The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1102 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December ig, World of Players. Frederic L. Power underwent on opera- tion ut HI. Joseph Hospital. Chicago. Dee. 10; and Mm tongue was removed, owing to ii cancer which had formed. Dr. Nicholnn Menu, who > performed the operutloo. said when It was over, that lie thought the patient's chancoH of recovery were good. He will lose his speech entirely, and hla parting with IiIm mother, before submitting to the imnisthetlcs, waa very pathetic. The lower Juw bud to lie split in order that the work might-be performed. Messrs. Sander & Jordan announce that Hie Australian rlghta to "Dorothy Vernon, of Hadrion Hall," have been purchased, and Julio Nollson and-Fred Terry have tried it out In the English provinces ao successfully that they will shortly announce a London production. ..«.»_*• The Kiciihonus hnve joined the De Onzo IlroK.' itepertory Co., Miss Richmond to play lends, and Mr. Richmond . to manage the stage and play pnrts. The company opens llrf season at Lukewood, N. J., Dec. 21, for three nights. . _ , _ ,. Carme Graham is playing Bouncing Betty wllh Peter P. Dalle/, In "The Press Agent, at' fields' Theatre, New York. Miss Graham first came Into prominence Heveral years ago with her Impersonutlon of His Hopkins. She also starred In "The Prodigal Father" and "His Better Half," under the management of George W. Lederer. Ufa. Lieu wrltCB: "I closed with tho 'Lovelnnd' Company, In Baltimore, Nov. 1!5, und will'leave shortly for Vienna, to order my gown for 'Mile. Bric-a-Brac,' which opens early Tioxt year." • • • . (i, Ed. Naftzoeu and wife (Kfllc Hunler), and their daughter, Vivian, closed with the Muud Henderson Stock Co., and Immediately joined cue La Vcrna Moore 8tock Co., for the remainder of the season. Miss Vivian will enter the Jennings Seminary, at Aurora, Hi; the first of the year, where she will re- main for an indefinite period. CiiAH. Gujnnebs, "The Soldier Poet, writes: "I closed my theutrlcal career Id the regular wny, und adopted platform and mono louuo work. My record now Ih 2,143 dtlM and towns, In thirty-eight of the States and t he five Canadian provinces. During the past Hummer mouths I entertained the thousands of visitors ut Mlnerul Wells, the great Texas health and pleasure resort. I am located lu Dallas for the present. I sbnl! have my pot-mj published soon. ' .... ' Co. Notes.— Frederick Lorraine Is meeting with big success In Louisiana, and Is- -receiving much praise (or hlH work. Jack Aualet Is managing his tour and has secured ii'strong company for his support. The com- pany opened nt the New Jefferson Theatre, Lafayette, I.u., to big. business. At Morgan City the S. It. O. sign wus out for Hie open- ing night, and the lost night for "Harry Trace?, ' the Bandit," people, were turned away. Following Is the. roster of the com- pany : Frederick ljorrnluc. proprietor; Jack Altaict, Manager, (Jeo. W. Penrose, stage man tiger: Van Miller, proimrty man: Frcder'ek Lorraine, tleo. Halisbury, Jos. Eschezabn!, John J. Klynu, Harry Kiissell, Kathleeu 0. Barry, Lonotta Halisbury, Altncc Contmous, Allvn Lynno nud i.ucklc. -NuTES FROM TUB I'BIIUC'llt^iil'ZKNH l.U.— After four wild venrs of continuous work, without closing or laying off, Summer or Winter, Hie members of this company are tit hist inking a two weeks' vacation, In the form of a llshlng and hunting cruise among ihu kevs of Florida. The entire party left Tampa", Florida, Saturday night, Dec. "., on lsjard Ilia sixty foot, yacht Tarpon, with enough provisions mi board to last u inontb, and will probably not he heard from again until Christiana, lit the curliest. In the .