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New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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&3 THE NEW YORE CLIPPER. NOVEMBElt 15. Is Published by NEW YORK MUSIC PUB. HOUSE, 24 E. 21 ST., NEW YORK. Stage mechanics, '-. Ban .iosb I<nnnn. No. .10, was duly Insti- tuted I)t Deputy Grand President: William II. WhorlT. of Han Francisco Lodge, No. 21, rfn Oct. 17, 1JW.. He was nbty assisted by fiieve I. Hlmmons, who acted (is deputy Kiasd marshal!. A special chair car win ••bartered from San Francisco.. About t.hlrty- Hve members of Han Francisco Lodge, No. 21, nnd eleven members of Onkland Lodge, No. i'O, were In ntlcndnnco. A delegation from San Jowt Lodge met the mernbern at the depot with n band. A parade was formed, nnd the mernbern marched up the main street to the Knights of Pythian flail, where thn lodge met, nnd Immediately proceeded 1o business. Deputy Grand President Wlinrft Appointed President Max Stelnle, nf Oakland. .No. 2fl, as deputy grand vice president: Vice President W'elgle, of Oakland, No. 2fl, an deputy grand past president, and President Steve I. Simmons, of. Han Krnnclsco.- No. Si, an deputy grand niarsball, nnd .1. F. ■ Kleley,. of San . Francisco, No. 21, an deputy grand treasurer. The officers were duly Installed. 'lite chnlr was then turned fiver to President Simmons, of Bnn Francisco Lodge, No. 21, that the work of Initiating h. candidate might he exemplified for the benefit of the new members, Rro. Ilnitghoy, i>f- San. Francisco I<odgo, acting an the candi- date. San Jose Lodge, No. {IP, wnn then presented with a ballot box nnd gavel by Jlro. Simmons, In n pretty speech on behalf tif San Francisco l/odgc, No. 21. The chairs ■were Ihen relinquished to tho newly In- stalled oflicers, nnd tin no buslnesn appeared before tho Isidy, President. Ijidd, of San Jose I-ndge, passed the regular order of busi- ness down to "good of the order." Under thin head Deputy Urnnd President Whnrff spoke of the great stride* tho order Is taking on tho rnclflc ronal, nnd of the prospective organizing of lodge* In the very near fu- <ure, at Stockton, Sncramcnto, Seattle and 1'ortlnnd. President Simmons spoke nt Home length, and hoped that San Jose Lodge would live long enough to wear out tholr new pres- ent. Almost every member present waa called upon by the chair for a word or two, nnd If good wishes count for anything, thou San joso Lodge will certainly bo very prosperous. There nre forty-two membcrH on the roll hook. At 12 o'clock, the meeting was ad- journed, nnd a plennaut surprise wits sprung, namely, it bnnquet, served In Eagles' Hall, nnd Ban .lose Lodge did tho honors In grand Htyla. The many after dinner speeches were well received, and after all was over tho visitors were shown the various points of In- terest about towu by the home members. At H.6Q tho train left Sau Joso with every ouo rtboitrd, with pleasant memories of the hap- pening* of the day. Ho8TF.n av Local No. 02, Colorndo Springs, Cdl.: President, \V. H. ltnlston; vice presi- dent, \V. p, Mver; aecrctary-treasurer, Geo, F. •Ho'ndriekson; business agent, A. Helmet-; M. .1. Ilrnut, F. II. Schneider, J. O. CUaucv, ton F. Chancy, J. J. Ilciidrlcksou, Walker TJdlek, John Simpson, Cut Woods, William Mnyder, W. II. Cnsuduy, Jack Youut. Geo. A. Joseph, Rob* Yuitut, L. A. Scars, Leo Phil- lips, D. Cusndoy mill D. A. Jolly. The lodge is In a flourishing condltlnu, W. n. ltulstoii, stage manager of "The Chimes of Noruiuudy, provided, a lunch for the stage employes of the Opera House nnd Umpire Theatre ulght: of NV>v. -I. 