The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 16. THE TX1SW YORK CLIPPER. 1093 I.IK" mus k and Sotto. „■ .c-it Witmaek Tones.—One of the 1, . UE ivum»rk wnB publlcatlona IB Arthur ■LVtSVy loveUt "Casale." This I. " r rtirkev love Bong, "casste. iniB 11 •\,.lds oat . Iul num ber, and the sons ,1, uncommonly. "•««»»- ,„, H „„ M ««„„. "Won- in.mented bj a graceful dance. j npptenlentea oy s ^ gt (|w MajMt , c ffiSw New "ork, Mil the audience* heartily llll 'i,,i,i the orlnclpal vocal numbers In the „,plaud the/ *entitled: "When Perrico These are entitled : IJES." -That's Wb7 Tbey Say I'm Crazy," Itm Unniliif of the Coot,; 1 "W'a GDlden Dai Tale Joizrarree," "How To Tell a Fairy (due™ ^our Heart, If,You Please.* K7«t> v EX Sheep," "The Ossified Man" . J ili "WUh Frame, Two-Forty-Nine," "The i.'^'one" "I A»d Myaelf And Me." "The 2£L of* Hearts," "Popular Pauline," "A tt's Firs? Thought > a Man;; (duet), "°, .-Tale of a Mualc Box Shop." Victor flirbfrrt popular concerts, at the Majestic n iiirdavs embrace selections both classical ».l mSSISK the latter being repre- ■ eit lareely by his own compositions, whch ^en-e^y demanded and applauded by hla ImPen^s These Include : "The March of the to S? from "Babes In Toyland;." "Al Fresco." Min'iier the Elms." "Panamerlcana" "La Co- n 11cto" and "Fleurette," besides excerpts from Si- liter operatic works, "What Happened ?n\ordfanA" "Miss Dolly Dollars," "Mdlle. Modiste" and "Wonderland." Charlotte Ra- ven croft is featuring "Star of My Life" and J u Merry Oldsmoblle," In vaudeville. T1.111 Tavlro Is featuring "Norah-Florodora" an "Iu/un Sal" over fieltb's circuit. The •rmcadero Quartette, who are this season w th the Ms-ray & Mack Co., are making a hit with -In tie Shadow of the Pyramids^ and "My Pretty Chloe, From Tennessee." Bessie C. Hoccert. who makes a feature of singing bal- i«ds with violin obllgato, is featuring "In My Mi?™ Oldsmoblle," ft Take Me To Your Heart A^h?" and "If I Should." Sue Smith created SSewbat of a sensation at Keeney's The- StreBrooklyn, where she made her debut. Ilelsonp Included: "Star of My Life," "Olc Mna Moon," "Xoran-Florodora" and "In My ',: oidsmobile." Allen May. with his Il- lustrated songs, at the Standard Theatre Philadelphia, has been featuring "Star of My fife" "Only a Message From Home, Sweet iio-ne " "Take Me To Your Heart Again" and "Those Songs My Mother Used To Sing." ••Sweet •.dellne," "Because Yon Were An Old Sweetheart of Mine" and "Just For To- Sent" Ifcssle Clayton Is effectively uslnir, is one of her dances, Bratton and Sulzer's nonoler intermezzo, "Laces and Graces," and Swinging "I Love You All the Time." Harry Von Tilbhr's Publications. — Emma Cams Is featuring "Making Eyes." •ha the Banks of the Rhine With a Stein" and "Walt Till the Sun Shines, Nellie." Ar- thur Demlng, featured comedian with the Primrose Big Minstrels, has found one of his biggest successes In Joe Hollander's novelty coon song. "I'm Getting Sleepy," and Is com- pelled to take four and five encores nightly. Mallorv Bros., Brooks and Hnlllday, at Proc * 58th Street, aang "Ev'ry Little Bit Helps," and this song was a decided hit for them ' Their featured song Is "What You Goln' To Do When the Rent Comes 'Round?" and never falls to receive the usunl three and four encores. At the Howard. Boston, they tang "I'm Getting Sleepy." Cognn and Hnncroft will feature "Wnlt Till the Sun Shines. Nellie." They have used tbe song In the Western territory, nnd the song Is some- thing of a sensational hit tor them. Others who are using this song very successfully are: The Original Bootblack Quartette, Glenroy nnd Russell, GUroy, Haines and Montgomery, Gladvs Fisher. Brown, Harris and Brown, the "Clipper Quartette, De Forest Sisters, the Boston City Quartette, Irene Meare, and GeorEe Mnck, featured In "Tracked Around the World." The Casino Quartette have also added to their repertory of songs "Walt Till the Sua Shines, Nellie." After the first per- formance the song went so big that they con- seated to moke this their featured song, and •re now taking four nnd five encores nightly. The New York Newsboys' Quartette, with Al. Reeves' Burlesque Co., are singing "Walt Tlli the Sun Shines, Nellie." They have In preparation, "Mnklng Eyes," which they will ■big In their original manner. The Three TROunAnouHS are using Sol Bloom's publications with considerable suc- cess. Among the numbers they are featuring are "Carhrelmn" and "Goodbye, Dixie, Dear. Notes from Help A Hageh. —The much talked about ballad, "I'm Waiting In the Gloaming, Sweet Genevieve," by J. Fred Helf. Is being added to the repertory of prominent balladlsts In vaudeville. Among those who are featuring this song success are- Manuel Romnln, Reese Proaser, Spook Minstrels, Holcombe. Curtis & Webb, Eugene Jerge, Bohannon