The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1098 THE NEW- YORK CLIPPER. December 16, Clipper Post Office. In order to »voi* mlatakea and to lniurr too prompt delivery of the letters advertised la tola list, «n envelope plainly addressed miitM aent for each letter, and »_y««£» order for the letter, alsrned arltk tfce fall name and addresa and the Una of business followed by tao sender, mo at alao be enclosed. Pleaae mention the data (•*»■«■- ber) of the CLIPPER »n which taa letter* aent for were advertised* LADIES' LIUT. Adell. Jennie, Armstrong, Un. r.. Ahhott. Fay Athellng, Mary Adelenr, Imurn Abbott Pearl K Aslor, Camllle Aiken, Alma Becson. Lulu lialler, . Mra. Hilda M Sell. Rnby I,. Boswell Ll!l!:i.-i Uriun, Edith M Baker Mrs.U.K. Bernard Nestle Bock, Marlon Bell, Alice Barrett, Kilo Barrett, RUlle Bunnell. Clam Barter. Mao Bond, Anna llertollni, Nina Beaufort, Murtlia I. Bailey. Marie . Bourne, Durt'.iy Bontou. May Burrows, Jltna Hates, Klblit Purlieu, tMarle Bnmlinrt, Helena C. Barney. Malta Beau, Mra.W.C. Bowman, Ivy Bacr, Mabel M. Bernard Rbodu Beverley Man P Boavrl, Lottie Cutty Margaret Crnnflehl AllceM Carlisle, F«v Clednrn, Marie Coebear, Mrs. O tJonKtluitlnu Maj Crockett Frieda Clancy. Marie Curlier, Nella • Crockett, Mona Chamberlain, Mix. A. Clllp. Josephine Castle Catherine Chevalier, Kathleen Clarence. Llacie Crane, FIimkIo Colllna, Minute , Clayton, lloisle Clarence, l.lznie Crane, rtoaata Collins, Minnie Clayton, Hesste Clrudora. .Marie Coline, Kilnn Courtlnnd, Evil Chancy, Mra. Cllftou Ororale Oooke Mra.M.C. Carpenter, Mra. 1'. J. Colyer. Eilnli Pavenport, Llllt De Wolf. Maine Daley, May De .Vernon Ituby PurMn. Beatrice Durlieyelle. !.<>ii A Fay Pe Lnnhmutt, • Orace Delmore. Mni.J Dean. Ulimcltu Duryra, May Porrow. Clyde Pe MouvllK Caiullle Pucklo, I.lllhiu Denton, Pom Duffy. Mra. V. Pe l.lslc, Mite Pelniore HlMera Puprec Slaters Delmore, lint Downs, Millet Dlkn, Juliette. Crew, Muyliel ale, Myrtle Du Yrles. l.y.llii Dcffltt, I.yilln Pnrllng. now; ElbliiK, June ElKton. llolene lvarle, Jnll.i I'.Htrlletta, La IIel If Epley, Blanclio I-'orl*.'«, Marino Fields Mra.W.C! Pox, Madge Flnmiers, Alice Foster Mrs.W.A Poster l»rrbu 11 Farr, Francis Franton Ulidjn Fryo, Mm.U. U. font la. Muiwl (llllelte, Klrn.i U locker, Mra. C Orannon, Jin Orover, Ell* Urayson, Mom Glaaer, Mrs. M. (Irani .Mrs. B. flrannnu, Itn (lootlinan MuryE (Irnftoii, Mamie tlraham, Maries ileorne. In'ea r.llllliun. Kl-le (Inlrln, Irene UraiulTllle. Amy Ullntore Hlstcrx Henry Jeannclte Hanson, Leoita llollenlec, llertli.i A. llathawny Alice llnywanl, Maud Hawthorne, Mabel llanley, Valetc* llearn Mr". Tnio ITillman Estelle Howard. Elinor Hlckey Bessie T llanydcn, Virginia Howell. Helen Howard, Basle Home, Mrs. II. Hull Miss II. M Ungues. Moilce Hoorer, Lillian llanser Laurall. Hamilton, Winifred S. Until. Maud Ilciwhiiwe Velln Holmes, Cecllit llarrvy, Josephine Harrlsa, Adellu Irvine, Rue Johnson Vli'iilnli Jolly, Mra. U.S. Johnson, Haliel Johnson. Minnie Jewell, Helen Irish. May .Tones. Ateto -I oh 11 son. Maude V Jnhimoh UraAV. Karulotv Miss (1 Klngaland Mr»K Kelly. Desmond Lancaster LlluM Linden. Palsy Lee, Irene Leslie, Jenolte L* Moyna Carrie Lowry, Haael K. Lnnrweed, LUn. Leoiniril. <lra':e Landlord, Irene Lrink'lillu, Anna Liuie. Alice T. La Tour, Marie LucaH, Clumlt i la- Uoy, Bessie I.n Tour .Sisters Lit Deludes, May Lynch, Mae Ix'lpliton. (Jail LIvluKstou, Miss Lvnilon Mra. U. Mori'lfim llatvl ftloslicr. Jennie Miirshall. Ktliell Morrison. Alma Miirttt't', Rose A Mason, Corlinio Murry KIUiiIsmIi Mink. Ixmlse Mlinltirii Miss ii Mara u, Besslo Murrlsi<n, Belle Mary, Mrs.M.II. Moore Kalherlne Mack, Mra. U. Mlhlreci a Itouclere Marlon. Pel la Monies, Rose Mnywooil Adelyn MaidonaM, Harpiirot .Mason, Atiirnstln.i Marlon. Anna Mooney. Mrs. J. Murray. Eilytli McHoile, Mrs.M Murrls. Jt>»\-> Melrose. i/Vlllh Marl.linm. Manie Mann, Nellie Nelson, Shirley Nelson, Pearl Norrls, Corinno Nina, — O'Brien, Nora Ohnl, Mr*. C. Owen, Mrs.A.M. Onion, Allen Pacher, Jamie Proctor, Lotla Prinze, Meta Peyser, Mra. Pave Patterson, Nan Podl, Eunice PrlngU* Valentine Parkinson, May 'JulKley Mrs..lay Kick, Bertha Reeves Doroibr Rich, Mm. Jack Itoas, Opal Beece, I^alle Boas, Mra. M.B. l.iissrll. leoli Rio, Violet Buasell, Toola Stanton, Toto Hlehert. Helen Bobhiaon. Gertriule Rose, Perlle