The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1070 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembers, I THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER THE 1-fiArrfK rjUEEN PUBUSHINfl CO. (Umllid.) rnoraiBTOB8. ALBERi J. BORIE, Bditobial and Bns mKaa Manaoeb. aATUB DATpECEMBEB 9, 1905. RATES: • A.dwitliemeatB-12.80 pet met, ilngle col- 10 i*r omn. Advertisements set with bordar, cent «xtra. gfJBSCBIPTlOJt. On. Tear lii advance. *4: «l« gg*£ three months, H. Foreign portage extra, sjftgle coplw win be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 centB. Oar Term* are Cash. the CLIPPER Is Issued every Wednesday mowing. Tbe last four (advertising) pages S& TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 ££*** «7e other pages on MONDAY and TOE8BAV The Koran CIcInK Promptly, Tuca- «l<iy, at 10 o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, mbnoy order, check. P o order or reglslered letter. All cash en- closed'with letter la at the risk of sender. Address- All Communication* to TUB SBW YOBK CLIPPER, 47 West' 2Bth Street, New York. BegMcrcA OUble Addrcu, ••Authouiit." THE WESTERN BUREAU nt TM Ci.irr-BR 's lor.nied at Room302, Ashland Block, Chicago. William F. Rryad, TO«r and correspondent, where advertUe- tuents and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. « ,. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crnnbourne St., London, W. C., John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and aobscrlptlons are received at our regular rates. TMC CLIITBB CAN DM OBTAINED. WROL1!- BAI.B and iistail, at our agent*, "rentanos news depot, :i7 Avenue tie I'Opera, 1'arlB, SLTji Lllhsnthal, Frederick Btraaae 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Oar- luy; Diamond News Co.. 07 Prado, la- vana; Manila Hook and Stationery Co., 128 ICacolta. .Manila, V. 1.; Albert A Sob, 13.- 180 King St., Sydney, Australia. TBE NEW YOKK CI.IPPBB pabllahes only one edition, and that U doted from New York. _^^^ Ol'Il CHICAGO LETTER. ..".-i.i FROM Ol!B OWN COEKB9PONDBNT. Welter* BnreM of tlie Nw Yorlc Clipper, Room B02, AnhlnnO BloeSr, Chicago. Despite the fact Hint 27,000 people at- tended the football game oh Thanksgiving riflT, the Chicago theatre* were all pat">a- Izetl generously. Till* week Frltzl Seheft otien* an eniragement of two weeks at tbe Illinois, In Tier new nmslcal ptay, Mile. ModlRte." F.lennor ltobson appears at row- ers', in "Merely Mary Ann." Other new at- tractions include: "The Umpire," at the La Sifle: "Ivan the Terrible," at the Hush Tent- plo; "Around Town." at the ColUmbuB; My Tom Hoy Olrl." at the Alhambra; "The Street Singer, at the Academy ; Eva Tanguay, In "The Sambo Olrl," at tbe Great Northern; People'*; vaudeville at the nnymarket and Olympic, and burlesque at the Folly, Troca- dero and I.iiRon'a. Illinois Theatre (Will ,T. Rgl ftr.Jff «fe E( , n .—sum Bernard and Hnttle Williams, in -The Rollicking Olrl." Hosed their successful three weeks' engagement Satnrdny evening, Dec S Frltnl Schelt open* Mondny evening, 4 "in "Mile Modiste.'' Tbe company eludes • Claude Ollllngwnter, William <■!«, Walter rmltml, Leo Mars, chambers, Frederick Schroder. Bnrhelt. tonhte Le Rnron, last week, with Will Hall la the If*"!?.* chtractw. Wot* of 3. "Alabama." It the 1.111. with E. Lawrence in the principal role. agcr).—Howard Hall. In "Tho Milllonalro DetertiW." closed Sundiy night. 3, and 1; followed Mondny.. 4. by "McK.idden h Itow nt lint"" Jessie Mnr- Hall, In "The Street Mincer." 11 *nd week. .;• — . Pnoi'tx's Tubatbk (Joeeph Pilgrim, man- aBen ._"When Wo Were Twenty-one" Ib the current bill, with Edward B. Haas In Nat (ioodwln'a old part- l-a'rt week. "A Secrot OlHpstch" plenscd. "Up York State week of 11. Foi-lt TiirATpc tJohn A. Fennessy, maji; jgeri.—VTfttgon't Oriental* waa followed aunday 3. bv Miner's Americans. A muslcnl fnrclcn' diversion. In two acts, by Barney Glrnrd, la the chief offering. Between the acta l<Tsh«r and Clark. Judd Williams, Four Stewart Slaters, Joe Goodwin an.l May But- ler entertain. The moving picture, 'The River Pirate," Is also a feature i>C tbia snow. TaocADEao THFATnR tHarry B. Hedges, manager).—The Bine Ttlbbon Girls closed Sunday. 