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New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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1O0O THff ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER, NOVEMBEE 18. sew vonit CITY. He view unit Comment.— An extra Inullneo km given nl nearly every one nf the local theatres election day. Nov. 7. and biz liuslnoss ruled nl these, us well us tit the night performances. The total biislucsM for Mn' week was satisfactory 1» the vurloua managers. During the week Hi" much tnlkcd nf plan foe it national thciilrn wan revived. llrlitrirSi Coiulcd being n p n owif fur Its re- vival. H Im announced that llilrly wealthy New Yorkers have already aubaerlbed BIWMWU mrli Inward Hi" project, ami Hint: I be Meek from Nitty-second anil Slxt.v-lhlrd Ktreeta, facing Central J'nrk West, linn been purchased fur tin- kIii.' of llic theatre, which l« Intended In be a most handsome structure. I'l'oinlai'iil society women will lie lis pa- tr auv n u n, ami. with Mr. Cnnrled at II* head, II Hccuis as though the cherished scheme for tin American national thcnlro Is about to tie realized At the Katrmi theatki:, Monday night, Nov. (>. Mmiilo Adams np- (••.iri'l hi iln- llr>t iiH'li'iipolllan iirosentntlon ut "IVler run : or, 'J'hc l!oy Who \\'onliln*t ■ how t'p." 11 five act fiitry piny, by .1. SI. Ikirylc. The star mid play net with liistant meres* ijn the same dale Hubert Ii. Manli'll iinul" his lirst iippi'tirum-it In this illy as Ilanilel Vt Mitsma.s.soii.N IIam, lien IJrccl's Flayers presented "Much Ado A boot Nolhhig" .Monday idglit, I!, anil "The Merchunl of Veulee" matinee, 7. holli per- formances being given In the Lllznbcthnn atylp i»n Thursday afternoon, 9, Alice Nielsen mail" bet New York reappearanee, after an absence of several years. It was the occasion of her metropolitan delmt In ;.'Miul opera, unit wllh DoiilsetH's '•Don I'ns- i|U'al«" she won favor The continued nt- i fuel Ions for the week ending Nov. II were,: '.Mamie Adams at the F.mpiiik, "The Karl and ihc Uirl" at Die Casino. *'Veronli|tie" at ilie ItiKi.Miw.w. Mail" Cablll ui. the l,ir.i;inv, "Th- While fat*' nl Hi" JfBW Ah-stkiiiiam, 'The Wizard of fur at tin; AiMOl'.iiv, ••Won- derland" nl Hi" M.wi:KTir. Hubert II. Mantel! nt Hi" (J.uiuii.s. Kmbu liullch ai Ihc Man- 1ISN.1X, William Fnvcrshiim at W,\i.t.Ai'K"s, .losi'pli cuwlliorii at Ihe lli:ii.\i,p S<ji:ai:i:, "The I'rln hap" at .Im; Wmtcii's Tun- atki;. Ue Wolf Hopper at the J.vnn , B. II. Kotbrra and .Inlla Marlowe si t I In; K.MCKCa- MOCKKa, Henry l'„ IHxey, In "The Man on 'he Naff." nt the Malison Si.ihaiii:: .lumen K. Iluckdt mid Mary Miiniicrliig nt, the S.W'.,v, Joseph Wlirdork Jr., In "Just Out of college." at the I.vixrii: Margaret Angllii ntul her company al Ike I'iiincijks, M.ixluc Klltotl ai the liurcmoN. Hubert Lvfntee, in ".Mini niiil Superman." nt the IICMMK: Milan May at Dai.v's. dlverslllcil otilcrliiliiinciH at ihu llirronauMi:, "ll Happened In Vnrdlmid" tit the l.i:w Fnn.os', David Wurlleld at the lli.ini . the slink company nl the Yuiikviu.i:, th" Herman rtvHk opera company at the Inv- IMi 1'b-iri;, Mrs. Leslie Tarter ul Itni.Asi'o'.s, and Melulyre and Heath at th" Nbiv Yokk, ilie Iwo lasl named "losing on Unit date. Al I'iioi ma's Kuril Avunt i: niiil Osttl HiiN- I'tlKtl ASP TvvCMVIIl'lil HTa iX T TllKATHBS .slock ]iroiliii'lloiis i milium il The onu wei?k Mmills vloslnj; Jt were: The Pour Mor- ions, In "Itrrnklog Into Surlily." nl the iiai^dy I'roctor'a I Iftli Avenue Ilirutrc (J. Austin lyncs, goticral mauuger).—Tim Co- iiiynii I'urr four U"t atna vcridou of "illlvi'i- TwlM,'' whli-ti liierbohiii 'Tree has found so fruitful from both urtlmli: and pe- "iiiiliny slandpolnls. In Iiondon, «uh given at this hone" on Monday evi'iilng. Nov. IS, for the llrsi lime hi Ainiirleu. ntul a I'lr uudieneo was held In Hi" bonds nf ftisi-luiillon liy It l» the Iinul iiulaln. which, by III" uny. did not full us liil,; us one iiMiiully mqinrlfl in siiih u li'-iivy piuiliicllmi. This lii'iitiiiiLlzallon of I be IHi'kens liassli: Is a verilalit" iiluni for Hi" aeior who pluys Ilie Jew, Kiisla. (nit, allhoiigh llils part Is luilll up IOKTMT proml- noiii'e. Ill" lllll Syk"S ami Xniiiy have lli"lr foreefnl sway for u ieilit,n Inlmviil, and ih" latere*! In the slory Is hv no iiii'Iiiih snirlllis'il. im i||,. loiiirni-y. II srijis nta> Willi lis wmiili'i'lnl tiiiumii inlt'ii'sl, mid its hi-u- tnllty ami arrtexQtaettf'M are seen lo In: well JllKlilled lueillis to Hie end III view, wlii.'li 's as Idikens iuleudi'd. "Oliver Tvlsl" wllhiint !U rreMM mid lis shudders would noi Is- "nliver Twlsi." nml In Mr. t'nrr I'm iredll slioiild'lie irlven of hnvllHC "oiilrlliiili'il a version of this piny ivlih the Kliiidders lolled down us iiiuili iik possible. The Kloae sellings were lu llm miilii very Itieid. .'Hid the eleven scenes were handled ih'Verlv. for there were no lung waits be- tween aels. .1. K. lti>ilsoii. wln> \\a>i secured