New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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November 18. THE NEW YORIt CLIPPER. 997 tract with tbc Kbubcrt:i for tbe appearance „P Sarah-Bernhardt, at the Pnbstc in lie- ,rmher James Holglcr, acting munagcr at tbe Alhnmbrn. l|a« uefcured n good nmii for lits bo* oBlce In Bcn ; Btott, formerly with tbc I imntiuiiscr and Brown Baker stock com- unfiles Mabel Curut,l|crH hits Bcvcrcd her connections jrilh. theTl)itnhooscr Co. Lulu WHt'gt rtH replace her for the present. |m <'rn«t'.—At' Hie,La', Crosso (W. P. ,;„.t ( . manager) Smith-Marshall Vaudeville ■ ■5-jWWentfli a stroug bill-Nov. 2, ». Hnh:i orchestra, auspices'or .¥• M.'C. A., draws. II 0 ••• "i'lbroilora" drew a large andloucc '.' Daniel Bully pleased 7. "The Crossing'' S. Grace van Studdlford 31, "The Show i;1rl" 12. "The Olrl owl the Bandit" IT. Ade- lnlde Tburstbu i«, "The Grafter" in. "Hi ihe Blshop , j.Carrlnae".2;J. ■ • RUou \9- P- Gallagher, mnunger).—Bill for week of 13: MunteH's Marionettes. Will Armoiid, Hart and Dillon, IMw. MustliiRer's iraluort sheep, IIIJou Stuck Co. and jnovlog p.cpm's. ♦ ■ »■ HHSNOI HI. Knnsnn CHy.—At the U'tMla Wood i Woodwurd & Burgess Amusement Co.. mnD- ai»HS). lina* week, "Woodland" came tho ti?it four nights, lo good -business. Harry Bnlcer. : Sherman Wudo, liouls Caenroiit, Unfit- Msley. Mngda Dub I. Helen Ilal.i nnU Mattlo Nichols did excellent Work. Wilton Lacknyc, In "The l'lt" and "Trilby," had ■nod attcmlancc. Francis Wllsou, In "Cousin Ulllv" Nov. 12-15; Alberta Unllntiu In ■•Cousin Kate," 10-18; "The Heir to the Hooiab" 111-25. Uttiso Oi'iniA House (Hudson Juilnh, runn- MBltlrTJ—"Pnutnun" had au Immense attend- ance'' lust week. House was ■ sold out for every performance. ■■ Jeff IK' Aiigclla scored nu fruuieiise lilt, and wait closely Hocouilcd bv Toby Claude. Other "special weutloncrt" MM1 .folia Sanderson, Gertrude Mlllliigton. Hubert Wllkle. William Bluladcll and I'ruuk Ititsuwnrth. ' This week, "The Girl from KJlv'a:" "The Pliuporons" tli-25. (Jiii'KMUM (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Last week's bill drew good business. i;ill this neck: Pekln Zouaves, 1'ruf. Alllncl, Maev aud Hall, Dorothy Brew, Twin Sisters Lihnue, Mat Mcrrllt. und Bryuut und Stivlllc. OruiiA Hoisi: IK. S. Ilrlghnm, manager).—bust week, "Mcb'adden's Plat* drew big crowds. The performance goes with a suap aud a vim. Gusslo Nelson was the bit. This week, Harry C. Hhibcy, In "The [toy Uehlad the Gnu;" Jessie Mac Hall, In "The Street Singer," next Week. At'blTOl'.lUM (Woodwurd & Burgess Aulusc- ment Co., laanatrers).—Last week, " 'Way Down Bull.'' repeated Its former succoes. This week, H yuauy Mr. Duoley;" "Texua" uetl. Ci:.Yni:T (J. J. Barralt, malinger).—Last, week, wiiiiuiiin' Ideal iCxtravugunza Co. played Io good houses. The Marvelous IjIt- ■ iiBstoues, in their uerobuttc turns, were tho feature.- This wt'ik. Maui Bevcre's Co. .Nc-tt week, May Howard's Co. SU'Jkstic (I'red Waldulnn, malinger).— Last week the ItctiU-Snntlcy Co. seorcd a hit. In the olio L'ornalln. and llddlc were luvorltes. This week, the Blue Klbbou Girls. -Next week, Irwin's Majesties. Yauh's (Llyod Jiruwo, ninnagcr).—This « '•>•![ .luliii L. Sulllviiu will be the heinlllnci-. • Hhers vu the bill will bo: Itlley and Morgan, H, Uolo, Burnet t and Wycrsuli. Na'Homai,. —l^ast week: Mumln Do Oesh, ihcNortons, K. Holy BurgosH, and the vol- PON. This week, lluger und Hullo Holim and others. * (.'MPfumMtis.—Woodward and Burgess re- port great success from I he slock company '" nth. The .Vo. 2, wbleb Is uow touring the Sout rosier of iho company: Madeline Wl... >ellle Hopper, Kvclyu Do Kollurt. VI r rosier of Ihe compauy: Madeline Whithroii, >ellle Hopper, Kvclyu Do Kollurt. Vlrglilla Munn, Lottie Sulubcrg, Jennie Suh.berg, Wal- ter Marshall, Noriimn Illlyard, lleary Lotie, t.'url Hewitt, Fcrd Holm, Clem Wrlulit, Ed- <vard ,1, iirady mid WHllum Buys. Tin: book- ing Is done by 1'rank M'oudwar'd, whose oftleo is lu this city. Kobl. Burgess travels with ihe company uhmnn Iwmcs gave a con- ••ert ut Convention Hull Nov. 10..'... .Kddle Leonard, who was billed hero ot the Or- /iheum last week, eauceled aud returned tfoat .Manager O. I). Woodwurd, of the Willis Wood, Is lu New York Alice Ncllsoii will appear, la concert, ut Conven- tion Hull, Dec. ■! Km! X. Wclfel. hem with 'Tnntnnn," was kept busy renewing old ■CjRUllltMim The uuuuul flower show will be held at Convention Hull week of HI. I St. Joseph.