The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1044 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPEE. December 2. I HE KE IT YUjHJL Diltf Jfnil p. g. W.. Chicago.—The money Is lost Id i tit mich a case. TMErRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LlmlW.) a&At£S^ ^ at/ 1, G Cf, *- kmore ' rnoi'WF.TOr.s. ALBERT J. BOBIE, BOITOUIAL AND RVBINESH MANAGER. SA1URDAY, LECEMBEB 2, 1605. oifi ciiicv-o lktter. from on own' correspondent. RATES: Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, single col- umn. Advertisements set with border, 10 pet cent, eilra. SlilWCntPTIOX. One year in advnuce, $4 ; six mooths, $2; llirce months, *1. Foreign postage extra. Hlngle copies will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cent *. Onr Terms ore < n«li. THE CLIPPER U Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) pages UO TO FUES8 on Saturday at 11a. u., and l he other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Forms Clnalnir Promptly, Tatn- dny, nt 10 o'clocU .4. M. Please remit by eipress, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. Ail.Iron All Commnnlcntloiiai to THE SEW YOHK CbH'PBH, 47 West 28th Street, Kew York. Utghlcrci Cable Adiirc**, "Authobiti." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Ci.iiteb Is located nt Room 502, Ashland Block, Chicago. William F. Bryau, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ments and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU l.oculed at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are received nt our regnilar nitcs. Tub Cuthb can bb obtained, wholb- hai.m and retail, at our agents, Itrentano's news depot, 37 Aveuue de I'Opern, Paris, France; M. Llllcnlhal, Frederick Straws 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Uer- uiony; Diamond Ncwb Co., 07 I"rado, Ha- vana; Manila Rook and Stationery Co., 128 KncoIU, Manila, r. Li Albert & Son, 137- 130 King St., Sydney, Australia. TUB NF.W YORK < 1 I PITH publishes ■inly one rdllluu, and thnl Is dated from New York. (JUBB1 K8 ANS WERED. No Meiille* by Mali or Tcleumpli. Addresses on whereabouts not givrn. Al.L IN QUEST OK 80CH SHOULD MBITS TO TltOSlt Wlll>« THET SEEK, IN CABB Or THH t.'l.ll'l'ER I'UST Oma Al.L I.KTTIBS WILL IIII AUVERT1SKD 0(01 Wr.KK ONLY. If Tit* KOUTH OF ANT" THEATRICAL COlfrANT 18 suiiaiiT, refer to mm list or Routes on anotiikii rum. We cannot send routes UV MAIL OB TELEUBAl'll. DRAMATIC. D. I. T.. Oklahoma City.—We buvc no knowledge of the present whereabouts of tho purtv. Address a letter In our cure and wo will'advertise it In The Ci.ii-i-bb letter '1st. Mhk. S., Philadelphia. Mux. Z. S.. Utile Hock, F. It. II. Jn., Trenton, T. A. K W., Detroit, It. 1). C, New York, II. axd J. R-, ItiinTnlo, and J. IS., Antlgo.—See annwer to D. I. T., above. O. 15.. Norwood.—Doubtless the act prop- erlv [int. mi would be popular »t llie present lime. . . «. A. C. New York.—Apply to one of the several amateur drumallc societies In Brook- lyn. Miss M. A. ft. Picture Uoeks.—Address Jiurty In care of I he Professional Woman's .oagac. New York City. \V. K. K.. Peeksklll.—Address party In care of U» Amerlcuu Dramntlsts' Club, New York City. W. J. 8.. Philadelphia —Address M. Wlt- omrk & Sons, 144 West Thirty-seventh Street. New York Clly. II. -V T.. Delles.—Address A. M. Bncli & Co., 111* North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pii. II. II., fates.—Wr'le (o Carroll Johnson. K. 11. Mc.Vrthur.—We will iiubllsh a list of Hie Winter ipiarlers of the shows In a few nab, "Kt..vro." Snrntogn.—I. The patent otllee, WnsbliiKlou, 11. C, can give you the Informn- ilun. 2. We do not know the act under that title. H nud 4. Consult a lawyer. There are numerous similar acts, and the supply Is ouito equal to the demand. F. S.. Detroit.—Advertise your wants In The L';. K. ft'.. Klmlra.—The east appeared In Cliwer diiled Ore. 6. ItlOU. T. I*. S„ Toleiln.—Address YoHt A Co., 001 Filbert Street. Plillndelphlii, Pu. L. II.. I'liiladelplila.—We do uot know the uivncr nf It. II. P., Louisville.—Watch our route list each week. Miss K. J.. Sun Fraiu.-lsco.—We do not. A. d. It., Ilnverly.—We never Indulge In comparisons. E. M. M., Ml. l'lcasaut.—Watch our route list. "Hal." <;rnnil Junction.—The only way to gel your sketch on Is to make application to tlie niiiii:iiirrs or Issiklng sgetils. J. '.'. »i.. Abilene—The Kill win Co. can doittitlrss give you the inforinatloa. IIASKtlAM.. E. li. U.. (k'llBil.