The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMPEB 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1105. mantle Garden <W. Kramer's Sons, maniSS -Orvlllc and Frank, equilibrists ?„., rSsturers; Dudley and Cbcslyn, operatic "i nU Cduo; Doll and BurdeD, nodal, "BBS and club Juggling act; Al. Brown, ,r Kl romedlin: VTrglnln Bernard, vocal l 'S*une and dancer, and the Atlantic- £££"|K"the attritions for 11.18 writ. rtnillson Siiuare Theatre Walter N. i „«^" in'nnuger".—Ilenry E. Dlxey. In LffS on the Box." IWI his eleventh JSSk Deo 11. Oliver Bond Byron npiicuved «« (V. Ueorgc Alacslcy on that dale. rnslno (Sam S. & Lee Shubert. mann- ,J2r*iT4« Karl and the CUrl" started its Wale* tie Theatre (John S. Flaherty, „„cnueor>.—"Wonderland" began Its eight a Kilnwrl last fortnight Dec. JI flnrrlck Theatre (Hani I >\. Bumper! X, manager).—Ornre Oeorge opened Iter fourth Jerk nndlast fortnight Dee. 11, In -The Mar- I'lnee of William Ashe. VvnllncK'* • (Mm ■ Theo. Moss, manager). —William Fnvorahoin. In "The Squaw Man." began his eighth week Dee. 11. Hudson Theatre (Henry It. Harris, manager).—Robert' Loralne. In "Man and Sn- MtranuV* commenced his flfteenlli week Dec. 11 Savoy Theatre (Frank McICcc, inann- mrl —James K. Ilackett and Mary Mnnuer- hr> enlcred Ihelr twelfth week Dec. 11, in •The Walls of Jericho." Liberty Theatre (Klaw & ErlaDger, inniiflirerM).—Tbos. W. Boss started his sec SdweSDee. 1 1, In "A F air Exchange." Ilnrleui.—At the Harlem Opera House (Max Llcbtenstcln, manager) Geo. M. Cohan aim company, IP. -Little Johnny Jones," bc- LMii their first Harlem engagement this sea- won lo ■ crowded house, Dec. 11, and all indications point to a record week, as the advance sale Is large. Next week, Marie cablll. )" "Moonshine." Whit Exu-(George A. Blnmcntbnl, mnnn- mir),—"The isle of Spice" opened to a well ailed house 11, and wns accorded a warm welcome. Next week, Chas. Grapewln and Anna Chance, In "It's Up to l'ou, John C ST»it (Win. T. Keogh. manager).—"The Ninety and Nine" Is the offering for this week, and a good sized-audience was in at- tendance at'hotii performances Monday, 11. Next week, "The House of Mystery." ' JltoCTOS'H. OXK HOXMUB) ASI» TWBNTY- kiith Stbekt THEATRE (F. F. Proctor, raan- ujtcr).—The business last week proved a rec- ord breaker. Tills week given indications of being another big one, the house being crowded Monday, 11, when "Fedora" was presented for tlic first time In Harlem by a stock company. The length of the cast ne- cessitated Ibo using of the entire acting strength of the company. Jessie Honstelle. as Fedora, scored heavily: Wm, J. Kellcy. as 1/onilpnnonV, gave n satisfactory account of himself. The vaudeville offers: Gus Wil- liams, Carter and Bluford, the Fnrnls Troupe and new moving pictures. (Henry Rouenberg, manager). — 'Me, lllm-and I," with Sullivan, Watson and Wbltehiw as tlie principal fun makers, came for'a week's stay 11, and opened to a guild house. Next week, "The Curse of Drink." Ai.u.uiniu (I'erey II. Willhuns. nianugei-). —(.me of the best bills of tho season was offered for the approbation of an audience that packed this house to the doors at both performances .11. The headllncrs arc Wil- liams uud Walker, ably seconded by "The <ilrl with the lied Domino" and Auguste Van Itlene. Others were: The Little Black Man, Bono and Richards, A. O. Duncan, James F. Kelly and Dorothy Kent, Cecelia Weslon, the Eight Shctluuds, with Rose Davlcc and Edith Warner. IIuiitiu & Suasion's Music Haix (lien lhlrtlg, manager).