—At tile Tootle fC. V. i'lill- ley. manager) "The Maid uud the Mummy" drew poor business Nov. 7. Wilton Lnekuyc, In "The l'lt," drew sIiiikIIub room 8. "Wood- land," 0, drew big. "The Xllrl from Kay's" 11, "When Jolinuy Conies Murchlng HOMc" Hi Kmnels Wilson HI, "The Heir to the Hoorah" 17. L-vcucm tC. V. Hhlllcy, manager).—W. B. Patton, In "The l^ist of Bummer," 8. I. pleased four large audiences. Howard llalli In "The Millionaire," did good busi- ness 5, 0. "Tho Wayward Sou" U-ir, "Me- ruddeii'a Flats'* U, i». ■ ■ ' Lyme (H. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— Jefferson Do Angells did big business .", 4. <un- Dyke Co. week of li, In "Across tho Desert/' came to the usunl good houses. GXYtmii (I'red (.'oaiiinu, uuinager).—Unsl- iess contlnni'H good. IHII week of 12: Mr. iBd Mrs. Dick Tracy, Trunk Grub, B, War- (tecao und company, Jr. Daly Burgess. Steluer Ckystat, (l'"red Cosmnn, miinager).—Uusl- uess contlnni'H — nad He and Elliott anil C'osmuu'H niovlng pictures, ■ » —- SprliiBllcld.—At the Huldwln (G. II. 'Jleiiduif, uniuuger) May Irwin, lu "Mrs. IDuek Is Back." Nov. 7. parked Hie house. Wood and Ward, in "Two Merry Trumps," 11. drew good business.' DiKMkiu (Dr. !•'.• W. Dlcaior, niuungcr).— The stock compuiiy drew large houses last week, present lug "llcyund tbu l<»w." The prlncliia' I'talllWi of the week was Illondln. ■ a Ills high wire wulklug and pyrotechulcal i'.vhiiiii.i„i,, which he accomplishes each night from the upper theatre window to a bulldlug across the street. Stah ((J, ii. oicndorf, manager).—Fair :dzed audiences huve been unending the vaudeville last week. i u.1 \ois. Pcorln.—At the Grund (Chambcrlln, Har- Hujrlon & t'o.. ihuniigers) ".Mrs. Leftlng- JMMll Uwls" was enjoyed by a tine lower hoii3o Nov -I. "Human Hcurls" drew a very large ihniday night uiidlciH'e 0. "The Heir lo Hie Hoorah." II, pleased greatly. Mans- field's production of "lion Curios," 8. inadtf a profound Imprcsslou upon a large uudleucc. May Irwin 17. "H. 'f. V." IS. "Tho Two ■loans" 111, "l'udd'ulH'iid Wilson" i:u, "The Maid and the Mummy" I'll. Mais Shikkt (J. C Cutler, manager).— Record breaking attendance week of Ji. Lottie Kiivenseroft was especially attractive. Hill week of 131 Vox and Hummers, lischer KIs- leni.- Loon Hnrdt, Grrut I'mnccllus, Ned OarrlnisKiu nnd 1*. J. Smith. Jacobs* (A. V. .liuuu*. manager).—Busi- ness Is excellent. UfII week of 13: C'harles ami Tllllc Sells, tbc Hanlons, the Mldgcleys, Juu Simmons oud moving pictures, ■ i " Qiilncj — At the empire (W. I., Biisbr. niarisuerl "Mrs. LeillugwcH's Boots" drew 'veil Nov. 3. "The Vtiuny Mr. Donley" idetucd two good houFCs d. 'I'be Eljler Ktwk Co. did blr» biisliiees 5-7. Thos. \V. Itoss fared telmea, Jennings uud llcnttrew, Hugem- Urn- mett. Cameron aud Klnnuugiiu, Alio Mae L'e- blg and moving pictures. +»» MU'HKMX. liintl.. Creek.— At the Post if.. K. hni'th. mauiicer) "The Irish Pawnbrokers" had n fair house Nov. I. '■The Woman In the Cnve" O. ''KhisHlug the/ Chutes" pleased 7. "PrirsU'sl" li. "Sky Pumi" 15. West's Minstrels 17. "The K-irlildden ImmV 18. 'Nobody's i.'mlm" St' "HIh Highness tho Bey" '»'.', "I.nvers and I.uuutlcs" S3, lll.ioi' (W. S. BntlerflKld, manager).— Crowilnl rind well pleased houses prevail. Bill for week of 18: The Julians. Muck and Leonard, Juggling Mnthlens, John B. Ilovt, Cllllord AVIIklns, and new'films. Norr..—Manager lluttorfleld Is a member of Ihe Consolidated Vaudeville Malingers' As- Kiielntlon. which -was orgnnlxcd at chlcngo R. nnd which assuclnitiiu emliraees fortv theatres In the nenthal Western States anil Cnivuln. Tin- oltli mm of the association are: It. i.'. Dnnforih. of odikosli. Wis., pvosldent: HIM Sun. of SiiHngilcld. t>.. vice president: D. J. Itpbsou, Lansing, Midi., IreasHrcr. and A\. I. Keefe, Chlcugo, sccrelnly. 1 ■ — tirniid ilniiids —At the New Towers tHarry O. Sommers * Co.. innmipers) "Mrs. J.eillitgwells Roots." Nov. s. drew a crowded house. "The Hlermil City," V, 10, drew well. Coming: "Sky l-"nrm" II, Thos. W. Hoss. In "A,.lair l':;cliniiBe." l.*l; "The Yankee Con- sul' 18, Mine. Km ma ICuiues 30. M.uijSTlc (Orln Stnlr, manager).—"A Semhmiy olrl," 5-11. played to excellent business. Cemlng: Joe Welch, In "Tho I'cddler," 13-lii; "My Wife's Knuilly" 1G-18. UUiSO IIVKU Housn (Churchill & Davis, muuagersl.—Week of 12 the attraetlotis In- clude: Etainn Col rely. Curtain and Blossom, Harry Haley, Uussell and Dunbar and An- tonio Ann Gofre. Smith's (Mrs. W. II. Smith, manager).— Dreiiinhinil Huilesquers. 5-11, played lo crowded houses. The Aleinr Beauties 12-18. l.nnsltiK.