a elevens, K. Moan, Queen Spencer, Helenc Stevens. Klllle Hcanlan Hnrrlct Sabine. Mnlx-1 Hlonn. Nellie Kherwood, Marlon Stewart, I.lule Sanfonl. Ms.vll. Sutherland Anne Smith Sophie li. Stllwell, Darrte Stuart. Mis- F. St. t'lulr Aiulrey Scott, Ida Shnmau, Sadie Seasler, flracs 'Diatclier, Eru Trowbridge, Helen Tanaka, Mr.. Thomas, 'I'liniac, Sylvia Taylor, May Lester Verene lto->«lh:d Voken. May Von Lienor, Baroness Vincent, AlaoeM Vernon. Hllila Wynne, Momi Way.. Ella Woodson SMtcrn White, Maude Williams. Dottle Wilson, Alice Ward. Helen Windsor. Kittle Wnrde, naanai Winters. F.ninlo Ward. May West, >itliol Weston. Mra. T. Wlnfleld. Dora Ward. May WIlMin N. Crace Walker, Clinrliitte West, Mrs W.II While, Maud Westou. Toal Walker. Dedn West, Kthel OKNTMOMBXU LIST. Andrews Hurry Auger Oopt. <!eo Ahatnn, Arthur Aliacco, Mv, Anson, E. A. Allyn, K. S. Avery, W. J. Allen, J. IT. Averelll, Fluri'iiLC Allen. U. S. Albeitys. Tlio Alvln, Kiirnl Alliauith, .Inll'l Aliootut. Tout Allen, Frank Ashley, llerht, A lil. it t, (i. 8. Allium Trio A toil. W. X. Andrews, Win. Aunras. Thnv Axtcll. PwUlil Aislnle. Jnei; Aiulersnn, )>. A. Applelxe. 3. K. Allen. Dwtaht Anns t mi ii-. T. Anthony Arinisi* Ben AH llnrtsan Boyee Mr.iMM. Brower, W. S. Baron, Charles Blllsbury J.ilm Blair & McNnlty Bauua, Al Barton. Lit Hue BoKilon. A. K. Bennett, Hilly Barron, Tim make, Mr. Benton, Tom Burton. C. P. Bell. W. L. Bernard. Nat Brooks, N. II. Bailey, F.ilwln lleunl, Billy Banks. J. K Bcatly. W. .1. lliinnell. ileow llnseli. Billy Biiaa stu.irt BrouKhlon S. J ■ Itowiniiu Cliurlcs Ilnriu-ill. .lames Belmont. Joe Munis. F. )». Brooks. H. L. Barllett.. Win. Hraildnek, tl.W. Brenuaiis. Jtiw. llurtnii. Jim Mtiiiiil.tan. Hilly Bonnet, llolclien Doyle, l'niaels Barnes. T. 11. lien All. S. II. Boyd. Charles Itniwu. Siituinle Illsserl A Sisii Biilli-v .V Atlsiill Ityers, T. C. Blulle. .lis- Dtviiuun, James rim In.' & Kane lloyd. 3. W. llreuimi's. Mus. HnJIy. . Ilr. A If. Brnci', AIT. Burke & Deminey Itettiioiit, .1nnn*s lliirluil. Ilnliert lliieltniM'. E. C. Ilrwlfunl, Harry Bliss.' R W. Bunks, JO. Boyee, Cluiiile lhillcy, l.isi Herat, F. U. lliillniiKer C'lins. Ilesniil- k Miller Beriy. Miles BtMIIK'lt, A. 1>. llniyer. K. F. Itnrrt'lt, Palsy llillliuis. H. II. llmdeii. I'lyik- lliiial. Hurry Ulith.v, A lev. Bert rami .V Leaner llolhiier, this Kelmarr, Iliirry llruwii. Harry Connelly alluwe I'm 1 In, Mr, Cunningham J.B Dutlnn, Wn. C<wi:lly. J. *.. Chattel ton I'lim I *<it ton, Friink C'oitl: & lint In- aoii Co. cinrk, n. r. ( lin-e, ltii.viiuiiiil II. I'. Casey. Al Curios, I'l'.n-. Canine. J. II. Conke «" Issuer* Chatiiplon Miller fa lues. W. .1. CuliLon. Al..... . trolby. Charles Clayton. F. A. De Alia, Dr. Kdillo Drew. Edward Dcnlnui PlnyTlie Duuluiin, ,1. Heaves, W. 1!. llelnvo.v. W. D.ivehi oil, (Hurry He.) Dock. J. L. Deluney. K. V. Dixon. Bow- ers & Di.Min Day. tl W. Daley, Dltuian. t'lins. Coouitsj. Frauk ColniMi. Billy Cooley. Sam Cooiicr. Henry Currlllo, IjCo Couuois, I. all'., Dreohia. Art. De Ferris. .1. Deane. Shlney Doillette. T. J. Hori'l... V. K. (Pay. O. ft. Cunningham IIU;lMiiu. Crls Chnpln, Hurry Dlsnls Claire, S. II, Curunsly, J. F. Coy, J. J. Cojle (l>mrM> tlnrler, V. t". Collins. Mr. CnriiniiiiKli W.ll Clllp, .1. IV. OnheC, Jiietc Corlvtt & Kortster CIKfonl. Josenii Cochrane. John Cleenl. day CleniH.l.t. F. Carlisle's Hie^s ChIIiiIiiiIi tUhwh (Villain, The (Nmdou, Frank Crane. J. fit, Cateaaa « Wlllar.1 Cnsey. Al Curriith, Burr Cusnd * De Verne Oole. Burl C'onrnd. Tliornas Creasy. Kil. Conk, Mr. Collins A La Belle Cnvntiniigh ,1ns Conway. Nick Crniio Broa. DlaiisHid Harry Deven-. Billy Did Uoy. II. J. D'Alma's Monkeys Dnerow. F. Havl". Jiu-s Du Vrles. Sam He Hurt. Win. Halnlre I'tuirley Delllsi, Mr. Hraue. I!. S. II. IViiil,,. IT; Hlaou, T. .T. Hull, Harry lie Manlo, II D. Denis, (I. K, Drlsisdl, Harry 111] Ilium l. Ik'll Da tVitna Arilutr Pe Carlo. Fred Delmo, Mr- Davis. T. vr. De Pew. T. H. IdlKcrlona. Tho Elmore It Elmore ACVjtroll Egoner, Fre.1 Emery. TA. Kitwnnla t'rof.M Knalish. mil. Kverells, II. r\ EtiRiniid Am.C). Klllott, J. B, llinemon, J. I' J'rlr.k, F. J. ITcldB A Mason life. II. 8. Freed, W. n. JToreuro Alfrwlo First, Harry I'lstclle. A. E. Ferris W.H. Jr. Fa Ik, A. Fernaride .May Trio I'enlon, J. M. Fuller. J. B. Freydo Bros. Flalt, Lew Fuller, M. M. Fagan, Bamet Flynn, J. A. l>rris W. H. Jr, Florence, Nell Frye. O. C. I'ehlinnn. John llllrters, ii. M. Larlne, Arthur \*o. L. F. Leigh, J. W. Lorre Trio Lelner, Karl Lanatry, N. Lindsay a Doca Lamont, F. W. Reno. O. B. lllct A Cohen Howe, II. K, Ileus*. Julius Russell. Slmrty niela, Andre Rogers. E. 11. Russell, L. J. UaudccilU and minstrel Lucastone Oscar Ripley, 0*o. Ferry, Cllatnn Fllkina. K. 0. 