'Our llfth niiii mi I ih'Iza masque- rade ball occurs Thanksgiving night, Nov. Jit). • » > ence witnessed Jolm OrlfTith, In "Richard 111," S. "The ninmond King" M. OnnoN (Louis, Wheeler A Curron, mana- gers).—This bouse opened week of (i, under new mnnagemeat, wllh the following: Onffey mid Frnser, .Mile. Flollta, Parker and Darker, York nnd Arthur, and Ituth Lcvctt. An- nounced for week of IP.: Le Moyne Sisters, Tboman II, O'Nlnl, F.lwoort and Maggie Den- ton, and Davy nnd Ryan. SprlnuHeld.—At the Grand-Opera House (L. J. Dnlle, manager) "13ben noldcn" came to fair business Nov. 4. "Plff I raff!'. Pont! 11" filled the house 7. "Altos Bob White," matinee and night 8. had fine busi- ness. "The Little Outcast.'' 10, 11, I,ew Dockstader's Minstrels U, Mme. Srhumnnn- llelnli 21. Orphium (Gns Sun, manager).—Week nt 13: Tho rtrndys. Martinet 11 nnd Sylvester, Pete and Alllo Elmo, Mortimer Rnssctr, Al. D. Weston, and motion pictures. . » Marlon.—At the Grand (O. E. Perry, manager) "The Islo of Spice" did extraor- dinary buslnesn Nov. ft. "The Little Out- Cast" IS, "The Royal Cher 18, "PUT! Paff !I Pout! II" 21. *■» IMSlitlOT OF ( (H.I Mill A. Wn«Ji!i«B(on—At tho National (W. H. Rnpley, manager) "The Duchess of Dnntzlc" ibis week. Last. week. Nat 0. Goodwin bad aood business, In "Wolfvlllc." "The Shep- herd King" 20-2.1. OouiJOMA (Luekett & Dwyer, managers). —This week, "The Virginian." Last week Dlgby Dell, In "The Rducntlon of Air. ripp." drew excellent houses. Otto Skinner, In "Ula Grnco Do Ornmmont," 20-25. ■ IJki.asco (Ira J. La Molte, manager).— This week, "Loveland." Lnst week Percy Haswell, In "The Darling of the Clods," had fair patronage. "The Heart of Maryland" 20-25. ACAHUIT (John W. Lyons, mannger).— This week, "The Sign of the Cross." i Last week Charles T. Altlrlcb, in "Secret Service Sam," to packed houses. "Fast Life In New York" 20-26. Chare's (Miss H. Winifred Do Wltr<.man- ajter).—Thto week: Tho Seldom*, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane. Ronalro and Dorctlo, the Musical Avolos, llocy and Lee, Irene La Tour, Walter Daniels nnd the vltagraph. Packed houses all Inst week, with Herrmann an the hendllocr. Lyceum (Eugene Kernnn, manager).— This week, the California Girln. l/ast 'week, the Colonial Holies mndo good. Dainty Parco 20-2S. Note. —The Majestic (F. P. Rargent, man- nger), formerly the Umpire, will not open till 20, owing to the Innhiliiy of the -con- tractors to finish tho extensive alterations. "How llnxtcr Hutted In" 20-25. GEORGIA. Tio.VM'iasur:. Meuiplils.—At the New Lyceum (Frank Oray, mm) Fttittk Dniilcto, Nov. a, 4, came to packed uouhcn. Klllc Kllsler presented VHauel Kirku," nfieruoon and night 0. Walker Whiteside, 7, 8, wan enthusiastically received. Alhurtn. Gnlhitlu, », lu 'Cous'n Kate," to fair nttcndmii-c. Well's Diiiid 12, Joa. nnd Wllllnm Jefferson 1,'t, "The Clans- man" U. 15, Wilton Lacktiyc 17, IS, Laura LMIIlnrrt Opera Co. 21), 21, dark 22, 23, "Tho Isle of Hong'Bong" M. 25. HOPKisa r (A. II. Morrlsoii, manager).— Rill offfrrcd week of (I was of a superior order, and splendid houses rewarded tho management The programme Included: Lil- lian Iturkbnrdt nnd company, Mnztiz nnd Mnrett. knight Itros. mid Sawlelle. Joseph Newman. .J«ew, Wilson, 11 nines nnd Lewis. Ranks sharp. Rh'epp's dogs and uioukcys, and the kinoilrouie. Uuoii (It. .M. Slalnbarl:, mannger).—Mur- ray and Muck presented "Around the Town" in the usual crowded nous**, The principals were extended a, most cordial ovation. The eosliimi'N, scenic effects mid the performance In general, pleased. Mnson and Mason 13-18. Savannah.