The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEtffcKB 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1093 \OTICB'TO: ESPONDKIMTS. I* ChrittHie* -fait* on Uondap, all mailer ,l,ouUI r«ich:*WW! ! * : l™t Mer ""'" "'"'"' MASSACHillSETTS. - ■ ■' -; ',' I ■ Honlon.—Business licld an well lust ■nwli hut from now on nulll Christmas Ihe WT*». ""' ' ,-... . ||,„||. Innllin Sn'imrc mill "A t'ruwu of 'i'tioniH.'" ut the itiwdnin Sdmue. Tlio lien Greet I'luycrs. in Ihelr second week, nt Jordan Hull, will nreseni "Much Mq About .Nothing" tinil ••Til* Merchant of Venice." I'ntK n'liux. rrolinutu, ltlcu & Harris, managers).—On Monday ovetilug. II. Hun- ool.ins W"l «et their ilrst view of "Just Out nf Col'ege.' Joseph Mheelock Jr. In the slur of the production, unil tbe supporting eomimnv Includes many well known favor- ites ihe engagement I* for four weeks. ••Mm Lefflngwell '» Boots*" departed last Sat- urday night, after n fortnight of big bouses nud well merited approval. .,8Tiif!ET (Isaac B. Rich,, manager). —TUIs In the' third and last week of the ea- cHgement'of E. H. Solbern and Julia .Mar- lowe at this house, and 'fltdineo and Juliet," •■The Merchant of Venice" and "Twelfth Night" "'111 be tbe bills. I.atst week was ■'•Iveii to "Twelfth.Night," .before large audi- ences. Frauds Wilson will begin a fort- ulirlit's visit next Monday. In the double hill, cousin Billy" nud "The I.lttle Father of Ihe WlhlcraesH." TiiKMONT (John IJ. Sehooffel, niiinager). — Mrs. Fluke. In "Leah Kleschiiii,-" Is now In the second of her three weeks' engagement litre The-p'ny has met with the approval of'ilio-pretw und .U,ic,..uublle. and,tue ncilug uCtne sto'r and supporting company'litis been thoroughly appreciated. The next attrac- tion will he Itnymond Hitchcock, In Hit-hard Harttlng Davis' "The Cnllopcr." t'OM»M*l;'(Chas. Frohtnun, lllch & Harris, managers)e-^The. Hpgers llrothers' In Ire- land" enjoyed', splendid business up' in the i-Ioto/of Its Hrst week. Inst Saturday night, nud there hsKbod reason to expect,that pros- ucrltv will .continue until the cuntpaiiy de- ■ports. ":i. Wltllsiu «lllette will follow in ■■t'jariw." .,..-■ "' Bost'TON '■■ •(■ UfHin' Met teas, manager).— "The AVUard of.,Ox," with Montgomery and Slone, begin* 11a third-mid last week on Mou- day. evening.of lhe ; current week. Business lias been e<ceTlcrit-, add the -piece In as pop dial' «H ever. "Fnnlaun," with Jelfersun De Annp starred,-• will- be tbe'offering com- mencing next Moudajv oven Inc. Majestic (Stair & Wilbur, managers).— 'lids Is the lentil and Inst week of the highly successful run of "As Ye Sow" at tills house. The-plny has aeored n great hit. and delighted alt beholders. Hanlon llrothern' "Fiiuliismu" will, follow. Uiaiw. . (Stair & Wilbur, -.itsiniigersi.— Joseph Murphy. In "Kerry t!ow'' i>nd "Shituii Uhue," opens Ida annual engagement here Monday afternoon, 11, giving nine perform- niiren. "How Baxter Butted In," with Sid- ney Toler and Delhi Clarke as the principals, resulted, In satisfactory returns during the past week. Next week, Blckel, Watson and iVrotlie, ih "Tom. Dick and Harry." . Cj(AN'D -OPEUA Ildusi; (George IV. Mugeo. manager).—"The Eye Witness' Is the cur- rent; attraction, succeeding Charles T. Aid- .rich., who .enjoyed n week of tine business. hi" "Sect'Ot Service Sam. I'he Life thin Kills" uext week. CAfiriJi Squaw: i Boston Stage Society, .uuipngers).—"Lady Wludernierc'u Fan" Is the hill which tbe stock cotupuuy has pre- .pared for ■ this week. I<ast. week, "The Climbers" was finely presenled, John Crafg, IJIIIan Kemble. Charles Maekey. I^onora Bradley and Mni-l-m Ballon all pleasing -greatly. Next week, "She Stoops to Con- quer.'; . , Umpire ■(IJndaay -Morisun, manager).— ,A most-successful production of "If I Wfre Klog" was glveu liei-o last week by the stock compiuy, mid it remains as the bill for the current days. Tbo work of Howell Hansel, .Mary Hall, Frank Losee and Zeftle Tllbnry was especially deserving of praise, and the .iconic and costume effects were excelleut. In rehearsal for next week, "Because She Loved pirn So." llowhoiN SyuAiiK (O. H. Lotbrop. nmua- ger).—"A Crown of Thorns," a four act comedy.drama, by Jay Huut. will have Its initial presentation at this house on .Monday evening. 11,, by tbe Lothrup Stock Co. Last !' 0 ?K,i"-V..T'Cguc,v of Sin," a new play, by K. H. Clement, was produced successfully. .Vest wcfk,.."Tho Holy Clly." htiTH's (B. F. Keith, tnanagC'il.