3. The Majesties open Monday, 4. The first pnrt consists of a travesty, and tbe second part la one of Larry McCalc't efforts. Mnnfl HnrVey Is the star of _thls_company, PESSSYLVA.NIA. Plilladelpblo,—The feature of the cur- rent week WITCH* thfc .^resentalloa of cSarles Frederick Nlrdll&er% new, comedy, •^Mles: or tlie Wooden Horse," _at the BrSd'afrVet TBeatre 3 Deo. 4 Thomas Jefferson will 8l»<f be seen »Sg*J&LtfS first time as a star. In "Rip Van Binkle, it tlie Wntaut Business nt. the playhouses Thanksgiving week was unusually,big, the managers, without; exception. reporfJnf that receipts exceeded nny previous 'fbankftlvlng week for several years. L\ntc Tmkatbe iShubert Bros.,„ mana- gers).—Mrs. Leslie Carter, la "Adres, which was seen locally for the firat time on. ^ov. 27 was ettravngantly praised by tbe critics, the public showing their appreciation by crowding the house at every performance. "Adrea" will continue for two weeks begin; ning Dec. 4, when revivals of "Du Barry and "Znzn" will be put on. CHESTNUT 8TIU3RT OPERA Zimmerman, managers).— * Nordland" struck tne popula business belug done week o_ second end last week of the engagement ends Dec. *J. The critics and public aeciare It to be tlie best musical show seen here this season Mlsa Ne-w York Jr. Co., week of Not •.- BMPIBB TfiBUTK* ( Wm. B. Allen. Sjg —The High Rollera Co. did big S"- pleased audiences 30-Dcc. 2. The nli! : ' production of "The Heart of Maryland-? booked for 7. * ° N Bos Ton (Frank V. Dunn Jr.. msiu„. —The features In the bill for ibe «,,SL ■ week, 4. are: Fred Conklln and cokm. 1 ' Rice Brothers, Mahoney and ijike -ri? •'• and Onllbert, and Bob and Bertha H?T r Nice business wus done week of Nov -ul Ninth and Abcii 8trkbt Miiseim ip" , Brndenhnrgli, manager).—Krao. ihe mi.* link, contimiea to be the feature In th» ™. L? hall week of Dec. 4. Others card* a ,i 3? the Bergerons, mind readers; M cr ~!r spaniels, Slgnor Balbroma, Mile Oles «..' Rnsile, and Wyoming Jack and PrShS In the theatre are: Dell and Fonda it. I and Leon:ird. Genevieve Homer Ila'rr- i' inaon. I^t Clair and West, and i u ^ ni clheogrnph. in- . Pru- Howard Josephine Edna Fassett, QUEKI K8 AS8 WEREP. No Kepllei by Mall or Telegraph. WltBItUADOUTS NOT OIVBN. ADDIIES8K8 OB ALL IN OUBST OK BUCII BHUUbU' "»"S. H *H ?1I08E WHOM TIIEr 8EBK, IN CABB OF THM CLIPPER Post Orncn. All urhm will SoUTB Or ANY lllKATIHCAL COMPANT 18 BODOllT BBFElt TO OOll LIST 0» ROtlTBB ON ANOTIUB VMZ. WK CANNOT BIND BOUTBa BT MAIt OB TBLB OIIAl'lI. 1HIAMAT1C. 11. N.. Allcaltiy.'ii.—We have no knowledge of Yhe'prcBoiit wber'culsuils of Ihe ■•"T-Jg- (liess a lettiir In our care and we will ad\ci- tlB6 It In our letter list. J. M. 11., Philadelphia, Miss L. N., AVaBhiugton, V. B., Seattle „-...,, T. C. M. Aiihnct, New York, K. F., itockvllle. J. A. 0.. New York, ft&2g&£-** do not know «d- dr L iS A. f ^ r i J i;ilaUelphla.-l. Addrea. parties i ir.ii ltm'iihvii v 2. I'layrlehts pre not tnxeu. K VVt Yorkr-Atlvertlse your want. 1" Tub Cmm'EH. or npply to acents, or both. Q. U. X., St.. LouIb.— Address T. H. 1 Rhuiche Morrison, Bertha Holly and Ada Meade. Powkbh' TtlKATBF. (Harry J. Powers, man- necr) — KMDoT Robson. in ".Merely Mary Ann," opens T^ee 4, for a fortnights f.n- K ii B fment. Siipporting Miss Rolison nre; F.rniKt Mnlnwalrlng. Morton Selton. William A. Racket;, Charles Martin, Thomas Graham, Arthur Sk.rv, Ada Dwyer. Margaret riiller, Bertha, Morris. Annie Geary. Mrs. C. W- Brook, Mrs. Kale Patterson,' Ida Hamilton, Helen f)rmsbw and iKntiell* Richards. W m - H Crane closed, 2. a profitable engngement. McVirKKit's Tiikatrk (Oeorae l'. Warren, manager).—"'Wnv Down Enat 1 ' continues at this house for another week, to be. follower! |w Kellar, the didglclan, who begins Sunday. lii. a' two weeks' engagement. . CoUiNJAt, TnBATitB (George W- Letlerer, manager).—•l'nrty-Ilve Minutes from Brond- way" is still filling ttilH theatre to capacity at "every performance. Cii'ii'\nii OrrnA Honsr. (Lyman II. (.lover, manager for Kohl & fustic).—"His Honor, Ihe Mayor," enters upon lis eighth week Mon- day, 4.' John Hlnvln. Is adding new material to ,ils coiitedy e'eortea. Blanche Ring lias lM>en clyou much more to do with ajr np> !s>i-, "Are Vol: a Single or Married Man. and seorna.' As Daisy, the Milliner Olrl, ,MHhel Harrison Is "milking good." OAHBfi'K TiiKATim (Snm V- Oerson,,mana- gel . ( .