and Corey, Wilbur Held, Chas. Falke, Harry Leigh- ton. Ira Ressner, Tom Moore, Tommy Burnett, Alta Yola, Dorothy Morton, Emma Cams, Harry Ward, Geo. W. Jenkins. Jackson and Gallot, Tom Kelly and John P. Moore. The progress of the house of Helf & Hnger Co. during the nine months they bnve been In business, has never been equaled. It is seldom that an established house can boast of two hits a year, yet they hnve successfully launched upon the market four of the biggest hits of the year, namely: "Mamma's Eov," "There's a Dark Man Com- ing With n Bundle," "I'll Be Waiting In the Gloaming. Sweet Genevieve" and "Everybody Works but Father." The writing staff of Helf 4 Ilagcr Co. now consists of: J. Fred Helf. writer of hundreds of song successes; Fred. W, linger, writer of many instrumental hits: Eil. Gardenler, E. Ray Goetz, Geo. Wal- ter Brown. Chris. Smith and Harry Brown, ami C. M. Dcnnlson. Hurry Sinclair. Messrs. Ganlcnlor, Goetz, G. W. Brown. Smith, Harry Brown. Dcnnlson nnd Sinclair have contrnct- < I with Helf & linger to write exclusively for them for a term of years. It looks as if the great Dockstiider song. "Everybody Works But Father" will surpass In popularity the famous "Hot Time In flic Old Town." It Is a treat to bear Sousn's Bund render this num- l>er. which nsnnlly takes about a dozen en- cores. The song Is being sung by : Lew Dock- Mn-.lcr, Thos. Q. Kenbrooke. Dan McAvoy, May Irwin. Flo Irwin, Lew Hawkins. Press F.I- drldirc. George Wilson, Blllv S. Clifford, Geo. W. Monroe, George Fulicr Golden (Au- stralia). Al. G. Field. Billy B. Vnn, Nat •Haines nnd Marie Dressier. The eyes of the song writing world ere at present turned on lmvo Nowhn and tjenrgc Walter Brown, writers of several prominent song hits, but none more pnpulnr than their latest success, which is now being successfully Introduced W Mich well known vocalists ns: Kitty Alien |-njt. May Trndo, Glenroy nnd Russell, Fred Itussell. Hnverlv's Minstrels, Boston '.'tiartetto. Mnunlc Hnrnlsh, May Phelps, Grace Tremotit, Mnlzce Aleen nnd many others. From tub Pahker Music Co. —Laird and liupert report Hint they are making a hit with "I'm Jealous of You" nnd "While the T-iii Tom linvs." Nlbbc and Bordeaux, Foster Bad Foster. Ruby Erwood nnd Harry Moore '■ri- also featuring "I'm Jealous of You" in Hi-principal vnudcville theatres. Zona Klefe w making n hit with "One Sweet Kiss." and Jennet tc Duprec. who lias recently returned •" the vaudeville stage. Is using "I'm Jenioua of Ynn" nnd "Marguerite" with great success _ From the ('oi.pixo ItStBC Co.—Frances '''>?"mr. who wns for many years connected wth the "Sis Hopkins" production, has de- ••"led to u«e the new march song, "Kiss Me G.Midbyp, Dear." Miss Cosbbt has a benut'; '11! soprano voice. "When You're Away' 'ballad! and "She Looks Good to Me" (top- l"nl song) arc being used by many of tho principals acts In vaudeville. ■rriumu Leoncavallo will make a tour JT the United 8tntes next season, nnd will c-induct excerpts from bis several operas. From Jos. W. STEnx & Co.—Weber * Rush's 'Turn By Night" Co. Is using two Bongs In the production which stand out Srot.ilnently, "In Sweet I.ovelnnd" nnd "Little; •In, You'll Do." F.rncst llognn did not get very far with his new show before he tele- graphed In for "Shame On You" nnd "Deui Lovin' Words Sound Mighty Good To Me." The latter Is a new winner, Just written by Cole nnd Johnson. James l'owcrs nnd Co. were the first ones to take up "Little Girl, You'll Do." This song, by Burt and Soloman, la the surprise hit of tbe season. William Car.111, the author of "I Want To Be a Sol- dier," and other popular numbers, usually writes his own songs, and sings them himself. In looking over some numbers In Stern's pro- fessional rooms recently; lie happened to run across a new song by A. Baldwin Sloane which struck his fancy. He la making It the feature of his act. The title Is "Iicnr Is- land," and no song written in recent years Is ns full of real Irish sentiment and melody. McDonald and De Cnstro hnve a clever spe- cialty written around the "Peter Piper" song They are also singing Arthur Lnmli'n latest bnllad, "In the Golden Autumn Time. My Sweet Elalae," the music of which la by the composer of "Harvest Moon." Tbe Spooncr Sisters and William Moore, of Al. G. Field's Minstrels, are also featuring "Elaine." Che- valier Enrico Garglulo Is creating quite a sensation with his concert band. The con- ductor's original conception, "Welcome to tho Bride," was followed by Supne's Inspiring work, 'Poet and Peasant." "Down South. "Catch of the Season," "By the Suwnnee River," and other numbers from the Hawkes catalogue, form a part of his programmes, nnd arc greatly appreciated by bis audiences. The Hawkcs band and orchestra edition Is represented In this country exclusively by Jos