The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1060 THE nSTETW YORK CLIPPER. December 2. l 4toM«*C ALL OUR FILMS COME WITH II K D TITLES, AND SHOW Ol'llTKADK HARK. PATHE FILM One Quality One Price 12 Cents a Foot. \A/E RECOMMEND OUR .IOIOUS PIOTURI IX LIFE AND PASSION OF CHRIST, IN 29 PICTURES, 2122 Feet LIFE OF MOSES - - 524 Feet SAMSON AND DELILAH - 459 Feet JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BRETHREN, 623 Feet SOLOMON'S JUDGMENT - - 196 Feet PRODIGAL SON 475 Feet CHICAGO, 37 Randolph Street. NEW YORK, 42 East 23d Street. MAHLER BROS. 6th Ave. and 31st Street, New York. PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. SEASON ieOB>'O0. Complete Assortment of all THEATRICAL GOODS. Notably HOSIERY, TIGHTS. WAISTS, MILLINERY, ETC, SEND FOR OUR THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. Shoe Dept. Originators of oar Famous Short Vamp Shoes for Stage and Street * wear. Estimates freely given od Quantity orders. ~ Complete Stocks. Up to Date Styles Lowest Cash Prises for Desirable Footwear. :-ui IOXI OUR MAI Made from the very best tin, are black enameled. Espa dully made for professional use, having a tray wltb col partmonts for Qrease Paints, Powders, Uorab and Brash, Wigs, Etc, Etc. Has double action look, wltb two keys, at.... 39c. Oar COLD CREAM, expressly prepared tor tbe The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pnre and never become rancid in any climate. Put ap In ltts Screw Top Tin Cans at 43c.t «lb at »»e, SAMPLES OF CREAM SE5T FREE. All mall orders must be aooompanlsd by money order. None sent 0. 0. D. WE SUPPLY MEDICINE MEN With SILVERWARE, HOLLO WARE, STATIONERY, AND EVERYTHING THEY NEED. We Are The write for oar complete catalogue. We Are The Most-Reliable House In the Business wsmvm house 27* E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. Promptest House In the World WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Litiit ind Meet Popular Stylei In Ltd lei Hair Drraleg. A. M. JIL'CII & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street, - ... - Philadelphia. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY Send ns a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. We have no favorite writers. All asrae equal chance. All letters answered promptly. _ , PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 30» Manhattan Bids;., CHIOAOO. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amateurs LARGEST AB80RTMKNT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement, Negro l'lays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jariey's Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Free! Free! SAMUEL FRENCH. IT IV. 22d St., New York. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE—EST. 1800. I_. SCHWARTZ TRUNK WORKS 20 E. 42d St. 412 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, Cor. 25th «. Send tor Illustrated Catalogue. Our Professional Trunks are Guaranteed for 10 Tears. To apply for lowest rates at Paul Taualg's Exchange Office, 104 East 14th St., N. Y., German Savings Bank liulldtng. Tel., 2099 Gramercy. Cable address, Slaneslg. All printed matter and Int. tree. THEATBICAX OOSTTJUB. 130 N. 7T11 ST., PII1LA. EFFECTS.": Metropolitan Electric Stage Lighting Co., 13 W. «Oth ST., Ne»w York*. WRITE POR CATALOGUE. GOWNS SLIOIITLY USED FOR STAGE AND STREET SEALSKIN JACKETS AND PURS, ANDREWS 340 SOUTH STATE ST. CHICAGO PIT WIT J& f 1 !! Wig & Toupee Maker*, f Ui* JLVVIX. Vlll PAINT and POWDER. atoVICKEII'S T1IEATUB, Cklessii, III. Telephone—Central, 004. Bend for Catalogs* BAND INSTRUMENTS, WRVK FOR OATAl.OQUK. LOUIS VITAK, "DcpL F.," 196 Wabash Ave., Chicago. NEW AND 8EC0ND HAND JUGGLERS SUPPLIES---!?^ UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHTS,) PATENTS AND sTRADE-MARKSl \mmm SffiSrHtATES. And make you a fortune. If you bavr-a 1'I.AY, SKETCH. PnOTO, ACT, M)Nl; or HOOK Unit Is worth anything, you Kliould copyriirht it. Don't take chances when you can wi-ore our serv- Icejut small cn-t. Sendfor our SPLCIAL OffCR TO IMVINTORS before api>lyiiiff for a i»aicnl, it nil! far yon. HANDBOOK on patina sent IMf* Wnadvlseif patenta- ble or not. FREE. Wo incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, , Managers, Columbia Copyright & Potent Co. Inc., WASHINGTON, D. C. %* SONG WILL ROSSITER'S ORIGINAL CENTS PER LATCSV'HITS" I'm Feelfn' Fine Circus Honks Soiuj Books Address: will Rossi-res 226 Wartilnuton St CHICAGO CONTAIN SON05rJOKES?PARODI£S' etc . 7 5 * PEiiilOO rM (B^'-pek' 1000 SAMPLES iq , -Noc;.6:o^Asf WITH ORDER WEHMANBROSVl2iSPAii.KRow.NtWV'oRK' CALL MoMAHON'S famous Theatrical RESTAURANT 47VS SIXTH AVE., Bet. 28th and 29th Sta., NEW YORK 01TY. Best of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Delicious! j Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- leg Room for Ladles. au&oMBs rights, M.00 Worsted. Tights, IS.tfOi Cotton TlfhU, $1.00; Silk Tight., from |».9» upt Shirts to match all same price im tighti; Pumps, *»» esotsi Galt- ers, ei.OOi Elastic Support.™, $1< Cloth Supporters, »3 cents. Send for catalogue and itmplM of tights free. Positively a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIDER BROS., N Woodbine St., Brooklyn, H. T. Old stud hot new address. CLASS A. 15 CENTS PER FT. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENKEOAH * CO., Cincinnati BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS we have mode the cure of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital $500,000. We solicit the must obstinate cases. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains, Mucus Patches In Mnulh, Sore Throat. Pim- ples. Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falllncout, write for proofs of cures. lOO-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO. 1111 MISMIC TEHFtE. Chlcst*. m., "■»•». For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cures all Discbarges In 48 Hours Etch catxale tn*mMUn CLASS B. Ill CENTS PER FT EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Model, J115.O0. Universal Model, $75.00. CLA88 A--LATE8T FEATURE 8UBJECT8. DOWN ON THE FARM So. 0,314. Code VATERARH. Length 440ft. A $00.00. JUST OUT. A BIG HIT. SHIPMENTS FROM STOCK. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR, NO. 370, MAILED FREE Off APPLICATION EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER No. 6,331. Code VATERLOS. Length 330ft. A 153.50. Another Weekly Hit. Strictly Up to Date. You'll Miss It if You Overlook This One. Tbe plctnre opens with a laughable "Jumble" Announcement—a new feature, exclusively Edison, mysterious and novel to a degree. The first scene shows Mother and all the chil- dren hurriedly eating breakfast and rushing off to work. Mother calls Father repeatedly, but gets no reply. The next scene shows rather in bed. His .lumbers are disturbed by a hor- rible dream. In his dream, wblch appears as a vision, be Is seen carrying tbe hod up a lad- der, lie gets into an argument with a bricklayer, who throws him off tbe scaffold and pelts him with bricks, which he tries to dodge. Suddenly be wakes and finds bis wife standing beside bis bed wltb a cup of coffee. The next scene sbowa Mother and Daughter work'og In tbe kitchen. Father enters wltb bis sboes In bis band and sits down by tbe fire to smoke. Mother BendB him out for wood. Father is next seen by tbe wood-pile, hiring a man to chop the wood, while be sits down and puts on a pair of blinders, so be cannot see the man work. Presently Mother comes along and the man shows her the big pile of wood he has. clioppod. Mother gives the nan a glass of beer and carries the wood into the bouse. The next scene shows a carpet on a line. Father, instead of beating it, crawls Into it. Mother and Daughter now start In to beat tbe carpet, and Father gets covered wltb dust and a good beating before they discover him. The final scene shows Father seated in a chair lu the kitchen. Mother and Daughter are washing. Father's chair gets caught In some- clothes In the wringer, and he Is thrown to tbe floor and the entire contents of tbe wash tub pours over him, and be is almost smothered In the suds. WATCH THESE COLUMNS FOR OUR GREAT HOLIDAY PRODUCTION Full Des cription Ne xt Week. BEND FOE LATEST CATALOGS AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. Chicago O0ce, 304 'Wabash Avenue. Sew York Office, 31 Union Square. Cable Address, KnrUlan, New York. OFFI0E FOR UNITED KINODOM: 24 OLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E. 0., ENGLAND. SkI.I.TRsI AflT!rf"r 1 &- THE KINETOQRAPH CO., .... 41 E. 21st St., Sew York. DIUIllsna aVUniO. PETER BACIOALOPI, - 78VJ8S Mission St., San Francisco, CaL A. t Popular Prloaa SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Catalogue Free. NEORESCOU HAIR CO., 16!< State St.. 5th Fl.. CHICAGO. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER. THE And theatre review, 401 fStrrsLXx€L 9 London, FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. - - ... 8a. 8d. PER YEAH. PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, - 2s. Od., Single Column Inclt KUW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CARLE, OFFICE, 708 ST. ' 11LDO., where advertisements will be received. Copies on file. .o. JAMES- f~20& *r Attention! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves .) Electric Belts from $1 per dot. up. Large variety to select from. Electric jsri, 75c dos.; Electric Insoles, 87%c doz. pairs. Soap, $2.10 gross; UneiMMi- eel Batteries. Bend 75c. forSample No. 14 E.B., exp. prepaid. Latest out. U" third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of r»ie» trie Belts and Appliances In D.S.A. Established 1878. Lecture and price, let rrsa. THE ELBCTBIC APPLIAHCB CO., Burlington, Kin. CENTRAL TRUNKS. Mln., |7.60; Win., 18.80; SOIn., 18.60 ; 801a., $10.60; 401a., »12.00. arens Trunks, 2lxl8tll, 17.80. BUI Trunks, 80x28x16, Inside, 112.00. Lltho Trunks, 42"^ x28 V, x 12, Inside, JM-"* shipped on receipt of $S.00,bal. C. 0. D^, except over 800 miles, then remit whole atooaa* •IafONB a CO., CENTRAL TRDNK FACTORY, Bat. 1864, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch Bta-r'b'* ^erformera, Bring Your Oh»»o»<» or telephone laas Bryant, to LOWANDR'S TRANSFER CO., N. E. Corner 41 * , H ?? J . Sth Ave,, He -w York. I am an ex-performer and know how to handle your baggage. n»" ling excJuslvel y for Tony Pastor's Theatre Storage also. Open Sundays. WRITE OR TELEGRAPH WHEN AND WHERE T O MEET TOE. ^ "SSE? Stage 1 Street Gowns HARNETT (net ANDREWS), * s °- *S8M'iff*"*