The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1120 TEDS STEW YORK CLIPPER. December 23 VLEVCLANM 1*4 BOWKRY, HEW YORK CITY. For » hall centnry we have been giving real bargains in diamond!. It Is ridlcnloua to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enonnooa rents prevail, can compete with' Of. A comparison ot goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VALUE f2Z5. NOW 9188. 1^-6-M kts. Commercial pure white color. Krfectlv cut, very snappy and free from all perfections. This gem will be reset Into an; other setting free ol charge. •end for Oar Forfeited Loan Otataloeme. Mall Orders Filled. Inquiries Solicited. United States Tent sad Awning: Co., Randolph and Deiplalnes Bts., CHICAGO, III. CIRCUS CANVA8E8. BLACK TBIITB Osur_«JP«J«» 1 *7- BIDB SHOW PAMTIHB8. imiiiiiiiiiH wmmwwwwwvw SHOW TENTS Vnr oircuacB Wild West Shows, mack Tents, cudyWww. Kldd 4 Bttk . cr LlBh AXS send for l6 puce price list of second hand Tents. . 7 th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES HENRY MILLER, Manager Princess Theatre, N. Y. City: "Pure and good —the Murad Cigarette." •HBNRYM1LLER. JEFFERSON DE &NQEL.18. Playing In "Fantana:" "The Murad Cigarette suits me." JEFFERSON DE ANGISLIS. JAMES T. POWERS, Playing in the sketch, "Dreaming:" "Murad, Murad, and again Murad." ___ JAMES T. POWERS. Largs Stock 80ft. and TJndar New and Becjad.Hand. Writs TUB CUAIILE9 P. BIKDBR TBMT AMD AWHING CO., Successors to the T. W. Noble Co.. Tent Dept., KtroTt Bag aid Mfg. Co.. Detroit, Mich. MUSICAL GLASSES Substantial, load, pars In tone, easy to tune and play. Photos, reterenoes, catalogue, with loll In- formation How to Piny Glasses success- fully, will be sent on re- ceipt of 100. A.Braunelu, Olaisophone Mfg., Brooklyn, H.Y. ITALLMAN'8 DRKS8KR TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue In racking and unpack- ing. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds as mnoh and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. 0. 0. D. with privilege ol ex- amination. 2o. stamp for cata- log, F. A. BTALLMAN, 8»w. Spring St., Columbus, O. DrMARSHALLS CATARRH SNUFF GKwInsliritRtlletandAtreoluklyCures Catarrh. Cold In the Head, La Grippe, Dealnets and ringing In the ears, Conlai»Mn9C«<ttintffretktrfotsfit<f»sitr%fSit Sold byallirngilsti or hymailprtpaid. F. C. KEITH, Prop. Cleveland. Ohio. 70J&* H a VcauAcid . Flm Magical Appwitw ILLUSIONS. TRI0K8, Etc Orand End ot Century, falls Blnstarsud. BOOK cata- Catalogs* of Parlor Mo lRTINKA * CO..**., SB Sixth ATS., N. T. ItOOTJB, Mo., frss by n ~ itAlogno of Parlor trloki in kURTlNKA A CO.. Mir*, UNIFORMS Band, Military, Minstrel Parade Out- fits. Ushers and all others. Send for Catalog, mention kind wanted. Special Attention (llvon the Profession, west- ern Uniform Co., 214 Clark St., Chicago. 7HEATPKAL PfiWTWG mjd ENGRAVING antioxs. CAMi. ewnxers m<m at ~~w.. Pkg. 8TA0E MONET, ISO. BOOK OF CVJT8, 200. TRICK CARDS, Jo. Write Today. W CHICAGO PL-AY f ACTORY IVA>S WHII UN 10 OBDCH, BOO0M1 AND BOLD lurwos-MUS A V BBO/Nt. JOatnunoN si V.W° PIAYS WTtl WERMI000 SKtTO 1HE cigarette, of all Turkish cigarettes ever made, that meets most successfully the demands of the most exacting critics. The most prominent actors in America'recognized as the most competent judges, unite in their preference for MURAD CIGARETTES Every point of high quality ever evolved in the making of fine Turkish cigarettes, is offered in the Murad; and a new delightful combination of richness and mildness bjb added, that is the successful result of sixteen years' constant experiment, lO for 15 Cents FREE ON BEQUEST—A handsomely IH.iBtrated booklet, giving late P n .? t0 FKP°'S reproductions and Interesting notes of many famous actors. Write for It. Address reproductlo : ALLAN: RAMSAY, I Mi Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. DAVID WAUFIELD, In "The Music Master:" "After each act I hasten to light a Murad." DAVID WARFIHLD. GEORGE AKLIS. In "Leah Klescbna:" "The Murad Cigarette 1b a delight- ful smoke." GEORGE ARLISa AltTHUR BYRON, In "The Bishop's Carriage:" "The Murad Cigarette la an excellent smoke. ARTHUR BYRON. The Leading Toilet Article In America and