The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 2. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1053 HeraldSiinnrc Tlientre (CharlesiFroa- Garden Thentre (Henry W. Snvnge. man manager).—After in absence of four manager).—Many Interesting and pleasing ?*nr!i ulga "'ethersole Wado her reappearance surprises, In Shakespearean productions have Lewis MrCunl nud rompnnjFluerette Demar ninl l'lill (HI, Marvellous Frank nnd Initio Hob, Krlrsu'l'H dogs, ttiu lloldsworths, Zlskn ninl King, ninl the vttagrnph. lluslueaa last week was large. P.\yto***s (S. S. Allen, manager).—The Jh e /w C "r'k o*ccurr7dI'Ort.- 23, nttbc National ..?.w In Its present form, was siren Sept. ffl at the Comedy Theatre, London. I'tig.. wlrli the »nme company now presenting l, u* orglnitl "H* of "fie Dednle" being Ihe:. jf,.lnSl In the original text It was lime r il on anr Btage Dec. 111. 1003, at the J^feVrwcitae. Pari*. The play tell* the story of Marianne, who. married to Max houses were on hand nl hulh performances. 27. A new Fitgiu and .Nurioy wero offer -d Ul Robert Cuimulngs uhd Beatrice MOigiin, nnd ilh' other nilm-lpiils, Hardee Klrkloml, as mil : Agnes Item, ns Oliver: Herald Orlf fin, Charles Ahhe and tienrge Howell ram" up from the Fifth Averiue production. Mr. Ciimmlngs soared n hit as Fagln, giving h strong |iiiitinviil of the Jew, and. Miss Mor- pan ab-o did clever work as -Nancy. Pill el Imbed several rungs higher on the ladder McAllister. Sol Alkon, Mathlhle lVshon nnd ol histrionic fame, nod this ehurnrrcrlaa- Alice llnller also won honor*. The vando Hon uiiislgo down lu since annals as among villi- offerings for this week iire.Rlnnrl, "The Ihe 1«?si Impersonations the part has known. Mate Paul r Larson Sliders and Irene i>». It Is some fifteen years since Sew Vorkers lltm-in & Skamon's JfmiC IUi.i. (Hen have had the opportunity of witnessing lots llurllg, lannageri.—Several turns that are Jack McCnde, Ccorgo Vt, Harry, Fred 'I. intense tragedy. The star shows lung, care- new in the people In Harlem, and nre nlsn Karnes and K. J. Slorkwoll. The burlesques fill study, and an Insight that Is truly great, strong features, are offered Ibis week—Me stage, Thut his success wan Immediate Is he/ond doubt, for herein Mr. Mantel I has n„ t'ogls. divorces him because of his lull- |< rom his entrance to the final curtain he held Million's Minstrel Maids nnd Watermelon .lolltv He then marries his paramour, nnd the undivided attention. The Booth version Ulrls. Other* nre: The llasqne Quartette, £> MO y cars late*, .-marries George H tlreull a men t0 whom Bhe «>n only i Mv? resnect. In return for hla deep love K h*¥ Death frees Mnx, and after a lapse .» «m vears he and Marianne are brought lo- . g'ther> » JB-MJ&JS-UK was used nnd closely adhered to, the last net being Judiciously cut. and the climax being reached with a lack of theatrical dlsplny which was creditable. In the opening scene I.ear was presented In all his aged mastery McPherson's Four Inky Dinks. Al. Curleioti, the I'acbeo Family. Kelly nnd Iteuo. ltoberts, Uajes and Roberts, Matthews and Harris, itn,i tne vnngmpli. liovtiAst (Sullivan & Kriuis. managers).— MISSOURI. Kniisn. Cttjr At the Willis Wood (Wood- ward & Burgess Amusement Co.. managers.) '.The Heir to the Ilnorah" came lost week, to ocservedlv good business, for Ihe nhow was stock company, anpporttiig Corse I*nytnn, n thorungbfy enjoved. (Juy llntes 1'ost, Ilrnest ■•Arrah-Sn-PoKiie,'* this wrek, Ust week, Lnmaoii. Wilfred [,iic»h and Jnna Peyton "Mure ThnntJueen" played to stnmllng room. wro a n happily cast. This week will M <ll- "The Utile rinirch Around the foriiei next vlttcd between Louis .Tames, who comes In week. _ "Vlrglnlus" and "Ingomar." Ihe llrst purl of llxiDVP (Frank H. t.'arr, inannger).- Hie n, n wtH> k, nnd "The School dlrl" Hie hitler New fetiliiry lilrls begun a week's stny here ,„irt. Xext wi-eh, Main llerunrd. in "The '->". The nllo: Harry Stewart, Minute Pes- ijultlcklng tllrl." the llrst four nights, and niord, llonven nntl l.lna, Maud Woltord. Flnrrnre llolierts the InsMhree. (Iiiami di'kiia Hut si: (llinlson & .lutlah, ninnngers).