—The opening attendance, II, gives promise of another big week. The bill is an excellent one, aad can not full to attract the crowds. The hill includes: Charles and Kdna Harris, Metcaif, Paddock and Al. Edwards, Bessie Clayton, Mark Slllli- tuii and company, John mid llcrtba Uleeson and Fred Houlihan, Bay Cox, Three Rio Hrothers and moving pictures. ihmi.ut (Hullivaii & Kruus, managers).— Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks matte their flint llurlem appearance, to'a packed house. II, and met wiih u reception seldom accord- ed a burlesque show In Harlem. "The Hani* Dwwle Girls" is the title of the first purl, and Is full of life and comedy. The olio also Is deserving of mention. The con- cluding burlesque "presents the entire com- pany in fine raiment, uud Is full of good laugh making material. Next week, the Ca- sino Gh'ls. , Family Tiikatrh (Al. Onkcu, manager). —iV fine bill drew out a ilrst class house, aiid kept the ..audience In good humor Ihroughout. The bill: The Viildlngs, Kd. Bold, O'Neill's Minstrels, Elinore Blanchurd, Kvanx and Evans, and Johnson and Barry. 1'a,>k (F. Bernstein, manager).—Busi- ness continues good. The house has held Its own so far this season. The bill Includes: MubIcuI .Salon. Lc Roy and Appleton, Burk- liurdt and Ashor, liaymond and Sartotiln, flunrlc's comedy ponies, Kimball Bros., the Urcfct A tbos, and May T. W. I'lirncll. Ilrciuklyii. —At the Sluibert Park (Lew I'arker. ' manager) "Happylahd," with Do JVoJf Hopper, Is presented Dec. 11-1(1. The supporting cmnpntly Is thoroughly capable. Last week "Thnt's John's Way" drew big houses the entire week. Nlw Moxtai.'k (Edward Trail, manngcr). —"The Education of Mr. 1'lpp" 11-10. Dighy lte|l Ik aecn In the leading vole, and does bril- liant work. Oilier members of the company are seen to'nn advantage. Lust week "Frit'/ In Tammany Hall" did tine business. Lew Fields and company, In "It Happened In .Noruliuul." 18-:>;i. ttUMTtc (Dudlev McAdow, manager).— James O'Neill, as Edmund Duntos, in "Monte IT'lsto," appeared 11-1(1, James O'Neill Jr., ihe'nclor's son, appears'In the support, as does Charles II. Stevenson. 'Hie play s beautifully inouutcd. Last week "The Isle ui Splcn" did a tremendous business. .Next week. "Oliver Twist." (ii'iuiA Hot-SB (M. T. Mlddloton, niaiiager).—"The Curse or Drink," n popular melodrama, 11-10. The scenic effects are very. realistic. I.nst week "Queen of I he Highbinders" crowded the house. Next week, "Queen of the Convicts." Bi.kio (Mrs. Spooner, director). — "lliu Night Iletore Christmas" is presented 11-1(1. Kilnn May nnd Cecil are seen to good nd- vnulugc In the leuilliig roles, and are given good support bv Atlguslus I'lillllps. Harold Kennedy and Hill Clarendon. "Mary ot.Mng- dala," last week, prt.vod lo he a big draw- Ins allractlon. "Woman Against Woman "est. Imi'i:iuai, (wm. T. Ororer, manager).