for Hie purl by rnerlal iirrauKeuienl. pluveil Kii-tlu n-lih xivitl fklll. end nllliouirh lie niude III" Jew u man of more liilollijjcuce than Hie sluuVral of Dlekens ualiiriillr nsso- eluli k wjl!, I be jiurt, the cluinieler 'In die piesenl version was plainly tirrlllen thill way. and II wns liitlur ti relief lo have the harsher and roaiT .Ide of tin- lnna clossed ovr I,, a eerlnln exlml. Ills vlmliitiveness and eruu'ty were plnlnly thntm, lmwevi'r. mid Mr. Podson's work vvns nn u liljtli plane of ex""lleil<e ibroitghoiil. the etuly scenes lu Hie den being riiUTtalnliittly iliiue. mill the last preal w-ene, villi l-'agin In tils prison cell, living over u-,'uln in Ids (.lellrluiii Hie days of Ills i-ruoknl ii'Iiiiii|>Iik, whs a remark- nlily line piece of iiellu;*. Aaiclia llliipliiiui, ns Nancy, played the pari villi sincerity and coiivleilon, j;lvlii>; Hie liiimnu lonrli In the abused wiiiunn very cleverly lu Ilie scene where she walls ii)hiii Ha; brulnl Hill, only lo he beuteu tn her ib-iilh at the end. I'.lll Sykes was ti real vork of art In I he builds of llurdce Klrkland. wliu looked III" pan and played It wllh rratarfcaMt eflVei. while Hera Id Hrllllu. as tirluiwl^, was the ttouty. crusty, inn kind heurtisl old inun lo the life. reall/.hi{r the Hue point* of the cluii- ncicr mid showlnn nil of lliem clearly. ApHM Scull was only fulr lis Oliver Twist, which pari was subjugated lo a great extent In ihc driiiiiiillzuUoii. I'.dnituid l.ynus. ns Mr. Iliimlile: I'lmrles Abbe. ;is i In- Arit'ul Umlaer: Itols'ri (nmiiiinys, as Monks; labia U'i'sl. as Holly: -I. 'iiiluds I in vis, ns t'hailey hales: Arthur Sli.-iw. as Tom I'ldllliiL', mid I'rauci's Starr, us Itose Hay- Ii". all did i-imiiiu inlalil" work. 'I'lie casl : Mr. llroivnlow. tvilllain Nnrlon: IKsrlor Slni", It. It. .Nell: Mrs. I'.edwln. Mabil Craw- ley: Harry May lie. II. Dudley Ituwlcv; HrliiiwkA Herald tirlllln: Mr. lhunlde. l!d- inunil l.yous: Mrs. Humble. Maililble Hislmii : I telly, r.dna Wesl : Ilie Artful Itndia-r. fliarles Abbe: Charley ItiHcs. J. linnnls On vis; Tom Clillllm;. Arthur Slutw: Harney, Ilurobl Han- sen : Hill Svkes. Harare Klrtlitml; Nutiev, Amelia Rlngluiiii: Oliver Twist. Agues lieurthroken uppeii! lo Sisill; 1-iigln, I he Jew, .1. K, Ijodson : .Mrs. Maylle, Julia Ithine: Itose Maylie, I'miuivs Slarr: Moiiks. Ruben CniuiiihiL'S: Ulles, Ar- Ihiir ll.iyl : Warder. It. It, Nell; Jailer, Ar- lliur Shaw. Casino iSani S. A; I.e.? Sliubcrt. matin- eersi. -"The Knri mid the Ulrl" started Its second week Nov. 13. On Ilie ill'leriiooii of Tlmrsilny, Nov, 0, Hie liottse held it' largo niidleiiee. when •ii-i'asloii wiia olTen'd Allen Nelben lo lu ike licr New- York reiip|iearaute, lb" vehicle iiffcred being Ibmljeltl's opera, "Don I*BHtuuh»," Her Auierleau reapaear- niiC", however, occurred at New Haven Conn.. Nov. ti, the Nil me iMH't I'roctor'a I Hty-clKhtli Street The- I'rortor'a Twetily-thlrd Street The- Knlelcerhoeker Theatre fAl. llavmn, litre (J. Atisllu 1'ynes, gi-rierul loaudgcH.— mi*t'(X. Atatht Kj'Iii'f, gl^ht'rtlf•IlTU^treel•)•.*•" & t"o.'MDimiiffer»)>*-i:. l|. Hvthvro. Jnlbl Mar The bill this week Is a strong one. uuil served Jtenslc '.'laylou. the reaiarkably tilinble nnd lowe iiud company uiieaed Ilie tlftb week i.r 'o draw n full bonne ou Monday. Nov. Jo. clever duuecr. who was proioltieiit In the old tiiceugugeflietJl Moutiuy ulelit, Nov. n; H |J|j The t:iareiiee Sisters, in song* and dutievs, Weber & rields' proiliictloii*. made her up- n rci'lraT of "TSvclflh Night, opi'iied the hill, and put the lioiu-c In a good ■ bimuir; £m /.umacols. as I'arlsliiu street slnu'urs and IllllslclailS. |ibiyeil on scverul IOII was tlm ciuiiliig in for marked npproi-al ; Aldn Over- ton Walker, assisted by llatlle Mcliilusb and eight eorypliees, prevented an net thai was rendered sirlkliigly pleasing liy the cleverness of the dancing nnd gorgenusness of their costumes : Al, Lawrence scored Ids ciislotiiiiry bit In his clever monologue: Hayes ntul Ibiily, Ih" long and ihc slmrl of II. evnkcd bi'.irly laughl'T In Ihelr sketch, "Tin; Clerk nlid Ihc He'll It'iy ;" Lillian Uussell sang sev- eral songs In her well known manner, and was (he recipient of several rounds of np- plunsc. This Is Mis* Hnssell's lasl week at this house. Crane Druthers, In their bur- lesque Miidlowii MliislM'ls, kept Hit' house lu ii ronr: llnveiniiu's unliunls Hliowed the per- fection of the human luastery over the beasts Of the .luugle. The million pictures nml pHSlels of travel were continued ruvorltes. Sunday's concerts drew u crowd uflci'uoou mid evening. (irniid Openi House i Joint II. Springer, manager).—II. K. rorresler presented I'lor- eaea Hiudley. In "The 'Belle of the West." n iniiicdy. hi llirec nets, for Hie Hist time lu New York. Nov. 1.". Its iiranicre having oe- cnered at Ilie Writer Theatre, Zanesvllle, 0.. Sept. 1. The book is-by -Horry Smith, nnd niiisie by Karl 1.. lloHchlin. The story, which Is supposed lo I el I of Hie wnuBMt of a mining town by Virginia. I,ne, who also rescues lier llatieee from death (lie supposed- ly being u horse thief). Is lost sight of be- fore Hie Hist act Is over lu a succession of iii'.i.