The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DEOEMBEB 16. ihvM UlgulM, i»""> but Hollar."- u; Irene Mvrrs WW* ^ W and week, except •.•(», THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1097 wi!i*n* Frank He Slioa comes), In "The" uiHee ""iiAiiKJiv ok .Musie, TvnoKB.—"At the i;ie veiub Iloiir'.'/come 0. York.—*t the York Opern Home <H. '.'. 1'cnU. ma anger) Yorke and Adams pleased n fair i'Svse with "Bankers and Broken" Dee 4. ."The Sign of the Cross" W" reived "by a medium sized house Skies" closed the week, to a lilg house, a Moving pictures or Hrllt-Nelsm, g it 11 ton iu 'J' 0 ;, ' a ? • 1:l - M " ,I<J "'all''"". SSE.WL SJPK. !■ •"biiiusiiih." 15; "The tatal Wedding" Hi nnd matinee. Otiritixu | Winner * Vincent. managers). —Herrmann and (lit* foluuil.lniis helped to pock the house Inst week. This week- l-'d- id Brokers" ward r. Rottwlrk mid imam-ny. Fields' nnd wan well re- Ward. Young mid in* v„e, t omlev Siill'v Kerwell were the 'attractions which drew large house* w eek of 4. Will loin "port.—At (lie Lycoming Opera llrgi'io (1,. J. F'tk, manager) the Kottr Hunt- ings drew nnd pleased a flood house Dec. 4. -Nelghhorlv Neighbors" delighted n fair house 3, "Over Nlagarn Kails" satisfied two fslr hoimeH & "Coon Hollow" had fair returns 7 Vorel Minstrels 0, llimmeleln's Ideals 11- lit iAI II. Wilson 18, Howe's pictures 10, ••(Tie Isle of Sole?' 20. "The Holy City" 21. ronton.—At the Able Opera House (W. K. Dctwlller, manager) "The Black Crook" plaved to large and well pleased nuillenccs Dec. 2. l'thel Ilarrymore, In ''Sunday," en- joyed good business 0. K.zra Kendall 11. .UcUdllTe Stock Co. 12-10, ''King of Tramps" IK, "Over Niagara Kails" 10, Uadley's mov KTAn (Jiie 1 ta 11, manager i.--"Trarv. ihe Outlaw." 11.18, Mark und Dcnno. 'Nellie Palmer and Mnbel i.rheiiii will uppenr be- tween the nets. Tray,— At Hand's tipern House ill. T. riKimiMoii. resldetit iiiiinagcrl "Lighthouse la- the Men" had a khoiI house Dec. 4. 'Tinier Southern Skies" did well (I. "tine of lite Many" drew llnely 7. The Hrltt-Nelson light pictures III. "Vuu Never fan Tell" 14. Piiot-Tols* (William If. Orithnm. resident munoger).—ltlg houses ruled Inst week. I'.lll week of 11 : llrrxar's Circus, Toledo and Price. John Walsh. Artie Hall. IMnaiond nnd Smith. Din .1. Harrington, Charles Serra, and Mu- s.cnl t'uttys. IIuvai. (Wllllnni II. Buck, miinnger).—lion Tun llurlesqnei-s drew well last week. Ing pictures 20, John Drew 1!1, "Other Peo- Mil's Hnrlesi|iiers I Mil. pic's Money" 22. Lvckiim (Al. W. Kr »»» NOTICE TO CORIIKSPOMDENT8. .Is Christina* falls an Monday, all matter iiitmtlal , tar Tub Cumm, liatml Vcv. 30, *.fto«M reach thin office not later than Satur- day, Itte. u *■*-♦ NEW YORK STATE. . -eemont, manager).— Die Marian Shelby- Slock Co. played to good houses Inst week. In "The Prisoner of Zendn." "The Two Orphans" 11-HI. . I'.imirii. —At the Lyceum (M. Rafet, ni:in- ngcr) the Aubrey Stock Co. held the boards last week, with the exception of Dee. 8. when "Under Southern Skies'' played to fair busi- ness. Dnnlel Bully. In "Our Pastor" (A. O. II. benefit). 11; "The Old Homestead" I'*. Yogcl's Minstrels 13, "Plff! Puff'! Pouf:::" 14. ItiAi.Tfi (K. W. MrConncll, muimgcr).— Kill for week of Dee. 11: Klelds nnd Mason, Thompson nnd Serldn. Kdnn C Burnett, Mar- jorle Qulnn, Carrie Scott, (icrtrudc Slunley nnd .Ihiiick D. Proudlove. Kxtra attraction 15, wrestling match between Charles Kaiser, of ltorliester, and Kddlo Hoy. of Toledo. Mae Dudley created n sensntlon lust week wHn her meehnnlcnl soldier, "tin Porte." BmHkM _> ' iiiitTnln.— At the Lyceum (J. Uuighlln, iniinugcr) Win. Morris und Harry Conor, In 'Mrs. Temple's Telegram," appear week of Dei- 11. Stab' (P. C. Cornell, manager).—"The Utile Ornv Lady" and "In the Bishop's Car- riage" divide week of 11. "You Never Can •J'efl" delighted good sized gatherings. 'Shea's. —The bill this week Includes: llaudlnl, Krank Bush, Village Choir. Kcno, continues good. Welsh and Melrose, Dora Pellctier, Monroe, Mack aud Lawrence, Ooodman'd dogs, and Mooney and Holbciu. Iluslnes* rules very tarirc ACADEJtv (P. C. Cornell, manager).—"Fast I,lie In New York." with .Iiilln.i ltosc, tills week. "Moro to Be Pilled Than Scorned" 18-2.1. 'The Curse of Drink" DM vividly portrayed lust week. fy g^j audiences 87 Ji. "STntple Slnion I,amvktti: (Charles M. Ilagg. manncer).