The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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t>XCEM0KB 23; THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1121 Grease-Paint-and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Cream WASH-UP" MADE EASY It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace ..of grease-paint, burnt tork or any. other make-up,, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate completion; leaving the akin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. rOl SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND GIOCEKS "WILL DO IT" WM. WALTKE & COMPANY nothk Td-cottnBBPoJlDF.NTs. Kellly as Wood'* Big Show guvo lint: sntlsfuc- I'sed ami endorsid by the leading members ■■I every hinhch of the profession. Vc want every member of the profession in the l-nite<l States, to lust the merits of Lava Soup. Send ns your name and address, and wc will ■C«d von ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAMPLE CAKE OP LAVA SOAP. SAINT LOUIS, U. S. A. is c)tri*tM*. falls on Monday, all matter tlon. to hive audiences Mended ■./nr :i THK--=Ci.iM'feK : doted, Dec. SO, Lyceum (U. u. Bnic ruiemicL. I"',I*"" ~"" * ■;-' .v/ioi/W teadi this office not ilOiv ftfe H. • -Veto 1 car's later than Hatur- HHfrPm W '-xcie tears Day also falUny m-'Mondayy all matter intended for Tax (."uprfcfi -dated :JdiK S, should reach ns not later- than Saturday-, Dec- -. 30. 'heller. muuagerj.- . MASSACHUSETTS. ' Boston.—Notwithstanding the approach ol- tlje . Olirfstinus holidays, when shopping, lustead 'of, playgplng, is the rule our local houses bad good.average business last week. Iu [be. list of. attractions (or -the- current Week i thereiarp,several now to local putroiis, cplef ,of wkl Mui-Prancls' '"Poil»-i Lomloq Belles Co. this week, headed bv Hose Sydoll, m "D.iiralliig Xaucy." Vaudeville Is furnished by: The MeCnll Trio, Kelyea. Gar- uella and Shirk, the Weston Sisters, th« B J«u toniedy Trio, and Campbeil and Mack. Al. Reeves • and his company maintained their reputation, for good entertainment, and .manager) J VrsTi^^^'v^J U ^., wee . li -', 1 ,. ..-,.. nna «>«'Paoy will" pi-odu^" "The 'wie'roil m£22£ZJ£&SS£' S J lV . H ' il V. (A> '.' WUU .*' u, >'- ' I.«al • week, the eonipuny produced manager).—-Lovere of novelty aud vaude- "■»■■»-~ >.'-i ••■-•• ••■ ■—— •....'-....■ auspices of the Worcester Shakespeare Club, the Beji Greet Player* will he seen l»ee. IN. In "Macbeth." As iiMiml before- Christmas the house will be dink Ill-lit. Hurbert Kel- cey nti,| Kltle Shaanou. In "The Mghtulng Conductor." 110. Last week, Thouias Jeffer- son, In "Hip Van Winkle." had good re- turns. Lnhi (Baser, In "Dolly Dollar*," HI. had excellent patronage. Fuaxkux HgrAUK i J. P. Burke, resident Week of IS. Malcolm Williams B. F. KEITHS THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE B00KIN8 CIRCUIT. vlllc peep this'resort crowded, nud the bill* are always excellent. In the curio bull this week: Capt. Dlniitti's Cossack Troupe, the (-eorgla freak -family, Montana Jack aud Mi,of which? are: "Fantana," at the Boa- h Jff B t ' „it r .T- rs . : KSffls Mn * 1 ( m ** U: '• Jui-Francls-Wllson, at the Hollls, and Hau- " u , r '!?' "J"Kfi,«SHJ.. rlx . le ' gp»ke ..quean, So, Barbara Prletchla." to laiitc nlleudaiii'O. MiM' Heed .assumed Hie title rote Iu an artistic munner. Iiucllle Spluuev uud Alius Ravel were excellent In dlttleult roles. Okrlct- rails week the corupauy will be seen In "Kip Van Winkle.", aud Miss Slnuott will assume the tlt)»,,role In "Mtlle Miss Mub." It was iitHt Int elided that she should he seen hi "XUtlc ■ lionl Fanntleroy," bnt the bill, has been rljuu«..