The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER.' 1051 0DHE> r,A<TJ$ST AND GREATEST PHILOSOPHY SONG ISi "WHEN YOU'RE UP IN THE WORLD" (A Spot Light Specialty). Featured t>y WILL WEST and STUART BARNKS. E noloi •roe ram as | | Knolos* f» roRrami i a IF I HAD A GIRL AS NICE AS YOU, W ££ Also 8unB toy Ot-ARA UANK and KITTY WOi_»=-H:. Singer*, Please Enclose Latest Program When Writing ftp Pr»» Copy. LET HEIR DROWIM" Oomlc Song Bhooms of jy Dawson," •• Sung by RAYMOND HITOHOOOK. IJE" Oloso Programs TO DE 81WO IN V Al'DKVlLI.K. | Enoloaa Programa I FRANCIS, DAY & HUNTER, 3 and & East 28th Street, BEUSCO BUHCHE BATES THEATRE. Kv. 8. Mat. Sat. Mi. DAVID BELASCO presents "THE OIRL OF THE GOLDEN DAVID BELASCO, WEST." MATINEE THAN KSGIVING DAY. BIJOU KJtf MATINEE SATURDAY 2. EVENING 8.19. latinee Thanksgiving Day. David Belasco present* for t tie !d year In N. Y. WARFIELD MUSIC MASTER . HOW ABOUT YOUR BOOKING I ED. F. ADAMS k 00., 127 Westioth Street, New York, N.Y., can fix Hap 1 . WANTSD—At once, for permanent hotol en- gagement, first class Violin, Fiute, 'Cello and Buss, .irate ealanr and particulars. No expenses paid. H. 7., REE8, 74 W. Forsyth St., Atlanta, On. cuit BALE—Large list ot slightly used head line Films 7 cents per foot. DA VIDOEPFNKH, 145Second Ave,N. Y. C. THE FIRST THING IS GOOD BOOK- ING. ED. F. ADAMS A CO., 127 WeBt 40tb Street, New York* do that. THOS. SPENCER, Theatrical Clog Maker, 440 West :«ith St., New York. Stamp for price li st. Ord ers promptly attended to. FOR HOI TING AND BOOKING, SEE AT ONCE ED. F. ADAMS & CO., 127 West 40th Street, N. Y. _____ FOR SALE—Edison Exhibition Moving Plclure Machine, one reel of Film, 122 Slides ol the West, set Song Slides, Rheostat,calcium Burner, Lenses, etc Ail as new. First *65 tak«9 It. O.G. Arnold, care of A tla s Novelty Co., 164 Illinois St.. Chica go. SKETCHES AND PLAYS WRITTEN to order. Address BERNARD KLING, Playwright. 857 Jar St., Brooklyn, N. Y. RILEY OPERA HOUSE, Ramble, Texas wants attractions. Agood oil deld town of six thousand people; seals 600: receipts $160 to $400. nave played this season Murray and Mack, Mc- Fadden's Flats, Happy Hooligan, and others. Address , CHAM. RIL EY, Prop._ HOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS. (Oopyrlkht), 3 different hooks, 10c. All kinds acts. MOBFHET'S SCHOOL. 887 N. 12th St., Phils,., Fa. FOR SALE—Lubin Com. Moving Picture and Stereo., Electric and Calcium Burners aud Rheo- stat, Curtain, Reel ot Films. 3 Sonar sets In perfect condition, *76; Leader Btereoptlcon, Electric and VaporLlghia, $25; Serpentine Dress, U; Black Art Outfit, $18: I'ose Otiiflt, $15; to War Views, *s; 20 Dinoe Slides, 84. Enclose a stamp or no answer. M RS. WM. CARL, 2 H4 C ourt St., R ochest er, _____ HOW TO BBOOHE A CONTORTIONIST. Front and Back Bending, each trick Illustrated. H8c. Morphet'a School. 