The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1092 THE KNEW YOEK ^CLIPPER. December ig. ANNIVERSARY NUMBER Following the custom which we es- tablished last year, we will not issue a Christmas Number of The Clipper, bul we will issue an elaborate Anniversary Number, commemorating the beginning of our fifty-fourth year. This number will be issued on Feb. 24, 1906, and will be handsomely embellished with numerous half-tone engravings, etched on copper, together with an illuminated cover of unique design. Our aim will be to main- tain, if not surpass, the high standard of excellence which has characterized our special numbers in the past All persons desiring to insert pictures or advertisements in this number should apply at once, as the space is limited and the time for preparation is short As we do not make a practice of canvassing people in the profession, do not wait in expectation of an agent calling upon you. but send in your order without delay. PRICES FOR PORTRAITS FAYABLB IN ADVANCE. Sl»2ix3i- - • • Size 414 - • - 15.00 25,00 PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Per Inch, Single Column • - 2.80 Quarter Page • - - 45.20 Half Page - • - ■ 90.40 Whole Page • - - 169.50 i h m mum a (LIMITED), Publlihm olTHE NEW YORK CUPPER, ALBERT J. BORIE, Hew Y«rk City, Editorial rod Business Mgr., N.Y. WARNING! All persons are cautioned against in- closing money witb letters to us, UNLESS THE LETTERS ABE REGISTERED. We are in receipt of complaints from many who have lost money by sending il through the mail, which demonstrates tbal that method ol making remittances IS NOT SAFE If Postal Honey O.der, Chi ok or Dtalt it sent and is stolen from the mail, a duplicate can be obtained and there will be no lots ol money, bat there will be a loss of time, which may be of the utmost importance. We will guarantee all persons agniust loss in sending ui remittances IF THE LETTERS IN WHICH THEY ABE KENT ARE PROPERLY REGISTERED. NIW YORK CLIPPER, A1BEBT J. BORIE, Mannti .Mask," was given. Id It appeared the won* derful dancer, Slgnor Vlttorlo de Vlncenttl. who recently was the hit of the "Excelsior' ballet nt the Lyceum. He was assisted by Mil*. Morlno, who appeared tor the first time In Knglnnd. Their difficult dances aroused the audience to much enthusiasm, especially the pirouettes of Vlncenttl. Mrs. Hcrnard Bcere recited "The Portrait" and "Little Ilreecbes." She was favorably re- ceived. Number seven was Madge Lea- sing, who appeared In a new Highland military scena, entitled "Hear the Pi- pers Calllnc, Jenny, Mine." The sceoo Is on the order of the "Good Bye, Little Qlrl, (Juod Rye" number, which was such a bit at l he opening of the bouse. Soldiers In Scot- tish garb nre brought Into play during the action of the song. Miss Leasing looked very charming In kilts. Her second number was a revival of the popular scena, "Robs Anna," and It went as well as when flrat put on at the Coliseum. Miss Leasing Is cer- tainly a fixture at this bouse, and when she leaves her p'ace will not be an easy one to (III. Next we had the laughing hit of the whole show. It was the act done by tbc merry monopedes, Conway and Leland. They had the audience on the move all the time with tbelr comedy, which Is tbe real thing. I have been told that their reception la the same at every performance. One night Con- wav was hnlr way to his dressing room when be 'had to return to take anotber bow, which wns the fifth. Alice Esty, supported by tbe Coliseum auditorium cbolr, stage chorus and the big orchestra. In the church scene from "Cnvallerla Itustlcana," preceded Seelcy and West, who lately returned from tbe States. The comedians and musicians amused the audience as they ouly can