— An evenly halnnced bill Is provided by the man- agement of this house. It includes: James J--Morton, Kd. K. Keyuurd. Kllnorc Sisters, -Mr. and • Mrs. (inrduer Crane. O'Brien and Havel,-John F...Clark Musical Johnson. Al- jihonso-Sylvauo. Durundsj, Mr. ami Mrs. al ■iBtewart. Morton, Temple and Morton, Uinls Uoertln, new moving pictures, and Sam "iitson's Farmyard. HuHlneas wits greut fust week, and a strong list of features was headed by the "City Clrls," under the lender- slilp-of Truly Shattuck. ITowABu Athenaeum (Carl U. Lothroii. huslucgg. lunnnger).—Chnrmlou tops a bill hard to bent here this week. The oilier an- nouncements tirei-Hnill lloch, Jane Blton John V. Ullbert. Marvellous H'auk u|id Ml Ho Bob, I.eona Thuiher unil her [our'bluckhlrdH, Dolly Jardon. Dehutire and JMrrell, .Connelly und Howe. Allaire mid Wild, Balancing Steveus, Auger nud Hauley. neiHilu,, the Howaidscopc, and the house '•irleBquers. with new recruits. In "The «ltinh\g Warblers." ■ Terrv McCoverti was 'He,the Btnrcard Inst week, and "all sold mil filled at every performance. The Xel- "on-iirltt tight pictures are underlined for next week. l'-M-u.'E (C. II. Waldron. manager).—-The iirlsltin Widows <!o. Is here this week for nelr Jlrst visit of the' season. The two bur- esimis are "At Monte Curio" and "A Day m Lamp." and the olio presents: Honan Jim Kearney... Valmore Sisters. -Three Kel- ;'"«•• Owlcy and Hnndall. und Ben Welsh, 'ifimws was Hue with the Kuropean Sensa- tion Ilurfesquers lust week. ■•.'•WHS* 'Harry X. Fnrren. innnager).— «l Kfillly and the Ilelllv & M'ood Show .,i'i '1° .'i!!"'"" 1 attraction. The skits ure SBrWv^HW* Klnion an d shnon Simple" ™, A Hot Time at Hcllly's." Vaudeville " turnlshed by: Kennedy aud i;raus, Iru M>mier. lteho and Daly. Itevere Slslcrs, Orth nno-i, ern , , m)1 in, "Golden Bullet." Manager arron'H ••hook" will be ready for the ntnii- • urn on, Friday night. The Avenue Oliis i '.Pleased big houses last week. ..Vrogen tc. h. BatcaaHer. luanaget).— ..ili »52 ''ends his own Beauty Show Co., r.'"/y', prot Ides Hie current eutertulnuient. n the .cotOi>a.ny ; are: Ida Hopper, the Nelson- ,1, 1 ,n'"n,',Ttodne.- D'Kstella Sisters. Jlurgle 11h'.v".. *. srdH) D Km iilltou, Kmmd Keph. J. T. Murphy, Ihe Xew '. orK .-\vVxbo.T8' Quortrttc and others. 'Die miow given by the Jersey I.llles, lust week, »as enjoyed by line sized houses. ..•'i'lsttN & Sroxi;'s Meant'll (A. B. White, "•Bftfjrl.—An exceptionally strong number i rwturen ure announced for the ctirreut '»y* In the curio hall are : Cunt. Dlniltri's "«*slan- Cossack Troupe, tbe Georgia freak '^■"lly, Aloutano Jack aud wife, kulfe throw- .i™ : . Lnn-ett, king of magic; Hurley, the mu- Mcnl ganius; Trlxle, suuke qtteeu, and the i ucated monkeys. In the auditorium : I'ow- iiis .Mlustrol Maids, Introdueltig: l'enrl Tvlng, Campbell Sisters, Grace Mazell, Lettle ESS? r M ura ,r ' n S*'l«- Erla Musette. Mae ffl & ™ ( « f«l«do. Merlam Murtcll, Harry \»». 'i,i" ub ,) torrl »- Charley Clark and Anua Dtton. Harry l.n Marr. Devere and u!'. U :• '*S!! d :lni1 , ""sledn. and Ihe Three lltirneys. Business Is u| top notch. "ai.kkii's MtsKiM ii.. it. Walker, mutiii- geri — win bail week of II: The (ireur l.eo mi,! hi, ynnlshlna lady net. Anule llovv- nr«l. laiiuoetl lady, and the Herman Hose, inii-l.ii ivoiider. In the theatre: Hartford i Davis Bnrlewpters. ml,,- • Blnnclie Savnv. |.»Ttlf Slnrlfllre. Aimb- Walsh. K(M'Wil- liams, the Kvereils. anil i;<-oi- k ,» WhuU-u and Iteii IJun. Ilixnl liottsi-s rule. Manager Malkers hiirlesqne eiivult will he In opera- t ton Dm-. 2^, ■■ Xi"Kf.Mu,i:c.N ic. j.;. i-ioTtj, iniu,ager>.-— IB tin- cnrln Imll: XUnbmtmA Trouhadonrs. .Nora t.lhson, the tattooed Iiidlnn prlureas: ''i-org* Ili-own. ri.uioriionlM ; Prof, l.n earn Mliliiiel who IiIoivh lliniiigh hl« ,. vi .s. mid N-llm Sid. Urlenliil uiiiglelau. Singe show: .lark Sinter has been engaged to produce imr- esinics wllh Ihe f.illowlng people—Mh-key I'inn, .Joe .Nitsli, Blberr. Sisters. L-iui Barry, JessieJ Inward, lienir Wlnslock. Alice Cur- roll. MnilK* West. Maud lllch and Ih- Hose. .\iitks.— -Sundiiy eoiici-rt hills III: HhhIuu IhraUv— Light foriinlliis. "Llnd," llooney Waters, KcklioiT and tiurdnu. Kittle Ring, hum, Lore* (.irlinui, Harris aud Brown, Ilnlh- awiiys' monkeys, aud Heiuier. Ilinrtluhi J,/,iiii-(---i;irard and (inrduer. Xewell and Mhlo. Br.