<l, . , Pahk Ulf. T. Wilton, mauager).—Week .» m vwiqucr, m. M/r-t-n i —ft" --:-—■„-".;, or 18 :Klaier Tenlej-.. Three Musical Jolin- >|yuare:. "Because Bhe Loved Him X? r I'rv 'rJ*L-o 1 .*!?.' *%££[ ¥Z**K <a Wi *}ns, ; KIton-Polo Troupe. Burton and Brooks. • "The Uoly City," &.£"*• Mj Stnlth Will Leonard, and Sfrtwnda . and Wurd. hlsher and Jolinnon. Atarvelous Mlla, Kathleen Potter, Ira Do- Dltllau I^roy. and the kluelograpli -$ \hc Empire.-'., and . nn ••UoHyrence McCarty. manager).— On 11{ .Jefferson. Do :■ Angel is, In "Fantaua," tytjlbe for'the.first time In Boston, e,onllpul6g for; four .weeks. , The principals assisting'.the : swr .are: Toby Claude, Hubeit Wllke, .TVtlllam Bfalsdcll, Robert Broderlck, iVmik-.^gsiiworth nod Julia. Sanderson. .Montgomery ainf Stone, In '"The Wizard of 04,'VeiiJoyed, three .weeks of splendid busl- Utlis an/lircheTed popularity. i HounHSmBBT (fsaac. B.Rich, mauager). —-Ifranvls i Wilson..-will give us .our first Boije, musieol lharvil. Stage show la tur- nlshed by Negie' Hartford's Big Burlesque t.ompany, and. an olio consisting of the Kverette, George W'halen and the Great J.orette.'. •'..•• : . N'icKKt.oufxix fC. K. Cherrv, mauager).— In the. curio hall week of 18: Mississippi Troubadours. Prof. I,a, Cara Michael, who blows through■ his eyes: Xora Gibson, tat- tpoed Indian princess, aud the Dellluos, Im- palement act. Stage show: Tlie new bur- lesque (.-ompuiiy. In rt After Dark at Ocean 5J,vums and .Mclutyre, Kitty Traney, Dorothy Kenton, Hawthonu and Burt, Bilff Brothers, Bi«wii, .Harris and Hrown and the electro- graph.. Business lo excellent patronage. P.U.AC*;.'—-The- burlesque. 18-*J3, will be "BllojVs.l'ariy." the vaudeville olio Including Dletle and Morln, l.oru Livingston. ThoaniK and Adams. Clint Weston and John Mack. Wrestling; as usual, on Wednesday and Kii- day hlghls. AIkckash's' H.ux. —The Boston Symphony Orchestra '21. assisted by Mme. Gadskl. Xorn.—A banctlt coucert will he given 17. Keith's Theatre Keith's Bijou Theatre Kelth'a Theatre Keith's Theatre. Kelth'a Theatre Kelth'a New Theatre... K«lth'« Prospect Theatre.. Boston, Mass. ... .Boston, Mass. ..Providence, It. I. .. Pawtucket, R. I. ... Sew York City. .Phllsdclphla, Pa. .Cleveland, O. Keltlr'a Ro.Tal Princess Theatre..London, ling, Harrr Davli' Orand Opera Qouse, Pittsburg, Pa. Lowell Opera House Chase's Theatre Washington, D. fc Kernan'a Maryland Theatre.. .Baltimore. Mel. Shea's (Jarden Thestre. Shea's Thestre Moorels Theatre Templa Theatre Moore's Theatre Park Theatre Grand Opera House. . Lowell, Mass. Buffalo. N. T. .. .Toronto, Can. .Rochester, N. T. ...Detroit. Mich. . . .Portland, Ms. Worcester. Mass. , . Syracuse, N. I. PEBVORMTBRS WILL BBNKVIT TUB.tHUCl.VKd DV KKEI'ISH TIH» OFFICE BWM M OP TIIR1B RO HTB AND OPJCN WIBtH. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, St. Jamas Building, m. K. HODODON, Booking M«na K «r, w . Rooms 83R to 828 St. Jnmea HnlMlnsr, MIW YOItK C'.TV. viewsi«if."C.o.usln Billy" and "The Little Hench, lutroduclng.Jack Sutter. Joe Mack, li'stb'cr. of. the .Wllderoess,'* openluir 18 and l"e«e . Dc . Hose, I/ena Barry, Lois Davis, .J* ■' '." ,n l rk " 'l"li*ijtif»». under the auspices of Will rfinnhi' for a fortnight; He will be j8Bslc I^onard, Alice Herbert, Kdna Clayton, l »e lorestcrs of Aaicrlca. iflily-'siitoliorUa ;by. May Robsou. Kdlth Bark- X&SP Daucell, . Alice Melvln, Llllle liavls. !•(•., Wljllam. .Lcivew, George Speucer, Rosa \ wko, Zetda Sears.- lilsa Garrett, Sldnev W'^-pAd'Chaij,.J.■.Greene. K. II. Sotherii dhd (Jull*.. Mhrlowc'ts three, weeks were .success, Mollle Rogers and Annie Mallvler. Business Is excellent. ■ Notks. —Sunday concert bills 17: Huston Theatre —Caprice. Lynn and Pay. Vera Uarncllo. and Harris. Siena keif,- Dr. Fnll KM it. —At the Academy of Music H aim &. Grunt, managers) the Ilurcoui't Comedy Co. uiipeured, week of Dec. 11. lo fair returns, giving satisfaction. Dot Kurroll, Iu repertory, 18-^a : Clara Turner vtj-lio. Siitiiov's Buou (C. K. Cook, ninnnger).— lluslUess Is at the top notch. Lust week Oracle hwuictt scored heavily. Week of IS : I'tiii KHtnu's bundwi Pantomime it>„ Dia- mond uud Smith, George and Miiy Woodward, Darrell, the Great Stevens, Connolly: and Prahcls Wood. Caprice. Lynn and Pay, Madge Rowe. Allaire uud Lliid. Anger, aud Uanley, Morton, Wuldo Brothers, and caiucrugrupli. (Chns.'Krobm'an,^ Rich £ HarVlsTman- Henella and Lixzle Otto, ulobe and Majes- Boston - <t;hns. Schlesinger. inaunger).- 'W>;cWv HossI, Brothers, Rose Mayo and JUM Jfaslohl. During the past ten days "A3 i.«Jjuw/ had a.sucipesslou of. capacity:houses. .' I'A'ltk' H'hrit: I'l'n hm'lli PI,.It Jk. U.-nl. .^.... TOM G1LLEN FINNIGAN'S FRIEND. The only act In Vaudeville Hint Is NOT booked solid until next June. I wonder win - Have only Inst one weak since July a, so I feci content. Sonic nice BIPKOI'l-lN TIMK JHii.VJnnii later. Dei.'. r>, Pail'*, Sprliietlold, Mass. Chrlmnim week, IIIPPUIIUOMK, V. V„ with MAIHSON Stjl'AKK tlAKUKti sml Ol'HGR OOOt) WORK TO KOl.LOW. Address e W. 28th S-t., IMow York. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of superfluous linlr Is somnthlng that require* the grenlsst nicety and care. X. BAZl.vs Dl;i'll..\ roltv POWDKR la the result of much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these growths with- out Injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a scar or die slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIX'H DEPILATOHY POWDF.It Is absolutely safe and d*- strovs the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting a cure. Send to Department "C ' for our little pamphlet ou the subject, "POR BUACTY'S SAKH." HALL A Ut'CKEL, Proprietors and Manufacturers of HOZODONT, :'ir> Washington Street, Xew York. Fnr 0M(e nt all first class ilruu ntorea or sunt by mull In sealed Pii.'k-nm-s for 30o. land a^tfi cootInuc :Into their third and final QulucyKIl^- Is to become business, manager ..has been the rule during the Halt ipl'Cbtsfht. On. Monday evening, 115, Wll- lam Ullettc,- In "Clarice,? for the first time ty. America. ' , ■ ,■ •. . . J..R , r^»rC;i^ f 'toIr &. Wilbur, managers);— fr Bertha Kaltch, ln.".Monno Vanna.' Kd. V. Rcyuurd and wife visited many old the. Bufilnton Stock, closed lust week, and left ror.