Europe FROSTILLA "" " A POPUUR_ARTICLE WITH ^=~ Actors and Actresses Who use It largely to prevent the hands and face from becoming rough after using "make up'* paints. Used for Many Years by Leading 8tars. POND'S EXTRACT CREAM.! A superb sklat food, containing the me- dicinal properties wlilcli have made POND'S EXTRACT famous. Nourishes the skin, cleanses It of all Impurities, allays Irritation, and will not pro- duce growth of hair on the face. In Jars, HOC and 50c In Collapsible Tubes, Me. , Large Blze, NOT GREASY OR STICKY-ELEGANT PERFUME IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM. Perfectly harmless to moat delicate skin. Gentlemen find It far superior to any other article after shaving. FROSTILLA Is good to allay any Irritation of the skin. Sold Everywhere. If your dealer hat not got It-tend 25 cents for bottle by mall prepaid. CLAY W. HOLMES, EL1IBA, N. 7. ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POErtS I Mill HUBtefcl UnmimiUlone. We rVTrntiBtsVDil j>o,>nl*rttp. Addrew HOMIER MUS10 MJB. 00, (IncJ (• C.lciri, III. M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTORNEY, 858 Broadway, New York City. PI??J>4sJJfnrS rWMlOMM 5 :HMW>CHiri , > . wmniirrr CRRtR ■ aw takt . Aiwtss ikANcir. ruc.KLR ':L\ n '.lr:,i Oaudwilicanamiiisirci. PISO'S 'CURE FOR ■ui ACTORS, MKUKKH ul wsaiiss Mnwi ci'as u CONSUMPTION Tin Musical Adams write from Trini- dad Co as follows: "We had the pleasure of opening the New Crystal Theatre here Dec. 10. and our act was a success, as was every net on the bill. The house was packed to the doors, and Is the most beautiful house In this part of the country, being on the ground Uoor, with a balcony. It seaty eight Hundred people, Is finely decorated and light- ed, and naB as fine scenery as any theatre In the country of Its Blze. The manager gave a banquet after the show, which was well attended. Performers: The Musical Adams, novelty act; Frank Roberta, songs; the lieverlys, travesty sketch; Mysterious Ceasert Co., and Prof. Moore's Dog Circus. House employes: Sadie Lane, ticket seller; Frank More, musical director; H. Roberts, electrician, and Mr. Moor, stage manager. \V. R. Orendorf Is manager; Mr. Morris, representative; George Ira Adams, manager. Louis Pehbome states that he has no In- tention of forming a quartet with Shanahan. Long and Rlppltt. ,, . Job Levitt and Acinus Falls were called to Syracuse, N. i\, on account of the death of Mr. Levitt's brother, Harry Levy, who was a well known manager. They were compelled to cancel their Western time, and will play the Boston circuit after remain- ing a couple of weeks at Miss Falls' home, at Rochester, N. Y. Jau C. Oaffbnx, comedian and roller skate dancer, reports meeting with success through Ontario, with Uognon A McQulnn's Vaude- ville Co. Bob Daily, of Oklahoma City, Oltla., writes: "Owing to the HI health of my wife (Nettle Daily) have been for the past eight weeks working alone In this city, out expect to be on the road soon after the holidays. We will at the same time Introduce our new and original sketch, entitled 'See-Saw.'" Lewis and Lewis (lirnest and Madge K.) announce that they will In the future be known as Kimball and Roche, on account of there being another team by the name ol Lewis and Lewis. Tou Uriel* add Tou Con wai have joined hands to do a black face act. The name of che team will be "The Two Black Heads." Html Oabnold reports big success playing clubs and entertainments. Ed. B. and Kolla Wbiti have Just fin- ished their Eastern dates, and open at tbe Arcade, Toledo. 