New York Clipper (Nov 1905)

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1032 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. November 25. H. C. DANFORTH, Wis., President. GUS SUN, Springfield, O., Vice President. D.J. ROBSON, Lansing, Mich.. Treasurer. WALTER F. KEEFE, Seeretary and General Manager. BNTT. i p i 1 Offers Performers TWKNTY'SIX \A/I ar* too high. Rookford, III., Bijou, A. J. flhlmp. Appleton, Wis., Bijou, H. C. Danforth. Oshkosh, Wis., Bijou, H. C. Danforth. Manitowoc, Wis., Bijou, H. C. Danforth. • ■ • ' Green Bay, Wis,, Bijou, W. 8. CampbelL Marinette, Wis., Bijou, W. S. Campbell. Calumet, Mich., Bijou, W. 8. CampbelL Marquette, Mich., Bijou, W. A. Robs. Ishpeming, Mich., Wm. Leininger. :CK8 desirable work in Family Theatres whioh cater Especially to Ladies and Children. No aota Too Good—Salaries some ask File Route Sheet.with ua. Send in your Open Time at once. All houses can use good Acts. Houghton. Mich., W. F. Keefe. E scan aba, Mich., Ben's Theatre, Ben Salinsky. Battle Creek, Mich., Bijou, W. S. Buttei field. Jackson, Mich., Bijou, W. S. Butterfleld. Lansing, Mich, Bijou. D. J. Bobson. Bay City, Mich., Bijou, J. D. Pilmore. Port Huron, Micb., Bfjou, M C. Cropper. Marion, Ind., Crystal, John H. Amnions, Anderson, Ind., Crystal, John H. Amnions. Kokomo, Ind., Crystal, John H. Amnions. Logansport, Ind., Crystal, John H. Amnions. Frankfort, Ind., Crystal, John H. Amnions. Richmond, Ind., New Phillip's, O. Gr. Murry. Springfield, O., New Orpheum, Ous Sun. Portsmouth, O., New Orpheum, Sun and Murry. Mansfield, O., New Orpheum, Sun and Murry. Hamilton, O., Grand, McCarthy and "Ward. 1VTED. FOR RITZEL&RAJANS OWN SHOW, TIUVKMSG GEORGIA, AI<«. AND FI.A.. A SIHfllHG AID DAHCING C01EDIAI. Ulackfacc preferred. Cltango for three night Mauds. Mt'ST piny piuiio overtarei, and specialties. Working In opera bouse*. If -v-oii are not A No. 1 don't wrllc. Will send tfcte in any pun or tlic U.S. Ttiis is a refinednafMRs show. Address J. W. RITZEL, Box *OB, H»ncmli, Qi. CONOBSSIONAIRBS, ORIGINATORS AND BDIITJEBS OF AMUSEMENT FEATCBES In lirent t'uifago. wllh' lM.'r'*J,SUO.U0O citizens, nil eager to be entertained and Kmuaed. we are now (wilding u- J J ,.1(111,1)00 AmiiKeineiit Resort. We luivi- l a m ill 17 acres of ground. Ii"initlliijl.v wooded mid Unfed. piiane-wlng nuiny '.illier natural iiilvuiilimeB: located at Wept IliirrlMiii Street uud IHspliilncK Avenue. Now Is the Time, lunrcsmliois nr.: now being ■'ontmeti.i<l fur. Wo iv<julr». only (lie best high-clan* feulurcB. So taken will be admitted, only eueh nttriietleuH im will-bv atiitiiblt.' for entertaining latllou and children will be con- sidered. Chicago 1wk demonstrated during the pual Hcuson that unliable amusements will imy. ii ml i»i>-blg money. If you liuve anything original and a big ruouey maker, you eon Intercut im. Otjicrwlne, Mveynur lime und iwstugc. Don't delay. (lonersslonR are being let every dtty. i'or partli Ulnrr, cull on or address S1JITB Jli;il. KIIISI' NATIONAL JJA-NK-JiLILDING. (H,l\i;il l„ IlKoWX.. President/ _J II. K. KU'K. Mnnagcr . WANTED, FOB 0BO. H. ADAI8' BDIPTY DDIPTY PAlTOKll, Vow touring- Southern Btatcs In opora houses, a uort. baggage car and »sleeper and diner combined: will rent or buy: prefer to rem. ' Will accept I'artncr at a lair per cent, who caufurulsli \ I have every- thing clue, tenia, stage, props, company, priming, etc, all ready to start nnder canvas an soon as I get tlic earn. Thin will be t>» money maker as a vlrous. I want artl«M of all kinds, suitable and used lo tenting; ullruuijt lake part In patitotulino, sprites, harlequin; good slater team, muBlual act, fairy <iueeuaud soiihrijue, singer* and dancer*, a good knockabout clown for parade, a sensational free enow act, u baud of doub e in orcbe.tra. I pay yonr board. Travel long season In troploal South, Chronic kickers or gi ambler* need notapply. Address ERNEST 0O0KE, Proprietor of Humpty Duinpty, UUPPKROnico, K. V. hate uwusger for Buffalo Bill and Porepaugh /c Soils Bros.' citcus. ■£>, Moiitcy.uuia, t) t.}M7. jktwSW, W 18> »• tlulnes; B, Eufaula, Ala.; 30, Troy, Ala. jjju, irallE LEADING BUSINESS. CHABACTEBS Addreei 101S AbLKN ST., DM 8 MOISES, IOWA. THE SHOW WITH THE MONEY. MITCHELL'S mVA. PLAYERS WANTS MAN WITH KINE MQVISU-PIUTtlRG HACK IKE. with Stercoptlcou Attached and Utest Song .slides. HKK1C1I T-KAM, MUM he Iho bent in the bUBlnon». and change nlahtiT, No other. Name low ekt rlivt letter, Vo iluie to .inker. Adilre-x CHARLOTTE MITCHELL, Sole Owner, ' Hold Tt'iv«lM, :ill a. Kataw Street, Baltimore, Sid. K. Il.—Wiint Good <>i>,nlng flay. Mint liatve Vail Line of Special Paper. AOTOH8 WAKTED, FOR DEADWOOD DICK JR. By HUGH MORRISON. 1.KAD1NT, WOMAN - , lllvATYMAN, CUARAtfl'KR MAN, MALE PIANIST. Must be FIRST.CLASS or you eloae flrvt rehoarrai, Manngori) IIIh., ind., Ohio. Pa., send open time. People must loin receipt wire. Route: Manhattan, K,is., M; Atchlaon 24, Uolton »;,. W. S. HAMNKll. OI.I.IF. MINN'tLL, HOY SIlTIIKRLtM). wire. Address XV. II. DAVIS. Wg r. PLAY WANTED Coo! Action. Strong Comedy, Attractive Title and swell Line of Special Paper, or would buy good piece without paper. Address MM 1IORNKR, Portland, Michigan. -.' l '..i . ...- WIGS "CAKM-XIAN" URKASM PAINTS, ROUG'k. OOI.K CRKAM. TIOIITS, KIIOKH. ARMOR. SI'AXtiMJ.S—In fuet, everything ueeded by profe*- slonuls. Send 4 «enta In »Ianip8tpr v (Catalog "f. liunilBomely Mils- iriiled, iidleHsona, In "Art of Milking L'p." VJ\N HORN & MICHL, 121N. 9th ST., Phila., 915 ARCH ST. FILMS FILMS From the HOLM: OK LEGITIMATE IIAHGAIXN are uueuualed, likewise Ma- chines mid Supplies. Kdlson's 1IM»r>. UnlverKal Model, long urms, large reels. Electric I.ninp. Adjustable Rheo- stat, switch and wire, uud Kdlson's head- liner. "The Seven Ages." 415ft. long, with (100 feet Additional illm, all In line order. Cost, fSUUtS. Our price. $1111.00. One (iptlci iipli. Xo. ,", with Knterpr'se Ste- reoptieon. I'.leclrlc Uitnp and Adjustable Rheo- stat, nod l.ouoft. of Choice Film on two reels, everything In perfect order. - Cost. *lU7.f)0. Our price $100.00. One I'AMIOHAORAI'H. brand ucw. Xo. 3 Model. Electric Lump, Adjustable Rheostat, telescope legs, tnkeup, switch and wire, and l.OOOft. Choice Film. Including one beadllner. about 400ft. long. $180.00. One 4-4 Darlol Lena. Worth $32.00. Our price, $'J0.00. One pair 50ft. "SCAIFC" Tanks. Cost. .