— l.nat week Hie ever popular "The t'lia|M-rons," kept up lho usual attend- ance. Tills week, "llnp" Ward, In "The Urafter," and neit week, "In Old Keniurky." Onl'iir.nM t Martin Heck, general manager). nre called : 'The Taking Mr. Itatlles" and "In South Dakota." Hnslness last week, with The Mas- llie Merry Maidens «'o., wasi large, cot burlesque t'o. next week. _VCK!M (IiOUls Phillips, innnngor).—"Why —|,n«t week's hill drew the usual nl tendance. OlrlsUo Wrong" Is this week's offering. "The 'ibe nets were: Klein and Clifton, in an oc Cllrl Knglneer" hail u big week ending 27, centric singing nnd dancing turn: Kdaall and Xiitks.— t'lnudeTbardo, the |K>pulnr.sing- Forbes, In the comedy, "'I'he Two Utthle*;" of mind and body, nnd the dismissal of Cor- Wine, Women and Song Iturlcsque Co. opened or, at the Hijou Theatre, has lust concluded Kaull nnd Vernon, in their horlroiitu) bar ,-hcv discover that the lire of the old love delln wns evenly nnd forcefully treated. The to the usual Monday audience. 27, which, as his two hundred nnd llfteenth week thcr< iley bad for each other Is not only not dead, conflict of emotions at his reception at done- « general thing. Is a packed house. The llrst Mr. Tluirdo changes his songs ench week iut burns more fiercely than ever. Marianne r lPs home, Oie doubts, fears and wonder- part 1* well constructed atid gnvc ample ' liea decides that, while she will not be un- ment. were well rounded and led up to opportunity to all. "A Day at Niagara mis lo her womanhood and return to Max, the denunciation and curse. In which he Falls," the first port, is well costumed and «be will not continue to livein lie with never overstepped the bounds, und the staged. Tins olio presents: Raymond nnd i» Breult. When the latter discovers per tense strain on the audience was relieved Clavton, Fredericks Pros, and Hums, Do- secret he determines that not only be, but by a genuine tumult of applause. With nlta nod her midgets, and Howe and Scott. iu, bIhiII leave Marianne to herself. Max Hegan he was hardly less effective, though The show ends with "Fun In the Stibwny." j.i-1. -I. .| 1C , niomhers take nnrt Next hit* presenting something entirely now at all times. . , ,. . NI2W YORK CITY JOTi'IVUS. refnses to entertain this proposition, and In iho opportunities affordeil were some- in which all t « nuarrcl that ensues, le Broull drags Max what smaller. The scene upon the heath week, Knlckert nver a cliff and both are dashed to death, the wns worked out with all the intricacies of 1MUCH (F. I Hnl curtain showing that Marianne lias no the stage manager's art, but Mr. innwledgc of the fate of the two men so linked rose above the surroundings, and ir, her life. Paul Ilervleu haB never failed In vectlve claimed and held attention, Is pavs to bring out. his advanced theories It n veritable gem In a Jewelled ffi "curtalnThowIng that Marianne has no the" stage mnnage'r's" art", but "jfc Manteii lllin' t tUn f n t£\ r\f *>!*> tlirn IDDn <tn linlrfWl nK<v.»n .1... a i.nHn.ih.ll.« m—A j.. making ilavs to nriog om hi umuuii.-u wniia 11 ■ vcruiiuic gem in a jeweueu setting, reeardtne the relations of the sexes, nnd In his gradual collapse of mind, forced always handles the subject without gloves, on through, Immediate contact with the sloiu divorce are bts theme, hut In his exposition a genuine bit of heart work, and in the death of tbeni he proves nothing. In fact, it Is of his young daughter and his own fnst nn- imnosslblc to discover Just what lesson he is proarhlng end, he acted with restraint and trying to teach. Ills meaning Is veiled In all the sympathy of a mind restored, but. to the labyrinth of arguments he puts Into the be bereft of life. Masterly, sincere nnd mouths if his characters, one conflicting scholarly was Ills performance, and Sir. Man- witb another with distressing continuity, tell enn rest in the assurance of per- iinil the only things which force themselves feet personal success. Of the cast. Harry win th" mind Is the extreme boldness with I.elghton runs a close second In his exccl- wblch he treats his subject, nnrt the blunt- lent impersonnllon of Kdgar while dls- nfKs of speech of the. characters.In dealing unified as "I'oor Tom." In the earlier nceuca with It Miss Nelhersole proved that she be Incked force and presence ns Kdgnr, but was still complete mistress of her arl, nud froai the moment of his banishment, he gnth- nnrtraved the varied emotions of the true woman and mother