0., on their middle Weat dates, which will carry them up to May, wlieo they return to New xork City. They write that at Pastor's and over tbe Mozart circuit the act was a big laughing success. Collins and La Bells write that they have four more weeks In California, and have been making a big hit all over tbe Sullivan A Consldlne circuit. They have booked twenty-six weeks from Walter Keefe, to fol low their California work. Charles E. Taxlob, manager of the Al- cazar Beauties Co., and Gladys Sears, a sou- brette, were married on Wednesday, Nov. Pi, in Chicago, by the Rev. Obenhouser. Ansel and Dorian, novelty equilibrists and Roman ring experts, played week of Dec. 11, at the Lyric Theatre, Cleveland, U., as an extra attraction In place of the Reuner Family, and report having made a decided hit 'ihey are oooked tor other good vaude- ville dates during the Winter. Miuub Fox, of the team, York and Fox, was called to his home at Coatsvllle, l'a.. on account of the illness ot his mother. Miss 1'ork will work alone the rest ot this season. Latona, of Frank and Jen Latona, writes from Darlen Centre, N. Y.: "We have only been buck from England one week. Jumped right out here to the farm, soon as we landed at New York." Eddie Cauboi.l and Agnes Clause are playing a few weeks for the Western Vaude- ville Association through the middle West. They open on tbe Bijou circuit week of Jan. 15, with the Nash circuit to follow, and are booked up until the week of May 7, moo. 1'iiicB and Butlbs are in their fifteenth week as the vaudeville feature of the C. W. Parks Stock Co., presenting their new act, "An Old Grudge." Tun Bais.nells will play four more weeUs In Iowa, after which they will go to Chicago, and open on the Castle circuit for four weens, commencing Jan. 15. They are booked solid to the end of next April. Jack Boxes writes: "Dur'ng tbe Illness of my partner, Billy Hart (Black), and since his recent death, 1 have been working with Geo. Scanlon, well known through his work with the Adonis Trio. We are meeting with big success in a new white face singing and talking act, en route with Charlie Walaron's Burlesquers." lioiiLEu and Mabion are playing return dates on the New England circuit, opening at the Gem Theatre, Lynn, Mass., their sec- ond time there In three months. Week of Dec. IS they are at Music Hall, Gloucester, Mass., and are through with one night stands for a while. Gabneb and Mulleb, who are en route for Canada, report meeting with great suc- cess with their novelty act, entitled "The Baron's Last Banquet." Cabkx and Lislb, who have been laying oft for some time, on account of the illness of Mies Lisle, will resume work very soon, as Miss Lisle has entirely recovered her health. They will be seen In Mr. Casey's new sketch, entitled "The Kid Detective." Job Dave*, of the team of Davey and I'hllllppe, after an illness of fifteen weeks, Is on the road again. They played the Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., week of Dec. 11, with other good work to follow. They are on their way back West again, and will spend New Years at their home. In Toledo, O. Billy English and Eddie Cabbou are resting at their home, Germantown, Pa., for two weeks. They report meeting with big success In their comedy, singing, talking and dancing act. Frank Milton and the Three De Long SlsterB, after a long Benson on the coast, Jumped -'rom Spokane to Denver, to join tho Franklin-Huston Orpheum Show, and are now In their seventh week, The show Just fin- ished the Greenwall circuit of Texas, and Is now ploying South through Arizona to Col- orado. Geo. W. Leslie will finish his four weeks on the J. E. Jackson Middle West circuit at Kansas City, Mo., week of Dec. 25, with the Family, East St Louis; Castle, Blooming- ton, and Gaiety, Springfield, to follow. Gus C. Klinonbb writes that after an absence of over five years from the profes- sion (for a number of years with "The County Fair" and the late Stuart ltobson), he will return to tbe stage in the early Spring of 1000. He will be seen In a high class travesty sketch, which is now being written for him, assisted by a well known soubrette and a clever character comedian Flembn and Miller closed a successful four weeks In Southern California, and signed with Sullivan & Consldlne, for eight weeks, opening In Seattle, Dec. 11. Their new act, "Leaders of Society," Is, they Inform us, a success In every way. The Sisters Tyson report doing well with the Golden Crook Co. Owing to the pact that the New People's Theatre, at Kansas City, Kan., was not ready to open Dec. 17, as Intended, Al. Massey and Ella Kramer play Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., that week. They are at present working for Chris Brown, and are booked solid to May 7, including raster's, New York; the