The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1074 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 9. .»- lloirurl ft 1'unicron. Acme, Norfolk, V«., 4-0. lW*r'l ft Under. Muin St.. Peoria. 111., 44>. Jlinnr'K. M; stolons. Amplilon. Ilkai., 4-0. IMp a ada. Liiorliir. Kwnfy'v Bkln.. 4-0. • Holmes A: Waldnn. Woods'. Sedatla, Mo,, 4-0; ,S»teK<r, Tnprka. Kun.. 11 -1*1. Iliilncr. tlcnitrleve; llrniletihiirgh's. Phlla.. 4«. - lliildtnrortlio, The, (I. I). If.. Pittsburg. 4-0. IIouiIImi. Hurry. Cook's. Hocheater, N. V., 4-0; • Shea's. Bllffnlo, 11-111. Howard * NorlU, O o. 11.. IniWananolI*. 4-n. Iftor.ird'a Hogs * Pontes, k'cllh's. Providence, !• 0: Keith's. I'lilla.. 11-lli. Hoar ft Lee. Kelth'a. Boaton, Ml. Howard BniP.. Orphctini. New Orleana. f.n.. 4-n. Howard, Hurry u May, ltlrhmond. No. Adams, Mn>s., 4d. Humes & Lewi". Family, IC. M. l«nl«. 4 0, IIOUNfv, tier,. W., Family. Paiersoli. N. J.. 40. Ilm-mii k Nlllna. tllymplo. Chicago. 4 11; Colunv Mo. St. Hulls, 11-10. „ _ _ . . Ultima". Mr. 4 Mrs. Nl<:k. Pnamr's. N. V C, 4-0. Iivflc A llrnih. Iimnlnton. Wlnnl|.eiC. Can., 4-0; Lyceum. Minneapolis. Minn.. 11-10. inlands (T.l. IHJnn. Italtle Creak, Mleli., 4-»- 'BIJon. Lansing. 11-10. Utile, Hob * Bertie. Hon Ton, I'lilla., 4-0. Ih'eess ft Itynh. I'l>nl. Pun Ton, Phlla.. 40. Italian Trk..-Colonial. N. Y. C, 4-0. .lames It l>ntla. Auditorium. Pnttatown. Pa.. 4 0. .laJ*moii. Mn. Iiiilulli. Minn.. 4-0. .l.-wkson PiMDllr. Hopkins'. Jajulsvllle, Ky., 4-U: Columbia. Clucliiimti, 11-10. .lata-, Marvelous, llaymarket. Chicago, 40; Gar- Hrk. Burlington, la.. I MIS. .laMi. Mr. 4 Mm., Columbia. St. l/mla, 4-3. .Ueoti * IMas. Ilaybiurkel. 'Chicago. 4-!l. .la'rir. M ai s efcna a. Ilajmniki-t. Chicago. 4-0. .IsCkaoiis til). Orphaum, Mlnneii|«>lla, Minn.. 4-11; (irnliciiiu. Denver, Cnl.. 11-141. .leu-ell. Helen, (li'm, I.yiin. Mass.. 4-0. .leihttii."' ft llenfrew. purl,-. Frio. Pn.. 1-9. Jesllonre It tilbumrth, llljuu. A"|i|>Ii'Icmi. Wis., 4-0; ltijuu. Uracil Hay. 1-1* Jesses, Tin'. Kelilils, Boston. 4-!i. JonhMn,' Bail. PAlncc. Worcester. Maaa.. 4-9. Johnson, Carroll; Auditorium. Lynn, Maaa., 4-0; Poll's Bridgeport, Conn., 11-10. .Inlstin. Jalmrr ft .Inlaon, lloiiklna', Louisville, Ky.. 4-0. .Tone*. Waller ft. Family. Butte. Mont.. 4-0; Clncifraph. Spokane. Wash.. 11-10. Johnson It Walla. Kelth'a. Boston. 4-0. Jose, It. J.. Keith's. Iloaton. 4-0. • Johnsons. Mualcal. Cook's. Itorncstcr, N. Y.. 4- II! Kellli'a, Boston, -11-11!. Jordiin & llnrtej. I'ltrlllon, iJMnlon, En«., 4- -Iiiii. 31. Jones & Shi tmi. O. II., tllilili'for.t, Mr., 4-0; O. II.. Manrliraipr. N. II.. 11-10. Kaili-r. Alulul, PnwInr'H 2-1<l Ht.. N. Y. C, 4-0. Klirno'a Panlonilmi' t'o.. Keam'y'a, llkln., 4-0. KatC1 llrof.. (IrntHl. Miii'lim. lllil.. 4-U. Kanfiiiaii, Holm, Allniinlira. London, Kiis. Kfl'rlvlll, WliilarKarlcn, Ilerlln, tier., 4-31; Krla- tal PoIuIh. I^liwl?. .Inn. 141. KcIiiii'. .1. Warren, Qbajaafa, WiiBhlngton, D. C.. • II HI. ■• V Kalov, Mr. & Mra. Alfred, Kanaaa Clly. Mo.. 4-D. Komi. WnMi & .Melroae, Pnalor'a, N. Y. C, 4- 0: Shciiv. liiidoln. li-io. Keilloii. Domtliy. POll'a, New llareu. Conn.. 4-0; 'Poll's. Wnrdi-iler, Maaa., 11-10. Kealmia 131, I'^ntor'a. N. Y. ft, 4-9. Kpnyuii & He Uannn, I'aator'a, N. Y. C. 4-0. Kflly & Vliilettc. Columbia. 4,'lnclnnnll, 40; Kelly A Astiby, Mum & Tliiirnlon Tour, Knit., 18- Jau., SI. Kfllv k Kelney. O. II.. Miilrtlelon-n, O.. 4-0. Kelly *• lleno. Kiuiilrp. N-nork. N. .1., 4-0. Krul. S. Mllh-r. Temple, Helrolt. 4-3. Keller, Marie. I'metorV. Albany. N. Y., 4-B. Kelly, W. ft. Victoria. N. Y. «:.. 4-ti. Kerncr B Rajkaj, llimanl. Boaton. It-Ill. Keoni;b, Kilnln. It Co., Trent. Trenton, N. J., •III. Keiinry & Klurk, Aiulllorliim, Brntllcboro, VI., 4-0. KeeU'r'a Jii|W. Keltb'a. I'roTlilenee. 4-0. Keuneily & Wllkena. llnvniin. CtilM. 4-0. Kelly & K.'iit, (irnleiitn. Ilkln., -Ml. KheniH & (Vile. Coltnnblo. Clucliinntl, O., 11-10. Klm.-». The. iHvintile, ('lilt-nun. III. Klinlmll tc Iioiiornn, r'niiilly. Maliauoy City, Pa., 4U: Parlor. York, Pa.. Il-Hl. Klta-lliiiixiil Troupe. Imperial, llkln., 4-0. Klo»n Slalem. Aniphlou. llkln.. 4-n. Klein & Cllftim, II. I). II.. Iiidlunapolla, 4-0. Klrlal, Mimlenl. I'iiU'h, Sjirliurlleld, Maaa., 4-0; Ptill'a. HrlilRi'iairt, Cot 11-141. Klaln & Klein. Lyrlo, Jonllu, M0., 4-D; Oipbcum. W«'bb Cltv. 11-10. Koaure & Uliaiilaln. Vaudelte. CtitcaKO. 4-0. Kiiplliw't.'H.'Kniplre. Oaf. KprliiRti. Col.. 4-9. Kuptw & bin ItlJun. WheelliiK. W. Va.. 40. Kntil. <lu« 4t Marlon. Ornlieuin. Webb City, Sic, 1-0; l.yrlr. Wichita. Kan., 11-10. Kramrer, Jiwephlm-. A. & M., Iloaton, 4-0. raw. Star. Hntnllloii. Can.. 4-0. I.a ilulr & Weat. Hlar. Ilumlllou, Cnn., 4-0; Piistor'a. N. V. ft. 11-10. LfiYiirrm-e, At.. 1'roetor'a, Albany, 11-10. I.ltrrltn.' Ic U'e. Itljoii, Iji Crosse, Wla., 4-U; BIJiiii. ShelHiyxau. 