— jf\ m ft e « || -The Old llomestead 1 ' 12. Dnn High School Ulrls this week. Including: lllanche Sloan, .Innies Waltliour, Six Plying Il4nvnrds, llllly Hart, Hughes and Mazclion, unit (ilhnaii, Krancls and Clltaan. Jimmy llrltl and llnltlmorc Ilenutles certainly were appreciated the |>nst week. (i.uuiKN (Chiirles UcMahon. iiiuiuigcri. — The lienlz-Santlcy Co. this week, iucluding 111 milium ion.— At the si niie Opera House (J. P. 10. Clark, manager) "Coon Hol- low" had fair business Dec. 2. Joseph and Wllllnni Jefferson, In "The Itlvals," pleased 4. "Hunnlng for OIBee" delighted a good sized audience .">. Kzrn Kendall drew large buslness_ 0. "The King of Tramps" hod fair- mple' Sully 18, "Kantnsmn'' 14, James II. Mnckey 10. .loiiii-nioivn. —At the Samuels Opern House (M. Keiss. manager 1 "Across the Horkles." Dec. 4. pleased. "Why t;irls Leave. II»mi'." 8, Niitisll<*d 11 large audience. The Holy City," inallne nnd night. !i; "Our 1 in: iieuiz-amiui-y > u. nun »™, iuiiiuuiuk v „,, Vii«ui.,,.'- Ti »Mln„.l., wl .,,.,, Klnmlr," hro local iierformers, Kentelle und Itudcllirc. ^,f w „ *" ll ' s 1 ' ,J"' ,^fi?J"!., hll " u " hlm,,c llnttllng Nelson nnd the Truna-Atluntlcs had •■'• rl,,! ()l <l """■esleuq ... 11 mast profitable week. .."."*. mast prulltabl Co.vvr.ntion Hai.l (II. It. Mceel], custo cllan).—-Outdo Chorus nnd David Blspliam 11. I'lu* Pittsburg Orchestra gives the Hist ot I series ot three concerts l.'t. TUCK (P. C. Cornell, manager).—Kolb nnd Dill, In "I. O. U," 11 nnd week. Billy Van did quite n prosperous! business In "The Mr- rnnd Boy." Linn's JltisKt'M.—Abbott Parker, Prof. Paige and Itubber Neck Joe are current at- tractions In Ihecnrlii hull, while In the tlie- iilrt* are Leonard and Itastedo, the Luftows, Hutli Hntn and Maud McKluley, Hoi-ticNt.-r. —At the Lyceum (M. K. WnllT, nianngcn "The Little Orey ldtdy," presented li.v a most lapublc lompiuiy, played to fair iiiisincw Dec.- il, 11. Prominent In the east "ell•• Julia Dean, Dorothy Donnelly. Anita Ilrldger. Kdgnr Selwyn, William Humphrey nnd Wlllluiii V, Owen. Arnold Daly und his excellent company played to four large audi- ences 7-U. in ."You Never Cou Tell." Star and compnuy wero accorded big receptions, notably good work In addition to the star being dune by Kutherliio (irey, (ICO, Karrcn, I'red Tyler, Dodsou Mitchell, lsnliellc Priiiihari. Mary lliitigurford and Joseph Mad- ders. iliMiririin Crimniaii II. 12, Murlbel Seymour bcnelil 14, (ieo. Primrose Mluatrels in, 10. Natiunai. (Mux lltirtlg, imuuiKer).—"David llaJtlUL" with Win. II. Turner Iu the lead, M-eiiis to liiivo lost none of Its drawing low- ers, fur II. played to line attciiditncn 4-0. Tha ever unpiilar "ICIght Hells," with the Itrulli- ers llyrne, had lurgo receipts 7-0. Holiert Cotiuess, In "Lieut. Dick, if. S. A,," ll-lll; "()ui*en of the Highbinders" 14-10. Cook Ol'HiiA Uiumi. 1.1, H. Moore, uiiina- gfr).—The hill week .of 4, heiided by Huudlnl, did record business bo fur of the preseut scu- sun. Bill It and week: S. Miller Kent und company, Threu Schloins, Max Woldoti, An CANADA. llonlrcnl. — At Ills Majesty's (II. O. Ilriinks, inaiiiigei'i "Cumin* Thro' Hie Bye" placed to fair houses week of Dec. I. "The County Chairman" 11-10, week of is, house dark. Ai-akkjiy in-' MtiKicr IK. Haworth. niiiiin- ger).—Onod houses greeted "(!av New York" ia-i week. "Tlie Aniy nf the Transgressor" 111(1. "The Sign of the Kour" 18-2.'!. Tiikatui: ItovAt. (II. C. lOgerton. uiuiin- gerl.—The Imperial Hurlesi|ueis tilled tin* house t and week. The Avenue (Hrls 111 II. Itelllv and Wood 18IKI. TUMATWI Natiiixai. Kiiaxcais (O. flu 11- vreaa. niutiiiKer).—The permanent Kreach stuck i-ompniiy. Iu "ls*a IVnx Orphcllues. had big houses 40. Next week, "Lea Htoiif- fears de Loiidres." TlUMTMl IIiancais IK. W. Le Clair, tnnnn- j,,,|.|.—|, u Troupe Cozcneuve perinancnt Kreiicli stock cuuiniiny. in "Ki-dora." Iind fnlc biivluess l-ll. Week of 11, "Lc Bossu." TiinA-ritK litis No|!h:aitbs (It. Itnveiix. manager).—-The permanent Krench Mod; company. In "Noire Jeiiucsse," to good houses, -I. "Krou-Kioil" 11-10. . Toronto.—AI Ihe PrluccsH III. It Shop- paril, iiiiiiiagerl "The Chige.i-bi'i-iul Man" illd l>lg business Dec. 4-0. Kriink Dnnlels 11-HI. (ill.tXIi Ol'KIIA (A. J. Small, 111111111 got-1,—Week or 4. "Sky Kiirni" drew gonu houses. •'Hay New York" 11-10. Maiiistu: (A. J. Small, mnnugerl.—"l-itst Life In New York" drew big business ■!•!». "A Wife's Secret" 11-HI. HTA1I (K. J. Slulr. innnagcr).—Meek of I, High School Olrls drew to capacity. Wil- liams' Imperials 11-10. Mashky Ham. (Stuart Houston, nuiniigdr).