do. The closing number wns an excerpt from the opera buiffe. "La I'lllf de Madame Angot." The Mondav performance was very well attended. On WodneBday the Brlttons appeared at the Palace, much to the surprise of tbe audi- ence which filled that house. One of tbe prin- cipal members of the Follies, the headline act, was 111, so a big number had to be se- cured at once. The Brlttons were first In Manager Butt's mind, and through tbe cour- tesy of tbe management of tbe Empire, where the colored performers nre playing, he was able to secure their services for the perform- ance* after tbr-y had concluded their Empire work. Needless to say that they repeated the big hit at tbc Palnce. l'rcd Baugh, the head man of the Mc- Nnughton tour. Is very dangerously HI. HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR BV VRIHO THE EMPRESS I N8TANTANIOU8 HAIR RESTORER. Produces MY SHADE in 0!iE Application. It docs not Deotroy the Curling and Crimp- ing, and It Is the only preparation which sat- isfactorily Restores Bleached, Gray and Faded Hair to any natural shade desired, giving life and lustre to the hair, leaving It soft, silky and clean. It Is Harmlcjs, Pure, Effective and Sure. For Sale at Leading Hair Dress- ers, Department Stores and Druggists. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET C. EMP RESS MFQ. CO , 39C-3M Broadway K. V. years ago, hag been located In an Insane asylum In England. It wns through the ef- forts of Go-Won-Oo Mohawk that Mr. Harri- son was enabled to correspond with his friends In this country. ■ a — Trenton.—At Taylor Opera House (Mont- gomery Moses, manager) Melbourne Mac- Dowel), Dec. 2, played to fair business. Elbe) Barrymore, T, packed tbe bouse. Raymond Hitchcock IB, Ezra Kendall 1G, John Drew 18. Statf. Street (Frank Shelters, manager). —"Lieut. Dirk, U. 8. A.," 4-0, played to mod- erate sized houses. "Big Hearted Jim," '■■>, had satisfactory business. "Kantasma" 11. •The Burglar's Daughter" 12, 13, "Tbe Duke of Duluth'' 14. "The Mummy and the Hum- ming Bird" 15, lfl. Sukt (Edward Itenton, manager).—The second anniversary of tbls theatre was cele- brated 7, and souvenirs were given to every gfttron. Bill for 11 nnd week: Mr. and Mrs. ene Hughes, Searl and Violet Allen Co,, Avon Comedy Four, Valeno Bros., Marlow, Plunket and company, Young nnd Brooks, Five Mowatts nnd the blograph. * i » IIHODE ISLAND. NEW JERSEY. OUR LONDON LETTER. Continued from payc 1000. Arthur Shirley. A look Into tbc past of the Princess' Is Interesting. First opened exactly sixty-five years ago, the theatre lias been the home of many players, Including Charlotte Cushman and Charles Kean. In 1S5D, when the father of the lato Augustus Harris took it over, he brought Henry Irving, then a provincial actor, to London, to play small parts at the Princess', but the future head of the acting profession did not mako a good impression nn his manager, and he soon went back to tbo country. In 1803 the Princess' became the great home of melo- drama, pheuomcitally successful plays being produced there for ninny years. Due In from South Africa today nre: Will II. Fox. Meredith Slaters, Dent and Harris, and tin Mancllo Marnlls Troupe. Sailing for that port are: Mudgo and Morton, tbo former having recovered from his recent Ill- ness, which for a time looked serious; Broth- ers Damm, Odcyne Spark, Frank Coyne, Morcaschanl nnd Catrlo Joy. As usual, I saw the first evening show of the current Coliseum bill last Monday. By first I mean the nine o'clock performance. The Four BoIbcs opened with a oar act that was very good. They were a bit nervous, naturally, out nevertheless the set was per- formed with only one or two minor hitches. They went well. Next number was an- nounced