The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1100 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 16. Howard. Rutherford & Monroe, BIJvu, Des Moines, IU.| Il-l'j. Ilurk'-Kltuii fc Co., llownrd, Bolton, 11-18; AnnbioD, likiii., ls-M. .. . „ llnwnnl A: Nurtli, 0. O, H., Indianapolis, 11-10. Howard Bros., U. II.'.. Cairo, HI.. 18-23. Hooy & Lcc. Turk, Worcester. Mini.. 11-10. Holmes. Tailor; Keith's, i'lilla., 11-lfl. Holdnworlha, The. Keith's. Cleveland, 11-10. lloudlnl. Harry, Shea's, BrthK 11-10. Howard's IKtEH & I'oulea, Keiths, I'lilla., 11-10. HowlMin, BIJou. Ihilnlqiip. In., 11-10. llnlninn, Al. K. « Mamie, Ponoplocong, Amiler- Jnm, llol.. ll-lll. lIuniL-a •'; Lewis, Orplicom, Cairo, 111., 11-10; flranuY Jailer.' III.. IlHB. Huston & Dallas. UotninUa, HI. Loul*. ll-IU. iitcliliisou, J. K., tt Co., Moure's, Porllaml, Mr., I IiiiiIic-k.* Mr. & Mrs. Nick, Slur, Hamilton, Can., I lube*, Mr. Is Mr*. Ocnc, Trent. Trenton, N. J., llruins & Mcfntyre. Amphloii, Bkln., 11-10. Ilvdc & Heath, Lyceum. Minneapolis, Mian., 11-10 llvliitnl* CD, BUM) Lansing, Mich., 11-10; HI- ijnu. Jai-kaini, 18-23. . „ , Hyde, Bob & llerlhn. Family, MIllvlllc, N. J., 11-10. Impci-lnl Japs. Keith's, N. Tt. O.. 11-10. Itiucsa & It.vnn, BIJou. Jackson, Mich. 11-10. InMlla, Lniirn. A. * S.. Iloton. 11-10. Italian Trio. Orpbciun, .Ilkln.. H-HJ- „ Irtvlti. Juliii M.. Olympic, Chicago, ll-io. Irwin. .lames, Haymnrkct. Clili-ngo. 11-10. Irving, l'earl. A. & S.. Boston. 1110. Irish. Amite, U. O. II., Pittsburg. II-10. .1 union, Dolly, Howard. Boston, '1-10. .laeksmis 13), Drjiliciini. Denver, Col., IHl Jackson Family. Columlila, Cincinnati, 11-10; Olympic. Oilcngo,. 1R-23. . Jacob & Dow, U..O. II., Indianapolis, 11-10. Janroon, Ida: BIJou, Dululli, Minn., 11-10. .lane, Marvelous. Ourrlck, IliirlhiKfpn. In., 11-10. Jack, Mr. & Mra., Olympic, Chicago, 11-10; Uay- market, Chicago. 1S-211. Jcnnre & KHsworHi, BIJou, Orrcn Bay, Wis., 11- Jennings ts Ilcnfrew, Star, Hamilton, Can., 11- ■ 10; Howard, Boston, Mam,, 18-23. Jewell, Helen. Hub, Mllfonl. Mam., 11-10. Johnson. Carroll, roll's. Bridgeport. C6nu., 11- 10;' Keith's, t'hllo., 1823. Jones, Walter C. Ulncnjrranli, Spokane, Wail)., 11- III; blur. Bcatfle, 1B-JKI. Jordan « Hnrrey, Pavilion, London, Lng., 11- Johillijii'. Snlicl, Moore's, Portland. Me., 11-10. Johnslima. Musical, Kelth'M, Bostou, 11-10; Park, Worcester, Mnas., 18-23. • .lose, It. .1., Park, Worcester, Mass., 11-10. .loucs Sc Sutton, O. H.,-Manchester. N. II., ll-IO. .Iiinlus. Thro., Orpheilin. Cairo, III., 11-10; Ca- shin, -Cincinnati. 18-23. Knrno's I'Hiilomlme Trouiie, rolls. Worcester, MOSS , 11-1(1. ' Kutci iiniH., Castle, Hloomlngton, III., 11-10. Knder. Alalul. Victoria, N. Y. (J.. 11-lfl. . Itnraon, Kit. Majestic, Hot Springs, Ark., 11-10; Mnfnttlcv Dallas. Tex., 13-23. Kaufman. Itclin, Allinnibra, l.onilon, Etif., 11- KnrleilL IVIntergnrlen, Berlin. Oer., 11-31; Kris- tnl I'nlnlK. LclfiKlg. Jan. 1-lfi. Kcene, Mntlle. i Co.. tlotliain, Bkhi., 11-10. Klnea. Kal. S., & Co., Utilise'*, Washington, D. C. Kcnneilv .t Vincent, l.yilc. Mncoln, Neb., 11-10; Novelty, 'I'onekn, Kan.., 18-23. Keno, WiilMli iV Melrone, Hliea's, lluffalo, 11-10. Keiitotw (31. I'ructur'.M VM St., K. V. C, 11-10, Kellc, Sum k Ida. Olympic, Ho. Bciul, lud., 11- 1ii; T^rlc. Olerelnnil, «)., 18-23. Kelly .V Vlolclle, Hopkins, toulsvllle, Ky., 11- Kcllv & Aaliby. Sloan & TUorlon Tour, Kng., 18- Jn'ii. 31. •Kelly. W. •!.. Proctor's, Troy. N. Y.. 18-23. Kellv & Itiiliika. Lyric. Clevelnml. 11-10. Keener Slaters (31, Vlclorla. N. Y. C 11-10. KenuKli, Kilwln, & Co., Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., I8-2S, Kellv K- Kent. AUiamhrn. N. Y. C. ll-IO. Kherns *; Cole. Cnliiiiihln. (Mnelnnnll, 11-10; MiiHonlc, Ft. Wayne. Intl.. 18-23. Klrklaml. IHHy. Moun-'s,- I'orllnnil, Me., 11-10. Klpplltig. l'liirem-e, Peu|ile's, l^iirell, Mass., 11- III. Klnc Vera, Anilltorlum, Lynn, Mbbm., 11-10. Kin Unlit. Hilly, Monre'K, Portlauil, Me., 11-10; Howard. Iliwton. 1S-23. KlniisltM- k l.cwK Krllli's. PnivWenee. 11-10. KIiick. I'M. H.. & Co.. (.'haac's, Washington, D. Q„ II -HI. Kllntinmi .laps. *!»luinblii, Clnclnnutl, 11-10, Klinlmlt & lloiiovnn, Parlor, York. Pa.. 11-10. Klein ,V Klein. Oriiheiun, Webb City; Mo., 11-111. Klein & Clirtntl. ti. <). II., liuMunu|Kills, 1110; ColHiiiblu, Cincinnati. 18-23. Klelnt. Musleiil. Poll's. HrlilKciKirt, Conu,, 1MB. Knox Ilroa., Ilowanl, Otilenco, 11-10. Knowk-a & Oarr. Uljoit, Norfolk. Va., 11-10. Konure & Chaplain, rllnbc, Chicago, 11-10; How- in-il, Chicago, IK-24. Kohl. Una « Mavion, Lyric, Wichita. Kau,, It- Hi; Novelty, Denver, Col.. 18-23. Koppe & KopiH 1 . Auilltorlinu, Lynn, Mass., 11-10; tlotlinm, Jlliln.. 1N23. Kohler & Marlon, (Inn, Lynn, Mass., 11-10. Kiiziinka. Sukli'hl, 1'iiiiiII.v. LnnciiKter, Pa., 11-1-1. Lawnan »V Naiuon, Colonial. N. Y, C, ll-llt. t.n Jena, Then., & Cunillle, Keith's, CrovldcrJC, II. I.. 11-111. La Clulr «: West, Pastor's. N. Y., C, 11-10; lK.ilc, YoukoiN, N. V., 18-23. Lnwrem-e, AL, Pnielor's, Albany, N. V., 11-10; Aiuphl Ilkln.. 