The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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December 16. THE^NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1113 A A A A A ft A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Trunk Service ft You will thoroughly appreciate the A. B. C. line of Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases, for they embody the latest and most useful ideas and inventions in the history of trunk making. The A. B. C. Ward- robe Trunk is a perfect trunk for men and women. Every article is instantly accessible. No unpacking when you arrive; no packing when you leave. Your clothes hang up just as they do in your wardrobe al home; your linen lies neatly in drawers; your hats go in the hat compartment. No matter how many or how few garments you have, adjustable slides keep them free from wrinkles. Price $35.00 and upwards. No. 099. This elegant Dresser Trunk, top faced with quilted satin, drawers faced with leather, frame of three-ply veneer covered with dark green Keratol, a material unexcelled for strength and beauty. Handsome metal trimmings, guaran- teed throughout. Price, $02.75. Our booklet, "Tips to Travelers," sent free on request, which illustrates many useful and up-to-date articles in traveling equipment. Abel $ Bach Company £, Largest Matters of ^^ TrunKs and Bags MMB in the World Milwaukee, Wis. U. S. A. ^ ft ft ft ft ft ft TUAUK MARK Insist upon having this ■■■■ mark on any trunk, suit case or bag you buy. It Is ^-^ your guarantee of quality, fjj^ style and durabi'Uy. ft ft A ROSY SKIN Clear nn<] transparent, freshened, luvlgorntcd nnd suffused with the dollcate, attractive hues "< health, Is (be Inevitable result ot the faith- ful use (if BIKER'S VIOLET CERATE litis Is the ideal massage cream, and so bed by the great majority of the must beautiful nml discriminating women of America. It Is clean, pure and SCIENTIFIC. It not only corrects surface blemishes and beautifies the skin, but Its wonderful results appear be- neath the surface. It tills out the hollows of i lie face, arms, neck and bust, and makes firm, plump contours. Its valuo is best shown by its almost universal use among The Women of the Stege Who nro known as the most experienced critics cf Just such nn article. PRICE, BO CENTO, At our stores, or sent by mall on receipt of the price. Send for our booklet, "lleauty Cul- ture, listing all theatrical toilet requirements. RIKER'S DRUG STORES, <lth Ave., and 23 tl Street, iiromiwii >■ anil Oth Street, , NEW YORK. Dr.MARSHALLS catarrh snuff I IT CURES [«%* loyw* ayfauufotatt Hoarseness or loss of voice im- mediately relieved. Nothing excels thi s simple remedy. WANTED, AI Soprano to Play Part In An ''I'cinllc, Instrumental Musical Comedy •jhcici (one who Is a good piano player pre-' •m •,., CHARLES N1TSCHKH BR.. _■-' W. Wnshlngton Ave., Madison, Wis. _.„._ -«m» WANTED — - VIOLINIST (IEADEB), Vaudeville. »iw lie competent, experienced, sober, reliable. ?'"'-J work. Salary sure. Mnndstn. H.fercnceB rjli'iced^ QR18WFLL A McDANIEL, Dallas,Tea nojJHTT, WM. TENNYSON, PEN. DEL., Washington, Pa. Theatres Represented and Companies Booked. *•«• 1. Adams & Co., 127 W. 40th St., NX City. under m Cents, Notes from KufTaln Hill's Wild West nnl Congress of Rough Riders of the World.