837 N. 12th St., Phlla.,P>. WANTED—All around Minstrel, Vaudeville People, Tom People for No. 2 show, Child for Eva, Man for Lagree, Man for Marks, nano Flayer, other nselul Tom People. Those who double brass ami do specialties preferred. Lowest salary first letter. Nov. 28 to Dec. 6, Breokcarldge, Miun. WILLIAM DE HART. 50 Cents lor a Book of Too Sketches, 5 Aots for l male, 1 female; 6 acta for 2 males. Money order or£2 cent stamps. Address BERNARD KUNO, Playwright, 867 JaySt., Brooklyn, N. Y. SLOT MACHINES. OUT PRICES. CUT PRICES. I'dl^on Slot Phonographs, our price, S35. Plcturo Machines, »18.6o. Weighing Scales, s:«. no Pedes- tals, tl.ftO each. Name Plate, $30 ROGERS MFC. CO., 147 Weat H3d St., New York City. NOTRS FWM COl'EI.AND UllOS.' STOCK CO,— The people engaged iind holding contracts with this company are: Donnle Waddcll, Uus Rapier, Ben Tlllsou, k_ D. Kirk, Oraydon 1'ux. JuliuN IteuBS, If. lie Long, ilnyter and .Inner, .lesnlee Knopp, Zcla Le Hoy and Min- nie Warden. Copelnud Hros., owners nnd nianugei'B. It was Impossible to answer all letters, as we received over four hundred from our recent Cmitbu "art." Everything U very prosperous In our territory. NOTES K1IOJ1 BlIOIlOCK & l'Kt.TIBIL'S "T.tnHT- liotiSH Rotinuu*" Co., O. Stuart Hrodock, tnnnngcr.—Wo arc carrying a full equipment <>f scenery and u metropolitan company. We open our season Thnnksglving Duj'. <tt Pon- tlac. Mich. Hy iiri'itiiKcmcnl with (Jrcvc Show Printing (.'o., we are the only company using this bill this season. Hesldos full scenery equipment we have twenty-threo styles of special paper with which to get business. M.YNAi;i:n Bt;.v Now; writes that be lius re- turned from England to tnsiiuge.Mme. Alex- under Vlarda. Ilcr first Amerlcun tour opens In New.Haven. Conn., on Ilcr. 8. Mme. Vlarda will he supported by ti company of Kugllsh and American aclors. The repertory will be la English Ed. O. Yodxo, formerly of Brooks nnd Young, managers of Texas Bill's Wild West privilege department last Summer, nnd man- ager of Gideon's "Hot Time in Coou Town," resigned his position at Dos Moines, In.. Sun- day, Nov. lb, nud goes to Phcenlx, Ariz., for the Winter. ■ Jack W.tnn Kett, who Is playing the role of the Enrl of Itrnndlawn la "Moonshine," ftlnrle fahlll's new musical play, Is also singing In the sextette, AT LIBERTY, E JUVENILES, LIGHT COMEDY and HEAVIES. I JUVENILES, CHARACTER and HEAVIES. Experience, ability and wardrobe. Repertoire or one piece. Address LAGRANGE, ILL. Will III 11 FOR LADY IS1BELLE. Blast have fine wardrobe. Address, quick, WAITER J. MeDOHALO, Decatur, Tex. UNCLE JOSH WANTED AT ONflH FOR "JOSHUA SIMPKINS" CO., WITH GOOD SPECIALTY. State age, height, weight and specialty you do. Salary Is sure, and must be reasonable (pay your own). Address North Adams, Mass . Nov. 80; Wil- mington, Vt., Deo. 1; Bennington, Vt., Deo. 2. J. M. RENO, Prop., Permanent address, 1370 Broadway. KERKHOFF-HILLMAN CO. WANTS An A No. 1 Character Comedian who can manage the stage, an Experienced Woman for General Business, Preference given to those who do spe- cialties. Management pays board and traveling expenses. Write or wire. IVAN K.ERKHOFF, Manager, Phlllipsburg, Kan. RENT FILMS. Stereoptlcons, Slides and Motion Picture