-lcal numbers, vaudeville lunm and side- walk conversullons. The music was medi- ocre, wllh the exception of "Holding Hunds." Hie •Temher" song and "My Utile Liiskoo." wlibli won many encores. Klorcnce Hlnd- li'v cieated n most favoruljle Impression ai Virginia, singing, ailing and dancing well. mill her |s-i-soiiul success Is uiupiestloued. Jack Randolph, Joseph (lieeue mid J. K. Miller rendered capable support. The etisl : Itob Ilamlolpli. .luck Itnudolpli: Tarnii- lul'i Jake, Joseph Creene: Sir Monimoreiiel, Heotee H Jackson: August Winer. Krnest (Mln: Ifeury S"hiillzel. Arthur Olio; Me- llinsalcm Jones, Jliuiny Chid-haml Hill, .1. K. .Miller: Dnkoin Dan. lOrnml !>. Wood: Sborl eniil Clmrlev, Wallace 1-'. Jlurrv: Ah Chew. Jii.-eph W. Herbert Jr.: Mlrundr .Imie. llnrrlelle Ueyes; Virginia l,ee, a Wasli- Inglon girl, Florence ltiinllcy. .Next week, "The Pearl and the I'uinpliln." Mnrrii.v lllll Tlienlrv (Win. T. Keogh, i penrnueo at this home on Nov. 13. uud wus tlrnt opuortunlty Sr.\v York hod uf see u- t given n cortlliil greeting. Her dniichig Ih Mr. Sotnent as Malvollo, and bn fulled lS - it way from the ordinary, and Is of swell gift a convincing portrayal of the role Ills tlfy Ihc warmest performance was TCry uneven, varying fniu. tlslers, Knroiierin aoiw to mediocre, His rending was al lluiwl ice lo enthusiasm nmrreil by Injudicious liiflectloii and licr ;.teepltoually line. »l*l.«nt. nln)ilins|s.. In the letter ecenc aud the Is of die highest dungeon scene those defects were less notice of any bill. Kin- able, and his work was excellent. IhaibtlbM _ — — .a". — 1.I-, i, [| li iitnili i,,n'i',.ei,, .ii.,,. . ,..- .1.1 . ...I. ■■. .."'*' slenl liislrumciits mid "gave vocal selections prominent merit ns to justify Ihc wnrmeKt performance was TCry uueven, varying ftun The Three Kb>s Sisters, Iinro|M>nn good to luedlocre, _ His reiidlug was nl ihu"a nceeiilably: llul Ondfrey, aided hr Josephine jiralse. Tlilll and James Devlin, presiaited n one act nerobitt*. nroiiserl the niidlciiei! lo ciiiriusiasm mnrteil liy Injudicious Inflectloti and in- ly. "A Very llntl Hoy," Ihelr efforts wllh some feals Hint were exeepltoually line. »l*l.«nt. nln)ilins|s., In the letter scene nud tli orrlgan a Kiip- ii once seen eoiiKi nut lie forgotten. There jrk wn* also Is this to say of licr work .on MoDdiir nlgiii Mllwl, Anna Iter Viola of today Is even mure pleiiolii" Koster. Krnnk tlinn It was when New Yorkers Mat raw fr This trio of feninle ncrohnts rank, and Is n lilg fcaluru o. . melt Corrlgiin mid eniupniiv, |ireseniliig bis wllb each performance of this ro|.> Mr. Soiii hiiesi success. ••The Card Parly." held close em will Improve, for Hint lie can give a eon iiiicniioti during the jirogreFs of the sketch, slstenl mid thoroughly wallsl'aelory porlruval which Is well written and delightfully played, of this character, none who are conversant The slory Is a geml one. cloverly handled, with Ills work will doubt. To .Miss MarttnVii mid Mr. Corrigmi did work of I In; gilt edged belongs the chief honors of the evening It kind. Adrii Alnslee, whose singe presence Is lis some years since she Inst appeared lu pleasing nnd whose acting Is excellenl, was Ibis elly as Aioln, but her performance of must riiiniiieudable In Mr. Corrlgnn's sii|i- It once seen could nut lie forgotten. There port, nnd praiseworthy work coulrlliiiled by Alex. Von Hates and He Craiidc Foster. rraiiK mini n was wncn ->ew lorkers lost saw li It. Bryan and bis Twelve American (ilrls. -She makes her the wiliio womauly Vloln. nm. picsciiled an let that had merit and ehinnilng uud lovable, but her mellowed urt Hie dUtlnct elements of success, and there lends lo the role a charm It did not powcu was miicb npiihiuse given II. The offering when Inst wo saw her portray ll. rYlthln Is called "Human l-'lngs." and about four- the memory of niauy of our Uieulregoers teeu girls nrc shown, dressed lu Ilie colors there have been several nctresses who have of Hussln. Japan uud ITuclc Sam. The won distinction in this role, but nouc of tint singing Is excellenl. ntul the net is cleverly 1 Io'iib of the past deserve a higher plan; lu nrruuged throughout. .Mr. Hryan makes ft "Jage history than thnt accorded to Mis feu lure of his appeal to save the old lighting ship, the Constitution ("IHU Ironsides"). We.lcrbiiry llrotliern and 'fenny. In their clever musical ml. were right In on ; the ground (lour of favor, and Mayinc Hcmlng- lon. Indei iilguble worker that she Is. was n distinct winner In the applause getting con- tingent, with her bright picks. Mr. aud Mrs, Marlowe's present day Vloln. I'red Krle did capital work as' 1 Seljiisilnn. Itowhuid Huek- stouc, burring nn inclination lo overact Sit Tally Tluleli, was excellent. Mllllccnt Me. Ijiuglilla Is deserving of high praise for her performance of Marin, nnd Prank Itelcber, us llllni.'"