-San Prnnclsco with her husbtmd, Ralph Cumuilngs, where they will appear In stock. •■, P. peurce. formerly assistant treasurer of the BIJou, is In a similar posi- tion at. the Savoy, Xew Bedford Man- friends last: w?ek, during their stay In this nger-Hnynes says to*-WW Casto will opeu city.- Jack Sbeetiuu, .well kuown In local Jan. 1. sporting and theatrical circles, will deliver s the.narrative of the Brllt-Xelson light pic- Lynn—At tho Lvnn (F. G. Harrison, man- tures, , at the Howard, this week. ugcrl the AValte Comedy Co. pleased week of Manager While, of Austlo & Stone's, has an Dei'. .11. Harvey & Gage Co. opcuvd n two elaborate Christmas decoration planned for weeks'eugagemeut.IS.. ri.vV-utu.lor'u AlfnafeplH • At.n.n..^,..,,.. iir««... & C'lhn. mnungers) the Marks Bros.' Co., week of Dee. 1). except 15, hud /rood business. "Mrs. Leflliigwoll's lien.Is" plsyed lo a fair house 16, liooki'il week of 'S. I'liloulal Stock Co., except 'Ji, when Solheru ami Mnrlowe will appear In "Itonieo ami Juliet." foi.uMAi. (Al. Ilayiies. intintiger).— Busi- ness big week of P. and altraelloiiH good. Booked week of IS: Pnrros Bros.. Tliumii" jrooio. Hurry Brown, lie Witt, Burns ami Torrance,- the Custatins, Itnrr and limits, Hi-ace Leouttrd and klnelogrnph. #~M> IMllVVt. ifv iMcffl?for,' ,th (s sea son I'Judot east will In- , l ud «).3flhn, Craig und Lillian Kemhtc, aud IrafiS Wah."Avnp~ias. been specially engaged. AfflK. 'AjJndArmere's'^'anV was last week's ^jj.P^aijuig greatly.. Xcjct week,"Rans( .IJ*«HW'! (Lindsay Morlson. manager' Kecafe'She. LovwI.IIIm So" will cug the..'lttpjre stock- forces this *epk. Ho\ lent .bill last week Included: Bert Coote and company, the 'Dollar Troupe, Zlnell and Boutelle, Mnxhillllnn, the Trolley Car. Trio, and others. Business good. With excep- tion-of concert'17. tb6 house will bo dark the current week AliAPKJtV 6». graph. GBJt (C. W. Sbeafe, manager).—Cupacltv business. BUI this week: Al. Patterson and K. IS. Perry, Alice Shurplcy and Tom Flyon, gers) —"Tmus" did well 7 It. "A It: Ilugeue Swoet, Ted Steele and George Ilenolt, Life." II-IB, packed the house. "The Deyn. managers).—"A Batchelor's Honey- Xoit week, "Hanson's moon' was the offering by the stock last Week, with Mr. Dc Deyn In the lend,:to big .„_r).— business. Sevet-ln De Deyn. D. J, Sdllivou, eugagc Donald Meek, Howard Russell. Isabel Plot- Howell cher, Mabellc Etttellc and Amy Inco con- Uiui)id'nua.Jtaiy Hall will huve. tho leads, tribute most of' the merriment. "Moths," i tic past,.: fortnight -.'was devoted to "If I with Messrs. Huntington and De Deyn, 18- 'Vcre, Klqg" whfi'h, was oue of the best pro- S»l . . . uve.t.lpDa.'pt.the season. It was cordially re- IIatmawav's fFrank G. Mack, resident eeiveili by...largo, patronage. . "The Silver manager).—Tlijs, theatre will open S3, with h.lug M ,'ujfjtt ..week'. .' the 'fivclvc Navujo Girls, Krelsel's cats and IJc'VliCifa Sqvaiib (G. B Lothrop, maua- dogs, John and Itertha Gleasou. uud Pred OT.'