Ma- chines, Stage Lighting Apparatus, Effects, Sup- piles and Repairing. Films Printed and Devel- oped. ACME EXCHANGE, 160 East 14th St., New York, N. Y. For Bent, NILES OPERA HOUSE Seating capacity, 800; population, 0,000. Address A. GRKEN, 60S N. 4th St., Miles, Midi. HEAVY MAN AND JUVENILE MAN WANTED BY May Hillman Stock Co. Wardrobo and ability in dispensable. Slate all In first letter. Nov. 80, Dec. 1,2, WaynoBboro, Pa.; Dec. 4 to o, Winchester, Va. AT 1VIBBRTY, VERSATILE SKETCH TEAM AND CLEVER CHILD. Change tflen, All play part*. Write or wire quick. JACK IIENLY, Carteret, N. J, Bert Lennon, IMPERSONATOR OF 8TAGE CELEBRITIES. Special Feature with the MILDRED ROUCLEARE CO. Dec. 11, 18, M open. Jan. I. Tony Pastor's; after tint all open. Act runs from 15 to 17 minutes. Perm, address, M0 SECOND AVE., N. Y. Clty.N.Y WASTED, TODIfi PBEIIEBE DAIS-USE Has own Scenery and Electrical Effects. WANTS MANAGER WHO WILL MANAHF, AND BOOK ALT. Divide salary. Aildross-'ARBOE." care of CLIPPER. AT L1BEBTT. ECCENTRIC TOE DAHOEB Who can slag. Will accept position In good com- pany. Have first class wardrobe. Address ALLEM, care of CLIPPER. Wanted, Either Lady or Actress With Capital For well known slock co.; well booked: two com- panies now on tho Toad. A. CLARK, 201 South otb Ave., Mt. Vernon N. Y. AT LIBERTY, AI CLARIONET. Alhu Flute and rv'.oio; experienced li. A O., Joint or Heperate. Location preferred. Address J . A.LAWRBNOE, Oen.Del.. WIIHaniTiort. f« WlffiMUSICIANS FOR SMALL B. linilALiir j_k D o. Prefer those doing Spe- cialties. Others, write. State all. F. 8. STOKV, Nt rtMeld, Vt. P. S.—Week stands. POWER'S CAJHEHQRAPH, FIBEPR00P M AQAZLNES and TAKE UP DEVICE. The Modern Motion IMrinrx Machine. FILM SAFETY NOW ASSURED. Our Fireproof Magazines and Take Dp Device will nt any Exhibition Modem Motion Picture Ma- chine. An entirely new apparatus by which abso- lute safety to the film from loss bv FIRE IS AS- 80RF.D. The only device of its kind which has re- ceived orflclal endorsements from the Local Au- thorities as such. Write for CATALOG. All ot our Apparatus is fnlly protcoted byUnlted States patents Issued or pending, and Infringe- menw will bo vigorously proseouted. N. POWER (New York Film Exchange), lin-117 Na ssau BUN.Y. I —••a WANTED •—■>- PIANIST. MUST BE FIRST CLASS. State age. salary und full particulars first letter. Can also place a good IMITATOR OF BIRDS, ANIMALS AND MECHANICAL SODNDS. Address LYMAN II HOWE, Moving Picture Co., 387 South Rivor Street, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Photos returned. AT LIBERTY, ZM SHOW CLOSED. Good, live hustler; thoroughly experienced, cto. No Jump too tar. Join on wire. J. L. DONAHUE, 14M W. Mill St., N. Y. Have bill trunk nud hwci! lino ot pictorial stands, !) sheets and llthos. Any Rep. Show could use thcin. Will sell cheap. DE BLAKER'S Liliputian Dog Circus. 