! Willi UVI UtlSHU iil'^-l. .Ul. UUU »' ll ». ■ . i it ttii 7, i .. V" i"u»|/un Jltniolu Hurry, in their taking net, and Olile l ™ t . 1 ? o0 ,' , lu , a - , al, 1 e , cn 1 Kt "' full: (Jrslnl, Hul Young nlnl Hrother did splendidly. Hlckey ** . u «Hf« I'rederlek Lewis; Sebustluu, Kih mill Neleon also scored. The motion pictures W* : ,AV« onlo ». ' ."• J?W»?J<« B i„' v *»a Ca| continue tain, William llurrls: Anleiilloe. Kruuk Kin Kcste; it court fool, was accorded reeogulilou for his'work. The remainder of Hie conipunv nld. The cast hi full: Orslul, Jjuke ■ d ,'ap- : Curio,; Pcdro_l)c"Cordoba':"sir Tubv lalslie of llieatregoers. However, If succeeded III creel lug u deal of laughter and applause from two big audiences on Monday. Nov. Kl. A novel feuture Is Kred Karno's London full- louiliue Co. (lirst time at this bousei, which has been very fnvorulily received lit down town houses; Herrmann Ibe Ureut. lu really marvelous feats of magic; Anna Laughlln, 111 dainty songs anil dances: Willy /.Inimerniati. In his ilulsbed Impersonations j Wm, Could nnd Valcscn Suriit, who were successful" In comedy, sungs mid dances: Hilly Van. "The Minstrel Man." In while fnrec, gettlug ills full meed of laughs: Lillian Tyee mid Irene inailageri.-.'l'lie Vance & Sullivan Co ore- Herinoa, cunieilleiincs; the Durrns Uros., bend , I I'.... II... II..... .! I.. fc- •■ • ' . *. . «.. I I I...I ,.....!■ *., ....... .....1 .1 sealed, for Die lirst time In New York, al ihls theatre. "H«k Haxler Hutted In," with Sidney Tolcr as Hilly Daxkr. II is In four neis, was wrliicii by Owen Davis, and was llrsi produced nt the Lyceum Tlieulre, Kllstl- belli. \. J.. Aug. II. J'.iur,. || U evident that I he uuilior and the producers of the piece were determined lo appeal lu all lusies. as "Baxter** Is half farw i-oinedv and half melo- iliuiua. n rollicking,frimg following u tnoihcr's rlllttluous liusbanil lo spare her sun. who Is accused of robberv The story, of course, Is all Maxter. who ap penis lu act one us a commercial drummer arriving In a country town hi New Hump shire, where Ibe action begins nt n hotel. The hotel keener and his fumllv lire Che per- Cenlury (.,'lvls Is I he nUi'md sons about whom Hie storv of the pluv r"- and an excellent bill Is tIn- volve. The sun Is mi uu'leust. accused of '"¥ M''. Hatlles'' Is I ho tllie nilililiig his father of DKUicy. The dunghler piiilecls mid sliellers bee brother, whleli causes Hie accusalImi against her Hint she Is a vile woinau. and the nml licr, of course, simids by her children, which causes her . husband in (urn against her. Tills chain of it the Hyperion Theatre, In clrciini.slunee.s gives Uaxlcr. In order to right nid willi her present coin- mailers, plenty of opportunity of "butting puny. .Miss Nellsen is plciisiiutly reuieni- In." mid he does not full In doing so. Shjuev Agutlic bercd n* one of Ilie most attractive of the Tolor was excellent us Hilly Haxler. and the Helle, V to head baluncers: Uoolnian's cms uud dogs, a clever aiiliaal net. and Hie vltagruph, Voi'kvlllc Theatre (.Meyer H. Hlmberg, managed.— Ibis house, with In excellent stock coinpaily (and wllh a weekly change of MIM. which so fur lids season has presented u wide range of attractive plays, bus suc- ceeded In farming n dtentel of regular pa- Iti'iis which frequently 'park the bouse to Ilie doors. The rid urn of Anne Sutherland lo head (he colupany bus ben attended wllh marked success. This' week. "The Charity Hull" Is being verv capoblv presented, with "Hoodniaii llllnd" unuouueed to follow ou M.oiiday, .Nov. ^0. - .Miner's tloivery Whcnlrc.—The New lion for this week, result. "The Tak- .. of the first part. which includes laughable comedy, well luok"tt after by (Jco. W. Harry. K. J. Stuckwell, Kred J. Humes, John "•'. McCtibe nnd Harry Stew- arl. Mlunlc Desmond, MaudeWolford nnd Margie Stewart have sullnbio roles. Adelaide Marsden. Win. .Mecluiu, llobert T. t.'ouwnll, Jiimes llalley, llcrlha Una. Alilne Itllss, Mazle Miller, Marie Hell, Cressle Hilton. Hiirns, Irene Stoekweli. lJtiby La lossle Metiond. Nevu Orr, Hclene I'VruTtir.M u Sn:i;i;r Tiikatiii:, "The Ninety .voimger singers uf light ojs.'riis. While Ihe resl of the compuny, In the iiiiilu. were com- Moore and i'.tlicl Kniigbt complete the east. i„,. if VI,,.." „i ii.., Mii.inv inn i-'iii.. i.'nv cm Ircly friendly inidleiiee wus liicllmil lo he pelent. The cusl ; Hilly Haxter, Slduev Several showy ninubers are hmidsoBiely i '. '., .mil Nine ul Hie llil.l.. Lllk I'll}, t.mi,,,,].,^!.- lu Us apphinsc of Miss Nell. Tolcr: Rrtistus Wlncb, Louis IVIrce: Zenus dressed and well stngeil. The olio lueludes: PhSS In "The Hclle of Avenue A." nt Ibe AMKIil- sen's lutcrpreliilioti of Norlim. still. In Hie M'-cr. Hobcrl W. Smiley: Abner Meek. Kings- Adelaide Mnrsden, In opcrutlc and popular !,, ,,, e,tx; "Dauger.s of Working tiliis" at Hie Tii.ii.i.i, Hiiymnud IHtHirork, In "Knsj Daw- sou." ut the (iiiANu tiriai.i N, S. Wood, In "Losi In n Hlg lilv." al the Tntiiu Avlnix; Lulu Hliucr al ihe Haui.i.m or/.n.i Hnvsi:, ".Me, lllui mid I" til the Wt..