The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1059 "THE CATCH OF THE SEASON, 99 Has Just closed Its long New York run at Daly's Theatre. THE ONE BIG HIT THAT EVERYBODY IS ASKING FOR AND WHICH WAS SUNG BY TALEUR ANDREWS, IS DAVE REED JR.'S MARCH SONG, A GREAT NUMBER FOR SINGLE SPECIALTY OR PRODUCTION. BY THE TIME THIS AD. APPEARS, WE WILL HAVE READY FOR OUR FRIENDS IN THE PROFESSION WHO USE THIS 8TYLE OF SONG, AN ORCHESTRATION THAT WE KNOW WILL KEEP THE FEET OF.YOUR AUDIENCE MOVING WHENEVER YOU SING IT. EZE.~ -Professional Copies and Orchestrations to Becognized Performers or those sending Up-to-date Programs.--NO M. ^WITM^RK: <& SON8, JP*i*>li«sli€^®, WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 W. 37th 8T., NEW YORK. Look for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. «, have thi LARCEST ej i BEST EQUIPPED Works In the World (or the Manufacture ROLLER SKATING! MANAGEI during the coming ROILEBSKATIN THAN IN ANY*OTHER MAN RS can make more money season by operating a imt „ ti Write for Catalogue and fall Information regarding Skates and Rink Management. THE SAMUEL WINSLOW SKATE MFG. CO.. WORCESTER, MASS. 8 Look Lane. London, E. C, England. WINSLOW SKATES Standard of the World for FIFTY YEARS 4$ PROFESSIONALS! MUSIC BUYERS! INSTRUCTORS! GOOD BYE, MAH HONEY," it Hy THUS. F. MONAGHAN. Written In dialect, and there la nothing amateur about It. Get It MY MARJOLINI By ANNA PORTER. This book will get a good hand anywhere. 99 "LIGHTS AND SHADOWS," A Wnltr, l.r ELIZABETH PEEK. •methlng a great deal different from the common, every da; kind, and not too difficult to play. For a two-cent stamp and late program we will mall you professional copies. No cards. PIONEER nUSIO PUBLISHING 1 CO., • • 202 Manhattan Bldg., Cbicago, III. NO KEROSENE OR MANTLE. NO GASOLINE'OR ETHER, MORE RELIABLE| THAN ELECTRIC] WEWUSHf 'SEND FOR CATALOG.- > 5TERE0PTIC0'H.AHDs FILM EXCHANGE/ m PATEHTED [BRIGHTER THAN CALCUINJ W.'B. MOORE. MANA'&EK. \0& FRAHKLIN5T. CHICAGO. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUAItANTEED. Short Vamp and Stage Lasts always on hand. Mall orders Filled, m guaranteed. WILLIAM DRRNnTKIN, Tel. 668 Madison Square. 60S Sixth Ave., near 31nt Street, N. T. OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT AN INSTANT SDC0E88. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, BUSHES, VINES AND NATURAL PREPARED PALMS, SAGOS, ETC., FOR STAGE U8E, Anything and everything In this line for stage purposes, for speolal sceneries and occasions, nre- my large Oatalog 0, which will be of great value to you. CARL NKT8CHBRT, 140 Wabash At»., Chleaga. proof or otherwise. Write for my large Oatalog HARRY HOLMAN Songs, Parodies and Stories. 12 BtUfUTES IN ONE. Week of Nov. 37, Dorlo Theatre, Yonkeri, Iff. Y. Dee. i. Family Theatre, laath St., N. Y. City. Dec. 11 Open. Faoiflo Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning ana operatl. g M First Class Vaad.TlUe Theatres East, Northwest ana West. XVT „v ■nvr-Ana nj a-w-fc, at all tunes, FIRST OLAB8 ACTS OP ALL IBM .„, ^V i\JJLT Jt£l> a 'that can deliver tlie goods. MU BOOKING AGENTS: AL. ONKEN, Family Theatre, 18»th St., near Park Ave., New Tori OM*| i^,', WRAT - fl.^H«,,%Wus.; OHRIS, O. BROWN, 61 8. Clark St., Chicago; AKOmg LEVY, HI Eddy 8t, Baa ftaaolaoc, Pal. Wanted, Vaudeville Acts OF ALL KINDS, ALSO OUTDOOR ATTRACTIONS. Address AMUSEMENT BOOKING ASSOCIATION, 78* Chicago Opera Home, Bldg.. CHICAGO. TIC 2E3 NEW TRAYMORE HOTEL 11th STREET Iranovn Arch), PHILADELPHIA PA. Jpeclal Ra tes to Profession. J. V. REDMOND, Proprietor. mtrtTbr o wmt. VJn.UOKVIb.L-K AOKNT, 19 DKAHnOKN HTHMT. Chle—ja, DJU "THE UNION" 8TAGE SCREWS ORDER NOW. Malleable, $1.26 per doien; Steel, $2.00 per dozen F. n. II. Chicago. UNION ELEVATOR AND MACHINES « «'■, 114116 ONTARIO ST., CIIIUAOO. United State. Tent and Awning Co., Randolph and Dtsplalusi su., CBICAGO, m. CIRCUS CANVASES. BLACK TBNT8 Onr Hp.claltr. 