— "he current bill Inclndes: Chevalier de herb, l he Riding Uooneys, and I'eselikoff Troupe. "Itulterlllcs" Is presented by (he stock com- pany, wllh Edwin Ardcn, Ityron Douglas. W. •I. Monfgomerv. Ernpst Howard. Catherine Countess, Mabel f'urrutherH. Julie Heme and others In the cast. Last week business was lo capacity. ' . Obi'iieum (I'erey "G. Williams, manager).— R. A. Holier is apnea en this week In his one man pluv. "pick Tiirpln," and Is followed by Ned Wayburn's band of llfleen minstrel misses, led by Berlle Heron: A Mile <apl- fftine. Blnns and Bluus. the Three Meers. the lure.- Crane Brother*, the Three nations, the He Wilts and the vitagraph. IIYIIK & IJHItMAX'S (Nick Norton. BMIW' gnr).—The lending fi-alure this week is Rlcii- aril (iolden, nslsted by a big coiniNiny, In "Oh J'-d l'ronly." Others are: Maggie clliie. I-red llitllcii and Mollle Fuller, Lew Blootrj oral June Cooper, In "\ Touch of Nntu)»;" tin; Do -Km Trio, Lew Hawkins, Adamlnl uud Taylor. Bntier and Brown, the Majestic Trio ^«*» VfSt '•"PF'Jfc^'KS SS and the klnetogvapb. U" 5 8"e>t of honor at a:dinner given him Kekmbv'm (Frank A. Keehey. mnnngeri — P, 80 - 0 - a V nelraonlcoX on the occasion of adle Martlnot and company, presenting bis seventieth birthday. r _ fflisanaiuow* SoTrs rnOM Dr. (SagnOh and IMIIIani .1. McUulnii. Dr. I'etty Medicine Co.—We .ir<! still touring the Western part of Ontario. Business Is not "killing." hut I lie "nibbc: - ier, are: I rrv Si "l and „sV Kes,m.c "'"cert In Mendelssohn Hall Dee. (I. to an closed between M. .1. Brady and II. W. Wrbi»t nigh. Introduced by (lagnon. J lie i « -ItM*Wbov^and tlie Stald^tlS?«ffihi anpreelatlve nudlenec, Hie aololats being by which the latter has obtained poMemTon of the company no nil well, and win ;lc wfenaders Fnmk It, s 'it.,, !,,?„. Mrs. Lv>rn Viilesca, Violinist, and Frnneia of the vacant real estate at the cortacr'bt (ier flff i people before Christmas. fiie member'" niiui- "Wedded'hy'wife.'• Kfa tugKdline'ihtweeit "TETHERS '$&io Omuhtu. gave a . Evansviluc, ftrt,. N»TK.~A>.?. Hft ~\gA2*jj'}&*_ every Hatijrdny Otlur In "' junl 6 mS^iSS^^'iS^JA »op.rsr'b;^•lto , nr v "• '•"""'" mi;;\^"iim™™ ™*,\;. s«w$« m " n "Tub Max Ux thk Box" Co. will ilcvole property al M» Main Street, running back In Hie proceeds of Hie matinee of Dec. 'M lo such a way :1s in afford a Main Street en- I lie New York branch of the Dickens Fellow- trance, on wlilih he proposes to erect a MllwHiikec.—Chief Interest In lm,i ship, as a Christmas fund. coHseuni. Though Ihe building will not be na-uii-lciils Inst week centered in the nn key aad dug comedians anil tin- Kceiicvsentic. ar.Ui (Archie II. Kills, mnnager).—Ruble's Knickerbocker Ihtrbwiaers lt-iti. The com- pany Includes: lvte (iurlev. William l'ailon, iiscar Lewis. Belle Wilton. Alleene Vincent. < i > WISCONSIN. flic FtriXi'.Ai.r.v (}rAHTKTTK gave Its first entlrelv flalsliisl by Hint time, II Is planned „„„| outertninmeiif otTcred by Hie Mllwniiiov Tlie htirlesqiiim^ ar,' "The" Klcctrlc 'Hotel" "niiii Haudsamesl mail visiting the fair each nlc] "Tlie Two Irish Daddies." Next week. Ihe , r '" : SK V",", *£!il?*?J* ""' ASEjSZ Colonial Belles Acndemv of Dramatic Arts gave Ihelr sec- Au-.UAli (Wm. T. Keogli. manngei•).