-izll and Brazil. Snvov (jiuirtelte, Vnlveno Bros,. "Sandy" Chupiiiai'i. Jack Lrle. Altliea J'wliis. Kathleen Potter. Ijevene iiud "hurt/. Cole and Clemens. Slthlons Bros., mid Lizzie Otto, ulolte and Jlnlnlh— Ha '■')"■„,''" Ye,, dei' Aralia. Howard and Bland. Hailldnj- nn«l Leonard, Kckln.ff and Cordon. Haves and Ilenly. Four Slinnnons, and Klta- iiiur-as Jnituucse Trouiie. Ilittml Oueru SL^f•—Kugle's henelit: Uiglit Coruiillas, Unil. l'erry mid Patterson. F.niinu Kruitse, .Jennie.Be llnaii, Miller Bros.. Hiithiuvnv's iiioiikejs, and llulienlenu aud Tripp. V'i-f- .iHmil—- Kits' concert: Troja, Ilrluduniuiir. .nave Burke's dogs, Ifathnwny and Walton, Hie Loi-elis, Cirlc Stowe. .lennette Bros., and others ;. ...Ian Kuhellk. Ihe Bo- hemian violinist, will give a recital In Svui- Jiliouy Hall, on Siinudnv iii'ternoon. ti;,.".., the Actors' Fund lienellt will lie held ut the t.olouial nn Friday afternoon of this week. Ihe programme Is o strong one. und Includes in-ls from all the lending, houses In the city. Burton Holmes closed his season of travelogues ut Tremoiit Temple lust Satur- "ii.v Boh -Morris, who, in conjunction wllh Kills Rphrahii. wrote Ihe song. "Hello: All Ithfhl. (icioil Bye." Is helng featured with Kmrt'lln Minstrel Maids, at Austin & Stone's. laines Sliesgren has lieeu engaged as advance representative with Itaytnoud llltch- coek, lu "Tlie Calloper." Snpt. fireen- hcrg. of the Howard, was recently congratu- lated ay the elly authorities on Hie etllelencv of (he liiiuse tire brigade. SorliiKlleld—At the Court Sipiure ID. <•. trlltnore. manager) 1'rtmrose's Minstrels made many before Iwo large houses. Xov. .'Id. Frank Coombs and Franklin A. Unties. In vocal solos, weri! well received. Dlgbv Bell. In "The [-Munition of Mr. I'lpp." Dec. I. M-or.'d ■ big lib. "Checkers." -I. plavcd to good returns. Hans Koherts did well. I'nvld Hmhani Jr. whs tin excellent tout, and Katharine Mnlkins wns good. The Jubilee concert (local), j. enjoyed llheral patronage. "Just (Hit of College," ti, pleased. An nudl- ruee of smnll propoillons listened to n lec- tui-e by Dr. Douglas Hyde upon Cnellc move- ments. 7. Concert by Irish Ladies' ('(wlr, of Dublin, nfternon nud evening II; Orpheus Club coiicerl (loejili 1^, Lulu (ilnser II. the ■JcffersotiH la. Xi:w Cti.Motti: (1*. 1". Shea & Co.. mana- ger*!.—It has been decided to continue (he stock company another week. "'I'he Eternal City" will he given 11-111. "Ciider the Bed Itobe." lust week, pleased good sized nutll- eiices. Tom's (J. C. ('riddle, manager).—Never was heller vaudeville seen here than |nst week. Kvery act was accorded u liberal amount of applause, which was fully de- served. Delhi Fox bends the bill for Ibis week. Xki.son (P. F. Shea & Co.; managers).— Lovers nt burlesque gathered In large num- bers 40, to witness (Tie perforiuiiucc of Itose Sydell's London Belles. "The Life that Kills" Tl>. Hon Ton Itiirlesiuters 11-1.". Harry Bry- ant's Kxtravagnnzn 18-iO. Mattiiiis ok ixtkickst. —Two attractions for this month have canceled, K. S. Wlllurd uud .Murle t'ahill. both of whom are coming Inter In the season The Primrose Min- strels were obliged to open their performance In white face and street clothes, because their baggage failed In arrive, on account of rail- road misunderstanding Springfield Aerie of F.ngles elected the following oftlcera nt their lust meeting: Worthy president, John Carney: worthy vice-president, ('. J. Sims: worthy Hiuplain, Terence J. Riley: physi- cians. Drs. T. F. Iteadoa and Charles Ken- nedy : tnistees. James Xotau. Michael nnd Thomas Marr; inside guard. James Hart: outside guard, Itoheil Henderson; Irensarer, John Daley: secretary. Robert llnndyslde, nnd worthy conductor, John J. Dandy: Syb vaster v. cnllanan. Michael Markley and Roh- ert llnndyslde, delegates to the Newport con- vention, which Is to he held in January 'the Spi'litgOeld Lodge of Klks held memorial servlres nt tlielr rooms Sunday. :i, for Its eight departed members. I,jim.—At the Lynn Theulre iF. (i. liar- rlsuu, nuiiiagerl the Brltt-Nelson light pic- tares were witnessed by a large audience Dec. 4. "Tim County (Tinlriunii" did big business 5, "The Serki-l'omti: Covemess" cume U, lo fair business. The Hndiiigloii Stock Co. pluyed to good houses 7-U. The Walte Comedy Co.. 11-1(5, Willi good advance sales. Harvey • (luge Co. 18-:i0. AuDiToutiMt (Hurry Kittzcs. iiiuimger).— Lust week's business wns the largest on record, the S. It. U. sign being displayed at every performance. Hill this week: Sherman and He 1'orreMt. Vera Klug. Andy McLeod. Blown. Harris and Ilrowu. Spencer, Lynn and I'n.v, Kuppe nnd Koppe. Ihe Larson Sisters and the vltugriiuli pictures. Cm-roll Johnson made u groat lilt hei* last week. (IBM H.'huK. IV. Sheafe, luauagerl.—Busi- ness continues lo hold good, the house being packed nt eaeh evening performance. Tills week's uttraclluiis: Will If. Itetio and Ml}' Murray, Koherts and. Ralston, Chris Cordon, (lus Kobler and Louise Marlon, Ihe Mannings nud the bioscope. Saleji Tiikatiie (Geo, II. tlieetlium. mini- agar).—The lleunetl k Monlton Co. Is play- ing it Iwo weeks' engagement here, opening 4." Hood business Is reported. Kail River.