New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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November 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1005 m l^.o. riccnoe <E- *"■ Glroux, m«r.)—TVlODl- B °£i? Man ,"ia-l<«. Ciraud ForkJ. ft Dak.. 17, Mreo W, »U Mul, Uluu - W- 2 '- MUnmsiwlls Ray 3 '.Johnny and K«ji.«I M. !>• Stair, tngr.)- Ilu t r t TlTi«(U.t;»l< Duds* Co., nigra.)- ,..',„ SiS-i iDanud I!. Ityau. ay.)— MM Iil HWMil , in itl-JM, Xtrw Orlcaus. La., 20-23. n«. stock (C. J- »*• IK*. ingT.)—Solent. Mas?., "T-j.l* Kllclil.orjt 20-25. ii t3-is. conrnni -0-- r "- iJJ-rt T. «'.. Stock (Will "• 1'owrrs. nigr.)-- 1 "Kf* X. V.. 13-IS, Predoiiui 2" 2.-.. ,..,'Lnallon of IwH «"-«'rw)M - ' I (lorry Ihsd I'or- Her mir>--lluriK-ll«lllc, X. V.. I-"!, Glean ID, j.w.-luwn IT. Krl.-, I'll.. IN. Shnruti2n. Akrou. ;V. "i, Cuiilon 22. Norwnlk 23, Sandusky ai. ••ihMaihi" f«r Olilon" (Clms. Vtou. mgr.)—AWon- '*Vi;, P..|t s inarn Hi. PlKciilxvllle 17. Chcsicr IS. Trenton. K. J.. 20-22, rutoreon 23- ••iMnialuli and Adcdph" (Alfred |>. Uatnbcnr. *£ i—Fijrln. 0-. I': lorulti Id. Chicago June- SS'iT S»dd«k/W. Fosturla 20. I'liidlty ». oaawii —. Bucyrus 23, Shelby 24, Maiuutehl boomI Slave." North. Gonktn k Bennett's (Frist 'mih!-.- insr.) —l'ctenbur* III.. 10, Virginia IT. H»Sfa«w.'" B "»"<* ***an • Meimctt's IK T. SIctrM. i.i«.»-lMJe Vir,H». I',,.. 13, Mor- -„il..ivu W. Vii.. IT. I'liliuwiit Id. ••■r.'.Vnl Slave." Wwt. GuriViu * Bennett's (fa*. m K Stevens. ni S r.)-Scward, la.. IS, York n: \urura IT, Hastings IS. ••KiuVway llov" (M. II- Meyer*, ingr.)—Albany, yr'ijS, Wllkcs-Barro. Fa.. Wis. ..,;". f„r Lire" II'. H. Sullivan Amuse. Co.. n'n-s.l-ClucbiDatl. 0., 12-IS. SI. Louis, Mo.. • •i'ii(u>' liaelus"—Chicago. III-. lt>---">- •■bSSmob of Coon Hollow," F.uslero (A. C. \ffw iien-.l-Palniyia. N. V.. I». So-lu.i 10, MeSbia IT. .Niagara Folia IS. Albion 20. Lock- inrt "1, 1'i'Dii Vuu 22. Hiuuuioudsporl 23, Ihiiisvillc 21. Cauamlalgiui 25. ■•Hmrjn.c of Coon Hollow." Western ((loo. P. ll*nes A Co., mgrs.l—liny Cliy. Mich.. 15. Caw City 10. Cad Axe 17. Ithaca IS, Charlotte 20 ••liln' Vim Winkle," Weslcrn" (Chan. Botven, iasr.1— Ualllnwr, Tex., lu, Snn Angela Hi, 17, Simla Anna IS. „, „ , _ •ntabbltV Foot" (Tat Chappellc, mgr.)—Grccu- Tlllc, Miss-. 15- «..ilipm. K. II., and Jlllln Murlnwc (Cbnrlea Cr.'hii::ni. Bigr.l— >. Y.WJy I-'--'- . , .. SLiuiuT. "II" U'Wl'li J- llnckloy, mgr.)—I.oulx- vllli- Ky.. l«-1-">. l<-.\l»i;ton HI. Uliarlealnn, «'. Va.,'lTi rarkersbars IS, Wnsbluslou, l>. C, 'i»- fcoiiir U.inii-1 (Wiu. 1>. Kaiiuerson. mitr. I-- .Sl'rValor. IH-. 1>'. Uneiiln Hi. Sprlngtield 17. Clianimlgu IS. Ilamnmud, Ind.. lb, I^fayi-He i«. Ui;-im-|iort 21. Fart Wayne 22, Lima, O., 21. Biwynw 21- Flndh-y 2.".. Bow. 'lliwt. B. &t * J - Miou-MrdliugiT, ragr.)— CriHiklyo. >• »m ' '•'• "■'■ Jjldm-r. Uevrge (K. 1>. Stair, mgr.)— Atlanla, «a.. 13-IS. ' Smart *et. ••«» Hlll'» '*'• ,! - Woorc, mgr.)— JX-1 IMBMi la-. 12-15. Oinoba. Kcbr., 11J-IS. Siout Clly. la-. 20. l'laltsliurg. Kelir.. 21, AUklm-n, Kan.. 22. SI. Joso-ph. Mo.. 23-25. Sti-aarl. May II- Ii. Cllw. nmr.)—VU-iorla, T«;x., II 15, Un-illlf 1U. CiirplM (Jbrlell 17. AI lea IS, Larrdu 21', 21, San iVnluiilu 2::, Austin 21. Suuii'kts Stock (tiro. II. Suninera. mgr.)—Sel- kirk. Man., tills. Ki'hui.i, Uul.. 20-2.1. Swain Tbratrv (Mark Swain, mar.)—Anacorles, VTiiali.. 13-18. Ik-llliigliulll 20-27,. Slli^s Slwk. Nortberu (Sllca & Ullbcrt, nigra.)— Cornwall. Can.. i:;-I-1. .Montreal 1U-18. Jollettc 20-22. Tlir.s! lllvrrs 2S-25. Slti-s SiocL. SoutbiTU (Site* & Gilbert, nigra.)— Kroilauil Neck. N. C. 18-13, Portmuontb, Va., IU-IS, Grrenvllle, X. V,, 20-25. "Sliuduaa uu Uic Hcartli" (Arllnir C. Alston, mgr.)—Denver. Colo., 12-18. Victor 10. Crippla I'rivk 21), I'uclilo 21, Sullda 22, U-advllle 23. (,'ranil Junction 2-1, Officii. L\. 25. "SiTlo-Coiulc iioverness"—Albnliy, N. Y., 15, 1G. "Sky Farm" (Just-pb It. (Jrlnuicr, ingr.)—Chicago, II., 12-25. "Stiu of Ii.-sl" OF. V. Molller, rogt.)—NasbTlIlt, IViju.. lu IS, Mciuplilx 20-2"*. "Skerbiek llolmes" iHhIIiiiit ft Cami'bell, nigra.) St-rantoii. t'n., 17J-15. Alk-nlowii 10, Reading 17. Uaaton IS, I'hlludelphln 20-25. "Slave of the Mill." Goi-iIjii & Uennctt's (C. W. lbiberta. mgr.)- KlianU'th, N. 3., 13-15, New IJrnnsn'li-k 1G, l't-rtk Anil»)y li. Iluvlilou 18. Iton-.-hkeepfilc, X. 1'., 20. Klugslun 21. "Sign of the Crow" (II. IS. Oracrln. mgr.) — WaaUltigtun, D. C 13-18, Balllniore, Md.. 20- 25. "Sign of the Cme«" (Wailc h. Morion, ragr.)— Ultaua. O.. 15. Van Wert 10, Nortb lialllnioro 17. Cellna 20, Ot'lphoE 21. I'liper Sandusky 22, iJednnee 9S, Howling ilrccu 21. tin.i'iiwleh 25. "SIiuUuhf of a Great Clly" (C. U. JetTcrson, uigr.iBnltlranre. MJ.. 13-ls. Wllkea-Uarre, l'a., 20-22, Seruntiai 23-25. "Sign of Ibe Four" HJutuidicll Slrutlou, mgr.)— llarat-riborv. Pa.. 13, Oliii Cuiupbell II. Kane 15., Brookvllle HI. SI. Mnr>s 17. l)n l>jls IS. "Soudow Deblnd Ibe Tliron"" (heauder & Co., mgre.)—Montreal. Can., 131S. "Sunny South" tJ. tl. Itovknell. uigr.l—Ben- irluglon. VI.. IC. Troy. \. Y.. 18. Whitehall 17. Tleoildepiga IS, Mluevlllc 2U, Kcesevllk-21. Arable Fork» 22. "SI Plunkunl." J. C. U-«U* <W. A. Junker, agr.)