--Miss on<1 mailnee at the Empire Tliealre,_ Bee. 7 S. C. mid Tniiipu, Fla. We go from hereto jjra l.ouls Aucr. Alfred II. Berglu. I.udwlg Key West, mill remain In the South for ma Kudss. Mis. ltos,- ..i. Mnrphv and C. K. SBiu- Winter. The InvrrotM have proven n Attft- uo-rler coiiliibuteil imbiv lo Ihe success of inir card, ami hnVe many offers for next ||„. priiductlon. season. Tiik Cuivrii i-eurbcs us a few dayt Davipson, —Klatv «t Krlitinter's lilg specl.i- tnto. tint It Is nliyays welcome." minr proiliictlun. •'Ilumpty Diilnply," did n uiitnwvv (len c 'l-i.iipr m.tnnwrt Home. The plays were well given, and In- Notks i'Iiom tub (li.HK Swan Nkw limK (reniendons Inialness l»ec. :i-l). packing llio Marie iCallIII and her c<,mnanv\re this wc7k «llvlitnnlly ami collectively the players lie- tiurwnunrlNI Oiumxathik.— We cloeetl our Houso to cnpaclly ail week. Mnnnirer Slier- m taniiinnu ner veek ^^ eawnwnftitlon. Those npis>arlog were: season at Mm Ala.. Inst week. Miss Swan „„,„ |i,„ w „ offers "The Mold nnd the Mum- New Y Vr C.. II H last week bS ""'^'"l-K "* W»'» Messenger." by ,1. bus ness ruled Next week FinnIn Fiir Hartley Manners, and "The (Mher Fellow," leSiuere Empire i.ur- (l „ m . uy> , n lhr{ ,,, , u . lH _ hv stnrv ri lirnm . (1 I wiujww (I co (' Toller inunncrcr) — Home. The plays were well given, and In- M*Xtthm«B4^e(n^a?'(J5^BnfweS •Uvldually ami collectively the players Ue- praioinilnr "iijSjiiAitiii^^Ti L KL nTj Ttai serve commemlHtlon. Those npis<arlng were: season at Senna, Ala.. Inst ween, .miss irain man iiruwn nffers "The Mnlil mill the aiiiiii- heeTVlil. 1 ~i™ 5' r.n,iitinn ,fr «„mn V£? Marguerite Von Itnttenslelu, Norrle Ijiub, niade a great lilt .with the l«mt coolc liorM, an" lulll. Otis Sklnur 14-111. cenllon hv ifrlciu 11 1 , !, i >*«"«« IWW. ''-Mher Miller. Myra Leigh, CipUl and also Millie Fisher, with the hgh 'ai-aiichv.- -Edwin Tbiinboiiser offers Ihe feature "RanSs" ,S« Me S "« t ^ta Wnlt<,r I-ndd, Wm. T. I>aiid, Fred'k C. Putter- turn|ier. Major McKinley. Tho comblntitlon BUHXelson ).lclures week or 4. Four speclnl Ulasei- In ••Miss Dohv DoIIhm" 18 '"'l son - HpvI >' n r,,rck "P"son, Archie Rosamund Is nearly nil hooked for 1IMIII. |wrforni,mces were necessary to take cure of Glnser. In "Miss Dolly Dollars." 18-'j;i (Bennet Wilson, mnnngeri.—A. II. Woods this week presents his latest melo- dramatic success. "Confessions of a Wife." The play is replete with stirring situations and thrilling Incidents. The Haulon Broth- ers closed n successful week I). Chns. T. Al- dr'eli. In "Secret Service Ham." 18-UIJ. Oavktv (James Clark, manngcr).—M. M. Tbelse's own organization. Wine, Women and Song Co.. this week. The olio Includes: Do and Forrest Orr. Notks •■-ro'I f.txT's SrvKimMovtxiJ TIC- -The hcndllner tills week Is Anna Laugblln, of "The Wizard of liz" fame. Others are: Houghton nnd Moslier, John Ilyams uud Lcllu Mclutyrc, Snyder and Buckley, Cannon and Fiirniim. John Birch. Mathews and Har- ris. Cartmel and Harris, and the klneto- grnpli. Business last week was good l!n. tho crowds Saturday and Sunday, after run- BuKitiT. pianist, gnve a recital D>!:. . runM.