The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1086 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December <) J TJ & T A RE UttE INDEI * This 8«aaon'8 Aoknowledgod Hit. 99 PICNIC FOR TWO Words t>y Music toy ARTHUR J. I.AMB. AlyBBRT VCXLV 1MX,2JBR. THI8 8018 IB I0W A PEATDRE WITH I0BE ACTS AID PBODU0TIO8S TBAI AIT OTHER 8018 01 TIE IABEET. FITS AID IAIES flOOD II AIT SPOT 01 S1TDATI0I. VERY 8TB0I0 A8 A 0L08II8 IDIBER. slides Now Ready for This Song, slides They Are the Best Ever Produced by WHEELER. SLIDES 4f*43.00 Per Set. SI/IDES Talk About: Big HI*., CAN'T BEAT THIS OKTE>. "Have You Seen My Henry Brown?' Words toy IVltiwio toy DAVB J. OI<ARK. AI.BBRT VON TIX,551$R. THE ONLY COON SONG BALLAD ON THE MARKET. TEIS 018 IS I0RE TEAI A BIT, IT'S A SCREAM. 8ET8 I0RE LAUGHS AID EICORES TBAI AH 0TEER 0001 8018. BVERYBODY Oil 8118 THIS Oil. C00I SHOOTERS OR BALLAD 8II6EBS DOI'T MISS IT WfflLE IT'S IEW, , WATCH ITOR 'spoontime: THE YORK MUSIC CO., 40 West 28th St, New York, ALBERT VON TILZER, Manager WATCH ITOR 'spoontime: WE SUPPLY MEDICINE MEN With SILVERWARE, HOLLO WARE, STATIONERY, AND EVERYTHING THEY NEED. We Are The wma»a»—rc— n— »otf«m—i We Are The MostRellable House In the Business ■SIBnhkm house 874 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. Promptest House In the World THE GHAS. K. HARRIS S0N6STER, Absolutely the Beit. Always Contains the Latest Hit*. ■MALI. SIZE, 0X*19,"i. •l-OO PER HUNDRED. LARGB SIZE, 10^x13^, $l.SO PER HUNDRED, WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICES FOR SPECIAL DESIGNS. 31 West 31st St., New York. METER COHEN, Mnnoger, (The Largest Ballad Home In the World.) A* Papular Prloa» SATISFACTION UUAKANTKKD. Catalogue Free. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 109 State St., otli *■!., CHICAGO. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER. THE 401 AND THEATRE REVIEW, tra»nct* ijondon, FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. - 8s. 8d. PBB YEAH PROPB8SIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, - 2s. Oil., Single Column Inpl NEW YORK COUUBSPONDKNT AND UHP., IDA CARLE, OWICB, 708 ST. JAMES m.DQ., where advertisements will be received. Copies on Die. BOSTON'S THEATRICAL STORE GREEN'S PHARMACY, 232 TRBMONT ST., Cor. BLIOT ST. (Formerly Parker's Pharmacy). PROPRIETORS OP ELITE COLO CREAM. BOc. n>.—80c. J4B>. (Simple Sent on Bequest). Performers, Bring Your Ch»ok« or telephone 1888 Bryant, to LOWANDE'S TRANSFER CO., N. K. Comer 41it and Ktn At*., New York. 1 am an ex-performer and know how to handle jrour baggage. Hand Unar exclusively for Tony Pastor's Theatre. Btorage also. Open Sundays. ' VRITE OR TELEQRAl'H WHEN AND WHERE TO MEET YOU. WIGS WILLIAM HEPIVER WIG CO. LEADING WIG BAKERS. Largest stock In America. Wigs made to order. Fall line of patois, powden and oold oream. Send for catalogue "0" to either place, 184 WEST seth St., N. Y.; Ohtoago Opera Route Blooi, Chicago. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHT: PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS aSSIIRATES. Anit make yon a fortune. If you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anyttalnsr, you should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our serv- Ices at small cost. Sendfor onr SPtXIAL OFFER 10 INVENTORS before applying for a patent, it will pay you. HANDBOOK on patents sent FREE. We advise if patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us. W0RMELLE & VAN MATER, Manager*, Columbia Copyright a Patent Co. Inc., WASHINGTON, D.C WILL ROSSITER'S SONG""- 90 PER 100 LATr«T"HITS" I'm Feel In'Flue Circus Books Bong Hooka Address: will aoaaiTin Washington St. CHICAGO BOOKS SHkollne Tights, 88.00 Worsted, Tights. »JJ.00| Cotton Tight*. fl.uOi Silk Tights, from 18.89 dsm Bhlrta to match all earn* price as tlghtai Pumps. 88 cast.) Gait- ers, tl.OOt Elastic Supporters, fl; Cloth Supporters, 88 cents. Send for catalogue and samples of tight, free. Tfo.ltl-reljr a ae- required. Satisfaction guraa- d or money refunded, spiokr Bros., M Woodbine St., Brooklyn, H, Y. Old stand bat new address. STAJjLHAN'8 DRESSER TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue in packing and unpack- ing. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds aa muoh and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. 0.0. D. with privilege of ex- amination. 2o. stamp for cata- log. F. A. 8TALLMAN, 8aw. Spring SU, Columbus, 0. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OPERATORS USING ACETYLENE GAB SHOULD USE THE BRAY "BETO" BURNER Here la the burner that yon have been looking for. The burner that will give you more light than any other burner ever made. A burner that will stand all kinds of hard knocks and not break. A burner that will cost you less than thoBe you are now using. We don't aek you to take our word for It. Try for yourself and Bee. Send no your name, permanent address and two cents In stamps to cover postage, and we will send you a S BURNER Now don't miss this. Write us today. We wouldn't dare make this offer un- less we knew our burner was just right. M ABa|| 17 AflliniUV Room IN, 1131-33 Broadway, New York. s ullAltC UUIrArlli Bole agents for the United States. itt..uo.! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves I Electric Belts from 81 per dos. up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, 75c dos.; Electric Insoles. 8THe. dos. pairs. Soap, 82.10 gross; Fine Medi- cal Batteries. Bend78c. for Sample No. 14 B-B.,exp. prepaid. Latest out On third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Ble* trie Belts and Appliances In U.S.A. Established 1878. Lee tore and price Hit free. THE ELECTRIC APPLIAHCE CO., Burlington, Kin. HAVE your music published on royalty Send ■ a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. Wa have no favorite writers. All nave equal chance. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 308 Hanhattaa Bldg., CHICAGO. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amateurs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THD WORLD. Books for some amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jariey's Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Free 1 - Free I _ . SAMUEL FRENCH, 17 W. 22d St., New York. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE—EST. 1800. 5 TRUNK 20 E. 42dSt. 412 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, Cor.25tliM. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. Our Professional Trunks are Guaranteed for 10 Tears. a Tfl GOING TO EDBOPE To apply for lowest rates at Paid tauig's Exchange Office, 104 East lath Bt, N. Y., German Savings Bank Building. Tel., 20M Qramerey. Cable address, Slaneslg. All printed matter and tat free. SETTER . LITHOGRAPH^ AEOUT HALF THE PRICE HEW LITHO-TINT PAPER SEND FOR CATALOGUE., Morrison Show Print DtUo[l D.ltolt. Mich. SONG-POEMS POPULAR HUSIG PUB. PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY. We write kluslo to your words. Introduce and popularize. Send In MSS. CO., 810 Enterprise Bldg., OHIOAUO. HEADQUARTERS FOR WIGS Largaat Btook In IM*»w York. OUR SOUBRETTE WIO AT $4.00 18 A BEAUTY. A POLL LINE OF BWITUHE8 ON HAND. Bend for Price List. The Prices wlU Surprise you. E0SE KOOH LENOX, 17 E, U»b. Street, Near Union Square, HEY T0BI. MMF CRiNE costumes. lYmial VIlMllaWj ESTIMATES GIVE SLIGHTLY WORN. Burlesque. Evening, Street Gowns FOR SALE, OH RAP, OR MADETOORDBJL AUDi VUBRI • VeVauBaunaWtal IV UAeUBsBI IBM Broadway, lf«W l«h. IT WILL PAY FOR IT- SELF IN ONE DAY, It spins sugar into cotton candy, any color or flavor. Agents In all European countries. THE COTTON CMOT GO., 63 West Bth St., New York. VHZATBICULL OOvSTTJnCaTB, 136 N. 7TII ST., PHILA. FUNK& CO. W M 55d!KS HoYlOKEB'8 THEATRE, Chicago, UK Telephone—Central, 804. Sena for Catalogue. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING. EXOLU8IVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp and Stage La.ts alwayBonhand. Hall orders Filled. Fit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, Tel. 568 Madison Square. 600 Sixth Ave., near Slat Street, S. T. ' OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT AN INSTANT SUCCESS. Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, EM. Orand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, ate, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor tricks tree MARTINEA A CO.. Rim, 4» Sixth Ave., N.Y. 4 UNIFORMS ■ante, Mmtary. Minstrel rerede OaV Bla, ushers an! all others. Seat far Catalog, mention Una treated, Speslal Attention Olvea the Profeaalea. wesv erm Uatfena 0e., SH Clark st, Ohlsaga, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, BU8HE8, VINE8 AND NATURAL PREPARED PALMS, 8AG0S, ETC., FOR STAGE USE. Anything and everything In this line for stage purposes, for speolal sceneries and occasions, fire- proof or otherwise. Write for mv large Catalog O. which will he of great value to yon. CARL NBT8CHBRT, 180 Wabash Awe., Chicago. I CTD A X aP HALF-TONE 131 if I\ 1 Ei PROCESS CO. ■ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A | rnTC frOcf. SQUARE INCH» M ' cms 8 "worn y Stage J Street Gownt 1VIR8. O. E. D«JF"F- P Tel. UTl-Ont Oxford, mm TREHONT STREET, BOSTON, Opposite llajeitlo Thestie. sl tv c o h r t n ly Stage I Street Gowns BABNBTT (m ANDREWS), """gSfflrtWr™*