—Toneka. Kan., 10. UmbbCMjt 1". Strong Oily IT. .Kminirla IS, llurllugton 20, llumli<ildt :L Cbauutu 22, lulu 2J, UicrryTale 21, UoDTey- rllle 25. ••Slaves of (he Mine" ir,. .T. Slerln. mgr.)— Ik'rllu, Can.. 13. Stratford 111, London 17, IS, llauilUull 20, (ita-lMh 22. "Sjeuiiu,- the Cbuk-H" t Wade & Mills Davis, insrs.)— Bloomlngtou, HI., 15, 1'usluti 10, Kan- kakee 17. Juliet IS. "SI Stebblus" (linglaml Atnitse. Co.. nigral— Long Uruucli, X. J., 10, Perth Ainboy 10, Kllia- Mh 17/ "Sliadow* of Slu" (Cm II. llumlllon. mgr.)— Peleraburg, Vs., IT, Newberry, S. C, 23. •I Tliur»tuu. Adelaide (Francis X. rtope. mgr.) — I arlbault. Minn., 15, Uwutoiuut 10, Albert Lea 17. I.;i Ciu.-v. Mis.. IS. Di-eorah 20, Mnson illy 21, Fort lfctl:v 22. Iona Fulls 23, Waler- luo 24, Marshalllmu 27,. Tn-aott. Virginia Drew IF. U. Wilson, uinr.l— Salem. O.. 13, Klyrbi tl. A.-blaml 18. Shelby Id, Marlon 17. Tllliu IS, Muuslield 20, Dehnviire _, 21, Springfield 22. Tuiuer, Clura (Ira W. Jueksoit, uigr.)—lllddetord. Me.. 13-1S, I.eiMSI.m 2IJ-27.. Tueker. FtUel. Slotk (Mark Ure-i., nigrs.)— AU bumwnine. N. Me.v.. 13-10. Ia>> VtBai 20-20. Taylor. Albert. Slock (Usi-ar V. Mv. buii. uisr.)— Slit-rioau, Tex.. I3IS, Ih'iilnou 20-25. Telvju Slock (Wll! F. (JoiiIoii. luxr,) — Xcviidn, Mu., la-in, Cuiurabita, Kuu., 10-1S, Indepen- , dunv 10-25. "7wo Lllllc Walts." I.lnrnln J. Carter's (TV. A. Me..kllii S . nigr.i—ft'lii-cllln/. W. Vn., 1315. Sis- lervllle 17. New Marlliisvllle IS. Muunliiglon ~". liniflun 21, UliirhHlmrg 22. I'lediuuul St, Leuaeuulng, Mil.. 21, ('unilnTliiiid 25. •Too Proud to lleg." I.lurohi J. Curler's (Fred Klinball, ingr.)—Sbeuriidoab, Pa., 15. Shutuo- jJl'^ld, 17, Iteudlug IS, Pliiludclphlu ■'Ti-vui." (K. X. ,\ci|. mgr.)—Atehl-oil. Knn., 13, St. Joseph. Mo.. Hi-IS. Kunsas Clly IP 25. Hauilug a llu»Uiinl" (Itnlf & Urnu, nigTK.I— l-i-vliigtuu. S. C, IS. Ilunibarg 1-1. Blaekvllle 15. I^lgeilcl.l 10. liranlvlll.-. (la.. 17. Washlng- l»*i IS. GreeiK-lnini 2u. Molina* 21. LVrtaatla* ~. Mlhoula 2il. t.'nrtersrlllc; 21. I*«lnrlnwii 25. '•> Die at Dawn" I Miigeiie Siwirionl. mgr.)— Indiana. Pa.. 17.. Illalrsvlltc 10, Wlasllvr 17. ••"hns-tiiiMi lg. HastlugM 2". I'mnniiliwucy 22, Phlllpaburg 23. (.'leurOcliI 21. WllllaiaHiwrt 25. Traraxd Arntnsl the Wnrld" I A. II. Wools, mgr.) ,_-X. V. Clly 1.1-18, mUH Pa.. 20-25. Trrln Robbers" (A. F. Dutidsoii. nigr.t—Cbaoi- "■ltn. 111.. IP, niootulnglon 10, Clinton IS. Maion City 20, Mount Sterling 21, Haoulbal, Me.. 25. Tarij Merry Trampa" (McVem & Vetter, mgrs.) -•"Ilntiui. Mo.. 15. Tliurougbbml Trnmp." F.usl'rn (George f„ Urowii. uicr.l—Cheater, l'a.. HI. Salem. X. J.. 11. Brldgeton IS. "Ihorousbhriil Tramp." Weslcru (C. A. Walker. oiiir.)—Luour, Colo., 15. . D I nder Soiillisrn SI.leu." I With i||»rr> Do* 1 ! Parfcir. tngr. i—Lynn. Maw., 13, llan-rblll HI. '■■■ 17. IS. Maiden 20. Onnlnnr 21, 't' 22. Xorthnmptnn 23, Mcrldcn, Conn.. 21, :prlnirflcld. Mtarav, 25. ' Jder Sontr-cru Skies." TTestem lllorrr Deel Isrker nvir.)—Caklnn-V Cat.. IT 11=. Ai'luiiti 20. Hiiu. Ner.. 21, Ugdeu. L'.. 23, Sail Lako City 21, 25. "I'mler foiilbern Skies," Central III arty UocI l»arker. iugr.1—Fort S«-ult. Kan.. 1!». Pitts- burg Hi, La .Mar. Mo., 17, Sprli'trdcld 19. Webb Clly IU Carthago 2". Aurora 21, Xevada 22, Clinton 23, Ihuuvlllc 21, Snlalla 27.. "Unele T«oi'» Cabin." At W, Msrllu's (Kd. 8. Martin. m«t.» —Huntington. W. Va.. 15. Irou- uni. •>. Id. Anderson. Iml., IS. Iviluuiu 20. Mausdchl, O. 22, Vvuucaiimn 21. Warren 25. ■Tilde I^iji's Cabin." SletsoiCs. 1'enlral (Grant l.nee, mar. )•-Ctttiils-rlaiid. Mil., 13, KIKliul. W. Vn.. 11. tirarimi 15, Moraanlonn 10, Fairmont 17. CI-irkslMirg is. ■Inele Tuta'a Cabin." Stetson's. ICaslern (John I. Shannon, uurr.)—Danfni'lli, Me. 15, Calais HI, St. John, X. 11., 17. IS. "I.'nolo Tom's CaWii." Sti-lson's. Western (Wm. Kibble. le.T.i—Moiitnotith. 111.. 1.1. Macomb til, Ciuitrai 17. Peorln Is. Pekla 111, Galeshurg 20. Kcwaiiiv 21, Aliihi 22. Mollne 23, Hock Island 24. Mii-iiMlliio. |,i., 25. 'Tnelu Tom's CsHn." Stetson's, Northern (Geo. P-ck. mgr.>—Columbus. Xebr.. 13, David City 10. lirutld Isliintl IS. •Tncb; Itan'P'—Cbkuso. 111., 121S, Milwaukee. Wis., 1K-25. "I'nelc SI llasklns." Fastern «'. S. Primrose, mgr.)—IVIvlt. Wis.. Jt. Jauesvllle Is, Waier- touu Iti. DtviHeld 20. 'Uncle Josh Sl«'■^lel•l»J•" il'. A. iKslgo. rogr.l- I I. IVIIurble U 11. Fraaee's Colo., 15, Dui'imgu. Colo.. 13, Mam. i, Moiilrix; Hi. Delta Is. "L'ncle Ji^li Perkins." (jfttHsfak II. (Jon. liidlliigvr. uigr.l—Cheyenne. Ilurtiai, Kun., IS. AU'lilson I*. V Van, Billy 11. (P. II. Snllirau Amuse. Co., MPS.)—Hartford. Conu.. ir.-l,">, Allsiuv. N. Y.. 10-IS. Montreal, (Jan., V»tt. Van Dyke * Katnn (F. Mark. mgr. 1 — Mast St. Louis. III.. 12 IS, raduejih, Ky.. 20-25. Vpu Cook l>raiuutle (Jules Van" Cook, uisr.) — Paun, 111.. 13-15. (.'ii,-Ilii-.vllle 10-IS. ' Via Sbs-k IK, C Via. lug'r.i- Mnysvllle. Ky., IB- IS. Irvnton. O.. 20 22. Asliluna. Ky.. 2.'!-23. "Virglninii" (The Klrkc Ln Shelle Co.. nurs. i — VVashluglou, 1>. c., 13-IS, Philadelphia. Pa., 20-Dec. 2. "Vlllniie rursou" (John MeVickers. mgr.)