—Only two more weeks will the "Banes In the Wood" continue to please the audi- ences of this house; Fred Walton, with his clever pantomime work ns the toy soldier.- I'icttv Cinderella. Robin Hood, n mythical Toyland, u realistic department store and a forest nenr nt hand, will all be transported to the Knalern city. ,..,.„ Stuiikiukkii TllCATM (U. E. llanneyer. BMnaarrV.- -Lillian Illauvell, in 'Tlie Rose of the Albnmbin." aiipciirs to have struck popular fancy. Miss Wnuvelt has been given opportunities to display her vocal ability, una ifiiu'cne Howies is equally fortunate in the role of the llamlit Chief. Edwin Stevens l\as un excellent role, and gives n unique charac- ter study of > whimsical old king. This pro- duction will no doubl imve an extended rim GliANi) Ol-BUA Hock* (Harry Askln. mnnu- ecrl.—Oils Skinner, In "His Oriiee lie t.ram- numt," Inst week gave a verv art)sllc revival of tills play mid Is plensldK big audiences nt this house. In the support of ll»' "tar two Mnrlon Abbott. Miss Ware, Laura Hope Crews mid ArUinr Forest. _ Lv Sai.i.i: TitB.vnti: (M. 1L Singer mnnn- ucrl —•The Yankee Regent" was folldwed on Saturday evening. 2 by a new '"'iHlcnl force; entitled "The Umpire." It differs from former Ln Salle shows In B^IbbAom attention to the comedy and less to the mu- sic Several novelties are offered, among them "a football s<-ene. which Is plnycd by tbi cllortiH. The new piece Is by Hnngh, AdtmB mid Howard, and Is staged by u% *»«•*. The eatt Includes: Cecil I^an, Olive > ail and Florence llolbrook. tli.vul'lft Tiikatbh (Abe. Jacobs, ruannger for Kohl & llastlei.^liio of the best spc- clnltles offered nt thiH theatre In some lime wus Hit niinearnuce last week of Llwlc w netl', 1402 'iiroadway, New York. R. U. E., Grccusburic.—Olga ■- of li , Netliersole played "Carmen" during one other American B.. Rait Lake, City.—1. AddrcsB nny tours. F 8 of our'pliiiwriVlug advertisers to i heT.iliinri glJlMWh", Washington, D. C. P i . New York'-lle did, and doubtless If yon address hitui ns i»er rdiit^lli this iSBUe, M 7%ffi^&S£S££EU a. b ^L'V^M.'s'la^ord.-Addresa Allen ft Mar- ryai. r.l w"i" Twenty-eighth Street, New \t. Il'w., llrncklyn.—We can not did you. 10 P. Plulntleld.—C. A. Hawkins. 118 Past Thirteenth Street. New York City. S li.. t.leruian.owi..-lt Is eonyiWitej • Address OleU ft l'llzgeruld, 18 Ann Street, N ''lL &"h.". Queens.—Apply to any reputable ""A'V.V^la^ne.-L Address Kllegel Bros.. nroiuway nud Thirty-eighth Street, New York Clly. 1 The nivertlsemeut will cost *"- 8 "' CABD9. J O. II.. CfluciiiL—Any strnlBhl lluali coil- sllliiles what Is sometimes called a royal thai" The loiter term ilmls uo place ln u v standard work nmui the game of poker. j. T„ Mont real.—See answer In .1. 0. "■ W Concord,—See answer to .1. p. ■. Alt.. Svraens.-.--lt Is lunmsslble lu sny whli-h gives the pbyer the best ''lumce \V I... Wilterhury.—The player making lack wins. The points count In this order of precedence: High, law. Jack, guiie. ll S, SvrncusK—lie Is ouly obliged to ahow opener AiscKii(ANEOlmi N.iTiPi-—Any of our chess friends requir- |„g luforiuatloii M Hint game wl" rero've full and prompt answers by addressing "MiiioN." t'amptou Village. Graftoo Co.. N- li., with Ihe usual requirement of n aUunptd ""m'IT'w. K.. Hat Siirlngs.—Address tho Scoti SI.tip ind Col.. Co. •iw-enly-tlilrd street near Madison Avenue, New York .«>. \V l" II Boston.--Address the conch at Yalei lliii-vaid or any of ihe big colleges. ; MAIMS. fflCft 4-9!Vxceptl!,g 8. when "TbeCout; y Chairman" ftlipetra: "Mrs. LemngweiiB B0 1'Iutland (J. K- M'">re. mnnngcr) .-BUI week of 4- Nichols Slslers. Clay Clements. "J llov and Woodford. Fit gibbon Mwrye and Urlslniie, Splascll Bros, uud Mack. Sid I ax- fir nud Beatrice Sonlliwlck, ami "l.lud. Clark anu Jambs ployed Atlantic Garden last week. \yilH lilt iiitiin*«n«" ... — - .. -—-- - —. Wll«oh, who created an excellent Impression In her new monologue. Bill for week of 4: Edmund Day and company, Three Mitchells, Linden Rockwith, Hie Vernon Troupe. J. Fmnrus Doolcy and Girls. Arthur Prince, Eight Snlvaggls. Lew Wells, the Kings, Ty- ler and James, the Dclka, Houston and Dal- las, and' Frank Hull. . _ „ HAYiunHKT TriEATRK (W. W. Frccninn. manager for Kohl & Cnatte).