, will be the feature vaudeville act. We have tbe whole season booked solid in tbe best towns in Kansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Tub Old Reliable Is always a welcome visitor. A new drama, In three acts, has been copy- righted by John J. Clmtlleld, of Chicago, III., entitled "A Family Affair." D. A. Heilman, agent of the Via Stock Co., writes as follows: "At Bowling Green, Ky., where we appeared week of Oct. 10, we broke all records the opening nlgbt, every seat In the house being sold before the com- pany arrived, and all pronounced the Via Henry W. Savage to Joseph E. Luckett, of and the company la pleasing tbe public every where. Nell Tate, late of " Washington, D. C. Maudb Fbaxy has signed a contract to be starred by John Cort, of Seattle. Shorthidoe's Theatre, New Brunswick, N. J., was sold Oct. 28, to the New Bruns- wick Opera House Co., In which are Inter- ested George A. Vlebmann, ex-Sheriff George the Lew Dock- stnder Minstrels. Just joined, and Floyd Wilson, cornet, making the band the strong- est ever carried with a road show. Mana- gers of opera houses say it is the best rural comedy they ever saw, and all ask for re- turn dates. We are following Barnum & Havlln Hall Caine sailed for England Oct. 31. Au.iTtr; Bahscscu will study English with took Co. 'best of 'em-all.' Marie Gilmer, the Idea of appearing in that language on tbe all stage. She hopes to appear In "Medea" and our leading lady, is making a big bit through Kentucky." Notes from Jno. F. Stowb's "Ten Niohts in a Bar Room" Co. —At the ciosa of a very successful season, under canvas, through, the Southern and Central States Mr, Stowe returned to ills home In Denver, and reorganized his attraction for a Winter campaign In the Southwest and West. The Winter show has been out Blnce Oct. 11, opening at Rocky Ford, Col., and up to this date results have been very gratifying. Tbe "Leah, the Forsaken." are glad when Clipper day comes. J. G. Stutzmann and Rose Winchester are In their tenth week with the Murray Comedy Co., J. Rus Smith, manager. Mme. Sciiumann-Heink Is 111, and will close her tour In a few weeks, returning to Gerraaay to recuperate. Helen Bertram and Gilbert Gregory have been engaged for "The Gingerbread Man." show Is much stronger this "season tfian be- Among those engaged by Maurice Camp- fore, more capable people being engaged, bell, for "The Little Grey Lady," aro: Julia and higher salaries paid. The effects are Denn, Dorothy Donnelly, Alice Leigh and all new. Including scenery for each act Al- Messrs. Edgar Selwyn, William Humphries, vin Wyckoff was engaged to stage the pro- William Owen and Robert Ober. ductlon. nnd 1b also featured as Joe. Mor- Don Macmillan, manager of Eugene Spof- gan. lo which part he created a very good ford's "A Human Slave" Co., writes: "Our •niprcsalon two seasons ago. _ Roster: Alvln •"•■• *•*■ Wyckoff. Jessie Wyckoff; William Gbele, Molly Thompson, Baby Hazel, Prof. Ed. Hay- worth. Prof7 H. W. Hadley, Loren E. Tay- lor. W. 1. Duun, Charles Newerf, M. I. Owens, Stanley Nlckerson, Chas. E. Hall. Vcstcr Earbnrt and Edwin S. Ferris. We are booked solid up to April 1, 1000, In- cluding the cities ou the coast. .Mary Howe-Levin, a prima donna, and Edward 0. Burton, a non-professional, of South Lancaster. Mass., were married at the Pnrker House, Boston, Oct. 24, by the Rev, <l. C. Duncan.' Duncan. Elwyn Strong, doing tho dual role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, nt Burlington, N. J. In the Supreme Court, of Brooklyn, N. Y., on Oct. 20, from Chas. K. Morton." II.MitlY C. Arnold Ib this senson with the Summers Stock Co., en route through Mani- toba for the Pacific coast, for an Indefinite stock engngement. Their season has been sur- prisingly profitable, nnd tbe company re- ceived royally everywhere. James C. While, late of the team of Som- crs and Wlble, writes: "After a very success- ful senson playing the best mirks In the East. ' signed with 'A Trip to Egypt.' n