9 DOCS 9 Would like to hear from A No. 1 repertoire co. for balance of season. DEBLAKER, 100 Birch St., ________ N J. LIBERTY, It Juvenile, Light Comedian ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE. Can Join on wire. Address CLAUDE MAIIONK, 164 W. ustli St., New York. TR0MB0i5frB! T and 0. Experienced. Wrlforrwlre. I1KKHKKT HKKT.21 Halsey SI., Newark. N. J. Will pay too to any agent or manager who will secure a position In a good company or vaude- ville act for young EcRcntrin Toe Dancer. High class Hpeclaliy. Address RKBEOU, care CLIPPER. Wanted, tor the Diamond Concert Co., People In all lines of the Medicine Biz.. Silent and Nor- oltr Acts. Sobriety and ability abselutelv esacn MM. Money sure. Address LAWRKNOK PROSHER, tfgr., (isncral Del. lies Mnlucs, Iowa. AND ALL THEATRICAL O0ODS. Scenory painted cheaply and quickly. Amateurs supplied. __OllAS B.MILLS, MB W. 41 st St., Sew Y ork Clly. FKA\K HASHAIvL, Irish Woman, Monolvglit, Vocallsi, Dancer and Character Impersonation-. Hi inln.ln one. For open time adaie>s UKN. DEL'Y, PHI!,A., PA. TEN THOUSAND FEET DF FILM IN FINE CONDITION FOR HALE CHEAP. O. L. HULL A OO, SW K. 57th St, Chicago, 111. Coaching, rehearsing, public appearance secured for Vaudeville: also musical farceromedle",opera, clntm, etc. Apply FORREHTEK.1M4 Bmadway.N.V. in all matter*. • The County Law and Co'lectlou Asso- ciation. Suit; ie.i, World Building. LEGAL ADVICE rprr »V 7 YES, VKRY MAILIN(r) OUT THE BARNUMandBAILEY ROUTE BOOK for 1905. It'i like taking m tons- with th«"GKEATK8T" and having a ••Olrrna" at Ham*. PRICE: Full Flexible Leather Co... S2. Paper Embossed, $1. POST PAID ON UUKIPT OK'PRIOK. HPKCIAL OFl'KR.-A few of Inst season's borike, "DAY HY DAY," at hair price, leather, »1 Papor, WC. Address (HAH. AMlniKttH, t;i4 Douglas Houli'vard, Clilciigo, HI. J roMRDV MUSICAL ACT. Will consider offers from reliable Managers. Agenls orQH Plea, nut Place, Brooklyn, N. V. ^^ AT LIB E HT Y , AUBay-TTHE CARSOIVS- bthblyn Juveniles. Light Comedy. Jiivoiil!o»7S( rut o, Iiigemie l.esds Moving Picture Machine and six changes. Three Feiture Films. Wardrobe on and nit. One piece, or rep. Al'HitY CARSON, care of 0|irnn Hqiibb, aw w. iilstm., N, Y.iilty. JOHNNIE AJiAlK. AJMA^CK AOK\ 1\ AT LIBERTY. Fire years Willi the best. Address I'll EMILY ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. ALL KINDS OF SKCOftD HAND WAOON SHOW PHOPEHTV. Witt Hound Top, Willi :io or 40tl. Middle Pleco; also Wagons and other Show I'rnpertv AM tnusl be F,X l It A ('HEAP for cash and In good oondilloD. Address W. II. KELLK1IEI1, Box iwi. Illoucoster, Mass. XflVY aud Seeond Hand Picture Machines Slides, $3 .'i0. This week on'y. StcreouiIcons, i grades, $15 and tio. Spot Lights, (a5.0J. Ilheosmts, 4 Biurles, (U.bnto %\i. Arc l.nmiw, 15.00. Jets, |8.1o. Condensers, uoc. each. Approved Cable, Adjustable Legs, to 50. Webbed Bleached Screens, J;,c. per mi. ft. Automatic Water Kipple, $10.00. LenseB, jots, Carlmn, (Jalstloe, lowest. HERMAN E. BOTS, 104 W. 40th St., I. T. 1 MADE SELLING OUR PAMODb DISC PHONOGRAPHS. 