1'i-iix, Tatty FcDwIck. a. W Fisher. Phil Foster, W. P. Flint, (leo. Fenton, John Finch, L. C. Freeman, Maurice ITeteher, ileo. Farrell, Ciiss. Flttpstrlek, Jos Fisher, Bert l'lscr. Phil Oreen, Harry Cray, Gordon Oornun, Clihn Crnvea, II. 0. Oonlon, Billy Olyndon, WulL Oalea, Joe Callntlier & Barrett (ifslnle, Q. Q.. Crechl, P. I.. Coiiutu, Edw. Craves, E. U tlraham, II. L. • loalwlii. Hen Cm;lis. Dr. F..B. flrejory, F. L. tlill, George Creene. E. !>. dray & Ornhnm Collier. Will. (irl'Bi: Bros, ilrahnui, Juck cliuilvuii, F. It. Cosseny, W. J. tlonB, F. W. flullmcl, F. J. Calvin. Jain's CiillmeUo, si«. tircene. Josei>li fiultman, A. J. (kilns, CjiiLs lillbert. 1'ieil (illnserettl, Pan (lardlnsr. Win. Hushes, Gene Humes & Lee, Albt .yuna, W. B. Inland, U. C. l>oveJoy. C. M. l*Kcver. Mr. l/ee, Itlcbard Lyle, II. F. Luce, 'Irani Le Nolr. Umrgc Lyncta, J. W. l.ui'ii, Prof.Rotd I.oerosse, J. F. Lotenn, F. k Jennie Lenard, Harry Lurch, Fn-l Lively, Boheit l>ewls, Carl Lussel, Howard Lane, Frank Leroy, J. C. Lawrence, G. A Lelllott, Arllini- Lane, Fred Luces, WllforJ Leslie. B. C. I^e, A. J. Lee. Robt. Lent In 1 Natnle Lane, Ralph Loeenlra, Jos. Lyons A Lyons Lloyd. C. B. Leach, W. II. I.ampc, Jack Lincoln, K. J. London, .Inmes Lerond, Then l-ochelle, Harry Leslie, JuHCph Lovlek, C. It. Rue, W. T. Miller, J. 1). McCue, Will May, K. Li McPougal. Wallace Mir, Clayton Mattlce StockCo Matthews, Cluis Morris, Jack Mortlock, Alice Mahoney, W. A. MeAlpln. J. T. Morgan Bros., Com. Mitchell, K. K. Marlowe, J. C. Mack, R. B. Minium, W. MHer. W. V. Menougb, E, S. Mack, Bobhy Moore, Tom Myers, R. P. Morris. E. A. Mc Reynolds, Leon Henry, J. E Hurley. F. J. Holt; Air. Heath, J. W. Hale. Ceorijo lldgun. M. Hays, Albert Harrlmnn, Hart, Billy HaanD, K. 1. llealy. M. 0. Holly, J. II. Hart & Dillon Huntington. Wright Holmes, C. N. Hayes & Wynne Holly, U. M. Hart, Billy Houn, Al Hylniuls. Fred llollnnui & Osnella llarlnglon. Jus. Hough. Eddie Howard, I. '.V. tiedeu. F. F. Hatell. J. K. Hueiiel Bros. Ilemlla, Dane. Hall, Prof.H.U Itumea & Lewis llascall, Lou llarrlavn, Lee I lnuseckcr, W.B Harlg. L. 11. Haley, L. <). Hart A Dillon Herlert. J. M lluntiiig. Tuny llohlswortlia 'The Hodges, L. Heiiiiinn. W. P. 1 low ley. Maf. Hill. F. V. S. Ililtelilnsrai. 'J.I lleuly. W. It. Hindis, tlisino! HorTiunn Urns. Hereon, T. N. llnriiei'. Hun/ Hardawny. Ilnlit Hill, ltllly Hays, II. 1>. lltitehlnson J.K Uowai-d. Joseph Hunt, Dr. Harris ADcLass Irving, J. M. Irwin Prof. J.C JackSOUH Til let UViiison, '.'. II. Jar vis, F. 11. .Iteunis, 11. W. Jliveli, J. J. Itcoiote Village .Inues,■ K. it: " J neksoii. (jCiH'ge J erge. Eiteis* JclTersou I. T. Jones, I'eter KuslM.ll Theuslo; Krupp. I'll- !vein :ii, Chas. Kenney, E. ll Krnlee, Win. Kecley, A. II. Kerslmw-Moi-rl son -Jo, Kane, John Kelly. ,\V: J. Klint.illl. A. KasUell. l>. Keen, Dr. Walt, KukcI. Lee Koliler. J. II. Kramer, Deluht Kane, J. L. Kane. Morris Klliut. i'.isi. Keno, Walsh St Melrose Keno, Will Kiist Eruest Kniuisly Jhiinile Khieuld. J. \. Khiiuond. It. H. Kelso. Tlln Knrtlrt »v llusso Ivelliilll. I.. 1. Kiilli". Tom Knliler, Mat Keniiii. Charles Kes'iiey SI. Co. Keonnti, Andy l.invery. I*, ll •T-oril Balll- more" CV). f-elter. <1. T. l.lnn'H Museum Le Roy. Jack l.iK-ke, II. W. Elamcre Mackle, J. J. Mrdill. L. II. Mylle, J. W Mcauckln. AIM. McCIIII, Earnest M :is If in,. Pr«.f. Harry Millard Op. Co. >:.•!■ •■-.:.-. Arm and McVey. F. P. McArthur, A. B Malson ft Fllbtirn Mack. II. K. Mettle, Paul Mnlley, H. G. Momlnee, Prof.A Mitchell. Willis Morgau i Crone Ma Dell, Geo. Meeker. George Myro, Monte Mcntyro & ltlce Miller, Hurley Manulug, Frauk Muldoou, Pete Mclleuiy, Basil MeNulty, Jame* Matthews. l'.J. Mnrphy Mlchuel Mowatt. Charles Mni',1 Ian IT'li) Mack. Leslie M MeUrea k Toole Meeker, Win Murray Coinoily Co. McNnlr, Cupt. Murtelle. L. E. McCue. Win. Morion, A. D, Markivooil. II.P. Mitchell. Wm. Mitchell. C. J Miller. B. F. Meyers, it. F. McBonungh T.C Morris. II. ll. Murtlu. tl. T, Mtiiiidng, Joe McOnugliev. Dllllnan MHinn. Mr. Matehatt. Win .MotiK, W. V. McCnddou, J. T Nelson. N. G. Mus. J. Newell, W. D. Nimn. W. P. Norton. J. \V. Newell. W. If. Nlvi'ii. I'ldlllp Nut. Stuck Co. Omii. Hiatal Oiah. F. .1. Hjwt. Henry Orshome, 11 TL Oakland, Wm. Obenans, ll. A. Oldham, C. L. Pa ret, F. P. Pay-ton. Lew Palmer. 