—Lust week Mart lu Beck's Orpheum Show proved the best drawing combination ever offered at this theatre. For week of 4, the programme Includes: The Patty Bros., Rossi's musical horse. McCue and Cahlll, Flake and Me- Itonoiigli. Dixon and Holmes. Jacobs clogs. Violet Dule, Leonnrd and Fulton. Schnefer mid De Camp, the Great Le Paiges, J. Emery, Phil and Carrie Russell, Marvelous Jane'and others. ,_,„,,. RmUT NoitTlllTN TllBATRB (Fred C Eb- erls mnnngeri.—.lohnnlo Ford and Mnymc fiehrue, In "Lovers and ImnntUs," was n nleosliiK attraction Inst week, and played to l.lg houses. Beginning Sunday matinee, .1. Kvn Tnngnay. lu "The Samlio Olrl." will be the hill for one week. Miss Tanguay will he assisted by Melville S. Collins. Oeorge K. llenerv, H.aiiy Lane, Arthur 0 Keefe, Mario Orlbhen Florence Morrison, Helen Rockwell, Mildred Aphlnnd. Helen .Coyne, Lucy Italt- ford, ltessli' Ilnverly. l-ottle Helhlolf and others. Week of 10, Mary Marble, lu "Nnticy "l""ir Temi-i.i: ThBATM tEllxalwth Seho- her. manager).—"A Midnight Bel!" waa pro- duced' last week, mill proved one of the best offering* of the Players' Stock Co. this sea- nMu For the current week. "Ivan the Ter- rlble." Owing lo Ihe llmlttsl seating cn- pacliv of this theatre, nnd so many of its patrons being unable to secure seals for ••Ciimllle." which was produced several weeks ago. this product lou will again bo presented wpelc of lii cm.i-Mia'R Tiikatbs (Weber Bros., mana- mm),— "Frill and SnllK." with Mnsou nnd Mason as the slnrs. closed a week of capacity business Saturday. 2. For week of J. Hurray and Mack. In n new farce, the title of which M' "Armani Town." will 1* orfere.1. fte eont- iwiny Infltides, besides Murray and Mnck, Mnvme Taylor, Funny Stanford. Gladys Van and Walter Gale. Vaudeville numbers are introduced. Wick of it), "Hearts of OfM. Al.liAMURA TllEATliE (.lames H. BtWIl, iunna«erl.--"A Itnce for Life (hM Satur- dav nlgl't. 2. lifter n week of good business. Ku'r :t uud week Lottie Williams, In "My Poni- Roy tllrl," Is billed. This nroductlon la Bald to lie one of the tiest novelty dramas on the toad, -'.'listers Last Fight'' week of 10. Ai-Aimiiv (William Itoclie. mniiafer).— "Haliliv Hooligan's Trip Around the World, tu-(wcnicil bv ii clever company, drew g''Od itinscs week of 20. Dec. .'I and week, "The Street Singer I" for 10 and week, "My Tom- llov Girl, "with Lottie Williams. RI.V01: Tiibatbk (William Roche, nana- „;,._"The Gypsy Girl" will be fol owed Sunday. 3, b- "The Shadow Behind the Tlrirne.' which will lie presented by l-estulct: Me Cordova. "A Desperate Chance week of Ntw M.M11.0WE Theatre (Marvin llnssell. manager).—"lh Mlironra" wai presented EvsoN's filEATBP. (Sid. J. Euson, mana- perl—The Ch'ng Ching Girls, a comic oper- etta, with a sett lug which Is Chinese and Jupaiece. Is the chief offering of tola week's bill. Several songs and dancing ensembles are given their first production In this skit. A good vaudeville bill Is also given between the ncl*!. London Dime MBWBI (William Sweeney, manager).—The t-nrlo hall attractions this week are : Prince Muugo, the man who dances on sharp nslls; Zelkn. contortionist: Prof. Smi'h and his performing bear; Uenp, the musician, and Snsle Carselio, (he one womnn hand. In the theatre: (Tarn Hamilton, Lulu Hart, Jack Austin, nnd Hull's moving pic- tures. CT..MOC Street MusEE (Louis M. Hedges muhrigor).—An ext*llent bill of novelties :ihd vijudevllle ujicelnliles will be offered here week of 4. Vimiim-i: Theatre (William Brlckhouse, manager).—Bill for week of 4 Includes: The Melro'ys, William Gross, Wall und Bradley, Vetii Hill nnd Minnie .McKay. APTKiiMATil.