— Wo,closed our twenty-third annual tour at Marseilles, France, Sunday, Nov, 12, where tbc members of tbo company were treated to n grand bannuct by Caterer D. Uallard, on tbo closing any. we arc having the novel experience of Wintering under canvas at Mar- seilles. Manager Kred Ilnlley Hutchinson Is personally superintending the rcconstructloi of the pnrnphcrnalla, and the show will re- open very early In the now year. Col. Cody, who Is looking and feeling splendidly, after such a long season, with bis faithful lieuten- ant, Jule Kcene, and General -Agent Clarence L, Dean, sailed for America Nov. 15, from Cherbourg, France. Bill McCunc, who com bines the position of chief usher with that of Indian agent, has been a prominent mem- ber of Col. Cody's staff slnco tho beginning of the Wild West, nt Omaha, Neb., In 1883. Me sailed for America Nov. 14, from Geva, Italy, with the Indians, Mexicans, U. S, Cav- alry, life savers and artillery. Most of the principals have been re-engaged for next year's tour, and as the "lay off" will bo a short one, tbe majority of them will Winter here. Tress Agent Frank Small Is making a tour of Italy; Charles Eldrldge Grldln. who has been reengaged as manager of privileges, takes Ills own company to Algiers and Mo- rocco; Jake PoBcy Is In Winter quarters with I be draught stock, "SI" Compton bas chnrgc of the ring horses, nnd John Eberto Is general superintendent. John says: "All we have to do when we wake up, Sunday morning. Is to guy out the Winter quarters. ' Equestrian Director Johnnie linker will sail for America la a few days. The show was out tlilrty-two weeks, gave four hundred nnd forty-three consecutive performances (Includ- ing Sundays), and traveled 0,210 mllcB ^n France. _ Thb Bk.neyoi.ent OnnEB of American Tioers. Jungle No. 1. held their half yearly election of officers In Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 19. 1005, when the following wore elected: President. Win. O'llara; vlco president, John McLaughlin; grand treasurer, Cbas. Hutch- inson ; treasurer. Chns. Stock; financial sec- retary, Mai. G. Dcnman ; recording secretary, H. J. Mooney ; sergeant at arms. John Foley; trustees—John Burke, Geo. Beyea, Larry Kgnn, Geo. Fisher and Ed. Srhaeffer. After tbe business ot tbc lodge we had a very en- Jovnble evening. Tub Great BYoto Shows and Circus are mnklng preparations for going out next sea- son on o greatly elaborated scale, remodeled and strengthened with big feature acts. The management Intends to make these shows the equal of any similar organization of the flrst class In the world. The shows Winter quar- ters are at Denver. Lew Graham bas closed a pleasant and successful season, and Is now resting at his Winter home In Philadelphia. He Is re- engaged for 1000 with the Rlngllng Bros., as mnnnger of museum nnd side shows, WwroifA and Frank write: "The season of the Pawnee Bill Show closed In Maiden, Mo.. Nov. 4. nnd we have since fhen been out in tbe swnmps nf Southern Missouri, resting and hunting. There ore plenty of deer and wild turkey here, nnd we havo no trouble getting nil we want to eat with our rifles. Wenonn has entirely recovered from the Injury she received from her horse falling. AND YOU'LL NOT GET "STUCK." OUR FILMS ARE "FULL MEAS- URE." NO SHORTAGE, NO DEAD STUFF. DO YOU SEE THE POINT? OUR LATEST rWl SUCCESS) M. Pull of Action. Founded on Fact. Abounding In Fun. A Comedy Pliture, with Just a I.ltllo Touili of Put linn. Length, 7HII Peet Exactly. A Big lilt at tlminneriiteln's Victoria Last Week, fnlonlal Theatre Tills V ii-k Have Vsu Seen MONSIEUR HKAlt AittKt Produced by Arrangement With MrClnre, Phillip* .Is Co. Length, rtlo Keet, HENEMBEHI THE "HOUSE OP ilK.Wll.Ir.EMH' It A KF LEW, THE AMATEUR OMACK8JHAN, Length 10OO feet THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM, Length - 800 feet LICENSE HO. 13, OR THE HOODOO AUTOMOBILE, Length -.----- 750 feet SHERLOCK HOLMES, or HELD POR RANSOM, Length ....