—Yes. Prior to 18IIC. • Aims. 3. S„ Lynn.—tin the draw If the dealer. In dealing. pa|mish one or more rants he must place llie exposed nml or cards ic|»m the iHiitnni »f the pack nud give to lis- player a eorrrs|K>niilug luunher from the top of the pack Is-fore serving the next player. A player ciin iiof mvept ii card cx|H>sed In the draw. l r . anii H., Cape Town.--I. Sro unswer to J S.. nltore. 1*. The eldest hand (In this cii'-r ll> Miire.i the polul for hiiiiif. \V. II., "l*liaprn>us" Co. —A player Is out a:, soon as he melds out. He dues not nave to take another Irlrk. X. It., Itostnn A wins with lilgli. .1 II. It. Cliiirlotle.—Tlie cards speak for theaiselvcs and It wins with bis four ■ lUei'UK. A. W.. Cliniliani—11 depend* upon how lh«> Wiiger wr.s made. If M said he would win and A said he (MI would nut, then M loser. If. however, A said ha (A1 would win, tlieu the lie game makes Hie wager a draw. J. H. «'.. Mimliiiswt. —Any st might lliisli cnu'tltolcs «It it i Is sometimes railed tt royal Hush. The hitter term Hints no plin-e In any <,t<iiiduril work ii|nm the game of poker. Western Korean of I lie Slew York Clililirr, .~>Ott. Aslilnml llloek, < llh-u^.i. The engngemenr of Sarah Rernbanlt Inst week at the llrnnd fipern House was highly siiceessfnl. Tlie new openings for week of Nov. ^7 aier Lillian Tlliiiivelt, in ■'The Hose of ilie Albnnihra," nt the Sfndebaker: Otis Sklnrler, In "Ills ilraee De Hrnniinonr," at Hie I Irani! Opera House: "Lovers nnd Luna- tion" with Johnnie Ford nnd Mnviuc (Jehrue, m Hie (irent Northern: "Frllx and Suit'/.," Cohiinlsis: Mnrtln Keek's (Irplieiun Show nt the aymnrket, high class vaudeville nt the Olympb-, "In Mizxoiira" al the New Mnrlowe. "A Hare for Life" nt Hie Alhatn- lirn, "llnppy Iloollgan'a Trip Around the Wnrid" in ilie Acndeiny, "The ilypsy (ilrl" at the Illion. "A Midnight Hell" rt the Rush Temple, "A Miislcul rlolrw" and n big vaude- ville bl!l nt Kuson'H Theatre. Blue Ribbon Hills at the Troradero, Watson's Orientals at the Fnltr. Howard Hall, in " i lie Million- aire Detective," al the Criterion, and "Secret Dmipntrb" at the People's. Illinois TilKATnn (Will 4. fiavls, mana- ger).—"Tlie Itolllcklnsr. (Ilrl," with Sam Her- nftrd nnd Huttlc Williams, entci-ed upon Its Inst anil third week Suiidny evening, 20. The engagement Las been a decided success, attracting l.lg crowds nt every jierformance. Mr. Bernard nnd Miss Williams nrc big fa- vorites with Chlrngonns, and their run might easily be sti-etrheif over another week or so. Next ottrnrtlon announced nt this house Is Frits! Si-heir, In "Mile. Modiste." PciWRRB' Theatre (Harry J. Powers, inon- ngrri.—William II. Crnne, In "The American Loul," Is giving his farewell jicrforninnrca at this theatre. Ills engagement closing Satnr- dny evening. Ik-r. 2. The company, headed by Hilda Spun:?. Is very ciipalile. Klesnor Uobson. In "Merely Mary Ann." follows 4. JIcVtCKf.n's Theatre (Oeo. C. Warren, manager).—" 'Way Down Knsl" Is still noii- ular, the many repetitions of this piny hav- ing no effect, upon It's drawing |siwer. ns this house Is well tilled at all performances. Tuesday. -">. the three hundredth time of the play in thin city will be made a souvenir or- rus'on. This attraction will continue Indefi- nitely at IIiIr theatre. Coui.niai, TtiBATUE (Ceo. W. Lederer, mnn- ngersi.—Fay Teinnlelon, In "Korty-flve Mluute* from llrondwny," slurtod her ninth week. Sunday, Nov. 21!, with the unbroken record of ernwded houses from the outset. iisami (H'CitA House i Harry Askln. innn- ngeri.—(His Skinner opens a (wo weeks' en- gagement Monday. Nov. 27. Ijist week Sarah Bernlinrdt did immense business, in repertory. 'T!BICJMQ iii'eha IIoisk (Lyman B. (Hover, manager for Kohl & Castle).—To all ap- pearances "Ills Honor, the Mayor," will cou- t'nue here for some time. John Slnvlo, Itlnnrbc King, Mnbel Harrison. Helen Case, Mnrlon Alexander and the Kngllsh Pony Bal- let are altracllag big houses, und the entcr- liiliiinenl Is meeting with Kucrewi. .Miss IIol- llns leaves the cast Monday, 27. nnd her part of Daisy will be taken by Mnbel Harrison, who hns been playing allot Iter pan. i..\ia:i' ic TitEATun (Sam P. (iersoii, man- nger}.—The gorgeous mnslcnl spectacle, "Babes In the tYund" Is enjnylojr n prosper- ous run. The nmtliiees are uniistially large. The work of Fred Walton, the paiitomltnlst, Is a feature. STi.nEn.vKKn Theatre (It. K. Ilnrmeyer, innnngeri.