The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1104 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPEB. December ig. -i— • - m;w >ojM5 ?''.'!'»'• Hrvlctv mill Comment.—Attendance lit the local theatres was good last week. At l lie LnMffl TKHATMJ, Monday night, Dec. 4, Thomas W. Ross unci company appeared In the first meti'opolltnn presentation of "A I'nlr F.xohange," n three act comedy, by Usury Blossom At the Ni:w YokK Tub- atiii:, on the same date, BH-hiiiil Carlo'and company gave the llrst New York City pro- ductloa of "Tin! Mayor of Toklo," u musical farce, in Iwo ocls, the book of which was written by Mr. Carle, and the music by Frederick I'ctcrs Anothci*. Monday night event occurred nt the Ciminkoiis Lycki.'JI, whore Modems of the Ogdcn-Craae School of Opera presented - 'A Virginia Romance," by 11. l.oren Clemens At the Irvino Placu Tiikatiiu, Wednesday night,'«, Gertrude Ar- nold and (he Herman stock presented Huder- man'H "He|inalh" ("Mngda"). On Thursday nlglit, T, "Heissea HI tit" was presented, Ilka I'nlmiiy then making her American debut On Thursday afternoon, i, at the B»t- I'liit: Thkatbk, dramatic students presented :'A Queen's Messenger,'' a one act drama, by .1. Hartley Manners, and "The Other Fellow," a three net comedy, by Mary Bar- nard Horn Theatre ticket speculation received Its death blow last week In the Court of Appeals of l his State, when that, tribunal decided that theatre managers not only hare the right to prohibit the aale of tickets lo Its performances, but that It also Iftis the power lo refiiso la accept for ad ; Mission tickets sold on Hie sidewalk, pro- vided the prohibition of such sale Is staled on the face of the tickets. The decision was rendered In the suit of Wm. II, Colllstcr, a theatre ticket speculator, against Albert Hay- nvuit Samuel I''. Nirdllnger, ,1. Fred Zimmer- man, Marc Kluw and Abraham 1'.. Erlanger, constituting the firm of Al. Itayman & Co., proprietors of the Knickerbocker Theatre. .. ./.The benefit performance for the widow nod family of the late A. M. Palmer, which was given afternoon of Dec. 8, nt the Ituo.tii- way TiiiTATaK, netted nearly $10,(100 The continued attractions for the week end- ing. l>ec. It were: Richard Cnrle, In "The Mayor of"Toklo," nt the Nbw Vouk ; Thos. W. Itoss, In "A Fair Bxchauge," at Hie l.iiiKiiTY ; "Babes in Toyland" nt the AoAiiflMv, Olga Nethersolc at the IIriiai.ii .Soi:aiii:, Viola Allen at Daly's., William Collier nt the Ciutkrion, Virginia Harried at flit* K.vicKWinooKER, I'ctcr r». Dallcy nt the I', Grace Ueorgc at the Gaiikick, "The Mm and the Mouse" at the Lyckijm, Blanche Bale* In "The tilrl of the Ootdeu West," ut BWiMCO'a; Mntide Adams nt the Mmi'iue, "The Karl and the Girl" ut tho, "Vcronlipie" nt the Hiioadway, "Wonderland" ut the Majkhtic, llohert B. llaiilell at the (i.umr.N, William Faveraham lit* Wallack's, "The l'rliicc Chap" at Jon Weiikh's, Henry H. Dlxcy, In "The Man tin:, the .Box," at tho Madison Hquaiib; .lumen K. HackoU and Mory Munnerirg at the Havov., Margaret Angltn unil her com- pnny at the I', Itohcrt I.oraln, la ''Man and .Superman," at the Hudson ; ai- versltled entertainment ut the IlirpoimoMK,' David War lick] nt Hie Hum:, tho stock com- pany ut the Yoiikvii.i.k, the German stock opera company at tlio'Invisu I'i.aci:, "The White Cat" nt the New Amhtkkdam, De Wolf Hopper ut the Lyric, mid Bertha Kill kit at tho Manhattan, the three lust named closing on Hint dale. At I'iioctoii's Fivrn AvmuH and O.NK IIU.VUHKIl AND 'i'WKNTY-PIlTIl STItKKT Tl|KATUKiS Stock pro- duel Inns continued The one week stands: ■ 'inning o were: "Her First False Step" at ihe Tiiiiid Avbnuk, Kugeuiii lilutr, iu "Oliver Twist" nt the UUSUAV .Him. ; "Me, Him and 1" ul Ihe I''ouhtei:xth 8mm, Nat M. Wills nt the Amkiiioan, "The Con- fessions of a Wife" at! tlto Thai.ia, Lulu I i laser, In "Miss Dolly Dollars," at tire Uiiand Ohm llaiHHl Dlgby Bel), In "The education of Mr. Plpp," at the IIaw-eh or-KllA Hoiisk; the Buys, I in "Down the Pike," at the Wi:st KSD! "No Mother I'mvliir-n Flflh Avenue Theiilre (F. P. Ti''letoY. lurtltil'ger). —".Innb-e Merhlltli" Is revived hy Hie house stock company Ibis week, with Amelia Hlughuin and IsiiMIe Kvesson In the title role. <m Monday, Ike II, Miss Dinghaui played Hie I'hamrler :tn:l gave II a rare charin, l>elng In every par- ticular u capLlratlng nnd Interesting lu-roinr of this entertaining phi v. Ilolu-rt Ciininilngs played Philemon with distinction ami to most heartily expressed approval. Hardee Klrk- !ni»I jilayed with discretion the heavy rob' of i.tini Clowes, giving an hnpeiKiinatloa of eonslileralile note, and Thomas Marl.aralo innde ltrcreton n forceful nnd Interestlaic rliaracier. Julia Blanc and Prance* Starr were at case In their respective roles, nail did their usual praiseworthy work, while Ocrald (Irlllln did capitally us Itnlil, wiiicli part was given prominence by his exrelleai acling. II. Dudley Hnwley was commended In strong terms for his work as Mow- bray, mid George Howell also merited praise for hla Interpretation of Squire Prnclnr'H l'lf«y.