The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1C61 a 11 TESSIE" NEVER STARTED WITH THE 8UCCE88 ACHIEVED BY THE SONG I LOVE YOU tt TIME 93 It is Pnbllthtd so I hat Ton Can Use Six to a Doxen Each. By tlxe Same "Writer, -W. JR. ANDERSON. lot Alone Is It Being Snag to lanerons Encores lightly in "The School Girl" and "The Girl from Ear's," bnt Hundreds ol Onr Beat Performers ere Already Using It it for Single Specialty, and Arranged also Id Conversation Version, which can be Done by either lale or Female, or as a Big Specialty of SEND FOR IT TODAY. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. A Beautiful Orchestration Published, and, if this Key Doesn't Suit Ton, We Will lake It Any- Key Ton Desire. FREE-PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS TO RECOGNIZED PERFORMERS, OR THOSE SENDING UP-TO-DATE PROGRAMS-NO CARDS. M. ^i^ITIWC ARK «Sfc SORTS* Publishers, WITMABK BUILDING. 144-148 W. 37th ST.. NEW YORK. Look for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. THEATRICAL HOTELS) B OARDING HOUSES. Wabash A Madison, CHICAGO. 0. 0. Vangban, Prop. Stilc'Jy , American Plan, J8-16 single; fMJ doi JMeL" "Vandertile patronage lnylted. HUNT'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 148 Dearborn St and OXFORD HOTEL, Canal arid Adams. Rates to profession. FRAME, HUNT, Prop., OHIOAOO, PALACE HOTEL.. 101N. Clark St., Chicago European, $3 per week; with private bath, $7. TartfcnBath, loo. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. Hotel Regent. Cor. Pennsylvania Ave. and 15th St., Washington, D. O. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN. Under near rxanagemcnt Has been entirely remodeled and refurnished. NEW ELECTRIC ELEVA- TOR INSTALLED. SPECIAL BATE3 TO THEATRICAL I'ROFESSSION. LAFAYETTE CHAMBERS, 27 Hayward Place, Boston, Mass. One minute from all principal theatres. $4 to $6 per week; 75 cents to $1.50 per day. The moat convenient place for theatrical parties Restaurant connected. PRUDENTIAL HOTEL, W and u Bank St., Kewark, N. J. H. A. GREENLAND, Prop. garopesa and American Plan. Fine Rooms. TRAFALGAR 116-117 E.14, N.T.,nr. Kelth'B, Acad. o( MubIc. Dewey. Rooms soc., 760;, $1, $L» day; >2.60to $8 week. W.D.HANNIQAN.ProjP. . FiABESDOH HOTEL, f ™?.7»p"2 BIOLEY A JENNINGS. Props. II. Clark St., cor. Ontario, Chicago. Bales, 60, n and II per day. $1 to %B per week. FOR TOLEDO, Ohio MERCHANTS' HOTEL. Theatrical Rates: Am., $1.00, and Eup., Me. POOD SERVICES THROUGHOUT. HOTEL ST. DENIS, 1S6-IS8 West Market St., Indianapolis, Ind Convenient to all theatres. Best Utile Hotel In Indianapolis. Aotors' Rates. VENTRILOQUISM Tanght Personally and bj Correspondence. ProT. Llngerman School 61 Ven- trtloqalsm, 706 North tth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. c CAMEHAGRAPH, Edison Klnetoscope, or Cineograph Wanted. Also a lot of Films. W. MINTURN. care of N. Y. CLIPPER. SKETCH WANTED For Comedian and Soubrette. Funny piece, Ec- centric, Llg ht or Straight Comedy. Both sing and danc«; comedian, tall, thin fellow. State terms and it on results. T. 8., care of CLIPPER. 