11. S. arks, C. W. Patterson. .1. I'helps. Eugene Qiiigley, lloiiert vjuik'ley. tieorge Potts. F. I.. Phelps F.iicoi,.' Preston. .1. A. Purklss. K. M. Putters on. laluin Pelers, Bert Pryor. S. M. Purcell. X. llielau. J. L. Post. tl. II. Purler, ft. Parts, Olio Powers. J. T. rrevust. lkiwanl l"erry, T. II. Porter, Win. Jr. lhirenl. .ii-i'id Potts .V Polls I'liips Co. (Mgr. Prliiee, 0. IVH,T-oa. J. 0. Pitltuer. Win. Price, ll. F. Rossi. LlllXl llueker Dr. I HI. Richards. II. II. tel.) Rnldiisof Peter Kltchlwu, Geo. Ileeil. P. O. Rallihuins, The Itaphael, Arth IlolTson. A. Heed Birds Itella. Fred, llueker Dr. TT.l) I.lel.dd. Jules Reed. S. T. Ilayranl, Clins. Illelie. Trim ltiv.i. Guslav nitler, Max lloherts. C. il. Itossn.yti Holly Ttabn, Mart floe, W. M. illveln, Emllo Hondas, Paul Bosalre & Doreto Roberta, I/orau* Rogrra, Wilson Baxeno, Wall. Royer, Archie Rose Jimmy Jr. Roscoe. Mr. Rowenna, Mr. Helff, 3. C. Rice a Walters Roy, Great Rnppenthnl. A. T. Jr. Rio, George Ring. W. X. nnlilnsoa. C V. Rlcton, — Hlevlu. James Ipnrely, Faun/ Btnllh, Kleicher !ttanley. Jlmndo Sinn. Mae - Bomcrs. EdlthC. Scott, Carrie, • ■ Storey, Oscar s. Shine, Al. Schiller, Leo Kktnley, Jamie. Kamoht, neo. Bmlth, Muiti.v Solomon, Abralinri Scolt. It. K. Smith, J. ,K. Stone, Vic ■ Spencer, Walt. Scott, Harry Stiickl'iirt. Col. ft. D. Sherrldnn Fraulc Sully. Jack ' SehalTer.yb: E. Baylor, H. M. Stout, 11... O. Sllllto. Ilaymouil Shenk rroLJoliu Stress. Herrnn i Shapley, JJflwTu Role, Erjcst Stonokeri' Wm. Suow, <l." W. Spraguelloa. — SchalTer, Win. Smiths. Aeiljl St. Vrnln, J, X Shermnn, .Frank Shnw-na. lagber Co. Sullivan, tl. A. Spraguello,. Jnelc Swlfi, Herbert Salrnggl. Pletro Steel, Hurry Sllhon, Slgrlst W.P Stuart, *V'C. Scott, j''i Stone, fij'ii | Saudor, ^aitl Shannon. J. I. Somniers-Wllde . fielarro. Pletro Slebke, Fred Sidney, tleonw Somers. M. A. Shea, J. T. Suter, Henry Schwari, Win. Siisaaruito C. J. Smith. Win. Simpson, dt il Speddeu. Sinn Sear lib,. Billy Stackwetttiiw,,' Hairy Schooler, -E, I. Sullivan. .J. F. Strong, Ralph Sllhon. Ed. Strong, Elwyn Sprugue, K. c. Siiooil, Russell Thompson, B.A. Thomten Osinlc Tlinmpson A. Ii. li.rr, D. K. Ihurber, P. IL Traxler. Ernest Thaw, XI. Teed. J. E. Thompson Jerry TealT. Charles Ty-Bell. J ill Inn Traak A Gladden fucker, X. K. Trenor, Frank Turner, Ainu Thornton. James Trailer, Earnest Turner, F. ,1. Trapis'i', lliirrv Ulil. 11. U. ... V'endura. IL- A. Van Foaseu .% MeCanley. Valdares. tlie Vivian. Brownie Van Dyne, »!. W" Vlllasitail .lolni Van Ai iliiir.- Shows Vie, R O. Val|io, Harry Woodward E.W. Welch. Col. Whittle, W. K. Weather- stein, Win. Wesley. Louis Wood Bros. Wise. Ilr. Wood, ft. P. Williams. Richard West. J. T. Wilson, Jack Wan-hold, Lew Wright, 0. u. Wclnier, tleane Winters, Perry Whlltler. II. il. Willanl, H, B. Walker. Joe Werti & Juilee Wilson. C. H. Walck, K. C. Wilson, Harry Wettsleln.-J. R. Wlegel. l"reil Whlli'l'eiiil. Joe Weldennsn, Mr. Welrli, J; A.' Wyalt Freilerleh Wallllinu, Lell'.y WIIbmi. T. C. Wire, Syiluey York. Charles louiig. U. W. Viinrg, OR In Young Ameri- can Quintette Zolnre. Frlta Zoellner, Max MElJ NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. « i a i ■ Mrs. M.MitiARKr Oouutnisv. mother of Maude Conrtnev, died nt Johanneshurp, South Attica. Nov. 10. A short time «jro «Ue accompanied her daughter, Maude, on the latter'a trip to Joliunticabttrj;, to RU jrtuiuV- Tllle edeititeiiicnts there. Obo. llio la rcprenentallve for'a nrm of renl estate dealers who hare recently sold considerable property In the llrotix lUalrlct of New York City to a number of iiromlnent Tauderlllt! perrorinors. Nasrvii 'k, Tfsn., Notes. —In the presence of a representative audience of about 1,300, the annual memorial services of the Nnsh vllle Lodge of Elks was conducted at the Vendome Theatre Sunday afternoon. Pec. 3. Beautiful nnd Imprenalve and characterized by the eloquence of able apenk^rs as have heca tho memorial services of the