—We aliened our Winter season Not. ulng to capacity all week. 7, In Mendelssohn Hall. IS. to it big house, after having laid off tor Ai.IIamuua -Manager James A. HelKliler Br.tiTA MortKXA. n soprano, cnguged for eight weeks. Fred (fonnerl) TreJ offers "McFadden'ii Ftnts" lout, anil "iiulncy Ihe Metropolitan Opera House, has been Jordan) nnd wife have gathered mound them Adams Sawyer" week of I". .Mason niul obliged to cancel her contract owing to IB- n splendid company, and everything points Mason. In "Frit* anil Stillr.," drew highly ness. nnd will remuln In Uermiiny. jo'a banner business all nloug the line. Fob Katlsfncloiv atteniMlim Ins! week. Tin: (ii:.\sn ot'Kii.v Uot'HK was in a gnat lowing is the roster: Harry toiler, comedian iii.hh (.lolm B. I'lerce.'resldenl mnnngeri. measure Mired from destruction by the cAl- and inuslei'in'. Mons. Louis Ilcplci, miglelan —lloivni'il Hall, with u good supporting coin- cacy of the automatic sprinklers, during nn d illusionist; Fred nnd Knlbcrlne Lunr, pany, drew benvllv In "The Millionaire Be the recent fire there, anil this report was moving pictures. IIlust rated sonss and foreign lectlve," week ol II. Harry C. Blnney, lit dogs and "The Boy Behind tlie dun." 1010, utid nntliraclte "Hearts of Gold" week of 17. ...i the above Stah (Frank H. Trotlniau, iiianiiger).-■- carl with tlie AVutson's llrlentals, week of il, was one of Ihe 1 pay wagon big hlls of (he season, ami drew Ihe usual and, all In crmvds. Miner's Americans In HI, and Ihe Bohemian Burlesqiicrs week uf I". .. featured wllh Ciivstai. (F. II. Winter, nianacer). - "Madame La Marquise," and the part of nu n, P Mercer Moving I'lcturn Co., wan tnWtt Crowded houses continue In rule. Bill week adventuress. In "The Bishop's Sou," when wrietUriy III In Butler. N. J.. Saturday, Nov. of II: I'ele! Family. Dixon and Fields, lhe»» and "Solving the Question," another 2b, nnr$ the company was forced to dote Bully nnd Nelson. Cull and Johnson, Luce of her plays, wen; presented Thursday, Dec. urj tn „„*, Is able lo appear again. and Luce, and Master Slater. ', nt the Carnegie Lyceum. Notks i'iiom COMrrnx's Ki.rjrfno.EKTflAVA- tlMXU (W. W. (iveitg. mnnilger).—People Thk AMtl.K MAUOTI.IKS Titin pave lis first qavsa Co. —We opened In Ablngton, 11!.. Nov. week of II : Broilerlck, J Iku. Ilrobsi. Trio, concert at Mendelssohn Hall Dc<\ S, anil Hie 2S TIiIk compnnv was fnnned up in Chi- Three Alidalluh Bros., and Albene and La ,.':?, T ";*. M l , '' ,1 8' ,r ''• '•'""I. iniiiiiiger).— nudlenec- thoroughly enjoyed .'lie excellent ,„„„ a r„.,. elosln'g with the Oreat Muntly Brntil Busltieas Is highly satisfactory. Motile hcene and company, as a headline a- renditions. , Co, in Caleslnirg, III. We carry twenty Notks.— Leon Wnchsner. of the I'nbsl Tlie- trnction this week, present Her First ut- siihan Stiiono, n former singer nt the nu0l) |,., |„ n prlenlc ,nr. also one baggnw otre. nnd who also puts Herman product Ions vorce Case. Others on the bill are: Mazuz Metropolitan Opera House, arrived Dee. 8, .