two net tnuslenl eomedv, under the direction of the M. Shea Amusement Co.. to piny a responsible comedy part and do a single specialty, for the Lee. Chan. Tharllng. George Goodwin, Louis season.". Kramer, Beatrice Harrington. Lillian Mont- Tm: Maud Mui.leu Co., with Beulnh rose. Lottie Glenmore, Millie Harrington and Thompson In tho name role, nnd managed Ethel Jordan. ... . . , b.» Capt. L. D. Blondcll, will open In South Hbnuik Iiisen Is seriously III of arterial Amboy, N. J., Xov. 18. sclerosis, a disease affecting the heart. J. Lltterst, and Louis C. Wlewell, ot Stair & Bailey and Forcpaugh & Sells' Circuses, and getting tbe money." Notes from Beeson Bros.' Bio Double "U. T. C." Co., now touring California.—Wo nre In our seventh week of phenomennl busi- ness. Tbe roster Is: Al. Beeson, Willnrd Beeson, Hal. L. Palmer, J. II. Itspler, J. V. Sterling, Paul Atliurton, C. II. Hnllen, Frank Fuller, Perry Reed, J. W. Gaul, Hugh Bob- bins, C. E. I,call, C. J. Galindo, Ernest Del- more, Albert Cannon, Chas. E. Damon, Mrs. Ellle D. Palmer, Mrs. J. Rodriguez, Little Inez, Little Queenle Palmer, Lillian Lake- land and Weils nnd Wells. Tho band Is under tbe direction of Hugh Bobbins; or- chestra leader, Frank Fuller. We carry ten head of horses and ponies for parade, also a pnek of bloodhounds. Tbe ghost appears regularly, and everybody Is happy. Prof. Ed. It. Hutchison, "the Human Bomb," closed his fair season at tbe Raleigh Fair, N. a, and will go In advance of the Pcrnchl-Gypzeno Co.. playing the lending cities lu the South. This will make Prof. Hutchison's second year as agent with the Peruchl company. J. Coney Edmonds Ib In his tenth week as principal comedian with the Via Slock Co.. and his sensational Jumping Ib oue of the vaudeville features. Notes fiiom tub "Joshua Bimpkins'' Co.—While going from Conucnutvlllc, Pa., to Conncaut, O,, on Oct. 22, the train was derailed. The engine end first car remained on the track, but the last two coaches left the track close to a ateep embankment. No ono was Injured. The company Is doing well, nnd business Is at Its best. Roster of company: Mrs. J. M. Reno, proprietor and manager; Geo. E. Robinson, agent: H. II. Gelsey, stage manager; O. M. Meredith, or- chestra director; Josle Slater, Neila Russell, Jessie Cole, Zenith Ncvolll, James M. Cole, Edwin Zova, c. II. Brooke, Chas. S. Smith, Carl Davenport, Charles Wilson, Dave Du- prcc, Sam Christie, Frank Chamblcr and Clint Weston. Notes from J. L. Tempest. —Wo played n return date at Cambridge, Md., Oct. 27- 21), and In spile of the accident lo tbe gas company, which left the town In darkness, did a fine business, using oil lamps Instead of gas. The company Is meeting with great success on the Eastern shore. Cora Evelyn reports success with tbe Cook & Hall Comedy Co., playing leading soubrette and her singing and dancing spe- cial t v. Alien Selwyn, of Selwyn & Co.. play brok- fulr dates. IIilduii Ostman opened her season ns a star, under the management of Vernon & Raub, nt Nynck, N. V., Oct. 28. The attrac- tion Ib known as Illldur Ostmnn's "East I.yune" Co., nnd Is booked solid until May, ltiiifl. The cast selected by the management to support MIsb Ostman Includes Wllllain Conklln, who plays Archibald Carlyle, with John Walters, as Sir Francis Levlson. Tho rehearsals were held In New York City. Miss Ostmnn's ability as an emotional actress gives her full scope to duplicate her past successes. Theodore II. Bird Joined tho Kirk Brown Stork Co. Oct. 0, at Sharon, Pa., for Ju- veniles. Al. Bkahley writes: "Tho Myrklo-IIarder Stock Co. (Eastern) Is still doing a fine busi- ness, despite the strong opposition, as It seems that ail tho repertory shows In the V'nlted States are centered In Pennsylvania performances, with no dark night*. Tho managers nro doubtful as to Us success, but any port In a storm." Notes from Diiiiinhky linos.' Wai.lack's Theatre Co. —Wo have boon playing lo plionomenal business since opening In July, at