lodge In the past, yet It Is safe to say that never before has the lodge presented a programme of such rare excellence. The ritualistic ser- vice of the order, distinguished by beautiful precepts and sentiments, was solemnly per- formed by the officers of the lodge, Kxaited Ruler C. M. UlcCabe presiding. Worthy of unstinted praise was the music, instrumental and vocnl, rendered by the Klks' orchestra, led by Prof. John F. Blller and a number of local singers of talent. Cen. Harvey Hannah delivered the eulogy, and Pr. O. W. Bull the address, elose attention being given to their eloquent nnd moving words. They forcefully expounded the benevolent principles of the order. . lkw Benedict writes that the Is now on the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit, appearing week of Nov. Ii7-Pec 2, at the Family. Thea- tre. Soramon, l'n„ where he passed hla sixty-sixth birthday. Week of 4-Jl he was nt the Lyric Theatre, Cleveland, O., with Sagi- naw nnd Petrolt to follow. He bad n pleas- ant visit with Chan, (i.ino, principal comedlna wlili the HI Henry Minstrels, on Dec. tl. Camim.o and Kona arc booked for Sohmer Park Pec. 10, wllb the Gymnase lo follow, alao the Howard, Boston. They report great success with their act. ■ 8n» C. Fbavcr writes: "I closed last week With the Kraplre Burlesque Co., and have joined hands with Will Parsons, the Imper- sonator, antl we open on the Gorman elrcu't Pec. 25. We are-hooked solid up to May (I, IIKhI, doing a brand new musical comedy act, something new to the profession. I Intro- duce my novelty, playing u harmonica through a telephone." Movn and McSIann report great success with their singing and dancing act. Tilt; Li; VAkt'K are still with Welsh's Water- melon Trust. Co., doing well. Mr. Le Van! Is stage manager, and reports playing to good business. XlfURAr and Clayton are producing their arl. "A Wlao Boy," consisting of Ringing and comedy, successfully in New York, playing dubs, and are well honked up. Bli.r.r Hart writes: "I received Informa- tion that Lottie Gilson Is lying seriously 111 at the North Pacific Sanitarium, Portland, Ore., and seeks aid. Myself and the members of the High School Olrl Co. have eontrlhuted ■*•!.'!, which will he forwarded to her to en- able her to return lo her home and mother, where we hope (the will speedily recover." Lt'ir.i Dixi. ojiu arrived in thlx city Pec. A. lo illl engagements extending over thirly- Iwo weeks. .1. KovKtt West writes: "Mrs. M. T. Green, mother of the late Alice Montague, died at the residence of her daughter, MrH. M. C llrnlnerd, nt. Bocheater. N. Y., Oct. 23. aged seventy-three years. The remains were In- terred at TJUcn, X. V., Oct. 2d. Hhe was very well known and loved by all who knew her la the profession." Tim Hill-Edmunds Trio report doing nicely through the South, their act receiving much favorable comment. Baby Florence la winning many hearts by her clever singing, dancing nnd acting. John Morrison, the Irish singer, has just completed a successful six weeks' engage- ment at the Mirror Theatre, Pes Moines, fit., and Is now playing two weeks at the Star Theatre, Topeka, Kan., after which he plays a return date at the Mirror. Tim Parikiexxes sailed Dec. 0, for London. Madtik Paytrli. has closed with Boble's Knickerbockers, and Is now playing datea through the West. She Is booked far ahead. . Tiik RtUDPORDS, colored duo, report suc- cess In the ICnst with their new net, "A Hot Time lu Coontown." Gardner akd Golder announce that they have left the coast, after being out there forty-three weekB, und only losing three weeks In making Jumps. They are coming East, and are now plnylng return dates where they played Inst Winter, und are still a success with their mechanical singing doll. Mrs. Wayne La Man writes from San KranclBco, as follows: "I came oat Weit Inst March, having lost three weeks, and am proud to state that my dancing contortlan act Is a hit, an there Is no art like it In vaude- ville. I will start back East Dec. 18, open- ing at Denver, Col." Tub Seymours are in their tenth week with the "Fatly Felix" Co., touring the Southern States. In the Spring Mrs. Dot Seymour will lay off und take the Summer to rest up, while Mr. Seymour joins a circus for the season. F. W. Ken.neuy, of Kennedy and Vincent, writes: "We" nro on our way Hast with ojr new act, 'Finnegan's Call,' which has met With great favor. My piano specialty, In which I do ucrobatlc dancing and play my own nut time accompaniment. Is a feature. We came to Colorado for three weeks, and have played eight. We are now playing re- turn dates In Cripple Creek nnd victor, and Jutnp to Lincoln, Neb,, next, for H. M. Mil- ler, then Topeka and Wichita, Kan., for A. II, Uugec; Wc j>|bv the National, .Kansas City,"Mo„,then on the Jackson circuit, after which we go on the Consldlne circuit for Chris 0. Brown." ■■ Tms' rtfv.