18-23. I.a Ailelln. (iryalnl. Detroit. Mich.. 11-10. I.n Mar, Wayne. Novelty, Ih'iiver. Col.. 18-23. Lawnain >V Kwlui;, llljou. Wlieellug. W. Va.. 11-10 La Vine & Wiiltone, Lyric, Terre Hurtle, lud., nit;. l.uuKlillii, Autia, Aiuplilon, Ilkln., 11-lfl. I.ii 'IVIl Dims., Kiirekn. Kiu-ekn, ('ill., ll-IO. LiinilK'il & Pierce. Park. Krte. Pu., 11-10. I.aiicnstei'. Tom. HIJiiii. I.u Croam-, Wis., 18-23. I.alell, Kd.. Oi-plu'iuii. Denver, Col.. 11-10. Lam- ,V SI. Chilr, Atidliorluiii, .Norfolk, Va., II- 10 La Velle Trlu. Keith's, I'ruvlilencc, 11-10. I.iiwsnii. May, Kmplrc, La Salle, 111., 11-10. Lu Tour. Irene, O. II., Dover, N. II., 11-10. l.n Vails, The. Kuiplrc. So. Iluruley. Kng., 11-10; StiHktoli Tees. 18-23; Pal., Urllusby, 23-30; Tlv„ Dublin, Ire.. Jan. I -It. I.aliiilii, Harry « t'an-lc llljou. Qulury, III., ll- IO; (lalety. Sprlugileld. 18-23. Ariliur. Majestic. Ft. Worth, Tex.. 11-10. Lnrsiai Slaters. Auditorium. Lynn.. 11-10. La Vine, Cltnnron Trio, Maryland, Iliiltn., Mil., II- 10. Lu ('mis. Punt, filymplc. So. lienil, Inil., 11-10; llownrd, Clili'ago. 18-23. La Motbe Trio, llljou, KMiwbu, Vis., IM0; llu|i|iie. Slielaiygan, 18.2II LirlVFR * Lee, llljou, Slielioygnn. Wla., It-HI. La Itnse, Harry, Co., Kniplrc, llohoken, N. J., 11- 10. La Marr, Harry, A. & S.. Krwton. 11-10. La .li'su, Theo. & Cumllle, Keith's, Prtivldtaict', H-in, l.iiwrviue (21, I'ulace. Worcesler. Muaa.. 11-10. I. ivliie ii Lcouuvd, 1'1'iH'tin'f, Albany, N. Y., ll- IO. Li; t;|tilr. Harry, ellh's. l'Jilla.. 11 - 111. I.c Moync Slitera. Cnnloti, (»., 1123. Lewis ic Hnrv, l)avcii|i»ri, lu., 11-10. Le Itiiv & Applelon, Palace. N. Y. O., 11-1(1. I.e I lev, Lillian. Keith's. Provldeaee. 11-10. Lee. I limb V. * Ilessle. ltljuil. Liiiisliig, Mich.. 11-111; 111 Ion, Battle Cm>k. 18-23. l.i'luln I.yllluu. ft Co., llljou, LiltiHlng, Mleh., II HI: llljou. Jackson, 18-23. I.i'-llc \- Dulley. Ilnytnarkel. Chicago, 11-10: (1. O. II., ItiUlaniiiwlls. 18-23. I.o lluv ,V Wondwanl. Park, Wiirceslcr, Mnai., II- Itl; Keith's. Prorhleuec. 1823. Lesttc. tlco. W.. People's, l.eavenwortli, Kan., II in: Crystal. SiHlalla. Mo.. 18-23. LetTel Trio, Mujeallc. Ft. Worth, Tex., 11-10; Majestic. Little Hock. Ark., 1823. LiMiiaril .V llaslialn. A. .V S.. ItoKlon, 11-1(1. Li-stir. Harry II.. Pastor's. N. V. C. 11-10. Liimanl & IIiihIihIh, Star, lluiulltiai. Can., 18-23. Ill; llcuiicll's. London, Can., 18-23. Le Iktnilno llnnue. Alhamtwu. N. Y. C. 11-10. I.e Moiie A Le Mulre. Family, Pousulr, N. .1., 11-10: Doric, Yonkers, 18-23. I.ewla, (iitirglu ('.. Orpheum, Ofliulia, Nell., 18- 23. I I'w. Mrs. Jules. & Co., Itljuit, Maruuetle, Midi., I Mil; llljou. iHhpciulug, 18-2!I. Le ncnt. (treat, U. ti. 11., (Irani! Banlds, Mich., IM0: lllyuililc, Chli-iupi. 18.23. Lenroy A llussell, JetTers. Kaglnuw, Mlcb., lt-10. l.llehllohl. Mr. Is Mrs. Nell, Orpheum, Iteaillng, Pa.. ll-IO. l.lblH-.v & Trnver. It. & S., N. V. C. 18-23. Llllpiiilnnit, The. Logan, C. 11-10; Pucutello, lilu., 18-23. I.ludsi-y. liii>, A., .lersev C|d . N. 1„ I MO I,lud. Umpire, Ihdioleii. N. '.I., ti in Iamix ft i ollon. Kellh's. IMillii., ] I-t<l. Luce * Lute, Cryttlul, Mllwuukct-, Wis., 11-10. Lrt-kivoml, Mr. & Mrs. On., Majestic, Chicago.'ii", FA. A TIiul. Novelty, fllonx Falls, 8o. Duk., 11-10; Novelty, TopOka,' Kan.. 18-23. I.ukrns ((>, Si-liiiniaiin; Frankfort], Cler., 11-31. I.iii-y tc LtKler, Oriilieuni,' ttm Angeles, Cnl., 11- HI. Lucler. Mr. 4- Mra. Fred, Family. Lancaster, Pa., 11-10. Lystcr & Conk. Hon Ton. Ogilen, L*., 11-10; Bon Ton, Loifin. 1MB, Micks. Two, Onibeiim, Porlanioitlb, O., 11-10; tlljnii. Danville. III.. IS 23. Masiai-Keeler Co., Pavilion. I/oiuton. Kng.. 20- Juu. 111. Marline llnilliers, Cnllscodes Ixwres, Llalion, Port.. 11-31. . ... Mnntell'B Mnrloiietles, Pnlnue. Mlanenpolli, Minn., 11-10: Bl'oil. Oshkosh.' Wis... 18-23. Marco Twlus, Orji|icUli|. New Ortcan*. La., 18-23. Marrus H Adell, Mkjcsllc. Ilmiaton. In., 11-10; Majealle. Ssrf Antonio, 18-23. Macau. No. Atlnms, Muss., 11-10; Hyracuse, N. Y., 18-23. .. . Mareenn, Ncvnro * Marceiis, Keith's, Clerelimd, II HI; tl. II. II.. PIHshlirg. 18-20. Mack ft Dnxiil. orpliciun, Poitsniouth. O., 11-18. Slalliews & "Ashler, Vlctofli, N. Y. O., 11-10. Mussey it Krunmr, Crawford," Topeka, Ken., 11- in; Kansas City. 18-23. Mathews ft Manning, Orphmint, Sllnnrapolls. Minn.. 11-Hi; Oniheutn. Denver. Col.,' 18-23. AJ.irllunt. Sadie & Co., Keeuey'a. Bkln.. 11-10. Mauce. Clem C. Mfljcstlu, Hot Springs, Aril., 11-10: Majestic, Dallas, Tex.. 18-23. Mntlliewa ft Harris, Arapblon, Ilkln., 11-16; Em- pire, HulKiken, >. J., 18-23- Jlirilisll, the Mystic, Konacher's, Vienna, An*., U-31. Marhiellfls. Tin-. Wenst's, Feorlo, 111., 11-10; BI- Jou, Decatur. 18-23. Mniltnps (3), Keith's, N. Y. 0., 11-111; Kmplre, I'litiTHon. 18-23. Mix Mllllan. O. H. f/iwell, Mass., 11-10, Blai<lnlcrs, The, (J. I). H., Pittsburg, 11-10; Keith's, Cleveland, 18-23- Maililetm, The, Manlinttnn. Norfolk. Vs.. 11-10. Marlell. Merlalnc, A. & 8., Boston. 