—At the Academy of Music K'nhn & llrant, nianagersl ihe HuBlntoii titock Co.. with J. Frank Burke and Ulhel Llder lu the leading roles, played to excel- lent business Dec. Ill, und gave greut satis- fuetlun. tipeeliiltics were Itilifiduced helween the acts by (ho Tenuis Duo. Wood and Berry, and llnnr'v T. Walte. who were all well re- ceived, "little Lord FnmiHeroy" ployed to light i-eliinu; "-!). Harcmirl Comedy Co. 11- ItS. Dol Carroll. In repertory. 18-'j:l. Siieki'Y's Bunt' IC. K. Cook, manager).- OIIUMM S OVM IV-. Ii> VOUft, lu.iuij^ti r. Last week's bill proved Immensely popular with all classes, especially the powerful one act play. "The Card I'arty." presented by Ivmuictl Coirlgun and company. The mar- velous head balancing of the De Koe Trio scored heavily. Busluess was to S. It. 0, nl every perforata nee. Week of 11 : "Tlie filrl In the Clouds," Oracle Ivmuu-tt and corn- Joyce and wnietta, need and Drlscoll. Hurly Sisters, Dome Clifford, Stalo and Beuoll, nnd optlscope. I Woreeater.—,\t the Worcester Theatre I.las, l'. Roi-k, resident manager) Thomas Jefferson. In "Hip Van Winkle." II: Lulu (•liner, lu "Miss Dolly lioHars." HI. "Just Out of College" played to a large and apprecia- tive audience 1. The Thalia Vlddlsn Slock Co had fair returns 7. The Dublin Ladles' Choir. N was well received. S«i aiik (J. F. Burke, resident niaiuigeri.—Week of It Malcolm IVllliaUH and iiis sioik cniiipnny will pnuluce "Bur- liarn Frlen-lile." Last week Ihe cniiipnny played "lu Ihe I'uliu-e of (he King." The work of .Mi. Williams was excellent. John Cumberland, us the court fool, won approval. Mr. I.egge end Miss Slnnoti also did excel- lently, Aexi week, "The F.lcrtiul Clly." I'AUK i Alt'. T. Wilson, ma ll il ger I. — Week of 11: Cntrie- ami company, In "tilurla;" It. J. Jose, lloe.v und Lee. Splss-ll lima, and .Mack, l.erny and Woodford. Walter Dnulols, llnntii Bros., Vuiiilell, and the klui-logmph, Last week's hill drew crowded houses. I lie TooKiwin Trinipe nf Arabs winning rounds-of. illililause. I'm is ((.'has. \Y. Fonda, resident maun- gen.—Wi-ek of 11: Korno's London Comedy Co., In "A Mght In an Lngllsh Music Hall: W, It. McCiilniiu's "The Sunny South;" the lliicker-l.esti'r Tlio. Willy Zlinniei umii. J. It, Nugent'* company, In "The Absent Minded Beggar:" l'lelds and Wooley, Avery Stru- kuMch. and the electrograph. Last week's bill played lo const am capacity. 1'Ai.Aac—-Week of 11 : Cook and Hall, two Lawrence*. .Vilnius und Mack. Harry Myers, und the l»irlesi|ite, "Hotel Topsy Turvy." The usual wrestling bouts will be held Wed- nesday and Friday nights. Xoti;s. —The Worcester Lodge of Klks will give a charily concert at. the Franklin Sun- day evening, lu. Those participating: Zlm niell and lioillcll. Mux .Million, assisted hy Mile. Murle Mllllan: Arthur Deinliig. Truly Shattuck. 1-hull lloch, and Jane IJItot'i and company. In "Madame Fill." Christ- nun- week tit the Franklin Mr. Williams will present "I'lp Van Winkle" and "Little l*u-d I'aiuitlerov.' Miss Slnuolt assuming tlie title rii'e In the latter It Is rumored Hint the l.uilnop Dnera House, which has been closed for so lung, owing to lis poor lire evils, will he remodeled and opened for Hie present a tlon of iiieloilinma t'luylon l.eaae. of Miilconi Wll Hums' Co., nud Mrs. Com Furwell were married at Colleglnle I'liiirelt, New I'nrk, ."• LoivelL—At Hie Lowell Opart House I Fay Bros ,\ llosfordl nianagersl a very gisal vaudeville bill Inst week met wllh very good business, Week of II : Bert (.'note and (iimpiinv. it; "A l.iimli In Wall Streetl :" Ihe Dollar Troupe, tlio Trolley Cur Trio, Lunelle and I'ri :i telle, Mexmlllliin. violinist ; Her inativ's ilogs. Ford and Wilson, and klnelo- graph. Sunday concert Hi. AVaiiCMY (Haiillngtou it- He Deyu. man- agers).- Tlie sunk nlfercd "A (Hided Fool." with Mr. Ilimlliigloti leading, and packed houses resalted. Kvery nieiiib'er did excel- lently, This week. "The Mini from-Mexico." Mr. De Dcvn leading, Tlie Sunday enter- laiuiiietits. wllh moving pictures and Illus- trated songs, are pleasing S. Ii. ti. Bos-rox i.l. II. Tclils'tts. ma linger i. The bill week drew I lie usual S. II H. btisl- ness. I'he stock couipany is meeilug with big success, liurlesipilng po|iular |>luys. und "'the Cniiitlry Store" and aiiiiileiir night lire drawing ttu-nnway business. Week of II: Four Sliaiiaoiis. Heorge Dcnno. Burke and llobinson. Sbliloll Bros., and the bioscope. Moving plcittres and Illustrated songs. Sun- day, are delighting S. K. I). l'i;oi'l.i:'s (Harry A. Woodward, niiiiiageri. — Iliisluess wus very jjood last week. The veteran caMortloaltl. Waller Wenlworth was liromliieiil on Ihe bill. CnrreUi : Florence Klppllng, llowiird Sisters. Addle Smith. Fred Clingnoii, Illlly Stewart, moving pictures, mid hnrlesi|iie, "All C'liught I'p." Sunday cult- cerls are drawing big business. Ancun: (Ceo. W. Cnrey. lunniigeri.