—At Baud's Opera House (f. J. Williams, manager) vaudeville, Nov. C, 7. Michigan circuit, had packed houses both nights, ot populur price*. Manager Williams will devote two nights a week hereafter to lids cuss of ciilcrtulmneut. "The Woman lu the Case" cuiue S, to good business. "Tho Two Johns" did well 0. "The Klcrnol City" 11. "I'ui'iildilen Land" 10, moving pictures Brllt-Xelsou light. 18. Iluoli (It. J. liobsou, manageri.—t'uekod houses lusl week. Bill week ot 18 : Hurry W. Splngold iiml company, Dlllu aud Temple, ton. iw-.-eu Crawford, Hurry Burns and Blunch Udwards. KaKinnM-—At the Academy (Jos. I'corl- steins manager) "The Hooslcr Olrl" ployed to fair Ims'nesir Nov. I. David lllgglns had two full houses 0. "I'lie Two .lolins" drei* fair business 0, 7. "The Woman In the Case" 0, Howe's moving picture.,' 10, "Tfte Eternal C'ltv" 11. jBVrVM (Sam Mark?, manager).- IHII week of 121 l.uwson Brothers, Curl Hormoud, the Hoenlrcr.'Munda Uoekwcll, J. W. Sherry, Teggo nnd Daniels, ulid Hurry S. Uosellnc. > n»j- «:u>'._.\( flin Washington (W. J. Duunt, nianngcr; "Tbc Two Johns" had a Ni " vw a lurge "The lloosler Olrl" 7. cntiuclty house Nov. B. Duvld lllgglns, lu "His Lust Dollar," drew u luri ,_ mm cu- thunlastle uudlence 0. "The lloosler Olrl" T Hose Coghluti. In "The Duke of Kllllcrankle. 17; "His Hlghucsa the Bey" IS, "The Sign of the Four" 10. Bi.toit r.1. D. rilmore. manager).—An ex- cellent bill was presented 0-12. Bill week ot 111: The Kuusl h'uiull.v, Lhulstrom uud An- derson, Oscar l'nuicx and olhers. milMfrt Bill ¥Wt. NoTi-rfuioslTkic'.vu'-Nb. '.'. XiiViJrk.—Bro, llbwholl of Local Nil. Hi, St. Paul, has taken charge of the advertising department of ihe Liberty Theatre. Tim followrngmeuMwrs of the different locals arc now work III t lb Now York : I HCk I.u Kever. Chus. Venerldd, Wuie I'hlffer and Harry t'onfc. uf Loral No. oVDciivcf : ('has. (inrnct and U Hmis-uiuii, of Lncnl No. 33, Brooklyn:'Walter Dnvls. Isvnl Re, Sj I'ltti- tmrs: Jtiines Lynns, of Local Newark. N. J.: F. Butterson. Local No. .-I, Philadel- phia, nnd llro. i'iikcv. I^icul No. 21,. Troy. N. Y. Jack Hydell. ..f l,..cnl No. I, I'lillrulel- phlii. has rnk hnrge of tile Uilverllslui et the Metrnnidls Theatre. The stck coniniittee leiKirted that Urns. Kd, D|maher nod Billy Green had been III the oust work and nimble to work. Hrn. Moss, secretary of l«COl -Ni). •I. spi'nt a few ihiys 111 <air city last we*k. Win. ii in ii l win was In New York the past week, nnd It Is said that lie will go lu ltd- vance or niie of the big shown this season. Jake- llenjlneer. of this local, is working at Hie West Ku'il Thenliv. Iti incur KitVK, a member of Local No. 1, Chlcugo, died suddenly In Gentrjr Bros.' ad- vance cur No. 1, at Washington. Gn., from heart trouble. r'»r eight or nine years lie had been with ningllug Hfos.' Circus, lie was a meiullcr of K. of I'„ and Ihe lmlge of Washington, Ga., sent the remains lo Chi- cago. ITKMS PtOM Till', AI'VANCi: MM W Til 11 HiM.i.i.vt! linos.' Siiuwh. —Car No. I was closed In Montgomery and most nil the boys were paid oil'. Washington ("Bliig")Hosklns. our genial bum bill poster, goes lo St. Albans, W. Vu., to lake charge of a phonograph com- pany, playing dales lu the surrounding coun- trv. Dim Thcnoy went lo Chicago, to take charge of Ihe working forces In Ihe Columbus Hotel. C. T. Crlppeti went lo his home. Athous. (>., Chas. MeDonitld will give his spare time this Winter teaching Kid Wheeler how to rot nn automobile. W. A .SlccV.uh'y, our window dUpluv innn. will be found in the smile ca- pacity ut tho rcinplrc Theairc, In Holyoke. Muss. Hurry Crnhtrcc has taken charge of the bill po&llrig iiluiit In Burlington, Li. John Whliuiore has gone home lo Mudlsuli. Wis., mid last, but not Ihe least, .loliu (Top) May has gone to Sandusky. O,. to post half sheets for tho opera liouse, This leuves Ihe ro«ter uf this ear, which wus put <)n the mii'i agnln: Knmk listen, cur miiuuger:. John 'I. Urine-, boss bill poster: J. L. K'lvanangh, J. K, Lyons, Irn Koch. Geo. Singleton, bill posters, und "Hmlling Micky" Coughlln, llthogruiiher. M'e expect to close Nov. 21. Notiis rit'i>r Local No, II.