„ r ' It Is „„,', or t hr- largest eleclrlcar pro- on ul Hie Aiidllsrli wns prcsciileil with n LtaM of its kind mi the road, nnd Is undtr urana by Dr. Weaver. Imperial llenniiii con- management of I!. K, Anil. Jock Camp ten nil, at Chicago, .Monday niglil, I, while lit- Oliver II. IHnlt. The management has tending a perrariiiaiice of "The Robbers.' •ed neither lime nor money In getting Tlie honor was conferred at Ihe direction of and Ifauot, Ford and Pot West, Hathaway n ud expecls lo make a concert tou and Walton, Radio Fa.iium, Charles Suun- ARTHUR Haiik axu Etta IlAiiTi.tit'T gnve n ders, Wlncbcrman's trained henrs. and the n „|«i C nl nnd dramatic recital ut Ihe Berkeley vitagraph. As an extra feature, Charles F, Seamon appears. Good business Inst week. I'AVTON s (S. S. Allen, manager).—"Search- lights of a Area! City." wlrh Etta Heed Par- ian and ihe rest of [he stock company, is this week's offering. "The Little Church Around Hie Corner" playea lo crowded houses last week. "Her -Mad Ma'-rlage" next. IfrHH'K (Frank B. Carr. nuiiiiigerl.—The Coiiinhil Belles Co. ftirnis!' this week's en- tertainment Tlic olio: Charles Robinsou, Fnri'Oll-Tnylor Trio. Charles Falke, Nelson nnd Millcdge. Cook nnd Bnrrett. Rose I'nr- lin. and pictures of Ihe Brllt-Xelson light. The burlesques nre "The Baby Farm" nnd "Cohen, the Count." The Mnseottes did a large week's business ending I). The Cali- fornia lilrls llt-83. Ia'CKI'.m (Louis I'lillllps, maunger).—"A Doctor's Crime" this week. Last week "Why Olrls Cio Wrong" played to good sized houses. Notes.— Samuel II. Cohen, ,manager of Lyceum Dec. S. The audleuce was, In tho main. enni|His?d of professional people. Thk W'iiitb Bats held a "scamper" '1 burs- day night, Dec. 7, al which It. A. Itobctls, Ihe protean actor, was guest of honor. Mr. Roherls was nlso chief enterlnlner, and won ,,-■';• 'V" '",.,, '';! many friends by his clever work. ESTvilSS 3 !^ In liTicl'ons of lis kind on the'road, and Is uridtr iross by Dr. Weaver. Imperial Herman ran- the i nnd . spared neither lime nor money In gelling tlils coinpnuv together, and now lins one »f Kaiser Wlllielin. mill Is In recognition of his the best paying; shows of its kind on the twenly-lwo yeaW service In the Inlcresi. rod,!, of I he Herman ilnimii Calve was cum- Iamik I Hi iks iin>sliletit of Fnirvland pelUsl In poslpaue her ctigagcmeiil al Al- ,„'rk Asseclalioil, wrV'es Hiat Ills'coafran? Iwmbr. T. on account ot illness. She will has leased ten acres of around adjoining apis'in inn, nu. is^ IIIXKN 6..Axr-. K r w ill play the title role »•• ease . en « r s o, , f room, nnjo uio. 4»o 1,111 IMAN\. Dec. 8. As rna Walter X. Lawrence nttraclloiis are lo follow the Helasco companies at the Yorkvllle Theatre, the return of the York- vllle Slock Co.. nt tills bouse, has been set Tor Jan. 15. Business Manager B. K. Blmberg will then instltiile the innovation here of In newest ainiisenient imrk of (irenler 1'ittshtirg. mice responding lo reruns. Tim work of We are Informed Hint llltee hundred thou- Marie lircssler, .lou Welicr, Trlxle l'rlsiia/ii. sand dollars are lo lie spent on tblrlv acres ('bus. Blgelew, Hutu Collins and Sam Marlon of land on Hie outskirts of Allegheny, and. Is deserving of special mom Ion. Wright with, till Hie devices known to the promoter Lot-Inter Is hilled 10-111, presenting "The Mhep- of Summer parka, Ihe new spot will be opened herd King." no,, veo^s old serving for two terms. "Othello." Decatur Choral Symphony Concert wm , „„ „t different Intervals for the pnst won rotmds of w KWI^«norwarB"lMta? entered the tlieatrl- 14. '"Way Down F.usl" 15. "Slaves of the tnm , vcu| .