—Marie Hull's violin recital, on " was a great success. Miss Hall Is a muster nle and Jennie Yeutnuns, l-'dwunl Clark and of 1 Instrument, and with her synipulhellc Ids Six Wlunlng Widows, Six .(.Jllnsercttis, Interprelnllons of her solos, won the hearts of the entire nudleiiee and created n furore. She was recnlled time after time by the au- dience. Mine. Oadskl 8, Lew Sully ami kliielogra|<li. 11-VKtiR 1.1. H. >7oore, munagcr).—The Jloorc Stock Co.,'week of 4, In ''JoHephlne, Lmprt*ss of (he Krench." futed well. The .Napoleon of Itcrtraia Lytell was very praise, worthy. "Alone In Rochester," by Jumeu A. Xotk. —Shea's Theatre suffered n bad lens on Nov. 3tl. The lire slurlcd about 11.110 i'. a., just after (be audience hud been tils- Murphy, a nutlve of ItocheHtci', will have Ita niliwpd, niul win. ciiused by defeellve wiring. Hrst presentation on any stage 11-10, „ Cniii.vriiiAS (II. (.'. Jacobs, maauger).— Vieek of 4, Itleo & Burton's Hose 1 lilt Co. I'luyed lo capacity, giving u very good show. '■i*i>. W. Jth-o. lllanche Ncweouibe and Ulaon ■Ity iju.irii'iie seoreil big hits. Truns-Atlun- He Ilurlesipiers 11-111. NoTB.—Nil inlay "pops" ore still tho voge jit three of our houses, excellent business be- ing done. i Alliuiiy.—At tha Umpire (Krank Wil- liams, resident muiuiger) Joseph und Wllllnni ". Jefferson, In '"l"ie Hlvals," Dec. R, np- lieared before a large nudlence, and "Under Southern Skies." 7. had a good sized liouse. i "You Never Can Tell," 15, Arnold Daly, In Hi, IIarmaxiis nt.ixoKKit II.\M, (It. B. Jacobs, innnager).—"The Kye Witness" jirovcd a sood drawing attraction 4-0. nnd "The Light- house, by the Sen," 7-0, had excellent bust- JM» Ilrltt-NnlBon llglit pictures 11-13, "Lured rrom Home" 14-10. I'iioctoii'h (Howard Craham. resident man- JEW),—Topllncrs during the past, week were: Imil Conchas, Ilruno nnd Itussell, and Mr. "ml Mrs. Dan Hlntt. Kvory seat was taken JI each performance. Kor 11 nnd week: nmmow Midgets, Al. Lawrence, Mitchell and the province. 'tiirron, Imvlne nnd Leonard, Waldorf and 'lendeii, Hayes and Wynne, and Tom Nnwn "'id eotnpnny, together with tho motion pic- tures. Oaiktv (It B. Nichols, manager).—Harry "ryunl's T'xtrnvngniiKtl Co. drew eiipaelly nouses all Ihe week. Particularly hi favor "etc: The four Nelsnns. Ihe Criillts. ami (he lluseli-Devere Trio. Kor tl nnd week, Rice ft Barton's Hose Hill English Kolly Co., with ll itnche Neweomb, Coin, tivnns nnd Wheeler, [dylla Vyner, Bison Cllv Quartette, Three l-nne Sisters, nnd Van- Bros. "Knights of 'be Hed Garter" Is the burlesque. The loss Is a serious one. Ihe upper part nnd the roof being entirely destroyed. Mr. Slien, however. Is lioiwful, and expects lo lmve the thentro running again before the end of the ycur. -____ London The (Iruud (J. K. Tin-Ion. Mali- nger) was dark Dec. 4-7. "A Hunuwiiy Hoy opened a two nights' engagement 8. lonilnir: The rllngriiph II. 12. "Ills Highness the Ucy" 13, "Lighthouse by the Sea" 10. IIkvnktt's (C. W. Itenuett, manuger).--- Boukcil week ot 11 I Mine. De Serrls, Sidney lllow nnd company, Mr-Bvoy and Hughes. Aillchel! and I.ove, Wllsou and Morun, aud Dillon Walton. Xoi-ks. —Manager Ttirton was In Toronto nnd Hamilton week of 4. The pluns Tor a new liouse In London have liecn prepared for Lessee Small, nnd are suld to be s inlliir to his new Hamilton theatre. Mr. Iiirlon has bcea compllmenled by innnagers and nuenls for his comprehenslvo ntateuient be- fore the Inrlff coniniisslon in reference to Ihe ilutv on llthographh: paper entering t anadn. The eommlsHlon look evidence In Loudon, and this wiik the only place Iu fiiiiudii wlierei nil anpi'sl was made for a i-edncllon. 'the pe- on was signed by nearly every manager In Hamilton. I Hon.—At the Mnjcatlc Theatre (Shubert Ores., managers) "The Little I irey Lady" At th« Hrand Opera House (A. II. London, manugeri "The tilugcrbrciid Man." Dec. 2, had large houses, mill nn-l with the wnrmest npprovnl. l-lsk roiicert. 4. iiltriicled a large audli'iu'c "A Iliiiniway Bov," .". 0, did big business, und tdensml Immensely. Sarah Bernhardt. In "Adrleniie Lccouvrcur." !1: "Uglithouia* by the Sen 12. 13. "His HlarlineHi the Hey II. the Peddler" ID, 10, * A Wife's Secret 22. .'... Htau (J. (i. Appleloii. innnugcrI.— Hui*' ncss was good week of 4. with un excellent bill. Week of 11: Jeniilngs and Heurrew. Lennnrd and Hustedo, (lay's Parlor Min slrela. Wlsi*. Milton and company. Mr. ami Urn. Nick Hughes, the Simpsons, and Davie and l'hllllppe. ■ " m Wlnnlpoir.