—Thc'i.Lpthrop'Stock Co., headed by Houlihan, Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, Harry 'Dalles !|I|ll«r aud Charlotte Hunt, will pro- Ln Rose and company, Walters and Prduty, «eut,-"The Holy city" as this week's offer- Murphy and Frauds aud the vltagraph. fflf Jay Hunt's new,drama, "A Crown of Bosroy (J/ If: Tebbetts, manager).—The Wrng,'; <had Its Initial presentation last usual S. It. O. business last week, uud a good weeks,'aiid it.was.vety favorably received by Dill, which- included the Pour Shannons, Frank, and lOtta Clermontc and the blugraph. Thuatiik. Salem, (Geo. H. t^heot- Music (Huntington oV-Dfl !'"">• wanugi'r).—The Bennett & Moultou Co. is playing u two weeks' engagement here, which opened 11. Very good business ruled last week. .• XOTBS:~Mrs. Lillian Dodge, widow of the lute Richard S. Dodge, manager uf (be Lvnn Theatre, died Iu a hutipltul here, It. from llin cBTectH of a surgical operation, made neces- sary by'a fall which she sustained several months ago. Allaire and Llud, club Jug- glers, huve. Joined hands, und nro now tour- ing the I3ust, performing their act with great success. They appeared In this city recently, with the Bufilnton Stock Co. s Siirlii««elil.—At lb'! Court Square (D. 0. Gllniore, luanager) "Tho Messiah" was given by the Oiplteum Club, Dec. l'i, to a large audience. Thomas Daniels and Glenn Mall were two of the soloists. "Miss Dollv IihIIimiuimiIU. —At Fngllsh's (Jpera House (Ad. P, Mil In-. inni>iiK''i't Dtistln Piirnuin, 111 "The Virginia ii," inatliiec und night. Dec. tl. pleased tale sized houses. Kluw & l.'r- lauger's "Iliiinpiy I.Miiuply." 11-15. packed the house lo (he doors nf every performance. MuxltiQ Illllott IS, "Woudlauil" L"J, ?.:, "Buster Brown" :!•">. I'illK. TUkA'i'iti; i Dickson A Talbott, iiiuna- ' Itaie fur Smart Set" 1-1 111, ltiti-ney Ijlliliurc 18-UD, "Vurk State Folks:' ^'u-J7. . Ilnl'si: ISIiufer Zlegler, iniiii- ngei).—Hose Htulil and eompany. In "The Chorus, Liidy." win Mm lilt of the season last wcoli. llowiird mid Nnilh gave the best talking act. that ever appeared al. this house. 'Ilie Vcripin Troupe and Arthur Print* iilsn scored heavily. Business still holds up to capuclrv. Booked week uf IS: llert Leslie, Ilobt. Dillley and cuiilpaiiy. UokkI's miislenl horse, Ivpijilre I'ltv tlnarlellc. Itcllmau and .Moore, Ulxnii iiinl Holmes. Jack Gardiner. Burton's (logo, Browning mid Wally, and the bioscope. KMPIiii: ((.'lias. VChuiiieiiiiuii. aiaiiiigeii. The Slur Shew Girls eauie week of II. In very big business. The performance opens with ,ii.musical romed.v. entlllisl "Deserters ill. Large.'' Iu which Mnrle Croix ami Cora While Introduce several big singing ntiinbers, mid weur stiiiiuliig costuines. In the nllo ' The- Trocadore fgfa |,, "|| 0 ,, |>-|«> t i<s Bill:" Xolilli and White, Ten-Brook, Lambert und Ten-Brooli, and Carney anil Wagner, all scoring heavily. The closing burlesque, "The Athletic Girls." abounds In big dancing and singing liiiuibeii.. A burlesque boxing con- test between the members of the chorus was ti special feature. The comedy wiih well lakni -earn of b.v Tom Nolan. Charles Noeliols ami Jim Ten-Brook. Tho show Is Robert 10, (Benson, electrician: Joe Hark'-, stage carpenter. Aiif. Uiitlerwlck Is prcsl- dent of the BIJou Amiisenienl