--- 7115 feet BLACK AND WHITE, or MYSTERY OP A BROOK- LYN BABY CARRIAGE, Length - 470 reel WRITE POl THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, ORIU1NATED 'HIE FOLLOWING OHEAT PILMNi TUB ESCAPE PROM MING SING, Length - 775 feet BURGLAR DILL. AND HOW IIB LOST A TOOTH BY MISTAKE, Length MOVING DAY, or NO CHILDREN Length OH, YOU DIRTY BOY, Length CIRCULARS. 116 NASSAU STREET, Tel. 2764 John. Cable ALLOWED, »10 feel 7VO feel 00 feet SELLINH AGENTS: KLEINE OPTICAL CO., 62 State St., Chicago, 111. New York. addrew "Vltigrtph." MILES BROS., 110 Turk St., San Francisco, Cal. Notes prom La Mont Bnos.' WixTRn QUARTKK8.—La Mont Bros. 4 Low's Show closed after a very successful season at Ureenvlllc, III., Oct. 20, and pulled Into their fine Winter quarters at Salem, III., a dis- tance of fifty miles. Their quarters .hare been greatly enlarged during the past Sum- mer, so that everything can be properly token care of. All the cages were unloaded and stock was housed In their large stock bnrns. Feed was stored for tbc Winter, carpoDters. wagon and harness makers were set to work In earnest, as everything must be fresh nnd new. While the show was en route the nml season It did not show to a losing week, hav- ing played Indiana, Ohio, Michigan ana Illi- nois. We were out twenty-four weeks nnd would have closed a week later, but on ac- count of high water, were compelled to cancel the last weeks' dotes. The cub lions that were born during the Summer are One and dandy. King and work slock came in looking swell. Prof. Dan Buckley and his band of llf- tecn pieces, were rc-engnged for next season, nnvlnz signed contracts before the show closed! The management Is highly pleased with Ihc past season's business, so much so that they expect to add at least ten or twelve more cages and tableaux wagons for their opening next Spring, making one of the larg- est wagon shows on the road. Next season, when the show pulls out, everything will be new, from bale ring to ring stake. All can- viim will he greatly enlarged, n new Baker big ton—80, with two 30's Kid top; 40, with n :io dressing and cook tents, all new. Tak- ing It all together one can readily sec that It is a real circus, nnd with Its roster of over one hundred people they expect to do the business. Should prosperity follow, as It hns done In the past, a more elaborate Bhowlng 's In store for Its many patrons. The band nnd street parade bas been, and always will be, n feature of I.n Mont Bros.' Shows. At tub ct.osn of Campbell Bros.' season. Col. J. C. O'Brien presented John McDonald with a handsome nnd substantial testimonial. It consisted of a beautiful ribbon, upon which were printed words of the highest commenrln tinn for ability nnd faithfulness. Attached to It was n gold certificate of tbe fifty dolar denomination. Everybody was pleased, as the recipient wns very populnr wlili all. Notbs vnosi tho Orenter Morris ft Itowc Show.—Members of this show who arlvcd In Chicago from Benson, Ariz,, consisted of: The Seven Marvelous Bclfnrds. Four Flying Btin- vards, Melnotte, Lanole and Molnotto, Mr. nnd Mrs. Holland, J. J. McNulty, Wen. Brown nnd Have Mulr. nil of whom were members of the Norrls & Itowc Show last season. The flclford Troupe arc booking (Intra for this season. Tub St. Lbon Family of acrobats nnd equestrlons sailed from New York Dec. 8. for Havana, Cuba, to Jo'n Publlloncs' Circus for nn engagement of fen weeks. Tmk Zixtts (Curvln and Nellie), acrlnl- Ista, nro re-engaged wllh the Al. V. Whoe'er Now Model Shows for next season, this mak- ing their third yenr wllh this show. Mart and Pahnbyh Steffan, of Mcmph's, Mo., well known In the circus world, are with the Bros. Itoycr "Next Door" Co., for fie Winter season. They havo circus contracts for 1000. Ai.iikiit Gaston, the veteran singing and talking clown. Is Wintering In Schenectady, Georqb D. Starr, general manager for Bar- num ft Bailey, sailed Nov. 25, to arrange for tbe transportation of tho Onlcrlo des Ma- chines from Tarls to New York. VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (Otto Wells, local mannger) Thomas Jefferson, In "Kip Van Winkle," played to good business Nov. 80. Al. 11. Wilson followed Dec. 1, to very good returns. Savage's English Grand Opera Co. 18, moving pictures, firm-Nelson fight, II), 20; Kyrle Bellow 25. OitANnY (Otto Wells, local manager).— Business continues of a most unusual na- ture. "Child Slaves of New York" 11-10. lit lot: (Abb Nml ih. manager).—In addition to the regular stork, the following people open for week of 11,: Montle nnd Mack, Alice 1 errlcr, and Knowlcs and Gary. Business Is good. Acme (Wllgcrson ft Mantle, managers).— People week of 11: Crouch and Boston, Vice nnd Viola, White and Moore, aud Oscar Brewer. Business Is good. Ai'DiTouiuM (J. M. Bartoa, mnnnger).— New people week of 11: Helston and Hood, Paulino Jones, Lane and St. CUIr, and Chas. Itentz Jr, Business Is good. Manhattan (Crlnnlnn Bros., tuanngcrB).— Pcoplo who entertain week ot 11: Wells and Srhlrlcy, Ben Wells, May Lemuels, and the Maddens. Business Is good. i Richmond.—At tbe Academy of Music (Wells ft McKco, managers) Al. II. Wilson played "Tho German Gypsy, to a very largo and appreciative audience Nov. (10. "The Crystal Slipper" (local talent) was very well rendered Dec. 6. 0. "David Harum" fared well 8. "Tho Matinee Girl" 13, Savage's English Grand Opera Co. ID, 20. lluou (Wells ft McKee, managers).—Week of 4, "The Beauty Doctor" gave a good show, playing to well filled bouses. "How Hearts Are Broken" 11-10, "Child Slaves of New York" 18-23. ««» VERMONT. Burlington.—At the Strong Theatre (Cohn ft Grant, managers) "The Two Sis- ters," Her. 2, pleased. The Manhattan Stock Co. played to fair returns 41). "Cblmnile" II. "Tho Illvnls" 13, Henrietta Crosmsn IS. "SI Stobblnn" and "Chlmmle" canceled dates. * »» OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City.—At theOverholser (Ed. Overholser, manager) "Tbc Devil's Auction," Dec. 2, had capacity at matlne and night, w. B. Patton's "Last Itosc of Summer. ,T 3, had the usual big business for Hunrtsy night. "Babes In Toyland" 7, "Sweet Clover' 1 8, "A Trip to Egypt" 10. CLASS A FILMS, 10 CENTS PER FT. CLASS D FILMS, 12 CENTS PER fT. Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Model Klnetoaeupc, ftlB.OO. Universal Model ICInrtoscope, #7(5.00 ARE THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. BECAUSE EDISON FILMS are perfect In detail nnd action. No effort or expciiKe la spared to produce THK iWlS'i'. The strictest nllcntloii Is pnlil detulls, situations, net Ion nnd surroundings. Wo The strictest nllcntloii Is pnlil to mid surrouiHlltigH. Wo rcallzt that Desperate Escaping Convicts and Pursuing (lunrils do NOT usually lunch, I hat Pollen OlllriTs. after making an arrest, do NOT lenvo their clubs and helmets behind litem, ou tho sidewalk, and that a Gale of Wind does NOT usually blow through prlvalo bed ronnm. L"niCn Li LfltiCTACPADLTC nrc ll "" t l0 n,t 'l'l»ry nre constructed on LUIiMJil Mill- I UjbUl LJ correct Bclenlltlc nnd inerlmnlriil principles. ■.nfiWVII lllllk I VWVUI UW , v Rk |||,, d „„.,,!,„ nicH, employing the best ma- terlnls obtainable. They will out-wear any machine on (ho market. CREAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION. A Fnltbrul Reproduction In Motion Pictures ot* the Tlni.i.llniiornil