—Al the Winnipeg Theatre H'. P. Walker, manager) "The Sultuu W *M'I> .ill-Dec. 2. gave :| coisl. sliuw and played io big business. Win. it. Wml'n Minstrels opened a two nights' statul .", to n well tilled house, sale for B was good, "Peggy from Pails ' i-'t. Diijiimov i havhl DongiHs, innnuver).. ■ Hnshices is splemlld. HIM for week' of I : Miss Norton and Paul Nicholson, HI SloMilns, Miss Cnprln*. Ilnrt nnd Pnln. Powers I'.ms.; Hyde nnd Heath. Prof, A. K, Scnfnrs. nnd Ihe kinmlrome. I'Mmi: (Nasli A; llurrnws. proprietorsi.--- Hood business. Hill for week of 4: l.en It. Mnrtell and W. II. Ileus. Will Hart and May Dillon. Mr. and .Mrs. Oeo. Morrell. Harry Logreiilu, und moving pictures. » ■ti Join At Ihe Opera House (A. O. Skinner, manager) Loner'* l-'nmnus Mln- slreN, Dec. 7. for nae night, fared well. House will hi- dnrk until 2S. N'oii:.—The ileal lo iimvlinse the Opera II"i*M* Is off. The Inli'iiillug ptirclinsers were Novo Scolln parties, hcailed by .Mes«r?, Cruise ft MeAdnnis. mnnagers of the Lr- ccuni Theatres, at Sydnev and tSince Bay. N, S They aiiiih- an offer of ?.l().(Mill fur the Opera House here, but were nimble to buy It. Thev then said Ihey would I ulld line. The Intentions of Messrs, Cruise and Adams were n> form a syndicate of (he maritime province houses, bill as SI. John and Halifax are the two larger! ptttejt, and Ihe owners of the houses In liolh those cities refuse lo sell. It maj safely be assumed that the deal In off. Imiiikiis flt>v-At Ihe Willis Wim.iI The- alee iWiiodwiird A; IturgcsH Aniiisenicul Co.. ninnngers I, lust week. "The Itolllcklng lllrl." with Sinn Itein.-ii-il, llnille Wlllhiins. Wlllnrd Slnuiis and Vluey Dally und a hlg. clever chorus, luid line luislness. nnd deservedly so, for the show was thoroughly enjoyed. The Inner purl of Ihe week. Klorcnce Holierls. Iu "Ann t.iinioiil." hud good business. Miss Klorence dhi her usual good work, and wns ulilv siippurlnl hy .Max Klgnuin and n gond company. This week will lie divided lie- twoeii Win. ll. t'rone, In "An American l.iiril." and Hubert I'.ilesmi. in "Strotlglionrt." Next week. "The r.lerual I'lly." I'ttA.M) t))*i:n.\ itoi-si: iHudson ft Jiidnh. managers).—l.nsl week. "Iii old Kentucky" played lis annual engagement here, It being the thirteeiKli week we have seen Ihe "for- ever." Huslness wns as big us uf yore. This week. Kate Melville. In "His Hopkins:" Km Tunguny, In "The Snmlio fllrl." next week. Oni'llKTM (Mn ii In llcck, general mil linger). — IjisI week's bill was Cjund, and business was cxcelli'iil. The nrls were: Mr. nnd Mrs. K.dwiinl Ksinniiih*. In tliclr skelcb. "Another Cuciiiiiber:" laivlnln De Witt, cnriieltlst and vocallsi : Kied Lennox and comimny, in (!eo. Ade's ski'lcli. "On Ills I'piiecs:' Werden and lilnildlsli. song III list nil ors: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcey, In "A Tale of the Turkey-." ihe Wondcrfid Mllluge, In bis really clever Itiipersoii lions; I In- Imperial lluwdan Troupe, singers mid dulirers, nnd the klnodrnme. In new pleliins. This week Ihe ac|s will be: Mrs. Shinrt llobson, I'ri'lle'N Ihirnpeuu Nov- ilty. Melrllle and Stetson, Three N'cvurrns, Slehiul Trlu. Clnyioii, Jenkins and Jasper, and SCIimncr, OrmiA Hoi si: (B, S. Ilrt-bani. man- agerl.— IjisI week "Across the I'ncllh'" dill Its usual Immense business. This week. "The (iynsy tilrl." "As Told In the Hills" rollort's. At iut'iiiiim i Woodward A: llurgcss Ainusi'- nient Co., mmingers).—Last week "A Son of II"*I" iirnvril us cnterlnluliig as ll did Insi yenr. This week. "The Liberty Belles." "Die Oleson" follows. CltXTftiv l.losepli .1. Ilnn-ell. ninnngeri •-• Lust week Hie Jolly llrlMN Willows. Tills week the Washington Soclely (llrb:.. Tlg»r Lilies follows. Ma.idhtii- I I'reil Wiildiimii, uiiiiiiiger). ••• Lust week Hie llolileu Crouk Co, dfd well. The 1'nlnly HiicIii'mi Co. Hits week. Next Week, Chirks lliuiuwn.v Clrls. I'MPI'HIHXIIH,—.Mice Nlelson n|ipcnred 'il eonceri al I'liiivcnllon Hall Monday night. I, slni'lng In "Don I'lisiiutile." to nil ImineuKe nudlence. Miss Nlelson spent her childhood here, und she was warmly welcomed home. SI. .IonciiIi..— At Toolle's (C. I". I'hlllcy. luamiui'i'l l.ii'ds Junes. Dec. 2. drew good liiislliesii. ITorenie lloberts. .*,, pleased. Rose Mehllle, tl. drew line returns. Sum Iter- nurd 7. Hubert Kilescn H. W. II. Cratm 14. i,v«.'t:iM <{'. P. Pbiiiey. tnnnnjor),—"Her Only Sin" •*, 'Vim Yiinson" fair busi- ness. ••Till* liyimv lllrl" 711, "A Son of Itesl" It). 1 I. I.vuir (11. Waller Vun Dike, manager).-- I.ilsl wick wiih III* bininei- we<-k lit Ibis house, with John I.. Sullivan and his spur- ring pnt'lner, Jim Mct.'orinlck, an topllncrs. The \ ii ii Dike Stock Co. put on "An Inno- cent Sinner." OiVKTAf. (I-Yei| CoHimin. roanagerl.