The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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PJ3CfiMBB»-ffi THE NSl¥ YORK CLIPPER. -■—- • • ' * ■ • ' ... 1109 la, Kroatburg 14, Montreal, ruinulow... I"--. '»• &«mcll.vl11c U. Cumber- S& i/The lllne" <I» •>• BUTln. rogr.)—Mar- "■ , "Ih!»«n ll.13. "•»* 14 ' °" kal0 °" 15 ' ttllUcn ?r. Kort Madlion IT. ■ :. • r' u, <*^ri(h" <JV c. IWckwell. togr.)—Haov 3ia0 ,', l, ^Vn Albion 18. Palmyra 1ft, 1,'anaiulnl- Mell"? Hb;.*}r2t_ viim 22, WelUvllIe 2a. (W. -A. Junker, Hlnckwvll. Okla. .in ln'i.ivla 21. Warsaw l*ESa5S? jT.C Lewis "SI ' .'wpll Kan., 13. Hinnwvii. imia. lMir 'A'^? 13 ntKrlein. KnM 18. KlntrflxlMT JSWSSSFW* Walter. mgr.i-CoIumbua, "SSS^SS? S^^-Efc XL: iil n Vnje i«lllf. Ark.. 10. Kurt Smith 18. Kirk.villi in. Utile Ifnrk »»• „,, ... -In Virginia Drew lJ"*oi'l' Khlpinnn. mgr.l Tn ^7'^n)i «r" in.i.v 12. i».r«yn«« I* «"■**• IIL.I3. Charleston 1«. mgrs. i i'nna 18, Tuscola J'.i. Mtilf".i 2". Tomer. Clara (In W. Ja'-kson, ■TlM*>«MP< Mass.. 18-2... nigr.)— Dovit, X lola. K»D.. IT, ~, no«-k (Will F. Conlon. nigr.) T m.\T«t ( « 10. Mluea. Mo. JSMrttoS^"%fti-.ft' 1 "' 8 (Fr "' i^Tn mur-l—N* »• C") n-iu, •TH.'." (F» "■ Kein ' ugi-.)-Cincinnati. O., •■r'Ji-Vefl Around the World" (A. H. Woods. ^I-OnriM* O.. ll-lil, Detroit, Mlcu., 17- ••t2,V <tl»lers" 'C. H. Smith, iB.V-QkMNb, VjiI. Snra'osn 1£ Klmjv.on 13. Cos- tM-kbV'M. l^ugnkeenale I"'- P wtoMj l Hi. Haver- ^fT** IS, Saujerilw 10. Waldoii 2U. -•i?io Jobtts"-Jeirersou City. Mo.. 11, Mexico i* Lnal«lana 13. Hannibal 14. BrookOeW 15, J,"; ll( , r it in. Sedalla IT. tt-ntralln 18, Montgoiii- io- 19. Kdwardsvllle. III., 51. U ••Coder Southern Skim," Western (ferry Dori ■snaa uigr.)—Kearney, ,\rbr., I::. Grand I<lund 14. HmillBRB -lB._Coluiolnin 1«, Omaha •roeTe Tom'H Cahln." Al. W. Martin's. (Ed,, H. M.riin mgr.l—Slatlngton. Tn., 13. UeaUliis 14 Tmshobocken- 15. We«t Chester 10. Sew &tri"<*. S I., 18, Burlington 1!». Plain- Se!,l 2fl. llartfoid. Conn., 21-2.1. ■■i-acle Tom's Cahln," Stetson's. Central (Orunt ijk* mir.l—Sew Castle. Ta.. 14. Beaver K»ll« IS? Rochester 1«. Sharon 18, flreenvllle ■rifle Tom's'cabin'." Stetson's, Kastern (John I Shannon, ragr.)—Summomlde, I'. E. I., 11, •siurl. 12, Oeorgetown 13. Stellarlowu, N. S., 14. Wlnilaor IB. BrKlgewater 16. "Inrle Tom's Cahln." Stetson's. Western (Wm. Klhlik. •mm-.)—Kanknkec, 111.. 13, Hoopston 14. lunrllle In. ■rnwriilen Uw"—Kluston. N. C, II. Wilming- ton 12, Florence. S. C. 13. Darllngtou 14, Co- lamWa .15, Xeurljerrj- IC. •Tiulr J*fh SpruoeV (J- I • rhoiohiie, mgr.)— Urttn-ihoro. Ala.. 13. Moiiteomcry 14-lii. -1-aHe J«r* I'erklus," Knarern. II. II. Fraree'a dlirrr 1*« Mack, nigr.!—l'lattshurg. Mo., IS, Libert..' I». ... "llichs -'nab Perkins," Western, 11. H. RMn (Joa. l:nlllni»r. tngr.)—liln Umtc, In., 14. Cur- i«ll, Mou(.. 15. Ferry. Ida., 1U. (lallwlmrg, III., 21, Streator 23. , ••* .-.- v- -v .-;-•■ V■in,'' Hillv B. (I*. II. SnlllTmi Amuse Co., uigri.) —Tolnio, i>., 1U-13, Oram! Kupid-. Mich., 14- 11!. (Saicoo.. 111.. 17-23. • Vir Stofk IK. C. Via., uisr.)—:Farkersburs, \\. Al..-rlllfl, Chillleollie, (>.. 1S-23. •VMnian": (The Klrkc l.a Sbelle Cm., mgrs.)— CUcain, HI.. 11-23. ' ,.-. ...,,- .. W - Wil»b, Blanche (WagehnIs & Kemper, mgri.)■•- Bfllloaelphla. Pa.. 11-23. • mtleld, David (David BeUiseo, aajr.)—N. V. City 11, indellnlte. WINnn, Krancla (Chorlea Frnhmnn, mgr.)—Clev^ land. O.. 11-10. Boston. Maaa.. 18-3M. Weher'n. Juxeph M., All Slura (C. T. K. Miller. oiirr.1—Uaifcvllle, Ky.. 13, 14, Toledo, 0„ 10. Wheelock, Joseph Jr. (Charles Frohtnon, mgr.) — Bostoa, Mass., 11-Jau. 0. WlUanl. F.l S. (Charles A. Moore, mgr.)—X. Y. City 1130. Wilson. Al. H. (Sidney It. Kills, mgr.) — Heading. !'". , 13. Allcntoivu 14, ^(uh.iuov City 15, Sun- Uiiri- li'.. Willluiuspcivt 18. Vork 111. Wilier MlilteaiJn (A. X. Croaa. mgr. I—St. Lonls, Mo,. 11-23. White. Porter 1. (Rowland & Clifford, mgrsl— Tipton. lii.L, 13, Peru 14, llliiirton 15, HartfuM Cltj"IO. Wnia, .Vat M. (Broailhurat & Cnrrle, rngrs-)— Trenton. X. J., 14,-Wllkea-Barre M, Wird. Itap (E. D. Stair, mgr.)—Uulavlllp, Ky., 101«, Clm-Uuuill. 0.. 17-23. ■, WUllims, Lottie (II. H. Wlnchell, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III.. lO-lil. St. Paul, Minn., 17 23. Wrlfht, Edward (Frank L: Weaver, mgr.)— Leestarg, Pa., 11. Brownsville 12, Punxsntaw- ney 13. Khenalxirg 14, Haatlngs 15. Barnes- , bora 10, Pntton 18. (lien Campbell 19. Welih. Joe (Dingwall i> Xlcolal. niKra.)—Ha mil- ton. Cng„ 15, HI. West awl Yokes—Columbia, S. C 15. Wolford, Mamie Sheridan (K. I. Ixmg Island. Kan.. 11.13. Warner Comisly (Ben K. Warner, mgr.)—MadI- aon, S. Dak.. 11-In. Waite Comely (Jamea R. Waite, mgr.)—Lynn, Mlas., 11-10. White. Stock (T,. >J. White, mgr.)—Mnrqtictte. Mich., in-ln. Willick'K Theatre (Dublnsky rtros.. mgra.)