The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. lill THEATRICAL HOTELS BOARDING HOUSES. Wabaah A Madison, CHICAGO. 0. C. Yaughan, Prop. Strictly American Plan, $8-16 tingle; ggjg jB'.Vaudeville patronage Invited. "JiusT'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 148 Dearborn ai and OXFORD HOTEL, Canal and Adams. Rates » P njfes alon. FRANK BUNT, Prop., 0H1CA0O. "STLaCE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago. mroD«an, $3 per week; with private bath, |T. ffffj ff Bath, too- H*. *»• HUMPHREY, Prop. Hotel Cor. Panntylvanla Ave. and 15th St., Washington, D. O. AMERICAS and EUROPEAN. Under new ninaeement. Has been entirely remodeled £d refurnished. NEW ELECTRIC ELEVA- TOR INSTALLED. SPECIAL RATES 10 T11KATR1CAL FBOFESSSION. BOSTON. MASS., Lafayette Chambers, 97 Hayward PI. one minute from all theatres. Theatrical rates aj per wee* a nd up. single; H and up, double. PRUDENTIAL HOTBli, 48 and 48 Bank St., Sew art, N. J. H. A. GREENLAND, Prop. European and American Plan. Fine Rooms. TRAFALGAR.116-117 E.14, N.Y.,nr. Kelth'8, xrad ol Music. Dewey. Rooms 60c., 76c, $1, tl. Wdaj; $2.60 to $8 week. W.D.IlANNIOAN.Prop . MABEHDQH HOTEL. fSSSSJZi V BIGLEY & JENNINGS, Props If. Clark St., ear. Ontario, Chicago. Bates, 60, 76 and |1 per day. %1 to $8 per week. HOTEL ST. DENIS, 198-138 West Market St, Indianapolis, Ind Convenient to all theatres. Uest Little Hotel In Indianapolis. Actors' Rates. YEN TIULOQC1BM Taught Personally and by Correspondence. Pro!. Lmgerman School of Ven- triloquism, 70 6 North »th St, Philadelphia, Pa. " RILEY OPERA HOUSE, Humble, Te.W, wants sfractions. A good oil Held town of six tnous&nd people; sens 800; receipts S160 to 1400. Have played this season Murray and Mack, Mc- Fadden's Flats, Happy Hooligan, and others. Address CUAB. RILEY, Pro p. UOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS. (Oopyrlgbt), 3 different boots, lOo. All kinds sots. kORPHETS SCHOOL, 837 N. 13th St., Phlla., Pa. HOW TO BECOME A CONTORTIONIST. Front and Back Bending, each trick Illustrated. ItSc. Morpbet'a School, 837 N. 12tfl St., Phlla.,Pa. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY and RENTAL. Films, Machines, Stereoptlcona, Cameras, Lenses, Soog Slides, new and second hand, bought, sold exchanged. Bargains. Studio for 111m and slide making, coloring. Special Flag and Fire Films, expert repairing, free advice, long years' expe- rience, prompt dealings. Eberhard Schneider, German-Am, Cine. & Film Co., 109 E. lath 8t.,N.Y.C . Ml'alC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED (or any Instrument or number of Instruments. Scngs,worda and music, sketches, etc. Send stamp. CUA8. L. LEWIS, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnat i, 0. SHOW PRINTING! All klndsof Dodgers, Her- alds, Tickets and mil line n' small work, quick and cheap . PRE8S8HOWPKlNTKRY,John80uburg,Pa Confidinct Can Bt Placid In Renowned Goods Slnca GOOD QUALITY Gained Thiir Rtputatlon. HI 1111 For the past flfty years have been universally recognized as being the BEST HADE, and are preferred by profeslonals everywhere, which Is proven by the numerous unsolicited endorse- ments received from all parts of the world. THE DRGIIOU Is a splendid novelty to tie used In vaudeville- It consists of a solo mouth organ, nearly curomatlcal, attached to two sets of reeds, controlled by a double row of valves, which render chords and bass notes, both minor and major. Has the same effect