— llusl- ncss cont lii'ies great. Kor week of 111: l.'euii ami licit le Allen. Krnnk Croh. Itomnllie and Kltell, I'rnnl; Comer, Miller, Itemshner and Miller, and I 'ohiuiui'h moving plr'tures. — 1 .» TI1XAS. I''l. Woi-ili. —At (IrceuwiiU's Opern House * Phil W. lirecuwiill. mnniigrr) "ltubes !u Toylnnil" did good business Dee. I, 2. ('has. It. Ilaiiloril presented "liignmar" I. to n good house, "A Trlji lo Kgvjil." .1. hud fair re- lunis. "The Kiinnwiiys' 8, Wilton Lncknyc, In "The Pit" mid "Trilby." X, ti: "The Show lllrl" II. "Thou Shall Not Kill" 12. "Little Joliauv Junes" lit, 11, "A Hunch of Keys" Id, "The I'uniklii lliiskir" IU. Pauline Hall, In "Dorcas." IS. Maji.stk: (Cltfia. II, ITscher, iniinnger).— The u< leiidaiiic. opening week, at this house was very sntlsfnclory, and Indications polui la a very san-i'ssfiil season. BUI week open- ing 4: llllli'brund nnd Irene, .Mile. Huh. Wil- son Trio, Marry K. Hill, Armstrong ,md Holly. Isiihelle Hrlsilnll. Aiiierlcns Comedy Pour nnd the kluelogriiph. I'enpic opening II : I.elTel Trio. Phroao. Ihe fieronies. Mainin l-'ultou. Mr. und Mrs. Perkins l-'lscher and Ar- thur I.nil'-. UTAH IK. y. Iilnwldille, malinger). -Peo- ple week of I : Iluhy Dot, Itnse II. Mitchell, .1. W, KeDr. I'rnnk Winnings, 'hi; llosnnli, Margaivt llinhhaiill. Chirk niul Kmiuous, ('hill! 11 imtn.jii. Hollnnd and May. Carl (.'ope- laud. Clias. II. Clark nnd I'.. M. Pin-kiss. Cnowv (Ike I'.psieln. niiiniiseri. - People week of I On In- Marie. Hairy Itoblusoii, l.l/zle link"!-. Thi'linil llnlmes. lav I ml nun, Alvln Iiiislilliulon. Little I'ollon. ('has. Hoey. Seymour utxl Blnnclmrd. mid Abernalhle. Wneii.- At the Aildllorliim Link" lliir- :lnkle. iiiniiiiuei I "A I. Ill le Olilca'l." Nov. 27. gave two le-rfiinunlii-is lo fair biisliu-ss Chiis. It. Ilnnford and Marie Drofuiih, ::<>. matinee and nbthl, lilulily eiilm tallied Isirui- iiuill Hires, "A Trip I" IVypi." Iler. '.'. had good business. Wlltnii LucRayc Dee. ."•, ihe Daluiy tincbcs!. s. '-'Iliii Itiiiiawavs" :i. the Albert 'I ii trior Stock i 'o. II. 12. "The iTnnsnniu" IS, Pa'uline Hall 10. .M.\ii:st|. (Win. 111 ,M . inalulB'-li . -The ill teinlaiii-e hi Ihls |e. pillar llllle ilcnlre for I In* past week hns been good, and Hi" iillriu-lloiis of n liluli order. Bill week of Dec I: Plmi m.'l.i'aTi'l Trio, l.eii.iiieft. Mainl" I'iiIImii. Mr. •Ml .Mi-. 1*-"1-1:1 us I'lslier. ami Arilmr Lain- Till* Ibealre. which low recently been added in lie- Inl'.-i Stale VainJ«vlll« drenll, Is uudoiibti'illy one of the cudest niul liaml sonu'si of small I lieu Ires In tin- coiiniry. It was ortgluiilly the liarlainl Opern liouse. ami was purchased sonic months since by the An- heiiscr-lliiseli Hrewlng I'o.. was remodeleil IbnwghoM and addeil In In alnmsl every way. so Mint Ihe Ibealre Is nearly ns large iignlti us It nrlgln.-ill.v was. Inn only seats one llmiucim) pisiple. The lobby on the ground tloor. Is quite spacious, aud leading to the Mist tloor of ihe aneM house, wlileb Is virtually the second floor of the building, are two w'de and Iniudsume stairways, thai converge by a platform Into one brond stair way. On the second Hour, on one side. Is Hie manager's oilier, while on the other side Is Ihe ladles' clonk rnoin. with n maid In at- tendance. The chairs In the liaripiel and dress circle nve large and coiiiloriable. up- liolsiercd In manual plush, which, logeiher with ilu- deroralhuts und colorings, give an Inviting and cony iipponinner. The lialcoti) Is noil cipilpped. There are four proscenluiii boxes—two on tin* orclicsii'ii Hour nnd iwo In Hie biilrony. niul tne nrrungeuieiit unit decoiailiitis could nut he Improved upon. The slag* Is large, the height tu the gridiron Is iiIhiiii llfly feel, allowing ample nsiiu. The dressing rooms nrc spacious and well ar- ranged. The llltiiiiliiiiilnii Is from side lights, I emu the lialcony rail, und by clusfers In Ihe donii'. The atteailaiils ure iinlforiued, and on enierlng one Is hupressed luiuiedbitely by Ihe tnelrnpolliaii nlr. The house has met with Ureal success since lis opening, nnd It should conllimn in do so. lleelli-..--.\| the llerlln Opern House iKrank I'm-d. munarerl the Kmpirc Ktoek i'o. held the lauirds for week ending Dec. II. in good luislness. Lucal niliislrels. In aid of llospitul, II. 12. on. in-..—.vr the Auditorium If, N. Kor- maun, nma.