—New Philadelphia, O.. 15. Ilrle. Pa.. HI-IS. Xlles. O.. 20, Asblabuln 21. New Castle. l'a.. 22. Bradford 23. Greenville 24. Akron 25. "Volunteer Oryanlsi" (W. \V. Ncanaaar. tngr. I —St. Lonls. Mo.. I2-1S. Poua. ML. 90. Dan- ville 21. Decatur 22. Lincoln 23, llloomlngtou 21, Sprlngfleld 23. AV WnKli, llliioehi' (Wa>niihiil» & Kemper, mgrs.) — Itiiffalo. X. V.. I3-1.5, St. CvGierlnes, Can.. 10, BataTln. N. Y., 17, Uucbmlet IS, Cleve- land. 0., 20-23. Wn'ileld. David (David BcUiseo, mgr.)—X. Y. C'lt.v K, in.Jeiiniio. WrtanO. Francis (Churli-s 1'rohnian. tngr.) — Kan- sas City, Mo.. 13-IB, SI. Jos-di HI. Oinalis. Neb.. 17, IS. I.ineoln 20. Shm-i Clly. In.. 21. Dea Moines 22. Calcsuurg, III., 23. Davenport, In.. 21. Peoria. III.. 25. Weber. Jowph .M.. All surs IC, T. K. Miller. iii-.t.i —Plllshiir,'. Pa.. Fits. Wb-vllin;. W. Va.. 2'». Coliimlnis. it.. 21. Dayton 22. Lcvlnglon. Ky.. 27'., KllOVVlllc, Ten ii.. 21. Clilltllinoogn 25. Wbi-ehs-k. Josc|i|i Jr. ICIiai-lcs Frohuian. mgr.l— X. Y. Clly 15-IS. Ihiliimure. Aid.. 20 25. Wlille. Purler I. (How In id ,v riiuiinl. mam.) — AVati':i-.'nu, III.. 22. lliintuioud, iud., 23, Au- rora. 111.. 21. Ollnua 25. Willurd. F. S. fCliarleit A. Mas.', nigr.l— X. Y. City 13-IS, llrviklyn. N. V.. 20-25. Wilson. Al. II. I Sidney I!. Kills, mgr.1—St. Aui.v.slli'o. Khi., 15. KanHMfc, lin.. Hi, Charles- tun. S. C.. 17. Culllliibln JH. Augustti, Git.. 2". Atlanta 21. CliuttuniHua;. Temi.. 22. Birming- ham. .Mu.. 23, Alllllston 21. Koine, (la.. 25. Wnlker WbHraMN 'A. N'. ('roi-s. iii-.t.i —Ash- vllle. X. (;., 13. Cliurlotlc 10, t'uluniblu. S. C. 17. (."uirlestoii IS. Stiviiiimilt, Gn.. 2U, Augusta 21. Macon 22, Culuuilius 2il. Alluuta 24. 25. Wo'idrutr. Fraiiklln—Willimaiillc. Conn.. 15. Mld- dkttowu JO, Webster, Mum., 17, New l.oudon, Conn.. IS. Wills, Xat M. (W. It, Canieren. mgr.) --Ualllruore, Mil., l.'l-IS. Plllladel'ihlu. l'a.. 20-25. Ward. Ilap (K. D. Stair, nigr.l—Miiiueupolls, Minn.. 12-ls. Cedar Ituplds, In., 20, Umulia, .Neb.. 21. 22. West and Vok«*—Klelitnond. Va.. 13-IS. Williams. I..,itl.- (II. )L Wlncliell, mgr.)—Cln. cltiiiuli. ().. 12-tS, Indlnitupollr, Ind., 20-22, Tulnln. <>.. 2il-23. Welsh. Jw (Dluguall & Xk-olul, tugrs.)—Grand Itiipkls. Midi.. 12-15. Wright. lulu'iird i Frank L. Weaver, liigr.l—An- napolis. Mil., IS, Frederick 20. Brunswick 2t, Marllin-hiiig, W. Vn., 22. Keyaer 2'i, Davis 24, Midland. Md.. 25. WlMciiniiia'.- Big Show (Harry llnrlow, mgr.)-- Ainarlllo, Tex.. 13-1S. Itoamdl. X. Mm.. 20-23. Warner Comedy (lieu). It. lVumrr, tngr.)—Huron, S. Dak.. 13-1S. Wowls Slslerw (Olio It. Krause. tngr.)—llarts- hc.rn. Iud. Ter.. 20-22. Slmwisi*. tikla.. 23-25. Woi»lru(f. Dors U. Ii. Kllgore. mgr.j—I'liickitey- vllle. )ll.. I0-1M. llerrlli 2U-23. V/hlle'B SUs-k (I.. J. While, ingr.)— Osbkosh, Wis.. 20-25. "'Way Down Fast" (M'ni. A. Brady, ingr.) — Imlluuiipolls, Iml.. 15. l.ogniis|Mirl 10, South IIcihI IS. ClllCUgn. 111.. 20Dic 2. "'Way Down East" twin. A. Brady, mgr.)— Oii.uhii. Nebr.. 12 15. I.tiioolii IS. "Wlieu Kuiglithood Was In Fluwer" (Kane. Shln- inan .V: Colvli gi>.)—Tie- Dnllus. Ore., HI. Pendleton 17, Walla Walls. Wash.. IS, La Grande. Ore., 2u. Iluker Clly 21. Welter. Ida., 22. il die City 23, Pwaidlo 21. Logan. V.. 23. "Way of she Tron-'L-re.ssor" ICIiarles U. Yale, mar. I—Philadelphia, Pa., 13-1!>. N. V. Clly SUSIik "Woman In Hie Cwdc" (AVrt^enliuls & KeuiiM?r, ingrs.i-Iliiliilh. .Minn.. 17. LI. "Wedded ami Purled. CjhIitii. SnlllTaii. Harris tc Woods'—Newark. X. J., 13-lSj Albany, X. Y.. 20-22. Troy 23. ■'Welded and Parted." M'crtcrn. Snlllvau. Harris & Worsts'—Molarlr. Mo.. 15. Chllllcolhe 10. ItrnokU.d.l 17. KlrkM-HIc IS, llnnnlhal 20, Keo- kuk. In. 21. HskiilooNt 22, Ollumwa 23, M'ashlligloll 24, Da velinort 25. "When Woiueo Love" (Frank W. Nasou, ingr.) — 1'l.von. III., 15, Sycamore ill. De Kulli 17, llelolt. Wis., IS. IB. Stevens point 20. 21. Grand Ituplds 22. Green huy 23. Xccnab 24. MlltlllnWoc 25. Shchot^au 20. "Why Women Sin." Western (Jack F. White, ingr.)— M'ssli.. 15. Onki-sdale HI. An«- eoiido. Muni., IT, IS, liuttc lu, 20. Great Falls 21. Ilelruii 22, llozeiuali 25, l.vlugiilvii 21, Killings 25. "V.rouged" IK*. F. Snillh. nigr.l—PuUuim, Conn., 15, Webster. Muss., In, Allli.-lsiru IT. Woon- socke(. II. I.. IS. Xew Ibnlford. Mass., 2i). 'lain lim 21. Milfurd 22. Xewporl. It. I.. 23, Fall I! I hi. .Mass., 21. 25. "Was She to ItlinwV" (Harry L. Ilei-k. mgr.) — Clark. S. 1'uk., lu, ltedlleld 10, Gellysburg 17, Fmilktim IS. "Why Glrh Leave Home." Fnslerii (V'auis* oc Sullivan. I.ngrs.)—Ilerkliner. N. Y.. 10. Cllea IS, Cortland 20, Oswego 22, Fulton 23, Auburn 25. "Why Girls I-eave Home," WeMorn (Vance & Snllirau. nurs.)—Cliiilou. la., 15, sterling. III.. 10, Mnllne 17. Muscatine, la., Is. .Rock Island. III., 10. I'reeport 20. Koekford 21. lle- lolt. Wis.. 22, Jniiesillle 23, Denver Dout 21, Kenosbn 25. "Why Girls Lnn Ilotne." Central (Vance & Sul- Ivan. nigi'M.) -New lluveii, Conn.. 13-13, Xew Britain Hi. Hartford 17. IS. Hulyoke. Muss.. 20-22, Wslerhury. riuiiu.. 2:1, lirldgeuorl 21. 25. "Winning Hand" iFrtdle P. Deloncy. mgr.)— Hartford Cite. Iml.. la. Wlnebeslcr 10. De- catur 17. Dunkirk IS. "When the World Muiar" (Millennial Bros." Amioie. Co., mgrs.) -K. V. Clly 13-IS. belli. X. J.. 20-22. Siilem 24. I'hilnlleld 25. "Wife's SeiTcl"—(Jblengo. III., 12-20. Y Y'ork and Adams (It. K. Fiirrestrr. ragr.)