-vr Kxt>, Yorke and Adams al the Mtiiii.d'iil.ts. aud Joseph Senlley, In "The Kiinatviiy Uoy," nt th» Si.ui Variety euterluintncut was fiimhiied at T»m IMsrue.'.s, the Coi.oniai.. the Vn.TOlil.1, bum's l".\lo.\ SijC.Mii:. I'BUC- 'roll's I il l Vl.HiUTll SIIII.I.T, I'llOLTUIl'S Twi.-XTV-TiiiiiP Sti:i;i;t. (he Ai.tiAMlitt.i, lltr.- ri'i <t Ska mux's. Ibe I'ai.aix and Ihe I'".\mii,y Tiit.nai;. lit mitt's Miski:m preaentcd the 'ttlial list of vaudeville uud rurlos. The Di:wr.v. Mtxcit'.s Howi.nY. Ibe Lonpon. .Mi- xi:i:'n l-.iutrnt Avi:xti:. the Ctuci.i: and the Gotham rurnbked buriesipie. A leioriii 'Ihciilre iiiscar Iliiiiiinerslelu. ni.iuageri. -The usual big Monday audience assembled her" Nov. 19, when nearly mi cii- tli" cbuiige of bill frmii the inevious week bail been seleepd Irom I In- ranks of high Class vaudeville to niuii-c lids lima (re's big •ollcnle!. This is the iblrd and lasl week of the Ic'idlug li'iiia of colored comedinus, Wll- llnnis and Walker, assisted by Ihelr com- pany, -'n Ihelr laughable skit. "The Detec- tive' Slui'j." Inkcii from "III Dahomey." It Is hardly necessary lo slale thai, an abiind- (iii-.-c of hieghlee mid ainitausc greeleil ilm ef- foils of (he capable eiilerlulners fruin start fu llabli. There was a royal welcome nwnll- itig .liiines Thornton, mid us Ibis popular Uleiiebiglst was in Ids bcsl lorni. Ills songs nnd keen satirical sayings snu-cd very hap- pily. The line bill for Ibis week also lls|s: I'aiineiieliii. Ibe Spanish dancer; John lli.-iins ami Leila Mcloiyic. In Ihelr ileDghi- )iii phtih"!: Tom llearn (debut here), lu ex- pert ,pi»..;. , lMg: the Three Joscnrvs. comedy lU'l-ebats: Marart'a Dog and Monkey Circus, n clever nel ■ ft". C Kellj. In his original iieiiml"- ne. who caught ihc fancy of Ihe an- dlciicc In Hue sii,-pe: l-'o-ler and Kwier, ceincdimis. and ihc American vHnginpli. Neiv liu-l. Illpiioileoiue fihompson & limidy, niaiiagersi.— "A Yankee circus on Mors" and "The Itouimicc of a Hindoo 1'rloec.s" remain the leading features nf the bill here, mid the week of Nov. 1". opened lo Ihe iisval excellent attendance. The Mimb-- villi 1 and cltvns aels Included: The Six Kmif tniiii Illrls, bleycllsis: Louise uud llobert Coltrc'l. ispiestrlaii net: Hie IVnr Mllaus. ucrobuts: Miireelllne, Ibe Droll; Thcrese Hen/.. ci|ii"<irlan: Hie Three Cusii-jlllons. nc- robai- : Miss Ma raids uud her trained ponies. Hie Three Carrollos. ncrobiils, and Claire llclloi anil her Inilued lions. Tile lmllel, "I'-inco of the Hours," Is continued. \ew York Thentrc (Klaw fc Krbingcr. iiimiagcfsi.—im Monthly night, Nov. In, • ieorge M. Culuin began niioihcr engncenieiil nl tuts bouse, wllh "Utile Johnny Jones." before u crowded bouse, aud. In s»iHc of the inany rngnpenuiils this nl Intel Ion ha* plaved in New V"lk. (here scrim d to be Ihi falling ..()■ lu hllrred In III" work. The ensl Is i h'e ::n,,,- a- uheii Hie wiuii was preseiilcil al Ibis limite 'nisi Aaanxl, ami It is unit lU'cc-sary lo •Mo- thil Tom Lewi*, Sam .1. Hyan. Jerry .1. Chan. Il.t.u c.linn, libit l.i\>. M i .until iiiil Ibe i-lheir- In the cast r< pe.tti.l iloli luiiner sureesses The engagement l» I "I I III'"" Weeks. i']>r- main. :bc fidlllled e\| lalluns. Her voice Is as mellow and hcuiillful as before, and she n-icd wllb much freedom ami vivacity, and prc.-ciiteil a picture of much "barm. Her Mioporl did not rise above the plune of uiidloi-rlty. lull, in tpllc of llils. II nmsl 1)0 conceded I hut Miss Ni ll;cii ncbleved a (ht- .•.oiuil trli'inpli by her excellent singing mid ncHug. The cayl : Don I'a-tiiiule. Alfredo lloigi: Dr. Muliilesla. l-lllppo 1'rtittnll: Km. eslo, i-'ranccscu i'rnll: Notary. Slg. Arllecl: MI.aS Niilscu, as Norlna. This perforuiance wuc ivpciilcd Sunday eiciilng. IS. Circle Theatre (Chns. A. Williams, limn- ngerl.— There is an excellenl show on the boards here this week, nailer the lllle of Ihe High Uollei's Lxtrarngnnwi Co. ll Is certain Hint from ibe atnadnulnl of Iniglit, enlenalnlng ismiedy and lillarliins fun. IL ciiiiiiuircs nmsl favorably with any company thai lias visited Ihc eo,sy Circle Tlieulre Ibis season. Kxcollont oppurliiuliy Is afforded Hie tillellls of III" ell I lie eoinpaiiy lo exlrnct iniilh Iroin u cleverly coneelvcil fnri-c, en- llllcil "Dr. Osier's Chloroform Institute." during Ihe rendhloii nf which llierc are no dull inoiuciils. ll ciiiisls Ihe seniles of tin; followiiiur |K'nple : Lawn-Hep I'rane, Mill Col- lins, Nnl Hivwii. I'ruiik M'essou. Tom Itls- setl. Ueo. Slcvi'iisoli. John Clements. Joe Itiiuklu, Louie Wallers, Minnie Irwin, Mamie l-lllsloii. May Crew-tun). Julia llchzman, Kllsi Allinnn. Helen Wcsi. «'>>ru Van Hiireii. iinu Kolb. Miitgiircl Maiiby, Viul.