—'Tlis Winning (Ilrl" closed two weeks of good business Snturilny, 2.1. LP- Han Rlauvelt, in "The Rose of the Alham- lim." -.'iiens Mtlmlay. 27. MIbs Illative! t Is ossified by Edwin Stevens, Eugene Cowles, Fern Wlnanl. (Scone Talinnn, Frank Ilelcher, Owen Westford, Adella Baker, <!nrrle Macntz. I.lil.iin. Hudson. Mack Johnson. William Welch, (lito luiober. Ambrose Daly. Essie l.vons. K'tlle Murshnll, Edward Illnghnni mid Thin Murshnll. Ai'UITobium (Mllwnnl Adams, manager). —This Is the last week of Klaw & Erlauger s lieantlfiil spectacular production, "Ilumpty llunipty." This production hns many unique features. Including the aerial ballet, which lias exeltrd the universal admiration of the attendance upon Its presentation. L.v Sai.i.i: Theatre (M. II. Singer, mana- ger i.—Friday evening. Dec. 1, the last per- formance of "The Yankee Regent," which hns bnd a run of one hundred und fifty pcr- forninnces In this city, will lie given. Satur- day night, 2, "The Umpire." n new musical comedy, will be presented for the Orst time ou any stage. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs.' manager for Kohl & Castle).—The bill week of Nov. 27 Includes: ]x>slle and Daly. Lillian Uurk- hurt nud company. Estclle-Wordette Co.. Blonne Twin Sisters. Lizzie N. Wilson. Pbll aril Carrie Russell. Jacobs' dogs. Talbot and ltogers, Marvelle aad (ileason, Snsle Fischer, tirown und Brown, Hlgglus nml Phelps, nud tlie klundrome. Havmabket Theatre (W. \V. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle).— Martin Heck's • irplieiun Show opens Monday night, 27. This orgaatzalloa Includes: The Four Fords, Co- lonial Septette. Jules and Kiln Garrison, Wi- nona Winter. Campbell and Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hughes. Ross nnd (iolet. Merlan's dogb. Kdgnr Blxley, the Mlzumns, Dcllu Walker nnd Hurry Johnson. Hl'sit Tkmi'I.k (Ellznbelli Schober. mana- ger).—"Canillle" drew large liouses week of 2(1. Ih'tilnn'ng Mombiy evenlnir. 27, Boyt's "A Midnight Hell" will open a week's stny. "Ivan. Hie Terrible." week of Dec. 4. Coi.rjiniA Tiieatbe tWeber Bros., iniina- sers).—"Tlie Millionaire Detective" closed Sulurcbiy night. 2.1, nnd -was followed ou Smidnr. 2li, by Mason and Mason. In "Fritz and Suit* ' This comedy Is a lively mixture of fun and music, requiring a company of slvly, ?peclal si-enery nud elalMirate costumes. The co'niiKiny coiilulns, nmoug others. Sue Week of Doc. .". Murray and Muck, In "Aniniid Town." Ai.iiajiiiiia Tihmtbk (James H. Hrowu, nuiiingir).—"A Desperate Chance" closed a week's good business Salunlay, Nor. 2,1. "A Race for Life" opened Sunday night, 211, for one week. Doruthv Lyons Is fealurcd In thu uist. Week of Dec. 2, Lottie Williams. In "My Tom-Boy (Ilrl." Acai'emv (William Roche, manager).— "Sky Farm" closed u week of goinl business Saturday. Nov. 2o. "Happy Hooligan's Trip A urnial tla- World" o|s'iuiI Sunday. 2t>. The company Includes: Ynlvsa Ada Henry, Charles .lol'iiHiiii. tins Kruno. Charles F. Ilanecy. ,1m- J. Sullivan. Charles Newton. Joe Pelllii- gill and Biaiiche Hulger. "The Street Sing- er" next. tiUKAT Noiirin:iiN Tiieatui: i Fn>d C. Kb- oris, uianng.-r).—"Hiifii:-. Ilastiis" was sin- iis-ded Sunday, 2li, by Jobnule Font and Mn vine Cehrue. In "fixers and Lima lies." Tills piece K< mukiug Its Urst uppearance lu this city, and has many eiitennlulng feat- nres. Tlie iiiinpany Includes : Johnnie Ford. Mm vine ic'lirne, Joe Morris. Sum Sbautiou, lieorge |». Ws'soa. ,1. Mnurlce llnldeii. FIAT- once Llltlc, Henrietta Tislro. Philip Zuker, Dnvenuorl llniuliton, William W. Itenedlct. John T. llnrrett. Clinrles W. Rroen nnd oth- ers. Km Tnnaun.v follows. ItLior TiiKATiii: (William Roche, iiinnn- gerl.—"A Wire's Secret" pined a week of giwd business, iir.d wns followetl bv "The <iy|»y C.Irl" on Sunday. 2il. Dolly Kempler. ■.luieiiini i'.l as ilie youngest llie.itrlcal slai. Is fenlMii'd III this piece. Miss Kempler Is u favorite .villi tlie patrons of this playhouse, baring recently uppeurrd In "The" Child Wife." "The Shadow Behind the Throne" next. New Miblowf. Theatre (Marvin Ruaaell, manager i.—"Dai'keat Russia" closed Satur- day. 2*, after enjoying a prosperous week'a business. "In Muzmira" opened Sunday, 26. Will Hall plays the leading character of Jim Rodham. '-Alabama" follows. Oitkbiox Tiieatbe (John R. Ilogan, man- ager).