—Mo- tierl}-. Mo., 1S-20. ■ Wlnnlngrr Br&(.'' own (Frank Wlnnlnger. mgr.) —OikkoKli. Wis., ln-17, luiiil du l.a.: 18-24. nook-Tlionipsou (Mack Snil Alii, mgr.)—Auburn, HI., 14-17. Olrard 18-20. Winter Stock (J. J. Winter, mgr.)—Wilson, X. O. 11-13, Torbom 14-10. 'Way Down East," Western (Wra. A. Brady, Kjr.j— Sail I^ike City Hit!. « ay or the Transgreswir" (Chna. H. Yale, mgr.) Mcrilml, Can., ll-lli. "\V«j.lf,l. mid Parted," Eastern. Sullivan. Harris *'WiHohi" (K. I.. Johnson, mgr.I—Xew Haven. Cjmi., imr. linrtrnnl 14-1.1, Ilnrrlsburg, Pa.. 18-20, Set ant mi 21-23. "When ihe World Sltvjw" (Millennial Bros.' Amuse. Co.. nujrs.l—Elizabeth, X. J., 11-13. I'hila,lel|ilila, l'a., 18-23. "nTien We Were Twenty-uue." Central (Draudon . i.°" tln, y. mgr.)—Sandusky, O., 14. Why Women Slu," Western (Jack F. While, uujr.)—.Vshloud. Wis., 13, Ilvssemer, Mich., 14, Merrill. Wis.. 15, lllilnclaiiilcr 10, Iron Moun- tain. Mich., 18. Escanalw l!t. Miinlsll(|iic 20. . ,*J"ri|iiel to 21. I.'Anac 22. Hnnrm-k 23. nlty lllrb. Untie Home." BiiHtetn (Yiiitre & Sul- llvah. uigrs.i—Eranklln. Pn., 13. Ashtabula. , <A, 14. Warrvtr 13. East Mvcrpmd 18. Why (Jlrla Leave HiHue," Central (Vance A Sul- livan, nigra.)—Ilnrrlsburg. Pa., 11-13. Wllkes- B«rre 14-10, McKet^iwrl 18-20, Coluuilras, U.. "Wiitiiaii In the CaK'" IWagetilials *- Kemper, nigra.)—Peoria. III.. 13. Monnioulh 14, llalcs- _ latrg 15, J.dlt't Hi. . Wife's SfMrt" iSiK-ncer li Alairii, mgrs.)—Ti»- , MM, f,an., ll-lit. 22. 39, "hat Wninen Will Do" ill. M, Holder, inzr.t— 'War Uaplda, la., 18. Y ^■■«ni K.|*| n . Sim*—FiinnvHIc. Va.. U-lll. 'omit; Hutroln" 11Sins. r.. BUim-v Atnusc Co.. »«^;)—X. X. City 1110. Jersey City. X. J.. "Ywk ,siBip E.dks" (Ereil E. Wright, mgr.) — Dojlon. o., 14-H1. i'erley, mgr.)— 14. Cliarleaton Paul, mgr.)— sM-lfCAL. "lanvelt. Lillian (F. V. Whllncy. mgr.)—CM- •ana in., n. imieiiuiie. •eni.,rd. H-i-n. a i H | Unlllt- willl.nus (t.'linrica iTuhmin.- niCT.)—St. Paul. Mliin., m-13. Mln- ""I'olls 14-10. Mllwr.iikee.. Wis.. 17-20, Rock- t'J.-.l HI.. 21, Houlb Bend. lull.. 22. (Irand Hapld<. Mich.. 2.1. Mftek Path 'rronbadourn (Voelckel 4 Nolan, ■'•ra. i—Charleston, R. c, 13, Savannah, «a., 14. Wayeroaa 15. Ilninswick Ifl. Jacksonville. IR, Rt. Augustine It). I'alntka 20, Ocaln ..$.■' ^Itou 22. (lalneavllle 23. "ao" li» the Wanda" (John C. Fisher, mgr.)— Idcago. 111.. 10'ln. Halie. in Toyland" IMyrini It. Rice, mgr.!—X*. , \.. Oily li, indennlle. ll'Slur Prince" Oiiem. F. A. Wade's (i:dwln Padcrsun. nigr.)—Mnrt. Tei.. 13. West 14. Waxiiliai-liie 15. 111. Hlllalnm 18, Uvnluit IV. ,3* ClclMirtie 21, 22, Kleideiivillc 23. ■ lleugat- PrliK-c" l)|«ra ill.rry 1/n Velle. mgr.) Kailfonl. \a.. in. Wytherllle 14, Johnson City, Tenn., 13. Oreeiivlltp, Ya.. III. "Ilelle i)f -Avennr A" (A. 11. Wood., mgr.) — Prnvlflejoce, R. I., 11-lC. Ca«thor|ie. Jiwr.!! (Kluw fc Rrlinger. mgrs.) — I'itistMire, Pa., 1MB, Wheeling. YV. Va.. :S. Zancavltle. O., 111. Oilnmhus 2U, Sprinrfield 21. Hayioii Ti, Fort Wayne; lad.. 83. " Cahlll, .Mariv illinlel V. Arthur, mgr.)—Broo!;- lyn. X, \.. 11-14. X. Y. Illy IS, ludednlte. Caiiaillan Jnlillee Slngera |W. T. Cary. mgr.)— Bellalre, Mich., 13, Central Like 14. C4iorle- voW IB, Petoaley 10. 17. Pellston 18. Levct- Ih(t lit, Muckliuu' 20. St. Ignace 21. Xewberty 22. ■ fraud Marias 23, 24. "Coming Thro' the Ilye" (0«y>. W. Loderer. mgr.) Itillaileliihla. Pa., 11-23. "Chaperons" (Kingsbury i Wclty. mgrs.)—Cin- cinnati. O., HJ-ll). "Clnderelln" (T. f:. Alloy, mgr.)—West Tolnt, .Miss.. 13. Abenleen 14. Atiwry 15. Tupelo 10, • ikahinn IK, Holly Springs 11*. Boonville 20, luka 21. Shefflrlil. Aln.. 22. I'ulaskl. Tenn., 23. Danlpla. Frank It!. 11. Dillingham, mgr.)—To- nunc. Can., 11-10. Chh-ugn. III.. 11-23. De Angells. .Icfferson iSlinhert l:r«> llnstoa. Mi;.-... IS. hidrtlnlie. IlMhoii. Frank tl". CI. Xlson-Xiriilluzer, ingr. i— Altoonn, l'a., 1:1. Johnstown 14. (Ireeusburg 15, llMTer Fills HI. Ktenbenrllle. (>.. IS. Whelelnii, W. Ya.. in, Slsterrtllc 20, Clarks' burg 21, Fairmont 22, Morgantown 23. F,:n:llsh Oraml Ota-ra. Henry W. Savage'a lltalph Eilmunils. mgr. I—Washington. 1). C. 11-10, Xorrolk. Va.. IS. Ulchiiu.iid 111. 20. Columbia, S. C, 21, Ch.nrle.tou 22, Savannah. On., 23. "Earl the dlrl" (Shnberl Bros., mgrs.)— S. Y. t'lly 11, Imleltniti-. Ford, .loliiiny. ami Mnvinc Oehnie IMlttcntliul Uriw. Ainnw. Co.. mgrs.)—Minslleld, 0„ 13. Toledo 14-lii, Detroit. .Mich., 17-23. FIsfc's. IJoile. <h-<-liestr«—Itlaliee. X. Dak.. 13, Holla 14. Rotllneapii 15. Ouiemec HI. Utigby IS. I.ansfi.r.l l!>, (ili-iiliiini 20. Crnnrllle 21. Mlnnt 22. lVlKlielts 23. Fowler ami his Hand IW. 15. Fowler, director.) —(irceinlehl. >l<i.. lit. 17. Aurora 18. Mon-tt 1!). lingers. Art., 20. Fayenevllle 22. Furl Smith S3. "Fortune Teller" (Mi)lon * Sargent Abnrn, mgrs.) —Birmingham. Ala.. 11-lti, Xnslivllle. Tcnu.. IS-23. Grand Opera <II<4nrlvh C'«ni-lrd, nigr.J—X. Y. City It. linh'liii'ic. Glaser, Lulu. Opera |C. D. Dillingham, mgr.)