—Tmy. X. V.. 15. Albany Hi. Pliiliillcld, N. J.. 17, Tient"u IS. Wllkett-Uarrr, l'a., 20. Fladra, X. Y.. 21, l.'tlea 22, Cohort) 23, Schenectady 21, Albany 27.. "York Marie Folks" (Fred K Wright, ragr.)— SI. IsmK Mo., 12-18. "Yonng Buffalo" (trims. K. Illnney Ainnse. Co.. mers.)—Drtrelt. Mich.. 12-1S, llulTalo, X. V.. 20-25. "Y«u Voiisoii"- Clarion, la., 13, Micron City 11. Charles Clly 15, Usage Id. Wovrriy 17. MUSICAL. lilnii'i-lt. Lllll.tii. Ut«-m (F. C. Mhlliioy. mgr.i — Kin hull f X. Y.. 13. t'J. Syracu-c IT. Is. Ilrrnnrd. Sunt (Cbnrles Vrnhman, mgr.)—Chlcigo, III.. I3-Dee. 2. lllndlry. rinrenre (D. E. r«rrester. mgr.)—X. I. dry 13-1R. Rrrx-iklyn. X. Y.. 21.25. Illnra Pnlil Ttonhndoura (Vnelekel A N'olan nifrrs.i—G4rl»»rtu>, Cs.. IS, Allien: Hi. Kl liTk'O 17. Auder.un. B, C, IS. Greenville 20. AslH-vllU-, N. C, 31, Spai'tauburf. S. C. 'J2. Chariottr. X. 0., 23, (IrevuiLvru 21, Wlualou- Sllem 25. Birkel. Watson and Wrnthe (A. II. Woods, tngr.) - Hltlsburtt. l'a.. 1.1-Is. X. Y. CHy 20-lHv. 2. "Uala-s In ih« Woods" (John C. Fisher, lugr.) — Chicago, 111., 12, liiilellnlie. "ltiibes In To) laud." Soul hem (Wells. Dunne k Harlan, nigra.'—Xew Orleans, Lu.. 12-Is. "IlalST< iu Toylalid" (Mjreti II. It lee. nigr.)-- lio-li'li. Mans.. I3-25. "lW>»aiir Prhirc" D|s-r>i (Harry Lea Voile, uier.l .Murion. S. ('... |3, Orangeburg 10. Granite- vllle 19, Wiiit'.si.oio Lsi. Giistniiiu. X. C. 21. (•"ii-oi.l 2J, stntesrlllc 23. Hickory 21. A»bc- vllle 23. Ciiwilionie. loksmh (Klsw A l-irlatigrr, tngrs. i-- X. Y. Clly 18-25. Cahlll. Marie (Unhid V. Arllnir, mgr.) -X. Y. CHy 13. ludellultc. Canadian Jubilee Sinners (W. T. Ciinr. mgr.l — Hear I Mleli.. 13. Ilerser III. Big ltllpklH 17, ll.nv.ird Clly is, in Grand Itaplns 2t>. Sparta 21, Xonaygn 22, White cloud 23. lieiuiut 21, Baldwin 25, 211. ■'Chaperona" Ihlngrlmry A: Welly. it.grs.l—Pueb- lo. Colo.. IS, lliiieliliisi.ti. KM., 1(1. Topt-ka 17, Leuvi'iiuiirth is, Kansas Cltv. Mo., lii-25. 1'iiiiii'ls. Frank (ft II. Dlllluuhain, lugr. i ■ llinn- Indium. Ala.. 15, 10. Atlanta. On.. IT. IS. I'lutiunooKii, Tenn.. '.'<>. Knovrllle 21, l.exlng- ton. Kr. 22. I,.,.ulhvlll,. 23-25. Deshon. Frank (F. ti. Xljon-Xirdlloger, tngr.) — Plltsloit. Pp.. 15. Illnghaioluii. X. Y.. 10, Waverly 17. Fluilrii IS; PtilsbiiraT. Pa.. 20-25. "Duchess of Uauulg" (Kbnv .v Krlunger, tugrs.) --iv.isiuie.nni. 1>. C. i:l-ls, Philadelphia. Pa.. 20-Div. 2. KiikII-Ii Grand Opera illcury W. Sutnge. mgr.) — Muutlcfll. C'aii.. 13-IH, Toreolu 20-25. "Karl and the Girl" (Shubcrl Bivs., mgrs.) — X. Y. Clly 13, liidcllnlie. Fay. Kltie (A. II. Wiuds. mijr.l - Walerhury. C.iiin., 15, Jii'vy lluveii 10-ls, Boston. Muss., 2033. Fun I. Jolinnv. and Mu nee tli'lii'iie (Mltlenlhal Bros.' Amuse. Co., tugrs.I---Mllwitiikec, Wis., 12-ls. Grand Itnplda. Mich.. 10-22. Bnltlc Creek 2:'., Kitlniuazou 21. South Bend. Ind., 25. Fowler mid his Baud (W. It. Fowler, mgr.)— Vmiil.illl. Mo., 17. Luddoula IS. "Florotiorn" (C. Itlggs. aigf-)—Independence. la., 15. Clinton 10, Cedar Rapids 17. lowu Clly II), Marshalllown 2<i, Ilooue 21. Perry 22, Fort Dodge 23. Skins Falls 21. Yatihluu 25, "Forliiae Teller" (Milton & Sargent Aborn. mgrs.) —MiirgautoKii. W. Vs.. 13. Cumberland. Md., 14. llagcrsiowti 13, Winchester. Va., Hi, Htuun- (oil 17. Charleston IS. Norfolk 20-25. "Forbidden Land"—LuUiltig, Midi., 10, Jucksou . IT. Oruud opera (llrlnrlcU Cuiirlrd, mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 20, Indt'Uiillc. Lulu, opcm (C. II. Dllllughaui, ingr.)— Itvslisi, Muse., 13-25. "(lid from Kay's" tFroltiiau A IMnavdes, mgrs.) —Kansas Clt). Jto.. 12-IS. "UlngiTbre'sii Man" (Conierse .k Pelcra, mgrs.)— Worcester. Mass., 10. Springfield 17. IS. Homier. De (Volf tShulvrl Bios., mgrs.)—X. V. Clly 15. ImteOiille. "Ills lllirbiiesd. the Bey" (Waller Lindsay, mgr.) —I'closky. Mieli., 15. Travene Clly 10. Oadll- Ine IT, Bay Clly IS. SuglnaW 10. Flint 20, Lansing 21, Buttle Creek 22, Jucksou 21, Cold- water 25, "Isle ef Bouu Hong" (B. C. Whitney, uutr.l — Lexlugloii. Ky., ID, Fruukforl Hi, l.oiilsvllte 17. IS. On-ensboro 20. lletulersoii 21. Krana- v illc. Iud., 22, Jucksou, Temi., 23, .Mcuipbla 24, 25. "Isle of Spleo" (U. C. Whllney, ingr.)—Law- rence. Muss.. 15. Lynn 10. Maiden 17, Brock- ton IS, Tautiloti 20, Xew liodrord 21. Xew|sirt, II. L, 22. Fall Hirer. Mass., 23, Wwtuuckct, It. L. 21. Westerly 25. "Isle of Spire" III. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Clrelc- vllle. o., 15. Zsnesvllle 10, Cosbuelun 17. Corn- bridge 18. Xew Philadelphia 20, Canton 21, Musslllou 22, Woosler 23, Salem 21, Alllanco •jr,. Kllllus Bund IT. P. J. Power, ragr.)—Greeley, Colo., 12. Cheyenne, Wyo.. II, Fort Collins, Colo.. 13. Lovduinl 10. Isiiigmont 17, lknjlder 15. Deliver 10, Coloiudo Spi'lugd 20. Cripple (Jicek 21. I.miiMIIc 22, As(ieu 23, Grand Junc- tion 21. fiovo Clly. 17., 25. "Llberly Ikdles" (Fred G. Berger Jr., tngr.) — Carthage, Mu.. 13. Cherry rule. Kuu., 10. Gran- ite IT. lulu IS, Parsons lu. .Nevada, Mo., 20. Clinton 21, Sedalln 22, Clilllktithe 25. "Laic's lottery" (F. C. WblLney, uigr.)