torn by the conflict lie- 't'f, cred strength until, In the great scene on tho heath, he divided honors with trie star, and took the numerous curtain culls deservedly. This bit , of work alone sulllres to stamp Mr. I.elghtou ns a line actor of charm-tor parts. In the llnnl act wcou 'ore and duly, .with repression and conviction. Rarely, did she rise above re- pressed emotion, but at all times her work was forceful and commnndlnj;. Hamilton Ro- vVlle cave a good performance of Mux. llu- Ills deniinclnllon of Kdintind was Heart* hert (arler, as fleorgo le Rretill was parn- and well read, being hacked hy his splendid Iloxlenl for In spite of being stilted In his presence. Pufnituiii'tely the condiat failed work be gave a cnpilnl performance. Doro- to convince, but rehearsals will place If In thv fJrlmstnu was good as Paillette de St. its proper standing, for both he nnd (Juy •Me The rest of tho conipnny did what wns Mndsley nre naturally at. home wilh sword nllot'tei! lo then). The play «wns handsomely or rnpier. The latter did commendable work ndneod the stage setting of act four being as the illegitimate nnd unlovable Fdnmnd, produced, the stage set ting ■ nnrtleiilaily Handsome. Miss Nethei-sole I., under the direction of (.'hallos Dllliuglieni. Th" cast In full: Mavlnrme, olgn Nethersole; Mux De Pogls. Hamilton llevelle: I.ouls. In Art I, Winnie Crisp; Louis, In Acts II, III. IV Master Leonard Crisp: M. vilard-liuvnl, William Farren Jr.: Mtidnmc Villard-Piivnl, Louise Moodle: Ocorge le Hreull. Hubert (^nrler: Hubert ric 8t, Krtc. Charles Qiutrter- inBlue: rntiletle de St. Eric. Dorothy fJilm- i;ton; Pierre, Dora Crisp: Madame de I'ogis, Clcclv Richards: Doctor. Harry Dodd: Peaa- ant,,I':. C Ashley: Carpenter, IS. A. Monks: ScrVant, W. S. Lester ; Servant. A. L. Rob- inson Irvine- PIncc Theatre (Helnrlch Con- rled, matinger).—Harry Walden mndit his re- appearance hern Nov. ir.'l. In "Die Hrueder von St. Bernhurd" (The Hvolhers of St. Iter- nord), as Fr. Paulns. The story treats of nionnstery life. Among the fathers nnd brothers Introduced nre the prior, who. owing to the Illness of the venerable nbbot, directs the affairs of the community, an Intriguing 'monk named Simon, a benevolent monk mimed Frldolln. and two neoohytes, Brothers Paulas and Erhnrd. The Intrigue* and ambitions of the monks are graphically suggested. 1'n.nh; tlioit<!ll a 1ilMo inclined to bombast. Frank Peters made Kent the great man Inleuded, and Ilia love he bore Lear ami Cordelia he commanded from the audience. The abso- lute Indifference of the man to death, so I0113 ns he served hU master faithfully, wns well portrayed. France wns well taken care of by tiovdon llurhy. and Alexander Kearney did scliolnil.v work ns Albany. (illes Shine failed lo convince ns llloster, nor gulned Ihe sympathy wnlch his sightless eyes should have brought. l-'.dwln Rrewstcr overactml the Fool, except lu (he scene on tlie heath, when lie din well. Frtuiklln Hendtsen was sufllclcntly suliiervient and petty as Oswald. Marie Rooth Russell wns a chnrm- Ing piiture as Cordelia, nud rend well in Ihe llrst act though Inclined to too lachry- mose .1 voice later on. Knilly Dodd looked itegun perfectly and was Interesting. The others were more or less acceptable. The sel- lings were excellent, and reflected great credit on the management and stage management. The storm on the heath elicited generous ap- plause, and was very realistic, being unlike the conventional stage storms.The Incidental music wns n delight, and was kept lu perfect harmony with the nction. The east: Lear, Knickerbocker Durlcsouers. im: (F. Ilenistelit. manage; 1 ).—Reports are of n most fnvornblc nat'ire, the house being crowded ulghllv. Hill fur ,thla week: Meeker-Haker Trio. Mattes and Congo Itcllr. l-'red De Von, Ihe llreat Fltihugh, Scllca, Rrummell und Kimbirly, and Ihe Gregory Troupe. Family (AL Onken, manager). — This week's hill Is nn excellent one—In fact, tho best of tho season, and business Is verv good. The bill offers: Shields and Paul, Ed. fioyd, Allen and Deluialn, Mahoney and Lee, Jnx. It. Nalon, Harrison Bios., Lew Ilencdlct, Farmer Jones and his pigs, and moving pictures. Ilrooklyu.