The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1058 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. December 2. THE SAME OLD HOUSE OF HITS J J AGAIN ON TOP! UX 8. mm New Ballad, it, Introduced by IBEHE FBANKUN. ONE CHRISTMAS NI6HT IN DIXIE" * * * RELEASED I ** Walts Bit from DUKE OF D0L0TH I LIKE YOUR WAY W • •*••••* BALLAD! Thousands of Singers Using It. ILLUSTRATED! • 4 IN THE GOLDEN IN/IN TIIVIE, SWEET ELAINE l> JOHNNY COBBAN'S Ballad Success. ILLU8TBATED ! it DOWN WHERE THE SILVERY MOHAWK FLOWS" Conic Song, by Author of Dearie, { £ MAT BELFOBT'S Big Bit. IN THE DINGLE DONGLE DELL" * * * Waltz Song Hit oi "CATCH OF THE SEA80N." BELEASED! 46 LITTLE GIRL, YOU'LL DO" • • • • * Batle's Hit with PBIOBOSE BIIRSTBELS. 1LLDSTBATED! 44 WHEN THE EVENING BREEZE IS SIGHING HOME, SWfcET worvie:" HOBWITZ & BOWEBS' Famous March Song. ILIUSTBATED ! "THE PLAIN LITTLE SOLDIER MAN 99 • • AHTHUB LAMB'S Greatest Bass Song. Music by ALFBED 80LBAK. 44 WHEN THE BELL IN LIGHT-HOUSE RINGS DING The Gennlne, Dnadulterated PRIMROSE HIT. "EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER" • • • , Av.y5 Ofthe Abogn Bitr JHitw Sent FREE on Receipt ot 10 Cents for Mailing. Orchestrations, 10 Cents EaciiT"f ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATED SONG MARVELS! HARVEST MOON 18 SHINING! HEART'S IN TENNESSEE! SUNSET TURN8 OCEAN'S BLUE! RUSTIC COTTAGE BY STREAM! WELCOME.AS FLOWERS'! VALLEY THAT SUNSHINE! Nl>..ciiil OtTer on Milcim for Any of Tht.e Ulii. JOS. W. STERN & CO 34E2 T . ii Y. CITY. CHICAGO lilt AMU New Boaag. Taia»ght. OHAND OPKllA HOUSE BL.DQ. ■iiiihiiimiibii m ■imme I HUSTON BHANCII Mew Sonar. Tnnalil. Htt COURT HI'. I SAN FRANCISCO BRANCH New MnaiK> Taught. •::.'[ I'O wki.i. ST. CHAMPION COON SNOUTS! SHAME ON YOU! LINDY! DEM LOVIN' WORDS! LAZY MOON! NOBODY HAS MORE TROUBLE! CRAZY WITH HEAT; (IB. W. tlESCEK Presents «. CARIIIH GUY and The Guy Stock Co. Tim Famous I'" I v.. Dollars between art., Two Mpoclial Cars <>r Hnwury. No house ■canary uaed. Prof. Plgg'a*. (nu I' slaIn.'i i loin ,-n Bund. Royalty Play., WAlVI* HAITRIIIITVIR with specialty, must mark oood... Tf Ail I BWUIinil M. MM* EVERYTHING l'IRST LKTTEK. PAY OWN* C. W. MEHCKlt. Hamilton, <>., week Nov. »7. WHITE HIGH CLASS STOCK CO. woman FOH OKI). I1U8,, Willi good Mnglug volco or specialty. Send photo. Mate lowosl In nrst» Year's word to right puny. Bo ready to Join on wire. akhiAi, act TO FKATUHE), and make your salary reasonable. B, and U. Souhre (to or Slater Toam, or «ny useful team, wrlto. Property Mau with machine or strong cpci-la" v. Oilier useful people, write, an expect lo pat out No. ICO, hoou. i.. j. wiiiTM, Mgr. nororenoe,' First Nat llank, kfarinolto, Wla. Fond Du Lao, Wis., week of Nov. ae; bhprmiiig, Mich., week of Uoo, 4. Itoy UlllUrd or Alice Hatnllton, write again. WANI'JBD, FAROE COltBDY PBOPL.B FOR Ad^raatexploits Woman Co.. JVo. £9. Houbrette Lead Uiat can lie featured, long droasos, change to young man and (Juakoress. Al Jnvonlle Woman, character Old Maid to double Irish. Kccemrlo comedian for part on order of book or Insur- ance agent. Up to date Irish Comedian. Eccentric Character Woman for pan ot good nstured West- •■'•iy one night stands. Sttto ifrobe to dress your parti. ... , weigh! and full particulars Tlcketsv NO—unless vnu have seotuliy. My reference, any ot the ronv banks In Cortland, N. Y. ' . • Address 4AB. A. MORROW, Box ,!3l, nnmer, N. Y. UlbvelanU 1*4 BOWBRY, NBW YORK CITY. For a half cenutry we have been giving real bargains in diamonds. It la ridiculous to Mtp< poae thai stores located on Broadway, whero enormonn rents prevail, can compete with n<. a comparison ot good* and prices will convince the most sceptical. 