W. Stern & Co. Bob Becker's band, nt Percy Williams' Albambrn, In Harlem, bas become one of tbe fixed attractions nt that place. Mr. Becker's harmonists render the popular medley overtures of the day In such a manner that they nre always sure of a double encore. One of his recent programmes contains the Colonial Intermezzo, "I'rlscilln" (new), by S. R. Henry; and Marie Cabin's 'Moonshine" medley, Introducing "Robinson Crusoe," "Don't Be What You Alnt," "I Want My Ten," "Foolish," etc. Fred Bow- ers, of Horwltz and Bowers, has been ndded to the cast of "The Ham Tree." H1b singing specialty, which replaces the quartette that were with the piece formerly. Is now one of rhe hits of the entertainment. Among other songs, Mr. Bowers featuies his original march song, entitled "Tbe Plain Little Soldier Man." When "Sergeant Brue" opened on Broadway no one thought that the little number, "Dearie." written bv Clare Kuinraer, and In- troduced by Snllle Wisher, wouid become such a universal success. If Stern & Co. bad not given Mr. Dillingham, the manager of 'Ser- geant Brue," the exclusive right to use this song for n period, there would be thousands singing It today. The restriction from the use of the song will soon be lifted, however, and then one mnv expect to hear "Dearie" nt every turn. Meanwhile, the Bale of the piece has been enormous. It Is published In two keys, and over 100.000 coplps of eneh key have a'.rcndy been credited to the author's nccount. P. B. llAvtLASn Notes. —Mndge O'Brien continues to use "The Lender of the German Hand," "Starlight" and "My Ynnkee Irish Girl," and writes us they nre all big hits with her act. Mills and Morris nre touring the Eastern circuits, and are receiving good no- tices for their singing of "Keep a Little Cosy Corner In Your Heart For Me." Bruno nnd Russell have ndded a new soug, by Fltzglb- bon, Morse nnd Drislano to their net, "Just n Little Rocking Chair and You." Vivian Wood Is slaglng "Keep a Little Cosy Corner In Your Hcnrt For Me" and "Paddle Your Own Canoe," nnd reports tbey go great. McKes- slck and Shadncy are using "Starlight and "The Leader of the German Bund, and re- port great success with these new song hits. The Four Shannons receive great applause From the House of Reuick.— Gussle Ne'.ron, with "McFadden's Flats." has found two encore winners In tho serenade song, "Moonlight." and the novelty song. "My Hindoo Man." Pauline De Verc expects to return to vaudeville soon. She will Blag tho Jerome II. ltcmlck publications. Mary Marble, starring In "Nnncy Brown," has In- troduced the novel coon song, "Sympathy," nuil states that she Is well pleased with tho way her audiences receive It "Sympathy" Is by Kendls A Palry. who wrote "Won't You Fondle Me J" I.etty Holmes, with "Tho Light House By the Sea," has found a win- ner In Jerome nnd Schwartz's song, "My Irish Molly 0." Kelly nnd Vlolettc, well known In vaudeville, stnte that they bare been successful with three of the Jerome II. Ilemtck publlrntlons: "My Irish Molly 0." "Moonlight" and the new ballad succcax. "In Deur Old Gcorgln." The Bernstein Child- ren. Ruth nnd Mnck, hnve won fnror by their clever rendition of "On a Sumnv-r Night" nnd "Terns Dan," which they use for their -=n:o dnucc Johnson nnd Wells, and Rraadmr nnd Wiley nre singing "Sympathy." Abble Mitchell hns Introduced a ucw bnllad, by Will Marlon Cook, cnlled "Mandy I.ou." Mnrle Laurent Is using "Moonlight" and "In Dcnr Old Georgia." Molly Williams and Alice Ilniisen nre using: "My Irish Molly O" nnd "Sympathy." to good advantage. Georglo .Mark la using "My Irish Molly O." In "Tracked .Around the World." Billy Clifford, starring In "The Jolly Baron," has Intro- duced "Sympathy," with entire success. Hf.NRV Curtis Is lender of the Pnlnce Lndlcs' Orcheslra, nt the Palace, In Pres- cott, Ariz. The orchestra, ho writes. Is a big success. Mabel Maher, formerly of the Novelty Theatre, Denver. Is making a bit nightly with her vocal selections. -Votes riioit Boiirer & Rraxh. —Cole Fran- ces Dower Is singing "Sweet Katie Callahan" wllh big success. Jenny St. George writes 11a that "Sweet Katie Callahan" Is a sure winner. Ethel Robinson says: "It Is Just the song for me," and Pierce and Mnlzee sny It Is making a big hit with their net. Aurle Dagwell has added It to her repertory, nnd snys she likes It better than any song she hns ever sang. Blanch Sharpe Is also slug- Ing it with big success. Mmk SchCmaxx-Ueink will be heard In concert, orntorlo nnd grand opera for the next two 8«isons, under the direction of Henry Wolfsohn. She hns retired from comic opern and w'll rest until Spring. Her regular sea- son will open nbout Sept. 1C. Helen Btuon, slaying comedienne, nnd late stnr of George It. White's "Sergeant Kitty" Co., will innke her vaudeville debut shortly, doing a specialty. She