—At tho Savannah Thoatro the DepewBiirdctl Co. week of Nov. 6. At- tendance won good, and the company gave gcueral satisfaction. Poruclil-Gypzono Co. 13- 15, Al. II. Wilson HI, I/>uls Morrison 17, Florence Davis, In "The Player Maid," 18: . GiLPRA'H NRW Ai.iia.miiiia AltlSIC HALL.— lliisinesa week of Nov. 0 whs unusually large. "A Vaudeville Rehearsal," as played by n .select caBt from Uio company, proved a very Interesting opeulug bill. The company In- cludes : Panslo Weir, Florence Davis, Frnnk P. Ilaldwlu, the Carlisle Sisters, Bob. J. Costlcy, Mae Wallace and Walter J, Parker. Plorcuitt Dnvls wnn n new one for lust week, uud her work was plennlug. Mnrgarcte Claus- seu, who has been 111 with a acvere attack of fever. Is again with tho company, and is doing good work. Notch. — Ulugllng Brothers' Circus it) booked for 1?, and the Indications tiro that the show will do u great business for two performances Cucle Pete Sun, of the Sim Brothers, was here looking Into the slttt- r.tlon, with a view of quartering his circus in Savannah dining the coming Winter. Mr. Sun to well known in this city, and wblie lie wan here several entertainments wero plveu In bis lienor by his friends. • ' . ■,—The Opera House remained dark last week. De Pew Stock Co. Nov. !"• Id, Florence Dnvls 17. Al. Wilson 20, l*atillne Hall 22, "A Mndeiip Princess"• 25. RlNol.lKfl lliioH.' Cutcrs appeared here 8, filling the streets wKb a grand parade nnd ni- tfMctlng two very largo .•nidiein-es, giving uii- llOlllllliMl sllllst'llCtlOII. ■*«» Knnxrllle.—At: sinub's (Fritz Stmtb, tntinnger).—The Murray Comedy Co., In re- pertory. Inst meek, did fair business. "The Clansman" 11, Slientird's pictures 13, Walker Whiteside II, the .leffersons 17. :AIABKr.T H.u.l.— Itlnck I'nttl played to a 8. - Norns.—Mae Bates, professionally known ub Villa Knox, who has been associated dur- ing past seasons with Iho Crnu and Savage VIWil companies, whs beard Nov. S, lu con- <«r |: <'nt'Cabin Hall, and was accorded a de- served ovation by n large mitllence. Miss Bates has retired temporarily Ctmn the stage, and Is residing here, her huinn town Jake Wells, of Itliiimonil. Vs., was In the city Nov. I, looking for n site for n new popu- lar price theatre, to ndd to his Southern cir- cuit Clinnecs towards erection of the bouse are very favorable. i ■• ■ ■ ciiHttiinuoxn.—At New Opera House '<Pnul 11. Albert, manager) Harry Bercsford Nov. 8, Black I'nttl It, "The Clansman". 10, "A Son of Kesl".II, Walker Whiteside 18, Shepard's moving pictures 14, Ifi, Joh. nnd Win. Jefferson HI, Well's Band 17, Frank Daniels 20, Al. II. AVIIson 22, lllennor Rob- •on 24. -■- ♦*» r OHIO. Dnyinn.—At. the National (Gil Burrows, fifntingerj l/>tllo Williams. In "My Tom-Hoy flirl.' r attracted fairly well Nov. «-8. "The House of Mystery" did good buslnesn 0-11. Jfthe Corcoran, In "Pretty Peggy," 13J5; "Custer's Last Fight" HI-J8. : VinontA (C. 0. Miller, mannperL—"PIu"! Pnff!! Pout!!'." played to fair business «. W. H. Crane, In "The American Lord," drew ■ large audience 8. "Tho Isle of Hong Bong" wan well pneronlsed 0. Otis Skinner, In 'ills urace De Ornmmont," did well 11. Dockstader's Minstrels 1,1. "Love's Lottery" US. . Soldiers' Hour Trtatre.— A big audi- NHMIASKA. Oniaho.—At Boyd's (W. .I.-Burgess, man- ager) "The Heir to.the lloornh" Nov. 12-1.1. Francis Wilson 17. IS. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" 10-22. Wlllnti LnckHye drew good houses 5-7. Itlclmrd Manslleld, In re- pertory, had largo audiences, 10, II. Kitto (C. S. Breed, manager).—"'Way Down Kast" 12-15. "The Smart Set" 1(5-18. "McFndden's Flats" 10, 20. "Hap" Wan) 21. 