11-1(1. I.Ii Hell, Ki'IIIi'k. N. Y. ft. 40. Iji' Tour. Irene, .lelfei-mn. Portland, Me., 4-0; O. II.. Hover. R. II.. 11-111. Lane. Arthur. .Mnjeatle. Waco, Tex.. 4/0; Ma- jeslle. PI. Wnrlli, 11-111. La Mntlie Trio, Idea. Komi du laic. WIh., 4-0. La Tell Bros.. Kun-ka. Kiiveku. fttl.. 4-111. I.ambrrl k Pierce, tlrpl-eum, Utlca, N. Y., 4-0; I'.irk. Krla, Pa., 11-10. Iji a ile 1 in. llljuu, Jackson, Mich., 4-0; Crystal, Detroit. 11-H). La Variln A- lliinnl. Ktatibfurl. Intl.. 4-11; Phllllpj, IIUIlllllllMl. Il-lli. I.iilell. I'M.. Orplirinii, Deliver. Col. Latlnii. Mll». I'rwrlor'B S.-|il BL. X. Y. ft. 4-0. La r'.av A. La Zaf. I'voplc'a, Cetlar Hapida, la., 4-n. In Tiaikn, 1'lilL. Cliituitraph, Loa Auxelra, Cnl., 4 0. Lnneaaler. Tom. llllou. Komi du Lac. Wla., 4-0. I.akin.ii, Harry & Carrie. Muin St., I'eorla, HI.. 10; llljim. Qiiliiey, 11-111. I.nivrlea. The. A. k S.. Ilnatini, 4-0. La JeKK, Tlieo. k I'limlllti, Kellli'a, Ilualon. 4-0. Ln Vine. Clinnmii Trio. II. (I. II., Pittsburg, 4-0; Mnrvlmiil. li-jiiiiiiiii'c. 11-ltl. Ln Yallle nil. Kelth'«. Ilostoli. 4-0. I.nnli. May. A. «i S.. Boston. 1-0. Lhwkoii. Alar. Kmiilre, La Halle. 111., 4-10. I.iirrelie. Jules, Pnalor'a. N. T. 0.. 4-9. & Nullum, I'mclor'M 5SIU St., N. Y. C, 4(1. Lawman * Kwlnn. Arcade. Toleilo. O., 4-11; BIJou, Wheellnt!. W. Va.. Il-Hl. Iji Cniiy. Paul, lllymple. So. Bend. llid.. 11-10. Lnveiiiii-v, IiicluirilMiil A: Co., Kilnu, Dubiiiiue, la.. 4-0. Ln I'nte, Hurry. .V Co., Kui|i|rt\ Patersou, N. J., 40. I.nvnnile Sisters, Ml'inr. lies Moines, la.. 4-U. i.c t.'lalr. llany. Kellli'a. Bnalon, 4-0; Keith'*. I'hllu.. ll-IU. l.eonanl k Pulton. Hnyiuarket, Chlenito, 49. I.e l'lilitcs. Ureal. Ilnyiiinrket. Chlciico, 4-H. i.ooiuii'il. ilni, Kamllv, Sluiiniiklii, I'n., 4-9- I.i-e. Ilut'li V. \- IU*ss|i>, Crystal, Mu>ki'K"nii. Midi., 411: llljuu. Lniisliia. 11-111. LetTel Trio. Mnjistte. Wueo. Tex., 40; Majestic. Kt. Worth.' 1110 I.CDlliiril k llnaleilo. Lyric. Hurt,iIn. N, Y., 1-0; Slur. Iliiinllhm, Can.. II 111. Ij'lclilon, I.vIIPiii. * Ci.. llljim. Battle Cteek, .Mich.. IP: Bijou. LiiiisIiii:. IIIC,. I.o Buy A. WiHslfui-il. Mi«,res. I'uriliiml, Me., 1-0; Park. Wolii-alel'. Muss.. 11 III. Leslie, lieu. W.. t'iili[iie. SI. Jusetiti. Mo., 4-0; Pelade's. Leaveinvorlh. Knu.. 11 in. l.vwis k Hnrr, Omalm. Neb., 4 0; Davenport, la., ll-IU. Levy, Jti-rt. Kellira. Baalaaj. 4-9. Lewis. liiMnrln ft. .IctlVis, Suvlimw, Mlcti., 4 II: (Iriilieiiai. Iluuihu. Neb.. 11-10. I.e Baron, Jniues, Crystal, Detroit, Mich., 4 1>; JelTers. Snfluav,-, II -HI. (a' Moyne Hls|ir>. ItlJun. Wheelln|{. W. Va.. 4-9. I i' Ik-iil DriMl. Slur. Ilniiilltun. Cull., 4-11; 0. ('. II. Ilrniul Itapids, Midi.. II in, Ijwy, Ml. & Mrs. Jules, liijiei. CnliliOvl, Ml.'ll . In: tlltoii. Marquette. 11-10. I.e Malre A- Le Mnlre. Parlor. York. Pa.. 10. Unaaactl MMf Kiuelre. Paieraon. N. J.. -I-9. Is^ler. Harry II.. Chase's, Washington, pi. C. •1-0. Lee. Henry. II. C II , llkln.. 4-0. Lltchnehl, Mr. ft Mrs. Neil, lirphruin, Ktlca. N. V., 411; ilrpbeuiii. Iteaillnt;. Pu.. ll-IU. Lllilwy & Trnyer. Park. Woicealer, Maaa., 4-S; II. A S.. X. Y. C. Il-Hl. I.liul. Mooro's. porilsml. Me.. 4-9. Llllpnllaiis. The. ORileii, 1\. 40: ljigaii. 11 Id. I.liiilany. 4ji«. A.. Jl. 4J. II.. White I'liilns, N. Y.. II T: I'lilersoii. x. .1.. S. H; Jiu-ser Cltv, II H | Bklu., N. Y.. IS. III. Little Black Man. Driiliemn. Bklu.. 4-9. Lincoln. Prank. Alliainbra. N. V. I'.. Ill Lindsay's Decs ft Monkeys. BIJou, Des M,,lnrs In., 4-0. Lockrlie. Mntlie. Kelth'a, Peovlilennv 4'J. lAing ft t'otlon, I'ai'Ji, Wercesa-r, Muav.. 41». 4-0; 49; 10- I'lilla.. 4-0. N. J„ 11-10. Maaa., 4 0; II. 4-0. Ijtckivuvfl. Mr. ft Mrs. (leo., Banuctt'a, London, iSii)., 4-0. lull Ma Tivlna. Clnitif-uirt. Denver. Co\.. 4-0. I.urai (:ii, Arcade. Winnipeg, Cab.. 4-0. Lucaa. IM. It ilatal, Karnlly. (Tloux City, la., 4-0; Novelty. m«t« Palls, «,!>.,'11-10. I.ikv * Liter, Lyric. TVrre Haote, Int., 4-0; l|-i<liil. Milwaukee. Wla.. I l'l«. 1.uncus Mi. rirhuhiauii. Kraiikfnnl, tlar., 4 .11. Lucy S l.itclar. llrpheiim. Los Augelea, Oil.. 410. Lnlx Urns., lioihnni. J'.kln.. 4-9. I.njirl Pienro Troii|«-, Atlantic Onrilen, N. Y. C, 4-0. I.yncli. firenl. Mulinark. Kelieueeiady, N. Y„ 40. I,.vie. Jack. Ilnwnril, liosion. 411. Marllei-e. I.num. ('olnnililo. I.'tlea, K. Y.. 4-0. Manini-Kei'lcr Co., Proctor's r.stli Bt., K. Y. C, 411. Molllatiil. Mail^e. Pastor's, N. Y. i:„ 4-0. .Marline IlmllH-is, l.'ollsf'o, doa Kerrislim, Lisbon. I'lirritsnl. 4-1 ii. M:iiiti-l)'s.M:irloiieiies. rnliiue. Wliuilprit, Can., 4- 0; I:iiline. Miiinaniailis, Minn., 11-10.' Macklea ft .Mark, Jiienbs'. Prorln, III.. 4-9. Alarliiellus. The. Iiiirtlck. llurlliietoo, la., Wensi's. I'eorla. III., ll-IU. MaMa. Twins. BIJjhi. K.ranarllle. lad.. 4-n. Martina, l-'esllval, flraeuslioro, tin., Marrai. 11-10. Mick'ft lliittul. BIJou. RockfonLlll.. 4-0. Mtcks (2). BIJou. Hattle Cn-eU. Mleli.. 