«-|-rli«li Street The- n«re ( f; V, I'roctnr. msnaget).—A large iiiidii'iice was g.ilheied here Monday, Dec. II, and thev seemeil to thoroughly enjoy flu- entire hill. Kil. KhHm was the first uiiinlicr on the bill, bis ei|iilllhrlstlc turn <rnlng well. Mr. and Mrs. .Ilmiale Barry presented tbe'r skit. "A Skin (Same," and It ciniglit on la good shiipe. Trovolo, in Ills ventrlliiquliil net, displayed several new feut- ures that were up to time. Allele Itltcble niiide good as a Dresden china comedienne. Paul tlmchas gave a highly Interesting exhi- bition of iiiUHtu'ar developmeril. Ills feats of Herculean strength bringing down Ihe house. Hlnes and nemlngton. in their somewhat fa- miliar turn, were pleasing. Kddle iHrard and Jessie fjnrdnor, assisted by Willie Dc Diver, In their farce. "Donley and Hie Dia- ------ Vnrki-lllc I lit-nlrc (jr. W." lUllllH-lLT mnonger).—Ihe second week of ihe David Itel.-ism road attraction* Krrc ticgnn Muniiuv l»ec. II, when Ih-rtha'-OallBiiil appenreil L Hie star, In Hie play. "Sweet Kliiy lleHnlrH." her t'roclor'a Ttvonty-lhlril Street 'llie- ntrc (P. K. Proclor, manngerl.— 'thisweek lUI. Huston Hnrilcverry, Ihe wnnderfiil niiirks- uiii-1. Is pionilneiil «n a Hilling bill, uud on HonOur, Dec. II, his clever net Has the sub- ■-;--,--- ■,--- ----- t -, B Ject of general comment. Paul ■Siinilnr s dogs. Miss i.nllund, as Mistress KHtv, won uii animal act of unusual, effectiveness, was way Into the hearts of her big audience fron'i given well deserved tributes' of lienrty ap- her very tlrst nppearnacc, in the nftleers' iiliniso. The net 1ms the element of novelty ipiarlers at Bath, mid from then to the end Iu uddltlon to lielng exceptlonully clever, and of the play she fairly enrnptured her nudi (here were genuine expressions <i( favor enee by lier skillful delineation 6f the loves shown the canine performers. Kmmii Cams, and woes of the capricious, hut'tender-lienri- la auelleat voice, made one of the biggest ed Kllly. The supporting company Is an ex. successes of the hill, belngr particularly ef- cedent one, with not a weak spot to mar w fectlve In her elcver singing of "Making detract from this beiiutlfnl production The«." The Three Keatoa*, with Buster : a staging of the play,• especially the reiilisii,- motnl," imide a hit with their clever alnglnij, dancing and grotesqulsms. (heene and war- "Babei (heene nnd tier. In "Dalies in the Jungle," were de- cidedly clever, the setting of their act belag noteworthy. ■ Olllette's musical dogs cvl- wnole show in himself, had to respond to numerous cnlls for their snappy, humorous offering. Mr. and Mrs. Kidney Drew pre- seated -'The Yellow Dragon" with • excellent elTect. and rain storm, the elegance of the costumes and the mngullieent scenic emh'elllshment was n revelation to Kast side theatreLMcis Curtain calls for Mlsa Oaliand, also for the Hlllv Van'captured plenty of entire company, were demnndeif at 'the end o'r laughs with some good material. Chaaalnp. cach_ act. Cast: Mnsler of Ceremonies. Kd. In his shadowgraphs, was voted'a master in his line, nnd his lime on view was all too Meredith. In staging the play the house denced lo'n remarknblc degree the efficiency short to suit his delighted audience. Avery standard, for complete and taBteful settings was maintained to the full, and there was nothing lucking In any department of stnge equipment. The east: I/Ord Clowrs, Hardee lClrklnnd; Squire Meredith, (ieorge Howell ; Mowbray, II. Dudley Huwlcy; Philemon, 1Mb- e.ri Cummlnes: Brcreton, Thos. MucDarnle ; Itii.'il, Oeralil Hclflln : Charles, tkhviird Bold : Kqiilio llcnnlon. Arthur Hoyt: I 'id, Albert 8. Ilowsnn: Ilurgcr, Blchnrd It. Nlel; Bunt- llng. Arthur Show; Ilosscoinh. Arthur Sdiaw ; Willis. J. Ciinnls Davis: Itnglev, William Norlon; Hukey, Mathllde Deshon: Jaalcc, Amelia Illngh.-ini ■ .Mrs. Meredith. Julia Blanc: Tnbltbn. Prances Stnrr: Messehger, (ieorge. While; Orderly, P.dwln ICowell; Ser- geant, Albert H. ilowson: Ilelnrlch. Eclw. Mitchell: Aide. .1. (Janata Davis; Sentry, David Thompson I.jrlc Tlieulrc (Sam S. & Dee Shubert. mnnngers).