—Howard Hall, lu "The Millionaire de- tective." opened Monday, 27. "A W'lfeVKe- cri't" did well last week. "McPaddeo'B Bow of Flats" next. l*EOPl,r.'s Theatre (Joseph Pilgrim, mali- nger;.—"From Sire to Sun" was well r«v celved week of 2«. "A Secret DespatetT begins n Week's run Monday, 27. "When We Were Twenty-one" next. i-'uM.Y Theatre i John A. Fennessy, man- ager).—Watson's Orientals this week. last week tbe Alcazar Beauties gave an interest- ing entertnlnment. The vaudeville portion of tbe Oriental T.'oinpnny Includes: S'nmnmoto Bros., Japanese cipillibrlsls: Swan nud 11am- bard, acrobatic coiulipies; Erceuirlc Johnnie Carroll, Elsa Leslie, tbe Cugllsli canlntrlre; Harry Montague, Beatrice Harlow, Sophie r.Dimett and others. - " Tbocauero Theatre (Harry II. Hedges, manager).—The*entz-Snulley Burlesque Co. dosed a week of satisfactory business Satur- day, 21. The Blue Ribbon (Ilrls began an en- gagement of n week Sunday. 26. Two bnr- lesiiucs, entitled "Caught With tbe Goods" and "The Laundry Olrls" Vacation at the St. Louis Fair." will be presented. Krso.w Theatre (Sid J. Kuson, manager). —Tills house opened under Its new name Sunday afternoon. 19, nnd the llrst week's business wns excellent. Hill for week of 20 : "The Silly Dinner Trial" and "A Musical Soiree" will lie offered In conjunction witli a good vaudeville bill. Including Wilton Bros., liolden and Hughes, Three Jncksons and the Harmonic Comedy Four. The Four Con- nollys nrc an added nttractlon. Howard Theatre (M. Magnus, manager). —Programme for week of 27: Hallback and parouelte, Sims, the cartoonist; Charles and Kate Gibson, Yale Trio, .Mine. Vlda and otbers. London Dime Museum (William Sweeny, manager).—Curio ball attractions for week of 27 are: Mile. Taylor, long haired lady : Seldcnberg's deu of serpents, Xorselaud flant. Prof. Smith's trained monkeys. Albert lermnnn. tattooed man. In the theatre. La Belle Rosa. Irene I^iwden, Carrie Clarksou, and new moving nlrtures. Ci.ark Street Museum (Louis M. Hedges, inunnger).—Twenty grass widows, la vaude- ville. In the curio hall. Other features In- clude llie Roberts. In an Impalement act; a loon the loop monkey. Ell Bowen. Otto's sn'- mnls. F. Jnmes, Prof. Aht.. Tom Mllnny, Crom- by and Crumby, and Marie Iji Cor. ArTERMATll. — Mabel Bardiiie Is intro- ducing an original monologue In vaudeville I his season, und Is meeting with success. She is bonked for thirty weeks by the Western Vaudeville Managers' Associollou Jose- phine Floyd has signed with "Forbidden Lund" Co. for the season, anil will appear In the role of Dorothy Jake Sternad was elected a member of the Chicago I-otlge, No. 4. II. P. O. Elks, Thursday evening, 21! Female Buster Brown and 'Tlge played a Is'iieiii entertainment fur the Inmates of (he Cook County Hospital. Tuesday afternooa. 21. Oeorge II. Carr, of Can- and Jordan, who are nppearlng with (he Itentz-Sanlley Co. this season, was a i'i.ii'i'ku Bureau caller Wednesday, lie reports a very pleasant en- gogement with tbe above organization Ryan and Douglas, in "An Impromptu Re- hearsal." have lieeu booked by trt.- Western Vaudeville Managers' Association for twelve weeks, beginning-Oec. 4 '..The Three Jack- sons open oil the Orphemn circuit nt Minne- apolis, on Dec. .'(... Frederick Clarenze Illvers, late stage manager nf the Lit Salle Theatre, will devote bis time for the rest of this sea- son In producing vaudeville novelties The W. S. Cleveland Amusement Company, which formerly controlled Cleveland's Then- Ire. Hubbard Place and Wabaiili Avenue, yesterday began suit. In the Superior Court, for s:.(M).()(H> agalust the city, for the al- leged wrongful closing of the theatre for noii-compllance with Hie building ordinances. The theatre company claims It was given no notice of the ordlu»nco. A large force of workmen are making the neighborhood of West Harrison Street and lies Plains Avenue resound with the lap of hammers and the shriek of saws. They are building the fence which will enOrely surround the plot of seventeen ncres selected us the location of the new resort of l.each Amusement Com- pany, and within a few days will begin the work of construction of tlie various buildings. Following tho engagement of Franc R. E. Woodward, "the man who made White City famous," as director of publicity, and the statement that he would conduct the department of publicity for the Beach Amusement Com- pany, comes