313.50 buys a (45.00 largest size, doublo springs, concert loud box, extra Urge horn, clear as a hell; a beauty. KOOKIDJ UFO. (10., 147 West iwd st, New York City. At Liberty. WILL BEST, We'l known Character Actor and AllArnnnd Per- former. Height 5ft. «ln., weight MSIh, First tlmo at liberty in years, flood wardrobe on and oil. (Ilalluil Singer). No Co. too far away. Can Join on Wire. Responsible IiJUBrtKeri. Address OKNERAL DELIVERY. Newark, N. J. W AIMTEO, MIGIB1IN fill SIUJI PERFORMER That can change ofreu aud Is well up In medicine DUHlnosa. Htale salary and all yon do. Other useful people, write. NATURE'S REMEDY CO., rhlladolphla, Pa. WANTED, Al NOVELTY PERFORMER RI.A0K FACE S. aud D. COMEDIAN, PIANO PLAYER. Must lie Al reader and fakir. Per- formers must change for week stand, Must have the goods. Slate all Is first letter. No time lo correspond. No C, 0.1). telegrams. Tickets • DR. U. CHRISTY, Piano, HI. WANTED QUICK, TO BTRRNOTIIEN COMPANY FOR LAROK TOWNS, THE VERY BEST MetUeint* People, Sister Teuin, Sketch Team, I'lsno Player, Von- irlloiiuist and Magicians. PROF. J. 11. DK1YOLI', . Orgsn Med. Co., Onancock, Accomac Co., Va. CABINET PHOTOS h^dKd. Send your negative to print irom or a photo io copy. Future Husband or Wife Photos, white, black, Tlsltile or invisible, *i per l,ooo. Send for sa__|il«__ VVBNDT, Pliolo., HooatoO_N. J._ k Liberty. Slide Trombone, It, and O. Dou't want ticket. Address HENRY SATER, 115 K. 14th HI , N. Y. City. WASTED QUICK, BEP. PEOPLE. Preference those doing specialties. Stale salary expected. I pay all. VICTOR VANNBTTA, I'rcalon, Minn, F. S. STORY WANTS VERSATILE PEiii'on.MERS van cli suite for week. Musi be up. State all In flr.t. If you double in band, say so. SORTHFIELD, VT. MU8IC ARRANGED, COMPOSED, ETC. A. KKETHMAR, 413 K. IMh HI., N. T. ELEN HAVEN ROCHESTER'S AMUSEMENT RESORT Under Hie Rlavnagtimitnt of th« Rochester Railway (Miipny SEASON I0O6, Free Gate Admission. i Conoitilong Contract! Now being Mid* for J and ( Allnctloni Aihlreas all communications to B. E. WILSON, Oeu. Paisenger Agent, Rochester Railway Co., HouliHster, N. Y. ILY For Sale. AS ADVERTISED TWO WEEKS A60, FAMILY THEATRE. NEW BRITAIN. FOR HALE. Must he sold mis week. I sail for England Dec. (I. No ollior vaudeville In rowli. lowest price. .i.Ofsi, Only tliosu having money and meaning imslness ni-eil upply. JAMES W. BOSTOCK Family Theatre, New Britain, Conn, A2V ANTKD, Musician, and First Agent, Slide Tromlion,, Trip Drummer, Birltone end Leader. SWAIN JESSE JAMES SHOW, UlNOVlKW. TSXAS. In■ ■ .Mfil Edison ureal Train Robbery. '**-W*W — j.,„ hn j| ( „ HI j jOV er, Patbi, Bleeping llnaiily '<•■ >liiri<d), Mello's Wonder, of Deep, lleo Lire. Illnwiitha, lublu Hank Robbery, oio. Prices low. Power c»tn*ragi*pli, Kdlsnn Ex- hibition KlnotoHcope and lliiiis wstiled. Barbae, & Ca., ""'Kw. Wr\llllBll~FOR«EKt (liat > AKUIini) tlKU. 1'KIt- u change for week; Comedlvi thst rakes organ. Iloo/.ersi No! Not No! Claude lloyce, where are you' - Wrlio mo at "nee. MANAUKR MODERN ItEMKDY CO., Rome, N, Y„ care or Abiioit Peers iImisc _^ A MATEURS, For musical tnrco comedies, opera and v.ndHvii i-, clnbs, concerts, trial turn., open nil ti P. M. F0HRF.VI ER, 11104 Uroadway, N. Y,