—After nn alisenee of several years. Mine. Sarah Bernhardt mnde her New York reappeanince before an nn-lfeace that completely tilled this house, and the fact that Die advance sale Ik- fore the doors opened for the Initial performance amounted-la '.ve-r ?4fl.0')0 for the two weekR' engagement, makes it safe to predict that the business during her stuy will be limited oaly by the capacity of the house. The open- ing bill wns "f,a Sorclere," Vletnrleh Hiinlou'a live act drama, an Kngllsh version of whicli Mrs. Patrick I'liiipbell pre- sented In this city last season. In spite of ner Increasing years, Mme. Bcrnhurdt seems lo rclnln all of din 'dramatic passion and power which won her fame, and her perform: ancc of Zoroya was only such a one as she can give. She was given nn ovation upon her ilrsi entrance, and storms of applause fell to her lot during I lie performance. There was, of course, a goodly number of Preach siicnklug people In (be audience, but they were no more enthusiastic over the Work of the great tragedienne than were their lOngllsh speaking cousins. The support- ing comiHiny was excellent. The cast In full: Zorayn. Knrali llerahardt; Cnrillmil Xlnienos, M. Do Max; Don Hnrlque l-nlnrln. Mi Decieur: Clcopbns, M. Clninieroy; 011- velsn, .M. Ilcneiihnurg: l'lulllln. ,M, Kriiusf: Ainhroslo, M. Itebel: Pares. M. t'liaroy: Is Notnlrc, M. I'lron: l.'n Cbevrlcr. M. (Initio; It lull bos, M. l'uylagnrde; Velusi-o, M. lliiry; Pn Molae, M. liavarry: ItainlrO. M. Iliiliny ; till Andres, M. Cnrtereuu ; (Sordeno, M. Mntlilllon; Pu Valet. M. Angelo; Pa 1'nysiin. M. Neville: Afrlda, Mine. Jane Men ; Mamieln, Mine, llurbler: Zagulr, Mile. Seylor; Dona lliiliim. Mme. P.oulniiger: llnnii Slrenii, Mile. I'erdn: Pnlninu, Mile. Allsson: Alalia, Mme. Irrnii Perrot; Due Pnysnime, Mile. Dae: .nun, Mile. Mae l.can: Cue Dame, Mile. Boyer ; Pne Scrvaule, . .Mile. ■ Itettler. The engagement will be given up to repertory. Mine, llerahardl's (our is under the direction of Ihe Messrs. Shubert and Will P. Connor; t.iiicrieiiii Tlit-iitrc (.1; M. Ward, innnn- tterl'.—"Young BunTnlo, King of the Wild V'esr," was given Its llrst presenlntlon on the West side, lo a capacity audience, Dec. 11. The play. In four art* mid eight M-enes, is hy ('has. K. Illauey, and was given Its llrst New York City production Nov. 27, VMS, at tlic Timlin Theatre, having been on the mud upwards of a year. Young Buffalo Is the hero of Angel (tiilch, Ariz., nnd Is kept busy prolccllnghls sister, sweetheart and friend, from the evils worked out by Dord Bnltlug- toli, nil of which be accomplishes, with Ihe liievllnble result. Young lluffnlo, iu the title role, secured shrieks, yells and coni- nieiidiitlun of all kind from pit and gallery; and did good work. Harold Dn Posta did all possible with ihe character of Jack Mor- ion. Charles Drake caused considerable Inughter as Ihe Judge. Antolne Provost, a full blooded Indian, made qiilio an Impressioii lis Yellow Pace. Pugene Da Ituc. as DatDiiJt- lou. was hissed nnd hnoled continiinlly. and, In that lay his meed of applause, chnrtnft'e' Huntington wns Inclined to over net as Knte Mortimer. Vivian Presentt made a great hit ns Wild Nell, and Maggie Meredith was well to the Tore In Hie fun making ns Mrs. Miles McCarthy. The miners, cowboys mid In- dians, although "bits." were all played care- lully, and relied credit, on lliclr Interpreters. The scenic and costume olTccIs were good, arid Hie play will probnbly draw crowded houses to which canine Intelligence can bo educated. The motion pictures are retnlnedas a feature. Sunday's concerts nitrnrted the usnol largo crowds. For two weeks Santa Clatis has stopped at the ."i8th Street house on Satur- day, nt the close of the matinee, and distri- buted toys nnd boxes of candles to the litM-> oiies. Kris Krlngle will visit this house every Saturday up lo Christmas. Monday night was the formal opcalng of tho smokers' bal- cony, nnd souvenirs In the shape of ash trays were given to the eentlcmea present. Next week vaudeville continues. Ir-iliiK l'liicc Theatre (Helnrlch Con- rled, manager).—"Helinath" was presented Dec. 0, with (Jertrude Arnold ns Magda, sup- ported hy Hermann Itudolph, (lertruo Arnold, Soohle Grosser, Kllsnheth Arlaans, Oeorglne Ncitendorlf, frnnz Ilertericb, Adolf Kugar Ucho. Otto Ottbert, Wiley Frcy, Otto Meyer, Marie Kelrscpner, i.lnn Hanseler. Marie von We-tern nnd Marie Itclchnrdt, Mrs. Arnold Fitnyed the role splendidly. On Thursday even- ng, Dec. 7, "HelB*os Dlut" ("Hot Blood"), a musical farce. In three acts nnd seven pictures, hy D. Krenn and C. Dlndan. music by II. Scheii, wns presented, with Ilka l'almu.v, a well known Hungarian soubrette, making her first American appearance, as Bonn. The play is now being presented In Kngllsh, ns "The Itolllcklng fllrl." hut the German version lacks the elaborate presenta- tion of the translated production. Mlsa ward Karl; the prologue, spoken by (Irnee Coghlan; Col, the Hon. Henry Vllllors, Ch!Is Dane; Cant. Splcer, Kdward Emery; l.oni V'eraey. Charles Hammond; Mr. Tom star foi-d, Mark Smith Jr.; Mr. Bob Chichester Kdwiinl Klntey; Oandy, Oeorge Kolierrs- Ken' wick, Norman Menitles; Sir Jasper Stainlish. Wells, II. Keesl and Hart, colored , entertainers, were most effective nnd Hnyman and Frafiklyn. In "A Mntrlmonlnl Agency," did capitally. TUe mo- tion pictures continue. Sew Amsterilnm Theatre (KIaw& I!r- lnnger, mnnngers).