— Xew Haven tViin.. 13. Mpriugnehl. Mass., 14. 15, Worcester HI. Brooklyn. X. Y . 1S.23. "Olrl and Ihe Bandit" (Frank I Cleveland. O.. 11-ltl. "liingerhretiil Man" (Converse i Peters, nigra.) — I'hlliulel|ilila. Pa.. 11-33. "(lay Xew York." fins Hill's (Chua. B. Burton, mgr.)—Torouti). Can., 11-10, Buffalo, X. Y„ 18- 23. "(lay Matinee fllrl"—Boonville. S. Y.. 11, Cam- ilen 12. lllon 13, Herkimer 14, Canajoharle 13. .Norwich Hi, llnoilltou IS, Cozenovia 10, l^ou Yan 20. Hopper. De Wolf IShubert Bros., mgrs.)—Drrok- lyn. X. Y.. ll-ln. Hill. I'unllne—Ansiln, Tes.. 14. Fort Worth 18. "Ills Hiibuess. the Hey" i Waller Lindsay, nur.) —Haniiltoii. CM.. II. Detroit, Mh-h.. 18-2». Inua Comic !I|m~j iWiii. lleywissl. bus. mgr.i — Osceola. Xcl.r., 13, Schnyler 14. "Isle of Hong r,.»iiv" (1!. C. Whltucy. iugr.1 — l>iivi>ii|s»rt. In;. 13, Port Minllson 14, Hurling- tun 15, KcLukl*!, East St. Louis, HI.. .17. "Isle of Stilco" iH. <:. Whitney, mgr. > —X. Y. City ll-lli. "Isle of Spier" til. C. Wlillncy. mgr.I—Dunkirk, X. Y... 13, Wurrwi. l'«.. 14, Kaia- 15, 1'iais- siilawiicy lit, lni Bols 18, Clcarltelil 1!), Wll- llonisport 2<>. "In -CnjiM'H lianleu" (James Phelnu. mgr.i — l':li/.:iiieili. X. <.'.. 11, ISdemon 12. WllmliicKai 111; (idldslsiivi II. Italelgh 15. Tliomasvlllp Hi. lJr-xhiKli>a 18. Monroe 19, Concord 20. Salisbury 81,.Spartanburg. S. C. 22, llluckvllle 23. "[.it tic Hi'.<'l.i.«~" iMIIii.ii II Snrgeut Aborn. ingra.)—Tlitin, ()., 13, Findlay 14, Marion 15, Lima IK ■■• :. "L|la-riy>]!elles". (Fred fl. Berger Jr.. mgr.) — Kansas City. Mo.,, Lincoln, N.-br.. 18. Cal«iul.ha 1:1, X.irfnlk 2tt, Fremont 21, Missouri Valley, la.. 22. May, Edna iCiiarles Frnlioian. mgr.)—Hartford, Conn., II, New Haven 12, Waterlmry 13, Provi- dence, It. I.. 14-HL "Mlas Hob While" IF. O. Nlxon-XIrdllngei-, rogr.) —New Castle, lull.. 13, Klwnod 14. Culon City 15, I'orllaiul HI, Van Wert. O., IS. Wapako- uela 10, Marlon 20, llucyraa 21, Fremont 22, TTtBn 23. "Mayor of Tofclo" (Charles Marks, gen. mgr.) — X. Y. City It. Imleaiilte. ".Maid and Ihe Mummy" (Charles Marks, geu. mgr.)— Milwaukee. Wis., 10-13, (Jreeti Buy 14. Ajileton 15, Foul du Lac in. Oshknsh 17, .Mail- ton 18, Jancsvlllc 10. Clinlnn. la.. 20, Cedar llarplils'21. Mollne, HI.. 22. Hock Islnti.l 23. "Matinee Ulrl" (Snm Pickett, mgr.)— Richmond, Ya., 13. "Xniify Brown" (Wells. Dunne & Harlan, mgrs.) —(Sicagu. 111., 10-H). "Penrl anil the Pumpkin" (Klaw & Erlnnger. mgrs.)—Waahlnglou. D. C, 11-16. "Prince of Pllnen." Henry W. Savage's (Chan. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Portland. Ore.. 13, Seattle. Wash.. 14-10, Victoria. B. C. IR. Vancouver HI. H,'lllngli.iin, Wash.. 20, Taconiu 21, Ellen- l.iirg 22, North Yuklnia 23. "Peggy from I'arU" (Midlson Corey, mgr.)—Sii- lierTor, Wis.. 13, Duliilh. Minn.. 14. 10. St. Paul 17-20, Mlnncninlla. 21-23. "PUT! Puff!! I'unr!!!" (B. IS. Wliltney. mgr.)— Brailford. Pa.. 13. Klmlra. X. Y„ 14. Auburn 15. Ithaca HI. Buffalo 18-23. "Pink llusxnr." Kohl Jr Castle's—Chicago. III., 10. Imleaiilte. "Professor Xaialrau" (R. U' i W. Mills Davis. ingi-s. I—Home, f.a., 14, 15. Cliattanooga. Tenn.. "1 22. Itichunls' Jiiveaile Opera III. Percy Hill, nigr.)-- Sl. Charles, Mo.. 13, East St. Louis, HI., 14, St. I.iuls. Mo.. I".. Hi. "Itajjli or Billing" lEinjene S|Hjffor.!, get), ragr.) — Hamilton. t>„ 13, Mldilletuwii 14, Dayton 15, Xonla 10. Croatia IR, Delaware 1, Newark 20, Zanesvllle 21, Coshocton 82, Xew Philadelphia 23. " 'Ior>l" (Milton & Sargent Aborn, nigra.) —Wilmington. K. I!.. 13, Elnrenc.?, S. C, 14, Darllnglun IB, Snnilcr Hi. Clinrlolte, N. 0., IK, Concord la, Chester. S. C. 2i». Spartanburg 21. UrwuriUV 22, Newberry 23. ?chcir, Prltr.l (C. 11. nilllngluni. mgr.i—Chi- cago. HI., ll-lil. "SiinfJiin," Henry W. Savaw'H 111. IV. McFir- land. :in;r.)—Suu Jom?, Cnl.. 13. Sacramento 14. Eiiavite. tire.. Hi, Portland 211-83. ••sultan nt SiiIh" iMailUni I'flrey. mgr.)—Min- neapolis. Minn.. 17-311, SI. Paul 21-23. "Show Clrl" lit. I". Whitney, nur.)—Fort Worlh. Tex.. II, Hollas 12. 13, Waco 14. Austin 15. Sun Antiiiila HI. Halvciou IT-IK, Hoiislon 20, 21, Beaumont 82, Lake Charles, Lu.. 83. "RanToy" Molin <•'. Flslicr. mgr.I—Muncle, Intl., 1.1, AlVlci-ioli 14. IMil'iiliill'l 15. ColUtltblls, 13., Hi. ,S|>rliultlchl is. hi, urn HI, Dm.h.ii 30, New- ark 81. Ziim'HVllle 22, Camlirldge 2:i. ",-:ini|ile slmou Simple" II'. (I. Xlxiai-XInlllngor, liig-.-.)—Wellsls.i-o. Pn.. 13, Oleun. X. Y,. 14, Jninestmva 15. llradfoiil. Pa.. Hi, Sinelbjort 15, Kutic lit, Du It..Is 20, Punssiitawney 21, Butler 22. Sear I'nstle 23. "Seminary Hlrl." M. It. Iliiyniond's—Fraiikfort, "Simtigles" (f. K Nlnlllngor. mgr.i—Phlladcl- plilii. I'll., M-23. Temnielon. Fay iKInw & Krlimger. mgrs. I—t.hl- casi', 111- H-3". 'I'liiitMiiv Kvn iJns. M. liillw. mar.I—Kansas City. Mi... I7-S3. "THefil t- Uli'l" <W. II. Malchelle. uiir.i— l'oiiin-ll lllnirs. In.. 13. Fremont. Xehr.. 14. Malvern. In.. IR. (Ilrim,«»l 10. Xt-bniska «;ity, Xebr 21. Iliiuiliiir.