22. "The Volunteer Organist" had good houses 5, (l. Howard Hall, In "The Million- aire Detective." did good business, 7, 8. "Texas" drew largo audiences 0-11. Rtitwnon tW. J. Burgess, manager),—Tho Woodward Slock Co. presented "Incog, wcects of 5, to large audiences. "When We Were Twenty-one" week of 12. "Shenandoah" week of 10. OttPiiKUM (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Business was good last week. Week of 12: Arthur Prince, Mosher, Houghton and Monitor, Chadc Case, Belleclnlr Bros., l-iiu.o nnd Mnrlow. Cole Francis Bower, Klein and Clifton, and klnodromc. AtiPiTORtitM (J. M. Glllan, manager).— Emma Karnes and her company drew u large audience S. ■ 1'romont,—At the Now Larson (Witt, Lowery, manager) Kilties Baud had good lioiirea Nov, 2. Hlckmnn-Bessey Co. opened for tho week, with "A True American,'' to a packed house ft. W Mt vinm siiA. Wh cell nit.—At the Court (I:. It. Kronr- helm, monnger)"A Message from Mars," Nov. II, had good returns. Richard Carle 10. Dockstader's Minstrels 17, Weber's All Star Co. 20, Viola Allen 21. Oiiahp OrRRA HoI'sb (C. A. Felnler. man- nger).—"The Eleventh Hour." (1-8. had good returns. ''The Beauty Doctor," VM1. ban big business. "Two Little.Waifs'" 13-15, "Om Niagara Falls" 1Q-1S. Bt.rotT (II. W. Bogers, manager).—Rill for week of fi gave the best, of satisfaction. At- tendance to Increasing. BUI for week of 12: Edward Chrissle, Frosle nnd Harvey, Emma Conley and Corliett nnd Forrester. Notrh. —Manager Chan. A. Felnler has broken ground for his new theatre, which he wants to have ready for season of 1000-07. • Manager E. B. Frnnzhclm nnd wife hnve returned from their bridal tour, which was spent at New York. ♦ i » ARKANSAS. Hot Spring-n.—At the Auditorium (Brlg- hara & Head, managers) Billy Kersands' Min- strels came to fair business Nov. 8. "The County Chairman" entertained a large nnd appreciative audience S. "Frlt7. and Snltz" 0. "The Rlvnln" 10, "As Told In the Hills - ' J3, 'The Pit" ii, "Holty Toltv" 15, "Wood- land 10, Isiuto .lames 17, "A Trip to Egypt" Nr.w AIajestic (Frank G. Pnrrv. mana- ger).—Bill week commencing 1.1: The Two Vivians, Ida O'Dny, the Three La Moines. May Vokcfl and company, Zoa Matthews, Jean Bnleigh and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnterous. This home of vaudeville, located In the build- ing formerly known ns the Grand Opera House, was opened Monday night, Oct. 23, to a packed house. The house has been thor- oughly renovnted, repainted- and decorated, nnd In Its new dress is one of the handsomest In the South. Only vnndevllle attractions will ho produced, nnd performances will be given twice dally. < t t Torre Hnnle.—At the Grand Opera nouno <1\ W. Barhydl, manager) Rthel Itarrymore, in "Sunday," played to a Inrge audience Nov. 7. ami was royally received. "The Devll'n Auction" showed to goort business S. "What Wflmen Will Do" drew well ft. "The Heart of Chicago" i-arae 10. it, to gooii btinlness. "At Plney Ridge" 12, "'Way Down F^ist" 14. '-Jolly American Trnmp" 15, Jessie Mne nail 1(1. . Lyric (J. Hoofller, manager).—Business continues Immense, 'j'he dally matinees have proven winners. The present hill Is a strong one, and Includes: Afeltt.'s educated dogs, Chalmers nnd Tboman, llowley nnd Leslie, Golden nnd Hughes, nnd Barney Flint. Cot.iSEDlt (Harry limn son. mannger).