The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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December 9. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. X03i; tfE STILL INSIST THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE "HOME, SWEET HOME,'' SONG AMD ITS TITLE XS "ONLY A MESSAGE FROM t'y CARROLL FLKMINt. and BDBIOND \. FI.OIIANT. Read what ALLEN MAY writes: "I enolose program (Only a Message). It is going GREAT this week-more applause for It than any sentimental song I have had on this year. I will use it at the Savoy Theatre, Atlantic City, next Sunday. Slides are immense." (in a flat, ranging from d to k plat). PUBLISHED ORCHESTRATIONS IN TXtV© KEYS, d" •, ranging from k to vy. If these a*e not In the key you dealre, let as know, and we will have a ipeclal one made for yon. The choru. li il» arranged lor male volree by the late CHA9. SHATTUCK. BEAUTIFUL SLIDES, BY DH WITT C. WHEELER, tS.Ol) PER fJBT. FREE-PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS TO RECOGNIZED PERFORMERS. OR THOSE SENDING UP-TO-DATE PR0BRAMS.-NO CARDS. ITMARK <&> SONS^ Publishers, WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 W. 87th ST., NEW YORK. "FAOTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS." CHARLEY BANKS CREATES A FURORE IN MILWAUKEE, RF/n'RNR TO TOT CRYSTAL THEATRE AFTIOIl A BOOST AISSKXCK, AND, RKQVEST, REPEATS HIS ARSTJRI> PROPOSITION, IIV AMD RECEIVES AN OVATIONI EVERY SENTENCE AND VERSE A SCIIKAM. Another of his Specialties In Fond Du Lnc TOOK TUB MOUSE BY STORM. It remained for Charles Banks, however, to tnko the house bv storm. Dressed 119 nn old darkey minister, lie addressed the nndlencc for some time upon the various topics of the day, and every word wns the signal for an outburst of laughter.—TUB DAILY BUL- LETIN, Fond Du Luc, Wisconsin, Tuesday, Nov. 21. 1005. Open Time for Dates or First Class Shows. Address 398 S. CKXTRB AVE, Chicago, III. MUSICIANS WANTED. SODEfl, FIRST CUSS HIGH PITCH FLUTE li PICCOLO; I-IHST CLASS SOLO CORNET, SECOND TROMBONE IN BAND, DOUBLE PROPS; SECOND CLARIONET IN BAND, DOUBLE PROPS; 80NO AND DANCE PERFORMERS with good voices and uBeful doubles, GOOD BARITONE CHORUS SINGER. Address HI HENRY'S MINSTRELS, wanMnirton, Now Jersey, Dec. Ilobolcen 14.10, 16, 0; Boonton It, Englcwood 13, Paterson 13, HARRY HOLM Songs, Parodies and Stories. 12 MOnriBS IN ONE. Dee. 4, Family Theatre. 195th St., N. Y. City. Dec. 11, Family Theatre, Lancaster, Pa. WANTED, Al QUARTETTE FOR BURLESQUE Must ALL PLAY PARTS. WireGayety Theatre, Albany, N.Y. rt „ r4miwi . — HAltltV llftYASTi SILENT and CIRCUS ACTS. TWENTY WEEKS. MONEY SUBE. CM use 10 mora Double Acta, also Single Acta' of every description. Open May 1, close Oct. 1.' State yonr lowest. Waat nothing ImtSllent Acts, Acta that worked for me pam season and have contracts ror the coming Benson, must get tholr catalogue matter In at onoe. Want to hear from any Act that can lie worked outdoors. No act loo Dig for the Frank P. Spcllman Attractions. . Address FRANK P. 8PELLMAN, Lyoeum Theatre Mdg., Cleveland Ohio. WANTED QUICK, A Trick Bicycle Rider for Stage and Street, For Blotiditt & Leon's "Bip Van Winkle" Company. M'lll give you twelve dollars per week anil nil expenses after joining. "WW. Salary sure. Wire my expense, will wire you where to Join. \\ - ry sure, wire my expense, ,. "uuton, 8; Pierce, 0; Madison, 11; New Mangrove, IS. No time to send Isner, Neb., Dee. 7 ; Wanted Qt*iote, to (Strex^ctlxer. THE JOHNSON-HARRINGTON STOCK GO,, Ljadlrut m 80i Heavy Man, Comedian with red hot spcc'altlo?, Juvenile W «ter Woman, Sketch Teum, Lidy Plsnlst, Houiirette with specialties, IT BJM Agent and Feature Specialty Acts. Nothing hut city