-mer I Saruli Iteriihnrdl iiitule her llrst apiiettrniit-i' here Dee. ■!. .">, and played lo Utmost i-apni-liy al each performance. ♦** MISKOIIII, il Oiilvt-sloi Ai the liraiiil (iperu House i Dave Wels, nianng"i'i Wlllon l.ncliaye, Niip- piirted In- n most copable euiupiluv. pie sealed "'Ihe I'll," to II linue ulld enlliusliisl le audience Nov. 2S. "The Beggar Prliu-e" opera Co., In "Km Dlnvolo" nnd "The Hog- gin- Prluee." had fairly good sized audlemes. inullDi'M niul nlglil. It The iMilnly Duchess Co. drew fairly well I. Dave Wels has sue- ci'cilcH tils liiiilhec. I'ri'il <!. Wels. us iiiuiin- ter, of Hie ilriuid Opi-iu House. The latter u-ons I i l.os Angeles. 1'ltl, for the lienellt of Ills health. AiimIIii. • Al HllliciM-k's Opera House (f.'co. Walker, iiiaiiageci "King of Korea," musical isinie'ty, by loeiil inleiit, drew n packed house Nov. 2ii, Music, by I-;. K. Siiilai. wns well M'c'clvi'd anil lilulily iipprcehited. Alex. I'.ipe, who wrole I|n> Hltreiin. scored a mu s». "A Trlii in llgypl." lire, I, iinilliiee and ulglil. drew fair business. "Ixlic; of Korea" '_. • The lliuinways" II, "The lliinnwav Olrl" <.'!. PuiiHiic Hull II. 4 .» IOWA. "The Lund I'osler, u in mi ties Mail lies. Al Hie Auditorium I Win. I'oMter, iiinniiK't'i Mine. Moilleska. hi ".Mac- belli," gave licr farewell pciTorinniicc, In u large niiilleiice. Dec. 4. Kosiiiai Oi'i:iia llni'isi: I Win. Kosier, uiiina- geri.-"The Internal I'lly," with June Ken- nark as Denim Koma. shuwed lo a well tilled house 1. Two large sl/.eil niidlenees enjoyed Ihe )ierformance of Adelaide Thursioii, hi "The Trliuupb of Deny." 2. Hose Melville, In, "Sis Hopkins," fared well tl. Snin Her- mild, hi "The Itolllcklng lllrl,' of Nod" It. (lllAMI OI'ltllA IIhihi: (Win. ger). "The Koiiiiy Mr. Dnoley" iilnyed lo big business Nov. "iO-Dcr. 2. 'The Two .loliiis" slioHi'il in well Illicit houses III). '•Till' Irish Pawnbrokers" 7-H. III. ioi i l-'tcd Hiiehminu, iiiiiiuigeri.-- llusl- week of I was Ircineudiilis. I.luilHiiy's dogs and nioiikevs. liolileu and Hughes, liar- rliigloti, INchcr Klslei'S. lirou'ii Bros., nnd Hie kliiodroiiie were Hie hi I nn-l huts. Kor week of II : Hurry's Manikins, (.lordon I'ldrld, nnd the (.real ITalicelliis. .Miniioii iW. It. Oourley. iiiiiiuigeri.— Kx- celleiil luislness continues. Week or I the Knur liriiceful lirohs, the Ihirlits. 1,a en rule Sisters, Murceloits Derere, lloliiud Duels mill thy Mlirorsi op.' flirillslied lots of iimitseiiient. The Alli.vns, I'nil ITitliles, Halloa and lisle sons, the' Crolesotie Ituiidolpli and this Tate lire the nlliMcllnils for week of II. Nun;.— Ainiileiii-s preHcuied "The I'lrnies of I'en/iiiu-e," lu ii packed house, at KohIci'b opent liouse. 7. . ('pilar Hliplils.—Al (Irevne's Opera House (Will S. Collier, business malinger) "The Irish l'liwii'irolo'is" moused two good crowds Thiiiiksglvl'.)'.' Hay "liicle SI Hasklns" had n top heavy house liec. B. "TTu* Woman In ihe I'nse." it, plcnsi'd n good house, Mnr- gnn-l llnlph II. "Her Knl a I Sin" 11. Mildred Holland 12 "The Lniul of Nod" 13, "III Obi Kenliieky" 1.1. "Wlml W( a Will Ho" Ig, "The Miiininc mid Hie Mnld" 21, "The Kor- hidden I. ii nil 22. I'l.'U'l.ii's I Vic IIiiko. mu mi ger).- t loud 1'iisll.ess cniil Inili-s. Week of 1'i'c. I: Doll and Mnc iloi'doii. 1)"<kliiw and Win-elm-, La Zar und l.n /ar. Turn lllldey. Hay W. l-'iiy and tin- Iduanuh. Bill week of 10: W. II. JJlnJ? say's performing dopv. monkeys ami linlsuTrlii. Brown Hrolli"m. Snirles und Atiiiiind. .1. W. Sherry. Ilnv W I'nv and I lie blogriiph. Nirri:. -Ii. I'. 0. Illks. Lodge No. 2.M. ID- proprlnlely ohserred the meniorr of llifllr de jmried bre'lii-eii Dec f, especially nbo died lite past your, vU: III oiler < Joseph S. Anderson, Kreil W. I'uulkes, Heorge II. But lenbtiry mid Jitt Phillips. KciiUllk. Al the Hrnuil lipeiit llon«e If, I'. Slnrgls. resldeiil muiuigerii "l-'or Halite mid Honor" drew two gm/d bouses Tluin'si giving. "The Laud of Nod'' pli-nseil a big niidli'iiee Dee. 2. ' 1'ncle .lash Perklii*"' at- traeieii fairly stnnl bii'-lii<".« ft- "lliislcr Druwu" did well 7. I'll'.' Wouiao iu Hiv Case" ll, "Kerry I'nlr" 12. "Tin*. Count* iTiiilrmnn" I".. "The Wiuiinu 1 Inter" 14, "The Isle of Itong Bnilg" III. ■ "Devil's Atlrtlon" 20. Uv Svm.i: ill. Vl. Hceves, iiianiigeri. —llusl- ness continues good here, rl'id the ]ierfi)rin- slices pleased last week, wftji Bonnie <]$ • loi-d, Smith lli-iw.. Knlitht ItniK., If. K. Lotvep- stein nnd the biugrnpli. Hill week of ll : Hi-own and Wright. Douglas and Douglas, nail Carroll and Clarke. , n ' i DubiHine.