llie announcement that II. E. Rice, of St. Louis, one of Hie owncra of (ilobe Theatre, well known among young amusement managers, had been engaged to lake charge of the work of conslriit'tinn and of selecting the concessions. Over four hun- dred requests for concessions have nlreadv been receiver! by Mr. Rice, and he states that a half dozen or them alone represent invest- ments of about 8200,000. It Is tlie Inten- tion of the management of the Bench Amuse- ment Company to make It not only the Inrg- cst, but the most mnenllicent nopnlar Slim- mer resort In the world. ■*-—* OIIEGOM. Porilnml—At the Mnrqitma Grand (Cal- vin Ilclllg. manager) Richards & Prlngle's Minstrels bad n capacity house Nor. 13. Harry Mcstayer did fnir business, 14-18. lu "(ihosts." Andrew Mack. 20-22, In "Tom Moore." Richard F. Outeault afternoon and evening of 2M. Rrltt-Nclson pictures 24-26. Wntklu Mills, baritone, and concert rompam, 2!).' under the direction of Lois Steers uud Wynu Comun. University of Oregon O!co Club UO. Hei.asco (i-:. L. Snckelt. mnnuger).—White Whittlesey closed bis engagement ns leading man of the Belnsco Stock Co.. 10. tbe closing play being "The First Violin." Business week of iff was good. "The Fatal Card" 20- 2.1. Will R. Walling returned to his position ns leading mini on that date. "Michael Strogolf" 27 and week. "The C-Irl With the (I recti Kycs" following week. Bama (0. I~ linker, manager).—"A Broken Heart" hnd two fair sized liouses l'J. "Hooligan's Troubles" did good business week of 12. Lnnslng Rowan, In "Canillle." 2(1. Baker's ((.'. L. Baker, manager).—The Parisian Relies now hold the record at thla theatre for two Sunday performances, nindc II). The I'lnplnns hail light buslucss week of 12. Loudon Calety Cirts 21! and week. Star (J. II. Errlckson, manager).—Cliff Fnrrell. Daecy, Chase und Adair, Fred I'urlit* ton, the Three Cordons. Cluck und Ij'slle, tbe Croat Richards and the Staroscopc. iIr.vnii t.l. II. Erricksou. mnnuger).—Zlnn's Merry Travesty Co., week of SB, in "Tbe Siillan of Morocco." LIhKCTV (Keating & Flood, managers i.— Liberty Orchestra, tbe (Ireat Melville, Mr. and Mrs. John Chick, n-unk Clnvtun. Ihe Murrllles, .Leo. While. Nat Darling, Louis Brothers and the blogrupb. Lyric t Keating „v Flood, managers).—The Lyric Stock Co.. week of 211, la "The Tramp's Oath." ' 4 »» Xannitte ComstkCK has been engaged by Henry W. Savage for the leading Ingenue role In Richard Hardline Davis eomedv, "The War Correspondent.' which this man- ege.- produces lu December, with Raymond Itld hcock ns the slnr. Mls« Cnnislock's work In •Tli" Dlelalor" and "The Crisis" calls to mlu'J her early suicdscs. MAS SACHUSE TTS. Boston .—Playgoers have a variety of at- tractions to select from Thanksgiving week. K. II. Sothern and Julia Marlowe, In Shakes- pearean revivals, nt the Hollls; "Mrs. LeT- llngwcll'g Boots," nt the Park, and "The Wizard of Of," nt the Boston, are the new bills of chief Interest. Other offerings In- clude: "(Jay .New York." at the Olobc; "Queen of the Convicts," at tho Grand Opera House: "Bine .leans." at the Emblrc: "The Prisoner of■ Kenda," al tbe Castle Skimirc; "A Texas Ranger."' a I the Dowdolu Sminre, anil new vaudeville nud burlesque bill", fbe holdovers are: Nnt C. (loodwln. In "Wo f- vllle." at Hie Colonial: "Tho County Chair- man." ul the 'I rem.'ni. and "As Ye Sow." at the Mnjesii:-. Last week wns football week in ibis city, uud the theatres and amusement resorts did nil Immense business. Hm.i.iH Ktmkkt Tiieatbe (Isaac B. Rich, mannger). —On Mondav evening. Not.' 27, K. It Sol hem and Julln Marlowe will begin ii ttirce weeks' engagement in revlvdls of Shakespeare's plr.ys. The hill Ibis week will be "The Taming of the Shrew." 'Die second week will he devoted to "Twelfth .Vlght." and the tlnul week to "The Merchant of Venice" and "Romeo nnd Juliet." Ending Saturday night, 23, Lulu Olnscr hnd a fort- nlaJ'.t or excellent business for "Miss Dolly Dollars." I'aiik Theatre fChus. Froliman, Rich & Harris, managers).—llo.'tonlans will have their llrst views of Augustus Thomas' comedy. "Mrs. Lelllngwcll's Boots." on Mon- day evculns, 27. It then beginning a two weeks' encngeoient. The company lucludes: Ksuie Hover. Dorothy Hammond, Jane Lautrd, Eva Vincent, Orine Caldara, Conway Tearle and Henry Harmon. Arnold Daly and bis company scored n success last week lu Shaw's "you Never Can Tell." Roston Theatre (Lawrence McCarty, maa- nirer).