11-10. Majestic Trio. 11. ft U.. Bkln., 11-10. M.msilelil, & Harvey. Phillips', Richmond, ImL, 1MB. Macy ft Hall Columlila, Cincinnati. 11-10. Martjme, Ktldy, Macon. Ga., 11-lfl. Mnriow, I'lunkt-lt ft Co., Trent, Trenton, N. I., 11-10. Maiinlnu Trio, Olympic. Chicago, 18-23. Mnrvellc A tjlcnaoa,' Majestic, Chicago, 11-10; Haymarkct, Chicago, 18-23. Marlell. Ollle. Olpnplc. Troy, N. Y.. 11-10. Magnnnl Kniiilty, Orpheum, Iltlcn, N. Y., 11-10; Mohawk, Sclieaectady. 18-23. Mmar. A Msnetle. Col limn, Ilkln.. 11-10. Marllerc, ljtura. Columbia, Ullca, N. V.. ll-IO. May ft Mile*. Castle. Illoomlligtou, HI., 11-10; Industrial. Mollne, 1823. Mollory Ilrim.. Brooks 4 Holllilny, Trent, Trenton, N. J.. 18-23. Marlon ft Desiie, T.yrlc, Terra Haute. Intl., 11-10. Mntlileiis. Jinrgllitg. Star, Munele, Ind., 18-23. Maiiulnga, The, Oetn, Lynn, Miss.. 11-10. Miifliaiitis, Juggling, (1. (). II., Indianapolis, 11- 1(1. McKissltk & Shadney, Keith's. N. Y. (.:,, 11-10. McAvoy. Dick ft Alice, Hon Ton, Ph'lla.. 11-10. McNamce. Grand, Ilatnlltnn, (i„ 11-10. McCrne & Poole, Howard, Chicago, 11-10; Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., 18-23. McKruy & Hughes, Bennett's, Limilon, Can., 11- 1B. ■ • . - - Mcllrath Bros., Umpire, llohoken. N. J.. 11-10; • iarrlek, Wllmliigion. Del.. 1823. McCuire, 0r|ilihtra, SprlnxHelil. O., 11-10. MrKlmiiai A Heed. Uiilmie, Uuhitli, Minn.. 11-10; llnliiui'. Wlnnl|s.% Cap., 18-23. Mclnena'y, Jns. A.. Fniiilly, llazellon, Pa., 11-10. .Mi-I.eoil. Andy, Auditorium. Lynn, Mills.. 11-10. Mi-('iilh>iii'a Players, Poll's, Worcester, Mass., ll- IO. Moi'lellaii, .Ins.. llljou. Dulutji, Minn., 1 1-ltl. Mcl'nrrers, The, llljou. Lnnslng, Mich., 11-10. Mcdloln & Suiltli. l'oll'B. Waterhury, Conn., II- 10; Poll's. New Haven, 18.23. Mclllnnls, .lolm !>.. (I. (). II., Augusta, (in., ll- IO; MOIitnouth, HI., 18-23. Molroy Trio. Olohe, Chicago, 11-10; .Howard, Chicago, 18-2.1. Melroae & Elmer, Fnmlly. Patcrson.. H. J., 11-10. Melville * Aselle, lion Ton,-Halt Lake City. ,0„ 11-1(1; Lyceum. Ogdeti. 18-23. Melropnlllan Comedy Four, Hnrrlsburg, Pa., Il- ia; Iteaillng. ■ 18-23. Merlon's Dugs, .Orpheum. New Orleans. 11-10. Merrllt. lturmutid, Llun's, Butrtilo, 11-10. Melcnlf. Paddock & Kdwnrds, II. ft S., N. 1 Y. (1.. ll-IO. Meredith Sister*. Tlchy's, Prague, Aus„ 11-31; Ituiiiiidier's. Vlelma, Jnn. 1-81. Meii'ier, Ltlwiua,' Keith's, Pnivldcnce, It. 1., ll- IO. Messenger Boys' Trio. (L O. II.,: Plttslmrg, 11-10. MclmlTy, llluiiche. (Vdnlnhla. Chiclnnatl, 11-10; (I. O. II.. ImlhintiiKills. 18-23. Meier* ft Mora. I'll., Soulhattlplou, Kng.. 11-10; Oram!, lluuley. 18-23: Kmn., .Mldillcsboro, gB-jw- South. Loudon. Jan. 1-0. Meers (2). Orpheum. Bkln.; 11-10; Alhamb'ra, N. Y. O, 18-23. Mllllarv Oetelle. Cohmlnl. N. Y. C, 11-10. Sinters. ITnwiird. Boston. 11-10. . Mitchell ft Cain, Majestic. Dallas, Tex., IMG; Mnjestic, Houston. )H-23. , , . Mitchell A l.nvt'. Bennett's, I^iiilou. Can.. 4MB. Miles Ji Itnyinoml, Hon'Ton, Plilla.. 11-10. ., Mlllur. Kllialietlt, Bradenburgh's. I'lilla., 11-10. Mitchell & Marron, Proctor's. Albniiy. 11-10. Miller, HeiiHhaw ft Miller, Crystal,.St. Joseph, Mo., 11-10. , MIk-hell ft Drowning, Empire, Springfield, III., Il-Hl. Mlllinun Trio. Olympic, Chicago, 11-10; TJsyotar- ket, Ohlengo. 18-23. Millar Sinters, New, Pawluckct, 11. I.. 11-10. MIIIuuh, The. Star, Atlanta, (lu., 11-23. Mitchell, Ho**., Fnuilly, aluversvlllc,.rl, Y., 11-16. Mills & Morris. t'olPs, llnrtfonl. Conn., 11-10; I'nslur's. N. t. C, 18-23. ■ Mullcohnncr, Ktln-aril. Keith's, K. T. 0., 11-10. Mori-Is. Hub. A. ft S„ Bimtnn, 11 HI. Minimi. James J.. Keith's, nostdu, 11-10. Mortons, JugglliiK l-IL Majestic, Hull Antonio, Cal.. lt-10; Majestic. Waco. Tex.. 18-23. Mi'sIiit, Houghton ft Mosher, Ainpliloa, Bkln., ll- IO. Morndl & Doely, Fischer's, to* Angeles, Cal., 11- Jlti Chutes. Sun Fran., 1S-23. MowaltK 131. Trent. Treutott. N. J.. 11-10; True- tm'K 23.1 St.. It V. C-. 18-23. . Morey ft Morry. Bljmt. Dululli, Mlua... 11-10. Moktglrl. Aisdla, Knmberg. Oer., 11-31; Or- plicnm. Vli'iiiu.. An*.. Jan. 1-31. MnrrelliiM. The. Hon Tim. Phlla.. 11-10. Morton. Fred W„ Majestic, Houston. Tex.. 11-10. Morris & Morris, flrccn Tree, Oljnipli, Wash., 11- 23. Miirlnn. Phil.. Family. Potturlllc, I'u., 11-10; I'umlly. Hiiileloa, 18-23. Montle ft.Mneb. llljou, Norfolk. Va., 11-10. Morrlsiai. .lahti, Slur, Toneku, Kan., 11-10; Mir- ror. l>e* Moines, la.. 18-23. MnhtsKne's Ciickiiloo Circus, (Irrln Bros., Mexico. Jiex., 11.-2:1. Moarw 1 , Slack & T.lirrrciice, Hliea's. HntValo, 11-10. Mnonoy «c llolbvlii, Shea's, tluffulo. U-Ul. Moru, L. Jerome, Odeon. Dayton, O., 11-10... Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Mark. Poll's, Bridgeport, Ootin.. 11-10: II. ft 8.. N. Y. C. 18-28. Murpli.v .& Wlllunl, Majestic, llnlls*. Tex., 1M0; Mrtleallc. Wiieo. 18-23. Murray, Kllgnbelli, Kmplre, Uobokcn, N. J., 11- 10. Murphy ft Nichols, Keith's. Clevelnml. ll-IO. Mmupy ft Friinel*. Victoria. N. V. C, ll-tll; PrtM-lor's r.Stli St., N. Y. (\, 18-23. Murray, Kdltti, Hon Ton. Phils.. 