The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 9. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ""• ,' .. „„,i ( .i.,«cs with "The Two Colonels." •■Weill's Grade and Bnr- V **£SThree ™"m«c WK, the Muilral *ft£$$i and Howell and Kinewoo^ The ami Mf -,r„;i~uiiicn< won fnvor Inst week. 8, II, Willie ('onii'dy Co.' ACSTI hall features In their »ec- ^^ «t week are: Lionel, tile lion fated jC,U Tev? tie rVhnraty chief, and his Af- ! ">- t: iiii»o>- CrelKhton's educated roosters, ' w ° J3St tlreiig. end olliers. In the the- * "tSSSuS illMtrel Maids, twenty-flfib (rt . lo B "ii» f Mr | Irv nr, Ida and ^IftloD, introducing.1 ear Wa<Je «' Erla M(1 . tf%2QL Grace Toledo, Merfam ^7.1 I u£ LeEtz, Harry Powell, Tom Rry- Uirl r;.rl"v 'lark. ■* Morris, and Reno ''"a SEE the Lowrtes, the-Mannings. Jo- "fe^^^M^B.Wn.^tnana- , iirlo hall leaders this week are: rtf^MifalS Venus: the Great ,«n.i his" vanishing lady net. and January |M fJ? „,ansion!st. .Stage show: Ben Unn, SPiSGFSEu Walsli and Ethel Wll- SLrSX Sutter and the Walkerscope. ft?Vrlesqiiera will present a new skit. !?/».»r Walker has obtained control of two fifS town theatres, which he will Include ?"id, bar £iu" tlrcult. Hartford and Davis' "mmwinrf l |eoc Campbell .* company will prerlde "it entertainment with a change o< !I v.7reiod^on (C K. Cherry, manager).— ,. & h f . iwoek of 4 : The Mississippi Troir- ''Hour^ol^ed entertainers: Salem Sid, Orl- ^1 magician; Ham Cohen, expansionist: Staffing Morgan, and Trof. Miller's 1miVTor* «'»R<: The'. Great De Rose, T» Rarrv Jillly Xasmytli. Leslie Stevens. Eto and "Ward, Almond and Diamond, and Frank Ibinay- Great crowds were In evi- dent l«st week llnfllngton Stock t\ 11-n;. AiniiTfirir.v (Hern Knrjcs. manager) — niislneus com nuca In Vanaeliv Thii-«».ir • "mi le ami , r7, ,w "rf„ H S ,rl ' ,,, : , Iy , "~"" "M-5iS5i Wii.v "v; M" 1 ^ »"«» Mmllwin. Mallorv graph!™' * an<1 ltaMW "»- <"'« the vltn- 107SJ (tKM (0. W. Slieafc, mnnaceri.—Bill week of 4: niette-Mornn. Sisters M«llnr UriH Jewel. George I'lr-kett. Hugh C.nnelly " ^SS^SS nnd 'ncmovfug pktares. SM.KV I'llHATKB, Nnlr-ni Ml 11. cheetl manager).—Klynn- Stork" Co'.' Aid iSTSS Bennett lc Moulton Co. 5-si —I , "5L?fc Bntlow, of Ba'rlow nnd Nichol- son, who played nt I ho (Jem last week Is the son of Milt Barlow, of minstrel fame. 4. fftK? t tt !£ r V~- U t,,<! Acndtmv of Music /£!?..£. i rant ". ,nB| i»Kersi the Roc Stock I o. entertained last week, to excellent busi- ness Thanksgiving Day It broke «H records Sisters fMMItai "The Sunny Sinilli." J.C. Nugent and mmpany, Maddox and Melvin. nn«h»lmrolhy Kcutnn. ltr.lofi <K. •/,. I'nll. proprietor).—The Poll Stork Co. week of 4, In "The-Muii from Mex- ico." wlih (iertrtulo Hlilpmnn. . ■ i ■ Bridgeport—At Smith'* I K. I'. Smith. mnnniiTt "Checker*." Nov. •.'", played 10 i lie i-nparlly. "I.lrut. l>lck, 1'. S. A.." 28, Jt». had good business, "it's l'p To Vou. John Henry.", drew the capacity.30. 'The Flam- ing Arrow," Dev. I, :.', came to big business. Primrose Minstrels -i. Parisian Widows 5, «, "On lite Bridge nt .Midnight" 7. 8. "Wedded and Parted - ' ft. - Pons |R l». Mitchell, manager).—Ilooktd week of 4: The Colby Pamlly, Xed Nye and enrnpony the Grand Opera Trio. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allison. IHU and Svlvianl, Mcflloln and J—•, ■ »., .. . WASHINGTON. at this house fnr repertory companies. Ku- gene irazler nnd Margaret McKeon. In tbe ending roles, were excellent. Itufflnton Stock (o. Dec 4-0. "Mtlle l^ird Fauulleroy 7-U, Harconrt Stock Co. 11-lii. ' ' \vnr,i lr.2 r.,,.