Davenport, la., playing fourteen fair dates, which liavo proved away ubuvo I ho average. Our repertory has given more than satisfac- tion nt every ntnnd. Wu have been com- pelled to play eleven return dates, nnd havo broken nine records and played a return lu Dubuque, la., with only an clnpio of ono week, breaking the record In I hut city both trmtlnco and night. Owing to I lie return diiles wo put out our No. 2 company Jim. IB, with everything special, which wo will hold up lo the standard and reputation of tho No. 1. The No. 2 will bo under tho maiinguiiiviit ot the comedian, Fred P. Millar. Della Pkinulb Notes. —Wo aro doing a fine business lu North Dukolu, and Ilia cum- nnd New York, State. We havo a tine list pany Is making moro lliuu good. We went coast trip Is nearly done, and we soon return Mast. Business has been exceptionally good In California, and all have enjoyed the trip. We have the honor to be the pioneer show over the ni w Salt Lake route, from Salt Lake to Los Angeles, and were treated loyally en route." Roster of the Cook-Hall Comedy Co. : Cook & Hall, managers; E. A. Hall, business manager; John J. Murry, advance repre- sentative; K. L. Morris, stnge manager; Stanley Wood, electrician ; Elite Pray, lends; Lucenn Ashmore, soubrettes; Genevieve Mor- rison, seconds; Billy Hall, comedian; Frank leads: Jobn Evans, heavies; Jack Cook, _ , Wnrburton. characters; Harry Teed, general had the misfortune to severely cut his hand business; Thomas Vnlintlne, props. Our Ipe- Gelsey, stage manager; O during his transformation scene, which neces- clnltlcs consist of the following: Cook and chestra director: Josle Sis sltntcd the losing of one day on account of Hall, musical and sketch; Cora Evelyn, fhe an artery being severed. He, however, por- Military Maid, In songs, dances and baton trnyed the characters lu Philadelphia, at the spinning; Jack Warburton, monologue, and Empire Theatre, on Thursday. Tbe company Bitter'* moving pictures and Illustrated Is under the management of Oscar Jones, songs. Our concert band, under the leader- who Is featuring Mr. Strong. »hip of Edward A. Fox; orchestra, Chas. LouiHB Madison Btiiaiit writes: "I was Cushlng, leoder. granted n decree of divorce by Judge Moroun, Note* from Chas. T. Fales' "LiaiiT- lroi'SB Robbery" Co. —Business continues excellent In New JerBey, and we hnd the 8. II. 0. out several times. Ed. Sullivan Is still ahead, and shows them the way to get good billing. Notes fhom "A Gentleman By Day, Burglar By Nioht" Co. —This attraction opened Oct. 7. and has been playing to crowd- ed houses. We carry all specisl scenery, and of plays, a good acting company and beauti- ful advertising and many novelties, We go to New England, where the name of the com- pany Is a household word, I am still looking after the business ahead." The cast of "Tub Madcap Pmncbbh." In which the Sophie Brandt Opera Co., under the direction ot Cloxton Wllstach, will open Its season Nov. 7, lu Plnlnfleld, N, J., Is now complete, nnd rehearsals aro In operation. Sophie Brandt heads the list, followed by: George O'Donncll, IV. T. Ell- wnugcr. Bert Murket. II. L. Franklin, Fran- cis Stuart. Tom F. Callahan, Abe Bellevua, Belle Ellslcr, Katharine Donnlugtou, Char- lotto Toivle and Lillian Taylor. Tito chorus will number thirty voices, nnd the music will he under the direction of Frederick Intro- pl.ll. Montreal, Can., Notes. —Ermntil Stuart Is now on the road to recovery, She was ablo to leave the hospital last week, and will rest for a few weeks before going to work again. Chas. D. Perkins writes: "To my recent 'ad.,' In Tub Clipper, I received over thirty answers, thus proving tho elllcncy of THE Clipper's columns to actors at liberty." ltosTEn or the Woodward Stock Co.