11-10. .Murray A iMayloa. (lanlen, (Ireebpnlal, N. Y., 11-10. Mullen ft Corelll. Keith's. St. Y. O, 11-10. Mjcrs. Henry. Pnhier. Worcester. Mass., 11-1(1. Ni'»u, Tom, ft Co., Procter's, Albany. N. Y.. 11- Hl.. Xnst, Thus. Jr., New Haven. Conn.. 18-23. NelT & Miller, .loiters. Saglnnu-, Mich.. 11-10. Nello, Novelty. L«» Angi>les. Cat.. tt-l0. Newell & Nlhlti. Pualor's. K. Y. C, ll-IO. . Keelson, Miy, Unlmie. Clntre. Wis., 11-10. Newiiniu. Joseph. Orpheum. MluneaiHill*. Muni., 11-111; Orpheum, Deliver. Col.. 18-23. Nll.lie ft llortlenux, Pastor's, K. Y. (.'., 11-10. Nllilu. Fretl. Keith's. N. Y. C, 1MB. Nlrhnls Sisters. Keith's. Phllu., 11-10. Norton ft NlchiilKoii, Dominion, Winnipeg. Can.. 1110. Norelu, Lu, Family. Paterioti, N. J.. 11-10. N'oriuiin. People's, 1-eiivenworlh, Kan.. 1MO. Nortiiii ft Perkins, Ben's, Ksriiimha. Wis., 11-10; Calumet, 18-23. Norworth. Jack, Rmnlre, Pnterson. N. J., lt-10, (Inlaw-Trio, Colonial... N.-Y. C, 11-10.. O'N'clt. The*. II.. BIJou, Wheeling. W. Va. .11-10. Orpheus Conuslr Four. Arcade. Toledo, O.. 11-1(1. iiil-inil. Ltv, Kmplre, St. Lunl*. It) In. Orvllle ft Frank, Allanlle Harden, N. V. C. ll- IO. Utuvs, The, Umpire, BocUotd, III., 11-10. O'Brien ft Buckley, O, O. II., Indianapolis, ll- IO. Parpgoti Trio. Pastor's, ; N. T. C, ll-IO. • ., I'utflo ft Marlon, Orpheum. Han Fran., Cal., 11- 83. Pa.cros Bros.. Keith'), N. Y. C. 11-10. 1'nilflnettl ft Plr/uo. Pal., Bristol, Kng., 11-10; P*f.. Plymouth, 18-23, Onlely, Birmingham, 1 25-30. Painter. Alice,' Olvmple. Troy. N. Y., 11 10. Pauls. The. Orpheum, Calm, ill., 11-10. Palmer. Itolilusoii. llljou, Hut nth, Minn., 11-10. PHcheeo Famllv, Temple. IfctrolL 11-10. Pelletler. Dnru, Sheu'a. Murrain. 11-10.' Peklu Sliiuave*. Orptieiini, Man Fran., Cal.. 11-10. Pett-liliig Bros., Muorc's. Portluml, Me., U-HI. Pelot. Fred ft Annie, Kmplre, pnterson, N. J., 11-10. Pllcer. Tlarry, Keith's, N. X. C, 1110. Piccolo Mhljrets, Keith's, Phils.. Ji-in. Pluck ft Lilc-k, Olympic. Sprltigileld. HI., 1M7. l'otter'ft lliirlwcll. Casliai. Pari*, Kr.. 11-23. PottS ft Hai-le. BIJou. Clinton. ().. 11-10. Pope. J. C. & Hon. Crystal, Detroit. Mich.. 11-10. Powers 4 Theobald, (Js'stlc, Blonmlngton, III., ll- llt; BIJou. Decatur. 18-23. Ptillen, linbv Luella, .Innesvllle, Wis., 11-10; Wntertown, 18-23. Queen ft Itos*. JehTcrs, Saginaw, Midi., ll-lil. (Jiilnn. Majorlr. Rlaltn, Klralra. N. Y., 11-10. Quliiliin ft Mack. Hopkins'. Louisville. Ky.. 11-10. Qulnliiiis, .Iiiggllng. Lyceum, Detroit. Mlcb.. 1010. Queen & Uoss. Jeffem, Saginaw, Jllch., 11-10. itaveiiHi-roft, charlotte, Elite, Davenport, la., li- nk Itatnsey Sisters. BIJou. Decatur, ill., 1,1-10. Itiindolph*. The. Mirror, Del Moines, la., 11-10. Itnyno'*. AL, Canines. Waynesburg, Pa., 11-10; Washington. IX M. . llackett t nazilrd. BBiplrc Tour, Eug., 11-Jon. 20. ItiiwKiiti ft June. Ket'iiey'H, Bkln., 1 MO. . ICaymonrl ft Trieey, West Sltle, Beloll, Mlcb., ll- IO; Olvmple. So. Ilcud, lull., 18-23. Itadforil ft Valentine. Tlvcll, Ix>ndon, Eng., II- 30;. ilnusii. Hamburg, Ger.. Jan. 1-3]. Kalmtiiul A Good, Cummin's, Burlington, Can.. 11-23. Itozurfs. The, Parlor, York, Pa., 11-10; Bon Ton. Phlla., 18-23. UnivlM Is. Von Kaufman, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind., 11-10; oennett, Klclniiniul. 18-23. Use & Broichc, Poll's. Witerhury, COfin.. 11-10. Kclff Bros;, Kmplre, Ilobokcn. N. J., 11-10. Hentfrow & Currier, Crawford, Topeka, Kau., lt- 10. lleno.ft Hlclinnls. Alhamlirn, N. Y. C, 11-10. Iteddliig, Frnncf-sca, ft Co., Olympic, Chicago, Sl- id. Iteldy ft Currier, Pastor'*, N. Y. f!., 11-10. iteno ft Murray. Ucm. Lynn. Mais., 1M0. Homier, Helen, Keith's. Providence. 11-10. Iteno*, The. O. II.. Itittlanil, Vt.. 11-111. Kemiec Fuuilly. Lyric, Cleveland, 11-10; Crystil, Detl-nll, 18-23. "Itetl 'Riiven Cinlela," Pittsburg, 11-10; Cleve- land. 18-23. Ileynanl, Ed. F., Keltb'*, Boston, 11-10; Moore's, Portland. Me., 18-23. Ilelclien'S Dogs: Proctor'*, Newark. N. J., 11-10; Proctor's 125th 8t., S. Y. C. 18-23. Bent)!, Clms., Jr., Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., ll- IO. Ucllly, Johnnie, Sohmer Park, Montreal, Con., 20. ... Itcinlng'ou, Mnyme. Keith's, N. Y. C, 11-10. Itetlfonl ft Winchester, llniiklns'. Louisville. Ky., I1-1H; Hopkins'. Memphis, Tenn.. 18-23. Itevleil & Mailley, Palm, Syrnciisc, N. Y., 11-10; Star. Hamilton. Can.. 1S-23. Illce ft Wallers. Moore's. Portland, Me., lt-10; Kellb's. Boalon, J 8-23. Rite ft duly. Coliituhlii. SI. I/jtils. 1110; Huy- .market. Cbleago, 18-2'J. Illpley, Tom, (Iarrlek, Burlington, In.. 11-1(1, llhuios (41. IIIpiKMlroine, N. Y. (J.. 11-23. Illalto (lunrlette, JelTcrs, Saginaw, Mich., 11-10. Illce Bros.. Pottsvllle. Pn„ 11-1B. Wo Hro*. 13). II. ft 8.. N. Y. C.. 1110. Ritchie, Adele, Proctor's OSth St., N. Y. C, ll- IO. Ring ft Wlllnms. C.rund, Victor, (3oL. 11-10. Illclmnls. Mr. ft Mrs. Chus.. Crystal, Detroit, • Mleh., 11-10. Men,, Fanny, Colonial. N. Y. C, 11-10. Rlva Orrlu Bros.'