—*ieneral Manager Beck, of the Orpheum circuit, left for New Orleans Nov. SU. Before Ills return to this clly he Intends making a tour of the eutire Orpheum circuit Manager George Middle ton left for French Lick Springs, Ind., 27, for a va- cation of two weeks'... .Jennie St. George was a Clii'I-kk Bureau cnller Saturday, Dec; 2. Jibs St. George Is now appearing alone, having dissolved partnership with Theodore Smith Kemp and Pearl play the Or- pheum Theatre, Minneapolis, week of 17. Morris ttaaJcjr and Miss-Sterling we,re (.'Ltrmt Bureau caller* 1. Rowland llommage wns a cnller Friday, 1....Lillian llerndoii has been booked for fifteen weeks by the Western vaudeville managers. She has Just i.rrlved here from the Knst H. Fields, of Dixon nnd Fields, was taken scrlousiy 111 nt Hannibal, Mo., last week, and wus compelled to cancel his work for several weeks to coinc Phyllis Allen and Carrie were l.'i.H'i'KK Bureau callers Nov. :t0- Mlss A'lcn has played two engagements at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, In less rhnn ten weeks Itlta Curtis* cnlled Monday, Nov. 27, and Informed me that she will re- sume her vaudeville work at Fond du Lac, Monday. Dec. 4 Chris O. Brown has rc- turned from Knnvus City, where he ha* bten visiting his wli'e. Maud Rockwell Dick Con left for SL l.ouls Monday. Nov. 27, and returned Friday, Dec. 1 Lucy and Lu cler are meeting with groat success at the different theatre of the Orpheum circuit Tlie Juggling Mnllhleu* were I'uiTHt Bureau cullers Nov. 2U, and will be In town for two weeks Ci.HTBR Bureau callers week of Ynv. 27 were: t.'nslellai and llajl, Ln urn nt. the magician i Hltn Curtis, Lyn- don Dull. Dallou and ltobson, Rhoda Ber- nard, the lleanos. Klppy. Hosting* and Burns, France* Robinson. Harry and Kale Jackson, Fredo and Dare, Spituldlug, Gil- man and La Tour, Alice Lewis, Kuitly Nice, Phyllis Alien, Mme. Km my. Lizzie N. Wilson. Carver and Pollard, Frederick Helder, Fox and Su'iimcrs, Blanche siui'p. Bessie Bans. Irene Lee. .Manley and Sterling. Culhihnn und Mack, Estelllta nlid Gni-horrtan. McCuo and Cahlll. Flo Ailler. Hilly Golden and Joe Hughes, Neff and M^lller, Margaret Cuddy. Stoddard and Wil- son, Andy Rice, and the Musical Goolmans. Irene Lee has been In Chicago since Nov, 2n. - She has severed her connections With' the Great Lafayette Show, and will be seen in vaudeville for season of 10O0.... v . The Gnyety Theatre, at Springfield, 111., has been added to the Western Vaudeville. Mana- gers' Association, through the- efforts of Stet-nuil and' Hay-man ICstellltn and Gnrbordan, Jennie St. George, Leonard Kane. Rita Cnrtlss. Matthews .ind Manning. Sclieck Bros.. Manley. and Sterling, the Glrtleller Family, nud Rutherford and Howard will ap- pear nt the entertainment of the Chicago Athletic Club, Saturday evening, Dec. 2. « ■ » the work of Lew Fields, Harry Fisher, Irene Beatly, Harry Davenport, ana tbe sprlgtitl/ music by Victor Herbert, being partlaplarly ......1 iin'k. i-lnoApl..onH \ffin" MITT will retire from the Chicago Mrs. Leslie "carteT aidjM Helnsco entertained rbe members of tXJJ' company nt dinner on Tbanksglvhic Bar ■■ tbe Bellevne-Stratford B; F Keith i.' comes for DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wnahlaitton—At the National (W. II. Rapier, manager) thlH week. John Drew, In "De Lnncey." Last week Maxlne Elliott, lu "Her Great Match." had excellent business. "The Pearl and the Pumpkin" 11-10. ', CiiM'SiiitA (Lnckett St Dwyer. managers). —This week, Lew Ddeksladcr'e Minstrels. Last week Kyrlt- Bellew. in "ItaflleB," had crowded houses. Savage'* Grand Opera Co. 11-10. Helasco (lrn J. La Motte. manager).^ This week, Jeffcrron De AngeL'S. ln "Pan- tana." Lnst week Bertha Gnllnnd made n hit In "Sweet Kilty Billalrs," to crowded liouses. "The Genlu* and rhe Mislel" 11-10. Ma.ihsth; (F. V. Sargent, manager).—This week. Al. II. Wilson, In "The German Gypsy," Last week Ungenle Blnlr, In "Oliver Twist" nnd "Fast Lynue," had packed houses. The Fays 11-10. Ai'.u' (J. W. Lyons, mnnngcr).—This week. Tltomns 15. Shea. Ill repertory. Last week "Child Slaves of New York turned people nwtiy. "The House of Mystery" Jl- 10. LYCEUM (Eugene Kcrnon. manager).— This week. Ihe Brigadiers. Ijist week the Fay Foster Co. lind excellent business. Tlie Keutmky Belles 11-10. Chase's (Miss II. Wlnnlfred De Witt, manager).—This week: Foy and Clark, the Eight Allisons, Ford and Wilson. Las Znmu cols, Juliet Wood and Fred Bay. Harry B. Lester, Frank and Myrtle Chamberlain nud moving pictures. Last week Ihe house had rapacity business at each |H?rforntnnre. « X » UTAH. praised." "The Gingerbread Man a two weeks' stay 11. • CiiESTNCT Stbeet Theatrb (Nixon A Zim- merman, managers).