4 0. Mntliewa ft .Mnnnlntr, Orpheum, Mlnnrapolls H». .Mnrilera. Laura. Columbia. Htlca. N. Y., 40. MiiJ-ef ft M-iaon. <1rpheuin, St. Paul. 4-9. Msttliews A Ilnrrl*. II. 4 «.. Bkln.. 4-0. Mdenrf. No. Adaras, Moas., 4-0; Syracuse, N. Y ll-IU. Maralirill, the Myallc, flonaelici's, Vicuna, Aus 4 -.11. MiirHih-ii. II. ft B.. llkln., 4-0. Mack ft Lennnnl, lliailenturjth'a, Madcaps (ill. Empire, llobokrn, Ma'cstlc Trio, Park. Worceatcr, a H:, Bkln., X. Y., 11-10. Mqnnlnpi, The. A. A 8., Boston Mifrailen, If. ft B.. Bkln., 4-0. Mnreenn, Keraro ft Mnreena, 4>ok'a, Bocliester. N. Y.. 4-9. Milddeiis. Tlie. JIaiiliMttan, Norfolk, Va., 4-0. Mahoney ft Lake. Bou Ton. Phlla.. 4 0. MAIianiltli Huo. II. ft 8., N. Y. C. 4 9. Marloare-Plunkltt Co., Pnntol-'a, N. Y. ft, 4-0; •Treftt.' Trenton. N. .1.. 11-10. MarVflle ft fllenann, Columbia, St. I^ula, 4-0; Mnj?slic. Clileago. ll-lll: Marots H AM). Majestic. Dollna, Tcj., 4-9. Martin ft: Bliliteivny, Atlantic Uardcn, X. Y. C. ■1,-0. ' • Martci;. Merlnm, A. ft 8.. Boaton. 40. Mansdpld & Harrey. tilolie, 8t. Ijiula. 4-0; Phil- lip"'. Blclimond. Intl.. 11-11). May & Miles. Olympic. BprlrujOeld, III., 4-0; I'uktlf. Blmmingtoil, 11-10. Maftlnleya, Tlia, Ornlieuin, RcadlDi, Pa., 40; 0. It. H.. Plttablirg. 11-10. M«K«, Clttn ft, Majcatlc, Hot Bprlnga, Ark., 11- -lff.' Mallory, Clifton, Baldwin. Wellsvllle, X. Y.. T-0. Maruli, Clarence, BIJou, ties Moines, la.. 4-0. Mnllory Bros., Brooka ft Iloltlday, Auditorium, Lynn. Mois., 4-9. McNanieo. Lyrlo, cinveliiud, O.. 4-0. Met'ren & Poole. Lyeeuni, llliiurapolla, Minn., 4- 9: Ilnwanl. Chlrago. U-Ifl. .McOoveni. Terry. Ilowanl. Boston, 4-9. McP.vo.v ft Iluahes. Hlar, Ilninlllon, Can., 40. Jlclliiiilcy ft Diuioran, Orpliemu, Los Angtlca, Crtl.. 4-9. MiConl, Ij-wIs. ft Cm.. Proctor's, Newark, X. J., 4-0. Mcliipi-ney. Jus. A.. I'uliilly. Hnxlolnn, Pa.. 4-0. MeKlniwii ft Heed. 1'nlipie. Clnlrc, Wis., 4-0; 1'nliliie, Hulnlh. Minn., ll-IU. McDiinalil. J, P., Shea's. Buffalo. 4-0. - MeJiubon's Minstrel Mnlda. II. k B., Bklu., 4-0. MeCiie k Culilll, llaymarket. Chicago, 4-0. Mc(intli Bros.. Kinplrc, Patersou, N. J.. 4-S; Kmpirc. lliilsiken, X. J.. 11-10. Meliii'ruey, .in-., Piiiaily. Hnxlclon. Pa.. 4-0. .Mcl'lrlla'i. Jnc. BIJou. Dutntli, Minn.. 4-0. Mi'K.'ii-, Muinle. Viiinlette. Chicago, 4-0. Mctlloln ft-Smith. Poll's, Brlilge)sDit, Conn., 40, Mehiiil Trio. Orplieinn, Omabu. 4-lt. Melropiilltnn Cnmeily Pour, M'CKeesimrt, Pa., 4-0} HiirrKliiirit. 11-ltl. Melroy Trio. Vumletle. Chicago, 40. Meeuan, Tliiw., ft Co., Kellli'a. N. Y. ft, 4-0.. •. MelruiKillInn l.iidlea' qunrtotlc. Family, Patct- ■oii. X. J.. 40. Herein Hi Sisters, TlcUl's. Prague, Auk., 10-81,! lloimi'hrr's. Vlenea. Jau. I-JII. !W Melr ft M-rn, AUiimibra. Brighton, Rhl. 4-9; I'nl., Roulliainplon', ll-lfl: (iraial. Hnnlcv, *»*- at; Emp., ,MMdll'lairo, liS-ilO: Mcera (31. Colonial. K. Y. 'ft, 4-D; Oriilieum, l|kln„ 11-10. Mlttoha. The. Star, Atliinta, Gu., 4-111. MIUithIiIp Sisters. Ilnwanl, Hoatoli, 4-10 Mlh'liell ft Love. Sim. llaiiillton. Can., 4-0. Mlilllleya, The. .Incidis'. Peoria. HI., 4-0. Miles ft Riivmoinl. liollinm. Bkln.. 4-9. MllchellH lilt. Ulymple. Chicago, III. Mitchell. Unas, Punilly. Paieraon. X. J., Punilly. illovcrsvlllc, X. Y., 11-10. Millar Sisters. Hem, Lynn, Mam., 4-0. Miller, Itenaliaw ft Miller. Lyric, Joplln, 4-9; Crystul, HI. .losejib. 11-10. Mlleliell ft Marrnri. Piiatur'a. .X. Y. C. 4-0. Mllliuiui Trio, Columbia. 81. Louis, Mo., 4^0; (llynuilc. Clilcagu. 11-10. Military Octelle, Proctor'a BSd St., X. Y. ft, 4-1). ■ MIIIh ft Morris. Poll's. Worcester, Ma»9., 4-0: Poll's. Hartford. Conn.. ll-IU. Mllliui, Mar, Kcllh'a. Providence, 4-9. •(" Mortens. iTngKltni; '4l. Majestic, Houakou. Te«„ 4-0; Majesllc. San Antonio, ll-lii. Miirtwi. Juuies J.. Kelth'a, Providence, 4-0. Morndl ft Decly, Klshtt'e, Los Aligelca, Col., Mov.-aiis (5), Proclor's. Troy, X. Y., 4-9; Trent, Trillion, X. J.. 11-10. MorlniiH, Muslenl, A.' & 8.. Boaton, 4-0. Morris. Hob, A. & 8., Boaton, 4-9. '' Morton. Prod W.. Mnlestlc. DallaB, Tex., 4-9; .Majesllc. Hoiisioii, 11-10. Mologlrl, Apollo, Nitiuliiirg, Ger., '4-31; Oriilieum, (Irax. Aus., Jan. 1-111. Mooney & Holbein. KellhV. Syracuse, N. Y., 4-0. MmrlKiUi. John. Star, Taaapta. Kan., 314). Morris. Nina, ft Co.. Orpheum, Onialia. 1-0. Morrla ft Morris, Green Tree, Olyninla, Waali.: 410. Morton, Mill.. Punilly, Poltsvllle. Pn.. 4-0. Mni'lamie's Cockalen Circus, Orrlu Bros., Mexico, Uex., 4-10. Morion, Temple ft Morton, Keith's, Providence. 40. Molnnln.iier. Kdwnrd. Keith's. Pliila.. 4-0. Mnrellu's 8|iaidcls. Broilcnliiiiyti'H. Phlln.. Morse. Hon. Cnmlval. Jacksonville, I'lu., Murphy ft Prancls. Ainpblon. Bkln., 4-0. Mmpliv ft Anih-ewa, Seruuton. Pn., 4-9. Murray Sister*. A. ft 8., Boaton, 4 0. Mnrpliv ft NUIuds, (!. 0. II..' Pltlsburg. 4-9. Mineil.'. Krla. A. ft S.. Boaton, 4-0. Mullen ft t'orrelll, lllchiuonil, No. Adams, Maaa., Xawa, Tom. ft Co., Proctor's Mth St., X. Y. ft. Kamfn tllrls (I'ji, Proctor's fiSlh 81., K. Y. ft, 4 0. Nornrnxi (:H. Orpheum. Omaha, 4-0. N'mrninn. .Ics., Orpheum. Omaha. 