time, liom! i Woman with specialties. Char ... Property Man to plav tun. first .."v. Nothing too good for this show, first class wurdroho lndisnensah e. Pav tour own. J"ln on receipt or wire. No ticket*, unless Mown to us Address JOHNSON and BARRtNOTOS, 1612 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. J. HENRY ROWLEY fw... ^ THKATRICAIi COSTUMBR, 140 W. S3d ST., NEW YORK. vSX'J! RortWa Formerly BAYDEN * ROW^KY. Manasrer of Bl/OD TnjBATBR. PATBB80N.IJ. J ESTIMATES GIVEN. NLABOKATE E FFECTS. MODERATE PK1CES. ACTORS' SOCilTV OF AMERICA. „ Jfeinbors of the Hooletj aro requested to make sure that their oorroct addresses are on llie; alto rnotos. Bonrt u u> a . Ex $ tem «„$,,. y . p. 8T0NE, Secretary. 114 West toth Street, New Tork. HENRY BROWN, VAUDEVILLE AOCNT, 80 DEARBORN STREET. Chlcaaw, 111- «( WHITESIDES PICKANINNIES, GREATEST NOVELTY IN VAUDEVILLE. MVTED, FOR THE SECOND ANNUAL TOUR WASHBURN S D ALMA'S FAMOUS TRAINED ANIMAL 8HOW8, PEOPLE II ILL DEPARTMENTS One pood Animal Trainer to work the ring (stock Is already broke). One good Rucking Mule Rider (colored mun preferred), good Band Leader nn.l Musicians, Trnp Drummer. Musical Team (male) lo double In band and concert. Doss Canvas Man, Iloss Hostler that understands veterinary diseases. Heat Men. Canvas Men, Property Men, Pony Boys, Four and Six Horse Drivers, one good Elephant Man, Conks, Waiters, Train Men, Agents and I'nlmi III)! Posters. All must be sober and reliable, OR DON'T WRITE. Will Ruy three or four more Leaping (ireybounds. Would like to hear from the (.entry Ilros. Trainers, if not engaged by them for next senBOO. DAVE MAKKKL, WHITE. We have our owo cars adapted to feed aad sleep our people Kood, and good salaries and good treatment guaranteed. Show opens early in April. Ad- dress CORONA (L. 1.), NEW YORK. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MATINEE AND EVENING, OPEN FOR GOOD BUSINESS. Also open time In Jan., Feb., Mar., Apri', Day. ONLY THEATRE IN CITY. 81 NO I.BR k SMITH, Mgra., Sandusky, 0. At Liberty, JENNIE TJIESIIAM, Characters or rjenerel Business. BABY EDNA, Clever, Pretty; Parts and Specialties. 7 yean' old. Stock, Repertoire or one Play. Wardrobe and experience. Address No. DO WALTON PLACE, Chicago, III. WANTED AT ONCE, MAN TO RIDE DNICYCLE. To Join at once. Must work In parade and do specialty. State all In Mrst letter, calary and just what yuu can do. AddresB J. C. ROCKWELL, Manager Su nny Sonth Co., Pcnn Yan, N. Y. ELEGANTLY UNIFORMED ~*. HUNGARIAN BOYS' BAND Can recommend same lor long engagement: .12 to 20 wind Instruments, First class sensation f>r circus or vaudeville. Address W, ANDORFL Direct"', Tomcs-Rekss, Hungary, Austria. Correspondence In Qerman. ' HARRY Z. AUSTIN AT* UIBI For Tarts nnd Specialties, or l'lnno. Rep. or onu piece preferred. Al Mgrs. only, write or wire quick. IIAltllY 55. AUSTIN, Green- vllK Minn. Regards to L and friends. Jl E000 BUCK FACE COHEBIIM That can change for one week and sing and dance. CLEM IIAUKNRY, Former Her. Wizard Oil Co.. Macon, (la. AT LIBERTY—AGtlir. H. E. MEYERS, Can book or route. Join on wire. Address HOTF.L MONROE. TUusvllle, Pa. At Ijlberty: AGENT. I LTON BAKKR, Akron, Olilo. At Liberty, STRONG BASS $ TUBA. I.OKO EXPERIENCE AND RELIA11LE, Add ress B KHT P OTTER , Paragou'd. Ark. VVANTEO QUICK, AI SKETCH TEAM AND Two Feature Specialty People lo strengthen my hlg Med Co, Yon mti.t lie good. DR. J. KEY, Hinckley, Minn. * GEO. M'ELIES "STAR" FILMS FLIP'S DREA A New unit IHugnHl- rnn.r a"N /^T<1aT"nCI Copyrighted 1000 ceiuCfneraatojnraph- I KN ejC/JCaJM ^{j M >- JUHC t*. Ml *C L^ISSM, Ic Opera tlouire In I'arl.