. Mexico, Mex., 11-lfl. Koasnw Midgets, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y.. 11-10. nntisoll. Mrs. Stuart. Orphemn. Kansas City, Mo., 11-1(1; Orpheum. Omaha. Net)., 18-23. Rogers, Will, Keith'*, N. Y. C, 11-10. Roberts, R. A., Orpheum, Ilkln., 11.1(1. Rounds, II. O..'Detroit, Mich.. 11-10.. KoliertH ft Ralston, Ocai. Lynn. Mass., 11-10. Rnhyns, Mr; ft Mrs., Star, Seattle,'Wash., 11-10. Rnscoe & Sims, Quaker, Wuusau, Wis., 11-lti; Jollet. 111.. 18-23. nonsl's none. Olympic, Chicago, 11-10; G. O. II., Iiidhinupolls, im-23. Itoouey & Bent, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 11-10. Roi.lilus ft Troiiumumi, Aitiule, Toledo, O., 11-10; Bennett's. Loinlnu. (Jan.. 18-23. Rosa I re & Dnrelto, Keith's. 1'rovMence, 11-10. Rn-ilue ft Fitch. Cryslnl, St. Joseph, Mo., ll- IO. Russell & Diniliur, G.O. II., Oruud Rapids, Mich., IMC; 31st St.. Chicago. 18-23. Riiiufoiil. BIJou. Uiuprcs* and Islington, Eug., 11- 10; Granville and Bedford. 18-23;. Hummer- smllli nnd Cambridge, 20-30; Albambra unit Brighton. Jan. 1-31. Russell*. The. Phillips, Itlclimoml, Ind., 11-10; Orphanm. l'orlsniniitli, (>., 18-23. , Ryan ft Ulchflcld. Hopkins'. Louisville. Ky., ll- IO; llnpklns', Memphis, Tenn.. '18-211. Sato. O. IC, Chase's, WuKblnglon, D. C, 11-10; Mnryluud, Hullo., Mo., 18-23. Snutell, Ureat, Chute*, San Finn., Cal., 11-10. Sabnn. Keith'*. Boston, 11-10. Sawyer, Slurvelous, Lyric, Terre Haute, lud., ll- IO Salerno, Or|iheum. San Fran.. C11L, 11-10, Savoy*, The. BIJou. Battle Creek, Mlcb., 11-10; BIJou, MuskcKOii, 18-23. Stanford * Dulling. Crystal. Detroit, Mleh,, 11-10. Sundur. Paul. Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y.. C, 11-10. Siiuford ft Darlington, Crystal, Detroit, Mich., 11-10, Subel. Josephhie, Kiutilre Tour, Kng., 11-Jan. 31. Suuuders, Cliulk, (Inllinra, Ilkln.. 11-10. . Schepp's Dogs ft Ponies, Majestic, Houston. Tex., 11-10. Scott, Carrie M.. Illalto, liliulni. N. V., 11-10, Srhoncld, C. H, Bell, Stockton, Cut., 11-10; Chutes. Hun Fran., 18-23. Scmntons. The. BIJou. PI. Huron, Mlcb., 11-10; BIJou, liny City, 18-23.. Searles ft llnmiuoiul,.People's, CiHlor Rapids, In., lt-10; BIJou. Des Moluex. 18-2H. Scnri.v. Oen.. Mullen's, Otuolia. Neb., 11-23. Seldom Hro*., Cook's, Rot-heater, N. Y., 11-10) Keith's, Cleveland, 1S-J3. Semoiit CIiur. F., (lotliimi, Ilkln., 1MB. Serrn. Clms.. Proctor's. Troy, K, Y., 11-10; Proctor's. Alluiuy. 18-23. Show, ft Illlike, llnhet'a, S. Y. C.. 1110. Sheiiu'ft Wnrfeu; Rniplrr. I'alerson, N. J., 11-1G. Shannons (4), Boston, Lowell, Mass., 11-10. Slieriniiu ft De Forest, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass.. 11-lfl. Shetland* (8). Alliatubra, N. Y. C. 11-10. Short ft Slinrtr, Newlmrg, N. Y„ 1MB; Passnlc, N.,J., 18-23. . .. Shiittnt'k. Truly. Keith's, Providence, ll-IO. Sliauui Slug IIimiii, Aliiauilirn. N. Y. (.'., 1110. Hliuon-lihrflller Co., Keitli's. Cleveland. 18-23. Minimum ft Harris, Orplieuiu. Omubn, Neb., 11-10; Orpheum. Minneapolis. Minn., 18-23. Slncrr'i Monkeys ft Dogs. Keeuey's, Bkln,, 1M0. Slddon IIIVK.. Huston Mars.. 11-10. Simpsons, The, Sim-, Hamilton. Can., 1110. sham. Tod. Victoria, N. V. C. 11-10. Shiisirfskl, Mine., Keith's, Clorehiml, 11-10. Smith. Peter J.. Main St.. 1'eorlii. 111.. 11-10. Suiltli, Vihllo. People's, Lowell. Muss., It. 10. Smith ft Johnsons. Keith's, Providence, 1MB. Smiths, .Vrlul, Arcade, Tolnlo, 0., 11-10; Temple, Detroit. Mich., 18-211. Sllllrl ,V Ki-sMier. Keeni-.v's. Bklll., 1MB. Snyder ft Buckley, Amphlou. Bkln.. 1MB: G. O. II., I'lHshorg. 18:23. Spiuildlng. llljou. Calumet. Mich.. 11-1(1. Spl««elt lln>*. ft Mack, Park, Worcester, Mas*.. 11-lfl: Kellb's, Providence, .18-23. Spencer. Lyme ft Fay, Auditorium, Lynn, Mas*., 11-10. Stewart, Hilly. People's. Lowell, Mass., 1M0. Stevens, Balancing, llownrd. 11-10. Stnhl. Hose, ft Co., (1. O. U.. Imllniiupolt*. 11- lfl. . . SlniKon. Wm. !).. Fnmlly. Klmmokln, Pa., ll-lw. Strnkosch. Mine. Poll's, Worcesler. Muss.. 1l« HI- Steln. Krelto. Krv*tnl|Hilnst, Lclpllg. Oer.. 11- 31;. Central. Chetunllc. Jan.. 1-13; Tlclit. Prague, An*.. 1031. Rlreator Zouave*. On Tour. Fr, Stortditrd & Wllwn. Bllou, Lit Crosse. Wt«.. IM0. Stanley. Gertrude, Rlnllo, Elmlra. N. Y.. 11-10. Stewart ft Raymond, llljou, Battle Creek. Mich., 11-10: Illjiui. Jackson, 18-2,'i. Staley ft Ilhlieek. Kellb's. Cleveland. I MO: Temple. Detroit. 18 23. Stlrk. F.lsle. Linn's. Biifrulu. N. V., IMS; Star, Uauilllon, Cult., 18-23. Stewart, Edvf.. Ornbeom. Denver, Col.. 11-23. Stones, The, Chase's. Washington, ,p. Q.,Jll-in. St. Leon & McCUsslck, BIJou. Wheeling, W. Va., 11-10. Sullivan, Mark, It. & S., N..Y. C, 11-10. Sullivan ft Pn»<]uellno, Hayniirket, Chicago, ll- IO ; Columbia, St. Lonla. 18-23. Summers ft Winters. Natlonol, Kansas City, Mo., 11-10; Mirror, Des Moines, la., 18-23. "Sunny South." Poll's, Worcester. Mass., 11-10. Snrnzal & llatoll, Orphemn, I'cirlsmoulb. O., ll- IO; BIJou. Kockford, III.. 18-23. Swnrti ft Raymond, Empire, Im» Angclei, Cal., Rylrmoi Keith's. Boston. 