—At the Slmlicrt Park (Lew Parker, manager) "The Winning Ulrl," a musical cumedy. with Charles J. Rosa and Mabel Feiiton In the lending roles, is pre- sented Nov. - J7 and week, 'fills production Is a straight, comedv. with a clear, conslHlent plot running through the performance. In tho company nre: Blanche Deyo, Frederick llonil, Mary Falrlelgh, Fletcher Norton and Amy Lee. Last week "Mrs. Temple's T«le- gram" crowded the house nt every uerfnrm. ance. Mellionrne McDowell, In "Thais John's Way," next week. Nt'W Montaiik (S. II. Colien, manager).— Lulu Utaaer, In "Miss Dolly Dollars," 27 anil week. "Mrs. Lellingwcll's Hoots," last week, did splendid hnslness. "Prltz In Tammany Hull" next week. M\.tr.sTH- (J. I\. Cooksiin, manager).— Johnny and Kiiiiun Hay, in "l»own Ihe i'lke," 27 and week. A cnpiible company Is In sup- port. Including .1. T. Thoiuns. Dnn Coleninn, (i. I'. .Murphy, Frank Robin nnd others. Last week "The l!el!e ol" the West" dhl tine blisl- new* "Tho Islo of Spice" uexl week. ii'ttANii lli'iai.v llu! .si: (M. T. Mlddleton, muiiager).—"Simple Simon Simple," a rural operatic cxlruviiguiizii, Is presented UT and week. Nell McNeil Is Simon. "Me, III111 and 1," lust week, did big business. Next week, "Queen of the Highbinders.*' H1.1011 (Mrs. Spoouer, director). — "The Wife" Is presented Z7 and week, with Edna May and Cecil Spoouer in the lending.rule/, both doing clever work. Aguarus Phillips, Harold Kennedy and Iful clarendon give splendid support. Retwcen the acts Clmul-j 'ihardo renders several of his latest songsur- cesses. Last week business wuh lo rapacity. Next week, "Mary of Mngdnla." 1 nn-;i>.i'11 (I'cicy 0, Williams, munnger). —Another standard bill is presented *i7 and week. The leading feature on tho bill Is Joe Mart and Carrie De -Mar. In "The Other Fellow. Others arc: Tom Ilcarn, a London music hall Juggler, described as "the laziest Jambs 11. Opiitin returned to New York Nov. **». fioni Duluth, Minn., whero he bad been for teu days, nursing his nephew, Leon Curtln. back to health. Mr. Curtln was in- formed that l.eon. while liiuitlng, accidental, ly discharged the gun, the charge tearing itway his right hand to such an extent that 1111 amputation above the wrist was neccs- nary, and Immediately left for Duluth. He found him \ery weak from loss of blond and shock, but he hits now recovered suttlcleutly lo he considered out of danger. Tub TttKi.rTit Rmuimk.nt Band will be "rubes" at the Conutry Fair at Mudlsou Square Garden. All the musicians will wear "rube" costume. Jumpers, big straw hats, boots and overalls, An endeavor will be inndu lo F.ecnre nn atmosphere ns rurally realistic Is apparel nnd iippui lennnces of farm Ufa can give. The musical programme will largely consist of rural music, folk songs nnd "rube' Itiiics of tincleiit vintage. At Tin; Hiiuaiuvav Tiibatbe Friday. Dec 8, the benellt for the widow of A. M. Palmer will occur. Among thoso who will appear are: Viola Allen, Vlrglnln llnrned, t*tiy llavls, (Jlg.i Nelhersole, Kdnn Mnyj Fraulelii Abarbtinell, the "Vcronlipie" Conipnny. with Ruth Vincent, William l-'nvcrslmtn. Do Wolf Hopper nnd William Collier, line of the new plays In lie given is "The Ninth Wults," by It. C. Carton. TUH KUW VlUlK SVJirtlONY (IHCIIKMTIIA gave Its llrst concert at the Hippodrome Sun- day evening. Nov. HI, ami Ihe large audience gave every evidence of being pleused. ili.KTi'.mi': V0.1 Hkw gave a plnno recital nt Mendelssohn Hall. Nov. 1*0. "liRFOM* and A1.TKI1," by Leo Dllrlcbsleln, Is announced lo follow Herthn Knllcb, at the Maulialtiui. AaTiliut .T. T.ii.iiott. known as "Jack," was taken to Rellevue Hos|iltiil Nov. 21. suf- fering from cancer of the stomach. He Is seventy years old, und wns well known ns 11 minstrel, being end man with Ilnverly. Illreh and llncklis. and "Hilly" Emerson. He mar- ried Emma Miles, 11 fancy dancer, forty.yenrs ago, nail of late years she has been wtirdrols! woman with Harauiu & Rulley. und has been supporting the family. They live at *J1U Mast Thlrty-slxth Slreet act : Curio and Mario, In a musical comedv, "A li'i-ouch Frapue;" Sllusou and Merlon. In "A 11 ii 111-I1 of Nonsense;" Arthur Prince, u clever veutrllnipilst: Hellcclnlra Ilfos., nx- IKinents of physical culture, and the ktne- diouie, lii ibe new moving picture. This week the nets will lie: Spook Minstrels, Nina Morris and company, Ituvmond and Cnvcrly. Slcllu Lee. ibe lircat Powell, Drowning and Wally, and Ruild llrotliers. 