as an extra one, but It turned out to be Victoria Monks, who has been out of the bill for ten days, owing to Illness. She sang three verses of 'Give My Regards to Leicester Square," being assisted by the au- dience when It camb to the chorus. She was recalled three times. Hayes and Suits fol- lowed. It was their debut In a West End music hall, and they are to be congratulated for a very clever Merformance, considering the house la not an easy one for all acta. Mr. Hayes danced In a manner that left nothing to be desired In that line, and Miss Suits was a close second to him. Some diffi- cult steps at the finish, by Mr. Hayes, won the team two curtains, After the bioscope a fantastic divertissement, called "Spring Nevrnrk.—At the Newark Theatre (Lee Ottolcngul, manager) Cbauncey Olcott'a an- nual engagement occurs tbls week, in "Ed- mund Burke." Marie Cahlll, In "Moonshine.' 5leased fair sized audiences 4-0. "Llttie ohnny Jones," with Oeorge Cohan, week of 18. Empire (H. M. Hynms, manager).—This week David Delasco's "The Heart of Mary- land'* la offered, with a star cast, Including: Odette Tyler, Orrln Johnson, It. D. McLean, John E. Kullerd and Woilace Eddlnger. The house was dark week of 4. Bertha Gallaml wlli appear In "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs" week of IS. PitocTOH's.—A big bill commands attention here this week, with Joe Hart and Carrie De Mar, In 'The Other Fellow:" Mary Nor- man, Arthur Dunn, assisted by Marie Glazier; Paul Conchas, Burke, Larue and company, Abdul Kader and three wives, Joe Belli- shell's dogs, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Hintt. Business continues fairly good. Coi.usiP.tA (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—"Her First False Step" gives abundant sensation this week, which Is the thing most desired. "The Child Wife" wns a general favorite week of 4. nnd drew well. House will be dark week of 18. Isi.anky's (J. n. Bucken, manager).— "Dangers of Working Girls" appeals strong- ly the present week. "For Ills Brother B Crime" received fairly good attention week of 4. "The Factory Girl" 18-23. Wai.dmann's (\v. S. Clark, manager).— The Casino Girls offer a lively Bhow la their effective way this week. The Cracker Jacks drew good business each night week of 4. The Gay Mnsquerndcrs 18-23. Notch. —Mr. Khlers, of The Bnmtaii Call, nnd representative of The Neio York Ilcrald, line taken charge of the press work at Proc- tor's Newark Theatre. i ■ Pntersoii.—At the BIJou (J. II. Rowley, manager) tbo Merry Maidens gave satis- faction, and drew good houses last week. New Century Girls week of 11, Mascott Bur- lesmicrs week of IS. Family (Morrlss & Slmms, managers).— Business continues big. Bill week of 11: Melrose nnd Elmer, ierkxns. Madeline Dls- ton. La Novctn, Brockmnn, Mack and com- pany, and moving pictures. KMPinu (A. ML Bruggemnn, manager).— Business is fair. Bill week of 11: Sbean and Wnrren, Mr. nnd Mrs. Truesdell and compnny, Mme. Amoros, Tony Wilson and Mine, ltelolsc, World's Trio, Jack Norworth. Louise Dresser, Fred and Annie Pelote, nnd klnctograph. Oram House (John J, Goetcblus, mana- ger).—Business was fnlr last week. Thai's Thentro Co. 12, Hi Henry Minstrels IS. Notes. —Johnnie Coutts, advance man for Primrose's Minstrels, was In town S Lyceum Theatre will open Its doors Christ- inas Day. High class drama and muslcnl comedy will be la vogue A local lodge of the Knights of Everlasting Pleasure baa been started In this city. Although Just started, their roster contains some of the lending members of the profession who mnke their home here. » Jersey City.—"Sherlock Holmes" met with verv si'ia'actory results at tbe Academy wi-ek ending Dec. 0. Chauncey Olcott bad a splendid stny nt I he BIJou. Cherry Blossom Iturlesquers. nt the Ron Ton, w.