-i Dnseili, Kslbcr ItHssell. i:ila Ihirretl. Millie Shir, wood. Mmnle Iv'-inp. Liliin Cram- mid Ktlii llill'glls. I'lilhovlllg lids Hiere Is an olio of ercelleiil vaudeilll" net*, which lists: May Crawford mid .Inlla lli-ll/.nuiii. the lii-i-ut Crane ami cuaipiiny, Mill Collins and Nat Hrown. Wesson. U'allei's ami Wessmi. nnd Sl"vciison mid Hbserl. The show cum hides wllb a sbit cnllllcd "The tim-iuiiu Senators.'' Next wee!,-, l-'p'd Irwin's Hig Show. M luetic li'nrilen I Win. Kramer's Son?, iiiiimigcrsi.- -Kilward La Muc nud Lillian Walioiie. lu "Ilie Tramp anil Ilie Prima Dole na :" John Del more u nil Liu liy Dnrrcll, the baud ami lieml Imbiueirs: MeKls- sick ami Slindney. singing and danclug com- edy dim : Madeline t Hut oil. sinking comedi- enne: I'luf. C. Meyers" new moving pb-lurra nud Hie Lllle I .lull (»ivhcst ra ale Ihe ill I rile- tluiis for Ibis week. AXallHck's i Mrs. Then. >liw, miinagert. - Wllllain l-'iivei-shiiin. In "The Squaw Muu," culered bis fotirlh week Nov. i;i, ililoo Tht'itlri- (11. It. Sire, nuttingei^.— David Wiirllebl sinrti-d his eleventh week, Nov. I". In "The Music Miislcr." I'rloeess I'lienlce (ilrnry Miller, man- ager i. -Margaivi Ancilii. hi "/lia," coin- ineiiccil In'r nhilli week Nov. H*. Iloilsoo llienlie (Henry 11. Harris, mini- ageri. Ilohcrl l.orntiic. in "Man mid Super- man," hraan his etevcnlh week Nov. III. tlloee'a l.lulilli Avenue Tlu-ntrc (Kd- Win D. Miner, uiaiiagerl. --The tli-rry Maid- ens begun ll week's cneilgeiiieiit here Nov. i:;. lo good htisiuivs. Nest week, the New IVntury iihis. A end e in v nl Momh* (lilliimrc A. 'lonip- kins. m.-inngcrNi.. "The Wbard of ti/" atari- id ll' third week and Insi rurniivlu Vov. IS, l.j rle Theatre (Sam s. ,\- lie Sloiberi. urn on gersL -lie Wolf Hopper, In "iluiipi- llllld." i,|ie'J's| Nov. I" III. M-i "11 ill Wt'i-k. tlecnlil Siiunce Then!re iCharles rroh- m.i:;. nvinager i;—Joseph Cnwlhocn. In "l-'ell-. lu Tnmiuany Hull.'' Ktantfl his thill week mid lisi f.irliili ill Nov. |:t I»nl>'s iiifiilce lieinlil rrobman, inanil- li.n —I'.dna M.iV. In •'The Calrtl n( Hie Ret- son." coinmeneeil nor twelfth week and Inst loitnb-ht Nov. 1.1. ... Kings ley Benedict: Barn Quick. .1. I-:. Nichols; Lille llalstead, Wlllnril S. Louis; Hben Tit- inoiise. II. A. I'cnrsou: llldily. Arilnir Lip- son: Hen Jllson, Arlhtir Cobb: Miranda Winch. -May Maurice; Nell Dale. Delia Clarke: TiiblHia Tally, Louise Vnllcutlne; lllliv Slilllhy. Hulh Ihlllle ; lios" tjlllglev. .Maud Uvula: Hope Snwh.dl. Jessie IClllotf; Sit" Jnrvls. Vliliin Mnrstuu ; Laura Spruce, May Uuyrr: L'uSe Suillh. Alice Ucnedicl ; llattle AVMsnn. Agle'Luweryj Jack Mason, John Cuiillleld: h'rauk .liidruu. Louis b'oster. LxceiiUve slni)' for Vance k Sullivan: .folia 1'. Daly, manager: Kred tireen. business man- ager: (ieorge V. MeCube. stage uimuger; I-',. W. 1 in unci-, in listen I director: Arthur 1.. Cohh, uinsicr i ■bitiilc; Al. Itelnlger. elce- Irlelun: elms. Kcrguson, master of )>roper- ties. Next week, llobert t.'onners, hi "Lleul. Dick. !'. S. A." iinriten Thru I re (lleury W. Savage, inaueger).—Itoben Munich achieved uiie of ihe greatest successes at his prcscui engage- inelli in Hie I ilie role of "Macbeth." evening of Motulny. Nov. 1". uud n big audience up- penred coiuplctcly sallsllei! with his lulerprc- latlon of-the chiirioicc, which he gave In New York for Ilie lirst time. Mr. Mnnlell |s ail actor of distinct merit, uud his work bus (In; Impress of liilelllgence In lis con- _ popul... seleellous; Harry uud Wolford. In rapid lire conversation aud piirodlcs. which were well liked: Howen nnd Lluu, lu u horizontal bar nnd easting net, combining clever aerobatics with enjoyable comedy: Steward and Des- mond, lu a comedy sketch', uud llalley uud Median, black face singers uud dunecrs. "In South Dukota" presents the company in u number of scenes, whleb closo the show In good style. (.Tunics W. Daniels is uiuuogcr; Hurry Stewart, slage uinuuger; Joe B, l y lue, ie|ireseiitntlvc: Julltis Muurer, mttsleul di- rector : Tom J. fttiTrett, curpeutcr. Ncttt WM*. the Avenue (ilrls. lltmey 'liienlrc (Sulllvun & Kraus, nian- BgtnO.—Thi! t.'tislnu lllrls Hlliiestnie Co., under the direction of M. M. Thelse. wns greeted by mi audience which filled every available part of ibis popular house Mouiluv matinee. Nov. 13. It was Ihe llml elly ap- pearance of I his company here this season, and ibe opening was auspicious In every way. The company was given a royal reception, and fully deserved Ihe applause accorded Ihe elTurls of the illlTcrenr members. The show opens with a musical mebinge. entitled •Smiling Island." whleb was u grand suc- cess from (he slnvl. A hcurly welcome was extruded In Marie Hetiugnril, who baa mil been seen here for live years. Shu Is teplloii and fuiTcfnlncss In lis developniciu. beauill'ul and lulciilcd, and was roiludlv up- As Jlae'ieib. he showed cleverly anil clearly iilaiuleil for her efforls as Slrephon, a slien- IIn* viiryhig ''niolioiis thin swiiyul |hc mini, herd. The company Is capable nnd Hie skit mid Ids shadings were dellcuie. Win, A lirmly has given Ilie play u massive and pretty