137 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. GREATEST OUllUUL • »~. *5p*oraei by Presa and Public. ••S°o reference, from all parts of the world Ta« Only embool Endorsed In Cblcago STAGE DHL ETC. (Up-to-date In every detail). Buck, Jig. Skirt, Novel Cake Walk, Elocution. Singing and Rag Time Songs, Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Dramatic Art, Etc. ENGAGEMENTS SECURED NO FAILURES. PROF. P. J. RIDOE, Miss Frances Lee and others. Circulars Free. , GRAND -OPERA HOUSE, i endorse PROF. RIDGE as the only Aotor and iToreaslonal Dancing Teacher In Chicago. FRED J. WILDMAN, Theatrical Agent. . r^ 1 ?"" ftnd Leading Parts Coached. tin La Salle St., near Madison, Chicago, EL SEND STAMP AND PROGRAMME FOR THE LATEST BONO HIT 1 , "Men the Autumn ^leaves Arc FaUing I'll RetnriT S \ i !'.?, w , lt ?a Te » t8n »cessbTFRANKIEOAMPBELL- jWUN MoADAMS, 8617 Ellis Ave., Chicago, IU. "WANTED, For Ruble Theatre Go. WOMAN FOR JUVENILES AND GEN. BUS,, „ , WOMAN FOR CHARACTERS. oilier People for Rep. state all. Pay own hotels. EU. F. 8 PMERS, Humboldt, Nebr. WANTED, Palmist; Also Two 6Irfs To Learn ! Int.-. ««.• a L. ■ . , ._ r._ Pa .1st D • 'iilstry and general professional work. -■ position, with reliable people. RIGGS AMUSEMENT CO., AngUI Perma- Angnsta, Ga. W acted, Maseum of Inatomy, : • A. L., WESTERN BUREAU CLIPPER. G02 Ashland Block, Chicago, III. FILMS FILMS BIOORAPH'S "Kentucky Feud" 1. the most sensational film of the season. Send for bulletin describing same. PATHK'S "The Pastry Cook's Joke" Is a screamer, the best comic film extant We have a BRANB NEW No. 3 CAMERA- GRAPH, with Takeup, lor $120.00. Speak quick. It's a winner, and won't be here long. BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY —One Edi- son EXHIBITION Model, latest pattern, like new, w'th Power's Cameragraph, TAKEUi* and FIREPROOF MAGAZINES, mounted on a set of nickel-plated telescope legs, for $120.00, or, with 1,000 feet of good film on a reel, $175.00. This la Indeed an extraordin- ary bargain, a cinch for the "Quick" man. HEADLINERS IN STOCK: Life of an American Soldier...537ft $35.00 A Soldier's Romance. 261ft 17.50 Story of a Crime 257ft 17.60 Trip Across the Ocean bOOft 35.00 Life of Napoleon 050ft 55.00 The Kidnapped Child 285ft 25.00 From Cbrlstlnnla to the North Capes, 2 scenes, col 426ft 40.00 The Great Toronto Fire, one scene, colored 406ft 25.00 Gulliver's Travels, 240ft 14.50 The St. Petersburg Strike 225ft. 12.50 Great Railroad Collision 240ft 10.50 The Impossible Voyage 1,233ft. 115.00 The Escaped Lunatic 617ft 55.00 The Moonshiner. 060ft. 115.00 Wanted, A Dog About 650ft 60.00 Life of an American Fireman. .426ft 35.00 And about 25,000 shorter subjects at 6c per foot, or In 1,000ft. lots, $57.50. Sun Rival Light Outfit $13.60 Bright White Light Outfit 16.00 Oxyllthe Outfit. Model R 30.00 Acetylene Outfit 12.60 ALL SLIGHTLY USED. New goods In stock at market rates. You want our new SPOTLIGHT Lamp- It's perfect. Price, $10.00. .The Complete Spotlight $25.00, Including lamp, rheostat, 61n. condenser, enclosed switch and cord. FILMS AND MACHINES WANTED, PROVIDED THEY ARE GOOD. LEWIS MTWAAB & CO., Largest Dealers In Philadelphia, 338 Spruea Street, Philadelphia,Fa. BARGAINS IV TUB FII-IVIS, Eto., SJC«o. CALL AND SEE THEM SHOWN ON THE SHEET. L. HETZ, 302 E. 23d St, N. Y. City. DAN O'LOUCHLIN'S LATEST AND GREATEST "NOBODY WORKS BOT FATHER" (Two 7erses and two choruses). By mall on receipt of 50 CENTS In money order. THE PASSYUNK PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1804 E. Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia. WANTED AT ONCE, First Class Lecturer for Museum. Geo. McDonald, write. Long engagement to right man. Address L. B. WALKER, Walker'. Museum, a Bowdoln Sq„ Boston, Mass. 1BIIIIT7I Oril Oraat Di.eoTeryjKxp.rtl /111 Hr/I Lh II can not detect it from gea- LnnlULLi ULUl nine diamond. Costa but one-tenth. In brlillanoy and cat It ha. no squat. leRlng wild gold. Wrt» (or Illustrated oatalognr. HOWT5 a CO.. Deat O..M. Dearborn St. Oaleve. ROYALTY PAID ON soNG-poens land Huslcs.1 Compositions. Wo Itrreagetndpopalftrtie- .Address 1 PIONEER MUSIC PUB. CO, OncJ |m. MMhatlia Bill CiJcjgt. Hi- Piays SKtum'srwioKxui'j .-.^riANyscmpis^i WBIIUN 10 CRD1R ■'"'• -AH9 PARTS I Msacsi TRANCI5 TUCKCP SSm," WANTED—Versatile Team. EDD. One to WILL BUY ROBERTS, play piano. BONG SLIDES, EransTille, Wis. —•» WANTED, law- MECHANICAL DEVICES, SLOT MACHINES, SUITABLE FOR OCEAN PIER. Address OOtAH PIKR 00, Camden. N. 1. Wanted, Some Short Entertainment Of from half to three-quarter, of an honr.forDec 28. Liberal terms. Two to four persona. W. E. WALTHER, Sect Firemen Fair, Bnshnell.IH JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED MABIC CATALOGUE, 25c.; SUP. CATAL., Be. None free. Only N. E. Agent for Mahatma, 10c W. D. LBBOY, 108 Court St, Boston, alaas. EDISON K1MET0SC0PES. $75. ACTD ALL THE LATEST AID MOST IM- PROVED MOTION PICTURE MACHINE*. FILMS m SUBJECTS, 4 S M IIP Rex* StarStereopticon $21.50 WITH ELECTRIC LAMP, RHEOSTAT AND SWITCH. CONDENSERS &$..&$..& RHEOSTATS. 210 Volt,, $8.60. REELS, LIMFS, CARBONS, GELATINE SHEETS, FILM BOXES, CONDENSER PROTECTORS, 60o. NEW AND LATEST MG SLIDES, $5 Per Set. I MOST UNIQUE, RIOBLY COLORED, ) Each, MACHINES, FILMS. STEREOPTICON, BONO 8LIDES, etc., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WM FILMS H MOTION PICTURE MACHINES BEST PRICES PAID FOR FINE GOODS. 809 Filbert, PHILA., PA I TRICKS All the Latest and Best. YOST A COMPANY, 4a N. Ninth St., (Established 1870;) Philadelphia. mi- Large Catalogue for Stamp. . A. We'w I*iri© of FOR RIP VAN WINKLE. Write for samples and prices. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. Newport, Kjr. AT LIBERTY AFTER DEC 2 On Account of Closing ef Company, Al DRAMATIC SOUBRETTE With S. and D. Specialties. Now being feat- ured In a reliable co. AI LEADING OR HEAVY WOMAN With high class singing specialties. Al CHARACTER COMEDIAN With singing and talking specialties, who li an experienced Bingo Director and Manager. Wardrobe on and off the best. Have all bad musical and farce comedy experience. Refer- ences furnished on application. Permanent stock ongngenient preferred. First class man- ogers only address R. I. T., care CLIPPER. WANTED, FOB CHRISTMAS WEEK, AT STEPHENS' OPERA BOUSE, ASHLAND, KANSAS. Seating rapacity, 400. Good show town and