1.11.1,1s (E. S. Hrlgbam. manager).—daat week, .li-sse Mae Hall, In "The Struct Singer," iilcired well llllcil hoiia-.'S. This week "After Midnight." "Across the Pacific" next week. Arnrmnu'M (Woodward ft Rurgess Aumse- mcnl Co.. managers).—Lust week "Texas" pleased mightily, 'fids week "Tho Stnurt Set." "A Son of Rest" next week. CRN-rum* (A. 3. Ibtrrell, tnniiager).—Last week May Howard and her hurlesipiu coin- pniiv gave splendid performances, to good liuslness. The Mnrrel pictures and the danc- ing of Russell and Locke wero apoclul feat- ures. This week Star Show (litis. Jolly tints Widown next. Ma-ii'stic (Kred Wnlihnnn, manager).— Ijist week Iho .Majestic Hurlesi|uem gave lha ts'sl perfornuinces that have been seen lit the house this season. Larry McCain wns exi-ellenl In the burlesipies. and In the olio Hie Three Rotiays, Eiirmn nud Fay nud (ho Majestic Trio were the headline™. This week Ihe New York Stars. The (iolden Crook next week. CiiN\H.vriii>* IIau, (LoiiIh Sliouse. ninna- ger 1.—The light pictures of Nelson-Drill wero shown here all last. week, lo good nt tendance. Ci.ii'i'KUiKi'.s.—All of tint theatres will glvo special Thanksgiving Hay mnllnees. A ape clul charily nintliiee performance, made up from turns from (he various shows, under Ibe Mlage maun cement of Martin Lehman, wus given at Ihe Willis Wood Krhhiv nfleriiuou, for Ihe benellt of SI. Mary's llosiillul. » St. ,lii».-|ili.— At Tootles (C. U. I'hlllry, ninnager) "The Heir lo the lloonih" gave a Hue pi'i'foi'iii.'iiiei' Niiv. 17. ■'Hull" W11I1I, lu "The flrafter," a.**.: "The Helnsil (Jlrl" 2», "The Chaperons" III), !.Vi-l:IMI |C. I'. Phlllev. iniiiingeri. — "Texas." II1IS, did good business. Hurry C. Itlnney, In "The Hoy Heldnil the lltin." pleused Ibree large houses. "Mr. Donley." 31, "'1, hnil good business. "Thit Stuart Sol" &VJ5. ••Tlie Utterly llelles" •.•ll. U7. "Swwt Clover" ".'S, ffl 1, "lu Old Keiilncky" till. "Iter Only Sin" Dec. " vine (II. Halter Van Dyke, mnnager). Mil's. Raiiaii Cow km. Lb Moysh will. In —Week of 111 opened Willi "Almost Quean." fill lire, .devoir her t line! lo teaching tlie drama, and.huidiiess wns Hue. or, assisted by Untile Mcintosh nud cum puny of Abyssinia girls; Prank Lincoln, inhale and Impersonator; Suyder and Iluck- ley, musical comedians; Willie Gardner, dancer; Gillette's dogs, the Six Caraallas, acrobats; the Howard Brothers, and the .Crystal (Fred Ccsmnti, inannger).—Hnsl- ness continues good, for week of 2tl: Cole- man nud Jtexls, Frank (Irnh, Slump nnd Wm Davis, Delia and T pinion, Cnrherv and Stanton, nnd Ciwuinii'* moving pictures. a S|irli»KHold.—At the iluhlwlit (11. II. Olendorf, manager) "The (Jlrl from Kay's.* Nov. al, showcil lo n fair sluetl nitdlenee. "Tho Wayward Hon." '>•, pleused. "As Told hi ihe IIIIIh" hud fair business ail. Dikmku (l>r. F. XV. Dlemer, manager).— Amslerdani Theatre Dec. 11, for a llu-to Hnslness was good with llui stock company weeks' engngcmenl, opening In "The Foul's Hie past week. Revenge." "The Man Who Wns," hy Kip- ling, lii one act, will be given Its llrst Ameri- can production, lu connection with "A I'nlr of lo 11 few pupils, giving readings, from Hi-own- ing, appearing in special engagements In tho city, having decided lo give up truvcllux. F. F. Pliur'Tut! has Installed a smoking balcony In his I-'ifly-elghtli Street house. Foil Till] A, M. I'.UMKIl TRSTIMllNIAI., lO owmr nt tlie llrondwuy, Dec. S, Daniel Fruh- 1111111 has received Ihe following contributions: From Chiirles Frohmnii, Sl.unu; M. S. Wil- liird, $.1011; Al llnyinaii. JfMlll ; A. L. Mr- iiiisic. iota jugsii-r. uescrioeu us llie liuiesi i..,,.-.,,.- •..,-,(. nm i i.-i| l ..|,| u|l •!• (Wi-ir SK111 ""^.uffi !S^£,*^,03?ft-** "l^-'ivituSa wln'Xar "r'u.e'Nevv Satlier and motlwr hy announcing his liiten lion to leave the monastery. To save his sla- ver from his own fate, however, he consents to go back—on condition that Grele Is per- mitted to marry Franz. The abbot is dying, nnd two of the monks, the prior and Simon, are pulling wires in Ibe hope of be- ing elected Ills successor. Melniad, a monk, who lias uawllllaply adopted Ibe religions career. Is opposed to both candi- dates. At a tneeflng of Ihe 'rhirs. the fit- ness of Paulus to take tlie vows Is consid- ered. Respite Simon's objections, It Is at last decided that he shnll be ndmtllcd lo the "The Dagger and the Cross." Savoy Tlientre ([''rank McKee, mana- ger).