-. In.. 28. Shi'iianilooh 2-'l. "Teislerfooi" iW. P. iiilleii. nier.i— Mliiueni»Hv. Minn.. 10-1.1. SI. Paul 14-10. "Tom. Hick ami Hurry" iA. II. Woods, unr.) — Philadelphia, I'u.. 11-Hi. Boston. Mass.. 18-23. ' rmplrc" IM. II. Singer, mgr. .—Chicago, 111.. 10. hHleflhlle. Van HliiiliHfnr.1. tsrnce I Horetii: Zlegfehl. ni«r.l - IMItebnr". i'a.. ll-IR _ _ ■•Veronl<|iie" IKInw k hrlauger. nigra.)—X. Y. City 11. ImleBiille. „ ■ Willi Musical (John II. Wills. mgT ; l—Xew Or- leans. La.. IIf-M, Baton ltuuge 17-20. Monroe 2.1-25. "W-xxllatnl " Henry W. Ravoge'a (Percy .Sage. mgr.i—lixhigUm. Ky.. 13, Colitmbiw. O.. 14. I'hiua 1-*. Dayton 10, Marlon, Hid., 18, (losueu ID. South Bend 2». Tern? Haute 81, Indian- until*. 33 "^ ••W.ih.lerland' ; "l'ltanilln, Mltehell A riclds, oira. i —S. Y, CII.V 11-23. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" IW. T. Carlelon, Hgjr.|—U*l Angeles, Oat, BI-33. I Han.11.i. Mitchell A Fields. Ma*.. Il-lu, PItlahurg. Pn.. (Jidin P. Slocuiu. mgr.) —Du- Winnipeg. Man.. 15, 10, Oranl ., IK, Fargo 10, Butte, Mont., "Wlnnl ><t Or" racrs.l—lkwloii, IR-S3. "Yankts.. Conant" Intli. Mini.. 13, Kiaks. X. Dak 88. 23. , . IIIIILKSUI K AMI \ At I1KV ll.LK. Am<>rlrahs (KilwInD. Miner, mgr. t —Milwaukee. Wis... 10-III, St. Paul. Minn.. 17-23. Avciiae lllrls Itleo. Hale, mgr.)—Montreal, Can., 11-H1, Toronto 18-2::. Alcaiar lleaiitlei. i i.'lui.. Taylor, ingr.1—Mlnneipo lis, Mlim., HI-111, Ilululh 17-2:'.. Bryant's. Havrj C.,-. (C. It. Kea- joa. mgr.I —Ti^iy. St. Y.. 11-10. SprlngBell. Mass.. IK2U, Holyoke 21-23. Blue Blhouii Ulrls (Jack Ringer, mgr.)—ClevelinJ, t)., lll.i. Uufrnlo. X. Y.. 18-23. Bowery Bnrlemjiu-ra iJoc Hut tig, mgr)—Phili- dclpnla. Pn., 11-10. Boliriiilaus iBarney Olrard, mgr.)—Chicago. III., inK.. Milwausee. Wis.. 17-3:1. Bon Tons iBush A Weber, mgrs.)—SprlngneM, Mass.. 11-13. Ilolynke 14 10. Brigmllcrs (Ctias. Cromwell, ingr.l—Baltimore, MO., ll-lil. Philadelphia. Pn.. 1S-22. Baltkninre Beaitties il.nul. Cranat. mgr.i—De- Mich.. Iii-HL Orand Itaplila 17-23. Broadway llalcly lilrla t lames II. Cm-tin. mgr.) --Seaiile. Wnsli.. 10-10. Portland, Ore. 1783. Black Crook Jr. Ularry llaallngs, mgr.)—Bloom- Inglon., 13, Bedford 14. Kvansvllle 15. HI. Terrt llonte IS. Hi. Sullivan 20. Vlnceunes 21, WuahlUKtnn 22. lhslfonl 83. Clly S|n.ri. Willi Sheridan, mgr.)—Nashville. Trail., 11-10. New Orlenns, |ji„ 17-23. Cracker Jacks lliarry Lisml. mgr.)—X. Y. City ll-Hi. HnHikl'ii. X. Y.. 18-30. Casino Olrls |M. M. Tbelse. uigT.)—Xewark. X. J., 11-10, X. Y. Clly M-a Cherry Hloiaoma (M. Joeidis, rogr.)—Philadelphia, Pi.. 11-10. N. Y. City 18-23. Colonial Belles (Cbas. frank, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 11--23. California (ilrls (0. II. Turner, ingr.l—X. Y. Clly 11-10. Brooklyn. X. Y.. 1S30. Deveres, Sum. tiwn (F. K. Freeman, mgr.)-— riii.'iniiall, ().. Hi-HI. Clevelnnd 18-23. I).lint v Hucliess I Itnsli & Wetser. mgrs. i—Kansas Clly, Mo., 10-111. SI. Louis 17-83. Dreamland lleaoties (Prank Cnlder, mgr.)—llu- liitii, Minn.. ll-Hi. Dainty Faroe (Caaiphell a Barnes, mgi's.)—X. Y. Clly 11-83. Kmvlre Itiirlcsoners (J. Kenuwsy, mgr.)—X. Y, I'llj 11-lti. llnsiklyn. X. Y„ 1S-2:L Fay Foster (Joseph lliipenhrliner. mgr.)—Phlla- ■ Iclphla. Pa.. 11-10, X. Y. Clly 1R-3I). Cay Mornha (llorles (Sain A. Rcrlhner. mgr.)— Plttslmrg, Pa.. IS-23. Cay MasguemoVrs (Johu S. llaynor, iukt.) — Scriiilini. I'll.. MI". Xewnrk, X. J., 18-23. itohk-ii Crook (Jacobs it Jermnn. mgrs.)—St. lamia. Mo., 10-10. Chicago, III.. 17-23. High Hollers (A. II. Wnoilhiill. mgr.)—Cincin- nati. O . 1.1-1... Xashvllle. Tenn.. 18-8S. Howanl. May. K\trava.;anza (Oisirge K. Learned. nigr.)—Loniarille, Ky., 10-HI. Cincinnati, ').. 17-3'l. Hi ah Sclirsil t: lrl« (Alfred Mayo, mgr.)—Buffalo, X. V.. 11-10, Detroit. Mich.. 17-23. Irwin's Big Slmw (Fred Irwin, mar.)—Pittsburg, l'a.. 11-11*, iTncliii'i.ll. O.. 17-23. Itiiis-rlals lJes«. Burns, mgr.t—Toronto, Can., ll-lil, llnffaki. X. V.. IR-23. Iib-jls iSim Wllllania. nigr.)—ITevelaud. <>.. 11- III. Pltlslairj. i'a.. IS-23. .lollv lilrls IT. K. McCrcury. uigr.)—S<.ali1e. Wash.. 17-23. Jersey Lilies (lien, lloffer. mgr.i—X. Y. Clly It* HI, PhlladcllMlla. Pa.. IS-23. Jolly Crass, Widow* nius W. Hogin, nigr.)—St. I.Hlls. Mo.. Hi-HI. Illdluliaisdls, Hiil.. 18-83. Knli-keiUs-ki'i-s. .Louis ltoldc, mgr.)— llnsiklyn, S. Y., 11-23. Kentnckv Itrllra iHubert (iordoii. mgr.)—Wash- ington, la, C. 'l-lll, lliilllliiore. .Mil.. 18-28.. Merrv Malilnis IJ.-l*wry. mgr.)—Jersey City, X. J„ 11-10. Philadelphia. Pa.. 18-23. MiM Xew York Jr. (Hurry Fierce, nigr.)—Brook- lyn, X. Y„ II HI. Boston. Mass.. 18-23. Majestlca.i t'feil Invln, ingr.)—Tolclu. ().. 10-ld. CleVWand .18-21. .Vonnllght-Mnhls (David KrniM. mgr.)