—We have been kept busy with election iidverllshig. as the campalgii wits veryspll'llcll'In this oily. A. I*. Tlghe was elected a dulegiile lo the Den- ver Convent loo. t'nuik 1'iircell has returned home from the ISuruuui Show. 1'utsy tliaut. of No. 2-1, bus hi-cii In I own the past month in the tulei'csl uf a salve iliui he Is advertising. I 1 *. «;. SU'vensou, of No. I','!, belter known as "Bones," Ik lu town, iilienil uf Doi'kstlider's Mlustri.'ts, und he must i,,. prosperous, us he Is wearing dliimonds (Ills seuson. Hones Is populur uniony the boys here J. T. Slultcry, of No. 1, Is here wllh the Brill-Nelson mov- ing pictures, lu the cupuclly of ofllclnl an- nouncer for Ihe exhibition. Mutitgoinery Her- nandez., belter known us Montlc, lulely em- ployed ut the Grand Opera House us gallery door tender, died here lusl week, and Inter- ment wus made In Spring tlrove. The funeral cortege was followed by tils many friends. A llonil offering, with Hie Inscription. "Ills Last Ticket," was senl with tho sympathies of his friends. Hurry Anderson Is now with the Mtuiidurd Tbeutrc. Win. Woriimld nnd Frank l'ureell are home, ufler n prosperous season. W. II. Gardner will be Ihe geiierul agent rep- resenting Ihe Ilugeubeck Snow next season. The Sells ii Down Show Is negotiating for derelln. Chn«. Lane nnd Jack Burns. No 2 Car: Tony rmoduli, uinunjrrr; .Inn. MeCa.v; buns bill poster, with, live UMdMaMa; Chu'-- llurrlri. lithographer: Jus. Hyde, pitigriim- in»r ; Harry Mufcr, pasto uiuker: also l.iv Wilson inn) Joe Meiidoxo. Ciiau. A. Komtcu. of Loiiil N«. Hi. Bar ion (I., who has been very 111, la Columbus. Is utile to he nbnnt utmlp, I..MA1. No. :i."„ Bnsiklyii. will hold their nuiiiinr nominaltmis of nfllrers for the ciisu- Ing year on Slindav. Nov. lb, their ucxi ri":<ilnr meeting, lit wliliefuvirs Hall. I'lnnu rial Secretary Ren ),. HiiMwII would like |o hear frmn brother members on Ihe mail. The Old Moiitiink Theatre. no«- called ilu- tmpurlal. lips slnniti a crew to work In rating three sheet boards. John T. .Iiu-ipies, advertising agent: Her! H. Simmons, second mall, nnd John Lelhls, wlm Is I runs [erring from l«ncal No. "; I'red Lnwson nnd others are engilReil. "Nirrr.* rur.jr Loi-ai, JJn, l,-,. Sprlngllehl, Mass. Al Ihe lust regular nieelluit I lie fol- lowlln; ndlcers wore eleetetl: l'ri'shleul, llubt. Shpnns: vice preslileui. Augllsi: Miller; ire.ism-er, I'reil liehii«ni: secretary. Hold. II. Chirk ; sergeant.■ nt Rrnw, Herbert I'lshor: husliies't ngeni, 1'aiil Davis. New hrolhers of the local are: Mike Morlnrlv, of the Bin- pile '(heatre, llrdyiikc: .loliu llnriiess, Mur- riiy lll'l. New York, uud Krod Sinllh. opera Ilii'ise, Hun ford. ,CI. Shine IVrry Is work- lug for I'"' liurli'oril opera House. Jim Heine, of Locnl 21. Troy. N. Y.. was here the pn>'t week, rheiul of tbe Troendrn. Itur- |eH(|Ucrs. Pro. Coiiglilln has been wllh lllng- ling Bros.' t'nr No. |, which e(nsed nt Meri- dian, Miss.. Nov. II. Kaliininaou.—At the Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager) "The Winning Hand" came lo fair business, Nov. It, as did the high class vaudeville of the Michigan circuit. 4. "The Irish Pawnbrokers'* had u good homo ^^^••l-St^fill'^dolirt^ufc^ company. Clui-ence C'rlnprn Moiined over n S Ncwell'K llov Ba 1 of ! over one hiidrVd ''"« »vay home from the lllligllug Show, lie W* wJSWrV&S Kellnf" '^""mSJJ I"--'sea,ed with 0 co.h.r ?oi Kls'dug by .11 Kami" 14j Joe Welch .17. ' 'I'AbACII OK 1 Ami'SLMIIMTS (C W. Plclcoll. uiuniigcri will opeu tjio iieuson wllh roller skating uud polo II. . ■•' m •Ineknnn—At the Athemeum (II. J. Por- ter, resident munuger) "Tho Old Clothes Man," Nov. 2. "The Irish Pawnbrokers," 3, and Howe's moving pictures, l. C, all did fulr business. Blanche* Wulsh, »i, played to eupnclty, and pleiiued. "Sltootllig Hie CoutAi " butns." I. "My 8, did well. "Wile In Name Only" 11, Wlfi.s Pumlly" 14, "The Mteruul Cltv" \S, "Tbe Korbh'den Land" 17. Ruse Coglilun 20, "The Seminary Olrl" 21, "His Highness, tbe Bey," 24. • «»» MJU YOnK STATU. Troy.—At Rand's Opera Housn (II. T. Thompson, resident mauuger) "No Mother to Oalde Her" did well MOT. t>, "The Redcmp- tlun of David Corson" drew a fulr house 10. "cm the Bridge at Midnight" had n good house 11. The Irish Hand, the Shamrocks, 1,2: "Robin Hood" 111, "Checkers" M, Yorko and Aduuis 1.5, "Sunny South" Co. 10, cimun- eey Olvott 17, John Drew IS. Piioc'iuii's GuiHWoMi (W. II. Graham, resl- deut lnuuuger).—Election week made no dif- ference lu Ihe Immensity of the ntleiidauce lit this theatre lust week. IHII week of lit: Bar- net. Kugiiu and Henrietta Byron, Gus Wil- liams. Cells uud Hurry eomnany, Orpheus (Vimtry Pour, funny Itlcc, Three Cumurns, Dcliiiu m monkeys. LrCDVM (Al. W. I'reinout, raiiuugcr).— Good bouses greeted tin- Murlan Shelby Stock Co. lusl week, lu "No Cross, No Crown." Week o( .12. "Korsuken." Ruval (W. II. Buck, manager).—Troca- dero Buricsipiers bud good bouses last week. Jersey Lilies Burlcsuucrs Hi and week. I'llmlra.