—At Ihe (Hand Opera Housn I Wm. T. Itoehl. manager i "Cnele Tom's t nliln" nlnyed two performnnees to capacilv Nov. .".Ii. "SI Hasklns" pleased Dec. i, I'hilsllan Silence lecture wns iioorlv ntloiidrd a. "Her I'mni shi" tl. Mildred Holland 11. Hit* Klliits 12. III.<nt- i.hike Itnsenthnl. iniinnger).—Usual large nlieiidnnce hint week, the hill present- lug: l.nvendur Hlcliunlsnn and eompnny, thn Ureal Kratierllaa, Chnrles Hnwlson, I'asnil and He Vern. Hennei; niul Lniiegnn, Jack OToolo nnd ihe kiiiodrnine. Nun:.--iHiliuqiie Lodge. It. P. ii, Klkn. 2!)", held Ms iiicmiii in I services al the Opern ItoiiS'; Sunday, :j. Urn. Atwell, of llnllim, Tex., 4*- II v il the oi a tlnn. oonIoii. ai me iini'sioii Theatre iMuu- ('. Michaels, innnngi'il tin- Dainty Duch- iss Co., Dee -"'. iiml iwo splendid bouses, nnd willslieil. "Iliuich of Keys" 7, 'The Cluns- nian" s. II. ,\lv.n sen- 11', r. Cunnlnghani. manager). - V'oiilecllle Is gelling more popular weekly, us Hie Jimmied houses acclaim. It was re- ceived mildly ut llrsi. bill ntiracllve pro griiiunies. headed by well known favorites, illsslpaied Ihe coldness, and now nolhlng but Ihe wannest euihuslasui prevails, with stand. Ing room nlehlly. Week of 4 : .llniiny Wall. In iiioiioloi."ic : ihe Three Troubadour*.' Mr. end Mrs. Harold Kelley and coiupmiy, lire- MUillug a skit, enlillcd "TTn> Tbon nghbreils;" May Wheeler, trick hli-ycllst: Knur Juggling Moitons, Vvclla I'altee I her fourth week In 11 In hi cat eil snug, aud popular ns ever), nnd the kluelosciipr. ArAXH.UK lAlvldo ft l.nssen-c, mnniigersl. --Business Is to Ihe ciipacllv. Newcniiiets -Ml: linger Urns., Hill nnd I'.dmonds Trio, Deiiiiy Itlcklliig. Iliiibl Kagg. Kteiiuor Dun- bar. Iti-liilneil: The Threu Monies, Krncsl Itnlley. Tom Kelley. Mottle Webl. the Heav- ers, Annie and l/ttfeole: May Hiiuter, Klo tlniistnn. Lllihin Vnliiier, Klorcnce Itnglnn, (icorgii Aniette, Jack Olierll, and Kxcella. . liuliicsvllU-. r -Al Hrown's Opera House i I'anl linlllii. iiiiiiuigeri (Tins. II. Ilnnfnrcl, Iu "Ingonmr." bnd n large house Nov. 21. Donnelly .V llai I'eld's Minstrels hud line pnlroliiige '_'", "Sowing Hie Wind." 21, wllli u line company, had Unlit business. The ni-. ai.pln opera Co.. Ill "The Telephone tilrl." bnd .folr ptiliduiigi' 27. "Ilnimiii Hearts." 20. Iwld gond business. "Thou Shall Not Kill." lailllltee and nlghl .'IU, luul lair lni-1- ni'ss. -"Iliihes In Toylanil," Dec. .",, sails lied the Inrgesi house "if the season. "Thn Piiukln lltislieis" ll. "A Trip In l-'.gypl" H. "Swcijl Clover" II. "Llllle Jnltiiuv Jones" 12. "Over Niagara l-'nlls" I.T. "The Holy fliy" III., Nnllts.- Harry Warn*, who has been vlsll lag Ills piirenls the pnsl Iwo ninlilbs. lolueil Ike Olynipiti Opern Co. 27 ,. .Pmf. Will .Miller,. huiidinasier Hie pitsi seosull with Ihe Hobby I'.iiiiiinln i'o., Is vIsIHuk bis inullier here. Un ill n«t —At Hie Hrniul tt'hiiiulierllif. Iliirrlnvton ft Co., iniiiuigersl "The Miernnl t'Uy" dhl u fair iuimIiicss Nov. 3ft Tim Murphy lied n bumper house on his return engagement Dec. I. Wn. Owen. 7. pleased, "ijiilucy Ailnnis Snwyer," S. fared well. "VVlinl Women Will Do" ll, "The Woman In the Case" ll, Hurry llerest'ord 12, "Ilnsler Ill-own" lit, "The lido of Bong llntig' 1 15, "A Poor lleltllloti" 2:1. tlAtttiii'K.— Crowded houses here, ns usiinl. Illll week ni' 11: Mnrvelutis Jane, tin* llur- roaghi. Tom lllpley. Itny W. Kay, audi tho iHOkrupli. Ilurenpurl.- -At Ihe Burlls I'jn-ra Iloitsfl idlrei'll'iii t'hnniherlia. Kindt ft Co.i nltniid- sure Is very much Improved, and the lending loin an ii Irs nre playing to packed houses* "Oulnev Ailains Snw.ver," Dee. 2: "Tile Irish I'liwulirute'rs." II: Owen Co.. 4. u.ul "McKnd- den's I'Mk." R, nil fnred well. John (irlf- llth It. 'TTi of Ihe Mine" tl, "What Women Will Di.r in. "Ilnnler Ill-own" 11. 12. "Tim Isle of Hone Hong" l.'l. "After Midnight" 14 Mildred llulliiiul 18. "The County Chnlrmnn HI, "The l-'urbtilden Lund" 17. tlie ITItils IV.'.".. losvn cn.v.-At Hie Opera 1 louse (C, C. Unwlcy. iiviniigeri "The Irish Pawnbrokers" drew a fair house l>i<*. I. Wll|littu Owen. In "IUhello." bad good pnlroiiage. "The Woman, In. the Ciikc," ,i, i|e a crved n cnpnclly house. It wfla enlmeil by nil who saw ll. Join. Urlllltli 7. "The tilrl from Kay's" 11. Curl Dodue.- -At the Mldlnud (A. II. Ilenll. innnugiT) 'TTte I .a ml of Nod" drew it ye excellent satisfaction. l-'iimlly." Say. Ml), ditt iirpry. Iu "A Corner li» liiess nmi pleased. 