—The loug- waited for "College Widow" scored an unqualified suc- cess, Jammed bouses witnessing tbe perform- ances week of Nov. 27. The play nas now settled down for a run of at least four weeks. Much praise was bestowed upon the acllng of Blanche King. Gertrude Quinism and Thomas Meighnn, in the production. Broad Street Theatre (Nixon A Zimmer- man, manager).—"Spangles," a oew comody, bv Charles Frederick Xirdllnger. will receive lis local i>remlnc on Dec. 4. John Drew, In "De haueey," concluded a two weeks' en- gagement 2, to satisfactory business. (iABitirK Theatre (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager i,—idlna May, ln "Tbe Catch of the Sea- son,"' enters upon her second cad last week 4. Excellent business was done week of Nov. 27, the charming personality of Miss -May, the handsome costumes and tbe pleasing music adding much to the charm of the pec- formnnces. Blanche .Walsh, In "The Woman In the Case," follows. Walnut Stbeet Tiifatrb (Frank Howe Jr.", mnunger).—An interesting circumstance lu the appearance of Thomas Jefferson, who begins a week's stay ln "Rip Von Winkle' 1 on 4. will tie tbe fact that he is the fifth generation of players In the .leffcrson family who hare trod the txxirds of Ibis historic playhouse. The two weeks' stay of Uustln Fa mum, ln "The Virginian," came to a close 2, the attendance helng big during tbe entire eugajroincnl. "Coming Thro' the Rye" fol lows. I'.vbk Theatre (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdlinger, moaagcr).—Blckel, Watson und Wrothe, ln "Tom, Blck mid Harry," logins a two weeks' slay 4. "Tlie Old Homestead" concluded a three weeks' engagement Dec. 2, the attend- ance being big during the entire stay. Tho* K. Shea, 111 repertory, folloxvs. Gbani.' Oi'KKA House (G. A. Wegefnrth, manager).—KIHc Fay, In "The Relie of Ave- nue A," plays a return engagement week of 4. Al. Leach, In "Olrls Will Be Girls," proved a strong drawing card week of Nov. 27, phe- nomenally large audiences enjoying tbe per- formam-es. Lew Dockstadcr's Minstrel* fol- low. OiKAnn AvEXfK Tjikatbk (Miller & Kauf- man, managers).—"Child Slaves of New York" is the offering week of 4. Splendid business was done week of Nov. 27, by "The Sign of the Cross." Eugenie Blair, In "Oliver Twist," follows. National Tiibatjib (Joseph M. Kelly, manager).—"When the World Sleeps" is the attraction Dec. 4 and week. "Confessions of n Wife" met with much favor, to good busi- ness, week uf Kov. 27. "No Mother to Guide Her" follows. ' People's Theatbb. (F. C. NIxonNlrdllng- er, manager).—I/orers of the wild Western druniii will be in attendance .week of Dec. 4, to witness "Young Buffalo, King of the'Wild West." Rig audiences witnessed Thomas K. Sben. In repertory, week of Nov. 27. "For Ills Brother's Crime" follows. Hart's KWT Thbatub (John W. Hart, mnuuger).—"Too Proud to Beg" will be seen week of Dec. 4, to be followed by Mamie Fleming, lu "The Fatal Letter." "Her First False Step" met with approval, to good business, week of Nov. 30. FoiiEi'AiiiH's Theatbe (Miller & Kaufman, managers).—The stock will put on, Dec. 4, a revival of "When We Were Twenty-one,'' with George W. Bnrblcr and John Incc in leading roles. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did a land ofllce business week of Nov. 30. "Lady Audley's Secret" next. Blaxey'b Arch Stbeet Theatre (M. 3. Schlesslngcr. manager).—"The Ninety and Nine" will be put on week of Dec. 4. P. Aug. Anderson, in "The Curse of Drink," was a strong drawing card week of Nov. 27. "Girl of the Streets* follows. Staxiiauii Tiikatbr (Darry & Speck, man- agers).—"Why He Divorced Her will be acted by the stock week of Dec 4. "Only a Shop Girl" was presented In a capable manner week of Xov. 27, to good business. "Down by t hi* Sen" next. Keiths New Theatbb (II. T. Jordan, mnnngeri.—Josephine Cohan and company. In the farce. -'Friday, the Thirteenth," Is the headllner on the bill week of Dec. 4. Other features ore: Sidney Denne and company, Stuart Barnes, the Flying Rathbuns, Fred Nlblo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ttncsdell, the Agouet Family (second week), Vernoti, Rhungopavl, Kimball Bros., Zlnell and Boutelle, Daly and Devera, 1-Mward Mollenhauer nad tbe klneto- graph. Business was splendid week of Nor. :ln, (be favorites ln the bill being tlie Agoust Family, Id'w Hawkins, and Mr. and' Mrs. Ghrdutr Crane. In the playlet, "A Yankee's Love for Dixie." Eleventh Street Oceua IIoi'se (Frank Duniotit.inanngeri.