- -Busi- ness coiiiiniu's exrelleiii. with Hie latent in slot niacliliie novelties for all ructions. Itol.l.AWAV IIIN'K (Hennessey llros., miilia- gersl.—The Simthiy concert. Ill, wits can- celed to give the hall for lectures by Dr. Dieiglns Hyde. Ciil.oMAi. Hai.i.. — Itlcliuid Piatt, pianist, will entertain l.'l. under ilirecllim or Louis Hrdnewuld. Tlie advance sale assures a big success Mi:niiii\. --Herbert, ihe frog mail, a suc- cess nt Ihe 'Boston last week, will be with the Ureal Flolo Shows next season Cook and I lull played tlielr llrsl vaudeville eiigiigeinenl of the season at the Boston last week, taring Just closed a successful season with their own show The New llallia- way .Theulre Is Hearing coinplelIon. and the opeiilng Is aiinouuced for I'lirlslnius. • \orlli AiIhiiik.— -At' tlie Kmplre Tlu-iltte (John K, Sulliviiii. luanuger) Willie's Comedy Co. played u three nlglils' engngenieiil, to excellent business. "Checkers." one of Ihe best plays that has been *cen here ill ii long lime, played to a large and enthusiastic au- dience 7. Brllt-Xebon light pictures 10, Iti. IticifMu.vii (W. P. Meade, manager).— Week of II ! Funnel De Voy uud company. Leny and Luvanlon. Catherine Cull. Illllv l.iiili. Muslcill Slntpsuns. Alllien Twin Sis- ters, nnd Ihe vliugniph. Business Inst week was Immense , Xoti:s.— -ThiuiiiiH Mel.a rule, n local hoy. Is a- roeinher of I'fuctor's Due Hundred nnd Twenty-llfllt Stivet Slock Co.. Xcw York City, and Is making u Hue Impression Mne Larkln. of this city. Is with Mclntyre and Heath, in "The Ham Tree." Miss Lurklu has ninny rrlends lu this city, vvhu wish her success. Xew lledtoril. —. At Ihe New Bedford Theatre (Win. It Cross, iiuiniiger) Huntley Stock Co. nunc Dec. 4, lo fair business. Dot Kurroll Cm. 11 -1 IS. Hathaww's (T. II. Buyles. mauagcr).— I'siiul lilgr business, lu spite of clly elec-llon. lust week. BUI for 11 and week: Curnieu- cltn, liiillnghrt- and Barren, 'JVo Fucks. Wurd and Ciirran, Wood Bros.. Leo Mluo, Thomas- und I'a lac. aud vllagniph. Savoy lllerbetlson Wllmalli, niiinager).-— Siaudiiifl Slock Co. o|H>ned in "Citiiibcrliind, 'til." to good laislness. The Uttlllnglon Slock Co.. which has Jusl closed a successful run of twelve weeks, has left for Its road sen- son. Tlie roster of Hie new company In- cludes : Frank I icnltliorne. Frank Thomas, Wm, McClennii. Kendal Western. I'hll Bishop. Walter Hill, John Daly, Jrre Sunrot'd. Ruse Marsdea, Florence I'liichiiif.v, May Abbey. Alice Donaldson and Marie llnyties, The cainiiuny produci.-s. under the direction of Kendal Weston. "Broken Hearts." for week of II. I, -At Ihe Taunton Theatre (Calm ,V: Cross, managers) moving pictures of the llrlft-Nelson llglil Dec. I. "Little Lord l'nutilleioy" did fulr (J. and Hie Walte Com- edy Co. Ilniihed the week well 7-1. Thellnf- UnlDii Stack Co. wi-ek of II. ♦ ■ » onto. paav, In "Mrs. Murphy's second Husband :" Mile. Troja. Belle Hitlhawny's uionkeys, l.'urlln nnd Olio, Tom (illlen. Voting und Mel- ville, and camcragraiih. XlCKKUiMjON.—Bill week of Dec. 11: Cincinnati.---Kven In the mldsl of pros- perity trouble Is trolling the manager*. Some el them have their programmes printed at non-utilo:) simps, und lire threatened with a boycott, llacause the -theatre*, gave some nt tholr bill posting to a Covington -concern seventy-live union bill posters went on n strike, 'Ihe managers do not fear disaster nl tin- box ofllce us n result of elder of Ihene iinaitppv Incidents. Hiiami Dt'i'jiA Horsi: (Harry Itnlnforth 4 John II. I lu vlln, muuugct'*).—Mclntyre uud Heath are to be seen In "The Ham Tree" Dec. 11-lC List week Maxine Klllotl pre- sent enl 'Tier Hrent Match." Business was good. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Ciibbngc I'nlch" IS, Wai.m -r S-riir.r.r |.\I. C. Aiiilersou. iniiuii- gerl,--"Tin- Clinperous" Ill-Ill. mid "The Whole I lain in Fiiiiillv" Is lea lured Nlconglv. l.nsl week "Miss lloli While" did a splendid business. "Hup" Ward. In "The Unifier." i« due is. llm'CK's (li-riiA Mm m; i lleuck. I'eiini-s«> & Slab', iiiaiiaiters).--Mabel Dlxey Hi. in "Texas." "More In He I'll led Than Scorned" enjoyed n prosperous eiigugciiielit last week. "The Millionaire Hctcctlve' r 17. I'oi.iMiuv Tiikatiii: l.M. C. Anderson, iiuiu nnerl.—The Jackson Family, billed as the seven faiilous. will lie the lienilllnors 10. and iissoehited wllh them will be the Klluiiuira Jons, Nlm-ey nud Hall. Cnllaliau itfiil Muck. Sylvester, Junes uud Cringle. Watson and Morriscy, ami Kherus and Cole. Lust week I lie iisaal crowds etiloyed the vnudeyillc offer- huts, Rose Siiihl. liyiiu and Rlelnli-ld. nud Kelly nail Violetle being atiiong Ihe pro- millers of eulliiislasile nproviil. Roiuxsov's (>rv:iiA llntsi: (lieorge I". Fish it I., F. Fish, miit'aaersi.