—Dojlou, O.. 15. Cleveland, I'., 10-IS, Springfield 21. May. Bdna (Ohuflcs Frohtuun, tngr.)—N. Y, City 13-25. "Miss Bob While" (F. (J. Nltcon-Xirdlliiger. mgr.) —Buriieavlllc, O., 13. Woosler 10, Akron 17, Beaver Falls, Pa., IS. .\kin-iwn 20, Orceuvllle 21. 'l'a ru mum 22, Aleyersdale 23, Outlet' 24, Comiellsrllie 25. "Maid and the Mummy" (Cb«s. Marks, gen. ingr. t—St. Louis, Mu.. 12-Is. SiirliidliM, III., 20. Decatur 21, llloonilnglon 22, Peoria 23, Du- I'lniue, lu.. 2-1. Wlhulill, Mlllli., 25. "Muyvr of Tuklu" (Clms. Marks, gen. mgr.)—Al- lonuu, Pa., 15. Wheeling. W. Va.. 10. Xellsoii, Alice. Ols-ru (Sbubcrl Bros., tugrs.) — ■lunula. X. Y., 10. "Xnury Uruwti" (Wells, Dunne & llurluu, mgrs.) —Ilueliestrr, N. V.. 13-15, Byrucuitu 10-IS, Yuuiigt.tonu, O., 20-22. Pollurd's Juvenile 0|icru (C. A. Pollard, mgr.)— Hullta*. N. !*., 13 25. "I'cur! uud the Pumpkin" (Klnn- A Krlatiger, ingrs.i— Xcnaik, K. J., 13-1S, X. Y. Clly 20- 25. "Prince of I'llseu" (Henry W. Savage, lugr.I — Sun Fruuclrco, Cul.. 13 IS. Ouklaud 20. 21, Sau •Iom- 22, Stia-ktoli 23. Suerulucutu 24, 25. "Peggy from Purls" (Mudlson Corey, nigr.l—Se- attle, 11'u-Il, 12-15. Klleuburg 10. .North Ya- kima 17. SiioWno IS. 10, Lewlstoii. Ida., 20, Ci>irn\. Wash.. 21. Pullman 22, Warduer, Ida.. 23. Wallace 21. Missoula. Mont.. 20. "Pin: Palfll Pout!::" (U. O. Whitney, mgr.) — Toli.tlo. ().. 15, Marlon 10, ludluuupolls, Ind., 17, IS, Munclc 20, Klyrla. O., 21, Warren 22, Cuiitun 23. Akron 24. New Caslle. Pu., 25. "Paul" Opera (John II. Garrison, mgr.) — Canton. O.. 15. Akron HI, MutisUeld 17, Zniies- vlllc IS. (kilamhus 20-22. Newark 23, Sprlug- llold 24. lllcliuiotid, Ind., 25. "Pink llit'.-ar." Kohl k Castle's —Chicago, III., 13, liidi'tuilte. "Professor Napolion" (Wade A Mills Davla, uigiT.)--Cbiirloitc, N. IL, 21, 22. "Bujuli of Lbui'K" (Kugciie Spolford. mgr.)— Grlimell. Iu.. 15, Marshalllown 10, Clinton 17. Waukcgau. HI., in. Valparaiso. Iud.. 20. Hlk- l.urt 21. (ioshcti 22, South Ueud 23, Loguus- port 21,- Peru 25. "Kuimwuys," t4ei>. Kvans—lihlcugo, HI., 12-IS. '"Itohiu llooil"—Llmlru. X. Y., 15. "lloyul Cbef" (Sbubert Bros., mgrs.)—Fruuk- forl, Ind.. 23. Scheir. Frltzl (C. II. Dlllliigliiiui. mgr.) -Waler- hury, Conn., lit. Ilarlfonl lit. New llsvcu 17. IS. Scbeiiertudy. X. Y.. 20. Sjrueuic 21, llnrlieeler 22, tieuoll. Midi.. 23-25. "SelitKd Girl" (Frohiaoii 4c Kdnaiilrs, mgrs.'i — St. Paul. .Mlim., 12-IS, Lcaveutrorlb. Kuu., 20, Davetijiort, lu.. 25. "Knliuii of Suln" (Mudlson Curry, ingr.)—Spo- kane. Wash.. 13. "Slio-Oim" iltcjiry W. Samge. tngr.)—Oilorado Siirlugs. Colo., IS. Ogdcu. If.. 17. Suit Lake Cltv IS. San FranelBco. Col.. 20-Di-c. 2. "Setulmirv Girl." M. II. lluyiuuud'ii—Detroit, Mich.. 12-iS, Jueksen 21. "Show Girl" 111. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Madison, wis.. 15, III., 10. Aurora 17. Males- ban; is. si. NhiIs. sto.. 111-20. • "Sun To)" (John C. Fisher, nigr.i—Otlawa, III., 15. Slrealor 10. Lu Sa'le 17. Itoek Island IS. I " .■ ri...ji t 111. ;-lnscatli>e. In.. 20, Burlington 21. valuer. 111.. 22, lluautbal, Mo., 23, Jack- sonville. III.. 21, Lincoln 25. "Slniph: Simon Shii|ile" (F. II. Xlvon-XIrdllnger, irgr.)—Northampton. Mass.. 13, ISnghkvcpsle. X. Y.. 14. Xenhurirli 15, Burlington. X. J„ 10, Kaslvll. Pu.. IT. Polls!Hie IN. Huxlclou 20, 1*11 21, ivrls'i-dal- 22. Ili-uillng 23. Allen- Insii 21, Wltuilligl Del.. 25. "Sleeping Iteauty and Ike Bcnsl" (Frisl Price, ■ner.) — Duller. Pa.. 15. lirceind-urg I'}. Union- tunli 17, Cuiiuellsvllle IS. llulTalo. N. V.. 2025. Teiiipleloii, Fay (Kl«w A F.rla'iger. mgrs.) — Chicago. III.. Ii!. llHlellnlte. Taiiiiuuy. I'.vn 1,1ns. M. Gains, mgr. 1 — Lauraster. Pa.. 15. Akmu. I'.. IS. •'Tisi'K'rfisd" (Win. P. Cullen, tngr.) -Jnnies- (own. V liyk.. Hi. Fargo 17. Crookslou, Mlim.. IS. Mli",l|«-i,-. Man.. 'JO 22 Grand Forks, X. Dak.. 22. Diilitth. Minn.. 21. 25. "\>r><ulnuu" (Klaw At Krlangcr. mgrs.)—X. V. City Ii. iinli'iiilli . Wills Musical Uobu U. WVIIs. mu-r. >—Fitzgerald. Ca.. l«-lfc. Moultrls 2K.J2. Quinsy, 11«.. 23-25. "White Cat" (Klaw tc Frlangcr, mgrs.'i— X. Y. Oltr 13. :nd c f.n!le. "eTvodla-d" (Henry W. Sarart. or*.)—Llttit Heck. Art.. 1(1. Hot Springs II Texarkana IT. Slirevipwt. La.. IS. Pallas. 1*%„ 20, 21, Fort Mortl. 22, Waco 23, GiHMlon 21, tlauitoo "}• 20. "Wliialug Girl" (I'rauk IVrlej. ingf.l—CUk'igo. III.. I3.25. "Wlaard of IU" (Huiullu, Mitchell tc Fields. niirm.l—X. V. Oil) 13-25. (Ma "Wlaard of Oz" nrkc Kvnns, .mgr.'—Gali- um. X. Y.. 13. Tleonderogu 10. (Ireeiuuont 17. KuiUni is. Saratoga 20. Ulent l'ltllajll. olo- vrrsellle 22. Watcrtowii 28. .Norwich 21. Oort- IjiiiI 25. "Womlerlniid" (llumllu, .Mitchell A Fields, mgrs.) - X. Y. Clly 13. ludellnlle. "Wlnni Joliiiiiy ('jinn's Marching Home" IF. 0. Whllney. nmi-.)--e«Vetiaxuih. Knu.. 13. Omaha. Xeli.. IH-22. "Y.lliki« Ci'hsul" (Jidin I'. Sks-nni. nigr.l -Otta- wa, Cull.. 13. Kingston II. Hamilton t». Ism- ihiu 111. Jucksou. Mich.. IT. Ilinnd llaplila IS. .llllivnnkeo. Wis.. 111-22. "Yrt'ikce ISegottl" (Allen CuiupMl, mgr.)- (Ill- caw. III.. 12-IS. HI Ill.l'.MIU F. AXI» VAI DFVILLF.. Americans iIMivin 1). Miner, mgr.)—llulTalo, X. t..- Lt-IS, Iieti dl. Jlleh.. 