singe selling, and the uiniicriuis super- numeraries are biiinlled us lids siagc man- ager and producer knows mo well how lo handle them. Marie Couth Ihissell wns capable as l.ndy Mucbelli, and a good slip- per I did well wllb ihe other roles. Allied can Theatre (J. M, Want, mana- ger). -A. II. Woods" company. In "Dangers of Working (ilrls." was piTsculeil Mon- day evening. Nov. 13, lo a crowded house, wllb Ihe following i asl : I'.aiiniiil I'.ratdnii, l.dwieoee tililcrivooil; I hjcior Snkea. Louis A'ou W'clliofi ': Kane IVIIiirn. John Kenton : Isidore, Murray Livingston: Handsome, Cbaiicy Wayne Cmapbcll : Mnthoic Dean. JamcH linsey: Mlehiui llnggcriy. Jniue I". Casey; Sanderson, W. ('. I.e Tori: Chang, Charles Johnson: Charley Ted; Dallas; l-'oiig Wa. Tlieo. Jncksiin : luspcclor Walker. Waller Herehl: luilcvr (Jreene. Ilenibl Slovens: iiltieer SI one. Jiiuus Pierce: (if. Ileei- Harvey. Thome.s Oi'.rlen : Hilda Mini- vale. Ahiin IVwell. Ncxt iitlracllou, "(Jueeu of Ibe Highbinders." 'I'hlrd Aiciihc T licnlre (Al. II. Woods. manager).—"Trucked Around the World. wllb lieor.-e Mnek as Hie Hoy Detective, Is drawing well Mils week. 'Ihe supporting company Includes: 1". I.. Mcehnu. Henry I'fc.v. W. Moiiliigiic. Doiulhy Itegers, l!i>si> Is lilleil with bright dliilngiic, catchy music, enhaiiecil by flashes of color In (be costuming mid scenery, 'ilie full cusl follows: Chestnut I'etili. Tim Henley; Angus Miid'horsou. All-, drew O'Nii!; Darar lleklemNer; Jon I'rlcc: Hie I'luiiiluiii Cop, Allen Cooguu: Stre|iliun, Marie llcaug-.iril; l!ob"rl Dlavolo. Joseph Cliiillle: lioozlc Jih- Siilllvun: Alrv Ann, Crnre l-oslcr: Marie Mureltc, Kmily jorihili; l'rlueess Lidooloo. Kugenle Motile; Dresila, Ktltd Hall: Slckum. Belie (iordon: linn, Josephine Siimrl : llsa. Lily June: Sheezu. Jennie Jloshcr; Yonrn, Allccn Leonuril. Tbeu folliiwed a '.lost capable- olio, wlihb lueludes • Allen c'oiignii, Ihe dancing iimrvcl; Hates Musical Tiio. Hello Cordon, bug punching, •'! < ' <jli , 1 ,'- a ad ilie I'cin Coimsiy hour. The show Mouse." doses wllh ihe second net. of "Smiling Jul- ' ■ iiiul." which was more cnterlaliilng iliiiu the Hurlein.—At tbo Hurieui Opera IlousJ llrsi. nml brings the evening's cnlertuluuieiit (Alex. Llchtcnsleiii, munuger) 1J, S. Wlllard In a close In good shape. Next week, (Juy and his eouipnay appear here Ihla week. Miisipierailers Mr. Wlllard will present during the week a Theatre (.lames II. Curtln, repertory, which hieludes: "David Cnrrlek. ni.iiingei).— Ihe Imperial I'.ttrlesquers (irovld- "The Mlihllcmuii.". "The Drofessor'S Love eil good eiilertnliinienl Nov. IS, with "An Slory." "Tiio Urlglitcr Side" and "The l'ools Lye Opener:" the thirdly Sister*. Lew Palm. Ileveugc." The house, was well fllled ut the ev. I'millne Moriiu, Crawford und iMauiiliig, openliig perforniani'e. Nov. 13. nod u large W, J. ICvaus. and Ihc (ilpiicc t'omiily Kuur uilvance sain Is reported, nt ndvuuecd prices, in Ihe programme. Next week, Ibe Miiseotlcs. As "David Harrlek," on Monday evening, Mr. llnlirr's Hiiscnin (John ii. Audersou, Wlllard gave u performance marked by "J- manager).-An excellent bill Is given this Halle Insight mid delightful shading. He tielllis Theatre (K. I- 1 . Itogers. resident uiuiiugeri. — The customary ciipuclh- audi- euees wlliiesscd lite tine bill Nov. la, nnd uecordcil uiistl'iled coininendiilloii to (be vari ouh ucls. ilie Twelve Navajo tilrls won rouudn of tumultuous applause for' their excellent rendition of popular music on brass Instru- ments. The stage setting of tbo Indian camp' was very Impressive. - llelle Hatha- way nud Iter monkeys captivated tuanv laughs, nud the sloienn performers seemed mute lliuu usually' Intelligent. The' four •'sailors"' created rears of laughter, nud the "nailer'' did excellently. The live Mowatls repcnlnl their marvelous exlilbltlou of club swinging nud rapid lire juggling, mid un qtiesllonubly stand ut Ibe topmost mug lu ill's work. Hooker aud Corbley were Inter- esting In "i'lio Walking Delegate," uud had Iilcnly of funny business In tbc sketch. Tbo I'anlzcr Trio ptiwciiicd n gymiiuslle act which Is it treat, and It was thoroughly en- joyed nud appreciated. Les Aubcrfs, l'urlsluu limners, met with success, uud were accord- ed mi cutbuslnstlc demand ration. Louise l.'resscr made her visual "ten strike" ns a sing- ing comedienne, nml was recalled niauy limes. Jack Nonvorth related Ills "college exjie- rlenees," lo '.lie orident delight of tbo au- dience, and then sang parodies which caught many InuglM, being right up to date. Cherry nml Hales pi.etised Willi Ihelr good 'cycle work; Thomas and 1'ayne created Iota of fun with a good line of talk; Jack Lyh- made ii lino Impression lu bis monologue und paro- dies; the Alllien Twins nud Sbuiigopuvl completed the excellenl list, nud Hie vila- graph brought the performance lo a merry climax. I'ustor'H Theatre (Tony 1'astor. tnana- per).