21). Iiesi velilcle Mr Murphy u severnl seasons. "Her tinly Sl)l lllck'iuia Co. IK-20. "the Iloyill 11, Kill liouse, a Du, i, "My fil^busliii'ss, t'effce,'' did h! The pi iv wns tin hits had i HI. (luv I "The Ig^h chef as. TIINNKSSIHl. >I<*ih|>IiIm. . The New l.yeciiin (KrniiK Univ. li'Hsi'ci teiuiiliti'd dark Dec. II, "Woial- land." il. 7. came In packed houses. The pro- duel Ion p'euscd In every respecl. Ilnrrv (lul- lirr ami Helen llnl'i. were inosi corilliilly n*. reived. "IIiiiiiiiii llcaiTs" II, I'Toreuei* Broth- ers. IN, 10, llnl'Kl.Ns' A. I',. Miirilsuii, malinger). — llu:lni"is was May gmu| week of I. The heiltl- Inter. IIiiitv I'orsoii's Itoslmi Navel lr l!o.» ItSVe getierill snilsi'in-ilon. The olher olfei'tnl's weii*: ihii-li nnd ciimpuiiy, lllce nnd t'ad>. I'ellna .lames ||. ITllhlu, JllgnolU'llo Kokln. iliileiil's iiiinikeys. Kerry, of "Kerry- lniul :" Mlrzl Von Wcnzl and the klnoilronie. Ill.ioi I lletij. M. Sialiiihnek. uiliniigeri. -• "The llln.1; ITook." week of 4, pneked tho liouse. ihe S, It. ii. sign being In evidence '•very nliihl. The speclullles. scelflgy ulld ilnncliig pleased, llcitrgc Sidney 1110, ''Across l In- I'ncllli" IH-iia. Kiiii.vvllli*. --HjjJbJi's IJJHH Slittih, mail- ngi.T| wiih dark lin^Eeek.''wTijr Mn- ixieplloil •a the iit'oiliiciloii^r "rrofessor NaisdMiii," Dee. s. ii. 11 Is a musical comedy, given by mini trios, I'm- charily. Sophie lit mult, hi "A Woiidliiltd" 12, l.eivls la : l.-'lul-cilce I iiivln, III II : Depew-Hut'detto opern Huunii "Sowing Hoi .Mcssitge friuii ilellghtcil al . 00, (III) well. Mutlcap IT-lncess," 11 .Moi'iIhiiii, In "I'llllsl." "The Player .Mil III.' Ht iii-lt Co. IM-2.T. I lint ii mi. Al New tl'. nil II. Albeaff iiiauiigei I Wind" pleaand W 1 '- >■ "A Mars." I. inatliu'i' nnd night Kdsiill Wlnllirim Slork Co., "VfiMHllnud" li, "A Mnilcap Pi'Iiicckh" IL l.ewls .Morrison ll, KloreHrs Davis Hi. "Dr. .Iikyll niul Mr. Hyde" HI, Khneui.e ItwUeiTs -•"■•-♦- WIMIIM.TON. Nciillle.— Al Ihe Ijraml Opern lluusi: (Juhil Con. luiiiiiigci') Andrew .Murk, In "Tuiit Muoie," Nov. 2H-;ill, ilti'H' good business. Wa|klim-.MIIIs I'uiicciT I'o. wns gicnlly Hli- |ireclii|ei| hy miisle lovers Dec. 2. Hi'lltllei Svinplioiiv OrcliCHlrii II. I hiviily's, Mllistrolsi I ii- Hi. "I'l-lui t I'llsen" 11-HI, Seallle Hym- plnuiy Orelieslln 21', "Tile Sho-tiiui" 24-27, "The Vllllllec Consul" 2H'IiU. SliArii.i; i.lvlin Curl, iniinagerl. • -Week of Nov. 211 Miner's Merry lliii'lesi|iiers drew gonil iiiullenees iilgltlly. Week of Dec. !l, Cjirr'U Thoroughbreds; week of III, tin- Hroiidwiiy I lately Hills: week of 17. the .\<M' Cllls lie I'll. Tiliiili AvtiM'ii* lltlissell ft Ilrew, miliin- gei-K). JoHi.'ph It. Craven's Umpire Co., In "A Hl-oken Henri." did excellent bosliiesH week of Nov. 20. /Ion's Tran'sly Co., Ill "I'Tin on the Trail" Dec. 'Ml: "The Missouri lllrl" 10-111. "Tho lllrl from Sweden" I7-2T, Si Alt l.Mrlvlii <;. Wluslorll, nut linger).- ■■• Week of I: New Denves' Merry .Mnnlklits, He Hi un Trio, llnse I'nller nnd comiiaiiy, .Innil's lleiiiii'SHi')', I'ennk Hayes. IVto iiuiw- norlli, aud moving philtres. i Otti'iniiM ill. .1, Duiii'llait. inn linger). — Wort; of I, new- Senliiny Vulll Trio. Mum- ilitcni Slslei-N, l-iiiiik l-:iy, Ihe He Olizas, Za|ii'„ Warren 11. Slelsou und moving pie- I it res. I'AvrAin ■■• i.M'.v. I'liiilugcs, iiiiiiuigeri.— Week of I. new : The Ureal Nevada. I'.llti" till und coiup:iuv. Itoliei'l lllivel'. the llulll- uiore Ouarii'tli'. MiiTilili-y und lloiiovtdl, Prof. Illcitr.lo and inorhig nleliires. Ci:vri;n. ilsui I". I'liolcr, iiialiager). - Wjjelj i,f -l, new ; Ted McKeiina and his ij^Bil dog. S. oil. Mini. I'In Hiilifnrd. llrrt InB. Klniii Sluili, mid muvlitg pletureH, tWiami TTniA'ii.ii I Most iliibh.iiillb, miiti- ngeri,- • Week of I. lira new people, liMi.rv I'm: vi in, i IT ell KHchl", uiniiugetf, - • Week ol I, Il'» liew people. NTiir., Seal lie l.oiltfc. It. P. il Klks, No. !'2, held their iii.-nioiliil servlci' Sitiidiiy. II. ILLINOIS. tlullicj. \| | In- l'iii|ilr,< iW. I,. Ha .In. niaiiilgeii "The Lniul of Nod" gave a splen dill prrriiriiiiiue" I lee. I. "Whin Women Will In," 2 "I'ncle Josh P'tklus." il. bad good lti|v|i|i'ss "The lieihlui," iionkeil Tof I). cill|- eeleil on iieiiiim: of Illness ll) Hie i-onipaay. "llllsjef lliown" K. !i, "A ITiiu; llelnlion" ID, llo'ii-i'l Cileai ii II. I'I vin anil rielili 12. "Tim Kerry I'nl:-" i3< "The Woman Hater" l.~, -Inliii liiliiitii Hi Iti.toi. ipnlilek ft M' i '.'ii jiill. inn lingers |. Hi^bii'-is Is umM i".in.-in bill : lluwnril and I.IimIcI-. CergiNoii niul l'assiiioi-e, VHIf tan Triilnei. lb" I.hI.'.Iik. (Uvllle Heese, null umvliiv ph tures.