^^"^* "Z^H " ,,d ^mpany,' Hymuhonv Orchestra «, llaverly's Minstrels i™,mSS ( "'T"»'., e Koe , Trln ' Toblri 9I » : 10I:i - " The 1,r ' n< * of l'llseo" 14-10. and'\r»i. m n „ n,l ] Wllllnm, ■ Vera King, (ioetze SKATTi.e (John Oort, manngei-).—Week of Seattle At the Grand Opera House (John- Curl, manager) Harry Mestnyer, in Ohosts," did good business Nov. io. 21. Seattle Symphony Orchestra attracted a h'g audience "2. U. P. Ontcault proved an ex- icllent nttrnctiou 1'4. ^r.. Andrew Mack 28- •"0. Wntklns-Mills Concert Co. Dee. i>, Seattle and Nelson, and ciiraerograph •Nickrlodko.v.— Bill week of 4: Tbe Ten- nis Dun, the Illarmores. McDade and Wel- come, Arthur Roberts, Annie Boss nnd optl- UmMN—At Hie Opera House (Grant fc C.ihii. managers) ihe Harvey Gaire Co. Inst week ,ircM- very good business. Shepards inovliiK pictures had good houses 3. Ken- here Hock Co. 4, 5. 7-!>, "The County Chair- man (i. 1'.i. London Gaiety Girls proved n good drnw- Inc rnrd. Week of 2«, Miner's Merry. Hur- lesquers: week of Dec. .'I. Cnrr's Thorough- breds: Itowery Gaiety Girls 10-1(1. Tmiin AVBXm (Russell A Drew, mana- gers).—Week of 10, Sp<ifford'H Xew Vork Co.. Id "A Human Slave." did good business. Week »r :>«. Joseph B. Cravens Kmplre Co.. Ill "A Broken Heart:" week of Dee. :[, Zlnn's Irawsly Co.. In "Pun on the Trail:" "The Missouri Girl" 10-1H, Stai: (M. G. Wlnsfork, d 'Vf4s-Sunday concert bills Dec. 3: floa- mnn'e. hTAi! (M. G Wlnstock. manager).—Week . rSS^S^SLmtm (Mine, Young Snndow „, Cnw,N '?\. (AI ; ""-vnes, rnnnnger).—Week ?/,,.:'■ Nf«—Trolley car Trio, the Great 'j> otk limberiTMeAvny Sisters, Thomas »f ■* ■ ,Mghl ; Cornalhui. Charlotte George, , J , tl7 , "- I . J 'r ,nn ^ M r«5 l-'onners and Mr- ^ ?, ne \lack and Mack, lleurv T. Waile, Mnrv.!ous Chirk, llalllday and Leonn?d Kp, " ,c ' '^SJ Doyle. T. Ilenrtrlckson, and Sj*ffl«K3tl»2wrtiiliMerrtlte, gjjwriu and Hnri. K.-kli.,fr anil Gordon "")& }''.':!"*!?; , „ „ ' S5ES u.;iir.— Mr. and Mrs. dene liuebes. >'":V" a - l^vmotid. uiul klneloernoh. • ■ Oai-liijtil (K. J. Dnnellan. manncer).— a livne Mack an.l Mack, lleury T. Waile, S,rts.ndliusse.and tbe Marvelous Merrills. Kl'iSflortn-Mr. and Mrs. Gene llugbes. Kb Blank. Wm. Cahlll. Caron and rar- „' itorUert's doss. Kenyon and Dc Gar^ T'mSSS and'Walton Jack Irwin, Shennsrd and Ward, the Mannings, and Van w dlette. O/obc—Jas. J. Corbett. Sbean -Id Wsrrea. Kdgar Allen and company, Ford • id Dot West, Robin, Sailor nnd Barbel la, Tbe (rtildens. and Itlccobonn's hoi-wos l-ninn Fames nnd Iter concert company will aiir*ar at Symphony Hall, for one perform- 101* SiliifdaV nflernooii. SI Burlbh iIolnleJ• lonr'th xravelogtie. at Tremoiit Temple. !>. will be-on "Swlt»rlnnd."..:'... : Tkt IbKlon Lodge of Hlks held their annual :i',.iii»ri'il servlres last Sunday Harry. iwell has secured.a troupe of ponies for lii« vaudeville circus, which he Intends to ••■•i on ihe road next season... .Mary Hall, Wrllni: ladv of the Fniplre Slock Co., will aiipear with K. II. Sothern, In Ihe closet >reee fniin ••Hamlet." nt the Actors' Fund i#u<-lil at the Colonial Theatre, Friday afler- BAon, 13 ■ . sprincleld. —At ihe Court Square (D. U. liilniore. manager) "Vou Never Cuu Tell," Nov. Si, '^S; dr(-w good business.- Nelsou- Brltt pirtures pleased' - Ji>. PrlmroHe Min- imis, :M),.enlerin!iied royally two large audi- (gets. DIgby Bell Dec. 1. "(.'heckers"- 4, st: Joseph's Church Jubilee (local) .1, "Just nut -of College" B, Irish Ludles' Choir of Dublin 3. Orp'ieus Concert (local) IS, I.ulu illaser 14, "The Rivals" IT,. . .S'Kw.tlir.MOBK (P. F. Shea & Co., mana- jersi.