— "The Bowery Ncwsglrl" played to good busi- ness, mntinee nnd night, 11. "A Trip to Egypt," 12, pleased two largo audiences. Grace Haywnrd Co. week of 13. aanucvilleaidmmstKi. Prkss Hlmumm Is nt present on tho Fastern circuit of vaudeville bouses. Ui.t.iAN Enqstkom, of the Engstrom Sis- ters, leaves for Paris, Nov. 10, to settle an Inheritance left by their late mint, Mme. Adele Engstrom, and also to Import new sowns for their playlet, "The Night of tho Ball," which has proved n success. William Evbrhart axd Minola Mapa Ht.itST were married at Cltadclskirken, Co- penhagen, Den.-, Ocr. 25. Lav Seville, who lately arrived from England,' will make her first appearance at. Pastor's Theatre, New York, Nov. 20. Work har been rerun on tho old Ingle- hart mill property at Flftli and Locust Streets, Evnnsvllle, lad., which will be con- verted Into a playhouse. John D. Hopkins, president cf the Hopkins Amusement Co., which has secured the property, ban an- nounced that lie would have the house ready to open by Nov. 20. The BitirT-Nt:i.sox fioiit ncrrRES, owned mul copyrighted by J, W. Coffroth, are now Is-lug booked by Edward Shayne, from .Mr. Coffroth'a - ofllce lu New York Cltv. The pictures have been immensely attractive, having drawn enormous business wherever preseuteil. At Alechanles Pavilion, San Francisco, the receipts were snld to be over ¥12,000 lu six days. Jas. F. Lho.naiid has closed with the Trans-Atlantic Boiicrquors, nnd is in New York rehearsing with a now musical comedy. John F. Clark, the entertainer and monologln, was especially engaged to enter- tain Prince Louis of Imllimborg and bis party. N"v. 13, at Sinncb's I'ltvhion, Couev Inland, during the dinner tendered the dis- tinguished visitors. Kniiutu Marion wrlle; -Onr new net Is .1 hit on the New K.iigmni) circuit, unit we are looked until April. t'.UMi. We have not losi a week Kims» April." The i'*oN sisteiin nre engaged with tho ■ •'olden Crook Co., m soitbrcite and lends. Next season they will go out with (heir own show. IliiitTiw ash ItttooMVAV, "The Contor- tionist mid the nnncor." met. with favor at Tony Pastor's, Nov. 0-11, nnd have a return engagement Micro early In next March. They piny Kellli's Theatre, Providence, R. L, Nov. 20.25. \\u. OttMAN writes: "I nm no longer con- nected with tlin team known n» Hartiev and King. 1 bare joined hands with I,ow Grant. formerly of Fields nnd (Irani..and hereafrer will he knowu as Grunt and Ortnnn, doing a Dutch nci and also a Hebrew act. In a few- weeks we will he ready to piny cngngemenls which we are booking.' Coxxr.t.i.v axi> Rowh closed a Fticcessful Summer engagement with the Lome Elwyn Co., uud twelve weeks with the Dot Karroll •Co.. and nre now playing vaudeville dales. Marvel: e axp Gi.easox write that thev have been very successful lu the Middle West. nnd ojicn a return engagement Nov. 27, on the Kobl It Cnstlo circuit, opening nt Hie Olympic, lu Chicago. The t'ECPEn Tivixs are with the Tolson Slock Co., and report meeting with Metre*. doing their character change specialties, and singing Illustrated songs. Kennepv and Wiikens report meeting with great success through the island 2 Cnlwi.. Ax affiliation Imn liecn connuiRinutcd to>- tweeu the Empire circuit of California and the Crystal circuit, nud this combination em- braces theatres extending from Sau Diego, Cat., nnd Seattle. Wash., to St. Joseph, Mo. Redforp axp Winchester have Just fin- ished the Orpheum circuit, nnd report their uct nn meeting with the very best of success. Tnr. IiAMoxts, Billy and Pauline, close a twenty-seven weeks' season nt Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 18, with tbn Klnenhnrth-Hender- Ron Co. After n week nt their home thev will open nt the Family Theatre, Itulte. .Mont., Dec. 4. The Ltnottb Bisters are closing 1 the olio with the Washington Society Girls Co., and are receiving praise for tbelr artistic work. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The publishers of THE NEW YOBK CLIP- PER announce that beginning Jan. 1, 1800, they will Issue a new publication entitled CLIPPER CARTOONS Size 8%zl2U, 60pp., with illuminated paper cover. It will contain 26 full page Theatrical Cartoons from original drawings by the cele- brated artist. P. Ulchards, reproduced from THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER, together with Dramatic Chronology covering the previous six months, end Including the New Plays pro- duced. New Plays copyrighted. Deaths In the Profession, New Theatres constructed. Thea- tres destroyed by ftre, and all Important hap- penings In the Theatrical World. There will also be interesting literary articles relating to Theatrical matters, making a valuable and entertaining record of the show business. EVERY PERFORMER AND MANAGER OP A THEATRE OR SHOW WILL WANT IT. A limited apace will be devoted to adver- tisements which will be Inserted at the fol- lowing rates: Foil Pase .... 1100.00 Half Facte .... 00.00 ■ laartor 1'nue . - HO.00 Colamn - • - ■ - -40.00 Per Inch (SlBftle Column) 4.20 Per Inch (Donate Column) 8.40 Copy for advertisements must be In band by Dec. 1. CLIPPER CARTOONS Will ho for sale by all newsdealers, Price, 20 Cents per copy. Or will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of price by the publishers, TEE FB&IE QOEEE PDBLI8HII8 GO. (Limited), «7 West 28th St, New Tort Cltj. Albert J. Borie, Editorial and Business Mgr. Ai.bit.tI'S axp Miliar arrived here last week, after playing sixteen weeks In Eng- land. They nre booked for return engage- ment nt the Hippodrome nod Coliseum, l,on- don, next year. After spending n few weeks at their home in Wntorvllle, Novn Scotia, they will play In this country. Uan and I.l'iini write that they have signed contracts for the entire Sullivan & Considlue circuit, and also that they made a big success nt the Orphonm Theatre, Seattle, Wash., week of Oct. M. Fbom thi; La Itr.No Theatre Co.—We are playing through the State of Utah, doing an S. It. 0. business in every town. .We spent a very pleasant evening in Pay son, I/tab, with the. Kemplon Comedy Co. We were kept busy shaking bands with-old friends. Baby' 1,'ialiua La Reno, age one year and one month, to working In her father's act, as Is also Baby Leona Ln Reno, the world's youngest acrobat and Roman ring performer. We are closing the act now with Baby Leona riding her bicycle, on a fifteen foot perch, at full speed, while her father, the Great La Reno, balances the perch, wheel and baby on his chin. The ever welcome CLiprsn Is bard to get ln this country, as It comes such a long way to us, but we get It just the same. Uowabp Connor writes that he closed a twenty-four months' engagement with Mar- ivetto nnd his company, and has Joined Dr. W. Long. Also that he Is Jolng well ln his wench act Notes kkom Gus Sun's American Mix- STnBLK.—While playing Stillwater, Okln., Oct. 80, the following members of the com- pany were initiated ln Boomer Aerie, No. 1,015, F. O. E.: Billy Gordon, Ed. C. Hays, Theo. FCttley. lid. Rice, Cnlvln Hubs, JImmv Rose, Frank Ruff, .John Mason, Leon Steln- berger, Lafayette Haynen and James English. The compe.ny to now nn Eagle show, as all the other Iwiyr were Eagles, and they helped to make the initiation a grand affair. Duck Hill.