—K. S. Willnrd began on Dec, II an engagement at this house -which la to last thri tlon being the able dramatic iut--ii->ii.v, mv -,.•««»« j»c- , nwvora mh--ij venge." whicli throws out In strong relief the Harry B. Kdwards; the Inkeeper of the "Bear'' powers_of whp essays the leading Inn^ Arthur Kessler; Flrst^tHurler. John ,f. Herbert Bostwick: the Bishop of Math „'»,; PPl? : J_!?b. I< !™!>y McPlohian. Arthur Barry; Capt. Dennis O'ltaro. Carlisle tree weeks, his opening prodlic- Moore; Major Owen MocTaguc, Alfred Cahl'l • le famous old drama of remark- Mr. I.anty MacCltisky, Jiunes Ilynn: Mr' Ic Intensltv, "The Pool's Re- Darby O'Donovan, Kdward Bart; Mallow' role. That Mr. Willnrd was well qualified to stand such a test, those who hod watched Ills acting for years rould well feel assured of. aor were the most sanguine of his ad- mirers doomed to disappointment. In fact, anticipation could not well have drawn'a happier picture of his triumph than he realized on the opening night, for he liter- ally carried the house by storm In the tre- mendous scenes which he handled In master- ful manner, and alforded such an artistic (real to the lovers* of line acting as the stage of the present day tao rarely pre- sents. In the opening portions of the play his Hertucclo gave a clear Indica- tion of I lie tumult which raged within, and the expectation of approaching vengeance was also well denoted, together with a glimmer of tho parent love for the child so Jealously shielded from the eyes of the lustful world, i.iiier.ln the fool's visit to his daughter, Mr. Burke: Second Courier. Frank Seargon'is : Post Boy, JI own nl Waller; Hob. Mr Ilean-' fort, Alfred White: Hem T]|ney, Alfred Blake: Dadv Standlsli, Julia, Kimrlion Ciunu- boil: Dady Maria Pridcaux. Fariny R. n llr |'. Dady Bab Plyte, Alma Krogor ; Mistress Bate' hert; Sellna, Muriel Walling; Dviila, llerihu Boberts; Bnrmaid of t¥e '-Bear" Inn, tlrare Coghlan: Clorlnde, Kdlth Berwin • Dorothea Marie Deonard; Arabella, LoIb Herbert; An- gela, Kthel Watts: Mistress Tllnev, Louise Aldcn; Mlatresa Kitty Bellnlrs, Miss (Jnl. land. Kxectiiive staff for Mr. BelasiT, ■ Manager, John J. Donnelly; representative in advance. Melville Stoltz; stage manager, Arthur Barry; assistant stage managers (ieorge Huberts and John J. Burke, Next l'almav made a pronounced hit. She is Willnrd held the scene with a si rong grasp, week. David Itclasco's "The Heart of Mary. ., -«■ __■. ..■_-_._ . l *___... *■_ - , —._- 11^^ i-M- « IM*!! ■>■—!■■ ■■ # K A ti/.AIh l*ldAllA Hurt AKA 1 11« WAV O^AH |f)ni! " *' Keith'* Theatre (E. R lingers, resident manager).—Though the stores Were crowded with holiday shoppers, there was no slackhc up In the attendance ut this house Dee. if Josephine Cohan' nnd company (first appear' iiaco at this house). In "Friday, the filth." small, vivacious and has the magnetism. The support Included (iustav Von Seyffertltz, who also made a nil, as Schmnlr.l. Other characters and players were: Kokos, Her- mann tierolcl: Mlkios Tooek, t;urt Weber; Fnrkas, Ilelnrlch Hahrlch; Araaka, Amanda Blum: Ai pad von 1st vnnfTv, Jacques Hor- wllz : Jiilsca, SfeHi Angelo; Fcrcncz, Vrtinr, Brian: Deiti, Jo llagyl ; Caslmlr Panngel, Willy Frcy. Victoria Theatre (Oscar Ilnmmerstoln, mannger).—The usual big Monday audleuce, which Idled nearly every sent In the house, assembled Dec. 11, and the new bill wns ci- .loywl thoroughly. Much curiosity had been aroused ns lo how Tod Sloan, the American jockey, would acquit himself, the Monday mutluee being his debut upon the stage. After the very friendly audience had given the little jockey rounds of applause, which lasted some moments, he Blade a number of very witty excuses for attempting to appear as a inono- loglst. his chief reason being that some one wns crazy. Ho snld to the audience: "You pay your money to the management, and they jniv It lo me: now, who's critzy V" lie then told a few stories which were well received. The hill also listed :. Arthur Dinin, assisted hv Marie (ilnzler, In a comedy musical skit; the -Barrows-Lancaster Ooimmay, In "Tac- tics:" Abdul Kader and female assistants, in rapid painting; Mathews and Ashley, !n funny talk and songs; Oennro and Bailey, singers and dancers: Murphy nnd Francis, colored comedians: Ilnlley nnd Austin, gro- tesipie iierohuts: the IMrroa