—"Barbara i'reltchle" was given a liu-aslng-presentation by.the stock company lifst-.we.'k. - "Under Ihe Red Robe".this week. "Escape from Sing Sing" to follow. I'oii's (J. C. Crlddle. manager).—Last week's bill drew well filled bouses. Hill week of 4: Frank D. Bryan. Musical Kielst, Smith and Caniplicll, Willie Zimmerman, Kitty Traney, Georglana Clark, and electro- rranb. Nn.sox (P. V. Shea & Co., managers).— III llenrr's Minstrels were witnessed by trendy pleased audiences. -The Parisian Wluows. - J7-ai. gave a pleasing burlesque, Itfore oudiences of goodly proportions. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" 30-Dec. 2, Rose Sy- dtll's Burlesrpiers 4-0, "The Pace that Kills" ;-.1. Bon Ton Burlesquera tl-13. -■ •- .Votrs.— "TUe Matinee Girl," which was to have been at Nelson the last half of last week, canceled The Gllniorc Stock Co. is to close Dec 0, nnd tbe house will return to melodrama, as In previous reasons. » ■ Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House (lay Bros. & Ilostord, mnuagers) current.': The Four Loudons. Dc Witt, Burns and Ter- rinet. the Three Hoses, Will Uogers, Ulnes nod Remington, Auburts, C. W. Little- held and the vitagrapb. . AcAOKMt ov Mosic (Huntington & De oeyo, managers). — "Tennessee's Pardner." u; the stock. last week,' drew the usual -8. R. 0. This week, "A Gilded Fool," with Wright lliintli.gton leading. - Boston- (J. H. Tebbetts. manager).—Cur- rent: Cook nnd Hall. Herbert, the frog man: Adams and Mack, the Pryors, and Boston bioscope. • Peoi'ie's (n. A. Woodward, manager).— Week of 4: Edith Reed, Lilly May Hall. « m . |, -ir , - vn > Klhel Nason, Miles Jordon, Mamie Scott. Walter Wentwortb. and the jjjJlMril moving pictures. Burlesque, "High «; , . BciDR , (G - w - Carc y- mnnoger).—Busl- *« continues good. ■■Si %£*£ IllNK (Hennessy Bros., mana- F» ; °™' Idctures nnd Ilustrated songs «re pieaslctr good slwd crowds every Sunday. .Noth.— The Lowell Lodge of Klks, 87, held is annual memorial eervlccs Dee. 3. tho ES m .*. n ,?' ""-' committee on arrangements fhot-o' ."" Dr - J " mcs E - Leary: music by EL* orchestra. Prof. Bro. Emll J. SSS''.^".'I'letor. Eulogiea by Her. Bro., ...V .* ,,Ui anu V0CB ' numbers by tmar- ir . p v I ' thl!l Ranger Cugner, Mrs. F. L. Rob- eris, Osmond Ixmg nnd Harry Needham. _ ' —• i lt«i 0rce ,", ,er — At the Worcester (J. V. oS;--' Jf'tlent tnauncer) "Just Out of Col- SE* tS*" .*• J lle Thalia TTientre l'lddish V«r <*£&. !: Dl,u "' 1 Ladles' Choir 8. "Rip lfe„« ?, kl ° , 14 ' Lu 'u Glascr 10. Last week i. .£. lnj ' Uarnabee produced "Clovcrdell" mJSSJ *"**• t0 e" 00 ' 1 patronage. mZSZ l \ ux „ Sn fAiiR (.1. R Burke, resident m°""F«' 1 ''-— «>-ek of 4, Mnlcolm Williams and i'l.f ?S k \ '!\ " ,n tl,c -rnlaee of the King." Min i.i \ v « t,lc eorapany played "The Little i»» u- ! . \", '•"I'nclty. Week of 11. "Bar- •in.1.;', ft f lll( '. Florence Reed proved par- Dnilnrlv plenslug as Lady Bnbblc! nf j? k n (A "' t- Wltou, manager).—Week li..7,» J.'a^nn Bon All's Too/.oonln Troupe. d,' " I'elnicr, Al Lawrence. Nick Long and erhi. ■r, Cottoa ' J - Aldrlch Llbbcy and Kath Trin "' a - v , C1- . Rice and Elmer, the Majestic fro aiid tW klnetogrnph. —u'^'i" [ c : »• Fonda, resident manager). \Uri\, ot , 4 ' Kntlc Barry, Mr. nnd Jlrs. nh,«, M, ! rnh r- Musical Pernios and the or- 325? , d0K > Howard- and Blaud, Mills and ili°, ,S (,co - »• Alexander. Harry Tate's Eon- eleltroCT u* pre " eatln B "Motoring," and the M .