-onrse of inn cruise they may touch at Mlouil and Nassau. In the Bahama Islands, ulso at Kin West, Fla.. incidentally giving a trown Hall Tonight" entertainment at each place. The coitipanv will get buck ou earth in time to nlny Christmas week ht Wilming- ton, N. I-., barring uurorseeii cssuult lea from sharks nnd careless handling of guns. At present the compuny consists of: Charles D. Peruchl, manager: Ed. Hutchinson, advance representative; Ben J. Green, stage director; W.11I J. Irvln, business manager; Fran- da Htnhl. stage carpenter: Harry Dcl- Uiorn, properly inati; Frank Alison, niu- alciil director; lUibcrl A. Munslleld, Wlllla Davis, Henry Hall Wizard. Mabel Gyp- srne, Mnbel Henderson, Mrs. Otnvia KltcUle. Klorcnee Edwards nnd Masler Eddie, with Cliff Wntsoit, Maud Clifford ami Baby Mdn.v joining Christians week. The present season thus tiir has been decidedly tin- tuoat success-, fill of ten cotiecutlve years of unbroken suc- cess, and In the entire company there are oul.v three members who have uol been with the same management nt least three seasons. If winds and waves are not unkind. Tim Oui ItRLiAlil.r. will hear train us again after the cruise Is over. magna tutu Nana a* ma fukmoxt Htock : Burleigh Cash, . Edmund l-'lalg. N. It. Cregun. Frank Kendall. Hurry Kershutv. Riley Wilson. Walter Hhultlcwortli. Burt Southern, SJclda Mnrslou. Hadle Cregan. tier- trildo Steele, Ftinulv Stone, Hiillle Tarver, Elenuor I.e Croix. Alice Calllsou. Ileleu Beall, Little Eleanor and Baby Dorothy Fre- niuul make up our drnmatlc contingent. The speciality people Incluile: The Kershnws. In their box mystery : Ulley Wilson, lite ••Virginia Sunbeam:" Part Southern, cconirle dnucer; Mile. ZeUhi. hi physical ciilluilo act: the Gazebo Quartette, Burleigh Cash, hiii'llonc soloist; Helen llertrutle Bruit, slugvr and ilancei-. mid Prince Youliirkey. clever Japanese specialist. This Is the llrst vUlt •>f the show In the Ktistcm country, hut the welcome II has received lias exceeded the most: sanguine expect ntluim of the malinger. Col. W. II. Frenioul. The house muniigers Ut first were loath l<> offer tiny Utile In the Colonel, but nflur Investlgsllitg the turrits of the attraction, good little has been sub- mitted, und the result is Hint our bookings lire now In the representative houses Hint play slock or repertory companies. Tho plays are all royally bills, mid include such well kuowit successes as "The Power of Ihu Cross." "lienplug the Harvest." "1'uder the I,ton's Paw," etc. Manager Fremont Is uc- gofbitlng for n Hon. and when secured will firesrnt one of the big success of the past hree seasons, with Burleigh Caali featured. Tim Miiiii'itv has been a loyal patron of the American pltiywrlght, und snys he has always .Instilled his conthleiiec and pulrouagc. The cuinedlan, after creating the Hon. Maver- ick Brainier. In lloyt's "A Texas Steer." which he Is to revive Jon. 1. produced come- dies by Henry Guy Carlton and Herbert Halt Wlaaluw: "The Carpetbagger." by Onlo Held; "A Capitol Comedy.'' by Paul Wllslach; "Two Men and a Girl." by Frederick Pauld- ing ; "When a Man Marries." by A. C. Bishop, ami "A Comer hi Coffee," by Rev. Cyrus Townscntl Brady and Owen Davis. • ('Atiiioi.i, Iiukw writes that he Is with Gay CHUfnuin's "Railroad Jack" Co., playing tho title role mid meeting with success. Wit.i, II. closes a twenty weeks' engagement as comedian with the Delia Prill- pie Co.. on Dec. Hi. nt Mlnot, N. H Aliiiirta Gallatin, under the personal di- rection of Win. I). Colvlu, acting on behalf if Kane, Shtpuinii and Colvln. has succeeded In crossing the continent, via Colorado and Texas tonus, Into Los Angeles. Cil., without the loss of a single night. He hits played to excellent business throughout the tour. Till? iircsont tour will be one of the most successful Hiss Uallatln has ever made. . Ernest Hahtiniis has left New York to Jolu Roscllc Knott and company for the pur- pose of plnylng Charles Brandon, lu "When Knighthood Was In flower," for the ro- mnlnder of the season, and opens with them nt Denver, Col., where tho engagement was extended to two weeks. THE PREACHER AND BEAR By JOB ARIZONA. Thla Is beyond a doubt the B«st Coon about Ever Written, and affords unlimited opportunities for Character Delineation, glagers Ii receive nvo and six encores, and isr It is tho Hit of their act. TH|s Is not "Talk," bat a bit of "Sews," and It la up to you to take advantage of It. ■ " WAIT FOR ME WHERE the LILACS BLOOM Bjr ARTIIl R. LAMB. Nat ONE of the good ones, bat positively the BEST Rustic Ballad now being offered. Too Will Agree with V: ANNIE LAURIE WAS TO BE A SOLDIER'S BRIDE Br HORACE 8TKOTJ8E. Thla routing March Song, by the author of "PINKS OF VERMONT." possesses aU of the Characteristic! of a Hit, and is being featured by Several ot the Top Line™. I LIVE IN LAZYLAND By ARTHUR. Lt.MII. Plenty of Buiine.i and 8urr-Flre Winner with any act. Note Story und Decidedly Funny. Professional Copies and Orchestrations Upon Receipt of Program. Slides Now Ready. Five Dollar* Per Set. Address all communications to ARTHUR LONOBRAKE, Mgr. Prof. Dept. •9 136 B< 9th ST.. PHILADELPHIA, Pa, Notes feom tub Maud Hhndurhon Stock Co.