44 aui'C agent. Up to date Irian uomeaian. Krcenuic i:tiaracier wojuau tor pari erner, to double Josh. Lady Pianist and Agent not arrald of work. We play ( lowest salary (FAY OWN), Nust be'good lookers on and otrund have'wanlrc Send piogrn'iuines and photos |T0 IIIC RETURNED). State age. lielght, wolg: CHASE LISTER THEATRE GO. (NORTH KllN), . . A I. calling Juvenile Woman, a Ulever Child, Moving I'lciure Machine villi Operator, who lias his own i-Tuis. with tinini of llluHtiaUid Songs Full particulars first letter. sT"l MlW aV <11iA*alkW iShorldnn, Wvo., week Dec.4; fwJjIviHl JT* Vn.img3aU« (Dickinson, N. Oak., Deo. 14,16,10. MALE AND *FeSalT GYMNASTS l'eniHles given preferenct', for Ojinnnstlu Kovelty. Season, opens shortly. Write quick,staling all you i'sn aud wlil do. wltlr height, ago, wolghl. lowest salary and riill naillciilars. Would like to hear from Mtssea Hertlia Dorln, Kounlttlli, Crane, llonltu K. Wood and Mile. F.vertlila, If at liberty for the holidays or shortly ntier. Address UVMNANT, »0» A.litonil Illdg,, Chicago, III., varai t'l.IPPKR Mgr. aWIi::. now i«i:im. lV-t-oT kin. commercial pure white color, perfectly cut, very tnappyaud free from all luiporreeilons. This gem will be reset Into any other setting free ot charge. Scud tor Our t'i>rf.-it,.,i I M l nlnloHiii-. Mnll Orders Killed. Innulrles Bollclteil BANA6EBS, NOTItE. AUSTIN DELMORE Wilt be AT LIBERTY after Dee ti. Jnvenlle Lends or lleavlc's. One piece preferred. Re- sponsible managers only. State your limit. Ad- dress AUSTIN DKUMOKK, No. 28 Malvern Street, Rochester, New Y'ork. UR Film Buyers Draw Upon the Resoureei of Every Film Maker in the World for the National Service" WEEKLY CHANGE OF MOTION PICTURES. Yon Get the Benefit of Onr Efforts In This Direotion. ■■WRITE TO-DAY.-— NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY, 62 N. Clark St., CHICAGO. ILL. GOOD STOCK PEOPLE AT LIBERTY To write. Also have good location for Penny Arcade. Want some one to put In Machines on oom- mission. Address OR. F\ W. DIEMER, Proprietor aiart Manager Oleatier Theatre, Bprlng4|«ld, Wo< . WANTED, FOR ONE PIECE. Young Ingenue. I.radltig Wommi, Lending Mnu, Wiinsn ami Man for Heavy, Cuuractor Man, Coinu- tllau, luieiitie. Oeuleel Old Man, iToliei|y Msu, thut can play small pari; Kxperleiiccd Agent. Tell all luiiistleiter, amUtato Helghl, weight aud age, mid cneloso programs and photo, vfhlci' will be returned. Oompanv opens m iihlu on Christinas Hay and ploys Eastern time. A'ddress GEORGE F. CLARKE, 8heboygan. Wis. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWO SORER BILL POSTERS Nail afraid caild weathot. Hleaaly work all WlnOr anal Summer. MoPHEE'S BIG CO., Morden, Manitoba. WANTED QUICK, In Experienced Woman . For deneral Business. Send full particulars and lowest salary in tint lot- tor. Addioss MOK. MAMIE SHERIDAN WOh- FORD CO., Uoldrcdge, Kab, VENT Chas.I wfcWa'White Manager or Agent. Ingenues or Juveniles. Wardrobe, experience and appearance the best. Address CUA8. A. WHITE, Palace Hotel, Chicago, llh Learned by anyone nt home. Small cost. Send 2 coin stamp for particulars and proof. (>, a. SMITH, liox C, 2040 KuuxVllle Ave., Peoria, III. AT? WBERTY, E LEADING WOMAN. Address FARMER CITY, IL L. WANTED. EDWIH TOOIO STOCK C01PAIY Wsnts Experienced Actor for general basinet*, I'liiniat imale) who can play small pans. Three tiliht and week stands. Pay you own. Drunkards and Incompetents, save stamps. Nsme lowest and full paitlcttlars. Join on Wire. EDWIN YOUNO Illoton, W. \'a., week roni. Nov. S7. J. RUS. SMITH'S MURRAY COMEDY 00. \SI AIVTS Oharactor Oonicdlau with strong specialty, Woman for Characters and Heavtes, Juvonllc Man. Mu»l lolnatoneo. Other good people, write. Oliarlolto, N.O., Nov. 27-Dce. *, WiustouHalem. N.C., l,cc - 4 -"- J. 11U8. 8MITB, Mgr. Grand Theatre. HAMIIjiTOlir. OHIQ. WANTBB, Ai t uis going Bast or Weit to write for time. JJHN E. MoCARTHBY, JOHN T. WARD. ProP^^ THIS 18 ON1.Y ONE! OP MANY. IRVXN R. WALTON. Oomcdlan, with "No Mother to Guide Her," and lrvln R. Walton, as flm "Town OonBtahle. BUJ* Waterlmry," gave an apt and somewhat original portrayal of the "Rnhe" character.and when It.canif %J52Z!. , mg ,^?,'M?L,£?!lI d ,? 0 . ,u ."" wa J ot specialty work he made hlmnelf a feature of the entsr- talnment.-I'ROV IDENOE, K. I„ JOURNAL, Nov. 21,1905. I