—James PC. llnckett nud Mary Manner- Vng Btartcd their tenth week Nov. 21, In "The Walls of Jericho." lie la hco Tlientre (David Hc'nseo, niun- nger).--Ill-iiKlie Dates, In "The fJlrl of the (iolden West," began her third week Nov. a7. New York Tlieutre (Klaw ft l-'rlangor. malingers I.— Ceorge M. Cohnii, In "Little .lohniiv Join's," entered Ills third nud last week Nov *JT. Next week, Richard Curie, In "The Ma vol- of Toklo." casino (Sam S. & Lee Shithert, mnna- order. The nl/bot dies, and the intrigues of gers).—"The Earl and (he (ilrl" commenced Ills would-be successors nre redoubled. The mother and fnthcr of Pntihis, with Crete and '•Tann. visit the monastery. Crete tries to dissuade her brother from sncrlllclng himself lor tier sake. But he holds linn. The day arrives when Paulus is to Im ndmll ted to Hie order. At the crucial moment he hesitates. filially, finding It Impossible to do violence to hie love of freedom, he refuses to take the vows. His father, who Is mulcted wlfn heart disease, dies of Hie shock caused by tho young man's act. The cast: Her Prior, Mai llansclcr: Dur Subprlor. Otto Meyer; P. Frldolln, Franz Klerschner; P. Servas, I.ouls Koch: P. Simon. Theodor Ilnllmnnn; !'. Melnrad, Hermann Itudolpii: P. Conrad, Helnrlch Itabrleh; P. Quli-ln. Artur Htuicr: I'. Donilnik. Otto Bodoeker; I'. Coloslln, its fourth week Nov. 27. Timlin Theatre (Sullivan (t Woods, ninn- ngers).—"The King of the Wild M'esl" fnr- nsbes the thrills here this week. .nn Jostle Tlientre (John S. Flaherty, mniuiger)—"Wonderland" opened Its sixth week Nov. 27. house was present. The strong stock com pnny Is beaded hy Edwin Arden, Catherine Countess und .111lie Heme. "Lord nud Lndy Algy" will be presented Ihe entire week of 21. The Operatic (junrlette and the orchestra of seventeen musicians are features of the pro- gramme. Others arc: I'cwltt, "the Mysteri- ous Face;*' the Elton-Polo Troupe of aerial performers, and the Eight Kiiivaggls, Pari- sian novelty dancers. Manager Crovcr Is to present niiiiiy hippodrome and vaudeville nov- elties. Kkkxiov's (l'\ A, Kceney, manager).—Em- mett Corrlgan and conipnny, In their clever sketch, "The Card Parly," bend the bill this week, and are followed by Cognn and Hun- croft, Mlgnnnl Family of four, Fred Nlblo, monologlsi : ihe Four Mistletoe Girls. May Trndor and her Four Dixie Roys, Walters and Protttv, and Ihe b'our ttlunns, comedy uc- roliats. Iho Kccncysocne clones the hill. Stah (Archie II. Ellis, manager).—Tho Spectacles.' Tub PKun.K'H Symphony Cunckrth slnrt- ed In Cooper I'nlon Hall Nov. a.'l. under the direction of F. X. Ahrona. An excellent progriiinmc wus thoroughly enjoyed by 11 lair" audience. MAKOi;i:nr)T Hall, soprano, and Karl Grleiinucr, 'cellist, gave 11 recital In Men- delssohn llali Nov. -'.'I, and wm well re- ceived. ItAotJi. i'ciiNo, plnnlat. gave the llrsl of three reclltils .Nov. 2'.\, at Mendelssohn Hall, to an interested audience. (inn. II, Scarecrow, In "The Wlcnrd of Oz," for severnl performances lust week ut tho Acad- emy of Music, during the illness of Fred Stone, who returned to the cast LT,, "Tiik Clansman" will begin an engage- ment at tlie Liberty Theatre Jan. H. succeed. lag Tlionuis W. Hobs, In "A Fair Exchange." Tin: Tiif-ATim litiiiNiiAMiT Is announced ns among the probnhllltles of the season of IIKlll. as Win. F. Connor nniiuiiticcs that the situ now occupied by tlie Audubon Hotel, at Thlriy-iilnih Slreet ami Ilroadwiiy, will hnvn one of the llnest tliciitres in New York. Tho cost will tipproxlmuto $,'«HI.U(JII, 11111I It Is ex 8-rAn (C. II. Dlendorr, innnager).—Tho vaudeville la still bringing out good sized crowds ul euih performimcit. ♦ »» ALAIIAMA. Mobile. --At tho Mohllii (J. 'fannonbntim, manager) Eleanor liolisou, in "Merely -Mary Ann, came, one performance, Nov. 20, to a. II. 0., und was tho nodal event of the sea- son. Tho Payton sisters' Co. opened nn en- gagement of live nights und two mutinous Ul, to good business. John II. Wills' Comedy Co. 27-20, "The Clansmuti" 30. NoTKH.