—While playing at Prentice, Wis., a few weeks ago, Jos. Parent, manager of the Mead Henderson Co., had the good luck to kill a -(Hi pound deer. The company feasted on venison to their heart's content, and Mr, Parent was the hero of the company. P.«(>. Primrose has just completed a four act drama, "The Shadows of Death," which will soon be staged by the company. The members of tills company enjoyed a splendid banquet, after the performance, at Rib Lake, Wis., on Dec. H, the occaalon being the celebration of the double birthday of Master Bobby Jarvls and Vivian Nnftggcr. A large birthday coke, decorated with lighted candles, stood In the centre of the table, und Master Bobby and Mies Vivian occupied the acuta of honor. Kvorybody enjoyed themselves, and the party iLd not close until the "wee son' hours, when. all retired, wishing the youngsters many more such happy occasions. Both re- ceived many handsome and useful presents from the different members of the company. IlosiKii ami Notes rno.M tub Dkli.a 1'uin- oi.e Co.—Koster: Delhi 1'rlngle, sole owner and manager: Oeo. C. Hasbrook, advnnec agent; Will II. Bruno, stage manager; T. O. Tuttle, stage enrpenter; Kddle La Mont, mut- ter of properties; (Catherine Stein, musical d 1 - rcctresa: Joe ('. Berry, Jos. D. Herbert, Will II. Bruno, Kddle I.u Mont. Geo. C. Hasbrook, T. O. Tuttle. Hellu 1'rlngle, Kdesse Kowlcr, Olive McConnell and Kulbcrlnc Stele. Now playing through North Dakota (routed West to the co.'wt and return), with the usual suc- cess that, always greets this popular company In the Western territory. Tub Opening of the comedy company at the Howard Theatre, Chicago, was a suecese, company consisting of Win. Gross, Mert Franklin, Vide Keene, Essie (ioldle. Love and Itollls, and Fred B. Ilcauy, as producer. Vaudeville people were: I»or« and Wilson, the itlchnrda. tho Renuecs, and George and Lllihie Ditpreo. Jos. Falamki continues to be successful hi his role und specialty with "The Confessions of u Wife" Co.. which will play lu Hml.uruund New York for a number of weeks. ' cyiiii. Smith, a youth of thirteen, arrived from lCnglnnd Dec. 3, aud will late* ue-seeu- In Ethel Bnrrymore's support In "Allce-Slt- Hy-the-Flre." He has been on the stage seven years, and has a good standing In his native country. The play will be seen at I he Cri- terion Dec. 2!>, instead of at the Lyceum. "La Cousin Bettb," a seven act play, by MM. Decoureelle and Grunct, met with great success on Its Initial performance, at the Vaudeville. Paris, Fr., Dec. It, II ak'.iv B. Sam hud succeeded Henry Jewelt na rrlnzlvalle. In "Montia Vannu." at the Manhattan Theatre, New York, ami will con- . ttnuc during the road engagement. Joseph Kiuiouu baa been engaged for "Cuehel Byron's Profession." WlI.T.IA.M GlLI.KTTi: AND COMPANY sailed for home flee, (t, aftir a four months' engage- ment in London. ICng. He will open his Ameri- can tour In Boston, Dec. l!5. lu "Clarice," which will then have Its llrst presentation on thla side. Kd. C. Nu-jt. manager of Angell's Come- dians, writes that the following members of hla company were made "Eagles," .at 'Alva. Okln., Nov. 24: J. II. Kmnierson. l^f Church. Casey Hansom, Nat Johnson nnd liny Ker.- ehum. During our engagement ut Caldwell, Kan., Acrlc No. 11-14 attended the perforoi- aoce lliaiiksgivliig night (with their ladlei), and. after the performance, served n banquet to the company'. This company opened sea- son Aug. ID. Business Ih good, aud we .ire pleuslng tho people. C. II. aCJCLey, band and orchestra leader. Joined! me J. C. Lewis "SI l'lunkurd" Co., Nov. 20. Notch most "Tun I'uxkin IIinkbh" Co., Dcrthlck Bros., ninnugers.