\r.pns writs':'"Our tirtvelfy jugg- ling rind hoop rolling net has made good all nloug the line, having opened ill Hutu, Mont.. Inst July, on the Consldlne circuit, for 11 f- tcen weeks. Have jnst finished on the Lave- rick A Luhelskl circuit, with great success. Wo hove recently been engaged as a feature with the American Vaudeville Co.. for a tour of Central America." Jim PoNfiv.vN, of Donovan, Aruold and company, vcr'toc that they played Poll's The- atre, Hartford, Conn., week of Pec. 4-9, and not the F.mplte, Ilobokeu, X. J. 'Char. A., at present special ex- cursion agent for the Great Southern Thea- tre, Columbus, U., will shortly launch a big musical comedy production. The cast will include n number of well known vaudeville people and a chorus of thirty. Mr. Koster will look utter the front of the attraction. Fred, of the Two Gillcns, writes from Mnuzaiilllo. Cuba, under date of Nov. 28, as follows: "We have just finished play- ing the Island of Cuba, and leave tomorrow for Jamaica, Kingston. We are with the Blake & Wlllnrd Show, from White City, Chi- cago. Our act Is the first of its kind to play this country, nnd it is going big. None of its have seen u Cliitmi since we left New York eight weeks IIKO.'' Johnnie ytiiouKY. "The Newsboy Tenor," writes: "Wh'le I was on my way to lint Spr'ngB on Nov. 24, 1 met with a severe acci- dent. The train lu wh'ch 1 was riding ran into a freight train. My Injuries compelled me to cancel all my time In the West for this season. I was to open on the Inter-Stntc circuit, nt Hot Springs, on Nov. 27. nnd was to plnv the entire circuit. 1 also had to can- cel the rest of my time in the West, which would have brought mc to San Francisco. I am resting at my home In Boston, and shall open an agency shortly." Tub IU'ssells, Al and Blanche, after Ail- ing two more weeks on the Situ circuit. will go to tbelr home In Toledo. O,. and spend Cbr'stmas week. Then they open on the Bijou rirrnlt, through Wisconsin, nnd are booked up until March 18. Tn» musical 1U:biis report meeting with great success on the Sullivan & Coushitue cir- cuits, having played thirty weeks without a lay off. ' They write: "We have nn order lu for a peculiar cornet. The Instrument will have seven bells nod six valves, and It Is the only one of the kind." B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE DOOKINfi CIRCUIT. Washington, p. c. ... Baltimore, Ma ....Buffalo, Vt Keith's Theatre Keith's Bijou Theatre Keith's Theatre. Keith's Theatre. Keith's Theatre Keith's New Theatre . Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. . .Providence, R. I. . .Pawturket. It. I. New York City. . .Philadelphia, Pa, Keith's Prospect"TbeatfiV."... .Cleveland, O. Keltii's Boyal Princess Theatre.. London, Bug. Harry Davit' Grand Opera House. Pittsburg, Pa. Lowell Opera nouse. .j^^. Chase's Theatre Washington d e. Kernan's Maryland Theatre. Shea's Garden Theatre. Shea's Theatre Moore's Theatre, Temple Theatre Moore's Theatre Park Theatre Grand Opera House.... 1.0 ii el I, Mass .Toronto, OlL, ■ Rochester, N 1 ...Petrolt Mlcai Portland, Ma. .Worcester, Maav .Syracuse, N. x. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKIM OFFICES, St. James Building, m. K. HODODON, Booking Managar, Rooms 823 to 82S it. James Balldln*. NEW YORK CITY. Special Sale of Overcoats or Suits to Order, $20. They are our holiday attraction. loo styles of Kerseys, Meltons and Velours (or Overcoats, including 500 styles of Suitings, in fancy silk mixed worsteds, also blue, black and fancy worsted cheviots. They arc excellent value. Our Full I)rcss Suits at Ho. Tuxedos $35, silk lined throughout, cannot be sur- passed at any price. A desirable Christmas gift, an order for a Suit of Clothes or Overcoat, which can be obtained without risk. Money deposited will be returned if receiver desires. We can refer to measures taken for the past twenty-eight years.. Samples with "Pointers on what to wear," mailed upon application. ARNHEI1VI, Broadway and Ninth Street, New York. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment ot superfluous hair Is something that requires the greatest nicety and care. X. BAZIN'S DEPIL.ATOKY POWOER la the result of much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these growths with- out injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a scar or the slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIN'S BEP1LATORY POWOER Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting a care. Send to Oeparrment "C" for our little pamphlet on the subject, "FOB BEAUTY'S SAKE." HAM, Jt IllC'lCEL, Proprietors and Manufacturers of S0Z0D0NT, 215 Washington Street, New York. For >me at all first class drna; stores or sent by mall In aealed packngrea for flOc. WANTED, BY MUSIO HOUSB, OUTSIDE REPRESENTATIVE. Host be Hustler, good Pianist and Singer, acquainted with profession. Single prererred.on account of night work. Address BOX 50, Care of CLIPPER Office. A NEW PENNY IN SLOT POST CARD MACHINE, Which cannot be werk«l only with the actual coin. Rend (or circulars. IIOO.II 5A, 6'4 SUDBURY ST., Boston, Man. In itr.crnN for his Ihoughtfulness and liber- al'ty lu distributing pivscnts of money lo the house staff ot Ford's Theatre, Ila'.tltnorc, on Thanksgiving evening. Charles P. Wilson, manager for Lew Stocfcstnder, became con- vinced that there Is n spirit of reciprocity extnnt among -theatre employes, when they, in, presented a handsome doll to his daughter, little Dorothy' Wilson, thlrtecu months old. the doll being nearly aB big ns the little lady herself. Accompanying tbo gift was the following note: "Miss Dot Wil- son, enre "The Wilson Family Party' Co., direction ot C. PillnrU Wilson.—Dear Miss Wilson: We, the undersigned, beg that you wi:> accept this little oflerlng (Its name is Ethel l.c-vf-yi as a mark of our everlasting loyally and devotion to a Hweet little miss, and we All hope that when you get 'growed' up you will try and get your father to re- form nnd lend a more quiet life: try and get hltn to become a burglar If possible. For we are sure that his Mug n minstrel must worry your poor mother n great deal. Trv and do this, dear little Pot, and you will earn the everlasting gratitude of Charles E. Ford, Oeorpe T. Ford. John T. Ford, Harry M. Ford. Hnsll Moslcy, Amos Harrymnn, ThomnH Cuvln. Ed. W. Dunn." Lk Punt, "the European jnggler," did not accept the offer from the Agous't Family, and Is still working alone. Morton. Temi-i.k anp Morton write: "Our trio act played the Grand Opera House, Pitts- burg, -Pa., week of Nov. 27, and was one oi the big hlts.of that bill. Week of Pec. 4, at Keith's Theatre. Providence, It. I., the same story. Week of Dec. 11 we are nt Keith's. Boston, and Keith's, New York Cltv, week of Dec. 18, with other good work to fo'llow." Feed J. Lewis ano Martha Ciiapin have closed with the Hunting & Walters Co., nnd are now working nt clubs around Chicago. They open nt the Grand Opera House, Grand itoplds. Mich., Dec. IT, and arc hooked solid until the middle of May, 1006. « ■» COXXKCTICUT. the Bridge nt Midnight," 7. ft. fared well. "Wedded and Parted," 0, did well. I.11I11 Olnser, in "Miss Pollv Pollara," 11; Irish Indies' Choir 12, Edna May. In "The Catrh of the Season," H ; "Secret Service Snm" 15, 111. Fou's IK. H. Mitchell, manager).—Booked week of 11: P. V. Woodward, Martha Brlggs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, Klclst. T'at Hooney and Marion Burt, W. C. Kelly and Harry Tater. Notks. —Jack Burke has rctnriied to his home in tbls cltv nfter a circuit with the I.ubin pictures of the Brltt-Nelson tight.... Florence Hamilton, who Is now playing lead* In the I Homer Stock Co., at Springfield, Mo., will reappear lu New York Christmas Pay. nud'ed the management of Garland Gadeu. "Oboriimtncrg!iu" 1 pictorial) was pre- .•routed nt Smith's Theatre afternon and even- ing, 5, to the capacity of the theatre, under the auspices of the local Aerie of Eagles. At a supper nt Christ's Church given by the guild, three handkerchiefs, owned by Isnbelle Irving Thompson-and Maude Admns nnd Julia Marlowe, brought big prices. Iia- belle Irving was n member of the churrh and Sunday school lu glrlhsod Another thentre company linx been formed Id -this city. W. It. Tslitiai, of this city: Morris Jacobs and Charles E. D. Kades are orgiiu- IxeiY. Capital, IfBO.OOO. * . • » ... ' ' NEBRASKA. Hartford.