„, „,„| have been favorites in 111. man Blind" Is tho bill for week of 111. hiioriiy.iu.mwi'.uis ">'."^S „......., ,„,. in„»» n: tttimA In Illinois nnd Indliinn where they ell no riled upplaiiso, "Hood- .lie bill for week of 11). Fi.vstti.M (II. Miller, manager).—The John most competen,. , expectedlv made by the death of Mr. Cohen. Mr. Trail has been In the ilionlrleiil Inisluess some thirty-live years, lie sinned as i ilie best nf siitlsfnetinu, pluylng all return Suvmilinli.—At the Savannah Then! re the week of Doe, i! was a busy one. The ev'i'en nsbel^7t > thc''oi(ri , iirk'Tlieatre, In 1875, Woods-Browning Co. occimied the Iwnrds inountnlns. ^"."ttSJJh^tiSuiarSr fflttte Moutiml;. every nl R hl but .7, and dl.l a line business. KoTHM fhoji tiik MtitnocK linos.' t ll.u.1. IIIIU1IJ U .... „ *:._ ,.„,., .,,,,11 ,,,., ,,,,i|,|, trim Kurl, pluylng dates. 'I'm: Oi.n Bki.iaiii.i; Is wllh us when- ever wo can gel It. as we nre up In Ilie p. Mall, manager) "A drew fairly, Nov. 110, wns nlso Mrs Si ooner's inuuuger when she look part. Walter Barker, who has SSSS?£Stt iAbe Itob,n80U awerww» , 8M Opera ilotia c. t.lmtunau. u. others, liicludo : (icorgo Kane, ■" ' ■ . I L I ■■..Ml — <J ...1 I ,. /'Ill SBW rO HK CITY JOTTIIVCS. Alois returned Dec. 9 from Furope. and wlil sing In Ills former rolea at the Metropolitan. , # „, ItiHSiK AliHoir. who made a successful debut at the Ornnd Opera House. WHO, I'f., In 11)02 arrived here Dec. 0, and will make n concert tour under the direction of Henry W'olfsohn. Walter Barker, who has been manager; L. N, I.anouetle. orchestra leader - closes 0, ,|, n, Dionne. bnnd leader; Wm. I'nntln. John success- Knnoid, Henry Fritz. Ernest Knrl. Helen Mur- 1 <loek. Jessie llewetl and Marlon Kurd, Notiin t'lio.M CAi'r. W. D. Amknt'h At- Costley. Alice llolVinun. Hadie dill. John Lvncli, Ornec Leonnrd. Carlisle Slslcrs, Mile, l'hyllls. I'Miiii Km, and Hilda Stewart, who ere meeting with success. Notes.— Will HufTy. of Ihe Run Brothers Circus, who has been nt the Saint Joseph's lulli'uiury. under treatment for Injuries bus- mined while with the circus. Is much Im- proved, nml will soon be on the streets agiiln. Voter Sim was nsaln. In Ibe illy. In advance. He culled lo sec Mr. Duffy, and was greatly ITAII. Miuik Cmih.i. will appear la "Moonshine .,|,. llwt | tf,nt he was so much heller. I In at Ilie Majestic, Chrlslinas and New leers I,,,.,,,],,.,.* have taken ininli Interest In their weeks. , , ,, brother performer, nnd have scut him lliiun- i;x.ii:Uii:i'.T Ilt.Mi'i:iiiiixi-K appeared for he ,.,„, „,,, first time In America as a conductor nt he. +++ Sitndnv night concert at the Melropollfdii One i House, Dec. 9. lending in two of Ids conilPositions, which then hud their first hear- ing i Ibis country. They were:,The prelude to Hie fairy play. "Dornioesclien ClheSlcep- pg Beauty, and Hie Introduction nnd Inter. mean from the opcrn. "Die lllernth Wider Osc.iti H.tMMtawTKiN announces that com- meuclng next October he will inaugurate onl.liniil. Al Ihe Mucdoiioiigh (Cluis. the Old Cross Rands" :iii. Iliiverly'n Min- strels played to riipiielly business Bar. 2, :t. for four performances. "Tim Kho dun" packed the hniise -I. 5. "Hooligan's Troubles" Is (hn iittractlun 10, "Tho I'llnci) of I'llsmi'' 8. II. Linnnv (II. W. Bishop, manager).