—Biislnesn throueh liuusan nud Oklahoma Territory has- been great. The weather fine, "excepting a few showera," which did lItt le damage to receipts. Wc have had only one change In the com- pany. Miss Stone Joined to play Kmnin Tliolcher. played by Miss Grlfllth. the flrst ot the aetison. The company : Dertiilck Bros., W. J and W. M., managers: Art K. Wlttlns, illrertar; Klmer Barker, carpenter. Art' K. Witting, tiny Oliver. M. C. Ueudc.. John Sutherland. K. It. Barker, John .1. O'Brien. Mul!le Davis. Miss Stone and Mrs. Sidney Staph. At Oklahoma. Oklahoma Territory, we broke the record for ninllnee performances on Thanksgiving Day. At l'oncn City, Q. T„ Mck. WW l.'lty, Ittlug, Gnrnes nnu Brown drove to the famous lltl Itanch, where Kick Messrs. Dertlilr Miller showed them nil the ins and outs of ranch life. Mr. Heath; and Mr. Moore .ire now able to lly, having bad "wings" nut on at I'erry. O. T., I»y Perry Lodge. V. O. B.-TIM bund nnd orchestra Is still winning laurels. Following Oklahoma Territory time, we play Greenwnll time la the South. Next season the Dertiilck Bros, will put out two companies of "The l'unkln llusker." Bolh will be care- fully mounted, und. Judglug front this season, t hey will ride to fame and fortune. We man. nge to gel Ci.iitkius out here on Saturdays, ami keep posted on theatrical ikdugx. Mary Johnston, author of "To Have and In Bold." Is reported dying at her home lit Itlrhtnond, Vs., where she Is under her «W- ter's care, who Is assisted by two trained nurses. Sue is suffering from llrlght's dis- ease, which bns affected her brain, nud she Is totally unconscious. DmKA [»] Wot.i'L has been engaged to sup. port Wra. It. Thompson, In "The Bishop." KArni.iTx TaymiIi will not return to the cast of "The King of Trumps" Co.. but In- stead hns uccepted the role of leading soil- brette Willi "One of the Many" Co.. a part she ill led on Monday evening. Doc 4. in roiighkepesle, N. Y., receiving the |>nrl only the day before. To« Marks, who hns been louring l be West with success, will close n season of ninety-eight weeks nud go lo New York, where he will secure new plnrs for hla stock company for next season. He Intends open- ing a Summer stock company about April. Tho company has bnd two Thanksgivings this season. Mr. Marks, who Is a Cumuli in. cave n banquet on Oct. \M (the Cnnsdlnu Thanksgiving), nnd the company chtne back nt him In full force with n sumptuous feast on Nov. 30. They had American tlags. bald- headed eaglet nud other dainties. When the banquet was over, the company lolncd bunds nnd sang "The Star Spangled Maimer" and "The Maple Leaf Forever." lr»A CMMjUUIt has been nwardwl Jl'.OPO la ber suit against T. W. ltylt-y. Notes rnoM Dohebty & Lyaix'r Oross- Lyam. Stock Co.—We opened our season Oct, 10, at Warsaw, Ken., and business has been flno In all the Ohio Itlver towns. This Is conceded to be one of the best repertory com- panies that baa played this circuit of rival towns. It is the Intention of Messrs. Doher- ty and Lvatl to play only a circuit of eight or tun towns In this vicinity, returning every two months. Our company numbers ten peo- File, nnd Includes: Frank J. Doberty, Darrell I. Lvnll. Ijalph Holland, John Kaiser, For- rest Dc Cleo, F. J. Bichnrdson. Judith Rae- burn, Grace Grant. Lcuelle I*e Clerc, ahd Mrs. D. II. Lyall. In our repertory we have "The Embassy Ball," '"Die Lieutenant's Bow,' "Lighthouse Bobbery." "Knblo Rotiinnl." "Ten Nights In a Ilnr Room." "Widow McGlnty." "Monte Crlsto." and "The Tltree Musketeers." all presented with appropriate btenery and costumes. It would be to find a more congenial company than we have. Our "friend In white" appears the same day as Tun Oi.n Kkliablm (Thursday), and both ore more than welcome. Notes and Roster kbom Jas. T. McAlpln's "Hans Hanson" Co.