—At tbc Lyceum (M. Pels, man- ager i "Big Hearted Jim" drew well Nov. 7. us did Mme. Modjesku. In "Mary Sluurt,*' 8. Alice Plscher, lu "The School for Hiiebauds," *! II, delighted u good house. "Purls by Night' :ave siitlsnictloii It), as did "A Hot Old lose," 11. Crest on IMurkc l.'l, "Tbe lledemp tlon of Duvld Corson" 11, "Robin Hood" lo, Prank Desbon 18. IH.iLT') I P. W. McConiiell, manager).— People for week of l.'l: Kugun uud Alerrlan, Slauseii Slslors, Rose Lauren, fierimdn Stnn- ley, Lutiru Murllerc, Mue Lawrence, Rlnlte- scope uud llltislriiled songs. Badness Is el cellcut. ril«-u.-Al Ihe Muhslle IShiiberl Bros.. managers! Thomas Jificrsoii drew well Nov. «, Alien Plsher i\us well received 7. "l-'rom Rugs to niches" did well 8. "Paris by Night" met N lop heavy uudlence 0. "No Mother to Guide Her" did well 10. 11. "Other People's Money" HI, "The Miming Arrow" 14, -'Duvld durum" 13. John Drew. In "De Luucey," l(t, "Kerry Gow" 17, "Why Girls Leave Home" IS. QuntWBU l^Vll^acr A Vincent, manugers). —Lust week's bill was very good, and packed tho bouse ut each nerforuiauvr. Bill: Geo. K. Portcsciio, In "TV Worst Woman In the World:" Reno and Richards. Chas. P. Sea- men. five KHutnuru JapB. C'ouklry and Mc- Brlde. Antrim uod Peters, Gurtellu Brus., and the klnetogruph. l»i:wt:y Mrste II.ill (Duvld Bnrry, mun- agcr).—Business was big Inst week. BIB rhi<-- week - Rockford aud .liny, Blanche and fie Trnl, Roberts and RnliUm, Allre Mar- Nler. Rflttn Alnnlfnlr, John Vixf, nnd Cook nnd Grant. Wlutcr giiiirlere ut ihe Hinnliroii. 0... fair grounds. There Is n rumor here llint. W. K. Fmiiklln will.not be wllh Hie Wnllnce Show lleni si-ason. IC J, Lister, of We.siuii, AV. Va,, with ihe Carroll Comedy Co,, us udvuncc rep- resentative, report:, excellent buslucss for his compuo.v. Clufcncc /'fJpp'M], riojjpw over on r by the boys on the Rlngllng cur No, I, mid lie prlici It very highly. Clarence Is writing a small story, entitled "The History of Athens," lo be distributed limoiig his frlni'ls. George Hunt and his sou. Roy, bine left Memphis tor New York I'll j. ■ C. A. CAM., secretary of Local .No. 7, writes : "Beit Carroll, agent of tint Caution Bros.' I iilI'd Shows, Is homo for u short visit, having closed a most successful season with the UuQTO uggrcgulloii,. and reports n long mill prosperous season. Tbe company prcicniril Mr. Carroll with a dlumoud ring and a silk umbrella lu behalf of all the members. The show goes out ucxl season wllh almost u new out Hi. All members of Local No. T are greeting the road boys with the glad hand. Dudu Kendtc Is among, the boys, after un absence of four months lu the KasL" Norcs ntoM Local No 4, l'j|li..\fiKt.i'in.i. —-At ihe last regular meeting tile following members were elected lo the following oltlces : Jolln Suplee, president; lion Angle, vice, presi- dent: Kdwiird Buck, I rcantircr; Jess Dilmore, llnunehil sCcrelnry'; Wultor Kett|ewuod, sec- retory and business ugehl: .luck Ryan, Win. Vull und 1'rniik Ilurve.v, IrtMtUMj Sinjt Di|ils, sergeant at arms. Road anil urc rapidly com- lug lu, uud urc being placed ni the local the- atres. Tom Connors, boss hill poster, with the Bariitim & Ihttlcy Show, nn-lveil In town, anil Is now located nt the P.IJou Theatre. Oli- ver Lester, of Ihe suiiie ■few, Js working with htm. und .Inlues Heeler, also from tbe Haruuin & Biilley Show, Is working nt He: Porcjiiingli Theulre. Sum Cuinby of the Rurniiiu \ Itnlley Show, Is uheiid of the "Gypsy 01^1" Co, .Imi Klizgenild. of Hie Rliiellng Shows. Is work- ing for the I'tilhidclphlu Hill Posting Co. Arthur Slrnln, from the Hiiwtelle & Welch S.iows, lh here working ut oue of Hie local theatres. Red Dowd. the l,oy orulor, urrlved here lust, week from ihe Hiii-mnu A. Bailey Show, und delivered one of his fusions speeches. He Is now wllh the riillmlelph'.i Bill Posting Co, Win. Wilkin:-, or the sulil'i show, Is ulso working for the same hnu. W. Kcntewood, secretary ot Locnl No. 4, woilld like to hear from all the road men from this local. PttoM L' No. fl", llronklyn—We held our second niinlvcrsiiry hull and reception Nov. S, when Ihe utlcndauee greally ex- our previous ball. The hall was crowded ut n.flO, when the ciiterliiliinicni rtnrted. mid these are n few that cnlertallied : Billy Cole. Lot He Mart hi. Pox nnd Gray, Little Louhe Alien, J. J. Casey, Ilurrlngtoii Sisters, Will Loomls, Comedy Trio, uud Ihe moving plctiirun. lu which wus the great, bill jiost"rr' nVbi, by the Thwnuscope. Untxl No. ".'