Hros.. seiisn- showlug the poor, mlssliapoa creature's ador atlon far 1 the child and his Inflexible deter- mination to wreak iqion Miilatestn's head re- venge, for Hie wrong done the mother. In the third scene of the second art, where the fool believes that the kidnapped woman Is renllr Mnhttcstn's wife, and gloats over hia triumph without a (rnee of suspicion that made nn Immense hit, especially Miss Cohan his own child Is not safely housed, the strength of Hie Interpretation really began lo show gigantic proportions, and the cur- tain fell amid a storm of npplniiHC. Finally, when the last heiirl-rcniling scones of Ihe fnther's terrible mlstnke nre shown, and he realizes Dial lie hns been primarily nt fault in the betrayal of his own child into Man- freill's (lower, the mad burst of mingled terror at bis deed and despair because of his impolency to aid her made a l induing pic- lure Hint is not likely to lie soon forgotten by the audience. Throughout this entire scone of gripping Interest, where the most Intense emotions ore given lightning play, nnd the transitions from deepest sorrow to simulated gaiety follow swiftly upon one another. Mr. Willnrd held his audience as In a spell, nnd rounded out hy those last great scenes an Impersonation.of rare nrtlslic calibre. Alice Donnon played Plordellsa, daughter of Hertucclo.. with girlish charm, nad'Mabel Dubois did clever work as Man- freill's 'wife. William Sanler read his lines nnlurally nnd with a sincerity that carried conviction to his bearers, while Frank Dynll did most commendable work as Manfred I. Bose Bcnudet did very well. The others gave gisul aid, tloiuil acrobats, nnd the American vltngraph. others gave gisul aid. The ca*t: Oaleotto Third Avenue Theatre (A II. Woods, Manfrcdl, Frank Dyall ; (initio -Mulntcsta, manager).—"Too Proud to Beg" was pre- Ivan P. Simpson: Hertucclo, Mr. Willnrd: pre seated Monday, 11. with the following cast: John Carr, Fred Kckluirt ; Inspector Sharp, Chariot Itlcc: Murk Claw, W. N. Rogers: Meyers, .luck Beniielt: Vedcrs. V. B. Veiblou; Isaac Blum. Jake .Simon; Pedro, Jackson Kent: Willie Carr, Arthur Boylnn: Vera Cnrr, .Mildred Boylan: Malta, Clarence Dull; Hillings. Cnl. Spencer: Dawson, Jack Mason: I'ollceiuiui. Henry King; Nellie Carr, Mary SorvnsH : Bridget O'Hoolt, 1 .corn a C. ltogers; Muud Qulgley, ICslelle Vincent; .Mother Ileal, Stella Boylan. Frederick Keniball Is tunii- tger. John P. Bailey business mnnnger. H. M. Illiniums agent, A. B. Syuds stnge mali- nger, Cnl. Spencer carpenter, Clarence Dull props. Next week, "For Hla Brother's Crime." Colonial Theatre (Perry (1. Williams, mnnnger).—Louise thinning, the dainty and acconipllsbisrl singer of old Scolh melodies, favored the patrons or the pretty Colonial on Monday. Dec. II, by making her llrst vaude- ville apiienrniice (his season on this stage. The audience quickly assured Miss Cunning , ,V,„ «Tiii ninl '-\'ew York bv throughout the week. The cost: King of t t na t mn, ana new xenc uj ,,„, tt <i U , W est. Young Buffalo Might" at the Variety en tertalnmout wns furnished at l'nocToti'a FinfY-Kiiiimi Stiikkt, Pnoi v roit'n Twks-xv- Tiiinii SntKi'.T, Tony Pastok'h, the Coi.onui., I ho VicToniA, Kkith's Union Sqi.'AiiK, the Ai.iiam^iha, Hmiriii & Bhamon's, Hiq Pai.ach, and the Family Tiiiiatpk. 11 liana's MtiaHOM liresealcd Ihe usual list of vaudeville nnd curios. The Cuici.K, Ihe Drwkv, Minrr's •DllWKllY, the, Ml.VEIt'.H PlIlIITtt AVK- xci: and Alio Cotiiam furnished burlesque. Tho bills for the third week of grand opera nt the MRTmraUTAN Opriia Hoiwii «1>re: Slonday nlglit, Dec. 4, "Lohengrin," with this cast: Plea von Brabant. Mme. .Nortllca: Ortrud, Mme. Homer: Lohengrin, .Mr. Kuotc; Frledrleh von Tatrfimnmi, Mr. tlorlu; Ilelnrlch der Vogler, Mr. Blass; Iter llerrufer ilea Kneiilgs, Mr. Muehliunnu. Wr. Hertz conducted. Wednesday night, (I, "llaeusel und (irctel," cast ns hefore. Friday night, 8, "Tlio Queen of Slicba," cast an Jbcfore. Saturday matinee. », "L'KllsIr sI'Amore," wllh Mme. Sembrich as Adhia. Jllr. Caruso aa Nemniino, Mr, Scotll as Ihe Sergeant-, Mr. Rossi ns the Quack Doclor, and Miss Nulfonl us domicilii. Mr. Vlgna condtictcd. Saturday night, P. "Die Wnl- kure." with Mr. Dlppel as Slegiuund, Mine. Nordlca as Itrnnlillde, Olive Prcinsfad as Slcgllnde, Mr. Vun itooy as Wotnii. Muie. Homer ns Prlcka, and Mr. Blnss ns llinidlng. Mr. Hertz conducted. Jack Marlon ; llnrolil La Costa : Judge Urlt, Chnrles Drake: Y'ellnw Face, Anlolne Provost; Lord Unflliiglon. Ilngenc Ln Hue; Two Lung, Tom Willis: One Dung, Dave Lewis; cuing Lee, John Kelly: Ilinck Cannon Pole. I'lins. I.. Dnntorth: Wild Kyed Charley, Frank Dob- son; Hatchet Faced Abe, Joe Chester; Pe- dro. John W. Cowell: Holn-ln-the-Fiice. J. Mi-Chircn: Horse Bake, M. Madden: Montana Jack. W. Moore: Now York Harry, T. Kelly; Alabama Tim. T. Robert*: Artzoiiu Hob. 3. Cnslon; Bnrney, Joe Ward : Randolph Mor- ion. Knllcb Kaiewc: Kate Morton, charlotte Hiiiiiingtoii; Wild Nell, Vivian Present I: Mrs. Miles McCarthy. Maggie Meredith. Next week, "Me, Him and I." Fourteenth Street Theatre (J. Wesley Bnsenqiiesl, inn linger 1.