—for week of Nov. IS, nn excellent bill Is offered. Kliuer 'XeUlcy. "Ibe man on the cor," carried'plenty of good lunglis with Ms clever monologues uud mousing munner. Ma 'r If. Johnson's buiiesijtic dog circus scored decided hit. ntul will prove ii strong feature .rougiiout the engagement. Tiio Four Junes, in their musical comedy' and mimicry act, ■net with considerable comment of u decidedly favorable nature, Le Hoy und V»'oodfnrd, in their eonvcistilioinil turn, caused laughs nud uppluuse. Lesser aud llertrnnd.' is "The Kgglestou Sisters." were an cutcrtolulng feat- ure. The Lovitts did some excellent acro- batic work. ICurle- nml Hutilelt offered a umaI Irish comedy specialty. Clark nnd Wil- liams, lu "llusy," met with approval. Others of nole were: La Centra and Lu Rue. W. 15. Whittle, De Venn Twins. Pntchen and Clif- ton, Tally-Ho Duo, McKcever uud Soudry, and the vlt.ugrupli. Criterion Tin-litro (Clinrlc.i rrobman, iiinuiig'.'r).^-5luxlne Blllotc began ber elev- cnlli Week and- last forluiglit-Nov. 13, In "Her Great Match." lew lields' Tlieulre (Hamlin. Mitchell & I'ields. tunungers). — "It Huppem-d ion Xoidlaiid" siarl'eil its twelfth uud. lost week Nov. 13. Next week, Peter F. Uailey, lu "The I'rcss Agent." Savoy Tlieulre (Frank MeKee. tuaaa- per).—James K. Huekelt and Mary Jlauucr- lng. in "The Walls of Jericho," entered Ihelr dghlh week Nov. 13, Muiiliuttun Theatre (Harrison tiray 1'iske. n milage ri.—Herthu Kallvb commenced her foiirlli wedi Xovi .III, hi "Mouuii Vauuu. llroiidM'ny Tlieulre (A. : W. Dingwall, milliliter).—"Vcroulqiie" slurtcd Its third week Nov.-18. -■ 'J Mtiiiismi .siimirc Theatre (Walter N. l.av.reiice. luauiiger).—lleury li Olxey begun his seventh' week, In "The Muu on the Hoi." Nov. 13. The pliiylct, "Mavld HurrleV ou tbn Art of Acting," now precedes ll, coinmeuclng on Hint ilnte Lliit-its Theatre (Kluw & Krlaugeij ninnagiirs).—Miirle C'ulilll eulercd her third week Nov. ia,IU "MoOnsIilne." Joe Weber's Thentrc (Joe Weber, man. nger).—"The l'rluco Chap" started Nov. IS Its seventh : week, Lyeeum Theatre (Ilnuiel Frohman, manager).—Joseph Whcelock Jr. began bis eighth and Inst week Nov. 13, lb. "Just OK of College." Next week, "The Lion and tho week, the friilure nltracllou being ibe racing showed the role In Its gentlemanly 111 I I l ' I I \' III lI'Ull I" J "■•■•lllll .',i,,iOi,I •....,.!. 1. ~ —.. Ari i hi. I . ..) «1... _-..ll. I..? ..4... _._ I„ . [ling, li' side, and I'.rul'iiui. Mae Lloyd, llessle Marlowe. Alba novel ly. horse r*. "cycle, second week here, eurrbil (he niidk-iiru by Btnrm In several of Hanson. Mollle M lllluiiis, n. W. Murks. .1, und Ihe big success;. "Hlda : or, The Creulloii the most cltet'tlvo scenes. Alice Lounou A. Cinlor, Cora Dcyo. Ah Hop. Cliurles Urn- of Woniini from Nothing," also nllraeled eon- neorrd u mnrked succegn as tbo merchant'? hum. ;h it Wilbur. S, U. Jerome, Waller sluVrablc alteiillou. In the thentrc are secut daughter. Uniost Stollurd was clever ns Dick ll....«.> 'IMi i .111,1^ I' oil' I *, In- l>> tl ..... I. t ■■ i, , ,1. ... I t ikl *\l ....1. I '1..I.1.. «!..•.._ . . ■ ■■ i| l".. -»» . . . ,,,,,, ...ii »1 ' I, I. .i. ' li . Moore, Thomas Itlnlr. Lilivhi Morihniiu, llnnv I'nrks. Joseph Morgan, W. It, Monroe, T. V. Morse and S. lie Wltte. Next week, 'The Way of Ihe Transgressor." .Neiv A'uiaterilniu Thoulre (Klaw ,t Fr- linger, miiiiauersi. — "The While fat" began K... (Iili'.l week Nov. lo. l'.dillc liarvbi sne- ci—deil Wm. T. Ilmlgc on Ibat dale as King Jonnli Mil. Iliuplie Tlieulre i Charles Frobuiiiii. man. uged. -Maude Aihnns. lu "I'der I'au," coni- inc'iecil her v-ioinl wet); Nov, |;|, Timlin Thentre (Knllliltn & Wnnili, iiiinngerM. —"Ninelc nml Nine" |s (hi, week's attraction, ta i>e (albia-ea, .\,n 20, by "Lured from Home." Lynch and I mini. Murk Fields, Major Kul- Chivy. Next week. "The College Widow. leliar. l»:il*,v Primrose nud other*, Wiist Kmi f|.'. A. Dlumentbat, niunngeri. Fimrleeiith SI reel Thentrc (J. Wesley —"lllrls Will lie Girls." With Al Leech nnd Kosemjuerr, l.innegei').—Ilnrney iHlmorc en- ihe Three Kosebuds, opened to a well filled tert.iliied :i well illled lunisc Monday evening, house HI. A musical comedy Is sure of n Nov. 1.".. '.villi IPs breezy periouullty. in the ivurni welcome here, nnd tils company gave iiciv play. "A Uocky ltoad to Dublin,*' A a delightful performance. Good comedy » well deilucd plol Is embellished by many freely distributed throughout Tbo codumei* icldenls ehiirnclei'Istlc of Ire- Bud Bcencry cause couiincut, und prospects enes anil h laud. The i-unpurllng cast im* been liidl eiile.1 lu 11 previous Issue. Next week. Dlckel Wiiisini nnd Wnilbc, In "Tom. Dick atad Ha»rc " llnjcde iitenire (Jnlin l - . PinliOrty, iiinnopiri. —-WntnlerlniiO ' opened lis fourth week Nov. 111. e bright for a biff week, heit week, "Checkers." , „_ _ Utah (Win. T. Kcogb, manager).— Wul! ° Ibe World Klepps" was presented !•'• t0 ? eronded hntise, anil received n warm wee en'-n. 11 Ik n well oftmdruelort melnrtrntnii. »ilh 11 Kenro of novel nnd Renpnllon"' ■"''