11-10. Sylvester. Jones ft I'rliiglr. Columbia, Cluclnliatl, 11-10; Orpheum, New Odciuis, UU 18-23. Tallwl ft lingers, P.uson's, Chicago, 11-10; Caltt- . met. Ch Icagn, 18-23. Taacull. Keeuey's. Bkln.. 1M0. Tale, Harry. Poll's. Bridgeport, Conn.. 11-10. Tale. (I'M. Mirror. De* Mnliirs, lu.. 11-IH, tegge ft' Daniel, Crystal, Detroit, Mlcb., 11-10. Teed ft Lurell, Crystal, Colorado Spgs., Col., 11- Hi: Crvstal. Denver. 18-23. Thiiuipsnii ft Serbia, Illalto. Klmlra. K. Y„ ll-IO. TUoriie ft (.'nvletou, Orpheum, Snu Fran., Cul., n-ifl- « - .1 . Tlwmas ft Payne, Hilhuwar's, New Bedford, , Mass.,. 11-10, Gotham. Bkln.. 18-23. Thels, Lulu. Anderson, Ind.. 11-10. ... Tliinniison's Elepunnts, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 11-10. Tbtirber, Leonn. Howard, Boston, 11-10. , Toys, Mimical. Majestic. San Antonio, Tex., It- 10: Majestic Waco. 18 23. Toledo, Grace. A. ft 8., Boston. 11-10. Topsv Tnrvy Trio, Flom'i, Madison, Wis., 11-10. To-To, Keith's, N.'Y. C, 11-10. Tcovollo, Proctor's 08th'-St.. N. Y. C. 11-10. Troubadours (3), Mujestlc, Snn Antonio, Tex., 11- Trllters, The. Naclonale, Havana, Cuba. 11-23. 'J'rol»a, Oriilieuni, I«* IxjfWB, Cal.. 11-lfl. Traluor. Cllffortl Vnl. BIJou, Qulncy, 111., U-10; La Snlle. Keokuk, In., 18-23. TTHesdill, Mr. ft Mrs., Howard, Empire, Pater- son, N. J., 11-10. Troilev Car Trio. I). It. Lowell. Mass., 11-10. Tvcc ft Jerinou, Murylalul. Bolto., Mil.. IMG. Bros., Trent. Trenton, N. J., 1MB. Vulmore ft Horton, Tlvoll, Cape Town, S. A., 18- J1111. 27. .v... . Viirdoii. Perry ft Wllber. Edison, Heleua, Mon., ■ 1T-80. Van, Blllv, Proctor's 23d St., R, Y. C. 11-10. Vardamon. I'lihtuc, Sauta Crui, Cal., 11-10; Nov- elty, Stockton, 18-23. Van Biene, Auguhte, Albambra, N. Y. C. 11-10. ValiKis, The, Empire, Freeport, III., 1MB; Crys- tal, Marlon, Ind., 18-23. .. ■ ViisHor Olrls, Arcade. Toledo. O.. 11-10; Temple, Detroit.. Mich.. 18-23. Veniel. Eddie, Grand, Hamilton. O.. 11-10. Vernon Troupe, G. O. II... Indianapolis, 11-10; Columbia. Cincinnati. IMS. Ver Vnl In. BIJou, WheellmjvW. Va., U-10. Vernettc & Dlwine, Pal., flallfax. Kn«., 11-10; P11L, Blackburn, 18 ; 23: Pal., Bradford, 2S-30; . Hipp.. Aurlngton, Jan. 1G. Vlenlll's Horses, Orrin Bros.', Mexico, Mex.. 11-lfl. Vict ft Vloln, Acme, Norfolk. Vs.. U-10. Village Choir, Shea's, Buffolo, 11-10. Volple's Dogs ft lleurs. Montreal. Can.. 11-23. Von Wenxl, Mini, Olympic Chicago. U-10. Watson, Uutchlngs ft Edwards, Colonial, N. X, C, U-10. Wnhlon, Max, Cook O. II., Rochester, N. Y., lt- 10. ,.,.-.. Woyl'iirn's Minstrel Mulds, Orpheum. Bkln.. 11-10. Wailon. Dutch, Bennett's, London, Cun.. U-10. Warteiiberg Hro*.', Orplieilni. Oninha, Neb., 11-10; Orplu-em. Kansas City.'Mo.. 18-23. Watson's Farm Yard, Keith's, Boston, 11-18; Keltlr*. Providence. 18-23. Waldorf ft Slender, Proctors, Albany, N. Y., ll- IO. Watson ft Morrissey, Columbia, Cincinnati. 11:10. Welsh. Clms. ft Jennie, Crystal, Fraukford, Ind., 11-10. Went ft Fowler, Empire, Siprnigfleld, 111., 11-10. Welsou Troupe, Keith's, Phlln.. U-10. Wells, Ben, Manhattan, Norfolk, Vn„ 11-10. Wells ft Schlrley. Mauluiltan, Norfolk. Va.: 11-10. Wentworth's Horses, Temple, Detroit, Mich., 11- 10. Weston. Cutclia, Aluanibru,. N. Y. 0.. 11-10. West. Ford ft Dot, Gotham, Bkln., 11-10. Whltoly & Bell, O. II., Peru. Ind., 11-10. While. Stuurt. ft Co.. Colonial, N. Y. C, 11-10. Whcelocks, Wheeling, Novelty, Denver, Col., 11- lfl. .. . White & Grulton, Temple. Detroit, Mich.. 11-10. White ft Moure, Acme, Norfolk, Va., 11-10. Wlilltler. L. O.. BIJou. Dulitth. Minn., U-10. Wliichcrmiin's Beurs, Gotham, Bkln., 11-10. Wilson ft Moron, Bennett's, Loudon, Can.. U-1S. Wilson Trio. Bllou, KvatiBvnie, Ind., 18-23. Wilson, Lizzie St., Ilnrniurkct, Chicago, 11-10. Wilson., llclolse. Empire, Pnterson. N. J.. 1118. Willlnius ft Walker, Alhnmbru, N. Y. C, .11-10. Willard, Great. Blerod's, Louisville. Ky., 11-23. Winter, Winona, Orpheum, New Orleans; La., ll- IO. Wilder, Marshall P., Mohawk, Schenectady, X. Y„ 18-23. Wiuson. - Geo., Temple, Detroit, Mich., 11-10. Williams ft Melhnni, Custlc, Bloomlnglon, HI., 11- Hl;. Dominion, Winnipeg, Can., 18-23. Wltson-De Monvlllc Co., Gulcty, Troy, N. Y., li-lli Wise ft Milton. Star. Hamilton, Can., 11-10. Willlg ft Liirkla. BIJou, Oalesburg. III., U-10. Winter. Oliver, Crystal, Detroit, Mich., 11-10.. Wood & Ray, Keeiiej's, Bkln.. 11-10; Howard, Buston. 18-23. World's Comedy Four, Temple, Detroit, Mlcb., 11-10. Wood. Francis. Proctor's. Newark. N. J... 11-10. World's Trio, Empire, Pnterson, N, J„ U-10 Wood, .Milt. Keith's, Providence, 11-1,0, Wood Bros., Hulh'owuy's, New Bedford, Mnaa., ".11-181 Brockton, 18-23. Wormser, Tolo & Kute, Leavenworth, Kan., ll- IO; Parsons, 18-23. Wolf ft Wilson, G. O. It., Brand Rapids, Mlcb., IMC; Union's, Chicago, 18-28. Woodward. V. P.. Poll's. Bridgeport, Conn., U-10. Yackley ft Bunnell, O. JI„ Rntlnnd, Vt., 11-10. Ynlo Trio. JelVers, Sngluuw, Jllch., ll-IO; Crys- tal. Detroit, 18-23. Yerta*. Family. Pnterson. S, J., H.