How- ard, Boston; Mozart circuit, and other work. Bbockuan, Mack and Co. broke In their new act, "The Count on Mother's Account," at Paterson, N. J., and report Its entire success. Danny Simmons, comedian, with the Adam Good Co., which plays the Cabn & Grant New England circuit. Is making an I emphatic hit, he Informs us, throughout the circuit. His feature act, "Teddy's Charge of San Juan Hill," has become a feature, and £Anfj tuiy'etrandcca fen r * 6nlanQlinQjjl!fiur,.hPorl:' Mns. Nauobton (Ida McNulty) Is living at Sheridan, l'a., having retired from the profession. Her family tncludea a bnby boy. I. B. Wolfino writes: "1 am In the City Hospital. Charleston, S. C, convalescing from a long Illness of typhoid and malarial fever, and nope to be able to be out In a week or two, when I will return to New York." Sbnatob Frank Bell opened at Cardiff, Wales, recently, and made a big hit with his "Senatorial Orations." Mllta Wkallin and wife (Frances Mc- Nulty) arrived from England Dec. 14, and will spend the holidays with the old folks, at Rome, N. Y. They will return to England Feb. 6, 1000, to open at the Oxford and Tlvoll, London. They are booked solid to 101O. Amnetta and Bebsie Rosa have closed with the Fay Foster Co., and returned to Boston, to play dates. Millbb. ^'The Handcuff King," writes: "I have Just finished a successful season ot forty-one weeks In the West, and have signed a contract to appear for the next two years under the management of Frank Hall. I open Dec. 18, at the Auditorium Theatre, Topeka, Kan., as a special feature, with tbe John K Sullivan Show," Tub Albions write that they played Springfield, Mo., week of Nov. 10, and their act went so well that they were re-booked back for week ot Dec. 10. They are repeat- ing their former success, and bavo placed twelve weeks In the middle West, without losing a week. Charles Borniiaitt, international the- atrical agent, Balls from England for America, ■ he Is presenting It at each performance. Mr. Which^kind of hait do you have? Tae ' rich, heavy, young kind? Then you are happy. Or the thin, scraggly, old hind? Then use l Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair iRenewer, and you will be ] happy. The hair grows more | rapidly, stops coming out, and all the natural, deep, rich | color returns to gray hair. For the whiskers and moustache we make 1 | a Dye known as BUCKINGHAM'S DYK. It L colors instantly a rich brown or a soft black. I R. P. HALL * CO., Nashua, N. B. CLUB COCKTAILS are the only kind you can depend on. They're ex- quisitely flavored, smooth, subtle, and aged to please the most critical taste. Seven kinds —Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin, York. (LF.HEUBLEIN&BRO., HARTFORD NEW YORK Sole Proprietor. LONDON Preserve your Com Madams Rovalb's Cold , prt p»rt J especially for the theatrical profeulon, 1* a moit valuable acquisition for ill who require itr ;e m ike-up. A small quantity rubbed Into theikln before tpplylncgreue fialnti or cosmetic,, will ibac- utely prevent any poiiible Injury to tbe ikin from tbclr hie. Will not ci it growth of I hair. Cuirintccd to keep indefinitely. Ladleiwlth a "" . ,) dellc»:e, .entltWc .kin, who have lUrTerdl from tie y Irritation canted by some pslnts aid po""";,J™ S readily , pp ,eclite the metiti of thin prepatiltoa. V For the removal of make-up It Is onequil.ed. g Pull half-pound package, prepaid, BOb * (t trial size lar to any address on receipt. ol inc. i Pardridge & Bla«hwell, | fe St.™. DETROIT, MICH, (ft< WIUNDINSTRU Ml Ul othen. It you want tbe *•*»££ Ji ,„ ioi I -lljouwlll B»T.«jioto«iD»kejWe^"""Jbi?. ohe.p. Everything tor bands. Our Mtuog mu"- n gvJn lilt firee on nqoMt. rH*NKHOI-TON»,GO„ J.C.GOSS CO >N <C BUILDERS Jan. 4. Simmons le the originator of this act S§oHaSrWo a terTa!?Ju£;or^i»«<««»aS. tlBlmtovery branch of tho Amusement Baslntf^f- XJitalogue (D) of Dramatic nodShon I r..."»si , Ontalorae (O Fair and Carnival Print ..k^ 'Catalogue B Billposters,Commercial Flrst-olais Printing of all k nd». _. GREAT WESTERN PR NTIN G c »" 813 ELM 8TREET. ST. LOUIS, MO^ - Give efifeotive relief in bron- chial and lung troubles. Contain nothing injurious.