4-0. Neacll ft Xllilii. Ilowurd, Ilostoii, 49 R. V. C.. ll-IU. Xeiviiiiin, Jos., ilrjiheum. llniuha. Neb., I'lii'iim. .Mini,cnpi.lis. Minn., ll-lfl, NIi'IidIn Sisters, Misire's, I'orllnnd, Me, Mrtsini, Mav, BIJon. Ln Crosse. I'nliinp. Kan Clnlrc. 11-ltl. Nubia. Illeeu. Kiuully, Patersou. N. J Mldo. Kreil. Keith's, I'lilla.. 4.0. Xorlmi ft Nlcliolson, Donatnlon, Wlnnl|n'g. Cau.. Nolr. Harry. Oriilieum, Springfield. O., 40. Norinan, Lyric, Jorillti, Mo.. 40; People's, Leaven- worth. Kau.. lllil. ! ii T1 '' »!?!• , ' 1 .' 11 ''- Hfl'lwi'ort Conn.. 40. Olga. Mile. Ilrnilenburgh s. Phlla., 4-0. Omar, Hen. family, llaaleton, Pn.. 4-9. Oiuur. Slnch. Keeney's. Bkln., 4-9. Oimiro, Piimlly. llaalelon, Pn.. 4-P. Orvtlln ft I'miik, Piislor'a. N. Y. ft, 4-9. Ornlieiis (Vmicily Four, liraiul. Krle. Pa.. 40. orltiiul, US', Audllurluni. St. Louis, a-o. Owen, Itnliv, ft Co., punilly, Patersou, N. J.. 40. flxav* The, Plum's, Madison, Wis., 4-0; BIJou. Uis-kronl. III., lllil. O'tlvlen ft Havel. Keith's, X. Y. ft, 4-9. !^! l . rl ''",? ,, "''H I, '- V - i! - u - !••• Imllananalla, 1-0. O'Dar. Ida. .Majesllc. liousum, Tex.. 4-9 Pantaer TrlD. IJ. ft B.. Bklu.. 4-». Patty Bros., Ihiyniarkat. Chlcigo. 4-9 Pahja ft Morlmv. Orpheum. San Prim., Co!.. I Mil Pjiillueltl .t Plqiio, Hrand, Hauler. Mok l-'i- Pal.. Itrlatiil. ll-IU; Pal., Plymimtb. 1823; iLilety. lllrmiiichnni. 25-3|. Paula. The. Ortiliniuii. Cairo. 111., ll.ju. Peletlet. IVira. Keith's, clevelntnl. 4-0: Shan's Buffalo, II -HI. Piccolo Mldxels. Kellb's. S. y, 1'hll.i.. 1110. -r 4-0; Mo.. Prkln Zuii.ives. Orplieimi. San Fran.. CaL, 4-0. Plin-e a Matxce. Oi'iibtiim. Loa Angclia. Cal.. 4.0 Pletce. Florence, Garden. On-eapolnt. L. I., 40. nS m k Oiip. I'aatofiT'X Y. ft. 4-0. I'l.tlCr ft Ifartwell. Caalno. Parts. Fr.. 4-25. PolN ft lln-ie, BIJou. Oak-ibiirg. 111.. 40. PonlteT, F.«lw., a. Ci. II., Springfield. III.. 40. fiiarell. Orpheum. Omabn. 4-0. Powell, jlnirv. A. ft *.. Ilualon. 4-n. Pi.tcera, Mr, It Mra, Jan. 'X.. I.yrlc. Cktehmd, '»•»■ I'tawrra' I'lrpkan's, HlppOdroma, London, Knj . Powers ft Tlirobald. fialrty. Springfield, HL. 4 |>; Cusfla. BlooiolniiDti. 11 -10. Piiii'er*. Jus. 'P.. ft Co.. Amplilon, Bkln.. 4 9. 1'oltar. Kathleen. Howard, Boalbn, 4-0. Pi-lire. Arilmr. Olyaapir. Chicago, 4-0. Prio.' ft Noi'i'is, Stockliolui, Gnat Falls, Moot., I'9. Pry'.i'ra, 'JI:r, llnslou. Lowell. Maia.. 4 0, Prelle'a liogs. Oriilieum. Omuh.i, 4-0. Piu-ka (SI. II, ft 8., X. Y. ft,.4-9. Piillen. Baliy l.uelkt, Jime*vllle. Win., 4-9; Water- • town. 11-ld.' Uarktrle. r.laltn Klmlra, X. Y.. 4-0. iiulnlaiia, Jua-tlliijr, Park. Krle. Pa., 4 0. QuM-n ft Koss. 4 Oetroll. 4-0. ItaVmoiiil ft lie Lisle. Orphenm, Sprloffleld, O.. Ilkzarfa. The. Faintly, I.anra«lar. Ta., 4-0. Ilinhsey Maters. Urand. .toilet. Win.. 4-0. Ham). Mr:, ft Mra. Kvarton. Ind.. 4-0. Kandolpba. The, Orrdieam, Ht. Paul, 4-0. itnrhii'*. Al.. Cantnea, Wtiecllne. W. Va.. 4-6; Kleiiliriivlllc, O., 7-0: WayncMHirg. Pa.. 11-10. Itnckatl ft Ilaxard. Enudre Tour. Rng., Jan. 31. Itaynioud & Tracer, Flora's, Madlsoii, Wla.. 4-0; '■Wjat Bide, Itelolt, 11-Ifi. Havenacrofl. Cliarlolte, Grand, Jollct, III., 4-0; .Rtlte, Havenimrt. In.. 11-10. KaiHonl ft Valentino. Tlvoll, 4-31; llitua, 'Hanihurg, Her., Jan. l-si. Hnlmuml ft Good, Orchard. Burlington, Can., 4-10. llatlihutiK, Flying. Kellb's. Phlla.. 4-0. Ilhwla. DIJou. Decatur,' III., 4-0; Lyric, Terra •Haute. I do.. 11 -10. ItcHo S Mnrray. A, ft 8.. Boston. 4-0. "Heil Ilmen Cadela," Victoria, X. Y. C. 4-0; ' O.o: II.. PlttElairg. 11-10. Keao ft Richards, Ornlietim. Bkln., 40. Rearaa k tjulnn, Keith's, Providence. 4-9. Reded ft Iladlay, Itlnlto. Klmlra. X.Y.. 4-0. Kennec Family (Bl, Howard, Chicago. 4-0 ; Lyric, Clavelnnil, lllil. neno. Atom ft Roberta, 0. O. II., Grand Ranli'a, Mich., -4-9. Ilenha, The. O. 11., Meclianlcvlllc, Ky.. 4-9; 0. -II., Iliitlniul, VI.. 11-lli. Rehtl 181.' AnOttorlum, Norfolk. Va. 4-9. Hclmrr, Helen, Park. Worcester. Mats.. 4-0. Reynanl. BiLK., fJooli'a, Rochester, N. X., 4-0; '.Kelt If a, Boston. 11-10. Relchen'a Dogs, Proctor's 23d 8t, N. Y. C, 4- .»: Proctor's. Newark. N. J.i 11-10. Rent Iron- & Janaen, People's, Parsons. Kan.. 4 0; . Crawford, TopCka, 10-10. Redford ft Winchester, Hopklna', LoulaTUle, Ky.. Ml'lO. " Rlci' ft Cady. Hopkins'. Memphis. Tenn., 4-0; Columhln, 8t. Lonla, 11-141. Illva IlroH.. iirrln Bros., Mexico, Mcx.. 413. Itiiiiios (4). Hippodrome. X.' Y.C. 11-10. UlilK * Wllllama. Xoralty. I>enver. Ck>L, 4-;l, Rite. .4 Elmer, Park, Worcester. Mass., 4-0. Rice Broa.. Bon-Toll, Pliila.. 4-0. Ripley. Tom, Oariclc. Ilurllnitldn, la.. 4-0. It lee ft- Prevoat.Vlclo.-l11. X. Y. ft. 4-9. )llcobot.o's Horses. Victoria, N. Y. C, 4-9. Richardson. Lavender, ft Co., BIJou, Dubuque, la., 4-0. Illcc.' Fanny. Proctor's 5Stb St., X. Y. ft, 40. Itoomla, II. O.. Detroit, Mich.. 4-IO. Rotcop & Sims, Quaker. Wnusaw, Wis., 40; • Jollcl. 