—Jas. T. McAlpln, pro- prietor and manager: Louis llels, business manager; Martin Bowers, stage manager; C. M. Johnson, electrician: Will Amann, master ot transportation; Kvcrett Eaton, advance representative: John P. Elscn, leader of hand and orchestra: Lew Illatt, II. V. Darr, W. C. Paige, J. Hnlstcd. II. Lorcnger, Sid Drew, Lee Iluroker, Clyde Adams, Clarence Adams, B. Wasson. Dolly Foster, Miss Fay Desmoud, Mrs. ICIlxabeth Hartley, Anna Post anil Baby Eugene. We are In our eighteenth week, playing to good business and pleasing the people. Wo are offered u good many return nates, but cannot accept them, for we arc hooked solid to the coast. Our band and or- chestra Is a hit in every town, nud the show |s better than ever. We have made a few slight changes In the band. Our new mem- bers arc: Lee Buroker, cornet soloist; Clar- ence Adam?, trombone, and W. C. Paige, third cornet. Mrs. McAlpln's birthday was ou Nov. 29, and the members of the company pre- sented her with a solid gold beaded umbrella and a large bouquet of roses. She gave a ■ midnight lunch to the company, nnd all had a Jovial time. On Thanksgiving Mr. McAl- pln, our manager, gave a Thanksgiving dinner to the members of the company at Clluton. Everybody is well and happy, and Tux. Oi.u Kemavlk Ih with us every week. We have a new mascot with the show, Queente, the little Mexican dog. which was presented to Mr. McAlpln at Virdcn, III. Notes kiiom tiik Fmira Db Voss Co.— The Flora De Voss Co., No. 'J, closed for the holidays on Dec. II, at Cambridge, III. The i seacon was more than satisfactory to the management, J B. Rolnonr, and not a chunge was made In the cast since organiz- ing, early In August. Ruby Itotnour, who has headed the compuny for the past four seasons. Is spending her vacation in Wood- stock. III., und Mr. Itotnour Is at Richmond. 111. Mlsa Ruby has received very flattering offers to go Into light opera, and if she de- cides In take up that line of work, only onu company wil lie put out after Christmas. The management Is figuring on one of the strong- est repertory companies to tour the West and North, starting Dec. 2!i. Flora De Voss and J. C. Livingston will be featured with I he No. J Co., and the Italian Harp Orches- tra will be a strong card In the pit. The No. 1 Co. closes until Dee. SS, reois-nlng at Harvard, III.. Dec. 26. Miss De Voss, to- gether with Mr. Itotnour aud daughter. Huby, will spend their short rest at I heir home at Hawthorne. III. Henry Fhky reports success us the Jew detective, with "Tracked Around the World" IV Mr. Frey will be featured next season by Al. II. Woods, in u new production. M. W. Uai.Ej who closed with "The Duke of Ditlitth" Co., has Joined Raymond Hitch- cock's Co., "The Galloper." J. V. Hiiock writes that he is In his sixth week with 0. S. Primrose's "Uncle SI Hns- kins'* Co., doing John Strong, the Juvenile, and .11in Wade, the lough. The piece has l,cea rewritten by Lawrence Russell, und Is receiving much favorable comment from the public nud press of the cities which Hie com- pany has played. Jons ami At.Ki: MefioivEij.. who are at present playing the comedy parts nnd doing their M]HH-lnlty with Gordon & Bennett's "A Slave «t the Mill" Co.. will be transferred to i'.iIh lirm'a new company, "The Tollers," to create the comedy pnrts. Gi;o s. GonctAUC Imp drummer, lias closed wllh the "SI I'lnukntd" Co. lo Join tho ^'l-iiole SI Buskins'" Co. "Tin; I'aiNi'K oi- Iniua." q ilratantized vurslon of Lew Wallace's book of the same name, by J. I. I?. Clarke, will go Into rehear- sal nt once, and Hie first production will an. • air Feb. .">■ In the cast are Included: J. I-;, loulson, William Fnmiim, Gerald Laurence. Wllllnni Beach, Maurice Drew. Lawrence Hoes. W. 11. Ley-den. Sydney Herbert, Lvsfer Chambers. W. K. Bnttertleld. Earle Brown, Thomas Weudock, Dennis Harris. Charles Rowan, h'ruucls Cainbcllo. Waller Janes, Ar- thur Hand. Wllllnni Grove, lirlghnm Itoyce, It. C. Tevls. Elwyn Eiiton. Frederick Ks- Jiniltoii, Sarah Triuix. Maude Fealey. Etlicl Jlruce. Mary llurtnett und Jena Mh'v. William C. ami Cecil Dk Mille have contracted wllh Charles Frohmnu to write an "nil American play." in which there will be none but Indian characters. MANAOEn C. V. Oanooo writes: "I pur- chased the Milliners Stock Co., Nov. HI, and am putting the same out as a one night Kluad attraction, plnylng a circuit of four- teen to twenty-one lownn In Missouri and lown, changing the piny for each trip. .Mv liciiduuni'lers are at Kahoka. Mo., where '[ have u scenic artist nnd car|s>n(ers biilld'og scenery and propR for the new productln:i. Tills Is our first tour, nnd all of Hie managers have given their approval to tin- tilnu, and I think II will prove successful." Mr. Osgood Is manager of the Montgomery Opera House. Kohokn. Mo., and wss furmerlv eonnecled with the Studebaker. In Chicago, front its opening until two years ago. . Charles Ghamlicii. Dutch comedian, re- ports success lu the part of Baumgardne,-, with "Mcl'adden's Flats." his snugs taking f"" encores, nlso his leading of the Dutch band. EtiWAitu ('. IlR.vor.v, general nmnuger for Henry. W- lavage., hns resigned, aud expects lo produce ways under his own nianureinent. Fkank McKix bus sold his luteresl In "Wonderluud" lo Otis Harlan. Amonh those engaged for "Cashel Byron's .Clara Gkohue writes: "Owing to closlnc Profession" bv Henry B. Harris are: Kate of. 