■M.VOO. Our price, S30.00. Complete wltb cocks. Set of Telescope Legs, lacquered brass, with flanges and screws, Ills any baseboard. $7.."i0. Swaab's Electrical Connectors, (its any switchboard, per set of four, two kinds. $3.o0. Cumcriigraph Rheostats are practically In- destructible, the only Resistance in which Klil'I'I' wire Is used. Imported from Krupp Gun Works, Germany. For 120 Volts or less $20.00 For 240 Volts or less 30.00 Both adjustable and approved by tire un- derwriters. - The Cameragrnph "Knife Rheostat." the next beet. $12.00. Nothing but KRUPP wire used In these Rheostats. The Cnnierugruph Electric Lamp Is adapted tor both currents, and more easily controlled and gives better uniformity of light than any oilier Lamp, especially on alternating current. Can be set to any angle. Trice. $10.00. - The Cnmerngrupli Calcium Lamp gives bet- ter light tbau any other, uud does not roar like all others. Oiyllthe Outfits. Oioue. Oxyllthe. Mmes, Carbous, Condensers—any size, and Supplies. BIOGRAPH AND I'ATHK AGENTS. FILMS AND MACHINES WANTED PROVIDED THE* ARE GOOD. LEWIS mrsWMB S CO., 338 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 'Phone Connection. FOR THE DE PEW-BTOmjJOCK WANT Must be good looking, have swell wardrobe, strong singing and dancing specialty, and be nb!e to chnnge for the week. Also - STRONO F-KATURK ACT. That Can Change for the Week. SISTER TEAM, MAN AND WOMAN OR SINGLE ACT. . W" want the best: un salary too high If you earn it. Ktntc all iu Ural letter; age. weight, height, whom with last. Semi photo (which will positively be returned*. Fares advanced lo the right people: pay vour own board. Must be able to join immediately. Address THOMAS E. LIE PAW. Manager. ttreeuvllle. S. C, week of Xov. 27: Ashevillc. X. C. week of Dec. 4; Knoxvllle. Tenn.. week of Dec. 11. OTHER OOOD PEOPLE. WRITE. Can use woman for leads and heavies. Must be good looking, end have good wardrobe. AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. 25, WILLIAM JEAVETTA SELBINI and GROVINI IX A CLEVER ACT, COXSISTIXG OF USICAL BELLS AXD MUSICAL MOVISLTIUS. as used hy Leading Artists the world over. Send for new Illustrated entuloguc. Our goods can be seen nl Kohler & Chase, San Francisco. Calif:-Curl Fischer, New York: Oliver Dlt- son, Boston. Muss.: Seymour. Dove & Co., Bombay. Indlu. Always a few bargains on hand. 22 Organ Chimes. $85.00. 3 Oclaves Chromatic. 37 Aluminum Chimes, $100.00. 311 Aluminum Chimes. $75.00. 2 '.j Octaves Chro- matic, 32 Metal Itambuo Xylophone. $35.00. 12 Plated Cow Bells, $10.00. 3 Steel Mnrlm- Imphoues. one for acconipnulment. 40 bars Iu nil. $75.00. 30 deep Swiss Hand Bells, $00.00. 10 Bamboo Bells (REAL BAMBOO). $00.00. 23 Arch. Bells, $100.00. 8 Musical Files, mounted. $7.00. All the above Instruments In good condition. J. c. DEAOAX. 2157 North Clark St.. Chicago. III. A NEW LINE OF FOR AN UXTKAOnUINARY HEBREW COMEDY ACT. Le MAIRE ^ Le MAIRE, "THE PAIR WITH THE PARODIES." IAMILV THri.URB. KIIAMOKIN. PA.. THIS WEEK. ALL AOBSTfl. •w AT LIBERTY, —^ Boy Cometlist 1A/ILL.IE: JB^LXJIVI Baritone Vocalist HOLM) JOIN PAIMNBII IN MUblOAL ACT Oil SINOINO OUAKTETrE. _■ ■_ " Ter. address, lit; BAL'roXSTALL AV E„ Sow Uaveu, 01. •THE BORG ASBASBIHB" COIEPIASH AID SlrlOEHS. 13 HINUTBa IN ONE. Both play pnro; open for Bnrlesiine. gaice Comedy or dates. Add. Empire Theatre, ladlanapolta, ind. f. HOLT. CHA8E'S THEATRE, WASHIR6I0I, THIS WEEK. WOT. 37, AIPHIOK, BR00ILT1. DR. JEKYL and MR. HYDE Bond for samples and prices. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT, KV, JUGGLING AND TUMBLING AND ACROBATIC BICYCLING. Positively the only act of Its kmd la the world. MISS GROVINI. the embodiment of skill, does all of the understanding, and assisted by the clever partner, MR. SKLBIM, put the act. on the high plane It now occupies. Per address T»l. BOA, Wdgettcld. Park, New Jersey. R1DGKKIELD PARK. Xcw Jersey. EILER'S RIP VAN WINKLE GO, (Western) 600D CORNET or CLARIONET SOLOIST for B. & 0„ also 800D ACTOR, DOUBLE BAND, Two car show. Good accommodations; salary absolutely sure; 6th season; Winter and Bummer to right people. If jou get drunk don't answer. Address CHA8. BOWBN, Manager. Manor, Texas, Nov. 27; Elgtn is, MeDade 29, Gldding 30, or Per., WBITTEMORK, IOWi- TOM LEV ANION, 'ZT.^Z"" Week of May 29, Luna Park. C. I.: June 3. Luns Park, C~. 1 W. Va.: July S, Doyle's Pavilion, Atlantic City; 10. Doyle's Pavilion 'it. Coney Islaqd, Wheeling, Atlantic CBTl.aK Pair, Krederle, Md.; 30, Chase's. Washington, 11. No Longer itltli the Zoellera. C.; Nov. 13, Park Theatre, Worcester, Beat Wishes to the Zames, Una, NELLIE LYTTON, DAIKTY, SINGING COMEDIENNE, Musical Comedy, Farce and Vaudeville. Also ulnb and Entertainment Work. Good Voice. Oooil Wardrobe. Address ALL AGENTS; or, 74 IRVING TLAC'E, >'.' V. Oily. TO THE PROFESSION: On November 6 I olosad my big repertoire company after 44 consecutive weeks. After a rest of two months I will be in the harness again for another straight 44 weeks. I want first class repertoire people in all lines to keep track of me through THE CLIPPER. I will be in Hew York City about Dec. 10 to 16. Bespectfully, DR. H. D. RUOKBE- ^ WANT SIN6IN6, DANCING SOUBRETTE, NI6H CLASS SIN8IN6 SISTER TEAMS. All Must Play Parts. State Lowest and Experience. Also Want FEATURE VAUDEVILLE AOT Address HARRY DULL, Mgr.. Not. »7, 88, SO, McKe« t porl,P«. FINE DIVING DOG CLIMBS A LADDER AND JUMPS 50 FEET INTO BLANKET. A. SHItlMPUN, agog 8angamt»n 8t„ Chicago, 111 DICINE IVIBN WB HAVE A GOOD PROPOSITION FOR TRAVEL- ING MEN AND SHOWS. Write today tor particu- lars; PESN11RPQ CO., Philadelphia. several floe Hotel Cars for rent: In due condition. Address MISS ItoMAHOX, Wellington Hotel. Chicago, Intent, for today. Bank's Ideas, No, 8 ,S S WANTED-FOB THE IEW LTCEDI THEATEE, SPfllHGFIElD, OHIO, Melodrama, Perce Corned; and Minstrels, for one. two and tbree night stands, it popular prices; 10, '20, SO and 00c. Can also use attractions for one night stands, at uiual prices, and two first class repertory companies, during the season. House opens Cbr'tatmes- week. Want strong attrautiou for opening night. Musical Comedy preferred. Theatre'situated os Main St., the best location In the city. The most handsome, popular priced theatre. In. Ohio. Liberal percentage and treatment offered to first class attractions. WANTED—llltfiographer, to wort on front door. CHAS. FISHER, Sole Owner. For time and term9. addreit all corrobpondeuce to IJI'S SL'X, Munauer SnrlneOeld, Ohio. WANTHU. S. II. OrEUA CUAIUS und S CENERY. HENRY BROWN, VAUDBVIbLB AO.NT, a* BBAsaoa.* J. Ml THKATHICAL COSTVMER, 140 W. »3d ST., SEW YORK. Ojpoaue Prootor'l. FonnerijEATDEN 4 ROWLET, Manner of B1J0C THEATRE, PATBMO.B.'- eirntKTKB oiveji. klaboratb Affects. ;jiodxrate prkei. ML ■»• VHak Xn'U ffiOfESSIONAt TRINKS; Qtfta IMow Looatod »t 110 WEST 40 STREET, 8 D00R8 EAST OF THE ACTOBS' iOClBTI Wtn't T.a C»ra. t« let Mf Tra»*l'