—The attrnctlon here for tbe current three weeks will be "The Wizard of Oz," with Montgomery nnd Stone, and several new nnd many of tbe old favorites in the company. During the past fortnight "Babes .u Toyland'enjoyed excellent business. "Fan- tana" will come 18. Colonial Theatre (Clias. Frohman, Rich & Harris, malingers).—Nnt C. Coodwln begins the second and last week of bis engagement on Monday evening, 27, continuing ^'Wolf- vlllc," which was well received by large nu- dlcuccs, wbo saw it for the llrst time in this clly. 'The Rogers Brothers in Ireland" fol- lows. Tremont TiiKATRE(John B. Schoeffel, mnn- ngcr).—"The County Chairman" Is now In Its third and Una! week at this house. Business has been on Ihe capacity order, with the S. R. O. sign displayed frequently. Mrs. FIske, In "Leah KIcscbnn." follows. Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- ngers).—Tills Is the elgbth week of tho highly successful engagement of "As Ye. Sow," and tbe remaining two weeks of the run, which ends Dec. Hi. promise a continuation of prosperity. Etbcl Earle hns been engaged ns leading lady to succeed llelcu Mcllregor, whose sudden death ncenrred Wednesday, 22. The next nttractlon will be the Hanlon Bros.' spectacular pantomime. "Fantasma." Gluue Theatub (Stair * Wilbur, mana- gers).—The holiday week offering here Is the new musical comedy, "(lay New York," with Dan Mason heading a strong company of en- tertainers. During the past week Klflo l-'ay enjoyed good business with "The Belle of Avenue A." "How Baxter Butted In" next. Ckand Opeka House (George W. Magee, manager).—Selmn Hormnn. In "Queen of the Convicts." will reign at this South end house during tbe current week. Last week "The Flaming Arrow" pleased big audiences. Charles T. Aldrich, In "Secret Service Sam," follows Kjii'ire Theatre (Lindsay Morlson. mana- ger).—The Empire Stock Co. will be seen this week. In an elaborate revival of "Blue Jeans." The principal characters fall to Francis Byrne. James Seeley, Frank Losee, William Everts. ILirrv llndtleld. Mary Hall Zeflle Tilbury. Mary Sanders and Rose Morl- son Dur'ng the past fortnight "Tho Crisis" packed the house at every performance. In rehearsal. "If I Were King. Castle Square Tiikatue (Boston Stage Society, managers.).—The slock cumpnnv, bended by Jobu Craig and Lillian Kemble. presents, this week, "The Prisoner of Zeadn," following a week of good business for "Di- plomacy." In preparation for nest week, "Tbe Climbers." ROWDOIN Sol'ARB THEATRE (G. K. 1,0- throp. manager).—"A Texas Ranger" will engage the intention of the Lolbrop Stock Co. this week. Charles Miller has the title role, and all the favorites have prominent parts. Charlotte Hunt, in "Du Barry," scored a lilt last week, and Ihe crowded houses enjoyed the play Immensely. Next, "A Legacy of Sin." Keith's. Theatre (II. F. Keith, manager). —The bolldav bill is headed by Edward~Mol- ienliauer, violin virtuoso, who was the found- er of Hie conservatory system In America. Other excellent cards are: Bertc Cooto and company, llcll> lluthawav'a moDkcvs and baboons. Josephine Gnssmun. it J. Jose, Spls- scll Bros, and Mack. Burke and Dempsev, Asrn. Les Auberts. I,e Roy and Woodford, :.o Petllc Mignon, Sid UHxler, Leo Carrlllo, l.ei-Unn and Crockway, Duly and Devere, nnd new motion pictures. Last week was n period of great business and gor.d entertain- ment. Well liked failures were: Louis Si- mon and Grace Gardner, Four M'clsons, Will ltogers O. K. Sato. Mr. and Mrs. Trucsdell and Cherry and Bales. Howard Athenaeum (Carl D. I^itlirop, lnislr.css_ manager).—Opening Mondnv after- noon. 21 : Mr and Mrs. Gene Hughes, lu .'.A Matrimonial Substitute:" Ihe World's Irlo, William Call III. Curon and Fnrnum, Herbert s dors. Kenjon nnd De Carino, Until- .•iwny and Wiiltan. .In.k Irwlu, Sbeppurd and Ward, Hie Mannings. Van nnd Rurdette, Iroderlrk. the Howanlscopc. and the house biu-lesiiue. in "The Gladness Rrlgnde." In hist week's tine bill Fltxglbbon. Horse and Drlslane. Mile, i'roja, Steele)'. Doty and rom- pany, ami Cook and Sylvia wen.' "ncls which kept (lie puked houses lu cot «i humor. I awe Theatre (Chns. II. Waldrnn. man- "WD.—MunnBer Wnldron's own show, the Irorndcro Burlesiiiiers. provide this week's entiiluluiiient. "Hotel Astorbllt" and "A Saintly Sinner" are the two burlesque feat- ures, and the olio names: Brian, tbe sensa- tional Juggler: Boycc and Blnck. Mnc Tnvlor Alt and Mnbe Wilson, nnd Mnckle aad Walk- er. Sain ScrHiner's (Jay Morning Glories pleased large crowds last week. Columbia Theatre (Harry N. Patron. innnngeri.