as a concertina. Instruction look goes with each Instrument. Are made of the best materials which skill and years of experience can obtain, thorough- ly stasoued wood, to stand any climate, the liuest reeds, clear and resonant as a bell. "Just ai good us the Hohoer Harmonicas," Is the cost proof of their superior quality. „.' ue ""ohner" Instruments are endorsed by "in. H. Burke, the original harmonica wouder, who was the first to Introduce this Instrument and its possibilities upon the stage. During his professional career of the past S*tt years he baa continually used the "Hohner" Harmonicas. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. jjJMjEB, 354 Broadway, N. I J Worn of Advice to Professionals. Save Money tTL^'AS yoar street and evening gownB (slightly otitic■ 8CH EDRER'S, No. 819 W. Mulberry Stf Jf"" 8 * 181 " to all theatres. BalUwow. l*Jd. Reading and Recitation Books. Catalogues free. All dramatic papers mailed. cuas. maodonald, 63 Washington St., Chicago. ••% _ £ s IABUSHED~l"8TT~ pre pared cork USSR S "?""«<l.«cfcrcncus: All the LMdfilgJn> 1-1 ' ;•»"'" from Mrtf.KdMIIIs.LoiidoiiTlienlrc.X.V . BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. S g«l2a Films, Song Slides and Machines HL K^£ Jo t, nd E *chauged. 684 WASHINOTON m.. Room 43, Boston. Han., opp. Adams House. J*"" TRaNCIS TUCKER ! JUST OUT. 124 PA6EILLUSTRATEDMA8IG WATAJLQQaB. 26c; 8UP. CATAL.. 6c. None w £".'?_?• E - Agent for Mahatma. loc. -_JllD_LBRQY, iQ 3 court St., Boston, Mass. pi (vo iW8g«n?«s i L H I aTa alonala and amateurs, sent oa i^£M Si application. IUCK AFIT2CERALD , 20 Ann Bt , New York. CONCESSIONS Ti) LET, LAKEWOOO PAHK. "tie to four yra. T. M. POOLE, Atlanla.Qa. in all matters. The County Law and Collection Asso- ciation, bune 103, World Building. LEGAL ADVICE n»cr [ We will make your portrait this size and Xtylc for ) loo s~ r i j~ LETTERHEADS Uui be used /or H E R A L. D 5 v NEWSPAPERS i- We also make a fine tfrode of . workforbcHcr class of printing '■ ( jATCHEL e, M aNWINO DCSIGNCRS £NGRAVeR5 N.E.Cor6*6Cliestnwr5T5.PniLA.. PA. Plate* toprnit \x\One or /far* C'cferj UNITED STATES and foreign .copyright: PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS WlLL-'PfioftcT ~K\\K AT T C toufrom—' rlKAl to. And make yon a fortune. If you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, you should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our serv- Icesatnmall co«t. Sendfor ourSPtCIAl OfrtR TO INVINTORS before applying for a palest, it will pay you. HANDBOOK on paunn tint FREE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult as. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers, Columbia Copyright 4 Potent Co. lac, WASHINGTON, D. C CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, put up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companlea and all places of public amuaement We also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIES and the RELIABLE POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where you hold a confectionery concession and we will send samples and prices. RTJECKHBIH BB0S. & ECKSTEW, CHICAGO. SONG BOOKS *f, BIG SELLERS ^ CONTAINSONGS-JOKES-PARODIES ETC. ; 75? per lOO r * 6^° per 1000 SAMPLfS^^i^^i^6^*^TH'0^OER WEH M AN BRt>Sv : i26 Park Row. NewYork. call, McMAHON'S Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT 47a SIXTH AVE., Bet. 28th and 29th Sta., NEW YORK CITY. Best of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Dellclously Served. Prlcea rea- sonable. Special Din- ing Room for Lad les Mma. Thompson's Comb Pouf. To be worn under or over the hair. Unlike any other pompadour made. No rolls or padH.but comfortable and becoming. Price, f 3 00 up,accord Ing to color. Catalogue free. MM E. THOMPSON, M West2*1 St. NEW YORK CITY. WHEN IN SAN FRANCISCO CALL OUT flits. H. .JACOBS. 