| >M «J tr tTw> of 4: Millie Bertlna and •nd v T. 1!r «ekwuy. the Suokerlnus, James j u i,„' ,nbe Dal'v. George Foster, and Hen n.3T"!\ wfestlitig. as usual, on M'eduesdiiv 5Ck.t ld H evenings. The burlesque Is "V -Mgbt In Khanlytown." lJ222r£ , Uie . '-ynn ff. 0. Harrison. SNSL*** robberg Stock Co. played to S?hr b V s i nc8s ln « week. The Britt-NelBon H5, p i ctu , re « Dec. 4, "The County Chalr- ■n a, "The Serio-comic Governess" U, -. and klnelogruph. tw '■t s " t i' J H i. U ,;a "««l'tr. manager).— )X. e ,t k , of 4 ,. : 5 0ran . in - l,ni1 Deacon, Marvell. f-rlncetun. Bradford*, Cora Evelyn, Rood and Blinms, nnd Billy Naswentb. ■— i North Admits—At Ihe Empire (J. F. Sullivan, mannger) ■■'Hie Seriocomic Govern- ess, Nov. 2S, had generous patronage. Fen- berg Smck Co. Iiiid two large audiences'20 •Joshiui Slmpklns," ::o. had S R 0. "The I.diicniloii i.i' Mr. l'lpp" delighted a large audience Dec. 2. Walle's I'omcdy Co. 4«. "Clieckers" 7. Ricirjiovn (Wm. P. Meade, mannger).— Week of 4: MncarCs Monkey Circus, Mullen nnd Ci.relll. John Crkfr. Smith O'Brien. Boyd nud Coleman and company, and the vitagrapb. ■■■■ ■■ » Iloljoke At Hie Opera House (Ijiwler Bros., inannger.-., 'TIih Flnmlug Arrow" pleased Nov. 28. 20. "The Serlo-Comlc Olrl. 30. jilayeil In mo large niiiliences. Primrose's Minstrels. Dec. 2 drew good business. "Snnlouo." by local tnlenl, 5, li; ADnnKeroiis Ufc" S. F.ui'im: (T'. r", Murruv. manager).—House dark 87-SU Tile Parisian Wirtcws, ::0-Dee. 2, had Ihe rapacity. "Wedded nnd Parted" 4-i>, London Belles 7f), Bou Tons 14-1(1. «'» MISS0LH1. Kansas Clt»—At tlw Willis Wood (Wood- ward & Burgess, run angers) Louis James ap- peared In "Virginias" and "Ingomar." Nov. 20-21). to appreciative audience*. "The School Girl.". M-lMV, 2,.>Iiiid'goodnttendnnce. This we»k will be divided between Sam Bernard und Flnrer.ce ll'ilierts. Next week. Wm. II. Crane :ind Roht Kdcson divide the time. Grand Onou Uoi-sk (Hudson & Judab, managers) —'jist week. "Hap" Ward ap- petired In "The drafter." to good houses. 'Hi's week. "In- Old Kentucky:" Rose Mel- ville. In "Sis Hopkins." next week. tHinmrn (Martin Heck, gcuerai manager) —Good business continued last week. HID this week : The Wonderful Rltlnge. Fred Len- nox and company, Mr. mid Mrs. Alfred Ketry. Mr. and Mi-s. Edward Esmoude, Im- perial Russian Troupe. Ijivlna De Witt; U'er- den and Glnddlsli. and the klnodrome. oi'KiiA lloi'SK (E.-S. Brighton, man- ager).—Last week. "After Midnight" satis- fied Hie Inveifl of melodrama. . This week, "Across Hie Pacific :' "Tlie Gypsy GUT next. AuDiTottn-Jt (Woodward Jc Burgess, man- agers).—Lnst week, "The Smnrt Set" gave good performances, to satlsfactorv audiences, This week. "A Son of Rest:" "The Liberty Belles" next. 1 Cexti-iiv (.?. J, Barrett, manager).—Last week, Ihe Star Show Girls gave good per- formances. This week. Hie JolTv Grass Widows: the Washington Society Girls next. lUmnK (Fred Wnldmann. manager).— - Last week, the New York Slurs scored a hit. This week Golden Crook Extravaganza; the Runaway Girls next. Ci.irPMtJfiis.—- Alice Nlelmi will appear at Convention llnll Dec. 4. Miss Nellsen was formerly a srhoole-lrl In Kansas City: .. 1 .-Manager o. D. Woorfwnrd visited the Burwood, in Omaha, last week. SI. Josenli.—At Tootle* (C. U. PhilleT, manager) "The School Girl" had good busi- ness Nov. 2«. "The Chaperons'' drew 8. R. O. 30. I.ouls James Dec. 2. Florence Roberts ti. Hose ijlolvllle «. Btanm (C. r. Phllley, mannger).—"The Liberty Pelles" liod two good houses Nov. 2(1, 27. "Sweet Clover" plensed 28, 20. "In Old Kentucky" sold out :I0. Dec. 1. "Her Only Sin" 2, "Von Yoiison" 3, 4, "The Gypsy Girl" 7-11. Lrnir (n. W. Van Dyke, manager).