* lienrtlly thanks all those that enter- tained. The committee wan! II. Etihaiiks, .1, C. MeCoriuh h, II. Can Horn, II. Irving, I'. Manic, C. Geritnnt and C. W. All ken. Ixicnl No. "■" has elected I'hns. W. Allkcii to represent Diem ni I In* Coming convention. Orb. John Jnctpios bus taken charge of the paper for Ibe Old Moniunk, which opens nliotit Nov, 21). Rros. I'loyd Turner and Juines MeConuli'l; are al Ihe New Moniunk, und Bro. U. Cochran Is at the era ml Opera House. Bro. Mike Joyce has Joined "III Gay New York." The next regitlur icecllng will lie held at Whlleford's Hull, Juy uud Wll- loiigliby Streels. Nov. 2(1, Rosier oir run two'ai>vcrtihino cabs or TUB Nwinid A Itowt: Snows.—No. 1 Car: Ilcruiuu y. Smith uiuiuigcr; Harry Bradley, boss bill poster: Johu Hulllvuu and Jlui Burns, lithographers; C. II. Henry nud Jouim Ony. progrnuiiners; 8, II. Jones, Geo. Tlnk- Imm, Roy Ghplu, Josli Olllings, Joe Elite. Harry «Tlne and Hilly Meyers, bill posters: C. H. Wilson, paste maker; altv> Joe Man edueater! horncH. Nov. li-ll. did good hiulnest). "gl-ivo. of Ihe .Mine" CI. Illnnehe Walsh Id. lliupllc Stock Co. neck ot 2n. ♦>» i „ Ji I AM1-IIHNIA. ' I ♦ l» . CANADA. Montreal. At Ills Majcslys lit f). Ilrooks, iiimuiger) "Tho Yankee Consul" drew fair houses Nov. fi-TI. The Savage Ornad Opirii Co. t.-t-iH, olga Nethersblc. hi "The Ltiliycliith." 2P-2.">. Ac.»ni:MV or Mcsto (P. llowanh. inniin- gert.—"The Surlo-Cuiiile i.ioveriirss" 0-11. •The Shndow Behind the Throne" I.1-1.H, Billy B. ".nil 21; ami week. TiiMATiiK'Rov.M. III.'i". Mgerton. manager). •—Miner's linji"inlnii»i plHyr-d to M. R. O. hist week. 'Ilie Yankee Dondle dills iy-18, the Baltimore Beauties 2U-2n. '. TllEAriiK OKI NnrVBACTUs (It. Huvniu, imiiiiigeri.—The permanent Clench slnck company, lu "Lo Vertigo." came to good business (I-11. "Les Dcgcuerers"' l.'l nnd week. Titr'ATim PiiAMMis (I'. W. I.e Clair, mgr.) --The permanent Prench stock cnniniiny, In "Lu 'J'lwen," eiune I'n big business (l-ll. "Les Chonnrln" laiS, "tjtio Viulls" Wl-'JB. Natuinal I'iiam-ais (ii. (Jouvrenti, tniinn- ger).—The piiriiinii'tnt Prench stock com- puny. In "Cluissc un .Moil," bml fair houses (l-ll. "L'Avctiglc" l„-)»; "Les Deux Orphu- lulus 20 nnd week. St. .loliu.—Al I he Oliera House (A. 0. Sklun'er, niauiigen the king Hdward Slock t'O. (locnl) producril "Cliele SI." Nov. 2. lo lair buKlticw. The Scluiheit ininrlelle, of Bn.l- lon,,vMve Hie first performances lii. ot the Speueer slur course series of lot-lures unci concerts, lo capacity. Sealing capacity was sold out for e.ieh etiiuerl. Bouse dark*. W. .S. Iluikliia Co. 2l»-2.*i. Yoiik fit. J. Aruistroiig. iimiiageri.--The Pollard Llllpiillan Opera Co. opened Us nce- nnd uml last week, (I, with n splendid pcr- torniilliee of '"I'he Hi'IhIui." to good himliics^. Leali Lclchuer. Duphtie Pollaril, the llelnlg Twins, dlhie Moore, i: V u Tlinnipsun, Tediilv Mc.Viiiiinra nnd liny Sinllh were deserving of mention. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 17, IS.. Nori:.—Ilimry Gillespie, iniiniiger uf Hie Wllbcr Stock Co., uiTlvcd lu town I, und re- ports Ihe closing of I ho coinpiiny ut Ynr- inuiilh, N. S., ::, .Mr. Gillespie intends lo re- organize In n short time. I >Vlnnlpr|c.- -At Hie Winnipeg Theatre (C. P. Walker, miiiingur) Onn Stilfj', present- mg "Our Paul or." drew big houses, Nov. I, 2. "The Holy CIlv" nisi) did big business .'I. 4. Adelaide Thurston. In "The Triumph or lleliy." drew big business 041, Plorenco Hohert.i 111-11) IHiminiox (Duvld Doiighis. malinger). — I'siial big business here. Hill fur week uf 4: Mr. Mel Mrs. Alfred Klley l.tliel llublnsou, Hlssonctle und Newiiinu, the Mattel fas, the iredgel llroe.. Nellie Hovlll, DlekV dogs anil ponies, and the klnodivinr. P.IUiii: (Nash K Burrows, proprietors).— Pull houses, Hill week ut 4 : Muler Ilros,, Murls Lnwr'-nee, Klrulfo, Juggler: Topsy, Tin vy Trio, Harry Lugrrulii und moving ple- t u res. Toronto.—At Ihe Princess (0. II. Shen- uard, miiuuger) Rose Cogtilan. Nor. (is, In '•The Duke of Kllllernukle," played to a. good business. Illunelie Wal.di. 11-11, fnred well. Week ot l.'l, dlgu Ni'thersole, la "The Laby- rinth." Guano OrutiA Housn I A. J. Small, mana- ger!.—Week ot (I, "David llnriiui" drew mull. "His Last Dollar" 1.1-1 H. tUiHNTlC 'A. J. Suiull, manager).—Week of «, "Her Plmf Pulse Slen" did good busi- ness. "The OoiifossloijH of a Wife" HUH. Siiua'm (J. Hlicn, munuger).