—X. Y. Clly ll-Hi: Philadelphia, l'a.. 18-23. Merry Makers lit. • K. Pntton, ingr.l—Pittsburg, Pa., JI-IH. Wushhigloii. H. IS., 1S-2.",. Mascills 11. J. Motuihaii, mgr.i—Brooklyn, X. Y„ 11-10. Paterson. N. J.. 18-23. Merry Hnrhwincra iWm. liallunf. mgr.)—San Kranclauii. i'al.. 11-10. Xew York StnrH <M. M. Tlielse, mgr.)—ChlciRO, III., 10-10, Ti.i.slo, O.. tT-23. Xew Ceulury lilrla «3ina. W. Daniels, mgr.)— I'nti-r- hi. N. .1.. 11-10. Jersey City 18-23. Xew Uiiulon li il.'.y lllrls iCIIil W. Urant. uigr.) — Vlrgi'il-i City. Nrv.. Hi, lteno 11. Salt Lake Clly, I'.. 18-23. Orientals if. It. Watson, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., 10-HI, Minneapolis 17-83. Orphetuii SIkov, M.-irllu Beck's—Xew Orleuiia, La., 114 it. Parisian Widows (Bush & Wela-r. mgrs.)— Bos- ton. Mam.. 11-10. X. Y. Clly 18-24. Parisian Belles IJohn lirleves, ingr.l—Salt Lake Clly. t:.. 01.'.. Tienver, Colo., 17-23. Beeves', Al.—Fusion, Mass., ll-lil, X, V. City 18-23. Hill 1'nclbli Folly 11! lee at Barton, mgrs.) —Alhnnr, N. Y., 11-10, Troy IS-23. Kentv-Sanlley <Ahe lanvlit. nigr.) — Buffalo, X. Y.. lllfl, Rochester 18-23. Bice A- llirlon'H Big ilnlely—Bendln n ', Pa., 11-1(1. Scranimi 18,23. Ruse Sulell's London Belles (W. R. Campbell, ingr.l- Buxton. Mass., 1R-2.1. Kellly & H'cul's (Pat Itcllly. ragr.)—Boston, Mass.. ll-Hi. Montreal. Can.. 18-23. Himowar illrls ll'eter R. Clark, mgr.)—Kansas Clly. Mo.. 17-23. Star Show Olrla (W. I'enneasy. mgr.)—Indian- upolla. IwL, 11-10, Louisville. Ky., 18-23. Trans Atlantic BurlesipierK lllurllg Jit Seonion. mgrs.)—Itia-liealer. X. Y.. 11-10, Albany 18-23. Troeailerms (Chas. II. Waldron, mgr.)—Pblladel- phln. Pn.. 11-HI. Thoroughbreds (1„ J. Olierwarlh. nigr.)— Port- land. Ore.. 10-10. Sao Francisco. Cnl.. 1823. Tiger Lllllea (Issv C.roilg, mgr.)—Kansas Clly, Mu.. 17-23. I'loplnns (W. V. Jennings, mgr.)—Kntnas City, Mo.. 17-23. Vanity l-'nlr (Itnliort Mancheater, mgr.)—New Or- lenns, l.a., 11-16. World Dealers (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)—Provi- dence, 11 I.. 11-ltl. Boston, Mass.. 18-2.1. Wine. Women and Song (M. M. Tlielse. mgr.)— Bnoklyn, N. Y, 11-10. I'mvldenee. li. 1-, l»- 2.1. •.Vaslilnglnn Bocietv Olrls (Kernnn Ji Wntsnn, mgrs. i—Kansna Clly. Mo., in-HI, SI. Louis, Mo.. i7-::i. Yankee limvlle Olrls (Louis llnrrls. mgr.)—Orand nnplds. Midi.. 10 Hi. Cliieago, HI.. 17-23. MIXRTRKI.M. Barlow k Wilson's (Lawreni* Barlow, nigr.l— Wluona. HM, 13. Canloii 11. Magnolia i-. Anilli'. La., Hi. Xew Orleniis 17-J3. I>M.katuder'B. la-w (Chorlcs D. Wilson, nigr.)— Plillii,lel|.lit,i. Ph.. 11-10. Ik idly ft Hatlhdd's Kdtrard Cnniinl, nigr. i— Miiiiri'ii', I.a.. 13, Vickslunv. Miss.. 14, Natchei 15. Hnt'.H Hoiit-e. La.. HI. Mnrgun City IH, Lafnvrtle til, Jennings 80, Xrw lla.-rlu 21, l-raiikllu 22. II tin 23. De-.tlni* Bros.' (Bill}- He Hue. mgr.i—Tupia-r laike. N. Y.. 13. Rarailne Lake 14, Ms lone 15, lliinllligtiin 10. Clinmidiilii 18, Roma. Point in, I'l.lllsliiin: 20. Kcvavllle 21, MlM-vllle 28, Tleoii. demgu 8tt. Pield's. Al. O. (Doc. OulKley. mgr.i—llunlliig. ion. W. Va.. 13, Cliurloloii 14. Xelsoiivllle. (J., HI. - Ouv llm.' ill. II. Hoy. nisi-.i-Si.ihis. X. V.. 13, Wnli'olt 11.-Oswego 15. liilloii 10. 1'llra IK, llaverly's (Chns. II, BiiKlm-, mtfr. i- Real'lc. Wash.. Hi-13. Victoria. II. •'., 14. Yaaoann 15. wiiniii.i.i, Wash.. Hi. Ill Henri's—Pnlersnn. X. J.. 13. Ilnlmkcii IIHI. .Morristonn IS, orange Hi. KoreiiHilii'. Billy Hleo. A. Treyser. mgr. i—Cor- ilole. l.a.. 13. Ainerlciis 14. Troy. Ala., 1*1, .Muiiigowry 18, Maeiai. lis.. HI, Atlanta 80, .wu.i-loi., Ala.. 21. Tahsleuii 22. Iliriiiliiglinla I'alla 10. Patrick, hal-clc 1820. I.bill- -Haven- MISfKLLAXKOtS. iViilksliaok- lirnnvllle. X. Y„ 14. Hlvaa i'n«.||er's rMiiealeil llorsi^. (John mitr.l—Berlin. Can.. 14 HI. sov'21-23. Flint. Mr. anil Mrs. 1(1, 1,.,Flint, nui'.l porf. la.. IM2:t. lletni.Mr. nial Mrs. (C. M. Heck, mgr.)—Stevens Point, Wis.. 11-10. Waupaca 18-28.' Moore's Moving I'ictiirea U'ratik A. Mnore. MM —Clevelauil. 11.. 1113. Detroit. Mich.. 1410, Xlles 18-80. Iliirrlson 81-21. I'crklns, Kll (llam-sui Downs, mgr. I (lklalouna City, Okla.. 13, Itiwwell. X. Me\.. 15. Khiwa, Kan..-lu. . l'liirgslcy Bros. lit. C. r a a oa Vy . mgr.i—Wasblni.. ion Court llon»e. IH. 11-13, Clr.lcvllle II, Columbus 1.VI7. frtenn IS, 111, Richmond, lnd.. 20. 21. rreacelle (F. Wlllard Magi«n. mgr.l—Vlnal Ha- ven, M*.. 11-10. Haw, Mr. oml Mrs. (Augustus Ilapp, mgr. 1—Rich. inoml, ImL. 11-10- ...„.