'The Diamond King' Co.. Harry M»rlh I/ester. Joseph Kllgour. Luke Martin, Her- and. wife (Clara George), have Jolnw'l 'The [.pr-f- ^T'lfkl'll?! 1 It t chll r(i * smhast Tr\h«i t llttntl Atnain Wtlr"*vt(lr*' a"*n 1 f>n n ll.-n . Dixon. Marlon' Little, i Lambert, John C. Gentleman Burglar" Co., Hnrry Marlln tbn Margaret Wycherly, Ing the title role, and I am dolag the hen and James J. Corbett. IlEXUY VlRART AND DOROTHY DRAKE have lieen engaged for "Lucky Miss Dim," which, with "A Case of Arson." with Henri de Vrles In the leading role, will follow "The Man on the Box," at the Mtidlson Square Theatre. Mme. SntLMANN-lfEiNK has bought IVm. Kyle's estate on Caldwell Mountain, near Paterson. N J. JosKt'tt Wiikelock Su. baa been engaged for "The Clansman." -.Genevieve Tuckek Is Introducing her spe- ciality In "The Press Agent." : Titos. RicitABoaoN, of "The Convict's Daughter" Co.. mourns the loss of his lie- loved mother, who died at Chicago Nov. 'Jo. The remains were burled from the family residence. Notes rr.oir De Lacoer Ic Fields Co. — On Oct -1 this company Jumped from St. Louis. Mo., to Los Angeles, Cal. On Dec. It wc opened, under canvas, at Saa Pedro, Cal., and will play the Stato of California exclusively in the future, with headi|iiartcrs at Los Angeles. The company numbers twenty-nine people. Including band and or- chestra, and travels in its two private Pull- mans, "Pansy" and "Charles." Florence Hamilton, who is now under the management of Garland Gaden. returned to New York Dec. 7, nfter a successful roast trip, nnd is rehearsing her new play, "The Scnn tor's Wife." which opens Dec. 'Ji>. Miss Hamilton Is booked for a New York engage- ment early in the Spring. Henry C. Mortimer, who has been play- ing Neil Annesley. lu the revival ofj "Sowing I he Wind." this season, left the company at Montgomery. Ala. Exuaoement.n for A. G. Hamilton's pro- duction. "A Russian Slave:" T. H. foil ton, manager: Raymond Gilbert, Johu A. Larkln, narry Clarence, Roland Osborn, Joseph Fltz- patrlck, Walter Fletcher, Essie Alyn. Martha Jackson. Jennie Emerson and Mary Atlieling. Tour begau Dec. 7. at Walllugford. Conn. The Haywaru "East Lynnk'' Co. Notes. —Good business through Missouri nnd Illi- nois. Wc arc featuring Addriene La l'orte as Lady Isabel, and she Is meeting with de- cided success and making many friends. We have Just added some new scenery with our old, and everything looks bright' und pros- jierons The man in white wnlks weekly, aud every one Is well and liappv. Roster: J. W. tlarpstrltc and S. M. I.a l'orte, proprie- tors ; S. M. Iji Porte, manager: Howard Helm and Chas. Curtis, Chester Clyde, Wm. Johnson. Alene Merrill. Klttv Lnvton, Francis Curtis, Addriene I,a Porte 'and baby Norma. J. -P. Ward, who presents the romantic actor. Louis Dcnu, writes: "Business In the . South this season has been uulfortnly good. ln p* comedian: Fields nod Hall, musical act. w!>h the excenflon of portions of East Texas, Miller and May, comedy sketch team; Katie which has suffered a general depression from Reed - souprette; Arthur Man, m lack of cotton. At Tyler, where wc opened our season Aug. 14. wltti the thermometer over a hundred, we broke all previous records and succeeded In setting a puce that will long be remembered by popular priced managers as having the strongest repertory comiiany In the South In years. Although a new com- nnuy and star lit this territory, Mr. Dean has made a host of friends, mid hns thoroughly established himself u« an actor of superior merit. Wo arc presenting an especially fine line of plays, which Is staged complete with every attention lo details. Including Mr. Dean's