10-23. Avenue (litis (Gen. Hale, ingr.) -Philadelphia, Pu., latlH, X. V. Clt.V 20.2.1. Alratsr ilettilb-s (Cbns. Taylor, nlgr.)—Orild Aialrew's Amerlcati Pbiyers lllurry Andrews. aigr.t—Liberty. X. V.. 15. IVrl Jervla IIV. Haw- ley. Pu.. II. Nnuilcoke IS, Tiutkliautiis'k 20. Olyiduint 21. 22. Jcruiyu s!l. Forest Clly 31, Siuipicliiiils 23. Itnplds, Mich.. 12-IS. Chicago, II!., IIJ-2-- P.iymit's. Hum Cm Kxtraragniuu (0. IL Ken- yon, ugr.)—Cleveland, l>., I3-1S, Buffalo, X. Y.. 40-23. Blue Itlbbun Girls (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Kaolii City. Mo.. 12-ls, SI. I..111K 10-25. Boteery llurlesiitiers iloe llurllg. mgr. I--Brook- lyn. N. Y.. 13-ls. Prmlilcm-e. It. I.. 20-25., llahcailaM Ularney Cllrnnl. mar.)—Toreul", Can.. 13 is. UmTolo. X Y.. 20 23. HOP Tons lllosh .V Wels-r. units.)-- UiHTahi, N. Y.. PI-IS. Iti.eliisler 20-25. Brigadiers (finis. Crotinvrll. tngr.)—Cltidnnall, O.. 12.IS. Cleveland 20-25. ltalliiiuire llenutles ILoula Urauat. tugr.)— Itoiloa. Mass.. I1I-IS. Mnntieiil. (tan., 20-25. BrOndway Unlet) Girls 1 James II. Curllo. mgr.) —Mliineiiisdls, Minn.. 12-IS. Dillulh, 10-25. Itlaek Crook Jr. (Harry llnsllntrs. mgr.)— Mexico. Mo.. 15. Louisiana 10, Alton. 111.. IT, Jcrseyrllle .IS. City Stwts (I'lill SlierldoJt. tugr.)— Philadelphia, Pa.. 13-18. Alloona 21. Cracker Jacks (Hurry Uv.itl. tugr.)—Philadelphia. l'a.. I3-IS, Iteadliif 20-25. Casino Olrls (James iswlerer. inaT.)—X. V. Oily 13 IS. I'lilladelpblo. l'a.. 20-23. Cherry tllosroiim (M. Jacobs, mgr.)—Brooklyn. X. Y.. 13-26. Colonial ivies (('has. Frank, mgr.) -llullliuore, Md.. I3-IS. Phlliiiii'lphiii. I'n.. 20 25. California 'llrls («. II. Ttiruer, mar.)—Wash- liiglon. I). C. 13 IS. Bnllliuore. Md.. 20 2... Iievere's. Sum, Own it". K. FrveiuaM. tngr.)— Kawis Cltv. M«., 12-IS, St. Is'llls 10-25. nnlnly llin-liess illu-'h A- IVcls-r, uigrs. 1—Clucln- niitl. O.. 12-ls. Nu-lnlllo, Temi.. 20-2C. Hreandi'ii'l Ihiiutles tFrunk Culder. mgr.)—Chi- cago. III.. 12-IS. Mllivnukie, Wis.. 111-25 Dnltily Pans' ii'aai|ils'll A Ihilties. mgrs.I -Pills- hurg. Pu.. I.!ls Wushlnglou, i>. d.. 20-33. I'.mid re lliirlesuuers 1.1. F111111 ssv. mgr.)—Brook- Ivn. V V.. 13-ls. Piiirlsim. K. J., 20-25. Fay Foster (Jusiodi Olip'olieliui r. mgr. 1 — Clere- l.nnl. ('.. 13-IS. PKkl'urg. I'n.. 20-25. Gay Miirulng (Merits IHiiiu A. Serllmer. mgr.l — Pri.tldeuec It. I.. Ci-is. Ikisluti, Mass.. 20LV. ria.v Miisiiiiernilcrs (Jiilm S. Itoyuor. mgr.)—Ik's- ton. IlKL 13-ls, R. V. Clly 20-25. (kilden CriKik UuiiiIm A Jirinou. mgrs.) -Xunli- vllle. TWI. 13-ls. Xew Oih'ius, La., 10-25. Howunl. .liny. F..1lravuuunzu (Iho. F. Lenrued. ingr.''—Kuusas Clly. Mo.. 111-25. High (tollers (A. II. Wnodhull. mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 13-IS. I'lillniii'lplila, I'n.. 20 25. High Sdiool fllrls (Alfred Mayo, utgr.)— Brooklyn, X. V.. 13-IS. Boston. Muss., 20-25. lligli Flyers lllurry Koslcr. mar.)--Athens. O., nytoo 22. r-rtst Fort 23, CltttUte 21. Bevfoo M 25. livid'a. Al. U. 'Doc goialei. nmr.I-- Uiln-,til|.-. Tel.. 15. Oklahoma Clly. Okln.. 10. Wlehllo. Kau.. IT. I'unoim IS, Jopllu. Mo.. 10. Spring- Held 2i>, Fort Smith. Ark.. 21. Tczarkaiiu 22. Hot Sprlnga 23, J.lllle Itoek 24, De Solo. )lo.. "5. Great Harlow (J. A. (Viburn, mgr. I — L'u Ion Springs. Ala.. 13. I'.iifiii'lu HI. Atuerleus. (Is.. IT. Duifaioi ts. Albany 20. Wayeross 21, Vsl- doaln 22. Gorton's IC. •'• Peni-I. mgr.I -Trurerse CIIJ. Midi.. 2«. Kiist Jnnlnii 21. Borne Oily 22, IV tnskey 23. (iiiniva 21, Al|«'iin 2o. Guv Bros.' (II. 11. Gu.r. nwr.i Klngsvlllc. Can.. 15. lK'xlligl"ii It). Itlilgoioivn 17. St. Thomas IS. lluverly's ((.'bus. It. Buglsc, mgr.) -Los An- geles, Cu|„ Hi 1.x. Ill Uenrr's -Wisuisirket. It. I.. 15. Westerly Id. Xew l.oinlisi. Conn., 17.' Xlerl.leii IS, Mid.He 1."in 211. Ilrlstul 21. Snttth Miindieatrr 22. Siirtuglbdit. Max.. 23 25. KiilUlcht'a Muillsoii. Flu.. 15. Luke Cltv Hi. Gainesville IT. Oca hi Is, Lis'shurg 20, Tiitut'ii 21, l.i.lelniiil 22. Bartow 23. Orhitido 2-1, KIs- -lliuni'o 25. Prlidnise's. ilut-e II. (.lame* II, lieeker. mgr.> —Pivvhleiive. IL I., til-15, Fall Hirer. Mass.. Hi Tuuiiti.u 17. Ivn" IS. U'lvlsloii. Me., 20. Buugur 21. I'.-rtii.iid 22. Manchester, X. II., 23. Haverhill. Muss. 21, Maiden 23. ItlehunlH ,1- Cringle's (Itusco k liolliiiul. mgrs.) - Salem, lire., lA. Kugciie HI. Allniuy 17. Dallas 20, In ilramle 21. Ilukor CH.v 23. Wclsor. Ida.. 23. Hunting. on. lire., 21. Holse Cltv. Ida.. 8*. Sun's, (ins iFivsl D. I'uwler, mgr. 1 - (taltvl. Tes.. 15, AMU 10. Colorado 17. Kl Paso 10. 20. Clirtuii. Arli., 22. Marcuel 21, Tmulsitoue 25. ligli V 15. P urUuioulh rry Koste IS, Hauil Hiimlltou 22. Kokomo, Ind., Irtvlu's Dig Show 1 Fred Irwin, tngr.)—Bolton, .Muss.. 13-ls, X. Y. CHy 20-23. Iiujierlals IJbass Darns, mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 1218, Urooklyu, X. Y., 20-25. IiiiiocciiI (Ii. W. t'iiliuuaii. nigr.l—Mllwou- ki-.-, Wis., 12-IS. SI. Paul. Minn.. 1026. Ideals (Slai Wlllluuis, uutr.)-SI. Louis, Mu., 12- IS, Ind la uu polls, Ind., 20-25. Jersey Llllles Ki«i. Ilorfer, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y., 13-1-S. Sprlnglicld, Muss.. 20-22. Iluljuke 23-23. Jolly Grass Widows Itlus W. UugUu, mgr.) —Halt Lake Clly, I'., 12-IS. iMiirer, Colo., 10-23. Jolly Ulrls (T. li. McCn-ary. mgr.)