—"The Rlols of Russia" last week. J. L. Sullivan week of 3. CiiysTor. (Fred Cosman, manager).—Busi- ness continues good. ■» «» CONNECTICUT. Hartford.—At Parsons' (II. C. Parsons, manager) Charles E. Gr.tpewln appeared to business of fair proportions Nov. 28. Arnold Daly'* excellent company. In "Vou Never Can Tell," gave un exceedingly pleasing perform- ance 2U. "Checkers," 30-Dec. 2, taxed the capacity. The 'management of the theatre presented each lady attending on Thursday' evening, with a unique souvenir postal card, bearing views of both the stage and outside of tbe theatre. Mine. Sembrlch 5. Primrose'* Minstrels 0. "Just Out of College" 9. Hahtpoku Oi'Iiiia (Jennings A Graves Co., managers I.—Lnst week "The Way of the Transgressor" gave good satisfac- tion, nnd Lillian Mortimer, who portrayed Ihe lending character In "No Mother' to Guide Her." was Hie recipient of a very cordial welcome. "On the Bridge at Mid- Liitht" 4-0. "The Eve Witness" 7-9. Pom's (.4. X. Poll, proprietor).—In its en- tirely -Hie bill fur the present week Is con- sidered as zmitl. if not superior, to any that has graced this house during the season. ■ New lluirii. —At the Hyperion (Sum S. k l,eo Shulifi-t. maiinxcrs) i'eter F. Policy. ■n "The Press Agent." drew a crowded house Nov. 27. ••CherierHV drew good relurns 2ft. "Ifs Fp to Vou. Join Henry." hid a good audience 21). "Vou Never Can Tell" had a good house .10. "In tbe Land of Potion" pleased Dec. 1, 2. George Primrose 7. Alex- andra Vlnrda 8. !). New HUvnx <(.:. B. Bunnell, manager).— "The Way of the Transgressor' had good bouses 30-Dec. 2. The Fays week of 4. Poli'p (S. 7.. Poll, proprietor).—Bill for week of 4 : Delia Fox, Shean and Warren, mannser).- wek »r 2i, new: Three Maxxlno*. Ed. aud Uillle Dwyer. Laurel mid Southern. Gertrude Iinpez. Mendc7.ii mil .Mnuriio, Wnrren 11. Sie.toon, and moving pictures. J f^-NTMMs' (Alex. I'nulnges. mnnager).— Week of 27. new: IVIirbann's Itovnl Dnllan Ha ml. Frank P. Wilson. John J. Brace and 'Inrhox Family. Dixie Duo. l'ele Dnnsworth, Shcilnnd listers, Ed. Seymour, and movlug pic I it res. I'r.vriiAi, (Don C. Pooler, manager).— Week of 27, new : De Wyrer aud Tie Wyrer. I'rnnk J. Smith, Alien Slslers, nnd moving plciures. 'MTMSB (Mose Colil-'iniili. manager).— Week of 27. new : Belle Blssell. Rose Adams, Isiltlc Nelson. Doris (ireenwald, Edna Mu- itlla. Hie Great Campbell, nnd Hiilh Mel- broafc. Gaiktv (Fred Ritchie, mnnager).—Week of 27. new:-Hay Curtis, Klectra, Nettle Cody, and Mnud Clark. •I'lieoiiiu —Al Hie Tiiroma (t.'. llelllg. man- Mteri "I'lie Missouri Girl" drew gmsl iiousrs Nov. SB, 2(1. (Hi account of Ihe scarcllv of Inrife uitrnctlons for the next ll\t weeks, starling .Nov. 27, Hie Mack Swain Theatre Co. will appear, at popular prices. Savhv (Clins. Vork, manager).—Miner's Rtirlrsfuiera drew fair houses 24, 2.".. "A Hu- man Slave," 21!. 27, had good houses. The Brltt-Nelson plciures 28, 20, the Thorough- breds Dec. 1, 2. Staii (D. Worlcy. manager). — "East Lvivne" drew good houses week of 20. "Dad's Girl" week of 27. Giia.vh (D. Worley. manager).—Week of 27: Waliliiiul and Telkn, Etliel Whltesldes. George Stewart. Seabury. Julll and com- pany, nnd Woodson Sisters. Business Is good. Tur. CnvsTAt. Axn Oai'iiBiui are doing fair business at 10 rents admission. •<-• .MINNESOTA. MlniicniiollM—At Ihe Metropolitan Opera House (L. X. Scott, manager) "The Yankee Consul" Dec. Il-tt. Mine. Mndjeskn 7-fl. Ruth White and Oscar Flyman.. In- "Tlie Tender- foot." lll-l.'i; Saai Ilernnrd. In "The Uolllck- lug Girl," 14-10. "The Maid and the Mummy" drew pretty good houses last week. Hunt' (IV L.