-re duly ap- preciated, and drew tho usual standard busl- i.ess. Acapfmy (P. E. Henderson, ntnnager).— Chats. E. Ornnowln 11-10, "How Baxter But- led In" M-9L Kijtou (J. W. Holmes, proprietor).—John nnd Emma liny, lit ''Down the Pike," 11-10; "Young Buffalo" 1S-23. Bon Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).—The Merry Maiden Burlesque™ 11-10, the New Century lliirlesnucrs 18-28. Koran.—Arthur V. Putnam, formerly as- slstnnt trenanrcr nt tho Academy, Is now con- nected with the Mnnhassctt Comedy Four, the quartette bclnc one of the lilts with tbe Cherry Blossom Rurlcsqucrft.. ..The attaches of nil tbe theatres have combined, and will give n grand bnll after tho holidays Wn! No. 30, Illll Posters and Blllers, had an lnterpRllnjr meeting at Humboldt Hall S. TV Flks' f mint, at their hall, 3, was nn elaborate afTnlr. Providence.—At the Providence Opera House (Felix R. Wendelechaefer, manager) E. 8. Wlllard and bis excellent company bad a big week Dec. 4-9, producing six different plays, all of which were well patronized, while at a good proportion of tbe perform- ances the house was sold out Thomas Jef- ferson, in "Rip Van Winkle," and Edna May, In "The Catch of the Season," divide week of 11. E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe follow. Imperial (E. f. Bostwlck, manager).— The Vaughan Glaser Stock Co. added to the favorable impression made In Its first week, by Its production of "Tbe Altar of Friend- ship," 4-0. "Too Much Johnson" is the bill for 11-10, to be followed by "Peaceful Valley." Empiub (Spitz k Natbanson, managers).— Joseph Murphy received a warm welcome upon his return, 4-0, in "The Kerry Gow" and "Shaun Rhue," both of which he played with his old force. El He Fay. In "Tbe Belle of Avenue A" 11-10. James Kennedy and a company will occupy the bouse, In repertory, the week before Christmas. Khitii's (Chns. Lovenberg, manager).— Truly Shattuck and her City Girls head the bill 1MB, giving "The Song of the Cities" Others are: Helen Reimer, Foy and Clark, In "A Modern Jonah ;" Rosnlre and Dorctto, In "The Captain and the Tar;" Julia Kings- ley and Nelson Lewis, <a "After the Honey- moon ;" James Rlcbmoad Glenroy, Gus Kruno, the La Velle Trio, Lillian Le Roy, Brothers Durant, Chris Smith and Two John- sons, Milt Wood, Theo and Camille La Jess, nnd Louis Granat Westminster (Ceo. H. BatchcIIer, mana- ger).—Al. Reeves' Big Show received good notices week of 4. It was followed by the World Beaters 11-16. Notes. —Rumors contlnne to circulate and jzaln credence that the Imperial Theatre has Iiasscd Into control of anti-syndicate people, who will place Independent attractions there riff or Jan, 1. No official announcement has been made Emma Fames nnd her com- pany sane at Infantry Hall Dec. 12 The Thalia Theatre Co., of New York, gave performances nt the Park Theatre for the ficneflt of the Jewish Relief Fund 5, G Tbe Krclsel Quartette gave its first concert of tho season here at the Elolse, 8 Spitz & NnthiuiBon, managers of tbc Empire nnd Park Theatres, have started a company In n revival of "Little Lord Fauntleroy, making six plsys "ind seven companies they have on the road tills season. The list In- cludes : "When Women Love," Eastern and Western: James Kennedy, lo repertory; "The Silent Witness," "Little Lord Fauntleroy," "By Word of Command," and "Qnlncy Adams Sawyer," now on Its way to tbe Pacific coast. The firm have taken the second floor of the building ndiolnlng the Empire, on Westmin- ster Street, for offices for these attractions. Harry C. Voting, well known locally from box office connection with the Empire, Park nnd Imperial Theatres, has been appointed rraveling manager of "Little Lord Faunt- leroy." "VVoonsocket.