Christmas Legend, In Twelve llnautlfal Miienes, 'THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS' SANTA CLAUS I'EEDINO III8 KI'INDHKR—SANTA CI.AUn IN 1118 WORKSHOP— SANTA CLAUS LOOKING OVEIt 1IIH HOOKS—CHILDRl'N HANdlNU Til Kill STOCK INOS—CHILDREN ItOMPINO AND PEEK I NO—SANTA CLAIIS LEAVING HIS CAHTLH IN THE I-KOZI'N NORTH—SANTA CLAUS ON THE JOURNEY (PANORAMIC VIEW COVERING THOUSANDS OK MILKS)—ON THE ROOI"' AND DOWN THE CHIMNEY— KILLING: THE STOCKINGS—CHRISTMAS MORNING—CHRISTMAS THEM PARTY— "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A (IOOIJ NIGHT." ••SANTA CLAUS ON IMS JOURNEY" Is tlie Most Wonderful, ItcnlUllo nnd Artistlo Motion Picture Ever Produced. It Hits No Eiinnl. CLASS A. LENGTH ABOUT 800 FT. ORDERS FILLER IN ROTATION. ANOTHER CREAT HEADLINER. LIFE OF AN AMERICAN POLICEMAN IN SEVEN REALISTIC AND TIIIUI.I.IMJ SCENES. HOME LIKE—OOINO ON DUTY—LOST CHILD—BROADWAY CROSSING- A RUNAWAY—RIVER TRAGEDY—JOKE ON THE ROUNDSMAN. STOPPING SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. These pictures wero taken with Urn sanction and cooperation of tho I'ollco Commissioners of New York City, and all the policemen who took pnrt In the pictures are members of lliu Metropolitan I'ollco Drnartinunl. Tho pictures uro ubsoluloly perfect nn to detail, iiellou and surroundings, und depict In tho most realistic manner iictuiil dully life ami huiipenliigH. Tbo pictures wero first shown at the hunellt ciilcrtitlnmont for tho Pollen Relief Fund, nt the Grand Centrnl Palace, New York City. Dec. 5, 11)05, and at a similar entertainment at Schwuben Hall, llrooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 12, luuri, und subsequently at Proctor's Twenty- third Street, New York City, and they have caused A TREMENDOUS 8EN8ATION EVERYWHERE. No. ft,*43. CODE, VATEESAME. LENGTH, I.ODO FEET. A •MO.OO. BEND FOB LATEST CATAL0U8 AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANOK, N. J. Chicago Offlee, 304 Wabash Avenue. Riw York Offloe, 31 Union Square. Cable Addross, KurlUan, New York. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: St OLERKENWELL KOAII, LONDON, K. 0., KNUI-ANI). flEI I fM IHTMi THE KINKTOORAPH 00., .... 41 K. 21st St., New York. OtllllliaV attbnlD. PKTKIl BAOIUALUM, 780-7BJ MlsMon HI., Han Francisco, Usl. * GEO. MELliS "STAR" FILMS * RIP'S DREA Copyrighted moo Br UBO. MKI.IKH, Paris- »»w York. A ,>'«>» anil SlaanlllcentClnenialnaraulilii Ojiera flotifle In TfcN HL'ENEN. Inspired by the till* VAN WINKLE TALK. LENGTH, 1,086 FEET. PRICE, 1163.00. The above price Includes one cony of the Incidental muslo adanted from the popular Opera liouffe, "RIP VAN WINKLk." (NO DEDUCTION WITHOUT Ml HIV.) SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS: CHRISTMAS AlVGECXv A Host llaatitirul nml Pathetic Picture In Hevan Hcuncs. LENGTH, 687 FEET. PRICF, 188.00. _ New York Branch, (\ Osneral Western Selling Agents ^ MM ■«• ,um Htr.... KLEINE OPTICAL CO., HO* East :nm Street, ,. /i nuincuniMLvv., •ASTON MELIE8, Gm'l Msnigir. <) nu 8i*t« Rtreei, ciiicugn, ill. ML foOFESSIONAL TfcUNKS DO YOU KNOW That tho UAL ]' uoi'MHHl ON A J, TRUNK Is l-l SHE Inside and outside» That the HAL I'rufenHiniiHl Trunk Is the IlKhicHt sud HtruiiKi'itt trunk nn esrtlit Hum! forests- loirno "C"." 110 W. 40th ML, N. Y. PARTNER WANTED, WITH SMALL CAPITAL, for INTEREST IN GOOD ATTRACTION. Ripprlenced man preferred. Address I". Komodl, 127 West 40th Street, N. Y. City. WAi\TKl>, A GOOD SKETCH TEAM. Musical preferred; one must piny piano, or a ((nod Hutch L'omedlnn unci Dunccr, that plnyn plnno. ('limine fur one week. Other [lerformers write. NMD 1HJKKK, Modern Concert Co., Princeton, Ind.