New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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November 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1011 fit TURKEY FOR MINE Thli I* the Very Latest Idea In Coon Song., by ORAOV and COHEN. All Singer* Should Send for It Quirk. A Great Number for Thanksgiving Week. Profusion nl topic. Novr Ready. "DOLLY 0'MALLY"»9SS£H£| (C BONI" (bonnie) w A Sematlonal Song Nuc- cees with a Combination of Italian Melody and Itng Time. "WHERE THE SUWANEE RIVER WINDS ITS SILV'RY WAY" Thle Beontlfnl Ballad !• a Bare lilt. Send for it, nnd You Will Agreo with I «. (( MY SOUTHERN QUEEN FROM MY KENTUCKY HOME" Thlc Grand Rustic Ballad Is Now Ready for the Profession. Song illustrators and all Ballad Singers Should Not be Without It. 18 Beautifully Colored Slides, Per 8wt.Sil.0O, Positively No Free Slides * Illustrated by JOHN WALTKMS, 1930 Bath Ave., Brooklyn, N. V. SEND FOR OCR BUNCH OF LATE SONG HITS AND ENCLOSE 10c. TO PAY COST OF ID AILING. Address 839 Atlantlo Ave.., BROOKLYN, N. V. IO VAUDEVI NOVE 'ALICE »» ,„,««„.,-COI\WAY and The Three Harps, In a ao Minute Medley of Fun, Music and Singing, Called "FRENCH BY IRISH CONSEN WRITTES BY RAYMOND A. BROWNE, THE GEORGE ADR OF VAUDEVILLE. Now Booking. - All AffsntB, or 2 EC. U2th S* , Now York. A FEATURE OF THE ACT IS HISS RARLE'8 PLATING ON THE FAMOUS GOLD GIANT HARP, VALUED AT $8,600. THE LARGEST, SWEETEST TONED AND COSTLIEST IN THE WORLD. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Keith's Theatre Boston, Mass. Keith's Bijou Theatre Boston, Mass. Keith's Theatre. Providence, R. I. Keith's Theatre Paw tucket. R. I. Keith's Theatre New York City. Keith's New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, 0. KeiUi » Royal Princess Theatre..London, Eng. Harry Davis' Grand Opera House. Pittsburg, Pa. Chase's Theatre Washington, D. C Kenan's Maryland Theatre...Baltimore, Md Shea's Garden Theatre Buffalo, N. Y Shea's Theatre Toronto, Can Moore's Theatre, Rochester, N. Y Temple Theatre Detroit, Mich Moore's Theatre Portland, Me Park Theatre Worcester, Mast Grand Opera House Syracuse, N. Y PERFORMERS WILL BENEFIT THEMSELVES BY KEEPING THIS OFFICE INFORMED OF THEIR ROCTE AND OPEN TIME. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, Si. James Building, 0. K. WODODOIM, Booking Manager, Rooms 823 to 828 St. Jamea Bulldlnar. NEW YORK CSTs*. II THEIR AIAZIH, HY3TIFYIIG and AlffSHO ACT, TWO H11IDS WITH BUT A SINGLE TH0DG1T The only act of Its kind In the world today. 200 Moaaages from any part of the house received from the audience to the stage in fifteen minutes. NOW BOOKING FOR NEXT SEASON. Address B. A. MYERS, 81 W. Slst St., New York; or THE ZAMCIQS, « W. SOth St., New York. Tele.,M87-MADI30N. MISS LILLIAN THEL1BA Leading Soprano, OWING TO DEATH OF MR. ROY ALTON, Mueloal Oomody, Wmrc&, Bxtravaganxa and Vaudeville. Address AGENT W1NFRED ASHLAND, W1THARK PUBLISHING HOUSE, 144 W. 37IH- St., New York WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Sister Acts, Sketch Teams, Single Ladies and Comedians, Musical Acts, Single and Double. ADDRESS KHMUXG'8 MUSIC IIALL, Baltimore, Md , for KESTNER & O'NEAL'S BI6 QUAKER MED. COS. People In ell