will use a f'Ubllcntlon bv Sol Bloom, of Rnymond A. Irnwne and William II, Penn's song, entitled "There's Something About a Uniform," "In I he House of Hues and Kisses" and "My Daisy, Daisy." Miss Byron Is under the di- rection of George R. White, and Is already booked to play vaudeville theatres. .Vckeb ani> Cou.ixs report rotillnucd »u-- cesa In their expert rlllc shooting feats. .:i addition to tho Introduction of music auJ comedy, which Is also a feature of this novo, anp Mauill write Hint they were Btl Uaudeville and minstrel. for their clever way of singing "Keep a Little Cosy Corner In Your Heart For Me, The Leader of the German Bnnd" and Star- light." Annie Carter will feature "Star- light" during her Eastern vaudeville tour. Cora Mlnzel and Pickaninnies are using "Lonelre For You," "The Lender of the Ger- man Tiand" and Keep a Little Cosy Corner In Your Heart For Me." CliAS. K. Harris' Notes.— The following well known ballads: "Would You Care? Fly- Away, Birdie, to Heaven," "I m Trying Su Hard To Foreet You." "Sister," "Why Don Tbey Play With Me," "Farewell. Sweetheart May," "It Makes Me Think of Home, Sweet Homt." "The Rag Bag Man." "The Tale of a Stroll, Cause I Like You" and Larry nre being sung by James Aldrlch Llbbey, Mmc SlapofTskl. Fraucklvn Wallace, De a Donald, Ailen May, Cheridah Simpson, Marls Hanley, May E. Lester, Hatty Sims McCar- thy, Arthur P. Jackson. Pauline £*&*£( Jansen, Madeline Burdette, Belle Belmont, Ijiurn Millard, Lillian Waltone George W. Jenkins. Clara Wleland, Nellie.Hanley. Char- lotte Ravetiscrott, Maybelle Adnms, bleanore Fnlke, Aurle Dngwell Werdcn and Gladdlsh, Marie Welch. Byron G. Harlan, Ada Jones, Bert• Gngnon. Edith Bellnlre. Wallace and WMlP Srtfi Mn,, ^ Wn 'L n T How' mnry Glosz, Ruth Beccher. Joseph K How- ard Katie Barry and Hilly Van. Kaliry. Trevor, of Llbbey and Trnycr, has certainl used good Judgment In Befcctlng lo± How- nrd's UiE hit. "Central, Give Me Back My Dime," and she never fnils to arouse h« audiences to enthusiasm at each performance. Mr aid Mrs. Mark Murphy are mnklng a feature of an Irish song, entitled "Larry over the Poll circuit, nnfl nre receiving very fnvorablo notices from the press lu ench town |„ which they appear. ^.^ stonc — The Wizard of Oz r^ul 0 ^.;.^ ..ieir lives wit., the new song." entitled "F^"'"'V n Vved Stoi " to the Vincent Bryan Music Co.. I-red Mone writes: "We are biking encores on «»"►«£ song nt every show, and conbl sing nine bull Allcen, million more voncs If we had them. Crater Is singing "The Talc of a M»»^y, and Is making good wllh it. "Out In an Au- wmoblle" by" Gcorgle Evans (1!.»« Itoyl. nnd Vincent Bryan. Is the lilt f »'" enr f,5 Minstrels, being sung by Charlie finno. He I* usln" the extra verses, which nre very rui-nv• Clnrn Cubllt is singing this song wlth-miich success, and It Is » so be ng sum; bv the Ross Sisters, Anna LniiBhlln. « Himrns nmlMHlMmrno. Burke and Urlinn and others. Lew Hnwklns Is still mnklng a hit will KJ- wards nn.l Bryan's new open waltz song. "It I eh t lu This Did Town." which has nbout Urmtf extra verses. It Is also Iwlng suntr |,v Joe Itnrt Stuart Barnes. MLftAMJK Charlie Grnpowln nnd others. (». u. 1. ■ nlso belli " snug bv the nlwve people with This song locks like nnother •Tnmmiiny,' are singing It. m:ssm AiutoTT sailed Nov 20 for New York, nnd will npjioiir under the mnnngemeiit of II •! rv Wolfsohn. will, the Now T«rt Syrn- phony orchestra, and also make a tour of the ^TnZ: McQVAUUB. after a successful sea- son will, the'Pierce Amusement ( 0.. I , now located nt Greensboro, N. C plnjlmr tin trombone In the Grand Opera House nnd [Via* jajsrs awttW^wg ?rnd™^n general vie with one.nnother great ttnrrnf. ^^ ■—.,„.,,„„, ncr r„ rln cr 3 rVhJ'Tiouniv oTliiolr orfers/'llnllail leaders .L'nd^lngT^nre using Rosens tot**JMM. entitled "When Ihe Golden Corn Is Wnilng. S,ri rUr." Reports from Bt IjMH« mak highly of May Irwin's success with1 John H. Lowltz's tuneful coon song, "Don t Arglfy. Mr. as.-> Mrs. Tim McMaiiom served a Thnnksdvlng dinner to the members of their little company, .Mc.Muhou's Minstrel Maids iiMl Wnteiinclon Girls, which were playing nt Ilurtlg & Seninon's Music Hall, lu Har- lem. Twelve covers were laid. The turkey weighed twenty-five pounds, and there was enough to feed twice the number served. All cii|oycd themselves and voted the dinner one of Ihe best they ever bad. It was com- Elete In every' wny. Mrs. McMuhou herself ought everything of the best, and hnd the dinner cooked lu the restaurant of tho Hotel Mlnot, where they were stopping, and then served lu the company's suites. Miss Mc- Laughlin, one of tbe members, whose birth- day falls on Nov. 30, hnd decorated th« rooms with fancy paper banners and shades on the electric lights. After the night per- formance a birthday party