111., 11-10. Rotors. Will, Kellli'a, Phlla., 4-0; Keith's. X. Y. ft. 11-10. Roberts ft Ralston, Pulace. Worcester. Maaa.. 4 9. RoMicy ft- Bent. Poll's. Bridgeport, Coon., 4-0. Roberta, B. A., Colonial. X. Y. ft. 4-9. Harmon, Mrs. Slnnrl, & Co., Orpheom, Kansas : Clly. Mo., 11-10. Itoasar, Ileese. Jr.. Fnmlly. Carbondale, Pa., 4-9. Rockwell. Mnuile. Crystal. Deirolt, 4-0. Robbliis ft Treiiuiiiini, JcfTcrs. Saginaw, Mlcb.. 4-0. llolsl'K Musical Iloi'bc, llaymarket. Chicago. 4-0. Rinsi'H, Fled. V. Bijou, Duluth, Minn., 4-0. Itassell. BHi.u. Hip.. Muiiale. Knj., 4-0: Km- press ft Islington. 11-10; Granville Jr. Dltlford, '•.IS-aa: Ilaimnci-smlth ft Cambridge, SS-H1. Rilisrll ft Dimliar. Lyric, Cleveland. O.. 4-0; G. ;0.' II.. Grand lta|i[da, Mich.. 11-141. Russell. Pull, f: Carrie, Hnyraarket, Chicago, 4-9; '•'(Jlfhiiilc Sprlnellelrl, 11-10. • RusilPs, Musical, Crystal, Frankfort, lad., 4-0. llyau ft Itirhtleld. L'oliunbla. Cincinnati, 4-0; Hun- kins', l/inlsvllle, Ky., 11-10. 8alo, O. K., Keith's, N. Y. ft, 4-9; Chase's, Washnirotlu, D. ft, 11-10. Snulell, Groal, Mission, San Fran., CaL, 4-9; (Unites, Sun Fran., Cr.1., 11-141. Salortio. Orldienm, San Fran., 1*1.. 4-10. Suviy Qmrlelte. Ilowanl, Boston, 4-0. Suviys, 'Tlie. Oenett. Itlchmond. Intl., 4-9; BI- Jou. llatrlo Creel;, Mich., 11-10. Sanfiird ft Hiirttngton. Jeffera, Saginaw, Mich., 1- OTBIJou. Baltic Creek. Mich.. 11-10. Siniitor. Paid, Proctor's, Newark, X. J.. 43. Sal.lne & Vera. II. ft B., X. Y. ft. 4-0.' Sulviigla (81. Olympic. Chicago, 4-9. Sahel, Juei'dilue, Umpire Toirf. Kmr., 4-Jan. 31. Scliepp' Dogs, »IiiJestlc. Waco, Tcs.. 4-0; Ma- jestic, llnuattiti. 11-10. Scott. Car-ele M.. Fentmi's. l'.uffalo. X. Y.. 4ia Si.'ofli-ld c. 1-;.. Bell. Stockton.- CaL, 11-11!. Scaoniwcrk. Ii. l». II.. Grernl Bupiils, Mich., 49. SCtfintodK. The. Bijou. Jackson. Mich., 4-0: Bi- jou. Port Huron, lllil. Sihacfcr ft De Ciinin. llaymarket. Chicago. 4-0. Scsinou', Adnms <t liotjers, BIJou. Duluth, Minn., 4-0. Hearer, Hoc., Mullen's. Omaha. Neb.. 4-10. Seldon IIitis., 'IVuitile. Deli-ott, Mich., 4 9; Cooks. Rothester. N. Y.. 11-10. Seinoh, Clins. I-'., Procior's St., N. Y. C. 4-11- Sellcy, II. K„ llrudenbiirgii's. Phlla., 40. Slim, Tims.. Urjslal, Detroit. 4-0. Sh-tlaiuls (SI, Drphcutu, Bkln., 4-0. Shirley & Sluifor, BIJon. Xorfolk, Vs.. 40. Khsltiick. Truly. Kclllfs. Boslon, 4-0. Sliiinions ft Harris, omuli.-i, Neb., 11-10. Sliiioa-Hunluer Co.. Shea's, Buffalo. XI Y., 4-0. Sllns, Ileoiible, Weasl's, Peoria, HI., 4-0. Slili'nn Itrot.. Ilnwanl. Boston. 4-9. Slater. Master. Main St., Peoria. 111.. 4-9. Snilrl ft Kovsner, Ainlltorliiiii, Lynn, Mass.. Scot., Black Y., 4-0. X. Y. ft 4-9; l^x- a 4 0. 4-0. 4-0. "Tov«. Musical." Majesllc. Hoiralon. Tex.. 4-0- Topav Ttirvr Trio, Grand. Milwaukee, Wla., *-0» Flom's. Madlann. 11-10. TdTo. Keith's. X. Y. ft, 4 0. Trorai, Or|,aeiiai. I.oa Apgelea. CaL. 4-10. Tnnev. K'ltle. Pall's. Sprlnctlftd. »lsa».. 4-9. rronlaido'ira (.11, Majestic. Houston. T«., 40; llajeatir. San Anionld. ll-IO. ' Triesilell. Mr. ft Mrs., ft Co.. Kcl.b's Phlla.. 4-9. Tralnor. '.'liffonl Vol.. Ma:<onlc. Ft. Wayne, lad., 4-9: Bijo-i, Oulmy. III.. 11-10. •J'liriiin. Ben. BIJou. Manpieiie. IVis., 4-P. I'rllli-rs, The. Teairo Naclonale, Havana. Cuba. 4-16. Tyre ft Jcnnoii. II. * 8.. X. T. ft. 4-0; Mary- land. Hallo.. -Md.. II 1G. Tyler ft- James. Olympic, Chicago. 4-0. VanCofrc. ft r«irel>. BIJou. (Jolncy. III.. 4-9. Vnlvenn Bros.. Ilowanl, Boston. 4-0; Treat, Tren- lon. N. J.. ll-IU. Vri'i. Blllr, Pca-tia-'s r.stli St., N. Y. ft. 40. Van Bleiie. Ansnsl. Orpheum, Bkln.. 4-0. Valmore ft Horioii, Tlvoll. Cape Town, S. A., IS- Inn. 2T. Vcrnr. Hellc. Orpliinn. Cairo. HI., 4-9. Verv-Mi TriJipe Olyaiplc. Cbl,-3g.>. 4-0. Vennetie ft Dlonne. Ilencler's, Glaasnw, 4-fl; Pal.. Halifax. Knit.. IMC: Fa!., OHM, 18-2S; Pol.. Bradford, 25-30. VlnellPa Horses, Orrln Bros.. Mexico. Max.. 4-10. Visa. Mile.. Olyinpla. 80. Bend, Ind., 4-0; Jcf- fera, Saginaw. Mich.. 11-10. Villain' t.lmir. Temple. Detroit. 4-0. Vor! Wcnil. Mcrrl. Ilotiklna'. Memphis, Teon., 4- !): Olympic. Chicago, 11-10. Volpe's IP-ars ft Dars. Mcutreal. Can.. 4-1C. Wanl ft I'-iran. Sbeeily'a. Fall Blvar. Jlaaa., 40. Ward ft Curran. Sheisly's, Foil Itlver. Mass., 4-9. Waierhury Bros, ft Tenny, II. * 8.. X. Y. ft. 4-9. Watson. Sam. Amplilon, Bkln.. 4-0; Keltii's, Boaton. 11-IC. Wade.' L-ittie. A. ft 8.. Bosloii. 4-9. Washer Bros.. Garrh-k. Burlington. Is., 4-0. Wafteiibcrjr Bros.. Orpheum, Denver, Col.. 4-0. Watter ft Pfouty. Proctor's. Troy, X. Way-bum's Minstrel Misses, Colonial. 4-0. ■ Waldorf ft Menilez. Keeney's. Bkln.. mr's. Aleany. N. Y.. 11-16. Waltilujer. Bertha. Alliambra. X. Y Waldoii. Mix, Temtdc. Detroit, Mlcb... Way ft Pine, Atlantic Garden. X. Y. ft Wall ft Bradley. Vn inlet le. Ctilcaro. 