— 8t. Paul, Mlim.. 12-is, MhiticapullH 10-25. Kttk-kerlioekers (loiuls Itohlc, uigr.)—Heading. Pa., 13-ls. Scrutiloii 20-20. Kentucky Holloa (Hubert Gordon, tugr.1—l.oula- vllle. Ky.. 12-IS, Clu.'lnuntl, O.. In 25. Lafsyetle, tin; Greul (T. (J. I.urovl'tle. uigr.) — Kokomo, Iud.. IC. Frankfurt 10. Cranfurdi- vlllc IT, Dnnillle HI;. IS, Jollel 20, Peorlu 21, lluvruuerl, lu.. 22. M.iuiinsiih. III., 23, Galea- burg 2 1 Jaeksouville 25. Merry Maidens (J. Isiwry, Mgr.)—N. Y. Oily 13- IS, Urooklyu. X. ¥., 20 lice, 2. Jllis New York Jr. (Harry Plenv, mgr.l—Polcr- sou. K. J.. 13 IS. Jersey Clly 20 25. Jlnlesllcs (Fred lrnlu, ugr.)—kuusas Clly, Mo., 10-23, Muoiiliglit' Mnlils IDatlU Kratta, ragr.)—Brook- lyn, ft. Y.. 13-3ft. Merry Makers lit. K. I'allmi, mgr.) — ludlauapo- lis, Ind.. 13-IS, Uulsvllle, Ky.. 10-26. Musvolla (J. J. Mouuhnu, mgr.)—Brooklyn, X. Y.. 13-25. Mlldrrsl ami Ilouclere IJ0I111 M. lilckey, utgr.) — IHiigeniMd. X- J - 15' Mbrrlslowii Id. Fletulug- ton IT. Biii'llngtui IS. Urldgelon 20, Dover, Del,. 21. Kostoii, Md..- 22. Merry llurlcmiuers (IVtu. Bulluuf, uigr.)— Seallle, Wash., 111-25. Xew York Stars (M. M. Tlichto, lugr.)—Xew Or- leans. Ln.. 13-IS. „ „ Xew- Century Girls (J. Daniels, mgr.)—N. Y. City 13-25. Orientals (W. B. Watson, tugr.)—DetrolL Mich., 12-IS Grand Itsnbls 10-25. Oi'idieiiiu Show. Murllii Berk's—St. Louts, Mo., 12-IS, Chicago. HI., ili-Dec. 2. Parisian Widows (Hush A Weber, tagra.)— Albany, X. V.. 13-IS, Troy 20-26. Parlshin Helles (John Grieves, mgr.)—Seattle, Wash.. 12 is. p.irtlni'd. On-.. Ill 25. Ileeies'. AL—X. V. Clly 13-IS, Brooklyn, N. Y.. ■JO-ls-i-. 2. Itiss- Hill Fiigllrh lolly (III.-.- A IbjrliNi. mgr-.) -- 1'olisl... <)., 12 IS, Clew-laud 20 26. Iteutt Stint ley lAls- Ll'iivlll, uigr..!— St. Isiulo, Mo.. 12- Its. Chicago. III.. Ill 25. libs- A Unriou's Big Gulcly - M'aut.'hi'bti-r, N. IL, l:i-U., Boston. Mass., 2"-25. Hues' Sydcll's l^suloii Ikdles IW. S. Campbell, nisr.i- Itwliesler. X. Y.. 13-IS. ABaioy 20-25. rtdlly 4. Wood's (Pal Itrllly. mgr.)—Jersey Clly, . X. J.. 13-IS, Pldlilib'lphhl. Pu.. 20-25. ftunawiiy Girls Uvter S. Clark, mgr.)—Plllshurg, Pu.. Hi-is. Cincinnati. O., 11' 27.. Star Shuw Girls (W. Finiicssy, mgr.l—Denver, Cold.. 12 IS. Truna-Atlanl'.e |l«rlei«niers. Ilurtlg A Scatuuu'a— Chlergu. 111.. 12-ls. Tulrdo. (I.. 10 25. Tlai-r Lilies Ussy Grtsli, uigr.) -San Fiuuclaco, Cat.. 12-IS. Trocadmis (Clms. II. Wiildron. mgr.)—Spring- Field, Mass.. 13-15. Il.dyofce HI IS. TliorouglihrisU IL. J. (Jbcinarth, mgr.)—Dululli, Mini... 12 IS. I'lophnin (W. V. Jemilnas. ingr.)—Portland, Ore., 12- IS, S'iii Fruuclsisi. CaI.. 10-25. Vanity Fair lltuhcrl Mmc'lii'sler. mgr.)—Trcnlon, X. J.. Ml-IS. I'lllsisiru. I'n.. 20-25. World Beaters f.L HerlsTt Murk, mgr.)—Xew- srk. X. L. 13-IS. N. Y. Cllr 20-26. Wlnr, Women uud Soiig IJI. M. Tbelsc. rogr.) — Seroiilw.. Ph.. 13-IS. Newark. K. J.. 20 26. Washington 'Sis'tetv (llrle (Keriian A Wulaon, mgrs.)—Sail Luke Clly. P.. 20-25. W11 (rrmcloii Trust i.M. II. Welsh, mgr.) — Clear- Held. I*s.. IS. 20. IClcnburg 21, 1' l .-1--'rw 22. Gns-iisbtirg 24. )\lu.lU-r 25. Yankee Hisslle Glrla iLnuls Harris, mar.) —Mon- treal, Can., 13-IS, Tonal to 20-25. Ml.NSTItlil.S. Barlow 4 Wilson's (Lawrence Burlaw, mgr.l- ■ I'nlii-kl. Temi.. 15. Culimililii 10. Hlielllelil. Ala., IS. Corlalh, Miss.. 20, lluouvlllc 21, Wesl Polnl D.s-k*ladcr'i), Irfiw (Charles li. Wilson, Bigr.)— ColuiiibiiH, 11., 15, Piirkemhurg. W. Vs.. HI. Wheeling IT. Washington. Pu.. IS, Johnstown ■J". .Mi... hi 21. Ilnrrinburjf 22. Lauouslur 25. I'islO'Si 25. Donnelly ,v Hullh'ld's tl'.-luard I'ouard, mgr.l — lll-lru:. Ark.. 15, Joneanorn 10, Poplar Bluff. Mo., IT, XewiHirt, Ark., IS. Pine IllnfT 20, O.mdtrt 21, ClnrUrllln, Tax., 22, Parii 28, Sherman 21, 8011th McAlcstcr, Ind. Tcto 25. De floe Tiro*.' (Billy D* line. mCT.)—Camden. N. Y 16. Adams 10. Walerlown IT. Racket Hurls* is, Iksmvllle 20. Dowvllle 21. l""rt Vogcl's iMi.hii W. Vogid, iiiirr.)--litimnmhiirii. I'n.. 15. \Va}iH'»buvg in. McDouold 17, McK ' Purl IS. WesiV. Win. II. (Snnrord II. Illcnhy. ingr.l - Goshen. Iml.. IS. Dottnglae, .Midi., 10. Ihilllr Cnrk IT, h.iluiunziai IS.' TMXT HIMIWM. Criiiicr's—Cuh-ln, Ala.. 21. Slockdalc 22. Millets- rllle 23. lUckucyvllle 25. I'.IVs. (ten. S.—llyth, Iml. Ter.. 15. Terral Id. Filer's, W. A. (Jui- Becker, bus. lugr. 1 — llnllliigei. Ten., 15. Miles III. Sou Angel.. 17, Goldllinltc 20. Lumpiises 21. Burnet 22. I.lain. 23. ■' Furepaugli A Sells Bros.'- -Houston. To.. 13, lleiniuunl II, Xaeogiloi'lies 15, Alliens 10. Mount Pleasant 17, Tcturkunu. Ark., IS, Shrcrc|s>!t. Lit.. 20. Cuiiiilen. Ark., 21, Fine llliilt 22. Foi-dyee 23. season ends. Itltiglliiic Hnw.'- Jaekantitllle. Flu.. 15, Valdoslu. Go.. HI. Thvtliasvllle IT. Dntliiin. All., IS. Trov 20. Sdtna 21. Moulgoinorv 22, Tuaralowa 23.'Columbus, Miss., 24. Meildluu 26, sdirbu ends. - Swain's. W. 1.- Liiuipases. Tel., 15, Klllen 10. Loll in 17, Teinide Is MIS( lil.l.AMiOl S. Criilk.-diuiik -l'ns-lurillle, VI.. 10. Illelivllle. I.', 1'ris'k.r IS. Croker's Kdmntrsl Horses IJohn (!. Pnlrlek. mgt.) -Iliuillloti. Con.. 13-IS. London 20-26. ' ,, Flints. Mr. and Mrs. III. L. Flint, mgr. I— III- lUliKvn. In.. 15 IS. Dnllvllle. III.. 20 25. Gaaklll Cnriilinl Co. llousion. Tc\.. 