—The burlesques, "RanieB, the Burglar." nnd "Tbe Foot Rail Game," are continued for the current week. 4, In,addi- tion lo the usual first part, by Dnmont's Minstrels. Patronage was line week of Nov. gave an old fashioned dinner to his emu on the same day Alexander Prill,** „ advance, of F.loe Fay, was ln town last »ll renewing old acquaintances Vlnipr ow. has withdrawn from "The Luke of Balm,•• Co. ana Joined Mclntyre and Heath Herman i'erlet Is writing a runih- umm'V: Charles II. Ynle, which will be put .mVi month In this city Frank lluwr Jr «u prudnce nt the Walnut, In February ~tS —V Paul Armstrong-* new play. Ilk will be heard in concert on the alter of Dec.!», at Ibe Academy of Music Grass, Ivitbellk noon York.—At the York Opera. House (a r Pcntz, manager) Chester De Vonde Stm* (•„' did good business week of Nov. 27 Kn,: memorial Services Dec 3, Yorke nnd'Adatai 4, 'The Sign of tbe Cross" .-,, -fa* ES Crook" 7, "The Midnight Special" x 1'aulor (Wm B. Pylc, manager).—Wwt of Nov. 27. Conway and Karle, Kdwnrri Wei* James and Davis, Chalk Saunders. Muriiby nnd Andrews and tbe Parlorst-oite dty* bouse* to the limit. Items. —Y'ork Lodge of B. P. 0. Kilts, Xo 213, ceicbrnted an event 20, of BMBMB.h> terest. h'or the past year they have be™ building and fitting up their Urge and con modlous home, and Nov. 2!) was set apart for the olhclnl dedication. During the aftir- noon the dedication exercise* were held lo the lodge room, under the supervision of District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Fred C. Hand, of Scmnton lodge, Xo li>3, » r > Past Exalted Ruler Col. Edwin R lUy, »f Washington, D. C, as the principal speaker. J. D. Jont.-i. of Scranton Lodge: Wward y Blewett, of Scrnmon Latja : Ilarrv \V. Jaai*s, of Tallada.^i. Ale.: II. 11. Beard, of Haters. town, Md.: I.'. P. Martin, Hagcrsiown; i.lui W. Ashley, lioincftcad; Wellihgtnu Joaensml BenJ. Detaining, of Harrlaburg, l'a., and Y.i- sited Ruler llnny Khrhardt, ot H.inoi-r. Pa., all participated. During the evening i pnbllc recoptlou was held. At 10 o'clwi the cntertnlpnicnt of the visiting brttbrn began, anil quite on elaborate programme m carried out for the benefit ot ibe gueu*. Ilnrrisburg Lodge, of Harrlaburg, and Hid over Ledge, ol Ilnnover, both attended la o body. Lnncnsler Lodge sent a delegation as did also Baltimore and Wasblog-ct Lodges. Y'ork Lodge was the revlplent of. handsome hnll clock, presented upon behalf of Ilnnover. Lodge. Senator Edirinl McConkey picseuted Y'ork Lodge nitb a hand com? bronze elk head, the antlers of wnlrt ere siinuiiiin'.ed with electric lights. It has been •placed on the front of tlie new boinr. 9 — PlttnlmrK At the Mclasco (George IV. Snmmls, mauagcr) "Mrs. Temple's Tcletrini" Dec. 4-0. Last week Jefferson De AnjelU, ■ "Fantaua," plaved to capacity all wtet Grace Van Stnddlford 11-10. Nixon* li'lio:.. F. Kirk Jr., mamgeri.- Sovage's Knglleh Grand Opera Co. 44). Me Intyre and Heath, lost week, lu "The Hits Tree," packed the bouse at every pcrforn- ance. Jos. Cawthom, In "Fritz in Taramic- Hall." 11-10. Alvix (It. M. Gullck & Co., mnnagers).- Hurtlg & Senmon* "New York Toirn 4-J. Last week David Hlgglns proved to te» gooil winner. \V. II. Turner, in "Dirt Hnfum," 11-lC. , „„,.. L GrtASD (Harry Davis, manager).—Bllltl.i week: Richard Golden «nd company, Murpoj and Nichols, Staley and Blrbeck, George Wil- son, Tossing Austins, Leila Taylor, the Hold-- worth* Clifton Crawford, Augusta Close, U- vlnc-Clmaron Trio, the Ahearns sad it clnemntograph. . Bijou (It. M. Gullck, manager).— Tit Four Mortons, In "Breaking Into Socletj. 4-9 Last week. "When the World bleeps, was well patronized. "Rufus Hasltis 1WJ- liivm (Jns. 10. Orr. manager).—Dot* hull's High Rollers 4-l>. Last week. I w Sheridan's City Sports did fairly good. Ir- win's Big Show ll-lll. ,..„„ ,. Acauemt of Mnsic (H. W. WllUf** Jr. manager).—The Kenlucfcy Belles 4-9. lm week, the RrlgatUcrs turned theai ««« nightly. The Merry Makers 11-10. Emi-ire (E. J. McCullougli. manager).