- Hays, manager). — Harrv Clay Hlaney, la "The Boy Behind the Gun.'' 3 and week ; "The Funny Mr. Hooley" 10 nnd week. Kellnr was well received last week. . Okpiikum i Martin Berk, general manager). —The Five I'lroscoflls, Wireless Telegraphy, Stinson aad Mirtou, P.lcnnor Folk, Kennedy anil Ilooney, F.tlsal! and' Forbes. Three Jack- sons, kluodioine, ii and week. Splendid busi- ness last week. - ■• I.vcki'M 11. C. Spears, mnnager).—McCrca ami Poole, ('litis, anil Kate Gibson, Clifford and Ortli, Walsh and Llgon, Cbas. (laird, hlogroph. 4 and week. Business won good last week. torn (W. A. Singer, manager).—Dream- land Beauties ,1 and week. Alcazar Beaatles in and week. I-'nir business last week. Uxiqle (John Elliott, manager).—Byron and Blanch, Two James. Sealte Alexander. I'onfinelle, moving pictures, 4 and week. Business was line last week. st. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scolt. manager) Mndjeskn hud fair business Nov. 27-21). "The Yankee Con- sul" did big hiislnc>a ",()-I)ec. 2. Manager L. N. Scott was absent In New York last reek, leaving Assistant Manager Harry Mater lu control. Mr. Bicker hsiks surpris- ingly well -after nil that he has recently gone through at. tlie bands of the surgeons. He Is almost entirely recovered. "The Maid and the Mummy" week of .'I, Sam Ilernnrd, tri "The Rollicking Girl," 10-111; "The Ten- derfoot" 14-1(1. • GsAxn (T. L. Hays, manager).—Business was very good with Harry Clay Blaney last week. •■Tin.' bunny Mr. Dooley" 3-0, "March- ing Thronjrli Georgia," week of 10. Htau (J. ('. Vnu Iloo, manager).—The Mrciiniliind BiirloKipjors drew very good houses lust week. The Alcazar Beauties week of St. Watson's Orientals week of 10. Thanksgiving morning members of the Dream. land Biirlcf«|ucrH, at Hie star, and the In- nocent Maids, playing at tho Dewey, nt Min- neapolis, to the number of twenty-live people, went with Mannger Van lion lo the peniten- tiary nt Stillwater. Minn., nnd delighted the prisoners v.ltn a most pleasing programme. Oni'linrjr (Charles Frei'ek,. manager).— New people for week of 4 : Meyer and Mason, the' Randolph*. Henry and Hodges, Harper mill I.eavltt, and Edison motion pictures. Holding oier: May-Dcrmny, Theresa Kemp, Ilounle Vonnle. Delhi Reed, Gertie Stephana, and Anna Gcrtln. Emimiik (A. Welnhnlzer, manager).—New faces for week of 4 : De Clalrville and Jones. Holding over: Bertie Yiinliauk. Vera Leslie, I'rmikle Evans. Grace Matthews, Lucille Ulakc. Add Sadler, Charles Kllsworlh, nnd lit: Hi I.ii vim. ■ . Dnliitli hail Its lii-Ht blizzard of the sea- son Nov. 27, 2S, nnd Ihe I heat res suffered from It. LvcKt'Jt (C. A. Mill-shall, mnnager).— Mine. Modjcskii. Nov. 24, drew a very good Inline. "The Tenderfoot," 2.1, did fairly well. Adelaide Herrmann. 27, 2«. plensed a rem I v. Mildred Holland. 2U. 3(1. did well. "Vork Hlale Folks" Deci I, Weit's Minstrel* 2. '"nit Sultan of Sold" .".. «. "Forbidden Land" H, li. "Why Women Sin" 11. Mr.Tiiopoi.itAS (Wm. Longstreet, mana- ger).—The Jolly Girl* Extravaganza Co. had fair business week ending 2.. Innocent Maids 4-P. Buoc (Joe Maltland, manager).—New KVRRYBODY WOUKg IH'T TIIH AGKNTS. J. BERNARD DYLLYN Fimni llroadWBf and !9lb street. Fifth week at the Gold Casino Theatre, with "Tho Karl and the OIH" Co. a* Banker Miss. Hie Mint irom li'- i'"-i Perrelvo plcti re <■■• Itlciiftnl* 1 I'nge. MMK. RirfBt, cos inner. All In Dale, My Soul Hepresenlatlve. Texas and Vt. Clonici)* papers, please copy. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Keith's Theatre Boston, Mass. Kcltb'a Bijou Theatre boston, Mass. Keith's Theatre. Providence, It. I, Keith's Theatre. I'awtucket, It. I. Keith's Theitre Xew Vork City. Keith's New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Keith's Prospect Theatre. Cleveland, O. Keith a Boyil Princess Theatre..London, ting. Harry Davit' Grand Opera House. ntUburg, Pa. Chase's Theatre Washington, D. C Kernnn'a Maryland Theatre.. .Baltimore, T" Shea's Garden Theatre., Shea's Theatre Moore's Theitre Temple Theatre M/ooro'a Theitre Park Theatre Grand Open Douie... .. Buffalo, N. I. —Toronto, Can. . Rochester, N. Y. ...Detroit, Wei. .... Portland, Ms. .Worccnter. Mas*. . .Sjricuie, ». 1 PBRFORBTKRS WILL nKSKFIT TUKMSKLVKR UV KKBPIMO THIS OFFICE IMFOttW JflD OF TI1H1K HO UTB AND OPKM TIME. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, SI. James Building, m. K. MODOOOlM, BooklngManagsr, Rooma 823 to SSS St. Janica llulldiiis. NEW YOR1C Cf.TY. Your Order is Solicited For one of our $25 81111 lined MouK': Cloth Overcoats in Filick or Oxford. They are b^autiftil, made with i>lain seams, French felled edges, sillcvdvet collar. Money c mid not buy a more'perfect parnunt. It looks like a $100 Overcoat, if you don't think so we will credit you with sume. Samples of these materials with silk lining and our "Pointers on what to wear" cheerfully given or mailed to any address. ARNHEIM Broadway and Ninth Street, New York, M The Leading Toilet Article In America and Europe FROSTILLA A POPULAR ARTICLE WITH Actors and Actresses Win. in' II liUKrly in iiri'vt-iit ilu- bands nml fin'" rrmii UfuiuliiK i'mi-!i iifU'i ukIiik "muke up" lllllllts Uieii for Many Years by leading SUri. NOT GREASY OR STICKY-ELEGANT PERFUME IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM. |Vrf,'i-lly hiiriiili'hs In (Icllrnle skin. Gi'iiilciiii'ii IIikI Ii Hiiprrliir tu tiny other article nrtrr mIiiivIiik. I'ltiiS'l'lI.l.A Ih Kond tu :>llny niiy Irrllnllon >'t tin' fkln. Sold Everywhere, If your dealer has not got It- tend 25 tent* tor bottle by mall prepaid. tilt t. HOLIES, BlllBi, I. T. SKETCHES, MOMMIES. Every i Inscription in onler. l.onu experience. Low price. W. MADISON COl.E, 48ii St. Nlcliolae Ave., V. Y. City. . people Inr -I nml erivk: Snuntni, Ailnm» nnd ■Harm, Kifil l*. Hantrll, Jcniili* Itcnlloy. Mr. nml Mm. Arllmr Vniiiii;. I.In JiiBnrmin, I,. O. Whltlirr anil .las. .MrClrllun. *-^» HMMIASKA. Omiilia, —At Iliiyd'H 'I'ln'filrr (\V. J. IJur- ems. niiiniK 1 '!'! -111111' KiMiiiiu'k, In "Tbe lltci-nnl rily," gpned ft four nleht ennge- ment I'nr. I!, "'llu.' IjiikI of Noil 1 7. 8, Sum Itrriiiiril. in "The Itollliklutf (Jill." 0. '"llio Ki'liool lilr 1 " hull ttiiml niidlL-nrca Nov. 2Q-2H. "Horoilorn" iltil lil« liutiliU'HH -I), i.ouls Jniiii-K linil kooiI biMhicsH 'M. I-'lorenro Itoh- erts IliH-. I, i. ISi'iiwimii t\V. .1. lliirKi-HB, innmiger).—The Wootlwnril Sinck pnin.'iilMl "A iiiuikcr'i I'tni|.'lil*'i'" lo hie IiiihIiichm week of -l). They will iiicsniit "I'mlir I lie Itnl llobc" week of 3. Oitrimji (Mnrllu Heck, senernl mnna- Ken.—Week nl l)w. ,'l: Nina MoitIh and i-otiipuiiv, I'n-lli-H l-;uro|ienn novelly, Threu NtvuiTcia, 1'uivi'll, Mvliinl Trio, Joncpb New- m.'iii. /.Iiiiuii'r, nml kinudroinii. lIUHlnemi Ihe pam week wiih gnad Kiicn If. S<. Ilreed. nitinnijeri. — "After MlilalClit" 3. 