-1C. Yenger ft Y'eager, Folios Borgcre, Paris, Fr,, II • Jan. 31. Young. Tot. Sacramento, Cal., U-10. Yorhc Comedy Four, Troy, N. Y., 11 ; 10. Young. OIllc, ft Bro., Orrln Bro., Mexico, Mex.. 1.1-23 Ybuugs ft Brooks. Trent. Trenton. N. J., 11-10. Znnclgs, The. Mnrylniid, Bnllo., Md„ 1MB; Put- erson. N. ,L. 1823. Zaius. (leni. Council Blutfs, In., 10-10. Stella K .Dot. Family, Lancaster, Pa., 11-10. Sieiio. Jorihiu & Zeno, Flllls, Cupe Town,' S. A., SS-Pjb. 28. . .... Zellu ft Dot, Family. Lailc/lstt-r. Pa., 1M0. Zenoj, (ireut, Cryatnl. Marlon. Ind., U-10; Crys- tal. Anderson. 18-2.1. Zimmerman, Al ft Pearl, BIJou, Muskegon, Mlcb., 11-10. Zuncllr & Ilontelle. O. IL, Lowell, Mass., U-10. WEST YIIKHNIA. AVlit-eUnnr.—At the Court Tlientre (U. D. I'miMlielm, mnnnger) "The Vlrglnldn," Dm. •I. had good business. Dun Sully, ft, itlrl well. "The Sleeping Jlenuty and the Henst," 7, hud good returns. "PUT! Pott!! I'otit!!!" 8, 11, won Hiiprcclatcd. "In tho Ulshop's Carrlttge" 11. Joseph Cnwthorti 18. Frank Ueslion 111. ItHANH OPKitA liocnn (Chas. A. Felnlei', lounacer).—Knuna Burning Co., In repertory, •l-li, nnd H. II. (.1 til every performance. "Queen tit Hie While Slaves'^ 7-1), "The Old Cloihus ,Mun" 11-13, "A Hot Old Time" H- Ili.ttiu (U. W. llogers, malinger.)— Bill week of 4 gnve good satisfaction, to fair business, fleek of 11 : The (Irent Ver Vulin, ventrlliMiiilst; St. I.eon and McCuasIck sketch team: Kitgene UmmcH. character singer; l-.ninm Connelly, IIIiihI rated tones nnd moving pictures, " » » » SOUTH ( AHOLINA. (Chl^'i^'M'I'.r'^ ,,, ° AMdemy of Music (Chus. U. Mattliews, uiannpcr) ''When Wo Were Twenty-one" hart a fair house Dec. 4. I.tirlowB Minstrels drew well 0. •"rlie Heuutv Doctor' 12 Illack l'ntll 13, West nud Vokes 15, Rhepnrds pictures 10. Columbia—At the New Columbia (F. L irowii. mnrri Mlnclll Stock Co., week of }}?'■ \ I'tnJ'Cd I" rulr retaTM, "When Wc Vierii 1 wenlvimo" had W ml business n luck Pt.ll i I -A l'nlr orpink"' H "Tic Luwrlltcu Liiw" 15, "David Uaruin" Hi. (i-'or London Lttter, dated Xoi- a .. page noo). ' ' ,M OUR LONDON LETTISH. FKOM OtiK OWN 0OliUESP0SHK Xr Clipper lliii-emi. V, 48 Crniiliounie Street, Leicester Sqnare. I.oiiiloti, w_ c, Dec " The first performance of llernard SbaV. newest piny, "Major Barbara," which \Su «lven nt the Cf""* «■ 'i>.....j... _1. »"* I Court on Tuesday nfternnnn 5aa been the theatrical tidbit of the JX' The 8thry: Andrew IJndcrahnfC Is 11 rain nl' aire, ami the heatl of the Hrm „f i-,,,,,,,., \'°r. & Lazarus, milkers of exploitive;! nnd nerlni liuttleahlps, nnd other death dealtntr artleie. It. Is n tradition of .IUe firm that the i m ,«i ness shall. nlwnj* be luft to a foundlina I.ndv Ilrltomnrt Cnderahaft, Andrew Under Hlinft'H wife, hearing that her husband In tends to carry op this tradition, refilling i„ leave the btiAlnesn to their son. Is ho nngrv that she leaves h'lm, tnklne.tbe children wltii her. The ehlldrea arc: Stephen, a pompous youth, and Barbara, a atroog minded, re ilglous, Idealistic girl, who Joins the Salvi- tlon Army, nnd works all day In it shelter ut West Hum. nml Sarah; a men; doll i'-, r bora is engaged to be mnrrled to Adolnbfls Cuslils, a lather conceited teacher of Greek and SOrah to Cliarlcs Lomax, another punnet' As neither of.Ibesu nieii has enotigli muney in marry on. Lady Brltonmrt Is forced to auk her hU8bund to make dcttlements on the clri» Thls.brlngK ahmit an uiniiHlng Nituntlou hi the first act, when Mr. tjndcrshnrt calls and has to he Introduced to bis own children whom he hns-not seen for years. Barbara itsks her father to come and see how tliev work in the Salvntlon Army sh-jlier. He tt- cepts on condition that she shall in tier turn collie to see how his men work at Ihc Ar- senal. Jin- scene changes thou to I be shelter, Types 61. East End Londoners are met there —the man thrown, out of employment lav cause . he is. over, forty-live ;. au old woman who pretends to bo destitute for what slio can get: a bully, who refuses to be preached to and strikes one of the Salvation Array girls for no particular reason, and n lium- ug, who pretends to be converted for thn sake of gain, etc. But to return to Ihc story, t'nder'shaft, as ngreed. comes la tho shelter. He offers money-to help the army, but his-.daughter, loathing the way In which the money has keen njnue. will not lukc It. One of her superior officers, though. Is not so snuenmlsh. She takes Mr. TJndershaft's check for $°5,000 and goes off .to announce tbe glad tidings at a meeting, with the bugles blowing and the drums healing. Bar- bara, however, will not go. She prefers |o leave the army, and she does. The acting of the piece was capable, and Aunie llussell. In the role of Barbara, wns excellent. Wheth- er the play will draw the people "M,;n and Superman' 1 and "John Hull's Oilier Island" did remains to be seen. Of course the critics did not handle the newest work »f Mr. Shaw