8»e her line of STAGE GOWN*. Fancy Oresara, SoulekJn Jackets unit Fura(some slight- ly used). >o. iTil SIXTH ST. Tel. Routh-im. PHOTOCRAPHH. Cabinet PhotoB of yourself for selling, $3 per 100. *2n per 1.0(0. EdenaCARBONA Ilnlah. Send photo. rllTHDC HOSBANU OR WIFE PHOTOS, $2.00 rU I Una. perl,O00;KOKTUNEH,60c. Samp.lOc. ClflT MtnUlalCC For Future Pliotos.Lovers oLUI IVlAlininCO POASouvenlrPostcards EDEN A Studio, 60S Arch M.. Philadelphia, Pa. CONTRAGTS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. Write for Samplea. Webb I'tg. Co.. 858 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmer Park ARTISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL^ MANUSCRIPT PLAYS ITM HISHTS' • * 144 LA SALLE ST. \ PVAN FLEET, -aaw--w rinteK UlevelanU "".BOWERY, HEW YORK CITY. l-or a half century we have been giving real bargains In diamonds, it is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Uroadway, where enormous renis prevail, can compete with' ua. a comparison of gooda and prlcea will' convince the moat sceptical. VALVE f22d. NOW fl88. l.V-a-M kts. oommerclal pure white color, perfectly cut, very i-nappy and free from all Imperfections. This gem will be reset Into my other setting free of charge. Send for Oar Forfeited Loan CnlnliiKiir. Mall Orders Killed. Inquiries Solicited. "THE UNION" 8TA0E SCREWS ORDER NOW. Malleable, $1.25 per dozen; Steel, (2.00 per dozen F. 0.1). Chicago. union elevator and machine to., 144148 ONTARIO ST., CHIOAOO. USICAL BELLS AND MUSICAL NOVELTIES, as used by Leading Artists the world over. Send for new Illustrated catalogue. Our goods can be seen at Kobler & Chase, San Francisco, Calif; Carl Fischer, New York; Oliver Dlt- son, boston, Mass.; Seymour, Dove & Co., Bombay, India. Alwsys a few bargains on band. 22 Organ Chimes, $85.00. 3 Octaves Chromatic, 37 Aluminum Chimes, $100.00. 30 Aluminum Chimes. $70.00. 2'A Octaves Chro- matic, 32 Metal Bamboo Xylophone, $35.00. 12 Plated Cow Bells, $10.00. 2 Steel Marlm- bapbones, one for accompaniment, 46 bars In all, $75.00. 30 deep Swiss Hand Bells, fOO.OO. ID Bamboo Bells (REAL BAMBOO), $00.00. 23 Arch Bells, $100.00. 8 Musical Files, mounted, $7.00. All the above Instruments In good condition. J. C. DEAOAN, 2157 North Clark St., Chicago, III. MINIATURE RAILROAD CO. 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL. For Parks, Summer Resorts, etc Hauling Capacity, 26 tons. Earning 11,600 In alx days. With, proper oaro will last 2fi yrs. CAONEY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, ATTRACTIONS AND PRIVILEGES FOR ISLAND PARK. THE EASTON AM CSLM EST 00. will open ISLAND PARK for the sesHon ot lootl on May 14. Illda for privileges and attractions will now lie received. 1SLAN D PARK Is the largest and most up lo date Park In Eastern Pennsylvania. Addreas all com- munications lo D. E. 8EOUINE, Manager, Eaaton, Pa. OPEN TIME WANTED, FOR NEW LYCEUM THEATHE, SPMIGFIELD. 0., first class attraciions for i. 2 or 3 night and week stands Want an attraction for opening night, Dec. 25. Opening time during Jan., Feb., March, April and May. Reasuuable terms to llrat class attractions. Managers repertoire companies write. Address UUS aUN, Springfield, 0. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEGAN A CO, Cincinnati Wanted, Show for Xmas, Dec. 25. NEW ill (Ml HOUSE, NEW KENSINGTON, PA. On guarantee or percentage. Also 20-28 open. Wire J. 0. BECKER, Mgr. P All G FOB LEASE. BALE V-'AlXO OB STOBAOB.. . . Repaint and Alterations Made. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Passaic. M. J. Paper for Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs. Send sample. A W. DOVYMK, Oliver Music House, Houston, Tei. 47 WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, A«tOB»TBT, 86! Broadway, New loife S T R A 8 8 MAM 'PATTERSOB. TRUNKS. KNOWN EVERYWHERE. 27 X 20 X 17.. :«.> x 21 X 18. . .MS x 22 X 19.. :ifi X 23 x 20, . 40 x 24 x 21.. "ATMS.' $5.75 (1.00 (1.25 (1.50 7.50 PROFESSIONAL. CASH a2 =< 20 r 22. ^* B " 31 X 21 X S3. WITH K(l X 22 X 34. nn nin 38 x 23 x SB. ORDER. 40 x gj x a5 _ IRONCLAD. $0.00 D.liO u.oo For Particulars and Illustration, Request Catalogue. THB BBLBBR TRUNK AND RAO CO.. 1B2 Columbia Avenue, PHILADELPHIA PA HARRY HOLMAN Songs, Parodies and Stories. 12 MUTOtES IN ORB. Dec. 11, Faintly Tliealre, Bhamokln, Pa. Lancaster and Halioney City to follow. Attention. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN | Why handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves! Electric Belt! from fl perdos. up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, "tic. dos.; Electric Insolee. 87 U c. doa. pairs. Soap, $2.10 groas; Fine Medi- cal Batterlea. Send76c.forlaatpft No. 14 E. U.,eip. prepaid. Latest out. OM third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Elec- tric llelti and Appliances In U.S.A. Established 1878. Lecture and price Hat tree. TBB ELECTRIC appliance CO., Burlington, Kam, 0 © / •aB^BUaUMkau. - ^T HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY lend us a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. Wa have no favorite writers. All haw* equal chance. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISIliNO COM PAH Y, HOB Manhattan Blolg., CHIOAOO. —i^^^ — ——^—— ——^ For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amatenre LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THB WORLD. Books for home amuaement, Negro Play), Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Janty's Was Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I SAMUEL FKBNCH, IT W. a2d St.. New York. PLAYS THE OLD RELIABLE HOU8K-KST. 18011. : TRUNK WORKS aOB.12dffi. 412 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, Cor. 25th Bt. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Our Profeaalonal Trunki are Guaranteed for 10 Yean. (ining To apply for loweat rates at *n Paul Tauig'i Bxohufl* OiHet, * " 104 last 14th St., N. T., Oerman Savings ClTRilPD Bulldlog. Tel., 20W Oramorcy. Gable address, LUOUrfj sianealg. All printed matter and Inf. free. SEE TIJH AT Sixth Ave., Cor 26 St., 1.1. WE ARE DIAKINQ A SPECIAL .... _ Of Satin or Velvet, Handsomely Embroidered In Colors, taL I at KA To Order tor WUWWfa Bend for self imtaiurlng card and samples. Fit and Hatlsftictlon Guarantee*. WOLFF, FORDING dt CO., Oft Bllot St., Ooatan. J. M THEATRICAL COBTOHER, 140 W. ItJd ST., NEW YORK. Opposite Prootor's. FormerlyUAYUKN A KOWLKy.ManaireTof BIJOU THKATRF. PATKRHON.N. 1. ESTIMATES OIVEN. ELAIIORATE EFFECTS. MODKUATK I'llKKI. L'nlted Sta«es Tent and Awnlaa Co^ laadolpk aad Utaplainea su., OHIOAOO, 111. CIRCU8 CANVASES. BLACK TENTS Oar "noelaltjr. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. SHOW TENTS For Circuses, Wild West Shows, Black Tenia, Oandy Topa, Flags, Kldd A Baker Lights, eto. •end for IS page price list of second band Tents, BAKER A L00KWO01) HFO. 00.. 7th and Wyandotte, Kanaaa Olty, Mo. KE\JW SrlANHFACTURF.R OF SHOW CANVASSES rvi Large Stock 80ft. and Under < New and Hecond Hand. Write TIIIO CIIAHLIOS P. HIEDICR TENT ANO AWNINU CO., Successors to Hie T, W. Noble Co., Tent Uept. Detroit ling and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. THEATRICAL fi/?/A/T/A/0 ,W> £NGf>*S/INO ICTTCDUEAllf ■ CROSS PRINTING CO. .CltKAGOJB Lli i Lit iH-nuJ o/velopcs. ami. cavr/x/s r/otm at Utsi,. Pkg. HTAOK MONKY, l&o. BOOK OF OUTS, IMc, TRIOR. OAHD8. 6c. Write Today. ATTRACTIONS, ETC. For First Class Snminer Resort Park. A winner. Kxcunilon point for rail and host linos. Big money. Make application utrly. Privileges going fast. I'artlcillars, etc. INDIANA CO., Chicago (mice. No. X Rush St, Tiin CMICA60 PbAY TACTORY I1.-AVS WW I UN to OUDfW. BOUGHT'AM, SOtO >W)W«-MMS A W BDO/Nt aoat iiuiioh SI •* 0 ;^ ways with wptRjsf, iooo swrairs CABINET PHOTOS a.ffigff.o. Send your negative to print from or a photo to copy. Future Husband or wire Photos, white, black, visible or Invisible, 12 per Send for sample. WJSNDT, Pliolo., Iioonton, N. J. BARGAINS IN E lull PFIL.IVIS, Eto., ■:*£>. CALL AND 8KKTIIKM SHOWN ON TIIK 8HKKT. L. iiktz, aoz K. and St., N. Y, City. I. HIIL/ljIkRt nANCFACTUIUB* KB w. sail st,, New York. Ot Theatrical Boots A Shoes. All work mad* on short notice. No disappoint- ment; we make from 1 pair to pairs. Clog am] llallct Shoes a specialty. Tol.ioo Ghelsea. If LA8H LIKE THE GENUINE Oay or night. Solid gold mounting. You can own a llamoud equal in brilliancy to -ny genuine atone at one IhlrllvUi the coat. BAKODA diamonds atand sold teat 'and oiport examination. We guaruntoo thou, nee them first and then pay. write for cntnlogne. Agontt wanted. TIIK HAlKili.V COHPANY, Dept, 4. tu-7i Wal.-?i Ave., OhlcaRo, III "ItTiLI. l'AV FUU IT- m» IN 0,\K DAY, It solus sugar Into col to a candy, any color or flavor. all Kuropean Aitoni* In countries. THE COTTON CANDY CO., H West 8th St.. New York. Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS. Till UKM, Eto. Orand Knd of Century, fully lIlustrHted. 1IOOK C1ATA- umiiK, 26c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor trlckalrae MARTINKA A CO., Kfrs., 4»S Sixth Ave., N. Y. UmFORMS Baads. Military, ktlnstrsl Parade Oit> Its, Ushers and all others. Send fear Gfttalog, mention kind wanted. Dpealaa Attention Olven the Profession, was*. •rn Tlallem Oo.. nsOlarkSI., Uklaaso. KLKOANTLY 1 NIPOHMP.l) HUNGARIAN BOYS' BAND Can recommend same for long vngiiKCliioiit: 12 to 2M wind Instrument*. First class sensation for circus or vaudeville. Address W. ANDORFI. Director, TciniM-itckas, Hungary, Austria. Correspondence In Oerm an. FROM LIFE, Artiste' SliiillbH, llvautlim, Kic. iOO small and two largo one*), tl nolo or Ntsnips. S, RKCKNAOKL, Nnclif, Munich I, Ocriimny, (iroat Discovery, Kxpar'H can not detect |i fioingni- iilne diamond. Costs but one-ten tli. In brilliancy and cut It has no «<|titl. Hotting solid gold. Write for lllustraif d catalogue. ROWK A CO., Dopt. ()., aan llearliorn Hi. RARE PICTURES ZAMBEZI CEM WANTED MECHANICAL DEVICES, SUf MACHINES, BOITABLI FOB OCEAN PIIK, Address OOBAV PIIK 00, Oaaden, N, t.