The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1112 THE ISTIEW YORK CLIPPER. December 16. MAHLER BROS. «■" & WEIL i 6th Are. and 31st Street, New York. PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. SEASON OOO.'OO. GompUte Aasortmen t or fill THEATRICAL GOODS. Notably HOSIERY, TI6HTS, WAISTS, MILLINERY, ETC. SEND FOR OUR THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. Originators of onr Famous « h.rt Vamp Shoes tor Stage and BtrMt wetr, Estimates freely given on Quantity orders. Compete Btocki. Up to Data Styles. Iiowiit tiih Price, far D.ilrabl. rootwatr. Shoe Dept. OUR MAKK-UP BOXBS Uailo from ths very bait tin, are black enameled. Isps- dally made tor professional uss, taring a tray with com- partments tor urease Palnta, Powders, rfe S"e. Comb and Brush, Wigs, Etc., Kto. Ha. ■'(Ml* doable action look, with two keyi, at.... *-* W« Oar COLD ORIUI, expressly prepared tor tbe Tks- atrlcal Profesalon, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Fat up In 1ft Screw Top Tin Cans at 49e.| nh at »»c. SAHPLKB OF CHKAM SENT FRIl, All mall order) moat be accompanied by money order. None sent 0. 0. D. We have the LARGEST H d BEST EQUIPPED Works In the World for the Manuficture ROLLER SKATING! Ice can make more money during the coming season by operating a ROT IER SKATING HINK THAN IN ANV OTHER MANNKH Writs for Catalogue and fall Information regarding Skate, and liink Management. THE SAMUEL WINSLOW SKATE MFO CO , WORCESTER, MASS. 8 Long Lone, London, 10. ('.. England WINSLOW SKATES Standard of tbe World tor FIFTY MRS Theatrical Trunks. YTY 28 30 82 84 89 88 40 AAA 11 OO It.SO 114.00 13.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 Guaranteed 0 Year*. 28 30 32 84 80 38 40 7.140 7.70 8.J.5 8.70 O.H.I 0.75 10 US 'I'lil -" 80 '■" 34 86 88 40 'IlIU 0.00 0.00 O.BO 7.00 7.00 8.00 H.00 Write for Catalogue. ESTABLISHED 47 V IIS, M. S. CASEY.441 6th Ave., near 27th St., N.Y. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bet. Sarlse aid Brasris,, He* Yirt. Theatrical Supplies, Gieasi Paints,. .. I""J "* w-.. u,. f OATALOOC1 Tights, Wigs, ... I ho.*. Golds SilverTrimmiags, Spangles, Etc., Ws Mid gtadt C. 0. D., aabfact to Inspsctlei kit require ■ d*ee«lt •■ al.arsara 1 send sots tor Oeuiogus ■o.s. PHILADELPHIA Reached best by tbe New Jersey Central READING SYSTEM TIUII KVERV HOUR ASP 01 TIH IIOCB Fnal Time Rock Ballaat Superb Dining Sei-vlce STATIONS IN NEW YORK: Foci Woi 3J.1SI. FoolLlhtitySt.N.R. THE RhoteiruB Leg Improver. Pat. Aug. 18, l sdh. For men with bowed, crooked or hollow lege, im- provers are a combination sock nupporter or leg stralgbtener, for making the panie hang atralght no matter bow bowed the leg may be. Are Invisible, never In your way. Made ot aluminum, to light you never know yon have them on. Positively no Inconvenience to wear. lie dressy on the stage, also on the street. Trice, (l postpaid. Write today for FREE RO"KLET. Address S. F. RII0NEMU8 ft 00., P.O. Dpi E 7*7, Springfield, Ohio, TAYLOR THUNKtf. C. A. TAYLOH TIIUNK WOH1CN. 80 E. ltandoiph St., CHICAGO; 181 W. 88th St., NEW YORK. Write for Now Catalogue. CENTRAL TRUNKS. ••In. 17.50: 281n., |8.0O: SOIn., $9.00; BOIn., $10.50; 40ln., 812.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18 JT.OO. Bill Trunks, (0x28x15, inalde, $12.00. Lltbo Trunk.. 42^x28^x12, Inside, $10.04 •hipped on receipt of 18.00, bal. C. 0. U, except over $00 mil*., then remit whole amount llilONB a CO.. CBNTBAL TBDNK PACTORY. But 1864. H. W. cor. 7th and Arch 8ts.,PMIS TEBATRIOAL OOBTTJMBR, 130 N. 7TII ST., PI1ILA. X UIwIKOCIpU. pa^st .