—"Bow Baxter Butted Inn." with Sidney Tolet- lending, is the at- traction Hits week. An excellent perform- ance was given before a crowded house Monihiv, Dec. 11, wllh Ihe following cast : Billy Baxter, Sidney Toler; Krna- IUK Winch, Louis Pelrce: Zcnus Meek, (loo. MoCnbe: Aimer Meek, llohert VY. Smiley : K»ra Quick, J. K. Nichols: Kd. Dale, Klngslev Benedict: Lute Ilalstenll. Wil- lnrd S. Louis: Ktieu Titmouse. II. A. Pear- son: Biddy, Arthur Llpmaii: Ben Jltsmi, Arthur Cobb; Noll Dale. Delia Clnrke: Mi- randa Winch, May Maurice: Tabltltn Tully. Louise Vallcntlne; Fanny Smalley, Ruth Ilnliie: Itnse Qulgley. Maud lauds; Hope Suwltdl, Jessie Flllott: Sue Jarvts. Vivian Murstoa: Laura Spruce. May Oliver: Rose Smith. Virginia lianas: Tint lit* Wilson, I'rani-ci- Chirk; Jack Mason. ,1. .loo Seley; Frank .liaison. Kenneth Buss. Next attrac- tion. "A Crown of Thorns." Hernia Si|tiiii-i> llnulre (Chns. Froll- Serullno Deli'Ai|iiihi, AVIIIInni Sauter; Bnl- tlassare Torelll, Krnest Slulbird: (ilnti Maria Onlelatt, Walter Kdmunds ; Bernardo Ascoltl, II. Bnrtoot: Ascnnto, II. Caae; Ulneviii, Ruth Hurry : Prauccsea Beatlvogllo, Mabel Dubois; 1'Tordellsn, Alice Lonnnu; Brlglttu, Rose lleaiidcl. Besides appearing nightly rhls week, ln -'A Fool's Itevcnge," Mr. AllUrri will he :;een In "The Professor's I.ove Story," nt the Wednesday nod Sntanlay matinees, loiter he will appear for the llrst time fa a di-nniatlzuiloii of Kipling's "The Mnn Who Was." mid In Sydney Grundy's "A Pnlr of Spectacles." Mr. Wlflard's rcpertorv also In- cludes "Tom Pinch," "The Middleman" nr.'.l "David flarrlck." Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Krans, man- agers) .—The Jersey Lilies Burlesnucrs, under (be management of Oeo. P. Hopper, made their llrst New York appearance- ut this house this season Slonday aftoranoa, Dec. 11. An audience that packed the house witnessed the performance, and gave It a verdict of , , approval. The show opens with a musical that the memories of her delightful vocnllsms skit by Dan firncey, called "The Disputed were still fresh In their hearts, as the house Check,' which employs the full company lo good advantage. The rust: Terrlll Tuttle ruhb, Dan Omcey; Timothy Trotl, Oily rang wllh applause after ovary number of her repertory of songs. Clayton White and Marie Stuart gave Ihelr piquant comedietta,-"Paris," with their usual cleverness: the Military Oc- tette and the (ili-l with the Baton, a pre- tentions musical tunlasy. made 11 strong hit, nnd the selections were encored; Wntsou, Hiitrlitnga and l-Mwnrds held the comedy sketch position of the bill, presenting "The Vaudeville Exchange," uiuld roars of Inugh- ter : Fanny Rice displayed "The Animated Dolts." 11 novel act. and a good oue; 1 layer und o'Nell made good In a happy way; the Onlaw Trio, though late on the bill, held de- served attention ; Lumsnn and Nnianii, 11 talented duo, who are seen here too In- frequently, scored one of Ihe hits of the entire hill: Oeorge W. Day hnd only to In- fuse his happy personality Into his funny snylngs and snugs to win success, and the vltagrapli showed new films. Circle Thentre (Chas. A. Williams, mnn- nger).—The Knropeiin Sensation Fxtrnvn- ganza Co.. which played Hits season lo a week of big business at 11 down town theatre, began n week's engagement here, at the regu- lar matinee .Monday, Dec, II, with a good sized audience In nttcnilnncc. There has been no Important chnugcsj In Ihe company. Next week, Al. Reeves' Beauty Show. Timlin Thentre (Sullivan & Woods, mnn- ngers).—"The Flaming Arrow" Is this week's attraction. The cast Includes: Block F.uglc, Le Boy Lewis; Itnlnhow. Chief Bed Flash; Col, Fremoiuit. P. M. A.. Taylor Carroll; Mary, Helen Vaughn: Lieut. Brlghlley. I Buwson; Jacob Hodges. Arthur Bell; Ileory McArthur, Paul M. Bell: Adolphus Fltzwll- llams, Toby Zaro; Alice Darling. Rena Wash- burn: Susan, Frances Clare; Maud, Kitty Lminelt: Mrs. 'IVrrlll Tuttle Griihb. Ada Bur- nett, The chorus includes: Belie Austin, Josephine Bronkerg, Madge Cornell, May Decker, Florence Piaster, Flo Webster. Alice liolbrook, Frances Clnlre, Agnes Bangui, Leslie De Vere, Nellie Kmerson. Bessie. Stef- Ihis. (lertrude Bernard, lOvcllne Dunning. The olio follows, In which appear: Pmmett 11 lid McN'ell. two clever singers nnd dancers the Musical Hells. In tlrst cl Ada B. Burnett, In coon songs, I.amnze Bros., comedy nerohn Colonels." a breezy skit, closes Ihe show In good shape, executive ataff for Win. S. « lurk: Oeorge P. Hopper, business mana- ger; Dan Onicey. stage manager: Oeorge Dolllnger. inus'cul director; Jack Ortln, aias- ter carpenter: Wm. Wilson, muster proper- ties. Next week, the Parisian Widows. London Theatre (James II. Curtln. mnnnger).