- "The Shadows of a Great City" 49. lmi week. "The House of Mystery" was well pa- tronized. "Sherlock nolmea" 11-lb- » ■ LniicBNter At the Fulton Opera lljH« (Chas. Yecker. manager) the High M*» had a good house Nov. 27. Melbourne JL.- Dowell was well received 28. sh "^ Holmes" did well 2D. The Jeffersons W good business 30. Howe's moving nlctinw TW and •rtf] Suit l.uke City—At Ihe Salt Lake The- atre (George D. Pypcr, mnunger) "Under Southern Skies' did good business Nov. 24. 2,1. Rosclle Knott, In "When Knighthood Was In Flower." played to good business 27, 2S. " "Wav Down Fast" Dec. 11. Ohanii (Arl'itir C. Smiley, mnunger).—"A .lolly Amerlcnn Tramp" old fair business Nov. 2S-2*i. The Kilties Band bad 8. II. O.. mnilnee and night, 20. "Her Only Crime" did fairly 27-21). l.mir (Mr. Moss, tnnnnger).—The Tiger Lilies plaved to big business week of 23. Dec. 1). the Stair Co. — . •» « » Shea's Theatbe. Toronto, Can., caught tire about 11 30 nlgbt of Nor. 30. and (he entire auditorium Is'a tntal loss. The lire ciirialu saved the stage from totnl destrue- Hon Casino (Kllas. Koenlg & I^jdercr, mana- gers).—Itlce & Ran tin's Co. will begin a week's sliiy Dec. 4, producing; a new bur- lesque, entitled "A Xlght lu Coney Island." in the olio nre: Bert linker. Lemuels, Mona- hnn nnd Nolan, Goldsmith and Hoppy, Fauny Vedder and Kitty Hart. The Gay Masque- rndrrs had no cause to complain of the busi- ness week of Nov. 30, a big feature of the show being a military specialty, by the Red Raven Cadets. The Trocsdero Bnrlcsqiters (allow. Ili.iur (George W. Rife, mnnngcr).—The Dainty Puree Extravaganza Co. will occupy the Ixmrtls week of 4. Two burlesque* will Is' seen "The Marriage of Birdie" nnd "A Merry Bachelor," with nil olio Including: Idn Unwell. Itfuivn and Booth, flip Four Mlsllefiic Girls, and Montgomery upd Canter. TTi? Cnllfi-ridn Girls gave a gtssl show nnd pleased big house* week of Nov. 30. The Cherry Blossoms next. LvrEtM Tiieatke fJtihn G. .lernion. mana- ger).—Sam Scrlhntr's Morning Glories, with ■in added feature, the Rrllt-Nelson fight pic- tures, furnish the attraction week of Dec. 4. Fred Irwin's Big Show met with popular approval, to excellent busluess, week of Nov. SO. Bowery Kxtrnvnganzs Co. follows. TROCADEno (Fred Wilson, manager).— The Empire Rurlesqiiers. headed'by Roger lmhoff and John A. West. In the burlesque, "Casey nnd the Green Sod club." Is llie at- traction for the current week, Dee. 4. Rig crowda enjoyed tbe performances of tbe living i' : -' Ui-ew weTl Dec."!'. 'Two Little Waifs a good house 2. Chester De \ onde Lo. *• FAMti.v (Ed. Mozart, manager). — "" newly built theatre was formally opta« Nov. 27. The opeulng wa* quite "" event, the mayor pushing the lot ton tnrntK un the electric lights and our !"'« » blymnn making the opening speccn. bill for the week wns strong. «nrt houses restilled. particularly on IBfJBwjJ Ing Day. Current attract bus lmi»* Fisher nnd Johnson. Tavlor S sters,5I(J"» nild Conway, the Knzurlls, Busklrk and Rh» Cramer nhd Casper, nnd the UnHogra-a- The Family Theatre Is owned by the ieti»- Bylvn'nla Theatre Co.. which condnrls n u prises in this nnd other cities. 'I hf corai"^ Includes: Kdward Mozart, prcsiilen »» genernl manager: It. V. Alexauder, n.t»rn'.. : Guy L. Wonders, secretary ami lre"»»™ Sol Wonders, superintendent, and J» Wise, Mage earpouler.. The bulldlns « only commenced Inst July, aau • *.-iO,000. It has a seating capacity or'.-■, and will le used for high thw; J*"?! , The stage I* 38x00 feet, rind everything;, tululng to It has been made strh-tly ""!• The grontitl floor scuts 021, and a very "- iiiimIIohs gallery seats nearly 81K> more- tlcular attention has been given to tne trie light Ing, which cost -3.000, out!p rou. u beautiful effect. Manager Moair. uas» every iiosslble convenience, both lor •>■. , ( trims and the performers. Matinees wi given dally, and two performances «»' Ing. nil at popular prices. Scranton—At the Lyceum (A. I* I memorial services u manager) Elks" memorial *VV'i l «"r«ii<uBir- "Fatlaltra." for the beneOt of tl e Co} ( « !, III Bjjg Minstrel* 0. Eira" Kendall 8. "Tbe Old H« f stead" fl. "The Grey Lady." 1. untie «»« of the Press Club, had a very arge a* "Princess Chic." 2. was well reiencu- ,. w Acawsmy (A. J. Duffy, managerI. Danltes'' 4-0, 'Why Girls Leave H"ai f