new plnv, ••The Parasite," which lias proven most successful und will next season be put In one night stands at the best houses. Our season 's booked almost solid until Mnv. when the com- pany will go Into the parks at San Antonio, Shreveporl, Dallas aud Sherman, for the Summer, making a contluumts season—Sum- mer nad Winter. Christmas and week wli! be spent nt Tyler. Tex., and New Year's Dav and week at Palestine. Mr. Dean and Id's company are universal favorites In both places, nnd will undoubtedly receive a wunn welcome. Mrs. Simiuvlkii Cuowninsiiiki.ij, the wife of Admiral Crownlnshleld. l\ S N well known as the author of "The Archbishop and the Lady" aud other stories, has written a , k rrii "Ii heavy. .The show is booked solid In some of the best time through the South and middle West, nnd indications point k> a prosperous season."- I Ahb Tiialheijier. head of the booking ■!. partment of the Sam & Ijh- Shubcrt Alius-. ment Co.. has been appointed business nun ager of "The Press Agent." during the rfnv of the musical comedy In New York -The "Rm.ROAii Jack" Co. iSouiherui opens Its season Dec. L'4. at Psdueab, Kl under the management of Harry L. Stairs.' ' • Dave Seymour writes: "The tour of Tin- Old Clothes Man' Co. (James Kyrle Mcfiirdt slurring), since the invasion or the Easitrb territory, has been most profitable. The chics of the East are more familiar with the style ot character, us they have the 'duplicate' in their midst, nnd Mr. MacCurdv's faithful portrayal of Solomon Levi, the Old ClnUi>~. Mpn. gives evidence of most careful studr In all the towns where return dates hate Iteen played Hie business has doubled, which is certainly an encouraging sign. Joseph t Sullivan, who Is playing the 'heavy,' is the recipient nightly of hisses galore, and In the last act. where he receives his 'quietus,' as a result of the 'Yiddish twist,' delivered bv Solomon Levi, the gallery goes Into ecstaclo. Van Murrell has Introduced a singing special- ty In conjunction with Miss Craig, which Is meeting with much success. Claude 1 . joined this company as electrician Inst week. and will give the production an entirely aew electrical equipment. Rowland & Clifford, wlm manage the attraction, will shortly ptv an extended visit, remaining until after thV holidays. An early New York npiiesmncc is lielng negotiated for. with every prospect ><f success. Kate Woods Flske. who Is playing a character Irish part, received a Tbaaks- glviug visit from her mother, who came a distance of over three hundred miles to eat a Thanksgiving dinner wllh her daughter." Helene Spencer, who for some lime worked under the name of Jessie Moore, has re resumed her family name, and has retired for an indefinite nerlod. Miss Spencer Is at present nt her home la Nana, Cal., where she Is under vocal Instruction. Uatidwille and minstrel. Fred II. Miller, of Miller and May, Ins fully recovered from bis recent serious Ill- ness (typhoid fever), and Is again out with bis Miller and May Comedy Co., which, H- reports. Is meeting with success. The con pany consists of the following performer.*: Fred II. Miller, proprietor and manager; Frank Emmctt, biackfaco singing and danr- Fields aud Hall, musical act: tor, and the singing dog, 'liny. Frederick Euener, who has been down- ing the past season with the ForepaugbScl'.i Bros.' Circus, Joined Al. O. Field'B Minstt'.s In Terre Haute, ind., Nov. 30, for bsllS'l singing. Frank one act nlny dealing with uu exciting Inci- dent during tin: American Revolution, called Between Two Fires." which will have its AiiAsis, of Frank and Ida Adsu'. writes: "We did not play the Jacksou •:lr- cult. having changed our time, playing three weeks for George Ira Adams at Leadvlll» nnd Pueblo. Col., and St. Joseph, Mo. IV Mr. Adams'saw our act, he offered us ten weeks' work over the Empire circuit, Mien wc could not accept, as we are well booked up at present In the East. We hnve udded sont"- novelties to tnc act, which are my own a ventlons. The act Is praised by man«pr» Rnd agents, as wc are away from other mu«- col acts." Cajt. Sidney Hinman opened on the Ujs tal circuit at Marlon, Ind., Dec. 4. with Ws life saving dogB und water carnival. He is well booked up until he opens his tent slw" again for the third season. .... . . Lizzie Mitchell, formerly of the Mltchei SiBtcrB, and Isaac Monk, formerly of la" Gasklll Carnival Co.. have joined bauds, anri are now known as the Benton Sisters. 