The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1054 THE N^W YORK CLIPPER. December 2. BWKEPISO THK COUNTHY MKK WH-IJPIIIK, JBROMR & BCHWARZ'" WONDKIIFUL SVCCK8S, _^a«— ' **~ MV IRISH MOLLY O "*■ THB MOMt' M'.Nn.YTUIVAI. HAl.LAU .IIV. J-..1* rlllu.Mlr... i.ii,l,i ; ii>l!> A MU V .tt» «i rt''' » "'» __ DEAR OLD GEORGIA THE <1VICI£K»T AMD MOST HU11BTANTIAL COON SONl* HIT OH RECOKP-BV KBND1S & PALEY SYMPATHY ■*■ "^ 3 NEW SPNBS by JEROME and SCHW&BTZ, WHAT HAS THE HI6HT TIME TO DO WITH THE GIRL? I FELL OFF THE WATER WAGON, NOVELTY SONG. PEAK OLD DIXIE LAND. Croat March Song. Wr lUm Purchased from the Dean of Rallad Writers, PAUL, DR1JSSER £ Great Songs. When We Say Ureal, Wo Mean WHEAT. A NICCAH LOVES HIS POSSUM. ■.Imply a Wonder. THE TOWN WHERE I WAS BORN. Another on Hie Bank* of the Wabu.h. , ARTHUR J. LAMB and H. B. BLANK E. THE LITTLE HOUSE THAT LOVE BUILT, The soitaT that I. Caualng No End ofTalk. We Have secured the American llluht. to the Following Engll.h Songs «r FRANCIS DAY .v lit '* tick, London, Eng.i S I L \f EL. R 13 THE SNOW MAN AND THE SUNBEAM, THERE GOES MY SOLDIER BOY, THE PEACOCK AND THE DOVE, L.A-D IDDLY-DIDDLY U M , CO AWAY, MR. CROCODILE. A LEGITIMATE SUCCESS, By AARON HOFFMAN and LEO FRIEDMAN, THB NBW "KATHLBBN" SONG AND A HUMMER, IE BACK, KATI By HARRY B. NORMAN and THEO. WE8TM4N. TMREE S« BY WILL MARION COOK We co 11*idered lliem ao good that we purcha.ed them from the Gotham-Attacka Publishing Co. at a big tigare. 55 ajt p Y LOP, Tl " ^^^^^^S Hlagl ** ALLUS THE SAIN/IE IIM DIXIE. AS THE SUNFLOWER TURNS TOTHESUN . A FBW QOOD ONES BY LENOX A IMP SUTTON: I'M TRYINO TO FIND J SWEETHEART SUM. WITH SUCCHSK BY ADBhB RtTCHIB. WON'T YOU THE ME HOME WITH YOU? .»s^^"&,, A RAO TIIVIE JAP »*w. ««vel and a hit. AND DON'T FORGET THB SENSATIONAL 80NO HIT BY JAMES O'DBA AND VKAI, HOHBT, WRITERS UK HIAWATHA. JEROME H. REM1CK & COMPANY, HOMER HOWARD, Kgr. Chicatjo OJfioos, QRAJID OFBRA HOUSE BLOB. <4S West 28th Street, New York. > Cen. Mgr. Prof. Pept. Detroit Olflcov, 10 WITBERELL ST. NOTICE! I, ROIIERT RALSTON, ftir U9 year* profeadonally known at itlfTerent period* a* HOBT. HAL8TON of "MASON ill RALSTONt" BOOBY RALSTON, "THB VBST POCKKT COMEDIAN," ROBT. RALSTON ofFIBIl & RALSTON)" "lioiillY HALH- TON, the FUNNY LITTLB MAN WITH TUB BIG VOICE," nail at present a* ROUT. RALSTON of RALSTON * SON, Di> not %v I al> to tie confounded or annul-1 nt <il lii the ill I ml • of Han.gera, Friend, or Pt*rA>rtn«r*aB.-any wajr Whatever Willi the party using my name and billing hlra- ..If a» Hobt.Ral.tun at a 14th St., N. Y., ra.ort thl. w««h. '. V lUapei U..U), ROUT. 11ALSTON, 1U3 Kl.lerl St.; Brooklyn, S. Y. I WANT ALL KINDS OF FIRST CLASS ACTS Circus in Havana, Cuba Will give h to IN weeka' engagement. Address TK08. HAHGREAVES, Chester, Pa., Who la My Sole Ilepreientallve In America. A. V. PUBILUONKB. XXX Theatrical Trunks. n m m oi w ' e u.oo 11 nil t-4.011 ij.oi» u.oo i.i.oo lo.oo Guaranteed 5 Year*. Ufl IIS W 3D !» 40 1.7(1 K.M5 N.73 O.a.l 0.73 lO.tiO ;t2 ai ao i» 40 s.oo m 7.143 Sto«l Clad n M ao J2» Write fur Catalogue. n A.OO 7.0V 7.(10 M mi W. S. CASEY.44I 6th Ave., near 27th St., H.T. WANT WILL J. KEITH'S OWN BURLESQUERS. (.'lever Irian Comedian, lustier. Must arrange. Swell Slater Twin, MiioIckI Aci. All uJJflt bo the lieeU Salary do oliJed to the right people. WILL J. Klil'I'U, 202 K. 'JOIIi St., Now York. AT LIBERTY, OWING TO MISREPRESENTATION, I'liM'autorw ur Uuavlea. Elegant wiirdrulie, youth, ability and experience. . . lltl'TKI, FAVRE, !