was held, with ice cream, soda, candy, fruit, etc. There was a lighted candle at each plate, also on the birthday cake, in which a ring had been placed. The ring fell to Mlas McLaughlin's Intended, and there was great fun when he put the ring on her finger. "Snappers" were pulled, nnd each one wore a paper cap. Mr, McMahon gave a few toasts, and kept every- body In roars of laughter with a tew good Jokes. When the party broke up, at 1.30 A. m.. everybody said they had had a delight- ful time. Maude White will soon be seen In vaude- ville on the Keith circuit, In tbe sketch, "Locked Out at 3 a. u." Jos. Abraham)!, of Chicago, was In New York Dec. 2, on pleasure and business, and was a Ciji'it.h caller. Tub Gillette Sisters, who are now mak- ing quite a success in vaudeville, have been booked by Sydney Hyman, through Pitrot & Glrnrd, for three months In South Africa, opening June 2v, 11)00, In Johannesburg. Antonio Van (Joxkb, mouth equilibrist, and Emma Cotrely, female Juggler, repo-t meeting with big success as the feature nets on the bill. Giuciti and Rtvxoi.ns write: "This Is our twenty-ninth week pluylng 111 nud around San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cul., and via arc now starring with RuymouU Teal's All Stnr Specialty Co.. In 'Flniiigan's 400.' Wo will arrive In the East about Christinas." Jac Aiibarn hns almost recovered from the bad fnll ahe received eight weeks ago, and is able to be at work again. Ati.wn ami Daiin write that they closed a verv successful scasou of tulrly-une ne« with Campbell Bros.' Circus on Dec. 'A. Tbey will go lu their home at Springfield, III., lor the holidays, also to prepare fur their vuudc- vllie bookings, which begin Feb. 4, over ihe Western Vuuderllle Associullon circuit. TjiE ' Zanoiias, comedy knock- about 'cyclists, who urc lu their twcnty-llrst work nr a special vaudeville feature wllh the liot Kin-roll Co., met with an accident while riding, two high, down their :10ft. ladder, 011 n unlcicle. Just ns tbey CUM to the centre of the ladder one of the rungs broke, throwing the '.op mounter qullo n disunite, the rosiult being that two of his teeth were knocked out, the utrulght man escaping un- injured. The act has been booked by Edward Barton to open nt the Hlppodrono, London, Kng., Mny 7, IPOiJ, for six weeks, with other work to fullow on the continent. J wan /.Mi Van Tvi.K are on the Moiart circuit, nnd reiwrt meeting with success. They have other good wor.. to follow. Laiiiiy Smith, of the akclcli team of Smith and Chninplon. pluylng at Ihe Hon Ton The- ntro week of Nov. '.'7-IJeo. '1, with the Yankee Doodle <iirls company, fell and broki-hls knee cap Tuesday evening. -8. while working In Ihe opening burlesque. Ho MM removed to ("hrlsi HoKi>!l:il, where he will remain until cured. Mr. Snilih nnd bis wife, Mumle Chnmploii. nre ■■■••inucra of Jersey City Lodge. No \i\. Theatrical Mechanics' Associullon. and the lodge will look after Mr. Smith while ho Is Inld up. Mrs. Smith lias closed wllh the coiiiimnv, and will reuialn with her hus- bmid during his enforced Idleness. Tub Waluicon lliuui., while plcylng week of Nov. 'JO, were cnlled home 011 account of Hie denih of their sister. This Is the bcc- etnl sister Hint thoy hnve lost In 'light months. They were compelled to cunccl several weeks work. KkasK anii AuntiQHT begin Ihelr Winter nates nt Hiiber's N. Y. City, followl.n; it HnideiiliuiRh's. 1'hil.idelphln. nnd Ami In k Stone's. Boston. Tbey canceled their Vest- en dales owing lo the denlh of the mother of ihe former, which occurred Oct. Tl. speclollv engaged for the animal fair given by the Von Plain Hand week of Nov. Hi. ni ttic opera house. Fort Plain, N. Y. They were complimented for their plenslng work, and MIm Maglll was presented with i> hand- some sofa pillow on Thanksgiving Day. .is a token of appreciation by the member* of ibe band. , Chas. Bi.akk. Is In Mi ninth week wlln the Trnns-Atlnutlc Burlesqucrs, nnd reports doing very nicely. His new net. "A Walk- ing Advertisement." which he will put on next Summer, wllh his female partner. Is being rewritten by Frank Byron, of Ilyron nuil I.niigilon. Uoi.kua C». Notes. —Business Is big nod Improving constantly. Hosier: Shomnker. Illustrated songs: Leo Wilder. Juggler: Mile. neon, 'miiei-siuiittor : Hurry llude, comedian; F.iiwnril Ailciin. orchestra lender; Miss l.c- 011:1. lu Illusions : Robert ltudc, bnujo Jug- gler: William Strnnge, proprietor; Hurry Vluile. business manager. Kf.iim.ii am> Wbston, Gorman compdlnns, write: "We will not Jolr Will J. Keith's Bur- lesque Co.. as we arc booked up In vaudeville for the next thirty-three weeks. At preseiu we are playing clubs and euicrtnliimenis lu and around New York, but open nt Lancaster, Pa., wllh ihe rest of th; Mozart, Family and Doric thcnirt's, also Yonkers and New York City to follow, opening at ihe Lyric, Cleve- land, with the Siilllvan-Consldlnc circuit to follow, returning Kast next August." I.v.w Palm Mi, nil nil c, Is still with Williams it Burns' Imperials, this making hla seven- teenth week with that company. John Fields, of Fields and Hanson, who were hendllners at tho Olympic Theatre, South Bond, Intl.. week of Nov. 