plenty of money. Guarantee, *li50. Other J:it ail! J. R. WALDEN, Ashland, nouey. In Jar open dates In Jan., Feb., March and April. Wrlto quick. Kansas. VIVI PRINT PHOTO CARDS THE NEW THEATRICAL FAD. Two Colore, Size, 6 1-2x7 Inch.., Ga f\g\ INCLUDING URGE CUT, - • *4aUU Tli'j "Ileal" thing for Holiday Greeting, and personal advertising. Equal to the finest artis- tic photographs. Saples free. IIENN'KGAN A CO., 127 Hast Eighth Ht.. Cincinnati, 0. WANTED, PARTNER FOR MUSICAL ACT. NO AMATEURS. MUSIC, CLIPPER OFFICE. RIP'S DREAM The latest and moat gorgeous spectacle In moving plrturei In TEN SCENES fiB hied lOOIt .MEL1BB, —New York. A New and Kagnlllccnt Cinematographic Oprra DonlT« Inspire,! by the RIP VAN WINKLE TALE. LENGTH, 1,086 FEET. SPECIAL PRICE, $168.00 The above special price includes one copy of Die incidental rnunlc adapted from tlio popular Opera Boutfo, "RIP VAN WINKLE." (NO DEDUCTION WITHOUT MIMIC.) LATEST NOVELTIES: 732737 Death of Anne de Bolcjn, <|aeen or England. LENGTH, 42T FEET. PRICE, $64.00 750-752 m 226 FEET. 753-755 $84.00 ! 200 FEET. • New York Branch, 204 EA8T 38th ST. OASTON MELIE8, Qen'l Minigtr. G.n'l Wiitirn Silling Agents: KLEINE OPTICAL COMPANY, 52 Stat. St., Chicago, III. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OPERATORS USINO ACETYLENE OAS SHOULD USE THE BRAY "BETO" BURNER Here is the burner that you have been looking fur. The burner thnt will give you more light than any other burner ever ninrie. A burner that will stand all kinds of bard knocks and not break. A burner Hint will cost you less than those you arc now using. We don't ask you to take our word for It, Try for yourself and see, Send un your name, permanent address and iwo cents in atainps to cover pontage, and we will send you a SAbVI»R1.E burner free. Now don't miss this. Write us today. Wo wouldn't dure make this offer un- Ics. we knew our burner was Just right. WB1 DDInlC nniltjaVV Room 1H, 113l-3rt Broadway. N«w York, I ■■ (illARC wUErAHT, Hole agents for the United States. WIGS WILLIAM Hll-VHIt WIG CO. LEADING WIO MAKERS. Largest .took In America. Wig. made to order. Full line of paint., powder, and cold cream. Send tor catalogue "0" to cither place. 121 WEST 86th St., N. Y.; Chicago Opera House Block, Chicago. SONG-POEMS POPULAR HUBIC PUB. CO, AND LVIUSIO . PUBLISHED ON IIOrALTY. We write Music to your words, Introduce and popularize. HitiiI In MHH. i Ulli Enterprise Bldg., CHICAGO. STAGE PROPERTIES ne«B. FIRST 0LA88 WORK AT LOWK8T i'RICKH. OFFICE AND SHOW ROOMS, 300 W. 43d ST. Manufactured by J. M. LBAV1TT liear the Htamp ol Artlsllo Workmanship and Lasting Oualltlcs. The Largest and Ileal Equipped Plant In this line of busl- FACTORY, 31H W. 4.Id ST., N. Y. mc mOFESSIONAL "lr»UNKS DO YOU KNOW That the BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK Is FIBRE Insldo and outside t That the HAL Professional Trunk Is the lightest and strongest trunk on earlti > Send for Cata- logue "0." «70 UIIOADWAt, near 3d St., N. Y. MHE CRANE costumes miUfci VIIFSIlBB} ESTIMATES 01VI SLIOIITLT WORN, Burlesque. Erenlnf, fltrMt '■ OOWM FOR SALE. CHEAP. OR MADE TO ORIIKK. GIVEN. 1MB Broadway, New York,