-The i-'orepaugh Stock Co. will pat mi "Dr. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde" IP. nfler a week's sik ssful liilerine union of another Manstlclil Hnccem, ••I'rliKe Karl." llii-lniKs lust week was vi-ry good, nnd Harry Fenwlik. tlie new lending man. was niiicli pleased over the ini-dlnl wuy lu which he was welcomed Into the free fellow- ship of the tiobliiKiui constlim-ncy. "A Rough Dliimoiul" will precede Hie problem lu pa) cladogy. "Kb si Lyntie" 17. LvrKI'.M illeiiek. Stair & Feaiiessy. lunua gers).--Charles II. Jefferson will bring hi* o'd success. "Shallows of a Ureal Clly." In, with Sadie Connelly In the role of Hlddy lluuiiu. Last Week, "From lings to Riches' enjoyid most proiltiihle n-liirns. "The iienrl of I hi- cugo" 17. I'KiU'i.K'.s illiibcrl lleuck. luauagerl. Sam Hcvcrc's 11 Wll I'c, slreugthencil l>y Mailnme Itotiin's Aerial Wiestllug lilrls. will come III. I.asl reek's engagement nf Williams' Ideal Itui'li'sipier* proved successful. Amateur nights are drawing well, and a cerlahi per- centage of lutein Is surely being schooled for Ihe vaudeville singe. May Howard's Co. and die (ilrl In Blue 17. i Staxiiauh if. II. \riiold. ma linger i -The High Roller llurlcsipie Co. nud a half dozen of ihe Inleriialloti.-il Women Wrestler* are biMiked lo appear III, Last week. I'hll Sberl (Ihii's Clly Sport- gave n good show, m good bll*llic*s. Fred I mill'* lug Show I". (ioNSil- in- rilt: LomiV.- II. Mcrrell Hiiro- bum end Ma/le Alice tiller iAlice l.huleiii. biilhof Ihe ".Miss Boh While" Co.. were mar cled 4, liy llev. Frank Nelson, at Christ Church rectory. Thus ended a t'oiiuince be- gun some weeks ago In I'lilladelphln Hurry A. Karkliardl. mull last week leading titan of tlie Forcuiutgh Slock Co.. bus »-i -d Mnnnger Fish and bis wife foe $I,M~II da in ages for alleged hieiieh of mfllraci John II. Hiivllu vveiit to West linden lo i- in - tirr with K. ll. Stub- and oilier* on mailer* of thenlrlciil moment lessie Strtiu*. Ihe vlollulsl, who went awuy wllh Ihe I'alv- I°oin|iiiuy, to. iemporiirlly take the place of Miss Verinnrell, has rein rued home. liar played at Cleveluml nnd St. I.mils |er Itohle, of "A Message fiom Mine." wn* In town during llie pnsi week.... Waller King- icv. Iiei-n ilieail oi "Mrs. Wlggs, of l lie Cide I'uti-h." Is reiilly enji-ylng Ills houeyumoii. Ill* bride, whom he wedded nt Brooklyn, is ii daughter of Hi-ante llnnlou. if "Superior fitir.c lobn I'lHisldloe, Interntied In the new vaudeville chain of which the Olvnipln of Cliu-liinnll. will be a link, ran down from Seattle to see John .1. Ryan While II* tlieiilre patties were given foe Hie Hailing bill postern daring ihe week, many of them I pisl Into tlie majority nl' Cluclniial I houses during Ihelr solum. I'liey go in xl to Hit viLiiu l'. W.' .Ionian cum.' to I/-II of "TextiB." I'din If. Hii'.-ers. who Is look '■'•i after Cie b .»!» t» lillercNl- of Barney Hllniore, in "A.ltoi'ky Head lo 'niblln," for John II. Ilivlln. was lu town a day on Ids way lo Diiyioti nnd Colniulais. .. i .. Illnnebe .Melinn'ey. who was lo have bead.'d Ihe Colli in bin's bill, was compelled lo ea-.e-el. on in- coiinl of a told Hun left ber nil lull voiceless. ('levcliiiid. - Al the ll|icra House I Harry D. Ullr.e. iiuiniigeri l-'ruiiil* Wilson. In "Cousin Billy." « k of Dec, II. "Mrs. Wlggs of tlie Ciilibngi- I'nlcli" had good Ikiiisch week nf I. "The Heir lo Hie lloorali" 18-39. CllMiMAI. iln-eiv A ('i.lilpbell. liiniiiigcrsl. --"The (ilrl and the llaiidll" 11-11!. "The Winning lilrl" had full- houses week of ■). lloitNe dark week of Is. Ll't.'Kt'M I lieu. .M. Todd, manager). The Four Morions. In "Breaking Into Society." week of I I. Kolli and 1)111 gave n good en- lerlaliiiiieiit, In "|. ti, I'.," and had'good re- ceipts t-U. "Klgbl Hell*" week of IS. Ci.kvui.axii filed. M. Todd, uuiuageri, "Trucked Around tin- World" week of II. BarMy 0 Union-. In "Tlie lliicky Itoad In Dublin." hail good lu>u*es week of 4. "At I'lney Ridge" ItMtil. Kiu'MIih til. A. Diutlel*. mnnnger).—Bill week uf 11 liieluiles: liariluer anil Vliiceui. Murphy nnd Nichols. Mine. Shi|ioir*kl. I'llf- toii Crawford. Miircenu, Neviiro and Ma mam, Azrn, the Holilswoi'ih*. uud Stnley nud Blrbeck. Business conllinies to cupiicltv. I,villi- i K. II. Lung, iiuiniigeri.— Bill week 11 Includes : The liregnry Family. Keiinis- I'nnilly. Alien und lieliininl. Lew llenedtrl, und Kelly nail lliifnku Staii iDrew 4. I'ninpladl. iiuinugersl. Hurry Wlllinias' Ideals week of II. The Merry .Makers Fxtruviigaiiru Co. had an es rellenl hill uud Hue crowds week of I. Sam lie Vote's Cninpunv week of IS. K.uriut: (Chae. W. Iieiizlnger, manageri.