—At Parsons' (11. C. Parsons. manager) our music lovers were accorded a great treat by the hong recital given by Mtue. Scialirirh, Dec. .",. The execution mid technique dlsplnyed by her enraptured her large and ap- preciative audience, who applauded enthusias- tically throughout the entire programme. The recital was under the management of tbo Muslcul Club of llnrtford, who deserve praise. Geo. Primrose's Minstrels appeared to s fu'l house (J. giving an exceptionally good per- formance. The vocal and Instrumental feat- ures were good, nnd Mr. Primrose appeared in his familiar dancing to the grntllk'ntinn of lils ulil mid new friends. The Irish Ladles' Choir, twenty-seven people, from Dublin, sang acceptably, 7, the songs of their native coun- try, nnd the audience, which was of verv generous proportions nnd of execpilimu'iv friendly character, gave appreciative approvnl. "J11M tlllt uf College" 1). Kdim Mnv. In "The Caleb of the Season," 11. "The Prodigal Son follows. llAirm>nn Opkba Hurst: <Ji lining* &Grnvrc Co.. managers 1.—"On the Hrlilu-e al Midnight" was well presented and did big business, fol- lowed by "All Eye Wllness" Co., which pre- sented un excellent eniertulnnicut and also scored heavily. "The Life that Kills" nnd "Wedded and Pnrted" divide week of 11. I'ui.fs (8. /.. Poll, proprietor).—Kphrnitu rhouipson s elephants, us a heaililner. proved one of the strongest attractions so far this senson, and the hill Inn week In lis entirety vita one of tin. |m>*i ever provided for the patrons, who completely tilled the limine at every performance. N '.' T,: ^'.l"" m ■? >, ' n !. l, "; Uet - " I 1 "" manage- merit of the Hartford Opera House uiailc a radical change In their prices, (. h i|,e vaudeville sHindard. . ■■ - . . 1 . Bridgeport—At Smith's |R C. Smith, manager! Prln-rose's .MhM rel*. Dee 4. pleased. Parisian Widows ."., il, and "On Lincoln.—At the Oliver (K. C. Zebrung. manager) "The Girl from Kay's" arrived lu town Nov. 20, and was well received by a good house "The Liberty Belles" incited the house Thanksgiving night, and gave u very satisfactory performance. lx>uls James. in "Vlrglnlus," supported by Norman Hackett. did excellent business' Pec. 1. "Uncle Josh Perkins" drew fairly well 2. Florence Rob- i-rts, in "Ann La Mont," gave a very satis- tactory performance 4. "Von Yonsnn" did its i.isunl :tood business 6. ■ "Pora Thome drew good, houses S. 0. "Florodora" 11, !-■ "A Son of Best" 13, "The Devil's Auction^ IB, Wm. ft, Crane 10,. "The Liberty Belles 18 (return engagement). Y. M. C. A. 19. "The Irish Pawnbrokers" 20, West's Min- strels 2:1. Iaric (II. N. Miller, manager).—Bill week ■if 11: .1. Howard Maxwell, Lee Tung too. Jno. J. Wilde. Kenney and Vincent and Lyrlcoscope. Notes. —Arrangements have been made for the erection of u new thentre building, to be occupied by- the Lyric Theatre, vaudeville, »t this city. The new ploce will be knowu as the Lyric. It is almost opposite the Oliver Theatre, nnd new arrangements for boufcln.i attractions will he made. The seating cji- pacity will be about 800. It will be ready to open March 1, with 11. N. Miller as man «p»r. ■ Fremont Al the New .Lnrsou .' w . d !. Ixiwery. manager) "The Girl from Kuy* came to good business Nov. US. "Uncle J»si Perkins" had good business afternoon unit evening .",11. "Florodora" drew a big house 1 >ee. -2. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" 5. *-»♦ ATIKAXSAS. Hoi SiirlnflTM At the Auditorium i»dS; hum & Head, managers) "The Bunawiiys Plnycd to large audiences, matinee nnrl nleiij- Thanksgiving. "The Show Olrl." Dj£ '• cuuie to fair business. "The County 1 l>" ,r > man" played n return eugngement '.'. "J moderate lulslne??. "Little Johnule Jane-, made a derided nit. iK-tore a. large audience- ■I. "Human Hearts" S, Walker Whllcshf tt. "'The llonevraoon" 11. "The Geisha 1-- Maikstu- |T B MncMochcn. manager'. —Bill week nf 1: Bo«e and Lemon. In "{.''* Death Globe:" J. A. Murphy .nHd,.EIolse »"' lard. Ilud Farmer trio. Mitchell and «-«'"- Beatrice I*onard, Illustrated songs, and tut kluctograph.