•■ Slieparil's Moving i'lclnres (Archie l„ Shepanl, mgr. 1— Washington. II. C. II. lieloUi.lie. ShiTMrd'* Moving Plctnres (Archie I,. Rhepard, mgr. i-Allniilh- ('By. X. J.. II. IgsMMIe, 8lic|Hir>r« Moving Plciures |Archie L. Slie|iaril. mgr.l—Fall lllvcr. Mass.. II. Imlednlie. Slmianl'i. Moving Plciures (Archie l„ Rhepard. iugr.1—Aslmry Park. X. J.. II. Ili.lellnlie. Sliepanl's Moving I'lcmres. )Vi->ierii (Archie 1.. Shepanl. mgr.l--Hntthshurg. Miss.. 1,1, Mori- illan 15. Demapnlls, Mo.. 10. Sliepanl's Movliig Ph'turw. Souiliern iArchie I.. Rliepanl, inuv.i—Clmrlolie. X.. C, 13. (',', 8. C. 14. Siiiuler 13, Charleston 10, Jacksnn- vllle, Flo.. 17-24. Silver Family Swiss Bell Ringers (Bert Sliver. mgr.l—Rnrlngtleld. Wis.. 1.1, Jefferson Pari, 111., 14, Tallica 13, Seaton 10. Vone. Harry- lailircl. Hiss.. 10-15. I'rltlnv night, Ihr, 1, alaunj;ei' Tannoo- l.aum. of Hie Jliil.lle Tlientre, gnvn it ThuiikK- Klvlnn auviper in Inn »|hb<: Imtiili ill Klosky a rratminmi II l» learned fruto « rellaulc amirec that President nnd Oeneral Mnnngor J. i(j)wat <l \Yl|»o|i, at Monroe Park, ililftcity. <-onieiniiiiites open rilr nttfncllona nml opera next Snuimr r nt his idnce. o( ntnit'cinepi.;.:. The DkIiI '0111 colilliiitea between I ho A. r. of M. nnil lhe Mobile 'llienlre. On iin-outH of the orchestra not being, union men, Hie 'llliritleilv I'igwlcilv" Co. ii.nlil lint B»<> Ihe ninslrlnns inniprlslng; Maine ilnrlog Ihitlr en- gaperaeni here. a Nrlnin.—At the Aendelliy of Music t I.flOK A llees. mnnngers) Pniillne llnll, Dec 1. enrne to kooiI hnalness. "Tlio slgju of the Four" fnilrtl 10 npiienr 4. Siisaime Snnlle, In "8r>W- IliK Ihe Wlnil," tl, inine In fair Hlieparirsi MnvlUK riclorca 8, "When Wfl Were' Twenlv-one" li, Louis Morrison. In "Fnust," ll:'lloyt'» I'oniwly Co. 12.1(1. Tanl ailinnre IH. Florence l»nvN 20. vili llli; W. CAMFOHMA. I.oa afjllllW—Al tlio Mnson Opera limine III C. (Trail inn linger) Dee. 2 wns Ihe Hasina of Ihe two weeks' onirngeinenl of "Ilen llnr,' which was one of the Kreiitcsi engngeineiils, lliiiiiiclnllv. ever known ill Los Anicelea. "T'lie I'tlnce of IMlHen" 4-0. "Tile Sho-timi," "-(». nroniises business. I'nilei-llned 11-10. Hlcliitril Mansllehl. In reincrtory. IIi:i.asi-o iJohn II. lihii-kwooil, mnnngeri. —"Wltv Smith l.eft Home," by Hie sloek i-oiupilliv. drew well Win-k eiiiilng 2. "Ile- ruiise She l.ov«l lllm So" I mill week. I!n- ilcrllneil: "Vlvlun's Pupils." MoKiisi'o'8 ili'ltliANK (Oliver Moiihumi. innn- nn>r).—"The Judge and Ihe Jury." by Ihe slock company, cloaol Ha ihlrd week 2, nud wan :i record hrenker for thin limine. "The 1.081 Paradise" will Ik- Riven 3 mil week, "lu South Car'llny" underlined for 10 nnd week. tlRAND Oi'KitA IH.CMM iClarenre Hrown. manager).—"lloliest llenrta" drew well week ending 2. "Hinder Brown" 4 and week. ihtriitxM (.Marlln Heek. gi-nernl ninnngerl. —Feiitures 4 anil week: Fniletle Wotiniii'.. tll'clicsllll. (if Host ml : flmrles I.enntll'll l-'lelclier. clinrucler Htnillea: Tmlm. JtiRKier and «|iillllirlsil : l-nty iiikI l.ttclcr, in skcich, "A Fool's llrmnil ;" Miirlon liiirsnti, soprano ; Plen-e mill ilabee. singers and diinccrs; Joe 1'iyilii, monoloKiic. mill innllun piiloica. I'XHB'K (IlctiU & Znllw. pmiirlediral.— FealuriM 4 nnd uick: Fred lllllon, liiildcr i'.|iilll|irlst • Jones mid llnyinninl. ciimcilloos : i'.iKtt'.r and Miidaiuc llolll, in "The Fishers:" ]icl|ililin> noil IW — r a . tiiiisli'til ml ; Hit! l'lilipie ■ rinyer*. in i-omcdy, "A Hot Time." !inii.l'iili|m-ii-sm|M-. I'AKlxu• (A, J. MniKiinatern. iiiunugerl.— Fentitrea 4 and wiek: Hn-Hrtx nnd Uayniuiiil, in pluvlel. etilltlml "The Kml:" Allls Alehlit- Min, ciiiid-iiilo: lliiyniond Wilson, lllnsi ruled song: (-ll(l:i Young, singing mid dancing;: I'lisTiio Comedy Co.. in "Roiucii nnd Juliet." ilntl inoilon nli-lurcn. KMCHKIt's . iA. K. Fiedler, iniilinger).— Churti'8 H'lillon. liii|iersoliiilor; Kelili nnd i.'ruvMui. music: ihe ilHiri'tis. linlniicom: Kelfy nod '.Mnsaev'a I'omwlv Co., In "Tin DoliigH of Ihailcv, nnd inoilon pli-lureH. cinkimiiiai'ii (-1. A. Itrowne, mnnniier).— IV.. t nros 4 nnd week;. Hilly Mel.iiln, n.iiile refrniiiH: llnves Sisters, .'lniiice net; Mnlici llumhert, llliiMlrnii-tl HongM; Kelly nnd An- nelle, akelcli lentil: I.n Touch, ciueogi-nijli Stuck Co., In eoiui'ily, nud moving; pli'lurcs. (Sum Loverlch, circuit iniiniiger). —IVatitrcH 1 nnd week- King; tintl SlranRe, sketch lentn; Tom .Mark, the Morris Mid- gets. iiimeilliiiM: Ihireey, Chnao nnd Adair, In rtt'lch:, I'fof. f'lnrk'u iIors, monkeys mill cnlc. nnd kliieliiMcuiH'. Ojuutirr (Billy Oa aln w . uinniiner).—Kent. ores 4 nnd week: lmylon Slalera, lleaMle Cliaihlnrk, llltisiinleil songs: Mr. nud MrH. (ieiiltics. Hkeleli: .lue Dlvnu. oomedlnu : Slsor and Iveallirook. diinrcrs, mid uiolloii pit i.u.-«. K.MPiitu (Hilly Iliinhs, resilient iniin:igei-i. —FontiireR 4 iintl week: Itnynl Jiipnrjese Troupe, ncmLnts: MnJ. ,1. A. Mi'HilIre, swoi'damnn: Inn nnd fleasle Kelley, akelch: 1. intra llnnks, HliiMlriiled sonif: iMontrose nnd Ijiwrence, gavn-k: Kuiplre Slock Co., In sketch, nnd motion picture*. Niitkh. —Muunger Harry (.'. Wynll, of Ihe Mnwui i(peril Tiiiihc. litis reorgniilzcd his slaft". Mr. (jonrrrls. Inlely nf New Orleans, In the laix nfllce. leplinliitf l/'ii i;. Reliymer, who hns been advanced Hi ihe iiiaiiiigcrliil stnfT Itlio Abholl. or "The I'rln if I'llsen" Co.. Ik it i/ia Angeles girl, who left here Inal m-naon with "The Huliun of Suhi." i.eo Coiiper. for some lime inihI con- 11111-11116; n dm mil Hi; school here, will naHiinio Ihe (nle of Shylork. ill MoroHi^>'a pocilii.