„/POWDER. MoVICKIMl'S TllKAnna, Ohloairo, HI. Telephone—Central. 804. Bend for Catalogue. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET ANl» EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP (1UAUANTKEH. Short Vtinp and Stage La.t. always OS send, Mall nidors Filled. Kit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, Tel. 668 Mixllson Square fioo sixth Ave., near 81st Street. N. T. UUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT AN INSTANT SUCCESS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, BUSHES, VINES AND NATURAL PREPARED PALMS, SAG08, ETC., FOR STAGE USE. Anything and everything In this line for stage purpoeea, for special sconerlea and occasions, are- proof or otherwise. Write for my large Catalog 0, which will be of great value to you. OAH.L NKTSCI1ERT, 140 Wabash Ave., Chicago. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Latest and Most Popular Stylet In Ladles Hair Drstslco. A. ill. BUCK & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street, - - - - - Philadelphia, Pttrformsra, Bring Your Chook* or telephone 1»'4N llryant, to LOWANDR'S tua.vhkEII CO., N. E. Corner 41st and Bth Ave., New York. I Bin an ex-performer and know how to handle your baggage. Band' Una exclusively for Tony Pastor's Theatre. Storage iilno. Open Sundays. AVRITK OR TELEGRAPH WHEN AN1) ; WHERE TO MEET YOU. W»'*^A*. tr li illi tiiffimi inisa ^ ABSOLUTE CURE HOME TREATMENT No sntterlng, no detention from business, no harmful streets. TRIAL SAMPLE FREE. DRUG, LIQUOR and CIGARETTE HABITS We euro and cure forever the craving for morphine, cocaine,opium, liquor and tobacco, and restore the system to health and strength. Our remedy has been tested continuously for many years by our associate physicians In their private practice. We ean refer you by letter or In person to men and women who will gladly tell their happy experience with onr treatment. SEND FOR BOOKLET. Onr letters and remedies sent without any outside marks. Privacy la complete. DRUG CRAVE CRUSADE, 113 Hartford BaUdlag, 41 Union Sq., N.w York. allkollao Tlathta, aa.oo worsted. Tight.. 8)3.O0« CottoB Tight., $1.00) Silk Tights, from IJS.vB np, Shirt, to match all aame prlc. a. tlghtat Pumps, SB cental Gait- er., $1.00, Hla.ile Supporter., $1, Cloth Supporters, SO ctati, Send for catalogue and .ansples of tights free, Positively a da- required. Satisfaction guana- od or money refunded. SPIOERBROS,, 88 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, H. Y. Old stand bit new address. e T7s^ LITHOGRAPH" ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TINT PAPER SEND FOR CATALOGUE Morrison Show Print D.tralt. Nlch. GOWNS FORTHE STAGE, BLIOBTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS. Ws have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening (In w im, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfeot In every respect, and are •specially sultablo forwear In HKJll CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a full line of seal Skin Coats and Fare of all kinds. MRS. B. STARK, 887 South State St.. CHICAGO. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TENTH, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want in that line 1 ean "apply It. New or second hand. Bend tor 4»fSogn*. B. B. ABRAHAMS, U3 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL NEW-JUST OUT. For ssle on all trains and news stands, or by mall, »5c. Address EZRA KENDALL, BO South Tth Ave., Ht. Vernon, H. V . VENT Learned by anyono at homo, small cost. Send 2 cent hiimip for particulars and proof. (I. a. SMITH, Box U. 2040 Miowlile Ave., PeorlSji 111. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the cure of Blood Poison a specialty, mood Pelson Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital S90u.nM). We solicit the most obstinate cases. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth. Sore Throat, Dim- ples, Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part OJ the body. Hair or Eyebrows fulling uu t,' write Cor proofs of cures. 100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO,. till MASONIC IE«PU.Oueiio lli,u.» » For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH CAPSULES 7 /rllDt of the BLADDER. Cures all Discharges In 48 Hours J A'. 11 I * t J li 1 ■ bwri U,s . em*Itrfntt BILL POSTERS GREAT WALLACE SHOWS ADDRESS W. | FRAHKLIH. Valpaiaiso, Ind. WE SUPPLY MEDICINE MEN With SILVERWARE, HOLLOWARE. STATIONERY, AND EVERYTHING XHEY NEED. Wo Are The WrtU *" °« •»-»*•■ " ■ ' ■■■■ ■» We Are The MostRellable House In the Business IglHBHHI HOUSF 274 E. MADISON ST.. CHICAGO. Promptest House In the World Pacific Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operating so Pint Olsss Vaudeville Theatres Bait, Northwest and West ■m-rny A T*aT'aT^*sn v "BrB n«sll «»es, FIRST OLABB A0T8 OF ALL grjrjg W ^Vi\ JL XVJa-Pa that can dsllver the goods. BOLB BOOKING AQBNTS: AL. ONKEN, Family Theatre. 128th St., near Park Ave., New Tork (Mb: DBAS. WRAV. ai» Denny Bidg., Seattle, Wash.; CHRIS, O. BROWN, 87 a. Clark St., Calciio- AROUIF, LEVY, 111 Kddy St., San Franclseo, Osi. * ' NO.KEROSENE OR MANTLE; NO.GASOLINE OR ETHER". MUM IcSl PATEHTED THAN [ELECTRIC! ^SEND FOR CATALOG-...^ STEREOPTKONANDs FILM -EXCHANGE. W.B.MOORE.MA'HJTGER. lOfi FRANKLINST. . CHICAGO. Leatheroid Trunks. THEY'LL LIVE LONGER THAR YOU. LEATHEROID MFG. CO.. Band tor Catalogue. »3» B'WAY, tf. V., near Spring St. MANAGERS AND THE PROFESSION! BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER8 FOR A personal visit to Felnberg's New Studio will oonvlnos youthstaato to per cent, can be saved. li kiik IB ONE itkm— Twenty-flve Paris Panels and two extra large Photographs, ave position, Onlshed. for 18. FEINBERG, TELEPHONE CONNEOTION. 1343 Broadway, New York. Between ssth and 88th Bts. Formerly ot 18 W. inn St. TUB QRBAT BNaUSB VAL1J1CV11.I.ID PAJPBB. THE Ahd TME, VIEW, 9 -C. I oiir.IGX SUDSCniPTIONS, - - 8a. 8d. I»Ull YEAfl I'ltOl'IiSSlO.NAI^ AIJVHIIT1SKME.VTS, . 2a. Od., Slnirlc L'oliiiun Inch N1SW YORK COItllKSPONDENT AND HEP.. IDA CAULK, OFFICE, 708 ST. JAMES llLlx:., wheje advertisements will be received. Copies on file. WICS A* Popular Prloa. SATISFACTIOtf OVARANTBKD. Gatalogne Free. NEORESCOTJ HAIR CO. 10» State St., Bth Fl„ CHICAGO. HEADQTJARTERS FOR WIGS Largest Stock In Now York. OUR SOUBRETTE WIO AT 84.O0 IS A BEAUTY. A FULL LINE OF SWITOBES OX HAND. Send for Price List. The Prices will Surprise you. ROSE KOCH LENOX, 17 E. MIL Street, Hear Union Square, NEW TORI- WIGS W1JLL.1AM III r\ Kit WIO €0. LBADING WIG MAK1HS. .... Largest eteok In America. Wlga made to order. Full line of paints, powaer. and cold oream. Send for catalogue "0" to either place, 134 WEST 88th St., N. Y.; Ohloago Opera House Blook, Chicago- AND IVIUSJO PUBLISHED ON BOTAL1 \ ■ . We write Mimic to yonr words. Intwuuceaa. POPULAR MUSIC P„ B . CO., a.5 l^ate'rp.e ^^."ciilCAOO. SONG-POEMS l^nWMC p OR STAGE AND STREET ^k-fl^kltv WW IVvZl BKALBKIM JACKKTS AHD FWBS. _ ^ ^ ANDREWS^V^I'CHjCfiGO BLIOHTLV USBD MME. CRANE, costumes. ^ss^w-cSS^ss^^ ■sianjM awssssaaBBS.1 BSTUUTKS OIVMI. laaB Bra^wajr, B«w *««*•