—The Imperial Rnrlcsquers, in tbe riii-eo, An l-.yc Opener." present the show at this popular hense the current week. In the company arc : Jark Craw font. Dua Manning, Lillian Washburn, Pnullue Monin, Lew Pal' nier. the C.nrrit.v Sisters und the Clipper inly lour. The High School Girls guVe h show last week. >h) s l lmls0 , s t-nlovis- u very prosis-rous season. s Lvi'ElM TituATKi; Ifi. II. Butcbeller. mnn- Irving, Ida and Gertrude Campbell. M*rlam Mni'tel 1 , Grace Toledo, Erla Musette. Marlon Lancaster, Mae Lanti, Laura Ingalls, Uiirrv Powell. Chns. Clarke. Bob Morris and Tom Bryant, and Leonard and Boatedo. Geo Whalen, tlie Bradfords, Ivy Dellmar, Ivy and Del Warno, Allen Gr.nella and Daisy Dc'-tnar Buslnesa Is at lop natch. ■* Nickelodeon tC. B. Cherry, manager) In the curio hall this week: Cnaunccv Mor- i:in. heaviest man In the world: Sam Cohan expansionist ; Prof. Mlllette, htoom king-' Geo. Thonipson. banjolst, and a ladles lag of war contest. On tho stage: Geo. and Mamie Cllolon. Alice Cover, Frank Travis, Minnie ljine. Josle Lntbam. Gertrude Hill. an <l the Aineslmry Bros. Business Is well up to Mjc standard. Walkeii's Museum (L. B. Walker, mana- ger).—Several sensational novelties lire prom- ised in the ciitlo hall for this wees, but the bill Is nnt announced. The stage show will Ik? given by house burlesque company, which Includes a nnmliei- of excellent singers, dancers and comedlnns. Notes.— Sunday concert bills 20: Ronton Thruln —Contes ami Grundy's "Watermelon Trust," Cartnencita. itooney Sisters, Hal cift- meuts, Jennie De Hann, L. W. Gilbert, Leon- ard and Bnstedo. Le Page and Cnvanda. /?o"- iloin Square —Mile. Trojn, Fltzglbbon. Morse nnd Drlslane, Steely, Doty and Coo. Cook and Sylvia. Emclle Benner. Marlow, Plunket and Co., Conture and Gillette. Martin nnd Rldg- wny, the Albertys, Kimball Bros., Perry and Hlcglns, Sullogle Bros, and Lizzie Otto Olotc —Burke and La Rue, Dixon, Bowers and Dixon. Harry Fields. Newslwy Quartet. Sisson. Burtls and Slsaon. Hodges and Launchmere. Tobln Sisters, nnd John llyoras and 1/ijlla Mclnlyre. i/a>cs'io—.llvama' aud Jlcliityre. Arthur Buckncr. Kllleen and Mur- phy. Dixon, Bowers nnd Dixon, John C. Nu- irent and comiMiny, Savoy Quartet and Harry Fields. Mmm —Elks charity fund con- cert, Chas. "Saudy'' Cbapman, Sabel John- son. Paul Stevens, the Pryors, Mille'. Sullivan and Thomas, Cumlllo nnd Fona and Billy Chase. Siimphu»u Jlall — Boston Symphony Orchestra Pension Fund concert The Irish Ladles' Choir, of Dublin, will give two concerts at Sym- phony Hall, on Thanksgiving Day The Actors' Fund benefit will be held at the Colonial Theatre, Friday afternoon. Dec. 1.1, under the direction of w. D. Andreas, busi- ness mnnager of the Park Theatre Janes Gummon, advertising agent of (bo Palace Theatre, has embarked In the adver- tising business" <n the linn of Curtln. Gam- mon & Co Memorial services were held at the Majestic Theatre last Saturday morn- luff for the bite Helen McGregor, leudlag lady of "As Yc Sow" Company, who died suddenly 22. Rev John M. Snyder, author of the play, offered a prayer, and a quartette. composed of members of tbe company, sang appropriate selections. Springfield.—At the Court Square tU. O. GUmorc. manager) "The Gingerbread Man," an original musical comedy, la two acts and four scenes, book and lyrics by Frederick Kanken, music A. Baldwin Sloaor, was given its initial performance at the Au- ditorium, Mnideu, Mass., evening of Nay. is. The story tells of the love of Jack Horner, a baker's apprentice, and Mazle Bon-bon, a confectioners sales lady, of Santa Clam Land. Tbelr love affairs have reached that stage where they are soon to be made onr. Mnchcvnlliis Fudge, a dealer in second-band curses, steals M.izle and makes off with her In bis airship, for Dunn Land. Jack, aided by the good fairy, follows He discovers his sweetheart converted Into the princess of Bon-bon Land. He also learns that he Is the bod of the real king of Pastry Land, which borders on the realm of the princess, and that li's father is the Gingerbread Man of Santa Clans Land,* and the present king, his uncle, Is not the rightful occupant of tbe throne. Mazle doesu't recognize Jack until transformed again Into