13-ls. Georgia shooters (Lu She A Land). tnRrr-.> — Fraiikforl. Mleli., 16. Arenilie 111. liniidro IT, Satloiis Buy is, Xnrlh|K>rl 20. Traverse Clly SI. Miirla'n S|ss4iiliy Oi. (Al Maria, mar. 1 •sTtW lain. Me.. 15, HI, llrlslol IT, IS, lloullibu) 2u Mglii of .Mystery und Mirth (Hurry Bradbury. rogr.i Kliurdou. X. Y.. is. Plerw-Dllvee King Kiirulvul Ko,-Loll vllle, n. Y.. 15 IS, Cnrtliagc 20-23. Pri-M-ollc IF. Wllliinl Mugoon, mgr.t— -Xe»|iorL II. L. l.'i-IS. XiikIioii, N. II., 2026. Itusscll (Monroe S. Norm, mgr.) Anstlu., I'n., 16. Jersee Shore 10. Muiicy IT. I'n I Ion Is. M I la 1 1-1 211. I rw 111 21. Xew Bellileheui 25. llruuhvllli' 21, Kuni' 25. '' '• Itu|ip. Mr. mid Mrs. (Auguslu Hupp, mgr.)—0*- fun). (>.. CMS: liuhliiMin Amuse. Co. — Muulgomery. Ala.. 13-IS. Sinllli Greuler Amune. Kiiteiiirlsi'—Orniigeburg. S. C. 13-IS. . Somgiit-i (Whitney A Hlalr. mgrs.l—Sariilu. O11L, Hll.l. latteer, Mich., 10-IS. Vasur 20 -22, Mid- land 2:1-26. . Hbcpiiril'a Mining I'k'liires (Arclile L. Slicpgnt, mgr. i-Washliiglon. D. IX, 13. Itidellltlle. Shepanl's Moling I'lelurcs lAis'hle I... Shepartl, ingr. 1 ■ A limit le Clly,' X. J.. 13. ludi'llulle Kluiuinl's Moling Plclures (Archie L. Hbi'laird, tngr. 1 -Fall Illver. Muss.. 13. ludcuiillc. Shepanl's Moving Pictures I Archie L. Hheptlrd, (Ugr. 1- I.Biercuee. Mnsn.. HI, Indoiinlli'. HliepanlV Moving Pictures (Archie L. Shepard, tugr.) Ashury Purk. X. .1.. 13, liuli-niillp. Shennnrs Moving Pleliiri'S. F.nslcrii (Ai-ehle L. Sliepur.l. mgr. 1 - Aitleliot". Muss.. 13. Mllford II. Palmer 15. Amherst HI. .North Adams IT. XoilhampbMi Is. 'i'urucrs Fulls 20. Plftslli-M 21. Sprluallchl 22. 23. Beiiiiliigloii. VI., 21. 2n. Sbi'pard's Muting Pictures. Western I Archie L Shepard, ingr. 1— Gulvcstou. Ten., 16. l.nk* Chorlrs. I,u, HI. Liifuyi'llc IT. Aleiimilrlu IS. Sliri-Vfpnrt 20. Marshall. Ten.. 21, lliislun. La.. 22. llniiiw 23, .Natchez, Miss., 24, Baton It'.lino. 1.11 , 26. Sheioird'p Moving Pictures. Southern (Arrble L. Slo'puril. nmr. . t'liiitliiiioogn. Tenu, 16, Heine. (is.. Id. 17. Birmingham. Ala., IS, Talludets 20.-Ceslarluwn, Ha.. 21. Newuiuu 22, ClrlClu 20, i.iiliigloi. 24. Albens 25. . Sllicr I'u.nlly .Swiss Bell lllngers IIlerl Silver. mgr.l \aies Clly. III., 16, Muriptuu III, Cer- rogordo 17, lienduln Is. IIIIUUU ISa>AlTli7 — rrovlilenre.-^Al Ibe I'riivldenec Opcfi JlotlSP (K. II. WentlelseliMi-fnr, wanufier) Frltgl Hi'lieff ami Iter excellent coiuuBiiy, In "M'llr. Motlliite," week or Nov. 0, |mayed M goutl business. I''a Minstrels divide week »f HI with "llefure udU After." "It Ilu|i- pcnetl In Niirdlnmr' 2H-2.V IMI'KUIAI. (WeniU'lsclinefer. KplU i Nn- Ihansnii. niuiingniH).- --WIIII11111 C'ourtlelgli 11ml !'ls slock (iwipiiiiy iilnyi'tl "Tim Lute ^fr. Cos' telle" tl-ll. I'lcrn J- Ilmvles, Hie new lend- Ine Ifldv, was nnnmenileil (or Iter wnrk. i'lni lease of lb* hiiperlnl Thentre litis li.ruiliigleil. mill with II the iitirliicrslilji lirltvcen L'.)i. Wendelseliitefer it ml Spit/ .V Nut liiinsou. It .Is tiinlot'stiiiHl Dial the Inner retain Ilu-lr In- leresl In Ho stock rump-miy. hut IU future In sllll unsettled. A |il'u|i<isllluli luiti been" in Hie slock couipMiuy lo coiilluiie tit ibe I'urk 'I'ltcuire, wblili litis been i.-loird all Of III'' M'fta'MI. KMi'iiir. (Spllz & NalliuuHoii, ratiiiugcri).— •Why (ilrla l.envi: Hume" tiletnitl nil. Tli" flays. In "Dam) Ibe I'lke," l.'JIBi "No Mulhcr 10 GiiIu'k Hit" 20-25. Koiill'H (i.'Ihih. Loveiilietg. niiiniigeri.-- I1III week nf 13: .1. K. .Murray und ('liiru Lane, tin: I'iljtht Alllsoun, May llelimrl, I'll- Intrii's dug iroutl.'i'ii. Mr. timl .Mrs. Ilownt't] TrueoKlell, fieri KIIzrIIiImiii, Themlore Mor»e nnd Juelt Drisluue. llur[HT. lieHliiruirl uud Ilollny. Le Ptigc, barrel Jumper: Alf. flrnnt nnd KIM tUmg, Ihn liiirlijclle H1rter», Lulu Tnylor, Ibe .Mugllilcvs, Dudley and (.'heuljn and Hbepnrd and Ward. WkMTUIXSTI'II (II. Itutrhrller. Ultlliflgeri. —I'"«"d Irn'bi's Hie Hbow guve 11 Ronrt prr. foniiHOeu 0-11. The Guy Morning (Jloilel 13-IS. a YVnitnarsekel. - At the SVunniinckrl Opera House (J. K. O^den, iiiaiiugei-j ill Henry « Mlnntrela Nov. Hi. "The Fl-tinliig Arrow" IT. "Wrooited" IS. fJurglnlo's llulluii tluud pleased » eoisl ho'ise :;. The- Irish LatllcV ('bolr itave n pleasing viilerliilnnieiil 1, Mid deaerved a larger house. The Feiihcrg Stie.-k l'o. drew verv s'lllaf.'ictorv busniiiss week nf 0. Murray Block «'n. 2"-22. "Hen, ol Mrukcn How," (return 1 2!); "The Igle of Hplre" 2d. "f.'luTcrdnle" 25. Hon (J. W. Ciitiklln, niicinrjeii. - I'lie I .'.11 don liitrsviiguuzn Co. 13-IS. llualness vn- very good Inst week. a >!•« p«rl. - Al Ihn (liiern House 11 iilm A ('ro'<« Co.. iiiiiiiugi'rsi "The Ijind of ('0111111" Nor. II. "I'mler s. ulliern Mkhs" T, III Ifeur.i'l Minstrels I'. "Tin: I'ootily Cliulnimii'' I". Al! is-rfiiriiiiini'i's IiimI week received fnlr imlron uge. "Crlsi'llln" IP.-IS, Ciitirlcs timneiilu 21, "Tin! Isle uf Hpltu" 22, "tJtiy .New York" ♦ »» J^siro l". Leokaiid. has r,«rcr«(l ItU UMti Hon* with the Transatlantic Co. and Is tt hearsing with » miicleal cooicoy, to nfcti hearsing N»». 15.