-.-.Ins, Ni'lll and Kill Hi Clinptnnil, snpporleil by Hi" regular nloek cmnpaiiy. drew capacity lioiiscs In "Thu I'rlviile Hccrctury," week eliding si. "The Light F.loriiul" wns the bill by the regular slock 4-10. "If 1 Were King" fol- lows. iwrin (II. H. Cnllnliiiu, iiiuniiger).- • l.nmler Slovens unit Oeorge Cooper, and llm regular slock drew crowded houses. In "No r- Wedding Bells for Her," week eiidlna .".. "A TftACTioNs.—-We closed our long season of l-lglu for Millions" -1-10. "Child Slaves of eight monlbs, nt Tampa. Fla.. Nov. SH). If New York" lo follow. proved lo be Ihe most prosperous season we llixi. ( Kd. Honiaii, niiiungcr), —Feutures linve ever laid, (in the closing u'glit all II mid neck: Miinvcm, singer and dinner i members of both shows were given a IiIk Ihiii- Jos. II. Sadler. In pictured melodies; Hid iiuet nnd whin supper, mt which occasion Malcoins, In comedy sketch; the llrcnt Bent- the performers and miislclaiis presenli'd ley. Seal performer; Barnst'irui IVIo, Cnpt. Ami'til and wife wllh n vnliiiilile cut singing roinedlutis: llerr Schmidt, In feats glass water set. on n solid sliver trny, as a ol slrenglli, uud the lilograpb. Business Is token of Ihelr friendship and rasped. Capl. to Hie capacity. Aineui and fninllv will spend Hie Winter Nnvci.'rv t'J'ony l.iilielskl. manager).—AL In Hut Springs. Ark., where he has bought trnetloiiM 11 mid week: Tim Five Ashtons, a beautiful home, lie sold Ills big minstrel show lenl In W. T. Johns, of Sunforil. KM.. who wilt use II. us a ciiy opera house. He also sold ills London Ohost Show to Cupl. Bull. Ihe lunch counter num. who will re- main out nil Waller, Cnpt, Anient will build end organize four high class novellv shows for next season, and will go out with Snlt Lake. City.—At the Salt Lake. The- atre (Oeo. D. I'yper, innnugcr) "Tile Col- lege Widow" played lo crowded houses Nov. "iO-Dec. '.'. Lodge No. 8">, B. I'. O. Elks, held everything brand new. All members of (he - . . ~V ._■.-. ,» .... » .1 riAJteJlKjtf *«*.»»■■ ../.■Hnntiln,, Lniiii urtoiisiol H'liOos i,i,i,iirtillitfin I U neruiiiiis; Lyu Welelicr. tuonidoglst; the Tioiilindoiir Tito. Tom Klin, coiueily nero lint: Princess Chliinulllu. Iiidlnn vociillsl; the Weber Family, ciiulilbrlsts, and the vita- giaph. Business is good. I'm run: (Clms. K ticks Jr.. tiiannger).—Hill II and week: Clms. (inylord. inonologis!; Lewis mid .Mathews, siiiirpHlioolors; Ihe CrHit Sl.'inslleltl. In cbnracler sketch; the Kcoflelds. iiutslcul act; Ofo. Olt and liurni. Its memorial services il. and stiindlrg room companies have secured Wittier engngeoirnls. Kcoflelds -musical ncl ; Ofo. Olt and llurni was at n nreinliiiii. Lewis James 18-20. Mli.Tov P. Lvoxs, who for nearly ten years In comedy sketch, nnd Ihe latest bmplre. mo dnwii ( Arthur C. Siullev, niaoiiger).— lectured nt Ihe Mnlli mid Arch Klrecls Mil- Hon plclures. Oootl business rules.