—At the Woonsockct Opern House (Josh E. Ogden, manager) the Flynn Stock Co. plays Dec 11-16. ''Little Lord Fauntleroy" played to fair business 4. Har- court Comedy Co. pleased 6-9, to good average business. Hon (Jas. W. Conklln, manager).—Bill tor week of 11: Bertlna and Brockway, Eugene Sweet. Carroll and Baker, Vera De Armoud, the Merquands and moving pictures. Busi- ness Is good. «*» KENTUCKY. Holioken—At tho Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) good business Is the rule. "Big Hearted Jim" Dec. 10-13, III Henry's Min- strels 14-10. "Confessions of a Wife'' 17-20. Empire (A. M. Itruggcmnnn. proprietor). —Bill for week of 11: Harry La Rose com- pany, Ilnl Godfrey nnd company, Llnd, Belff Bros., Ellzabuth Murray, De Onto and Mc- Donald, the Madcaps, McGrath Bros, and the klnotogrnph. Notes. —Clnrn Joel, who made her debut several years ago, nnd Is now filling an Im- riortant part with "Why Girls Leave Home," s a protege nnd pupil of Mrs. II. P. Soulier, nnd tier Ilrst nppenrnncc was as Buttercup, In "H. M. S. Pinafore." Geo. L. Harrison, nt one time manager for II. It. Jacobs, at the house known as the Lyric, later with travel- ing organizations, and a member of No. 74, II. P. O. Elks, who suddenly disappeared tour Louisville.—At Macanicy's (Jno. T. Mac- miley, manngev) May Irwin presented "Mrs. Black Is Back' 1 Dee. 4-0, giving a pleasing performance, to large audiences. Blanche Walsh followed 7-0, In "The Woman in the Case," drawing good patronage. "The Re- demption of David Corson" 11-13. Masonic (Chns. A. Shaw, manager).— "Buster Brown," week of 4, delighted crowd- ed bouses at every performance. Master Itozen made a decided hit, being compelled to respond to numerous curtain calls. "The Grafter" 11-10. AVRHun (Chas. A. Shaw, manager).—"A Race for Life," week of 3, was thrilling enough to attract packed houses at each per formance. "Fighting Fate" 10-10. BucKiNOitAM (Wballen Bros., managers). —Sam Devere's Own Co., week of 3, pre- sented a combination of mirth, music and pretty girls that pleased large audiences. Sam Dcvere, in his original Hoe of talk and new songs, scored henvlly. May Howard Burlesque Co. 10-16. Hopkins' (Wm. Relchman, manager).— Every number on the bill week of 3 wa3 a high class one. and large audiences showed tbelr appreciation with tlbernl applause. New people week of 11: Ryan and Richfield, Eight Bedouin Arabs, Four Emperors of Music. Kelly and VIolette, Quinine and Mack, Bad- ford and Winchester, Mile. Chester and the klnodrome. Notes. —Theatrical Mechanics' Association, Local No. 8, celebrated Its twentieth anni- versary with a banquet and smoker at Ma- sonic Theatre, 5. A large crowd was present and enjoyed a royal good time. Tbe enter- tnlnment committee, composed of William Corrlgan, Tony and John Bevorl, waa highly complimented. The officers of the local lodge are: James Duncanson, president; John S • vorl, vice president; O. t. Smith, treasurer: M. S. Leggett, recorder: W. Green, financial secretary: Lary Oero, O. Campbell and J. D. McLaughlin, trustees. /^nMaclohtosli\ the Tbf fee King MACKINTOSH'S the ENGLISH TOFFEE FA10US CANDY Has gained an enormous popularity. But success begets imitations. An imitation of any pure, edible product is dangerous. To protect the purchaser and myself from fraudulent imitations, I have made my name and face my trade-mark in America and my name and face appear on every package of genuine Mackintosh's Toffee. To make this trade-mark familiar to the public my name and face appear in this and every advertisement of Mackintosh's Toffee, so that the package can he instantly identified by the