the little sales girl. Then Joy rings out throughout the two king- doms, and Jack's father regains his rights. Cast: Kris Krtngle. Rert Devlin; King Bunn, Gus Welnburg'; King Sugar Plum, Gilbert Gregory; Pr'nce Catamel. his son, Johu Mc- Closkey: Mai-hevnllus Fudge, Homer Llnd: CarumeUta, Koss Snow: Torumlc Kntt. Mar Wlllard: Jack Homer. Helen Bertram: Simple Simon. Joseph Wclah: Taffey, Jessie Bwndbury; Toffcy. Martha Clause; Ginger- bread Man, Edward Redway; Intelligent Egg and Fiery Dragon. H. L. Zeda, Cookie. Frunkie Bailey: Cook. BenJ. Tlemann; Mazle Bon-bon and Princess Sugar Plum, Almyra Forrest; Princess Sallle Limn, Harriet Burt: Margery Daw, Nalllo Lvnch. The scenes are laid on a street in Santa Clans, the dividing line between tho realms of King Sugar Plum and King Buna : a street In Burnt Land, and the throne room of the Sugar Palace. Tbe production Is singed by Chas. II. Jones. Harry K. Converse and Mason Peters are the managers. The play was seen here 17, IS, by fairly well filed houses. The production ha? merit and with a few changes should be very successful. "The Land of Cotton." 20, 21, did well. A good sized audience en- joyed 'Tlie Little Grey Lady" 23, and the Irish Ladies' Choir, of Dublin, matinee 24. rendered a well chosen programme, with which its audience was well pleased. Dart- mouth-Brown Glee Club concert 24. "Under Southern Skies" 25. "You Never Can Tell" 27. "Candida" 28, Primrose's Minstrels »"• Dlgby Bell Dec. 1, "Checkers" 4. St. Joseph's Church jubilee 5. "Just Out of College" 6, Irish Ladles' Choir, of Dublin, D. New Giluore (I*. F. Shea & Co., meua- gcrs).—A fine production of "Madam Sana Gene" wns given week of Nor. 20. Maude Fealy made a decided hit, and Itnymonl Capp was cicellcnt. The others of the com- pany gave able support. "BarJjaru Frleicbie" this week. Poi.i's (J. C. Crlddle, resident mnnagcri. . —Good vaudeville did good business last week. Bill for this week Is headed by Thomp- son's elephants, aud Includes bait a dozen good acts. Nelson (P. F. Shea & Co.. managers).-- i "On the Brldse at Midnight" did well IU-18. and the Jersey Lilies, 20-22, did thriving business. The comedy work was well looked after by Dan Gracey and Gua Rawson. and Itena Washburne won by her vivacious man- ner. Hi Henry'a Minstrels opened to pood re- turns 23, rcnmlnlng 24, 8S. The Parisian Widows 27-20, "Tbe Gny Matinee Clri" 30- Dei'. 2. In tub Foyer. —A penny arcade has been opened at 287 Main Street, aad It 6crm! to be doing a thriving business "Before and After." which was to play a return date at Court Square Theatre, 20. canceled A Connecticut mnnnger Is endeavoring to eet possesion of the Henry Theatre, Itockvl'.'.e. . CL, to add to his present circuit of theatres. Nat C. Goodwin slopped over here a short time on his way to Northompton lau week. Lowell At the Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. & llosford. innnagersi Ihe lays . nirerl —'I'be HoiviTi- lliiri'o.J„.7orL;'V^'.'«'""V •'"'""lalncd capacity houses, ending a t«.o Mills bonne the nrewiu »«1 T tenants weeks' visit Nov. 25. Current: Illo-obono's ^T^trtl&MtfEd^t&bJTE^ ,,or,i, '' ! - °' DrlcD «»'<! WtwL Felix Barry nnd „ • .2.",^:. J, vn " Hie l.ay Modiste" eompnuy, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hlall. Liona Thurbor. Willie Gurduer. ami (he vltagraph. Concert of moving pictures 20. Academy op Music (HutilingloD & P* Deyn, managers).—Another week of S. B. O. business nnd pleased audiences 2d-2o. the offering by the stock companv being "Naughty Iteberca." wllb Mr. Hnntlnetou In the lend. Mnbelle P.sleUe played the opposite lead, and siiireil n big success. The others deserving mention were: Donald Meek, D. J. Sullivan. Alexander (laden, Isabel Flerrhpr nnd Marie Curlls. Preceding the plav Mr. llimtin^ton (rave ids original playlet. "A 8lolen Kiss." re- pealing his former success. "Tennessee s Piirdner" Ibis week, with Mr. De Deyn lead- lug. ---- .,-.-- .. u .. ■„^- ,,,,, ninoisie as tbo laugh creators, and an nllu which In eludes: Lizzie Frellgh. Ben .lansen. Tbr.'c Bunnons. strlbi Wells, cnmille ri'Klccdero and llo Russell. Rice & Barton's Big Co. irnve line satisfaction last week, nnd attracted cood crowds. " Austin & Stone's Museum (A. R. White mnnnger) —Many curio ball features nre of- fered this week, chief of which Is Lionel, the lion fm-ed Imy. others of int'.-eat are. The African Village aad Tevi, Dalinmev