— Hyde's Blue tlllilioti HliN week of II. Tin Itenlz-Siiniley Co.. -ibled by Frank A. Hnlcli. hud big houses week »t II. The Majcsllc-, week of IS. KUTKH.—Al (it-ay's Armory Mine. Calie nud laiiupany gave u comer I, In capacity house, -j, nail ll was tin" musical I tea I of the season. Mine. Cnlye bus never been heard lo a better advantage here. Harriet Vnn Nnrilcii sung inosr artistically The Clu- i-lmiutl Symphony iirrlirsim, 7. itKslMted hy Alols Biirgsluller, leimr, nud Adellu l'reiill«s Hughe*, iiecoiiipiinlst. gave Cleveland music lovers a most delightful evening. Tlie lurge uildlence becutne wildly enthusiastic over Hurgstaller's singing, anil uot u lllth- of his wonderful work was due lo the finished play- ing of Mrs. Hughe*... .lieorge Drew. I reus- itfer of Ihe Colonial, uud son of Frank Drew, ami Mis* i; Hose, of Cleveland, were ma riled Toledo.-- At the Viiletilliin (Oil* Klein*, luiiiuigeri "The Ihihe nf Kllllcrankle." Nov. ."J), came In u fair Mixed limine. "The He- ilemjilloti of liuvitl Corson" came Dec. I. 'i, to fair result*. "Mary. Murv, (julte Can. miry," pleased J. Fruiik Daniels it. Fraud* Wilton ft. ".Mrs. Wlggs of Ihe Cubhnge Patch"'Kcv (Frank Bun. mniutgen.—"i. ii. f'.." 311-Hei-. '.'. and "Ihippy Hooligan." .1-11. were Iwo grwiil ntlriicilons Hint were well received. Adelaide Herrmann 7 It, "Th"' Kr- rand Boy" KMll. L.Ml'ini: (Abo Shapiro, miiungeri. -Blue Illbboti tjlrli had u sueceasful week .'l-P. Irwlu'a Mulcstles Id nnd week. AliCAbh HI. II. I.aueken, manager) HI11 10 and week: Tlte'Aorlul Suillhs. Mr. und Mrs. (Hewnrt Darrvll. ami Hunii. F.lght VaiMr Girls, Oiplu-us Comedy Four. Hie Four AlblliOK and the vltograpb. Lust week's at- tendauce vvi«t:«"oi|.- HllBJ-M (Ji'riSk lt(iil. niiiiiageri.—"A Wife s Secrut." ipffar. '.',. und ' r At I'lney Rhlgi-," ".-ll, caine.Ui ginnl btoeliie**. "Nobody'H Claim" 71), "More lo He I'llled Than Scorned" 1(1 l.'l. Culmtibuii—At tlio (Jreiil Suulhel'u (H. M. lleffnec, tgiuiagcri Frank Daniels had a packed house lh-c. .">. "Ill the Bishop's Car- rlave" drew n fairly good house 7. "The. Hum Tree" had large crowd* S, II. Huso Coulilin II. "Al Taiaim Hay" VJ. "Mr-. Wlgg*. of IV t'nbbugc I'alch," lit; "Wood- la tut ' 11, Tun Miirpny l,*i, "San Toy'" Hi, "Fritz 'ii 'I'aiiiiiinny Hull" vn. I'Mt-lui: • Fred Xedderiuyer. uuiuageri. "Monte I'l-isie" was pr**seiuisl lo good busi- ness by tlie Hlock eiuupnliy week of |, For week of II. "The llullerllv ;" "llllf of III"! Fold" IS^.'i liuwn iit'iuiA lloi si: ( W. W. I'ros-er, iiuiu ager). "liiil'us Unguis' Pud ca|iaeliy liouscs Ml. "Lovers and l.iiuutlcs" did good Imsl- uess 7«i. -'My Wife's l-'iuiilly" IMS, Hie llrln N'ebon pli'iure* I7-1P. II mil s-ritciri n'liiis. w. liuipec. mana- ger i. "Trni-keil Annuel the World" played In good business Id. "Tbe I'eildler hud gienl house* 7-0. "The liiiiiawav llov" II- l.'i. "A lloi-kv Itoad lo llubllii" I II ll.' "Side Trn.-kisl" 17 III. "Why lilrls Leave Home" 81 SX N'.rri;s. l'lelds Minstrels will lay over here week nf IX..... .The Columbus Amuse- ment Co., owners and operators of the Um- pire Theatre, will hold Us iiiunuil meeting is, to determine the future (mttcy of Ihe . "inpniiy.. .. Aiiuniinceiiieut bus been made of the engagement of I 'litis. Waldron and Louise Marcelll, former members of Ihe Hi hire Slock Co. The wedding will lake place 'n Jiiiuiiii-i Sum Flelillng. who Is In advanc" of •The Rutiawiiy Boy" Co.. renewed many old acpialuiaiiccs during bis slay here. '1 he llie.ilrlcii! blllcrs expect hlg doings at I heir annuel hall, ill Rneeliler's Hull. 11. m liny (on. -At the N'allonal Hill Burrows. luaniigce) it I crowd* niii-nileil the perform aiu-e irf Joe Web b. lu "The I'eddler." Dec 1 (i. "Al I'lnev Itldge" did gisul liusluess 7 ». Hartley (iilmore. lu "A Rocky Road to Unbllu" IMS: "York Slate Folk* 1 ' 11 HI. Vlrriiiui ll'. H. Miller, inauiigeii.- Frank I'ni'lels. In "Sergeiini Urea." did well I. "Tlie Cliuperniis" came 7. to fulr crowds. INhdln Fnrniiia. in "The Virginian." |ilnyisl to ll splendli! house S. "lu Ihe Btshaii's Carriage" drew well ll. Tim Murphy, til A Corner lu Coffee." Li: "Mrs. Wlgg*, of I In: Cal-'nge I'nlili," 14: "WoiMlland" III. I'iiik Hill Burrows, nuiiiitgcr). "Thn King of Ungues" appeared .V7. to fair ps- I rename >'ol.toi;i.-s' IIiimi TtiKAiui:. "Tlir Heart of Mai vliiinl.'' .1, drew well. "Tlie Italiilt nl Ithoiig" I.'.. I-'aiiivii w I'aiik Casimi i A. '/,. Wnrd. iiiiin- iigerl, The I bill Nelson light picture* were exhibited II. 7. In big llnwils. tliu;o\' (Lewis. Wheeler A t'lirrnii, tunnii - gci'i.