- Bert Ali-Cii!lom, James Barardl, B. W. Phillips, Harry Weaver, Will Kyler and Man- nger Fred D. Fowler made speeches and saug songs, litter which a banquet was served, and we retired to our private car at 4.30 A. M. This company carries ihlrty-one people, and is booked Mav 8. Wo go to the coast tills sensou. Will B«vant. of the 1,'our P.rvnnts. cele- brated his elghtecnlh birthday Oct. 20, and received some beautiful gifts. Nob-man Hilvakii anh Nrllir Hoppcs, who recently joined the Woodward & Burgess Stock Co., opened nt loin. Kua.. OcL 28. E. It Z.utANO.s and SiiTtns Hkss are with the Jo-j Marks company. Thev. report that tholr new net, "Limb of the Law," which has been so successful during the past sen- son in nil the principal vaudeville houses and parks, to n big feature of the show. They are engaged ur a special attraction, and their act. introducing songs, dunces, comedy trick furniture. Juggling, cornet, Blldo trombone, banjo, guitar and mandolins, wltb a liuiilc of baton and pin spinning hv the trio, hnu niot with great success through", out Cautda. Mr. anb .Mas. Dick Teacv are on their wny East, after eighteen months on the Pa- cific coast They nre tdavlug n return dale on the Crystnl circuit, with their rural comedy net. "Courtship at Cowslip Farm." AznA, juggler, arrived from Europe last week, for his second lour of the United States. Richard C. Mamiox, of the Dutch team nf Maddox ami Frank, Informs us that the team doses on engagement of ten weeks with CtWRfONRT, Experienced; enn al-»o Barber some; warns engagement where there is thea'r, rianee work. etc. K. Hay Martin,'it Opera linee" Cincinnati, 0. ' WASTED, Moslem Performers for. Mediiine Show who change for week. Those doing sonir and daneo preferred. Must, be strictly sober ami reliable. All snil !owe«t in tlrst letter. 1 p»v ah nn in mvmp' * after Joining. DR. JAS. LAVEBE, Xewaygo, Newaygo Co., Mich. with Moving Picture Outfit and good Feature Film?. Also Hoy that ran MnV aud play violin. Managers, send open time for Alvln'n Moving Pictures, Penn. and N. Y. State ALXIS. gii R. ;ui st„ y. y. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIS.-Onc Boiler felt. iiuX, sntt. long, eft. wide. One Antonmtie Tintype Picture Machine, almost hew. Also h good itepe.rtof.v of Cirens Band Mnsle. Address AL. KADEU remhrottc, r;a. LOOK! TUB LA ROES at Llliertv-Harry and Edna. 16 changes, aerial specialties, one week; do Irish, Dntcb and P. P.; put on acts and mate them go. E. Intes organ or piano, works is bcli also does donble=. Nothing but tint claaa nied. or vaud. cos. write. The Great La Roe, S20 E. stbS;., Waterloo, Iowa. LITIIOS. One Cent Each, any stvle. 8end3> cents for samples. JOUN C.OUDON', N. W. enr sta n nd W nlnnt S treet s, Phil adelp hia, Pa. VKNTRiLOttriSM Taught Personaiywd b? Correspondence. Prof. LingermaD School of Yeti- trUoqulsm, :j» Xortb ttbS t., Plillsdelplila. ra. AT LIBERTY, Mr.-THE BUOKLEYS-Mrs. RRFISKI) MUSICAL ACT. 2r. Pleasant rinco, Hrooklyn, S. Y. the Geo. Saniuels attractions, at El'Paso, lug rope performer;'.\ellsou'f« aerial nailer Si,"",TSLJi WSL^gn on thc ' N ' 0VC| V "S ^""l '"Iter acts of prominence an' circuit, at Den;er, Nov. 20, for ten weeks. Ux.ked t. f open with the Filler Circus In ^ H-P. ami Viola nre In their nr.i. .a.i- i^n^., «.:. li-...t .;_._.' J." ..« WAKTEfl, Vaudeville nnd Minstrel people Aerial Act, Mnslcal Act, Sketch Team, Piano Player. .Must join on receipt of wire. Langfoi.a So. Dak, Nov. M; Spiln. So. Dat.,17; Pritloh. So. Dak. 1«; Cogswell, So Dat., SO WIM.Ult Dr.HART . Mgr. "Midnight in Coontowa.'' FHEE-Samiile New Line of Slereiwonl. Views and Post Cards. Send two stamps for now age. Doonuss POST C*ni) .