with n lenient bund, nnd many iuok at It lu the light of a half sermon and half uhiv. Hut at present 3Ir. Shaw seems to he In the front row of iilaymukcrs. and, being there, the playgoers arc attracted by his plays. On Wednesday evening next "The Prodi^t! Son" will be withdrawn from liriu-y Iainc. in order that Hie rehearsals of the pantomime may begin, and tbe run of one hundred nnd Ave performances will come to an end. Jin- play has been a great success, and Its draw- ing powers are by no means exhausted. There Is no lnteutlon now to transfer Mr. Cnin's play to another London theatre, for the same cast is not available. It Is calculated nt Drtiry Lnne that more than 400,(100 people will have seen the play by (he time lis thir- teen weeks' run has llnlshed. The receipts have already reached I he large sum of S2O0.01M.I, but the expenses have been propor- tionately heavy. Tbe cost of production U snld to have been about $35,000, and the sal- aries of George ^Alexander, Mrs. John Wood, and certain Other members of the company. the cost of.advertising, and the very high nttihor'a fee. which have averaged about ¥1.500 a week, reach a very large amount. The net profit to the management ought In be about $25,000. Wbeu the work now In progress at Hie Uo"- nlty Is completed that theatre will he one of the prettiest In I^indon. Instead of a nar- row pasagc from tin; street to Hie stalls anil dress circle stairs, there Is now u large vesti- bule lit green and white marble, with a cen- tral staircase leading to the balcony. Toe New Royalty, as it Is to be called, with to; sub-title of Theatre Krnnails, will be opened on Jan. 4, by Madame Itejniie. During lac two months' Winter.season twcnjy-llve plap will be presented, and in turn many of llni great stars of tbe Purls theatrical world will appear here, In Ihc most successful and towm plays, from the classics to farcical comedy. The hundredth performance of "tJllvrl' Twist," at Ills Majesty's, will be celebrated tonight. Mr. Caries play will be continued for another two weeks, the run of.the.piece terminating on Dec. 10. The tlientre will then be closed for a week to enable the pre- parations for Stephen Phillips' "Nero" to lw rapidly advanced. On Boxing Night, Dec. U1, "The Tempest" will bo revived for a fori-, night's ruu. . . The New. Irish .National Theatre, Ihc subsidized playhouse In the British Isles, has taken up lis tcmixirury home In SI. (Jcorgcs Hall, nnd the performance of a cycle, of seven Irish plays began there one uttcnioon early in Hie week. ,,.,, ,, Tonight William (illlcllu will make hit final npnenrnnco on the Kngllsh stage nt ttn. Duke of York's. I nm informed that In the future be will act only in America, and con- line ills visits to Bagland In the nature, f Summer vucafon. Mr. (jtllcltu Is an cstat)- llshed favorite with the English playgoers. and bis decision not lo ploy here ntiy. unite Is deeply regretted. Ills present eugugcuient, It will be recalled, began with Ills new pl»>, "Clarice." It. did not make.a.good sliirl. »' It was put uslde and "Sherlock Holmes re- vived to hie business. Dining the hitler piiij 04 Mr. Gillette's stay "Clarice" was done nt nn extra matinee during the week, am »« uttondniivo was satisfactory. Mr. < MH ,, has great faith In "Clurltie," and believes it will be a success lu the States. Ilobcrt Arthur's pniltluulnica for Hie con- ing Christmas comprise 110 Tewer than seven dirrcrent subjects, namely : "(Jtiecn of Hearts. at the Itoyal Court, Y,lveriwol: "lliinipi.v Ouuipty." nt tho Thattre Itojnl, Notllngbai»; "Aladdin," Theatre Itoyal. lllrmlnghani. "Cinderella,'.' .Coronet Theatre : "lilibea In •!'« Wood." Camden.Theatre, and "lied RW»g Hood," I'ulbnm Tlientre. Ills elglHh i; 11 ^ 1 .' prise lg "Cinderella," 111 the Tlionlre Hojni. Newcastlc-on-Tyne. Willi the eNceptlnn « I n« last named, the books and nmny "t 1 "J lyrics have been written by Frank I"*- '""J tho music, of which Mr. Arthur m**,* great feature, bus been mainly provided .' J. 0. Shepherd uud Jullcn II. Wilson. Ihj lotnl number of actual performers riuws™ to appear nt the different theatres niiii'U '«J to an aggregate of coilslderiihly over l--n|; Among those engaged Vto aiiis'sr ««■ Ada Itcevc, George Itobcy, Millie Ll".«»'; Harry Tale, the I'oluskls, Arthur Rlgby, Hng Wng. Fanny Bongo, llacheliLwc,. k>r»w Shand, Alfred Lester. Margrirdt Wilson, mf t'lson llrorkbank, Kegan nnd Ilyun. W"* Vesey, Doris Deanc. and Johnny Sw'l'oncw. Bollv and Madge XtcCalla will play tbe biihe-1 Bt ,lhe. Cntndetv , , ,,,» One or the London papers claims thai tut game of .bridge la responsible fur » Sf*" falllug off In tbe provincial business. '« article rctciretl lo: "Tho leading iunanger» h'iiiii- icciieti 10 , int.- ivuuihh .....—- ^. who send -out theatrical companies 10 ' nl urovlnces are unanimous In describing »Jj last Iwo yeurs as.among the worst IMy-W2 ever cxjicrleuccil In. (he country. n |, l , ", r ' , go lo show lUat bridge Is to a grcul ciie»