'JO-'J.', wan n sliest of South Bend Lodge, No. ".'in. of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Klks, at its regular meeting, night of Nov. -0. The talented musician rendered several se- lect'on s at the social session following the business meeting, and was given an ovation. He Is a member of the Newark, N. J., Lodge. Chris. Christopher has Just finished on the BIJou circuit, where bin act met with success. He la coming Mast shortly, anil lenves for Kurope In May. He hns good hook- ing ahead. Lawman anh Rwino, xylophone duo. write : "Wc were obliged to close nt the Howard Theatre. Chicago, after our first performance, is we received a wire from Mt. Vernon, O., that Mr. Lawman's brother had boon accl- dentnllv shot nnd seriously wounded. We found him In a serious condition, but hnve hopes for his recovery. We were obliged to cancel South Bend. Hid., also. Our art wns n Mg success nt the Masonic Temple, Fort Wayne, also at tho Grand, at .Toilet. We ex- pert to open again at tho Arcndo Theatre. Toledo. ().. Dec. 3, and have hut one oikii week until April." J. Krki> Caiipkntkr, having recovered from his recent Illness and the effects of a surgical operation, opened at the Grnnd Fnmlly The- atre, Hamilton. O., Dec. 4, singing Illustrated songs. La Clair and West were nt the Fnmlly Theatre. New Britain. Conn., week of Nov. •J", making Ihelr twelfth successful week nn the New Kngland circuit. They are bonked solid until next 5Iny, Including Pastor's New York City: Die Howard, Boston: the Mozart-I'rnn circuit, Keith circuit, Amnions Crystal circuit, nnd the middle West circuit. Tliev will shortly prodiirc their new comedy nlnvlet, "A Drop Into Society," by Dcrunrd Ullng. Ilinnr Rtcn's Georgia KnnrrUL Cn. plnved two nights nt Eagle Hall. Port- cheater. N. Y\, Nov. J7, '2R. under the nuspbvs of ICnglen. Lodge No. 1,10(1. Our Informant writes flint the house wns packed both nights, and the perfnnonnres were a hit from start ro finish. The following people njipenred: Itlrhle and Frances, Smith nnd I.e Hose, Four In Hand Quartette, Kiln Wilson. Thomar- Brooks, Ambrose Davis, Waters nnd Cameron, nnd the Wllmore Sisters. There war aliro n rako walk, the winners being Smith and Le Rose. This was the tenth time Harry Rich has played for different lodges In Portchcster. Sam Barlow rrportB meeting with nuccesi as a comedian with the Arnold Stock Co.. touring the Southern States. Ilk illustrated pong acts and other specialties nro going well. Tolt and Gbbtih Grimes, who are now on the Castle circuit, will booh return ICnsl, Their new travesty lu meeting with big suc- cess. Geo. X. Wilson writes Hint after playing ten successful weeks wllh the Fuy Foster Burlesque Co., on the Pacific coast, no closed with that com puny In week of Tub lt\r.Ti:i.M''s. Louis nuil Bessie acro- bats, closed at tin: BIJou Theatre. Qulncy, III.. Nov. 11'. nnd opened nt Ihe Cnsllo 'Ihe- atrc, Itloor.iliicum. III., Nov. -». with twenty weeks' hooking III the middle West to follow. Will- II. Mi:ai> writes: "The (Jrcnt Euro- pean Trnlned Wild Annnii! Show closed at Anuusin. (in.. Hntunlay, In-c. L\ and I will take out a good vaudeville show, carrying fourteen people, ami I'enliirlng my big dog nuil turnkey net. Wo will work North from here. Into ohm. Th." niiliiinl show closed to a most auspicious senson." l,r.w Unit, uf ICIec and Kemp, grotesque !>ci-oMK writes Hint 1 hey were a lug hit on the Kohl & Cae'lc and Hopkins eln-ults. At II11" Mi'iiipnls House they were mi; down to close one of tin? Hlnnigesi hills ihat ever played the house. They will hereafter b« known miller ihelr dinner leiini name of Rite nnd Adnnis. W.m. MtKvoy, late of Burke nml MeKvny, hns joined hands wllh Kilille Hughes, mid since Inst June the act hns been known ns Mi-l-lvoy nml llitgbcs. Hot H1111;.- .iikI MeKvoy. HkI'IM-i, of Dcvllie and Wilson, Is very sick, nnd they will hnve to cancel nil Ihelr vaude- ville (bill's 11 m it lifter .Ian. 1. l''i:vn:i.i.r. ami ttAIMTLirVH, who nre with the liealz Snmloy Co.. will, at tlm cluio of the season, retain in vaudeville. SrtiA/.Ai. ami liA/.vi.i. write: "We nro no longer connected wllh the II11I11110 Theatre, Una Chi Ire, Wis., but hnve hooked thirty weeks uf good time. Our net bus been suc- cessful everywhere, nnd we nre playing tunny return dales." XniES i-'iio.m l'Ai'Lt, Huns.' Minstrels.