4-0. W^jkowsky Trouiio. Shea's, Buffalo, X. Y.. 4-9. Weston, Cecilia. Prcs'tor's. Newark. X. J.. 4-0. Weiah, rjkas. * Jennie, Crjstal, Frankfort, Ind., 4 9. West ft F.iwtrr. Orpbcuiu. Cairo. III., 4-0. Walla. Lew; lllymple. Chicago. 4-9. Westeott. Kva. Orplieinn. San Fran., Cnl.. 4-9. Welson. Mav. Troupe. Keith's. X. Y. ft. 4-0. Wenlworlh. Rose, Trio. Keith's, Cleveland, 4-9. White. Stuart, ft Cu., Colonial. X. Y. ft. 4-0. Wlilta 4- Moore, Acme. Xorfolk, Va., 4-0. Wblttier. L. O.. BIJon. Duluth. Minn., 4-9. While, va. B ft Rolls, Sbamokta, Pa., 4-0. W'icelocks, Whrellne. Kalsmamo. Mleb., 4-9. Willie; ft Larkln. Klite. DaTcnport. la., 4-0; Bijou. Oalestnre. ill.. 1116. Wicker* Ct), 'Jrystal, Pneklo. Col.. 4-0. Wilson Trio. Majestic. Ft. Worlb. Tex.. 4-9. Williams, Helolse. Empire. Hoboken. N. J., 4-0. Williams ft Mclhume. "ulutiiUa. CJnclanatl, 4-0; Cnalle. Bloolngton, 111.. 11-10. Williams & Walker. Colonial, X. Y. ft. 4-0. Williams. Cus. pmetor's, Newark. X. .1.. 40. willanl. Great. IUercd's, Ixiul-vlllc. Ky.. 4-16. Winter, Winona, O. O. II., Indianapolis, 4-0; Orpheum. New Orleans, La.. 11-10. Wilson, George, G. O. U.. PittsburE. 4-9. Wllber. Oliver. Crystal. Detroit. 4-0. Wise ft Milton. Bennett's, Loudon. Can., 4-0; Star. Hamilton. 11-10. Wood ft Ray. Chase's. Washington. D. ft, 4-0; Keeney's. Bkln.. 11-10. World's Comedy Four. Cook. Rochester, X. Y., 4- 9: Temple. Detroit, Mich.. 11-16. Woodford's Dogs i Ponies, Orpheum, SurlnstfcM, Wood. Milt, Keith's. Boaton. 4-0. Woodward. Geo ft May. Trent. Trenton. N. J., 4-9. Wulkowski Troupe, Slioa's, BulTalo. 4-9. Woodward. V. P.. Proctor's. Albany, X. Y., 4-0. Wrlglits. The. BIJou. Xorfolk. Va.. 4-0. Yale Trio, Olympic. 80. Bend. Ind., 40; Jcffcrs. Snginaw. Mich., 11-10. Yeamans, Annie and Jennie. Temple. Detroit, 4-0. Ycagcr ft Ycager-, Follcs Bergcrc. Paris, Fr., 4- Iiia. St, l'ounc, Mr. ft Mrs. Arthur, Biloa, Duluth, Mlnu., 4-9. - ■ Yorke Comeily Four, Proc!or'», Albany, X. Y., 4- 0;Troy. 11-10. Zanclgs. The. Maryland, Balto., Md., 4-0; Kilen. X. Y. C. 11-10. Zanlacols, Uw, amfc'a. WaKldngton, D. ft, 4-0. Zeno, Jonlan ft SSeno Troupe, FIIII's Circus, t^ia; Town. 8. A.. 2.1-Fcb. 2s, ^ Zeros, Oreai. Phillips. Richmond. Ind., 4-0; 4>ys- 1nl, Marlon. 11-10. - * /.iiiimer. John, Ondieum, Omaha. 49. Ziaka. Kin-,- S Co., Mohawk, Schenectady, X. Y.. Zlsimcrraana. Al. ft Peart. Bijou. Battle Creek Mich.. 4-9: BIJou. Muskegon. 11-16. Zimmerman, Willy. Pull's, Sprlngiield, Mass., 4-9. •Domixhin (David Douglas. manaEeri Business is Hue. Hill for week of Nor ; n • Don Carlos Hall, Tlnkacl and compnov' 7i.^ Musical Hurts. Francis, Davis and comtian'- Tom Itipler. fllirord and Orlh, Vurln a nri Titrenc. mid the klnodrome. Usujt'B (N'ast & HurrowR, nronrletnis) — We*k of 20: Byron and Blnncn, {••elite Aler atirter. Jits, I., ft Yalea, Harry Logrclna and moving plcturea. • ■ ■ u •"*-•> MASSACHl'SETTS. CoBloai.—Tlie event of the week in local theatrical •.•Irelea Is the appearance of Mra. Hake and hr. r company at the Trcniont, lu "l*nh Klcschna.' Other changes of l.iii, are: "llie llogcru Brothers In Ireland " llle Coi-mlnl: "How Baxter Butted In " the R CAXADA. His Majesty's (B. Q. inanngerj "The Crossing' came last "l.'omln' Thro" the Bye?' 4-0, "The Chalrnmr." 11-10. 4 9. 40. Pastor's 4-9; Or- 40. Wla.. 4-0. 4-0; .. 4-9. Smiths. Aerial. Kellli'a, Cleveland, 4-9; Ar^aik', Toleslo, 11-10. Smith ft Cntujiladl. Poll's, Sprtngflelil. Mass.. 4-0. Smith. Peter J.. Main St.. Peoria. III., 4-1U. ' Smith. Chris., ft Johnstons. Keeney's. Bkln.. 4-0. Snyder ft Buckley, Alliambra. N". Y. C. 4-9. Siiakerinos 121. Pulace. Worcester. Mass., 4-9. SpsUldliiB. BIJou. ICockfiinl, 111., 4-U. Splssidl Bros, ft Mack, Moore's. Portland, Me., 4- II: Park. Worcester. Mass., 11-16. S|ienecr, Atlanta, ft Co., II. ft 8.. X. Y. ft. 40. Staley ft- Blrlieck. G. O. n.. Plttsbnre. 4-0. Stall], Huso, ft i\,.. ti. O. H., lu,Hsnui»lls Stein, r.retlo. l\rysliil|inlast, I.elinlg. Ger. I'l-ntMl. Chemnitz, Jon. 1-15; Tlcby. Am:. 10-31. Stmtiou. Wm. D.. Family. 8hamokln. Pa. Stnurl, I'rnetor's 2thl St., K. Y. ft. 4-0. Steely, Doty ft Cu.. ||. ( it., llkln.. 4-0. Stone. Hen. Munliiiilnii. Norfolk. Va., 4-0. Xlrenlnr Zouaves, on Tour, Franre. otapletmi A Cliiiuey, Novclly, Onialia, Neb. BIJou, Davenport. 1 l-IU. Stanley. Gertrude. Rliilto, Klmlra. N. Y., 4-0. Strinlilcr. Sallle, Kmplre, Patersou, N. J„ 4-0. SUnley, w. II. & Hcrslo, nanlrn, Clrecnpolnt, X 4-0. 4-0. . 4-31; I'rtig., 41U, 4-0; Minimal. — At Brooks, inanngerj week.. County Acadlmv of Music (K. Ilowartb, mana- ger).— PoMunl's Llliputlnn Opera Co., In repertory, drew big houses list week. "Gay New York" 4-0, "The Way of the Trans- gressor" 11-10. ■ .."i'^'v Kgcrton, manager).—The lln fcchvol Girls came to good attendance hist week. The Imperial Uurlciuuers O. Ihe Avenue Ultis 11-lli. F1UXCAI8 (F. IV. Lc ciolr, manaBer).