—Imlnciise business. Bill week of 18: Murphy iinil Nichols, l-'erry Ciiineiiy. Jiimus Icuiiees 1'ooley, Tnylor Holmes. Avon ('oniedy Pnnr, Daisy lliii-courl. Sylvimo, nud others. Stau ip. j, siiifr, Manager). —Week of 6, Miner's Atiicrlciiiis hud hlg business. Miner's Bohemians HI-IS. lllliolllon lu ii -At Ihe (Irniid Opern Housn (A, It. Loiiduii, imi linger) "The Hiiialng Ar- row," Nov audiences, 7, hud large and well pleased The Woman In tbu Cuse," 8, iluyed lo li large uudlence. "Ilhi Lust Dol- lar ' 10, II, Croekcr'H eilueateil horses Pi-IS, "Slaves of the Miner 20, "The Crossing" "I, 22. "Alice In Wonderland" Ibs'iil) 2'J".'#. STAn (J. G. Applet mi, malinger).— Week of i), big business. Week of l:i: Vlelorlu Parker's dogs, Hurry N«h\ Ihe Marne)>, Klllott. and Neff, Hie Hoicoms. Kpps mid Lo- retto, Warren mid Howard, Biiyiiiuiid Mer- rill uud Jliiniilo ('o«per. t ' I •inilon. —At the Orund (J. K. liirlon, munugeri "The Genius ami tho Model," Nov. 1. (iIuimiI a full' house, llluio'lie Walsh, la "The Woinaii lu Hie <.'nn-,'"7, hud n vnry large niidlciji.c Innhl lllgglns did well !). Uosc.Coglilau II, "The Yinikeo Comail" 10. Bc.s'NKTl'M ((.'. W. Ileiiuelt, miiiiiiger).— Wqek of 0 uu excellent hill drew good homes. Por week of IS: Louise A mull nnd eoiupuny, Gregory Piimlly. Lylllun Lclgliloii und cnni- niiny. Youngs uml Drooks. the Wlusluuleys, Two Mucks mill kliicingruph. ■ ■ OHmtii.—Al the KiihkcII (P. Goriiiaii, muuugeri "The Serlu-Comlc Uoverness" lauu- lo good hoiiMH .Nov. .", -I. "The Yiink'c t.'OIIIKI'l" Hi. Guam, Oi'i;n.\ IIocmi; (II. .1. HlrdwhLtle, miiuugeri.- Business uns good wllh the III. Jou Comedy Co., UU Nov. I. "Tlie Clniiiliig Arrow" » II, .Miller K prltelmrd Co. HMS. ■ , «iliel|.|i.--At the IbtJWl Ojieril House (fi. L. lllgglns, uiaimg.'i') tbe, Marks Kins.' Stock Co. had crowded houses week of Nov. ij. "I'll.: Sign of Hie. pour'" lo, local mliislrei. umlec the dlieeCon of Holly G. Klieunril, mliislrel prodiieir. 14, l.">; local 17. "Slnves of ll/e \i •■ .... I.oh \u«ele».—At the Mason (mem House ill. C.'WynH, mnnugert Pleapor (lob son, In "ilerely Msvy Ann." week -of Oct. 30. did big business, "In Old Kentucky," Nov ON, hlol Andrew Muck. In "Tom Moore," If 11. "lieu lltlr" open* u Iwn weeks' englge meld '.'n. : i- lliiinsin i .1. .Tin If. Hliiikwoiul. malinger) - "Secret Service," by the Sloek Co.. did u good business week ending 4. "The Gay PiirWnns." (1 and week, hills fair to do Ml good busliiexs. t'nderlllied: "Tho Coiyboy ami the Liuly." Moisnsco'S lit iiiiaxk (Oliver Marasco, map ngiir).- 'Miiy llh.wsiim," hv the sloek com pnliy. drew well "week ending -I. "ttcuplhg the Harvest" U uud week. I'nilerllneil; "TlS' Judge nnd the Jury." liiiAMi Orr.iiA Hoimi: (■Clarence Drown, manager),-• Carol Anion, In "Polly Primrose," it aud week, Is drawing Hie usual crowds, I'nilerllneil : "(in Ihe llrhlgo ut Mliltilghl." (Uiriir.t'.M lMartin Beck, geu'ernl ■ luiinn- geri. — Pealnres it ami week: Twelve Unioni- st Ick Wllches, Chiyfon. Jenkins nud Jasper, IMtrglowii Circus, Itnyiiiond and 'Cnvcrly. (illrieii und Itiiekley, 'Jhii'e Navurrns, Kdsall und Porhcs. in "The Two llnldcs;" llrown lug nail Wnlly. and lusl week of wireless telo< graidiv. .Motion pleiiues routluue. ' I Mijii; i Ileal k & Znilee, proprlelors).—> Peal ores it und week: The Ureal Al fret ta, Hayes ami Wlnchcll, Lola Cotton. I'ulqUO Players, In "Plnnforc," and the I'nlijiie-o- scuisx Rlto.MiWAV I A. J. Morguiislera, iiiatingnri. )) ugner, Smllli and I'll I Is. tiruiivlevu Ardcll, lllchard lliirliui. Mr. nnii Mrs. Hen lluiili, iiliu molloit pictures. Casino i.V. J. Morgiiustera, managori. — Pcaltircs II und week: Crunk Darnell, Me- dallion Trio. Casino Muslcul Comedy Cu., and motion pictures. Sr.ui i Rube Welch, iiuinnger).— llurlcsguo II nml week. l-'is<iit:ii'H IP. A. I'lseher. malinger).—- Peutiiies ii nud week : Stock Sisters, Dreutio, Cuuiinliigs nud Mcl'ley, Hie lleruurdP, H»» liiiciis Stroud Co., uud klnetogruph. PlXKiiiiUAI'll (J. A. Hrdwiie. mamigrr).— I'eiiiui'i'H II and week: hilly Mel.uln. Vcroneu nnd Houston, Mniic] Humbert, Wilson lltos., Hlko. iiiotinii pictures ulid stock company. K.mimiii: (Billy Hunks, miitingcr).