— F. L. Woodward & Hubert Harness, aiaa.i gers; Wm. T. Hays, business ninnuger; v.. It. Patterson, advance representative; Wal- ter Marshall, stnge director: Henry Lotz, singe munuger; Robert Metcnlf, stage carpen- ter; Mat tic I In it Hiirgess, musical director: F. Holm, electrician ; Roy White, master of properties; Madcllan Wcnthrop, Nolllo Hop- per, Virginia Mann, Evelln De Follart, Lottlo Salzburg, Jennie Salzburg, Karl Hewitt, Nor- man Hllynrd and Edward J. Brady. Ed. E. Daley, press agent, now with Gen- try Bros.' Slums, writes Hint he will go in ndvnnco of a big theatrical production about Nov. 20. He will be identified with tho Gen- try Shows next season. "Lonn Baltimobh" Notes. —Among lha multitude, of attractions on tho rond which report the exhibition of lho cabalistic "H. II. O." symbol at the entrance to each nightly seance, "T.ord Baltimore" stands nut in bold relief. We are doing tv good business from nre booked over" the' Stair A Havlln circuit, ers, sailed Nov. 1. for London. Mr. Selwyn the box office point of vlow. and gaining the E. A. Harrington, owner and mana- will establish a branch olDcc In the Engllsn good will of the public nnd press of Texas, as tar West as Dickinson, and then turned hack. Wo will ho In this Htnto until after tho holidays. While playing Pierre, So. Dak., seven members of the company filed clnlins to ltlO acres of land. It lays between Rapid City and Pierre. Tho new railroad Is going through mid It Is expocled Unit the land will bv valuable In time. Every ono Is well, nnd wu lira always doltghtcd lo get The Old Bkliaiilk. "Over Niauaua Falls" Notbh. —That the days of heroism are not cmillncil l<> tho pages of romantic novels was proven during ii performance of "Over Nliigurn Falls," nt Greenville, I'll., Friday, Nov. il, when n large Htnluo lamp, carried with tho product Inn and used In Die second net, Ignited. Tim lamp is fused for 110 volts, but through a mis- take, 220 volts wero turned on. Tim lump was reduced lo ruins. 1 million Henderson, our loading man, was on for IiIh second art scene, The iiinmciit in; beheld the Ilium's ho leaped for the lamp, ut the saino time keeping up an nxti'inpnrniieoiiH conversation Willi the audience, ipilutlng thnir fours. While Mr. Henderson's lunula went severely burned he. by his quick notion, averted what might have been a serious accident. The nudlence, in appreciation of his net, culled him before tho curtain after lh« act. Kiiitii Marion, after n ten weeks' success- ful season with N. II Hunt's big original production of "A Trip to Mars," In which she (rented the rule of Allien, Is now onjoy- Ing a brief rest at her home In Chicago, be- fore going nut with the siinii! muniigcr's "TrledV For Her Life" Co. Itiaiv Raymond has canceled all her vaude- ville time to Join the "My Wife's Family" Co. She will play the soubrette role and do her specialty. Mr.i.iiottiiNH MacDowkll will star la "Thnt'H John's Wny," opening Nov. 10, la Niagara Fulls. N. V. (m.ivh Vail will stnr next senson In n re- vival of "Dolly Vardcn," and Is under con- tract to V C. Whitney for three yenrs. William Collier will close Ids London, Fn*.. season Nov. 11, nnd return 0> America, opening at tho Criterion Theatre, New York, Rostei . ger; A. G. Howard, advance representative; Kdmond Barrett, Rex Leslie Klngdon, Ilarrv Hamlin, Thomas Jefferson Hardy, Joe II. metropolis, and will Incidentally keep bis eye open for plays available for the American stngc. Clyde Fitch's plav. "The Lnst of tho Damllr-H." will be produced In Paris, nt the Porte St. Martin, the Vaudeville or the The- ntre Antolnc, under the direction of Max Mauler, director of the Theatre du Grand Gulgnol, Paris. and even dare to make return dates for lhe present season. Texas has been hospitable to us, and next season we may bo obliged lo join tho "standing room only" majority. Ada Ilrtir.AN atrlved frost abroad Oct. 28, and wll, prepare for her tour In "Captain Drassbnmnd's Conversion," und^r tho Hhu- nerts' management. She has entirely recov- ered from her attack of appendicitis. The West MWM llnllronil Is the ■H.OO line to lluffulo Mini KliiKftrn Falls. t'i> the lladnon anil through tin- Mithntvk Valley (Atlvt.