— Muic. sjiirah Beruliardt packed the nouse last week. Iji . J'roti|K' Cuzenvuvc, lu "Fedora," National Franca is (ti. Gativrcau, rasna- gcri.—the iieruianent French stock. In "la rillc Uaiidltc," drew good attendance last week. "I.™ Deux Urphcllans" 4-9. Dk8 .N'oi'VKAL'Ttas til. Uavciix, mnnagcr). —-riii* permanent French stock company, ln •MooKlenr \x Ulrccletir." came to fair houses hurt week "Notre .leunessc" 4-0. IVisusoa Hall. —Mine. (Jadskl Dec. 7. 1 a Toiiiiilii —At the Princess (O. B. SUeD- liard. luanaevr). week of Nov. n, "Comln' Ihro the Rye" drew good business. "The (flnircrbrpnd Mini" Iktc. 4-0. Uuaxd opera Hoisn (A. J. Small, mana- ger).— Illl.y II. Van, l n "Tlie Errand Boy," drew big houses last week. "Sky Farm" SIajkstic (A. J. Small, manager).—Last TSSX .'iV 'i»nn»ny Hoy" tlld big business. "I'tist I.lfc In New York" 4-9. SiiKA's TiiKATiii: (J. shen, mnnnger) was t'!, , , u ;!s:; <1 K n "' to ""• «•««« * over S.i'.Oliti on Nov. ,;n, when Hie iuierlor of Ihe house. In front of Hie curuln, was totally destroyed. '1 he lire started Just befure mid- tilgiil. In the top gallery, nud spread rnoldlv. I he asbestos curttilu saved the stage it will be- several months before " bills It p. Glohe; Charles T. AldrlchVItT "Secret ! <f. rv, , ce „ l ?* m ''' ?' t, ne G r«n<l Opera House "If 1 Mere Mng.V at the Empire; ••The Climbers," at Ihe Castle Square, and "A I/egncy of Sin," at the Bowdoln Square. At- tractions to continue are: E. H. Hothern and Julia Jlarlowe, at tlie Mollis: "Jlrs. Lciiicir. well's ISootti." at the Park: "The Wizard of Uz." at the Boston, and "As Ye Bow." at the .Majestic. Ben Greet and his company w|n b* seen In Jordan Hall, for a four weeks' engagement lu Shakespeare's blhys, com. nieitclne Tuesday evening. Dec. 5. "Henry VI-wlli be this week's bill. 'ClianksglvjnK week was a brilliant one nt Uie local thes- tres, and capacity business was reported all nlohg the line. ■ TRfilioxT Theatre (Jno. B. slisaiiiaW. manager) .—For the first time lu Boston MM. Flske will present "l^-ah Kleschna" Monday evening. 4. Tlie supporting com- pany Includes: John Mason. George Arll«i RtftKltc De IU'lleVIHc, W. B. Mnik. Cla'us Bogcl. Charles llalsar. Emily Stevens, Belle Jlolnin and others. The engagement Is for three weeks. "The County Chairman" had ihfoo weeks of big business, closing last Saturday night. iJoioxial Theatrk (Chas. Frobmm, Illch ft Harris, managers).—The offering for the current three weeks Is Ihe Kogcra Brothers.' In..'their'new season's production, "In Ire. lard." Untiling the large company support. Imj the stars are Corlnnc anil Maurlie DArcy. Durittg the past fortnight. Nat c (.tKMlwln presented "Wolfvilie. to good nnanoial returns. Viola Allen will come1 "i In "The Toast of the Town." Hollis Strew- Theatre (Isaac B. Itlch manager).—This is the second week of th» engagement of E. H. Sothern and Julia Mar- lowe, and the hill will be "Twelfth Night" Mr Sotherns version of 'Taming of the Shrew' was well received and thoroughly enjoyed by large audiences last week. Seit week, ihe final one, will be tfevoted to "llomeo and Juliet" and "The Merchant of Venice. FanK Thbatrb (Chas. Frohman, Bich ft Ilnr- ris, managersj.—-Mrs. LcfflngweHs Boots" received a hearty welcome here last week, and remains the attraction for the current week. <;ny Standing and Jessie Bnsley. who were recently with "Wolfvilie." have re- turned to the compuny in their original char- acters. (Jeo. Ado's "Just Out of College ' with Joseph Wheclock as the slar, will be the attraction commencing 11. Boston Theatrk (Lawrence JtcCartr, manager).—Montgomery and Stone have re posted their former successes with "The Whs. ard of Or..' nnd big houses arc assured dur- ing tlie remainder of the engagement, which ends Saturday evening, 11!. Majestic I-heathi; (Stair & Wilbur, nmu- a ? c f;V-"T Tllc nlnth wcel; i""l last fortnight ■•■;** *° So . w l'. "•'gins Monday evening. 4, with every Indication of continued pros perlty. " Ulobb Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, mana- gers).—"How Baxter Butted In" la the offer- ing here tliis -week, opening Monday after- noon for the usual nine pcrforacmces. Sid- ney lolor. in the part of Baxter, hands the presenting company. During the past week Gay Now York" attracted good sized houses. j '.£-"*• Jo8(, Ph Mnrphy, in "Shaun Bhue" and "Kerry flow.' - OitANn OPKiiA Hoi'SK (George W. Magee. manager).—Charles T. Aldrlch. In "SocYet Service Sam." will hold the stage here this w fS k '. , foll °wing u week of crovded houses add big iMipulnrll.v for Selmn Herman, In Queen of rho l^onvlcts." Lincoln J. Carter's Phi! Eye Witness" next week. Ejipiiie Tiikatiii: (Lindsay Morlson. man agor).