lines of lied. Bis., Sketch Teams who do Singles, 8. snd D. Soubrettes, Comedians of all kinds that csn Sing and Dance, Musical, Novelty and BUent Acts: none too good. Must have a neat, modern wardrobe. Change for two weeks. Men with Picture Machines, lots of films and slides. Moat le ladles and gents. Boozers, knockers and people with kindergartens, keep off. Have had ill I ever want. Don't misrepresent or you wont last. Ail peoplo must Join at Black foot, Idaho. Salary tore »nd no limit, we pay all. All letters ana. Notice to Mgra. of Rep. and one nlghters, we own the Opera loose and control the new Armory Ha'l. Town of 3,coo, aeaUng capacity 1,100, drawing pop. «,ooo. Hare open time for good attractions. Write at once. KBSTWER <fc O'NEAL, The Quaker Doctors, Blatekfoot, Idaho. TURNING 'EM AWAY EVERY NIGHT. The Albert Taylor Stock Co. BVPPORTINO THE TALENTED CHARACTER ACTOR, Walter McMillan. CIRCUS RIDERS, I HAVE FOB SALE TWO BAREBACK H0R8E8, NELLIE AND KATE. K. runs Tor principal somersault act. N.runs for inlsh and locker act. Both run for double act. No better In the business. Both stylish and pretty, wo high SCHOOL HORSES, one black one dark bar. ONE ORAT MOLE, for comedy hurdle act. '-an be seen, ran or tried at aLiXANDER bEABERT'S RIDING ACADEMY, Ocean Parkway and Ato. W., Brooklyn, h. Y. TRICKS ALL THE HEW ONES. TOST A COMPANY, 41 N. Ninth St., (Established moj Philadelphia. MT Large Catalogue for Stamp. FILMS FILMS One fine reel of Film, ready for use, about 1,000 feet, In fine, almost new condition, $57.50. Pntbe's "ChrlBtlnnla to North Capes,' feet, two scenes, band colored, ?10.00. 123 The St. Petersburg Strike, 400 feet, $25.00. One Bright White Light $15.00 One Sun Rival Light 13.50 One Model A Oryllthe Light 21.50 One Model It Oxyllthc Light 20.00 ALL LIKE N13W. One Edison Universal Model, 1005, long arms And 10 Inch Reels, good as new. with Electric Lamp and an Adjustable Rheostat, $57.50. One Lubln. 1005. Clneogrnph, with Elec- tric Lamp nnd an Adjustable Rheostat, $40.00. Swaab's new SPOTLIGHT, with Electric Lamp, Rheostat, 0 Inch Condenser and Ad- justable Stand, now, $25.00. Klograph'8 "Mystery, of the Missing Jewel Casket," 050 feet, Class A, Is n startling sen- sation. rattle's "Pastrycook's Jokes," 202 feet, Is a panacea for the blues. You'll laugh aad laugh and laugh. A Professional Song Stcreoptlcon, with Lamp, for $20.00 ; without Lamp, $15.00. We carry the largest stock of SUPPLIES for Motion Picture and Stcreoptlcon, and In- variably make shipment of goods on the same day order Is received. Blograph and Pathe Film Selling Agents for Philadelphia. FILMS AND MACHINES WANTED PROVIDED THEY ARE OOOD. LEWIS M. SWA&B & CO., 338 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FA. 'Phone Connection. A NEW LINE OF FOR DR. JEKYL and MR. HYDE Bond for samples and prices. THE DONALDSON LITHO, CO. HEW PORT, KV. ACROBAT To enlarge Big Family Act; weight not more than 12<; flood Tumbler; Man or Woman; long engage- ment. I>o not misrepresent. Answer, FAMILY, Care of CLIPPER. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST. Free CaulofucforSti«t Men. RuU*r niTi.Cir.,, Conf.ul,B«ll<y?n,,iiliellGtx*Ji, Il*]tf-i, J. a, Tilck Mitchn, Whip,, Kiatlc Wood iu. It H "V H> N Ufa CO, Qmlu<. (V CLASS A. 15 CENTS PER FT. CLASS D. l» CENTS PER FT. EDISOIV Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Model, $115.00. Universal Hodel, 175.00. CLASS A--LATE8T FEATURE 8UBJECT8. DOWN ON THE FARM No. 6,914. Code VATERA11H. Lcngtli I ion. A JAA.OO. JUST OUT. A BIG HIT. SHIPMENTS FROM STOCK. ILLTJSTUATKD CIRCULAR, NO. 970, WAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. EVERYBODY W0RKS~BUT FATHER No. O.aai. Code VATEltLOS. Length ,'1,10/t. A IM.SO. Another Weekly Hit. Srtlctly Up to Date. You'll Miss It If Yo u Overlook This One. CLASS 3--LATEST FEATURE SUBJECTS. THE CZAR AT CZARKOE SELO No. 0,417. Code VATK1UIAUS. Lenajth 3N.1II. II t«o.!<0. Religious and Military Exercises. Giving a Very Close View of the Russian Ruler. BEND FOR LATEST CATALOGS AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., HAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANOE, N. J. Chicago Office, 301 Wabash Avonao. Now York Oflloe, 31 Union Square. Cable Address, Kurlllan, New York. OFFICE FOB UN1TKD KIN0D0M: 26 OLEHKKNWKLL ROAD, LONDON, B. 0., fSNOLAND. annuo, lam. the kinetookaph oo., .... 41 b. bm St., sn Tort. Bfillllina BWHslBa FBTKK BA0IGAL0PI, Tlfl-TBS Mission St., San Franolico, OaL YOUR ODD TRUNK OR BAGGAGE MADE AS OOOD AS NEW 111 84,0(1 '" EHEBGENCY BA66A6E HtPAIB CO., 25 E. 14th St., s " on " the Sate. Bare. auick. HallnlilK. <M4A (Iramercj. Lowest Prises. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Litiit mil Moil Popular Styles In Ladles Hair Drilling. A. Jl. SUCH <fc CO., HON. Ninth. Street, - - - - . Philadelphia. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY Bend us a good poem, a good melody or a compute work. We hare no favorite writer*. All bare equal chance. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER RUNIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, !IOO Manhattan Bldsr., CIIIOAOO. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, tor Amateurs LAR0EST A830HTMICNT IN THIS WORLD. Itooks for borne amusement, Negro I'luys, Taper, Hcciicry, Mrs. Jarlej's Wax Works. Catalogue Free I ' SAIIVBl Free I Krce 1 VHHNCII, 17 W. Old St. New York. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE—EST. IHnO. U. SCHWARTZ TRUNK WORKS 20 E. 42d St. 412 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, Cor, 25th H. Send for Illustrated (Jatalogtie. Our Professional Trunks are Cluaranteed for 10 Years. SONG POEMS AND MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY We write Music to your WopIh, Introduce anil Popularlzo. Mnnd for our latest cataloguo and samples fo our work. POPULAR Mt Hit' PUflLISIIINO CO., TU-81 Flrlli Ave., C'hlcugo. Oept. JM4. JUGGLERS SUPPLIES- Olubs, Uatona, Ouns, Rolling Olobea, Hoops, Wlrewalkera'Apparatua. Roman Axes. Sump for Catalog ana lis' Kdw. Van Wrck, (Jlnclnnatl.O. CRANE C08TUME8 ■ WBBSalllBkH ESTIMATES GIVI 8LI0IITLY WORN. Burlesque. Krenlag, Street . UUEAP, URMAOKTO ORURR. OOWOS FOR BALK, vuuar, uh.a™ i u unun 0IVKN. IMS Broadway. Raw York lllir- ML IROFESSIONAL TRUNKS die Trunk Tod'II torn* Key Dae. Now Looated mt. 110 WEST 40 STREET, B DOOBS HAST OF THE) ACTORS' 80CIBTT Won't Vest Com. to See My Tramkaf