— Th's Is our ninth week out. mid business has been very good. This In n small enuipnny, but by playing the same toiite every year we tire always sure of good houses. (Jetting The i'i.hteii nuil their money every wceK keeps the boys happy. Wo will run will! May, then (like out our rnuipiiiiy under can- vas Al. Hi iikk Informs us Hint he hns joined Mcdreevy, Intc of MelHeevy nnd Men-hall. nnd will bo hereafter known as Mcdreevy and Burke. Tiik (liiKooHV Family wiliest "Man w» closed wllh Ihe Frank A. Bobbins Show we hnve played the Star Theatre, llnmllton: Benneifs, London, and Inst week we were at the Jclfers Theatre, Snglimw. Wo piny De- troit. Clevelnnd 11ml buck Fast. We nro iilenseil 10 tell you that our act has met with big mirroHs." Jenmxus anp llitMiiitw report km lu their hi lest original comedy song, cm ll led "You Never Can Tell." Words uud music aro original wllh them. Dan Pmn, unislenl eotiiodlnn, wnsr en- gaged by Malinger Maurice Cniiiiliigli.un to ojien the new People's Thentre, nt Piusoiis. Knn., Nov. ^O. The opening was n hlg ono and the hill wns an exieptloiinlly slroug one. Tin: l'iiiii'\iii-:iii) Tiikatrii (iitriiKs-rkA, of l'lillndi<l|ililii. gave Ihelr iiutirleilv liniiqiiet on .Sulnrdny, Nov. Sk, Hen W. Ilnrris, inu- slcnl dlre.'tor of I lie t'olmilnl lloiles Co., nud Chas. Hov.tiiiiii, iiiiihIi-iiI illrrelur 01' Ihe Itelllv k Wood Co., were the guests ml honor. A pleimnt ecer.big was spenl, anil evcrvliody present llmrnughly oulnyeil thoiiiselvcs. luviii L. Iiiwi.m wrlles iluil hn b. mi longer mtineclol ivNn Ihe train of Mayer and I rwlii. He his lilr Hlngle singing art, tunl rejiorls ineclliii' wllh -tri'iil siicress. Ho will Join a ive'l kamvii quaiiotle verv shorllv. which Is now wllh one of ibo l-lnslerii Wheel bur- lesqu*' slaiws. Jositrn IKilev, who hns Ih-oii 11 iiii-iiibr-r of the stork coiiiiiiiiiy ill the Acodoiiiy. Mil- waukee. Ihe pnsl senson, will enter the V.Hldo- villi- Hold. iinsIsI-iI by l.uiiiia Nelson, lu a cmneilj Hkxli'h, nutIIled "II111111111 Nnliire" Mil. ami Mils. Caul I'aiiteii i illv siient a week wllh (heir pnrenls, Hr. nml Slrn, I'lniK'll nt l.n Nnlio, 111, Hawi.s anii Vhn Kh' wrllc: "We Mrs. N. It. Foikt. proprietor and mana- nr of the Umpire Theatre, at Anbtnbuln llnrbor. 0.. writes that the house would close Dec 2, nfter n very successful senson. nnd rerqion In April, 1I»00, under the same management. Nov. 0, nnd Joined llnrry llrynnt's Rurleaquu Co. lmmedlntcly, opening In lluffnlo, N. v., to do his German comedy playlet, entitled "A Thntiksglvlng Eve; or, tho Man with Ihe Turkey," Prince- Aliikni: ani> May La Biiant, com- edy second sight performers Joined tlm Itusp- berries when they pluyed Phillips' Thenire. In Itlchmond, I111I, week of Oct. I'M. They also Joined the T. M. A. /Miss l.n llrnot an nu honorary member), of I/idge No. !(, Clevc- lend, ().. wlille they wore playing 11 successful engagement nt the Lyric 'I'll eat re, In Hint city, on lift. HI These performers hnvn pro pared plans for n big addition to their net. It consist a of 11 Inrgi:, nk-kel-iilnlcd until, k: nti.lin .- ii'ne feet high, nud exhllilllng throe large quest Ion murks, brilliantly llliiliilliulcil Willi colors of oleellie lights, 1!«8 in nil. This iiddlliou will bo used In their net, nml nlso a stage selling. Tho teiim Is working West wllh success, 11ml are now playing the Jones & O'Brien clrculi. II.11111V L. Hanson hns been III for the past four weeks wllh muscular nud liillinn- inulory rheiini'isllsm. nnd was roiniwlled to ciiucel coiiHlderiilile work, lie will losuini! ■vorit Dee. 4. n|«nlng nt Itraileiibiiigli's. I'hllndelnliin. wllh several weeks lo follow In Mr. Ilniisnii Is doing 11 hliii-k face net culled "The Conjuror," ns 11 i Ingle art. lie will, next Slimmer, work In conjunction wllh his wife, Hllii I'nrkor, In 1 inrrtall* on Hu hiiiih- order, CLAIIKIj'aNU TltMI' will clos'j u bcubou ot forly weeks In the West Doc. 2-1, and rulum Kast to spend I lie holidays, "(inr act," llicy write, "hns been 11 big lilt, Wo 111-11 well looked up until the Spring, when we open on tho Park circuit, until September." Notes mom the Mound City Folk, Duffy. (j'Kiuirlie, Morgan nnd Hundley.