- -Peitlures (I nud week: DHgus. Laiii'ii Hunk, Hnuwlo Miiyhelle, Dlerlck Ilros,, liottlob, PinpHa Sloek Co.. and unit Ion pictures. Soviii.iv l Loon Levy, ma linger),—Pcat- nres (i ami ml .lames lluwle.v, lliillei) upii Hayes, Ihe Pour llnigiloiis. Lid lie Wesl Sinw iiioitils, 'I'murn Howie uml Nelson, tliu iiive Ashlniis uml million 'pictures. Korea, ---During Ihe vm-nthm of II. K. Duf- Held Malinger Oliver Mornsro iim.iuiiic-i tho siuge direction ul Morosco's Ilurbauk Theatre. ... .Miiry Gi-iihiitn, of Ihe, Is suffering Iroiii a sprained ankle, uml her place Is taken by Mrs Tom liberie "The Judge and Ihe -litiv." In have lis lull hit performance 111. Ik wrllleti bv ollvfr Morosco und Barry Cot- trell Mnrgurei Liiiighuiu. ot 1,1m lie luseo, bus gone in Hue t'liiiiclsco lo. ploy llnlilde. Ill "The | .li tie Minister." Chnllerl'ig Cilery ami Ills Italian liuiid liuyei ruliirneii lo |,om Aiigclcs for Hie Winter CincHi Howe, of this, ell j-. has formed n co- piict iicishin wllh Hurry Illshnp, In a lease of ihe I'enlriil Theulre, of Sun Pruiiclsco. Miin I li-lui-li-h leaves Ills Inline at Ley .loliu. Cnl., soon, for Kuropo, uud will bo uu- coUlpiinl"d by his wife, I'm nicely known a* Anna Held, who wus u traveling cuuipuuloii of LI Irn Terry, ,, ■ I iiiil.ioo.l. —Al HieMncdi/imiigli (Chus. P. Hull. Iiiuuugei'i "In ulil Kentucky" played to cupuclly business Del. till-ill. "Arl/.nnil" had good hoiiHes Nor. 1, !!. lillery's Itiitid drew a crowded uiulleiice II, "lliuieut Hearts" II, 12. Andrew Muck, I loin Moure," L'l. 14; •'I'tidcr Southern Skies" IS. Ill, four lief- formtiltees; "The Prince of Pllsen" 20, 21. Lllir.HIV III.' W. HIm|iii|i, iiuimieeri. -"Tlie Light Ptcrtiul" pliiyed In ciipmlly. week etullilg r>. The Ncllls, siip|iiirlcd by lihihoy's compiiiiy of players, ill "Tim Optimist," «)s 12; "Cnpiiilii Swlfl" HI uml wick. CNKNt'iivr i t'lilliiliini & Clnylon, miiiiii- gcrs). - -The CrcKcelH. Slolh Co. drew (M; lent hmiscs, III "Tlie Blue und (he Grny, week eiidlug >". Regnbli' slock eoniuaiiy. In "Ptiitsi," DP.'; "Why Women Slu*' Hi nnd week, Hill.I, (lid. II uu. munuger).— features I", nud neck: Leonard uml llernurd. Arthur Melt In. Lloyd Spelircr. Mnhel lloivnnl, Mini', ('nullum mid her performing lions, ulid tlie, lilnuriijih. Ci|pi|elly business rules. Ndvct.Tv (I'lmy Liibelskl. imiouger).—At,- irneilieis l.'l uud week : rjeymuiir ami May. Cecele llohsoii, lie- Piiriiswni'lh Tl'lo, 'AlUin Slum. Hugh MeCoriiileli, lliu Kolu-rs, uud I ho Novelty pi'ojecloscope. Hlislncss S. II. Q. I'Ml'ini: IK. M. Ciirlsoii, niuungcr).—Bill l.'i uml week: Hurry Hurlcuo, lliirloti ami Jones, J. II. Sl.irlleld, Cm-lMst Slslers suit their 'ruined doles Mseo Ives, Ihe Oukliittrl Wheelmen, uml Infest Umpire motion pk'- tlires. Buslui'ss In Iniiiicnse. Nori:s.-H. «'. Illslmp, of Hid Libert)', lel'i recently for New York, where he wlB close Hie ileal with Hie Shujherl eoiiililu.'ul.le-fi for presi'iillng Ih'ilr uliriietloiis uL the Ma- jestic Theulre, In Sim I'l'iiuelseo. Tldu will place Mr, lllshoo's pluyhotiHc un it par. with Ihe Columbia, ni. leusl for u seuNoa of twtil- ly weeks, for which period Hie ludepeiidfiiUi lime high class nil ran ions. II wus thin ilfnl llMJ foreeil Mr. lllsbop lo uei/iUro tho (,'ciilrul Theulre hi order to nrovldu uceoia- iiiiiilnllonii for Ills sloek orguiuziilloir'. wlilcli he will eoiillniie lu operale between 111" Lib- erly and the On trnl Theiilrc.s. ♦ '» ALABAMA. Seliiiu. At Ihe Academv of Music il.onij & Kees, imiiiugij-Bi "A liuiieh of Uejp plein.ed Nov. '.'. "The Chimimiiii" guvd i'm good performance lu H. It. O. -1. Donnelly A Halllelil'ii MhiNlreln drew n lull holisi: 1. Al. Wilson tl, Liiiirn Miller Opera Co, 111, Hurry Heresfurd l.'i. Illlle Pllsler II. " Nines.—The town nnd emiulry Is being lilllcd for Itlnglliig Cios.' I'Irons, "| Tim Cotiiily Pair, 711, gave soiini very lino dlspluyi!. » >loti(Kooier>,—Ai. i he \tintlgMMf Tbc nice illlrs'tier liiou.. iimiiiigiM'si "The China- wan." Nov. -I. hud H. II. O. The Old Iliuo*. sienii ijimileiie u. Al. II. Wilson, lu "The Herman Gypsy," Hi; Laura Mlllurd, In "Tuo Helshll." II. ^ IH.ior HI. A. .Veal, iiuinnger I.- "A Son "f Itest." US,, liliilei] l<i puckwl luiUUI'll. "\ l!ree/.y 'I line ' follmvs. lli.M.i.i.vii linos.' ('imi s will show herc2l< + »» SOUTH CAROLINA. (hnrlpstiiii. — At Hie Aeiuleniy of Muslo ii'li.i:-. R Matthews, nlaniigerl' tie> IV.rucbl- Gyp/eiie Co. hud good business. Nov. ♦ML Lewis Mmrlsoii comes Id, Al. II. Wilson 17, Wiilk-r Whlpslde IK. Uisni.iMi Huns,' Ciiicth nluycd to cs» puclly II. < oliioililii. — Ai. the Columbia Tbcutrn „»r,«c.-.„ „.'■ .Viillior..,.,, ir. N. Ivor- H^ck'V'o'plmed to>aul'h!,,,'™k ifpNov' mnipi, maongeri Merrill & l'rllehnrd Rio- S" 0 * l^VvSSA^ut rU^mU^lt grntali Co. billed the low.. Hi circus stvle. w.iiJf^^^fi-ljJiaOTT^L^illhsA^"^* ,".. played lo eapac^y lllligllug Bros.' Circus, li, III led Hie tent ul both uurforuh mm* . ■ w Jlliie'' 22. Ubeber. -AI lb" Ainlllilriiim (P. N. Ivor- ...... ,,... i..,,,,..-, tf,..,-iii t. i >. i. ..i ,i in.. lino sooweo hi pueiieti limiseil .>ov. u-ll. utre Pruncalse Prench 0|s»ii Co. lil-l*. SI. (allinrlne. At ti„. Grand Opera lJeiido (f;, ,v witsoit, muuije/.T) CreciePu