The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1084 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEE. Decembek 9. ROSE aid SNYDER'S Best and Latest Coon Song, an Absolute Knockout. WATCH w -fS? E CROWD GOES OY ANDREW STERLING and KERRY HIL LS' Great Ballad. Yon Know What They Have Written. This Is Better Than Any of Their Pr evious Efforts. Slides In Preparation. NOTMN" from NOTHIN' luves YOU WE'LL BE '• By AL. BRYAN I I THINK CLOUDS ROLL BY TOGETHER WHEN THE By AL. BRYAN and KERRY MILLS, the Writers of "When the Bees Are in the Hive." The Slides Are Ready, and They are the Greatest Ever Made. AWFULLY GOOD COULD BE By WILL D, COBB and KERRY MILLS, Writers of "Good-Bve, Sweet Marie." The Above is a Cute Little Waltz Song. Will be Hummed, Sung and Whistled the World Over in No time at All. YOU HOWD » FURNISH ? HOME B The Cut. Little Coon Song, by MAXWELL SILVER, who Wrote "Mississippi Mamie," and REN SHIELDS, who Wrote "Good Old Summer Time," aed "Cone Take a Trip in My Airship." IF YOU MISS ME ROSE and SNYDER'S Big Ballad Hit. The Slides are Now Ready, and They are Magnificent. Come iu and see us if you can. Orchestrations and professional copies sent tree. Send postage for mailing. BEGINNING EfRLY IN MARCH, 1806, MS MEL SEA! II. UN IN 1 { 6 ID I WE MRS. Bajmicncad aniTHiorcmuhly reliable nwn are preferred, and to those good wage*, with the beat of utcn'iiiinodatioiis.awl'U lolig engagement is offered. Successful applicants will huve their unssqgo ptiid from Xuw York to Marseilles on steamer leaving about Fob. 15. jqo6. Address 08 fellows'! DRIVERS to J. T05KY, UiirValo .Bill's Wild West, Grand Chcmin <lu Toulon, Mar- seilles. Kraneo. .■'.-' '.'•' ■ ■■ CANVAS MEN and SBAT»MKU to J. EBliRLK. Buffalo Bill's Wild West, Grand Cheirtjjn du Toulon. MnrsuillfH, frwicu. ' W TRAIN MKN toR. P. MUKH1.V, Buffulo Bill's Wild West, Grand Chemin du Toulon, Marseille*. France.' v , './ ' W. m. HUTOHINSON, Hanagn BuJUki Bill's Wild \v»«st, Grand Chcmin du Toulon, Marseilles, Fiance. Americun Office-Js W. 14th St.; New Y ork City. ■__ «HAS- LORRAINE and GANDY -LOUISE The only Novel'T Orotetquo Comedy and Slnplng Aot op record. This Mason with Butler, Jacola and Iiowery. Wear'esllU kespluu tneui guessing, boys. West regards to friuuds. Managers, get Hits tot for next BeaaonwMle yon can. LOBJIAINH AND QANDY. >*$. %U tanrrcemwi, THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK mUlUOOiUWAL .U made of IMBRB. nuil Is GUARANTEKD by Its __■ ,' 'maker. It Is light In weight. This Is the trunk thlt IRHklU\ I" keeping the other uiHmifichirerR guessing. Bend IftUntva for catalogue "C." 110 W. 4utli ST., Is". V. OPEN TIME WANTED, FOR NEW LYCEUM THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, 0., FIRST CUSS ATTRACTIONS FOR 1, 2 Oft 3 NIGHT AND WEEK STANDS Want an attraction for opening nlpht, Dec. is. Opening time during Jan.. I'rli . March, April and May. Reasonable termato tint iilass attractions. Managers reportolre companies write Address GPS HUN, Springfield, 0. , w a sv t m r> Four or five ple'ea. to open Aprl 1ft, iw». 20 weeks' engagement Money guaranteed. Paluatlur Shters preferred. MONTE carlo MUSIC HALL, Dawson, V.T. AT LIBERTY, For Mufilcai Comedy, Minstrel or Burlesque, GT.DeVILBl\S HKNBATIONAL UNSUPPORTED OUIOINAL LAD- DER WIZARD. A Wonderful European Novelty Act, a feature tor any bill, and a strong comedy wire act that get a tew laughs (that's ah). Can Join on receipt of wire. Wire or address GT. }'K VIliBIS. Theatre. Blnofleld, W. Va., Dee. 4 to 14. DRAMATIC PEOPLE, DOING SPECIALTIES; AI PIANIST-QUICK. Address BDWAKD CVRRAN, Mgr. OURRAN-MILTON CO.. Temple, Texas. WANTED, HI8B GL&8S L1VIR0 CURIOSITIES Of all kinds Would like to hear from Johanna the Gorilla Ctrl and the Fat Bearded Lady. Also waut parly who can do Ventriloquism, Punch aud Magic. I have good window spares to let. Address WORLU'S TRAVELING MUSKCM, 8V8 Easox St., Lawrence, Mas;. NTE GOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE In ail lines. Leading Man, Leading Lady, Song und Danco Comedian and Soulirctte, an'Aefir that can dlreot stage. Salaries every Wednesday, rain or shine. GEO. W. LOWE. Pocatello, Idaho. VAUDEVILLE ACTS. If you want, to break your Jump between New York and Chicago, put In a week at the little MA1V1IL.TOIM, CAN. P. S.—Dec, in and later time open. j, q. appLETON, Manager. ABERDEEN, MISS., BK'PJBJiySffWfl. OTer ,226 Mon nl & ht 'his season. I WANT A FEW NOHB GOOD AT. TRACTIOMH. Write for open time. w. H. YOUNG, Manager. MOiJTREi Wanted, Refined Vaudeville «SINGI^RS and DOUB1VES. Artl.U playing Canada, wrlle. p. Q.BRADPOKD, P.O.Box 130, Montreal. ' CULHANE, CHACE & WESTON'S -™.... JKSBLBB? * mm EXCH "« E v„ M «,, iMMiMnfTmesiKM^^^ Open Time. North, South, East, West. Maori gSSSi°P™„ T ,. 7 °™* 1 1 r " 0 J"' STAND THEATRICAL GUIDE, out May 15, I0O6. Tarty wth small amonut of capital can Have good investment by applying as above.