- iliui of "Merchant of Vtalre." William Iw-s- tuoud will play llnssiinlo. und lllniii'lie I lit II. I'm-tln Jnu. I. the, Co. will ttndertnko "Tlio Proud I'rliiie." Willi Mr. Uesnionil and Henry StockiirldKe as lilnifeaea. tleo. II. Hrondlnirsl, plnywrlghl. Ih 1'laltlHe 1,08 AngeloH.. ..Tho populnr prlcetl Hroadwity Thenlre linn pnascd out of cx- Ulencc, nnil la now known im the (inruet Tlientre... .T«m Karl, Ihe npern singer, la here, ami simc* his Inlentlon of innkliii; I,iik Aiigolea Ills future home I'nul W'll- stadl. nilrnni-e for l(k'liurii Mniiaileld, noil It. W. Pries!. iidv/iiiii. for "When Johnny I'oiues Miiri-liinK Home." are kiwi lug friends In Alleles "Hen I fur" did a re- markable liiisliifKH during; lis two weeks' en- giiKi'iiti'iil. nnd ll tuny lie lulrly Hliiled Hint I,us AtigelCH la In the midst of lis uiosl sue- ressfiil Hienlrlcal aciison. invlng, In u large measure, no doiiht, H> I Ik* thrones of looc- Isls now here. Detroit.--At the Detroit i»|mth House (H. C. Wliliney, mannicrri "In Hie Hlshop'» t'nr- rlnge'' iln»w fair Imnses Dec. 4(1. Frank Hmilels, lu "Sorgeiint lime," closed tho week H> pni-kiMllinimes. "The Heir lo the llooruh" l,vi-t:i-5i t k. l>. sulr, grnigair) Minrtrg Freemnn. In "llearls of Hold," played lo fair returns week of :i. "In Xrw York Town' HI-HI. l.AfAri'.TTH (Dr. Campbell, malinger).— The Kdward Idee roinpnny. la "Dr. .lekyll nnd Sir. Hyde." culerlulneil good sized house* 3-11. "Cm-lr Tom'n I'aliln" In-ill. WniT.NKV |K. II. Slalc. mnnngeri.—"A Wife's Secret" drew Ihe nsiinl iniekeil houses :i-!i. "Iloiillgmi's Trip Ariiiinil Ihe World" in 111. Tkmpi.I' iJ. II. MtMirc, niaiuiKeil.--l.ilst wrek'N hill whs up ■'> Hh' "tmil i'ltt'i fland- tird. and packed In-iisen ruled. Aliraclloiis week of ll Incliiile: The Armstrongs, Creasy nnd IWvne. Ihe Flurenx Troupe, linlsv .llnr- conrl. Wealwul'lli's horHcsi, White mid Urol- Ion, (ieorge Wllwin, Ihe World's Comedy Four, und I lie kluciogrnph. AiKMC (l»rew ,t Ciimphell. iniiuagernl.— The Yankee Ikioillo lilrls offereil n good en- lertnlnineiil. und drew well IIP. Ilnlllinore iteaiiiles week of ill. ■ Ckvstai. I J. .1. Xiinh. malinger).—Another good hill lnw week railed mil crowded houses. Alltnclloiis week of 11 Include: He ltosscir ami l-'.Tccla. X I". Pope mid Him. Mre. Clin lies lllclutrils. Snnford inn ■I'egge mid Iiiinlels, Oliver Wllber, kliKidroinc. a iMilniiitirmi. —At (he Aciiileiuy of Mimic i IL A. Push. WMim»l) "The Semliinry Olrl" hail ii kihhI liunsi Ihh'. I. Francis Wllsmi, lu •Ciiuslp Hilli," jdeari'tl u In rip • I'liillemc 4. The Mlljcallc Vnitdevlllc Cu. 8. lluill Slock Co. ll-Hi. I'ai.vik in- A.Mr.HKMttxT (C. W. Plikell. luaiingcvi emit limes li> draw well, polo nlhl i oiler sikml'iK hcluu the tilll'ltt-llon. S'iiTi:. -(inioild Iikm been hrnkeli for III" ireillim .if a new llienlre, which will I* de- voted lo high class ritiiilcvtllr. Tin' house will seni uli'iiil "on. und will In- culled Ihe Itllmi. II will he under Ihe miiiiiigemi'lil of \V. S. HiitteHluld. ol llntlle Creek. Mich Mr. Hulicrlleld In the iiiiiiingci- of viiuderllle Mil-Hires In Jncksnii nnd Hnllle Creek, nnil Is ll iiieiiilier of lit" < niisiillilille.l N'.ntilev III. Mnnngcrs' Assocltillon. » Simliinvv. —Al Ihe Academy l.los. 1'cnrl- clpln, itmnnger) "Why Women Kip." Iw<\-I. •J, came- In fair Inialnes.j. Moving pK'litres :t. I. Frnncln Wllomi, In "Cuiislii Hilly" nnd "The l.lille Fill her •>( tin- Wllderii***." II. drew ii full house. "In n Wnniiiii's Power" 10, "Nnmotly'H Claim" 18, l.'l, "The Denver l!xureas" 14. I'. 'Janaa-nga |\V. vy. Kly & Snm Mnrka, ninnn- gers).—Huslncss Im good. Hill week of JO: Sevan llelforda, (Jneeii nnd Ho«a, Neff nntl Miller. Y.tle Trio, Klnllo tjuiii-ieili', 1.0 Hoy nnd llussell, Dollno Cole, nnd .leDfei'scope. Mr. nud I... r 11 ilk'. nnd the B«>- City—Al Ihe Wnnlilnirlou (W. J. Ihiiiul. iniiniiger) u vaudeville bill, heiided by Toil K. llnx, did fakir IiiisIiicsh 1X-C. '.', II. 'I lie Brill -N'elMiii pleliiri-H pleiiaed 4-11. Francis W'lauii, In "Cousin Hilly," pleased uint nt the lilrgf-st houses of Hie seiison 7. "In ll Woiiiiiii'h Piiivec" ll. "N'uhody's L'lnltil" lh, 11. "The Denver Mx ireaa'' HI, 17. Bimr (J. 1». I'llmore. mnnngoi).— HuhI- neon eiiiitliiuiK ijood. l.'oiii .Mlskell und lb» Hold Diisl Twiti.-i heiul the hill week of 11. a. ■ ■ llntlle Creek A( llu» Post (!■:. H. Stnltli, niniiugei-i "At I'lney llldgc." Dec 1: "Tim Semliinry dlrl." S, nnd "N'niicy Hrown," 7, nil pleiiHi-tl. Howard llnll 13. Newell'8 Col- lege Hand 14, Mnjeatlc Stock Co. JH-'J.'I, "The Wuanl of fix" 80. Iluiiii (W. S. Hiillerllelil. mnnnger).