-Jnko Wells, tho well known tlir- iitnvi«i ihe i-.ii.. nr <hn * tr| enl magnate, was hero 1(1, for tho pur- MKl.11pIa.VHl rolii^ of Iho poM> u (l| hM of | ookll)i , ()Var „ HcnUan > for an opera house. He culled.upon 1 well known real estate firm and remained there sonin time. He would glvu nothing for puhllrnl'nn. It Is said from a thoroughly reliable source, that Shuhort & Reiusco have signed a live years' tease for n site, and will (oon huHd. Thu light between Mobile, Local, No. 407, A. F. of It, and Iho Mobile Thoatre, coiitlinies Hilly Keraaiids' Mlnstre's will ulsy in this city 28, 211, and lulvo se- cured iho Huw Mill Union's hall for their performances J-lnrlo C. Way and Datum Dcnne were .-aurrlcd lu thin city, afternoon of 20. They are both rvsldlni * Harlem.—At the Harlem Opera House fAlex. Llohtousteln, mannger) '.'Tho linger llrothers In Ireland" Is the offering for tills v.eek, nud a great welcome wan given the Mars at their" llrst Harlem appuurancc this season. Nov. 27. A big week Is assured. Next week, Dlgliy Roll, In "The Education of Mr. I'lpp." Wlst Eni> (Ceo. A. Rlnnientha!. manager). Tom. Dick nnd Harry," with Blekel, Writ- lar with local theatregoers, as well as mem- bers of tho traveling companies playing this circuit. Mcpliitn Martinez; l'*r, Erhnrd. Jaciiues Dor- son nnd Wrotlie as the stars, opened to a wltz: Fr, i'anlus, Harry Walden; Pr, Sales, well lllled house *J7, and gave gr?nt siitlsfnt- Will Frcy: Pr. Bruno, Franz llerterlch; Hon. Tim stars kept the audience laughing . JTrW . Holder. Karl lCiiiiack: Marie. Ccorglno Neuen- dorU"; LIcsl, Sotihle Grosser: Franz Richter, I'ranz Hrhitt; Uilnkinnnii, Ilei-mnnn Ceroid. Lyceum Tlientre (Daniel Frohmnti, iiianagerL—"Tlie Lion and the Mouse" begun its fc-econd week Nov. 27. Lyrle Tlientre (Sam 8. & Lee Shubcrl, mufugera).—Do' Wolf Hopper, In "Happy- land." began his ninth week und last fort- night Nov. 27. Madison Square- Theatre (Walter N. Lawrence, ntnnngcr),— iletirv K, Dlxey opened his nluth week Nov. 27, In "The Mun Du ih^; llox." Joe Weber's Tlientre (Joe Weber, man- iftjer).—"The Prince (.'hup'" stinted lis ninth w-^ek Nov. 27. T'hc one hundredth perform- ance, which occurred 2S. was remembered by the distribution of silver souvenirs. Grnnil Opera House (John II. Springer, manager).—"The Prodlgul Son," with the llroailwny cast, opened n week's engagement here Nov. 27. Next week, Lulu Closer, In "Miss Dolly Dollars." ttroiiiMviiy Tlu-nlre (A. W. Dingwall, inannger).—"Voronluue" starled its fifth week Nov. 27. New Amsterilnm Tlientre (Klaw ■ Fr- langer. managers).—"The White Cat" en- tered lis fifth week and InBt fortnight Nov. Umpire Tlientre (Charles Frohmon. mnn- •trer).—Maude Adams, hi "Peter I'an," betcan Nor. 27 her fourth week. Extra matinees vvlll be given occasionally. throughout tlie entire evening. Prospects nre of the brightest for a week of big busi- ness. Next week, tlie Ruys, In "Down the Pike." (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —•■I'he Hello of Avenue A," wllh Kllle Fny as Hie star, made lis llrst Rrenx appearance 27, to crowded houses both afternoon and evening. The entire production was praise- worthy', and Miss '•'ay duplicated the success slie nitnlned down town. Next week, "New York by Night." Staii (Wm. T. Ki-ogh. maniigeri.—"1-or Ills llruther'w Crime," with Iloherl Cnlllnrd In the leading role, opened lo a good house •.'7, and made a line Impression. Tlie play Is a melodrama of 11 highly scnnntloiml nature, and kept the audience In a stale of cxpe.-ln- linn from the rise to Ihe fall of the curtain. Next week. "Xo Mother to Cnlde Her.*' ALtmiiiii.v (Percy (I. Williams, manager). —It Is the some old story week after week— caii'icltv business, nud Hie S. It. I). sign was fieauciillv displayed during the past week. This week's hill Is headed by !• red Karoo s Loudon Companv. Others are: Herrmann, the Crent : Anna Lnughlln. William Could nnd Vnleskn Surrat. Hilly Van. Willie Zlnmier- mnn. D'Almn's animals, (iolden (late Quar- tette, Dnri-ns Dros.. and vltagrnph. Pnocrnii's Onk ffraMKB *» Twisnty- MFTH nxnarr (J. Austin Fynes. general " ' ai, t, n l ', l: 0( . , ro 0 ',V ^ Kl manngor).--"Ollver Twist," which proved n '"SJK^P fftdgnr OTr success nt the down town house of .Mr. IVoc- "H-^S oolia bills cc tor, Ib the offering for this week, and crowded ■ added feature. The olio offers many clever acts. Next week. Wine, Women and Song Co. Nassau (I". Fleck, manager).