—Manner Morlson,-or the Empire r°. c lj#." l ,r « m| WK an elaborate production ii '* , S?f lc] nB" 'or the etirrcnt week Howard Hansel and Mary Hall will plav the leads. "Jtlnc Jeans" wns a pleasing bill last week, and the work of Mary Hall, as June, and Hose Morlson. as Samantlia Ban- kins, was especially well recclrcd. In prep- aration. "Iiecmtse She Loved Elm So." Lasthe Sqijarh Tiikatbk (Boston Stage .Society, rannugers).—John Craig and Lillian Kemblo hentl the slock forces this week in The Climbers." Last week "The prisoner of /lendsi was produced in a capable manner, and attracted big holiday business. .Next week. "I>ady Windermere's Fan." BowooiN Squakb Theatre (ti. E. Lothrop. inaniiger).—A new play, by K. II. Clement, editor.of 77ic Uostim V'wiiacript. entitled "A Legacy of Sin." will he presented for the. Orst me on any stage at this house this week, by the Lothrop Stock Co. Charles JHIIer and Charlotte Hunt will have the leading pans. A Jexas nnngcr"' pleased the crowds lust week. Next week. "A Crown of Thorns." hy Jay Hunt, will have Its premier. Keith's Theatre (B. F. Keith, mnnnger). — Ihe City Girls," headed hv Truly Shat- titck. Is the lai-gc type act this week. The surrounding show Includes i Harry I* Claire. ii 1 t f *" d l '°' n l>«ny.Dollar Troupe. Hoev and Lee, It. J. Jose (seeoud week 1. Durnnt Hrolhers. Johnson and Wells, La Vallee Trio. 'l' c J, ; s , s . Milt Wood. Hccney und Steele. Billy Kincuid, nnd the kinotogruph. Bert Cootcand company were notably successful In last weeks bill, other favorites being Edward Mollcnhaucr, II. J. Jimjc, Josephine Claasman. splssel Bros, nnd Mack, and Le Hoy and Yioodfnrd. Imtncuse business prevailed. Ilor^'Aiiti Athenaeim (Carl D. Lothrop. business innnngerl.—With Terry Mcliovern heading Ihe bill the sporting element will bo much in evidence this week. Other good cards .iffctTil arc- Eddin Glrnrd and -less'e SffHt Newell mid Kihio, Brazil nod lira- Jll, Valvcno Bros.. Snvoy Quartette. Jack ''• >' A" 1 '"' Twltis. Kathleen Putter. Cole and tlemcns:. Deveiie and Shuitz. Slddon llros.. the Hnwiirdsrnpo. and the house Inir- Jesiiuers. ln "No Matches Xeeded." J'r. and r. Porllnud, J-, 4-n. Ore.. C 4-11; UeliU'm. xtcniiitl ft Hrown. Crystal. Detroit, 4-B. Stephens. Pnul. Poll's, Waierhury. Coon.. 4-P. Sitraiel « Itmell, Hrnnri. Hamilton. O.. 4-0. "Sunny South," Poll's, New Haven. Cnnn.. 4-fl. JMtlll'-Bii ft Paaiuiplltia, Colnmlila, Cincinnati. 4-0: Iliiyhmrket. tSlcnsn, 11-16. • summers & Winters, Knllonal. Kansas City, Ho.. Sin ton. Larry .& AHIII11, Grauil, 4-U. Sweet. Charles. Trent, Trenton, N. Sylvaim, Keith's, Pnivlilence. 4-U. Tanner ft Oilhcrt, Hon Ton. Phlla., 4-I>. Tate. tins. Mirror, Ilea Moines. In.. 4-ti. Tnlly Ho Duo. Family, CnrUiiulnle. Pa., 4-t Taylor & Kearney, II. ft K., N. y. o 4.9 TAtlor. f^-lla. II. (1. II., Plttaluirg. 4-0. Tevav ft Duniela, Slar, Hamilton. Can., 4-u Tenl ft I.asell. Pnlm. Cripple Creek. Col ('•itrtrailo Siars., ILIfl. Thoi-ae, Mr. ft »lr». I In try, Alhamhr.-i. 4-0. Thoruton. .lames J. fluilnns ft I'nviii'. 4-1. Tliels. I.nlii. Oryelat. Mntlon. Tmi. II III. •|\M»,irlii Anilis. Park. Worcester. Slavs Toli-Jo. ara-'e, A. ft. S., Itnsioti. 4-lt Whin Sisters, Shccdy's, Fall niver, Mass., 4 P. Star (F. ,1. Stair, maunger) — moi-e Beauties narked the house 'lTie High School tilrls 4-ti. The Baltl- last week. X, 10; V. r„ Hamilton.—At the Grand Opera House IA B. Loudon, manager) "Tbo Eye Witness." J.S.:. «n JS ; i, ,It,il , KC » Inrse audiences. Guy Man J. risk 1 umort (local 4. "A llutiawav Buy' r. II Sarah In "Adrfenne Lccouviler," !»; "The Sign of the Four" l" • Bey" 14, Joe Welch l5; {1; lllgliucse the Ooilmni. llkln.. it. Slieedys. I-lill liirer, Mass.. 111!. 1(1. Stvr IJ. II. Appleton. mgr.)—Week of 4: Aiitrliu »„,■ Pelers ihe Ureal I* T>„t v.u-in.I in, Una, ilia tin-at La Fleiir. the |> I T' '' v " v uml ""a""*, and Tcgge and 4 0: An -,cri,. 1 I K M Vl i!"v , , , ' , i.^ , "~ At ,, "• V-'»»> Thoaln. II. I. manager 1 "Van S'«i,. Folka." Su n |u" ; 3i)Uec. !•! VerJ "'■"• ' 1 °" Sl " l ' f -: presenting and "A Souvenir" as the fun vehicles. The olio names: Ford and Hot West, Allle and Oussio Mvlan. SnMz Moore and com- P!i?,T' Jloijlaney and Blch, und Sansone and ■Wllan. llio Trocaderos furnished Hue on- icrljilnment and enjoyed good business last Cui.irjiuiA Theatre (Hurry N. Farrcn. maiiugert.—The Avenue Girls Co. Is the spoke In Ihe Empire circuit "wheel" here this week. There arc two burlesques, "A Trip to Bohemia und "The Goddess of the Moon." nnd n strong list of specialties, which In- clude : l'ontto and Leo, ilrace He Mar, Rey- nolds and nrew, Olgar Orloff nud company. Julia Nalus. fins Adams, and Herbert Brooks' I.onilim rrtiuk Mystery." The Imperial Bur- leaquers pronteil by the S. It. 1). luisltioss dbue ■luring the pasl week. Amateur nights on l-rlday of every week are n big hit. I.Yi-i:rM Theatrk [«. II. ifalcbi'llrr. nmn- ngcri.—The Jersey Llllles open Mondnv af- ternoon for their Drst wcti of Ihe season here. The show opens with "A Disputed