—The new show on the Howerv for this week Is the Dnlntv l'nree Bur- lesqiicrs. which opened Monday, Dec. H, Mnnnger Barnes has equipped t\\e production with all tlrst class "fixings," and (Ho general SFilS 'il J*!? snfslactory. "The Marriage of Ulrdle Introduces the company, which Iticiudes: J. (5nfTney Brown, Frank R. Mlt- wu « n,,r , l :^ ou i/ewn, Barney Wllilums. Aide Willnrd, Daisy Lyle, Mabel Barnes, Olivette hy her dainty and refined acting and excel- lent dancing. Kdward Powers caused lots of laughter as Bill, the Brule. There Is lots of fun, plenty of. witty sayings, nnd the mush- is catchy, all uniting to furnish a splendid entertn'nment. Will Rogers tuatie his (Irsl up. penrnnce here, and caused grent wonderment by his excellent .control of Ihe lasso, l'red Nlblo had a "laugh In every line." and a few extra ones were thrown in for good measure. 'The l'arros Bros., bond to hantl nqiiUihrlrtts nnd acrobats, came lnfora large shine of ap- plause, their work lsdng of a very high class, Kdward Mollenhnuer was given a royal wel- come on his entrance, ond his dlgnitr of bear- ing, bis four score years ami ills' plnylag called forth a storm of upplnuse. Paul llnrtii.'S offered his monologue to an appreciative audience, and must have been well pleased. Mullen nad .Cored!. In a series of. humorous situations,, combined wllh good work, won much applause. Maymc Benilng- ton and her "picks set them all laughing With good singing and dancing. Others merit- ing approval were: McKlssIck and Shadnev, in songs and dances; Imperial Japanese Troupe, hi an excellent act: Harry Pllrcr. e,-- centric dancer: the Three Madcaps, acrobatic dancers, and To-To, the musical mystery. Tb» hlnetogrnph closed the bill wllh some flue new views. Utirdeu Thentre (Henry W. Savage, manager).—Robert II. Montcll began Mon- day night, Dec. 11, Ills final week, with "Olhello" as Hie bill. Repertory will be given the rest of the week. New.Vork Hippo drome (Thompson & Dundy, managers).—This resort Is dark lids week until Wednesday night, Dec. 13. when "A Society Circus" will be seen for the llrst time. The closing la made necessary hy (he elaborate rehearsals aeeded for the new production, Hulier's Museum (John II. Anderson, mnnnger).—Lionel, the boy with a lion's face, la the feature attraction this week. Others nre: Old Zip, Chnuncey Marian, Marie Lell. Four Hayrotys, and Miss Deez. Two performance! were given In the thentre bv nn excellent bill, to crowded houses. I'liKtor's Thentre (Tony Castor, aiann- gert—For the week of Dec. 11 the usual line bill Ik presented, und De Wilt. Burns and Torrance won especial favor, In their aovel and pretty act, entitled "The Awaken- ing of the Toys." Nan Rggleton aad com- pany. In "How the Widow- Was Won," scored well, ond kept things moving In good shape. Jeanneltc Dupreo sang lo Ihe de- light of the nudlence, and won many recalls; kino and Cotthold. in "A Medical Discov- ery. - ' started a gale of laughter wllh their entrance, which lasted long after the art wns over. Newell aud Nlblo returned, wel- come ns ever, In their neat Instrumental nci. winning much applause. Harry B. Lester Indulged In some clever comedy, and his mimicry pleased. Nlbhe aad Bordeaux, "The Mau wllh the Hroom," have a peculiar act. which calls for and gets plenty of laughter nnd applause: the Paragon Trio, hi song. S. A.. Frank O. rattan: Senor Pasedo, Wll- Meadotc. Lou Marlowe, Lai Mnrlowe Alice bur Collins; Snow Ball, lid, S. Allen; Jerrv, Curllss, Jean Burgess, Miss Kvnlis ' Sadie Hod Weston-. Belinda. Minnie Wilson: Jack Orossmnn. Lltlln King. Julia St 'DeimU Walton. Clarence Bettalr: Moon Ihig. Kd- Spoclalllos are provided bv • West nnd' ward Spring; Fire Snake, L. W. Bishop; Hughes. In character sketches: Hb-linrii An. wartl Spring; Fire Snake, L. W. Bishop; ltnlu Cloud, llalflown; Bed How. Chief Turkey; Dnglcr, James Young. Willis t an. inn linger 1.—Olga Neiliersolo presented her Jackson Is manager: .1. A. Brehaiiy, business version of "Corinen." In which character she tutiiiugcr : F. (f. Patten, since mat Murray Hill Thenlre (Win. T. Rough, uuuuigor).