>NH aevenlh At.., New York City. star; JUOOKBO SOLID UNTIL APRIL. Le MAIRE & Le MAIRE, THK PAIR WITH THB PABOD1BS. THIS■WBKK. FAHlIiV THEATRE. UAUANOY CITY, Fa. Wanted, for A Wise Coon Co. COLORED PEOPLK, MUSICIANS and PERFORMERS. A good ADVANCK AGENT. Address L. B. DEMON, 450 Sixth Ave., Mew York City. WANTED QUICK, PIANO PLAYER AND DODO AGENT Also Good, Useful People Id All Lines. You nun,', do apeolalty and make good, espccla'ly Juvenile Man, Ingenut', Yankee Character Man, Country Hot, Unaractor Woman, suite age, lielglit, weight. semi photo; Important. ENGLAND AMUHEMKNT0O., OavcgO, N. Y. WANTED, ADVANCE AGENT, Also Specially People who Can Change. Addnu KLARK URBAN GO., Claremont, N. II. MANACER8--AGENTS Stop, Look and Listen. CLEMO and OASSELLI THB COLORBD TALBNTBD DUO. 'Way ahovo the average, lilt oveirnhero (Boeing Is believing). Tor. aildres*. wo weatiiotn airect, N. Y. Oily. WANTED AT ONOE, MALE SINGERS. DOUBLE IN BRASS. Young men only Apply"at onco by letter "MUBIUALBIUBCTOK." DM CLIPPER, 47 tVOUUU St., N. Y livery lettor aua\> ered ai onoc. " High olasBOugagcniout. Long Manila. liOOl) SALAKY to Plauo doubling band; Barltonp. doubling trom- bone, to Join at onee. Iieeatur, Ala., Nov. w, Uunlsvlllo, Alu., Nov. ao; Sheiheld, Ala., Dec. 1; Uorlntli, Miss., Deo. u; Tupelo, Mine., lieu. 4; Oko- loca, Mies., Dec. 0; Aberdeen, Mips., Dec. S| W. Point, MIhu., Deo. T. D. B. LEVIS. WANTED QUICK, AddTOBB DK. J. R. VDRPILLAT. Ebenalmrg, I'a. notion Picture Machine Wanted, Any make If Id good condition; also ll>n», song slides aud ga* outfit. Mupt be cheap, snito nltpar- IIculars and loweiit ranh prlee In n rut letter. Ad- dress (J. A. KI it k patri t'K. Vesta. Neb. StaIiO«iS,MO.^ c f B 1 I A k A K N B^ Outside front rooms, single, $3.60; double, $s.ou week. American, tl.oo day. Free bath, electric lights, bells, new furniture. Free night lunch. SCENERY, Flrat c)aa», tor all purposes, Dliteinprr oil or dye colors. M. b. Bl.OUM. 7S K. tudSt., N. V. WANT A SOBER.MAN FOR A PARTNER WlfH a high class r«p. co. No angels or con- qntrst seekers ivanted. Addreis W. H. B., Clsreudou Hotel. Grand Rspld;. Mich. PICTURE A POOR MOVING PICTURE ACT IS GEAR AT ANY PRICE. '*•»• aUTH CENTURY FILM RENTING SERVICE 1* tit. beat on mirth or your .llONEY BACK. Write for particular, today. THE 20TH CENTURY 0PTISC0PE CO.. t ^rV. laa-tK Stl.. IVI« W York. PARTNER WANTED FOR BURLESQUE COMPANY. awell line of apeolal paper; booked over heal time. Large amount or elegant wardrobe. Alcgltluiaie Investment for man nieatilng bualneaa. Must be rendv to join at once. Address Ul)R LEHQ.UK. care of N. Y. CLIPPER. . WANTED AT ONOME, foi^ Gus Cohan's Big Production KZIJVGr OI^ TRAMPS, MAN KoR TRAMP, with Hot S|>eolalty, to double Alto In Hand, Clarionet for Band and Orchestra. Other ruuslclaua, write. St&to lowest Balary; pay your own. 80UU1KTY INDESPKNSABLK. - WILL II. DALRYMPLE, Manager, tlierryvale, Kas , Dec, j; I'cabudy, Ka»., Dec. 4; Ma rlon, Kas„ Dec. 5) llerrlngton, Ha s.. Dec. B. druq, upn and CIGARETTE HABITS We care and core forever t|j» criTluf tor morphine, cocaine, opinm, liquor and Wbaoej. and restore the system to health and BUergto. Onr remedy has been tested copUnuouBly wr many years by our aaaoolate pqriloians in their private practice. We can refar job by letter or In person to men and woman w&o will gladly tell their nappy experience wltn onr treatment. SEND FOR BOOKLET. OarletttrseJia remedies sent without any qnMlde marls. Privacy Is complete. DRUG CRAVE GRQSAPE, 113 Hartford BaUAlML 41 Cnlon Scj., Haw Tot?. .1BSOLUTB CURE HOME TREATMENT No inneHng, effect.. no detention from bnslneH, no narmtal TRIAL SAMPLE FREE.