—Hie bilsluesii Ihe l.nsl week. Hill for week of 11 : Lemonl'M irnliiHl iinlinnls. Stewart and llny- iiKinil. Xeiilii, Juggler: (111 Hrown, I'llffnril Wllkens, nnil new lllins. « . — At the Allielia-nm (II. J. I'm lee. leslili nt liiniiiiger) "At I'lney Itlilge. ' Nov. :ill. and Adelaide Jleniuaiin, I lee 0. played to good InialiieiM. Fiiincla WIlHon h, llojeslh- Slock I'o. week of II, Well'a Hnml 8U, "111 the SliiiilnW of lliu dnlliiWH" 2'\. Sun IJIego. -At Hie Plcwlik iTnlmoi- ft I'lilkernon. muiuigers) high cIiihh rnudevllle. Ihinlnvka la aplfiidlil. lain IWyult & Dodge, iiiuiiugci'8).—"The I'flnee or I'llsen" did well. II. K. Oiilcault Hec. S. "Von Yoiihoii" 20. -**■*■■ Sliver, ingr.)—Lihllngbiii, 14.- Nou-iiygii lo. Frciuo'tt ingr.l — II. Bo- Mlss., Xew York 111. l*4f Mich.. 18. Scollvllli' 10. Primrose, flcurue 11. (.Iinue* II. Iiis-ker, Aiiislerdiiiii, X. V.. HI. S.-lM>iMi-tiuly rliesier tr,. HI. I'rrsilnr's Kleo. II. Proclor, mgr.l—Laurel, ll-Hl. Luke Charles. La., 18-23. Void's iJotui W. Vogel. ingr.)—Klmlra, S. Y., 13. Wnverly 14. .Nora-lob 1.1. Onconta in. Al- hany 18-20, l'oughlas>iisle 11. Weu's. Win. il. (nalifnro II. JUeaby. mgr.i — Purl Dodge, la., 13, Lincoln. N«br.. 211. TB-iT SHoWs. 8he1hy«. Jame* (Out eenl. Ala.. 13, •■ Sim llros.'- (fleo. Snn. mgr.)—Moultrie, Oa., 13, riltgerald 11, Haaglaa IS. hid. T. Ogilen. ihgr.l— Vlfc- AI.AIIAMA. Mobllr. -At ihe Mobile Thenlre U. 'Inn tieiibiimit, iiimiiigi'ii . Weher'n All Htnr Co. • nine to Ktiiuillug riuiiii only, in advanced Mien, one p>rfm liiiince. Dec. 2. mill aronHl heavily. Lewis Morrison. In "1'ansl." .'. hud .-. crtiwiled IioiIkc. "Hmillgmi's Tnuililes" II, 7, Sdxnnne Siint.lf. In "Sowing; the Wind," S, ft, Nun;*.—Alexander llernhiird liiiatufaon I.und, nit .i.riilint of nolo, known profession- ully ns Clnrlis Carlos, lulv of the lllnglliig Hros.' i'Ireus, wns ninrrled In this clly lie.-. 1, lo Mnrv, MeS'iinice, profewsloiinllv known us Until Jordan, and late a ineinher of Ihe*. Ih'nutles Co., who closed with 111* show at Toniqlo. The eercmoiiy wns per formed by Jiidgn of 1'iohatc l'rlec Wlllliima Jr.; In Ins olflce In the prohnle cotirl. The bunny coiirBc left lnnn«>iDui«-iy by htemner for. Mexico, whtre they will join n -In-iiB plnylna tliit larrllorV,. . .'. ...Jniiien lloiilinm, u Well known i .iiiietllnii uf tills clly, now .villi Price's wnier.i)iieen. la Here for n few weeks, visit- ing 1 HIh mntlier nnd rtlher relallveg. I|elin'« slgh'tl rnr ner.t r.enaon with ih» some »r irnrHnn... .Jllllr Ker.nnil's Mlnmreln turned then-, nwnv Nor.' 28. 211. at Snw Mill Dnlon llnll, In ihe .-.(uiilieiii portion of ihla i-hy. OHIH1HN. l'oriliuiil, -Al Hie Mn if pin in (irnuil ll'nl- Tin HcIIIk. Itmiuiger) Wnlhlii Mills, tin. KM' IIhIi Iiiisco, wns liennl In concerl, Nor. 21', under the illrorllon of I.nla Steers nnil Wynn Conn. He wns HHSlHled by Killlli Klrkwiunl. siiiiruiin : (leririidi. I.unsdiile. ennirnllo : llnr- old Wllilc, tenor, anil IMimrd I'lirluvll'/., pi- iiiiImI. The concerl wns Well ill leililcd. Tlio I'lilverslly of lll-i^nn lilee Club used Die H. '1. II. sign 311. Ilnverly's MhiHlrels Dec. H, !'. "Thn Prince of l'llaen" 12, l.'l, "The Sb<- linn" -.'li-'.'il. IIki.ahi'ii (R L. Sockett, miiniigiTl.—Thn lli-liisco stuck Co, hud i wo good houses lh'i\ X Hi wIiuosh "The dlrl Willi lip. (Ireeli Kyus." Tile pe|-fi)i-iiiiiiiite, evening of I, wan «lven for IM iM'ilellt nr-tnt Womcn'a rnbm, it deaerv- Ing cliilrlty. und Ihe limine wi(s I'liiniiletely sold out. "Mli'hnel KlroKiiff" did good Imsl- nosn week of .Nov. 211. "The only Wily" Dec. I Or Ifl. Kmi'iiib ifieoree I,, linker. innmiKerl.— "\ Jolly American Triinip" hud good hoiises -". Lansing; I town ll did fair business week of Nov. 23,ln "CHIIlllle." "The (lll'l Krolll KwediiD" Dee. Ill-Ill, "The Mlnsourl dlrl" 17 23. Hakhii'h HIiMirge I,, linker, ninnnger).— Miner's Merry Hiirlcai|tii'l'8 hod n lil« nlleiiiiHf or.'. II. The I, ..inInn Ilnlely Ulrls .lid gouii oiisliic.s week "f Nov. 211. I 'ill i 'm Tliiiriitltili- [ I I'e lis I l.'l'. I U-lll. SiTAii iJnliies H. Krrli'kauti. inn linger I.- - liesl and l.a Hue Im Wall nnd Irving. Kllllo Walsh. Kiblle lltiilgcr, Mtlf.v DiiUIU'IIiii.) anil Anna Hen die, l-'r.'il Purlnioii, mid llu: Hlnio- I-1-OI8'. IMAM (.lames II. Krrleksnii, mnnngeri.-— A Ijiiiglllng NoVelly. Triiak nlld lingers, Duli.V llnwlillls nud I'oily Hazel, Woodson Hlslois, Aihinlla. 11 in-old Hon. mill the (Irnndlaioiie. 1,1 tu:UIV (Ki'iilltlK <e I'looil, iniiniinfl'8).-- The l'.lllolM. Clccllllolie, Ullllon mill Dale, l.eil While, JmiieH Mainly. Hnyil nntl Viiiiiichs, Dial Ii1nifrnp.1>. rtiHl LIlM-rty iirehi'strn. Ijvnn' (Keating ft FIuihI, nimnigers>;— f.vrlc Hloek Co., week of Dec. I, In "Under the Hlarn nud Hlrlpea." ■♦*« IIm.i-s- Muit'iN Hmiiii, vocalist nud bl'll ringer, 'cfi her home In I'lillnilelpliln, Dnc.rt, for Ohio, *here she will piny n four wpflis' enitnuement, then ira to Iwiiver, Cnl., wlirto she will piny (lie tar Went, on u roiiirni'l fun leu weeks. ^.