« MACULNE CO.. 2; North Pith St., Philadelphia. W.VIITE >», Usefnl Man for traveling organiza- tion, one who is not afraid of work. S'Ate experi- ence, age, height, o-c,.; also if member nf any fra ternalorder. Expense*paid. Con.v.intemployment for n suitable party. Address A. W. Wynd^ara Charleston, I o. WARNING! All persons nre oantioaed against in- closing money wilb letters to uh, UNLESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. We ore in receipt of compkinte from many who lmvo lost money by sending it through the, whictj demonstrates that tbut method ol making romjttaiicee IS NOT SAKE If Postal Money Older, Cheek or Dreit is sent _iid is stolen from (he mail, a duplicate can be obtained and there wiil be no loss ol monoy, bnt there will bo a loss of time, Which mr.y be of tho utmost importance. We will guarantee all persona aptia'st Iobs in sendinR ui remitiHiices IF THE LETTERH IN Willi ll THEY AKE SENT ARE PROPERLY REGISTEUED. NEW YORK CLIPPER, ALBERT J. BORIE. Man ager The- ltowBnv- Newsboys' QcuRnrmi (Sherwood, Vox, Kaulkner nnd Peck) are In their twelfth week with Clark's Ilunatw Glrlj Co. Their net, thoy write. Is meet- ing with great stu-cess. 'i'hey have signed with Mr. Cinrk for next season, to go wllh Joj. K. Howard's musical i-omedv. •"The I)l- trlct lender." Tttt: llr.BNKTnixs, refined Ringers and dancerr, report meeting with success. Tbelr new double unck finish alwavs wins thcai an encore, they inform na. H.Miiiv Thomson writes of his continued success In the West, where his funny stories and dcscrlotlvc dialogues are hlglilv rellsbcri and enjoyed. Mr. 'i.'hoio*in celebrated bis llfl'.ctli blnbdny In ClncianaU rcecntlv, nnd at a linii'piet in his honor many-good wl9hc j and toasts were given- for his succes«. "The Glut, in the Ueo JUsk" Ib recov- ering from n sprained ankle, received whllo getting out of a.motor car, lu Chicago. She will resume her engagements on Nov. 20. WH.KIE -Mack bus closed with the "My Wife* Family" Co., and returns to vaudV vlllc. ,„. U0Rcon AM> Sims, who nro working through Wisconsin ami Minnesota with their own company, will close four Weeks during the holidays nnd work on the Castle circuit. MoNTitfoirnv Axn 1'ilnbi., who have lieen niipeni-liiK iu the hnrlixfiue on "Thi' Mn-'i - Master," ai Ia-v l'M6s' Theatre, will f' iiiru tn vniid evllle. Thh Zexo Jiibiun Tiioite, four people: Speedy, high diver: A. Hugh Llovd, bound lug rope performer; Nellsou's nc'rlal hallcr r till (iuI'iipaI ..>*!..._ _—*.. •. * .. —^ I ...... n.-*. nil 1 circuit, al Denver, Nov. 20, for ten weeks Vicr axp V'MLi nre In tbelr fifth week with Geo. II. Adams' "Humpty Dumpty" Co, lu the South, aud report success.- PLAV.pnix axp IlEtin were featured at the ni.lou Thcntre. ' Wheeling. W. Va.. week of Oct. ."A and met with suceesr. Last week thev pl-iyed at Greenfield, Muss. At,. G. Puicitsov, former manager of the Lyceum Theatre. San Francisco, has been ap- pointed assistant general manager of the Milllvnn-Consldlne theatrical In the Fan. He will make New York bis head quartets, but will spend considerable time lb visiting the different local managers on the circuit. - - ■ .-, —I—u i, ■!..• m\T rinut \* • ape Town, Month Africa, Dee.--J" l.i.-Ki: • IIowarii was probablv fslnlly ln- .Itiretl nr Sellsville. O.. Xov. A, while -ioopim: the gap," A suali- cir.rps was In n railroad wreel; near Temple. Tex., Nov. 7. and many of tb>- animals escaped m ihe woods. A c:o.\iri.En: A.vp route' siitrT, givlni: nn account of the tour of Prance by the B"'- falo Hill Show in l«l."i. has bean received by Tnr. Clippm. Hie cities visited, and lew::' r.f time the show remained therein, togi-tut; with the' netuaJ number of miles traveled even to a map of all territory visited, mate* the little sheet Taluable for reference.