-New York, Inspired by til*.HIP VAN WINKLE TALK. . . LENGTH, 1,086 FEET. SPECIAL PRICE, $168.00 The above price Includes one copy of the Incidental mnslo adapted rmm the popular Opera Rourfe. "RIP VAN WINKLE." (NO DEDUCTION WITHOUT MUHIC.) LvAOPKST NOVBI/TIBS. 732-737 The Tower of London (Death of lone de Eta. queen of England). Lengili, 427 feet. Pric», S64 00 750-752 The Mysterious Island, - 220 feet, $34.00 753-755 Unexpected Fireworks, - 201) feet, $30.00 • New York Branch, 204 EA8T 38th ST., OASTON MELIE8, Gen'l Minigir. Qtn'l Wtittrn Selling Agents, KLEINE OPTICAL CO., 62 Stall 8t..Chlcago, III. *1 Repertoire and Specialty People Wanted, FOR A. 1). Mrl'IMWS »!<! IIHAMATK' AND KPWIALTY COMPANY, RAM* AND Oil (.'IIKSTRA, TIIAVlOl.lXd IN TIIK FINHST PIIMiMAN STATKKOOM CAIIH I IN VllK BO At I. Good, Hober, HclluliU', Kxperleiicitl Dramntic Peupli', In nil lines. Mini fur JuvimiIIc Lcadn nnd tlonil t'hnrai'li>r ami Comedy Old Mun: Vermilllu l.eudliiir Woman, idso Wniiiini for Charnirters nnd tienernl HusIopkh, or Oood Houbretto that can 1'lny i.cihIm and do Hpei'lnl- ties; tiuiiil Coinrdlnu that run do HpeclnllleH mul change often, Hpeclnllv Acis unci Sketch Teams that cim change for we<>k, (iooil rilleneo iinil Fun Act, Kecenlrle UuiKlng and Cleiin t'omndy 8|K'clnltlert, Khudowgrni)h, Marlouettea, liliick.Ari, Mlud Heading ami Keened Sight Team that can change often can secure lung, nleiily I'tigagcinent. I pay nil lifter Joining. Will advance tickets to Join. Specialty lvoplc limn can play Hiuall punii or blis, er tloml Dramatic lVople Dint do HpeclnllleH, I can alwoya place. All iniiHt linve good sober nnd experienced. Name lowest noliiry In llrst letter. Toll all, and do nol. mlsrrprp sent. 1 can nlwavs llnd a place for good people wlin can tinprrclnlo getting their iiionev when due, with Home of my at tract loim. (live thi.e for mail !o reucli me, and If you can loin on wire, stale ho In letter. Want two morn (Circus Experiencedi HIM 1'iwlers that can, and will, put up the paper, regardless of the cold or wentliir. Winter and Hummer'. work. Address for two weeks, AMUiKW HDIVMK WritHH, Oelorulne, Manitoba, Cniindn, Cure Mrl'liee's Hlg Conipimy, NO. ONR 11 LIBERTY DEC. IS, FOR DRAMA, FARCE OB MUSICAL COMEDY. THE 20th CEHTUBY OPERATIC AND G0IEDT DUO, JOHN C. MAYME ROBISCH anil CHILDRESS SINOIKfl COMEDIAN (Light Uarltone). . . HINUINi; AND IlANCIKli HOnilllaTTPj ' (Hitprauo, High f). ,: :.J Rciponslble parts. High grade spcclallles, with cliiliurato costotultig. Would consider oilers from vaudeville managers and agents. Address care or . ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Park arnburtr . W. v a . Wanted, to Join at Once, Strong ■sttWAL'tt 10 FEATURE Mmt be J.w to Roprrtolre, alto MAN WITH MAffUNK AND FILM", or Ooetl SltVGEH with Outfit, ami a strong HI!VGI sit and DANCING Ml'KC) ALTY. '. r Addrate \v. i>. In /.ukiiali), manag«r. KATHRYN PURNELL CO., Peek.klll. V. Y . !>•• . «-t'i "^''"'t. N. V., 11-10. Union Carpenter Owing tn floBlnt; orKPFIE KI.I.HLKR CO. (an uIve li'.i nf riifi relict.. Addre.* Kb, DBS HOCIIKB, Hotel Wnrt«»».i, in* ^V^.t :c»ih «•, W. Y, —a -—THE MARQUANDS— America's Premiers. Hlack ami Tight Wlro Artists snd Mid-Mr .tugglors, p.ot't n'ny i arts. Kor Bur- lestjue or itepertolre. Address TIIK MAKO.L'ANU't. N ■ ni stiinmor-i,.fl«-nir.i palls, II. I. AT UDBRTY APTBIl OKI. 0, -on. ■- KAUFER and BRINKMEYER '•« For Vaudeville, Farcical Comedy or iturlcsiiue. AlHpeclaltlef, Per address,' KAl'l Kit i. URINKHRYKIt.cirnot Zayno,(4Mack Block, Milwaukee, Ills. ffinrTWIiTNAI THC PERFECT TRUNK. inUILOOlUrmJU THIS PAL PIIOmSMONAIi TRUNK In the com- TWii4i./<>' *"* Ituak! you will use It sooner or later, Your I HUNKS money back If not pleased, Hentl for cutnlogiie"C." Iliunrw; „ ' ^llo w. tOth ST, N. Y.