1M> are working through the West, and report meeting with grent success. , Fred Zorkiuk returned to New iork "«■ II, huvlng canceled his Havana engagements owing to 111 henlth. , Joe Kiimomw has closed n scries of e Edmonds has closed n llrst presentation under the direction of gugemeuts on the Keith circuit. Mrs. II. C. De Mllle. at the Now Lyceum 'Hie- ««*■ Hnostrom, of thc.Bngstroai litre, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. I'd.'when a se- ries of matinees will be Inaugurated. Includ- ing a new production of Frances Hodgson Burnetts charming pluy. "The Little Prin- cess. Sarah French, who was in the orlg- T, i!. > "li t1 1 !!'' ,lo ,", , . ,r ; MrH ' '"'fhelt's play. |,hh obtained the rights from the niithor, mid will pay the part of Sara Crewe. She will also play P 1-1 " 01 " 511 rol,; ln Mr»- Crown Inshlelds „.. ,7 i i o" : . ■ Ik i? ,i ';, 1 '' rank 5** Albert Singer aud Ralph De Haven, of llnnlon's "l-antiis ma company. Joined the Aelors' Fund of America last week. Notes nam "The Funny Mr. Donley" SK7 W ."i "".' "•.'*' "" "''Ing our Western lour, is here the business bus been beyoud all ex^ pcctallons. Manager Gus Hill bus In Hie £S7 , ut,r ' u ' tlt,D ■ M'Wlral ,-ouiedy that up- peals to the most exuding audiences. I>nnl Oulnu Is the star of the'comtstnv. and the eri UVa hav e keen liberal i„ iodr prsli,. f his clever work. The comedy is In two n»ts with elaborate scenic Investures and vm. tuines. The company numbers thirty iieople with a chorus ot twenty. Among the maooH Sfi , J , os<,ph A ' Ml'cliell. Murle 111,1 m md Kmll Huesal and Lester Pike. Fred'S , and Little Keyes. Master Chester Ken Liorothen Keyes. Master Chester "und Lltiie l>orothea are makbig n bit evervwl I-ro «-iVi! SK " rl ? lnal "%»«W«3S? work and .'.'i".*'™!^. 80 "?* 1 -.. The "band' nud orchestra .. the ICngstroni Ms ters, will sail for America front llaipb« r i- Dec. 18. bringing with her some cluW'raf gowns for their new net. „ , _. - Tommy Gillkn. •'FlnneguD's rrlenu- played New Bedford, Msss.. week of ""'■'„ It was his second engagement there lu o months. This fact also applies lo rail Hirer. Mass., where this popular comedian ii|'|s'" r ; week of 11. He has plenty of goml tiatj booked, and says the future looks lirlgni »"" rosy for blm. , ..„„ ' Heiiirts of a flourishing business •-•i" from the Western Amusement Co. JlM'strtcai Exchange, located In Kansas Clly, Mo. '•' sides conducting u booking agency. Mils rl "' , prlsl'ig firm write that they have parrtau" the Buffalo Music Co., and will liniii-dlut' i. hcfMu the publication nf songs, etc " , Burnett Is president and malinger oi i""" enterprises. ,„„ Stalby and Birbrck. lutend toi retire in" the show business, and arc conslderitig on . for converting their transformation aci id a three act burlesque, musical conieay melodrnma. . ...v-.uL The Four Ampihons (Joseph Mi>«"; Lulu Keegan, Walter Meaken and t.eo. L«°» who are presenting a comedy musical »"■ "The Debutante." are heading the bill «! the Family Theatre, Latujastcr, 1<\-',, meeting with big success. They will be " Pastors. Dec. 18. . „,„. Thb TltnEB HYLANDS, who hnve been pw. Ing the BIJou circuit In the Middle ««»!£ the past ten weeks, with fifteen weeks moe to follow, report success. Tbey have ix^ featured on every bill they havo pW*^. William West and Bei'laii Bi:nton coa»i under ^S»fV5<5E r^cKJre ,e yJhrs high oraise. We have becu doing l.iislness to rapacity houses through Ohio and"l^nnsyl" Oie lln'u'r.ii VlllhT w . ' ,,, nTJ l, "" rtt Vo - E,n " Atiker- i Viiv ucllng mnnaecr ..r n.i. I. Mi.rrat will go lp advance of 'upper opera Co. Etnll Auker- acting manager of this c- jm . Plnylng the Amnions circuit, go le the coa for Sullivan & Consldlne. They are boos*" solid for thirty weeks. j. r Jas. p. Brums writes: "I did aet P'« the American Theatre last Sunday ' "," still being featured as the tramp, la Mr. "■" nud J' Co." .,„.,. The Dimont Tnm arrived from •»' ; France. Dec. H. They will open Dec. » ■' the Circle Theatre, New lork Cil}.