- A iirosperuus week was reported f>. AniiMiinccil for week of i:i: Coin'* ilana, and Brill Nelson light pleiure*. Caul M Ihe lll-mul Opera House (M. C. Bni-ls'i-, inniiageri "Hiir New Minister" entile Die. I, lo good bnalnr**, "I'he limn Tree" luiil Ihe cil|iaclly ,"i. "Tlie Sleeping Iteauiy ami I lie Beast, ll, came in fair n- turns, Cresloti Clnrke. K, pleased. Urate Vnn SI nihil ford. II. bad full in leiuUtnce. "The Sign of Hie Cross" II. -'Ill Hie lllsliop'* Car- rlage" IL'. "A Slaie .u' Hie Mill" I::. "Fund. fill' I ill'll Hull if I l.'l. III. I'l'ildoc Nevele I'o.. Ill repertory. IS nnd week. Ii vinos Tiicatiii;. ceeeiilly clos.-d by older of lite police depart lllelll, Is belli;; relllliilelisl. and nill sliortly open a* a leu ■■•■ill house. Three iH-rforiiiiiaei-i arc In lie given dally, the bouse ciilerlug lo ladles anil children. 'I'he refreshments which have always Is-en served here, will In- eliminated. The new iiiumigciiiriit will he announced Inter, )iiiiimsiinvi>. At the liniiKl upern lloiise IT, K. Albangli, inaiuigerl Irene Myers Co. obiyeita rejurti engiitfeiiieiii In uood liusl- uess Iter. I P. ihlcngo Stock Co. II HI. I'aiik 11 Minion, luumigeri. "When U'n Were 'IVoulv-ono" was nut on by u good com- pany, la r-itr sized aitilleliees. I. "The Old • 'lollies Ball" pleuseil 'J. "The Sleeping Iteiuily anil lie- Bensi" failed lo :i|ipear. lieu llellll I'l'iisliulll jllliyeil |n the III,.Hi I'llHllioil "hie audience of ihe season, delighting her iiuilly friends and admirers by her clever work In "Mary. Mary, (/idle Coiitrary." Daniel sully bad goad pulrniiniir I). "The Sign of the Cross" II. Joe Welch, in "The, I'ediller," IL': "In the Bishop's Carriage" III, "Mm; oi' liwgnea" in. Null:. Dode Rook I* hoiue on a visit, look' llig well. '"I lie Sleeping lleiiuly ami the Ileus! ml fair hurliiesn ... "The Ham Tree" iiindn Akron, Ai Coioiibtl il'lv. S. mil. iniiae- get) "A Slav- of Ihe Mill" did well Dec. 4. IiikI lair Intsliie 111- bit nf Ihe iciiMini it, "Heserled at the Altar." 7, iiml "Mnns. Ben lieu I re." II. hud I we good sDed lludli'lues. Joe Welelt, In "Tlie Ceddler," I I : "When We Were Tivenly- one" I'.', local iiiIiihIi'vIh Hi, "Al I'lney Itldge" Hi. Brill ami Nc'non iihtitre* -u. "I. I'MOli; (Acbllle Fhllhui, niiiiiageri. -Tlie Chicago Slock Co. did well week of 4. The t'rndiiiic Repertory Cu. week of 11. N'n ii. John J. Mclioniiltl, of "Tlie Shiva of Hie Mill" Co.. v/|l* elilertnlneil by Miillli- ger Hiiitv A. Ilowu while In Ihl.i clly. H |i il <i u lli-lil. At Hie (Iriiiul llpern iliaisn 11.. .1. I la He. iiuiniigeri May Irwin, lu "Mrs. Ilhick Is Buck." came lo n well nihil house Dei. I. "Fast Lviitie,' iiiulliii.'o und night, hud fair hiislnes* 'J: I lilt IK-liii Walsh. In "Thn Woman In the Cn*e." 4. ideilsed. "The Vlr- giii'iiu" 7. "In Ihe Bishop's Carrlnge" H. "The Heiirt. Of Chicago" II, "Lover* nud 1,11111111 "s" II, Hiifllil.M i (In* Sun, manager i. mil for week of II: Fniir Hill li'iitnlly. ncroluils; t'lenlore, lloliu Chlldreti, Mcliiilre. new illus- I rated rung* nud tiiotlon picture*. ■ lliiiolllnu. Al the Jcn"or*o» (Tom A. Smith, iniiiuigeri "The I'eddler" packed lite house Dec 'J, Blanche Walsh, In "The Womiui lu the Ciihc," nlnyed la u good nana* fi, nnd wa* acII rarelved. High Flyers II. "The Chaperon*" S. Al. Ii. Field'* Minstrel* It. Ilaraev (ii'niore III, "Mis* Boll While" 11. F.ilwln llnyl 1". "The llajnli of Bluing" l.'l. "Jlallroml Jack" HI, "A Fighting Cliinice" IH. /.unotlllc. ,\t (be Wcller (J. Ii. Aw- luiid. inniiageri Hliinclie Walsh ilellgliled a fair llllilleiiee Dec. -J. "The Utile llu'elles*' did good laislness |, "Tim Vlrgllilaii" II, Me- Inlvre nud 11 call. 7. "Tin; Sleeping lleiiuly IIIKI Hie Itl'llhl" 8. l.n I'roHMr. Al. Hie La Cmsse Thentr'! (W. F. Huge, alalia gel i Madnni Mialjes^n played "Mary Smart" lu I he nflernisMi, nnd I res* i mo. ■*; .oiir.-iiniH I iniioifo neoij, . y. Brviuil Ik Sv.niii Vaudeville ft, "Fun*!" 111, "The Royal Chef" |"j. Ill nn i W. I', linllaglter. inniiageri > - Week of -I mis a winner. The bill liiehuletl . I.arrlvee alnl Will Arnionil, Frank Hut". Mnj Nells"!!. Froslo uud llnrvcr, ami HIJoii ellsrnie'. I'ullowllig are booked for week nf II : Ibulw.irlli und Well'. Sloddard and Wll ion, Minnie de lleseh, the Mysterious l-'onl'- ni'llii and Will Armolid.. Cis.vli .»>•(• In; Viuxi: refiorl meeting wllli grenl success wllh llielr novelty uinsliiil ucl. They Just finished on the Kohl .x Cn^ clr- i-nlt, and have return dale*. They ure hnv- Ipg IllK'ellv llislrilfuelit , blllll. lu the slllllwi of ii musical ale ship, a muslenl aitlomnlillo and niosleal ballonus. They are ulna luivlinc nn :••-■ wrllteti for Ihetn by one of Hie best write ru.