—The attraction for Ihe current week. "The Dnniles," Is a melodrama which ts well played by a capable company. Cast of characters ; Alexander Mctlcc. Ilallctl Thouiii- *on: Ciinrles Uodfrey, Hurry W. Mitchell: William Wise, William I 1 . Kltls: Wnslirc Washee, Krnlle CoIIIiir: Ite-xckhih Curler. Drew A. Morton: nill Hickman, John Wes- ton : Thomas Adolphus Orosvenor. Ktigeiic Keith: orasshopper Jake. Ward stone; (lea, Williams, Dollv Van Wlctboff: Nancy Wil- liams and Billy Piper, Hitmen West; Iluldii Brawn. Virginia Crantin: Snllle Sloan. Mrs. Louise Vau Wlelhoff. Neil week, "Weddetl and Parted." lias iiiade her niusl cmpluille success, Moa- iluy. tl. und scored another li-iumnli. The east : Sarcetia. ('has. Qiiarleriunlne ; linn.lose. lliunllion Itcvelle ; l'etlrti Din/.. Slulne .Mills: llcrnnl D'Alln. Win. FiiNvii Jr.: Lucas Men- ■H, Hubert Carter: Priest. II. A. Moults: Corporal .No. I. Arthur Klein; Dnncalre. Harry Dnhl: Beim-ndndo. A. I.. Bohliison; Llllns Hasten. K. C. Ashley: Dolores, Do- rolhy (Jiliuston ; Lulsa. I.illlnii Purler. Juiinti, Madge Field; Anita, Inn tloldsuillli; Te re s a , cicely Itlchards. Ileliisco Thentre (David Belasco. mali- nger).—Binnehe Bates, In "The 01 rl of the Hidden West." commenced her llflli week Dec. 11. Hubert Hllllnrd. who hnd been 111 and nut of the cast for several performances, returned ou that date. manager: John Next week, "When IlltlllUgC Lelke. master iiircbnnlc. the World Sleeps." III iter's HiMvci-y T It tut re U'hlwln D. Jllncr. ninnagcrl,—The Knipire Burlesquera ma well received Monday evening. 11. The iirogramwe presents: "Cwey und the tlreeu Sod Club." In two ncls; the Four Musketeers, the Ksaiiliuiinx- Bullet. John A. West. In his surcessfnl musical coini'tly act : luihofr. Conn nnd Coriline, In their funny specialty; Bessie Taylor, Ihe favorite singer; the De Van Brothers, acrobatic workers of skill. Next week. Ihe l-'ay Posier Co. Uljou Thentre (11. B. Sire, manager).— David Warneltt. In "The .Mush- Mnsler," en- leretl his fifteenth week Dec. II. The four hundredth performance will occur matinee of 11. ..[■si nnd Ilunhes. In chnrncter sketches: Bb-hnrd An- deistni and Wm, V. Alleu. in "Professional Lire, and Ihe Dungeon scene from --vir- gluhis: .1. Oafriiey Brown nad Mav Booth, In a singing nnd talking net. full of action Montgomery,, and Cantor. In a comedy act, la which the piano Is nn important factor mid Willi a runny dniiclng flnlsli, and Kenvon nnd lie Onnno, 11 uci-olratlcs iierformed'oti a balancing ladder. "A Merry Bnehe or " with Frank L\ Mitchell In lb,. prl,,c!«l roVe, cone hided the show In excellent stvle. Severn particularly culchy musical nuinlicis, hiiiitl- cninn c o.iuli>Hti>.l .....1 ,1 . * mmmi ,i. n L lun . m8 • "lance nnd specialty work, won aproval: I.11 ™ ,M..w crt o'S , !i; Ctato Ullrt W est entertained well with their M ..'£».1. comedy turn: the OrotcRnue Randolphs, Iu mm. ihe Iwo "i,-,,,, in „ chinege Uhadrv," never let the laughter lag. and won lots of applause: Frank KUnq presented nuigh- and Illusion which caught the fancy; Kitty Bart: outerltiliiod well, with her illustrnled songs, and Hie vllngrnph offered some excellent views. Lyceum Theatre (Daniel Frohiunn, mnnnger).—"The Lion and the Mouse" sinn- ed its fourth week Dec. 11. Broadway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, manager).—"Veronlqnc" opened its seventh week Dec. 11. Knickerbocker Theatre (AL Ilnymfin & Co., managers).—Virginia Darned, In "I<a Belle Marseillaise," commenced her third week and last fortnight Doc. 11. Iraly'a Thentre (Daniel Frohmaa, malin- ger)—Viola Allen, ia "The Toast of the Town," began Dec. 11 her third week. Joe Weber's Theatre (Joe Weber, man- ager)— "The Prince Chap" entered It* eleventh wek Dec. 11. Fields' Thentre (Oscar Ilammerslehi. manager).—Peter P. Datlcy. In "The Press Agent," opened his third week Dec. 11. Criterion Theatre (Charles Frohmaa, mnnger). —Wtlllnm Collier, In "On the Outo!,'' United his third week and Inst fort- night Dec, il. . " ,. Empire Thentre (Charles Frohman, man- ager).—Maude Adam* started her sixth week Dec. n, in "Peter Pan." ' ., Sew York Thentre (Klaw & -Hdanger, iiiiiimgcrsh—Richard Curie, In "The .Mayer ol Toklo." began his second week Dec. II l'l-liK-css Thentre (Henry Miller, man Roincly costuiurd and rail Matted were re n™»? , ",T' ,B '''"entre (Henry >l t\e. lrank Mitchell, singe director; Harry win li lockers, musical director; ti. Mnckev mnsie,. ?i?i„ i ' .i mechanic: Fred Tllui. eleetrlclan. Vw S!S ',," week, the Cherrv Hlossnins ' r " M "' 1 "- - N<,![ ' WJ*. the her ilib- 'Hner'«i:i«lilli AteiiiirTiienire I If* Miner, manager).—The' California the attract Inn week of Dec. 11. S»»l . Dainty Poreo. Aemlemy of Miu«io";pn T »„.. . « Urnnd opern Huuae (J. 11. Springer, kins, manager-"—"nabes In TmdSn.i*- T ' )mp ; «"»<>««»f).—ftyrle Bellow, ln '•Baffles. 1 ' begat. Its third ! week i)ec il r °'" l,nu "P«i«| an engagement Dec 11. Next week. Ainoiu Daly, In "Von Never Can Tell."