4, "ThD liyiiny Ulrl" li, 0, "His Hopkins" '■[>. "In Old Ken lucky" 10-ia, "A Sun- of Reel 1 l-|fi. "Tlie ChapcronK" did K«<nl IiukIih'kh Nov. UII-'Jli. "The (Jlrl from Kiiv'h" iuiil piml hoiiHPh .'Ill-Iit'i:. 1!. N'ovi:i.TV ll'. II. MullunJ, luunaser).— I.liiilnt'MM at IIiIk liutiKn lit K'wd. 4 I ♦ miMRK POWER'S CAMERORAPH, FIREPHOOP ■AG&2UES and TAKE DP DEVICE. The Modern Mnllun Picture .llnihlni. r'll.JI SM'KTY NOW AHHVIIHD. Our Klreproor lluitazltics kiiiI Take Up Device will utility Kxhlhliioii Moilcrn ilollon Pletiiro Ml- i-liliie. An cnllrely new uppiiratun liy which ahiw lute surely lo tlm Ulin Iruiu loss liv PI UK IS AH- MURI'.I). The only drvlco of lis kiud which liss re- ceived cirii-iiii ninlorHcinoiita from tbe Local au> thorltlcH &s Hitch. Write lor CATALOG. All of our Apparatus la full; protected tiy United Htatan patents Issued or pendliiR, mid Infringe- ment* will ho vlKortnialy prosecuted. K. POWBK (New Vork Film KxcIiiuikc), 116-111 NuansuBt.K.Y; mill in MAUI2 SIXI.lNli ODIl l-'AHUUtl DISC PHONOGRAPHS. S18.6U liuya»S4S.0U inrgcnt alxs, doohlo flprlnai| concert loml box, e.vtrn urtrn horu, cii-nr us a bell: ftbc&uly. IIOOKIIH UVO, 00.. , U7 West aid nt., Now York Oily. ^►Varitecl at Onoe, FOtt WEST'S COMEDY GO. II PEOPLE IN All LINES. Kxtr* HlrmiR H. und I). Unincdlan and Sotilirelie, Holier, rolUlile, wardrolin. uhlllty. I Wiy ail, WAM.AI.'K WK.ST, Homo Thci4tri.i,|nson,KaH. Mriniililii.—At the Nciv Lyceum (I-'rank Orny, leisee) lilennor Itotisoii presented "Mi-rely Mary Ann," Nov. so, 17. lo crowded houses. rtiiKiiiine Simije, in "Sowlnir the Wind,'' S!i, drew a fulr lnume. Harry Tleres- I'onl. .'In, nt Hurled good houses. "Wood- land" Iiec. II, 7. "A Mcssiikc from Morn" H, I). Hopkins' |A. II. Morrison, manager).— limine** was good week of i!7. The ollurinir* were: Itirrtmf h iieruliatle dons, Violet Dufe, llowartl llros.. Mltrhell mid Gate, Arthur I'rlniT. Hylveater, .limes nnd 1'rltigle, Hen- rietta Ue Herri* and the klnodrome. Hum: (II. ti. Hlnlnlxii-k, iiiiiiiager). —"A Jolly lliiniii," wilh Hilly riirfonl. (nut week, plnyed lo S. It. fl. "The ISIack t'rook" 4-0, ■ CliiillniioiiKa. —At New Opera Hoiice IP, II. Albfrl. intningerl "Tile Shepherd King,' Nor. ST, pli-.'iM-il. n h did "The (ii-lnhn" ,'10, nml "Howliig the Wind" Iter. 1. i-.'Iks' Memorlnl .'I, "A Melange from JlinV -I. Mdsull IVIn tbrop Stock to. O-'J, "Wo<idlftiid M 11, "A Mad- cap Prlnceis" VI. Lewis Morrison 14. Flor- ence. Davis 15, "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" 18. LEADIIO BAI, OHAB10TEB MAI, LAM P1AI18T. Others write. Hendphoton, If pomlhle, MANAOKR A THOIlOUilllilltKO Til AM I* Co., l.'oiHliohgoktfn, !'»., Doc. I). . . WANTED, For STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO.. COLORED MUSICIANS For • (Jolorml Ilaml. Answer lif loiter only. Cure III 1,1. HOAKI), H40 ItronilwHy, New Vork. I.KON IVAHIIIIUKN. BOSTON. MASS:, l.afuytiiie < liumlier*. HI llu j »> ui ,1 PI, One mliiiile Irojn all ihciurus. Tliciitririti rites, Vi per woek anil up. hIiikIo; si nnd up, i loutuc. ACROBAf AT LIBERTY. Ground tiirniiiliig uiul mlilillo. Adilress J. w„ rare of Hlilinmn. is; N,2'l St..Newark. N.J. I.AKUK LOT OK SECOND HARD FILMS CHEAP. SUDEI, HUPI'LI K«, Ble. » I). I.. HULL j UP., M il K, tl'tli HU, (llilcago, HI. WANTED, ACTORS WHO PLAY BRASS. 'food. HlroiiK Cornel; llarllnite for HEN. ni'S., 1'roniiiout' for Juveniles, It. J. KRWOOD. Rocliealer, Pa, AMATEURS, For ruiiBlCHl farce cntncdlu, oneta an.l vsudevlll?, elnli*. concerta. ulttl lurm. open (III l» p. M, ' KOI iltKMkK . lim ll roKdway, N, V. MU8IC ARRANGED, ~ COMPOSED, ETC. A. KHBTSilAlt, 41! K. I«n HI., !»'. t» .