—Wu played ten successful weeks hi the leading vaudeville houses lu the West, being U111- llnerii In ench one Closed our bunking) lu Hciivor. fol . nud Joined John Gi'lcvos' Paris- ian Belles Co., nl Butte, Mont., for tbi) rest of the season. The lurn Is a big lilt, nnd managers pronounce It to ha ono of tho l"'st qiiarlcltes seen In this purl of tho country. Jim Jovits closed over the O'llik-ii Ax Jnnei circuit, nnd opened over tin: Niisli circuit, for eight weeks, at La Crosse, Wis., lit tho Itljou. Notes erom Tin: Di: Kirn Bims. Inot, Minstrels. —On Nov, 2fi we finished our twentieth week of thin sensoii, nml ll wns n reiM'lllloii of pis vloiis weeks, us wo mldcil two more "biritest houses of Iho senson" lo our credlr. These bouses worn lit l.owvlllo nnd Ibrf.nvlile. N. Y., mid the press nnd pub- lic pronounced our pcrfiirmniici- as Al. fmr |,<niiilful roiiatumes of Iho first part receive abundant prnlse. Willi or J. Ileum. Ihe lyric tenor bnllmllst. Joined im Inst week, mid Is n valunble mldlllon to our voenl eonlliigencv. fmr dally band concerts arc composed of four golos. n standard overture nnd nn nliiiii<lniice of populnr music, nnd never fall to make n hit Two web nine visitors nre kcoii weekly. viz.: Tliu O1.11 Ili'LlAHLE, and "Thu llelltihle Old Man In White." hnve Just bunked nine coiisecnllve weeks wllh Hu: Western V'aiiilevllle Asoclulloii. nud 'Mnsir Is si ill 'the bowl of Hinress.' We have added some new songs, which iiinkes It necessary 10 respond lo sovornl encores nt each perfr.rinnnci'." MMK. Von /.iKiiHit Is receiving praise for her work III the lending; feiimli" role with "The Irish Pawnbrokers' 1 Co., iiIho fur her vocalizations during the piny. Chah. Meiiritt anii May Ho/.kli.a, "The Vlllnge Torments," hnvo Joined Duvir Krniia' I'luroponn Sensation Co.. pluylng linrtH nnd doing I heir Hpeclnlty In Ihe olio. They report meeting with success, Vakiiaman Is lust completing his fiftieth week on Iho I'ncllle mast, He will soon go Nurl li. on tho Miilllvnii-ConaldliH) circuit, thence Must. Tim Hintkrh Dh Van snlled for Mexico Kov. lltl, for 11 yenr's engiigement. Jami-.s ami Bonnie I-'aiii.ey nppenred nt Poll's, Wnlerhiiry, Conn., week of Nov. '11- Dec. L'. Cabteii Weaver's new sketch, druiniitlzeil hy llnrry Mcllne Webster, from Mnry M. Wll- kins' short Hlory, hud Its lull In I production lit I'nssnle, N. J., week of Nov. U7, nml, wo nre Informed, proved an Instantaneous suc- cess. This net was the feature uf the bill nt (iloversvllle, .V. Y., week of liec. II. Walter Levina, I be Iriiuin miiglelnii, nfter playing 11 year nml 11 Imlr mi I lie Pacini; const, Iiiih reliirncil to Ibo nilihlle West. Ills siiceess 011 I lie const, be Informs us, hns lieon line, mid bo bus lost only Hncn weeks (mail- ing JiiiiijisI lu sevenlyllve weeks uf enii. Iluilcil work. He opens on Ihe Hugeii elnil't lice. Ill, for four weeks, tie 11 nu in the Must to III! eiigngeiiienis ivlilch will run up till next Summer, Annii: lliii.iui:. conlriillo, Negro ilitllueiit-'i' mill Hebrew llilpel'snliittitr, opened :il I b(" lilst Si reel 'Mieatre, Chleiigo, ns JU'lui-lp'tl uoiilirelte, 11111I Ions 1 11 very Milceessfiil, Sho has 1 11 j-i-l jiI ui il I'm- llio res I of Hill m-iisho. Boiiiiv In: Hilt, of Ihe lie lluo Bros.' Id-nl M'nslrels, wriles: "We nee In one Iwoniv- 1,1'Sl Week llllll hllsllll'SH l-l line. All lllllllrrleil wllh id hi 11.111 |oi ny nre well mid tin- show la tnnliliig 11 leeoril never III lie lorgolten. Wn spenl mir 'I'luiiikKglviiig 111 riiivinii, N. "/., Vrvy ulrusunlly, nail In lilg bu:illies-4. AflfC Die sliow I'vi-ryliinl.v 11111I Irlpii n-i| In n 11I0I1I hliii-h'-iin, given by the He It 111 • Itro'L S|H-i-i'lles anil lioisls were llllnle. lilol VI bell tin- iiuri.v In-rilte up everyone voicil 11 in In- n riiiink'glvlng Iluil woulil nlniiys he 11 green hpol In Ihe mouiory of this eiitiipupy." Jack Wiiiiiiit bus iiullleli-iii ly r ivereii his lo-iihh to be 11 Mo lo alleinl In liiisluess, nml Is busy 11 rranglutr n m-w slo'ii-b, 'I'm-: Vaiiiu:i,i,es liifoiTu us thai ilnv nm "making rood" wllh Hn-lr Itihst i-nuieilv ikelcli, enl'lleil ".lliiimli-, Ihe Ai'i.r," wlilcli Is 11 siti'iiiii I'roiu stui-l lo llnNli. KlimiiE Mrl'A.VN. Ill)" l-llllil llilress, |iih Jollied liamls wllli Hiirciiiglnii nail I'l-intrnse, In llioli- new skeieli. whir h ilii-y will sh'ir' y produce In viuiih-viilo ou-i 1 Die big Muslerii circuits. Tin 1 skelili. they wilie. will im diuilil prove n gr<iiI success by the nihil'!. m of Ihls Inh-iil oil elillil. Annisov ash Livi.s-us'ion wrlli': "Wlil.o iiluylng I In" Itljou Tluiili-i', lleloll, Wis., I'uo liroke mil In tin dressing mmns mi l-'rldny, Dec I, nl '£ i". M. Sliiite nml dressing rnoiiiH coinplclclv mlin-il Tlm following perform- crs losl ilieli- n 11 cillulu-: l.e Itnv Beiii.nii unit wife, lux iiliniil ¥.'l.isiti. InHiiilliijg hiHlni- iiienl!i: Sliililaril ami Wilson lost Ihelr 1)1- slrmuenis, iiuiouutliig In nluuil. SjriU, while Aililhnii nml 1,1 vlngsliui losl severul valunbln gowns. Wi- iiiaiiUL'iil In gel '•■it with our I links. Currl)' Winner, eiilbe wnnicolio; Alum Sltinluirg. lost wiirib'obe; singe iminri- ger losing bis wealing apparel, mid 11 num- ber of vo'iinhle tools. I'lnreiu-e IliirilU'k, inn linger ui* iho house, was away on liusl- ness." Tin: Staii I'aikiov SilEin" Is n new publl i-niloii i-oiiinliiliig 11 number of parodies on 1 la- Inlisl snugs. Iti j.i. V IIEAHP, "Hie Party frnrn the H011II1, ii meeting wllh siii'cchs with llavcrly's Mln- trelH, now on Ihe coast.