—Tlie Merry Maidens Co. npimir 27 and week. Next week. New Century f llrls. Ai.cazaii (Win. Keogh, mannger). — tlie Tiger Lilies, with two musical comedies, "A Night In Hohetnla" and "The Bogus Chauf- feur," 27 and week. Next week, Ilellly & Wood Co. Ruoadway (Leo C. Teller, munnger).— "The Peart and tho Pumpkin" Is hero this week. It Is Lite second engagement the ex- travaganza has played In tills borough this season. Crowded houses every nlglit Inst week, with 10. H. Wlllnrd. Kyrlc Hellcw, In "Rallies," next week. Full* (Bennett Wilson, manager).—"Me. Him und I," with Sullivan. Watson and Whit claw In tin; principal roles, opened for a week, night of 27. Play and players nre well nnd favorably known here, nnd tbelr slny promises lu lie prolltnlile. Thas. I-;. Shea did 11 big week, ending 20. "I'tiiitiisitm" next week. Cayf.ty (.lumen Clark, munnger).—Al. Reeves nnd his show thin week. 'I'he nuislcil skits ure called "The Clii.dwh.-k Trial" and "Whirl I Pun." The nllu: New York Newt- boys' Quartette, Ida Hopper, D'Bstrelln Sis- ters, J-'inuni Zcph. Theodore Murphy, Maggie Hilton and Al. Reeves mid hls.buujo. Hnsl- ness last week with the Furoneau Sensulloti glvo ciiplliil Hiipport to Mr. Cowlcs, us l'rudy Prlin. The acllllig for Hie sketch was nda- ipiiite, and the audience was keenly appre- ciative of Mr. Cowlea' effective rendlllon of the role of Jotiiithuu. ■»«» niuim-j island. W'oonsoeUit.—At Ihe Wonnsorket Opera House (J. K. Ogden, intinager) "The Isle of Spice" Nov. 24, "Clnverdell" 2fi. Colonial Stock Co. week of 27. Murray Slock Co. did not appear 2U-2'.'. "Hen of Rrokcn Row" (llled u return 211, playing to a very good hnuae. "Iiltlle Lord Fnuntleroy" flee. -I, lliii-.iiin-t i.'onicd.v Co. fi-O. Seliiin.—-At the Actidemy of Music (Long & Rees, inanngan) Wulker Whltesldo Nov. 21), Paulino Hall Dec. 1, "The Sign o( tho Four" 4. Iti.Noi.iNii R1108.' CiiiiM'M gave two per- fiiriiianres, Nov. 21, lo capacrty, ♦ ■ » ■ f -Wll S'P VlltOl MA, w b.-oiiiiK, ...At Hie Court (ft, R. Franx- belui, manager) Weber's All Stars Nor. 20, hud S. It. O. Viola Allen, In "The Toast of Ike Town." 21, hud big business. "Uiicin 'loin's Ciihln," 25, had good returns. Illnnriiv Walsh 2H, "Parslftil" 21), (!rostott Clurko Bo, "Miss Roll While" Dec. 2. Cm. mi Opkiia Hoi.'HK fC'hiiH, A. Pelnlcr, llri: (.las. XV. Coiikllii, manager).— Illll umimgeri -■••Purls hy Night," Nov. 20-22. had big business, followed by "Tin- HoBM "f Mystery." 211-23, l« goud rclitrus. Irene My- ers C11. 27 iitl'l week. lli.iiiti Fajii/.y Tiikatiih (II. W. Itmlgcru. luiiinigi-rl. -Hill tor week of 2U snvo good snt Isfai-l Ion to good business. IHlTlor week of 21: Warren and Howard, T, J, McCulrc, Jerome Mora, Fniiiiu ('onuclly, lllustrut'-d songs nnd the picture ninchltte. - Nutk. —Win. flowers, the genial Ireiisurer , ,. v . „ of the Court Tlientre, Is hack nt his post Al the Newport Onern House „„,,,,, „„,.,. „,, W ,,,, KH - nim-ss ut thn hospl- tnl. *«» for week of 27: Iteib-d und Dudley. Jennie Oluril. tlie Two Kiinkerlnos. Amy Allen, und the Slddous llrolliers. Tlie inush- of lliu cotiipniiy is 111 charge of Ceorge Lbldel, who will b<> musical director ul Hits house for iho lesl of llu- sens"»n. Jennie ('Irani luid much to dn with the success of Inst week's bill, and was held over, llusliiess remains very good. \<>vvi>ort (Cntin tc Cross Co., iimnngers) "Deforu and Afler" was well received J>ov. 20. "It's Up to Yon, John Henry," had fair litislucts 21. NORTH ( Allni.lVA. Quartette. Le Hoy Sisters Horzog-Cnmarras, John and Rcrtlu Gleeson and Fred Houlihan, llrnce nnd Dalg- tienii, Alf. Holt, Toby, in shadowgram, mid te business last week. rard, manager).—*t"ie goorl bills continues. This week: DtviM It,, who Is pluylng a llttbe cliarncler this sensoh with Lillian Mortimer's "No Mother to Guttle Her" Co., writes that be Is making t pronounced hit In both part and sts-clnltica, according to the comment of the presi. CliuiloKc. —At the Academy of Mtinlc (Murx S. Nnllinn, inuutiger) I'aulliie Halt, III "Dnrcns." did good business Nov. 20. "Professor Nupoleoii," umutriir production, had a good bouse 21. 22. HlncI: I'nltl was prosperous 29. "A Message from Morn" 24, •'Cnptiiln Debonnnirr" 20..- — «.».->. ■■ r.M-i.isr- Mahkiiam Is living In retlremtDt In New York City.