advertisement. Mackintosh's Toffee is tne perfection of pure candy. Its chief ingre- dients are pure sugar, butter and cream. A delicious dainty, of which the palate never tires. The one candy for the home, because children can cat to their heart's content with absolute bodily benefit. The ills that follow the use of ordinary candy are unknown to those who eat Mackintosh's Toffee. The enormous popularity of this candy in the homes of England is shown by the weekly sale of 200,000 pounds of Mackintosh's Toffee. Ask your dealer to supply you, or send me 10 cents for a trial package. JOHN MACKINTOSH, Dent. 29, T8 Hudson Street, N. T, A Safe Gift/ for any man. ■ Hammer the .Hammer. An Iver Johnson Re- volver assures double safety—not only in the ordinary sense of pro- tection, but safety against accident. It is the only revolver with our patented safety lever, which makes it possible to "Hammer the Hammer" of a loaded Iver Johnson Safety Automatic Revolver without its Roing off. There is always a space between the revolver hammer and firing-pin which only our safety-lever can fill. That never happens until you actually pull the trigger. r&fe/je No Fear of Accidental Discharge but when you do pull the trigger, it never fails. Our booklet, "Santa," and hanittome catalogue wilt bt tint fret o* rroaraf, Hammer, S5.00 Hammerleaa, S6.00 Portals by ill hardware ind .porting Rnodn dealera. Bi-anro our name i* on the barrel and the uu-l'a hrtut on tho srlp. Iver Johnson's Ami aid Cycle Works, iss River SL, Fltchburg, Mass Sr.w York Osticb : 99 On&mbcr* Street Maker* af Iver Jghmon Jllcjcle. and Stncle llarrel Sbotfnr. Fmiticaii—At the Kentucky (T. A. Rob- erts, manager* Harry Beresford, In "The Woman Ilnter," Dec. 5, had good business. "Hans and Nix," ? ; Paul Jones Opera Co., 8, and "My Friend from Arkansas,' 9, fared well, "fluster Brown" 11, "The Paradcrs" 12, "Pretty Teggy" 13, "Alvln Joslln" 10, Ucorgc Sidney 11), John Griffith 21. 4~— MAINE. Portland.—At the Jefferson (Cabn & Grant, manngers) n good week's business was done by the CInra Turner Stock Co., which appeared Dec. 4-0. excepting 8, pre- senting "Buster Brown's Sweetbenrt," "Dixie, the Blue Grass Girl," "The Sapphire," "The Girl Bandit," etc, with specialties by Joe Foley, R. P. Crollus, Irene La Tour and dog, "Zazn," and songs, by .Miss Turner. Maclyn Arbuckle, In "The County Chairman," wns the Interesting attraction 8, pleasing a good sized house. 1'helan Stock Co. week of 11, except 12, when "Mrs. LefflngweU's Boots" appears for one performance. roirrLAxn (Jnmcs u. Moore, manager).— An all star bill, 4-0, drew big business nnd Blessed greatly. Bill 11 and week: Hnssan en All's Arabs. J. K. Hutchinson and com- pany, Snbel Johnson, retching Bros., Bes- nah and Miller, ltlco and Walters, nnd Billy hlnkald. Notes.— The second concert In the C. A. Ellis course, at City Hall, 13, will offer the Longy Club, with Laura Hawkins, pianist. The Portland Theatre had a capacity audience Sunday evening, 3, when Portland Lodge of Klk«, No. 188, conducted Its annual memorial Lodge of Sorrow, with Hon. Jay B. Kline, of Syracuse, It, Y., as the principal speaker, musical selections by tbe Bostonlan Ladles' Orchestra and local talent. i *—¥ Jg"»i.W»-f»ni« writes that he Is making a big bit with the "Buster Brown" Co. (East- ern). MEILHENNY'S tfctfJiCiMW YouVonMlre t of the breakfast egg If you dress Itsrftritycllhenny's —the original—^Tabasco Sauce. In use half a&R*|(ry- Promotes digestion and'mak&Soups. Salads, Roastsr'etcl, moYe^kitable. 1Y>8 TADASCO, Kev Look For le In Cherry Time. New Boiur; new slides, finely colored. Tbrec-nt tosellatWfio. SSAP QUICK. Violets Sparnin* with Dew, 14. ._ _. HARBACH A CO., 80S Filbert St., Phlln-, I *