81DB SHOW PAINTINGS. SHOW TENTS rw oiroasat, WUd West shows, Black Taiss, Oandy Topi, Flags, Kldd * Baker Lights, etc, •end far II page pries Hat of second hsnd Teats. dAKKR A LOOK WOOD MFO. CO.. Tin and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES, IETTER LITHOGRAPH^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TINT PAPER SCNO FOR CATALOGUE Morrison Show Print „,.,„. D.tioll. Mich. IT WILL PAY FOIL IT- mx IN ONE DAY. It spins sugar Into cotton candy, any color or flavor. Agents In all European countries. THE COTTON CANDY CO., 63 West 8th St, New York. Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, KtO. Grand End of Century, folly Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE:, 26c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor tricks rrsa MARTINKA A CO.. Mfrs., tiw SLzth Ave., N. T. pneumatic Bust Forms "HATUBE'B ONLY RI7AL" Gives superb style, bcanty, grace, comfort, health and aids natnral development. Worn with or without corael; cool, cleanly, durable; fit any figure; Impossi- ble to tell from real flesh. Gives support and grace to mothers; enthusiastically welcomed by women of style and fashion, by srtlsts, sculptors and models. A revelation and a boon to the cnltnred who abhor "padding." Write for photo- Ulnstrated circular, mailed free as a plain letter. At all corset stores. HE-DEB BOM « HEHDEBSOrT, Dent. U, BmiTsUa, ■. ¥. SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With Hoving Picture Attachment For snowing both Moving Pictures as well an Lanlorn Slides, and producing beautiful Dissolving Effecia. Nucebsary where tho best results nro dcslrod. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. WS and F"ILalVlS at LOWEST PRIOBB Illustrating every subject of Art.Travel ami Literature and all tlmel; topics. l.nti'Ht war scenes. Kite. Popular audi Religious ILI.imTRATlOO BONUS, Ktc. In fact, any subject adapted for the giving of Public Kntortalnnien ts. a pkofitme business for men with shall CAUTA!,' SKND FOR ILLUSTRATED OATALOOUH — Free—which tells tho oost of an outfit, ox plains and Instructs you how to con- duct paying outcrhilninuuis, MCALLISTER, Mfg. Optician, 49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. MANAGERS AND THE PROFESSION! BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDERS FOR MO TOG F* A A personal visit to Felnbers's New Studio will convince yon that 36 to 10 per cent, can be saved. HRltK IB onk ITBM-Twenty-flvB Paris Panels and two extra large Photographs, Ave positions, finished, for $8, , FEINBERG, telephone: connection. 1348 Broadway, New York. Between Bath and lath Sts. Formerly of la W. ltth St. TAYLOR TRUNKS. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS. 30 H, Itamlolpll St., CIIIUAOO; 1st W. .'Will Ht,, NEW YORK. write for Now Catalogue. Leatheroid Trunks. THEY'LL LITE LONOEB THAR TOD. LEATHEROID MFG. CO., Bend for Catalogue. B3S B'WAY, N. v., near Spring hi. "PATTER80H." IM KNOWN EVERYWHERE. 27 I 20 X 17 16.76 10 X 21 X 18 0.00 88 x 22 x It 0.2S 80 x 23 x 20 (i.Cill 40 X 24 X 21 7.BO PROFESSIONAL. CASH WITH OROBR. 82 x 20 x 22. 81 I 21 I 28. 80 x 22 X 24. 88 X 28 X 20. 40 X 28 X 20. "ATLAS." IRONCLAD. lit* ::::::::::: ,o« For Particulars and Illustration, Request Catalogue. TBB BKLBER TRUNK AND I1AU CO., 162 Columbia Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA HUNTS TRIMS M TIIKM AT Sixth Ave., «or 26 St., I. Y. HEADQUARTERS FOR WICS •took In ls»w York. L_ijtrsze»sB« OUR BOUIIItKTTE WIU AT 14.00 1H A UEAUTY. A FULL LINK OF MWITUUKH ON HAND. Hend lor I'rlco List. The Prices will Surprise you, BOBB KODH.LEHOX, 17 E. Uth Street, Bear Onion Square, HEW TORI. Wl ARB MAKING A Hl'KUAl, Z OUT SUIT Of Satin or Velvet, lian<«ly Ksnuroldered In Color., taklstt fCsTl Send for self measuring canl and Kunpln. Kit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WOLFF, rOItniNO «t CO., 00 Bllot St., Huston. COiMEDIANS Cse Up-to-Date Jokes. Von will find tbem, with Humorous 9 Hiorlea, Poems, etc., In F.speclally gotten up for stage use; stuff that the ■ other fellow hasn't got. Cost ti cent*, postpaid. ' CO., Dept. 0, Templo Court llldg., New York.