C'n, Kvans H.m.i. (Harry Wrlgbi. inuiiiigeri whs opened as n skating rink II. ami will continue lo run until .Inn. 1,5, Mr, Wright • lileti Is In Introduce vaudeville mid niovluu ph-lurcH dining tlin nfteriiiiuii and evening Xccnts. T. A. Pi-illey was In ilvansvlile 1 1. lb- says thai nil iirriiiigcineiils are eooi. pleleil for a new I belli re ill holh .Memplll.. I'i-iiii., uud Belleville, III. lie Is also aceiri-- lug lo-iitlniis for other now houses,...,. Joint II. Ilopkc, of ilie Xew BIJou Theatre here, was the familiar- fare nil during ijn- Worlds Pair. tit. St. l.oqls, In fronl of llin llocr War .Joe Uinta Is very well kniin-n here, having been seerelury and treun iinr of the Grand and I'ooplil's. for several .veins I lurry Wright, furuierly nresl- dent of the Wright CnrnlViil Co.. will,begin the erection, on .Inn. IB, of llin new Coli- seum. It will cover uIiiiohi half h block In the heart of the el|y, and will be tatiilor Mr. Wright 'h mtiniigeniaiit. II - Is lo Is- open"! April I. Usui, Willi i| liuzaur. given hy locul l-.iks, lilt, to lit'lii build the new Flits lima". ....The Laura .\ll|laril Co.Wlls disbanded Iu IMvciislioro. Ky., Dec. I Charlotte. Miotic, nt i'Iii' lunaii, disappeared from her Imifl, III Linilsville. lire. *,, and did qot (ippeiir Willi li-.'i-1-iyiipiru.v.lie«<'. Nothing was known of her whereabouts at thai time. * Trror lluiite.- Al the Griinil Opera Ilintsi- (T. W. " Ill-own" Dec. Trump" III. "Woodland" "I. Barney (llluiore -"J. 'A "The Gljisy.llln" 94, "The Maid and tin' Miiuiia.v" -Tl. Lvr.ii'. Illuli liuss vuiideillli-. under Hi- utile nianageui'iil, still i-ulilllilies lo enjin' <-llJiruity IlllHllless CiiMsBiu (Harry Hi-oiikoii, muiiiigei-1 • - 'Ilie liiiit-Nelsoa plelnri-M. Iu return engage- ment, 15, drew a inielied house. High Flyeri llinlesqiie, HI, bad sianillng i-pihii ul n pre iiiluin. Anna Km fii)' imd company Christ. week. llMi'im: Tiiit.irni: continues lo fair banal- ne-c, wllh biniesi|iic iitl|-«ctliins. i s Prnnkfort.---At the llllnn (Laiigerbvuk'. A Ilufford. mmiagerai "Cousin Kate" 1 came. Dee. 7, to good biisljifse. "The llousli-r Girl" S. "The Volunteer Ol'gunlst" 1^. Tin house will lie dark IS-'-il., T Ibii'liydl, manageri •■ Iti:-.(i-i* 17. IS, "An ArlslbcrfiH.- i"? ?*«'• nffluuger).—The pictures of ii SraHS 00 ' "e 1 ": ' tu ' B «"**!«'■ Wood . tv,;i"'4«R? 8r - a, "l Gilbert. Jennlugs und Ren- truns. aSffi^HfeKlukald,. lairkln and Daly, At. „' r 1 ? s 7 no 95* ^» fc * tue |Iowardg «-'« > t ,l! ' au<1 tae i u, I'arry Woodward und rerros, aud electrogmph made up the others. Grass Widows week of J8, Washliigloii So- Well urloeqnc, "All For You." ' rfle oil' for this week: Pat Rooncy uud clelv Girls to follow, drawing well. Marlon Bent, tin: Pour Avolos, Nettle Vomto. Notk —The Kuiplre cilv Quartette, hooknl -Richard Piatt delighted farae Sisters Cnuiaras, .1. 0. Nugent and for-week of II, ut Hie lirauil Opera House. se i;», with a piano re- company, Tom Glllcu, Haekett-Lestcr Trio, was transferred lo week of r ..-ral of his own composl- «« d - c 'eetrogruph. time, week of II. tilled by Al (Jrunewald, director. ' MUMa (P. V. Shea & Co.. managers).— whose veulrlloqulsiu was Hie Uc Lowell Orchestral Society, "The Life that Kills," 7-U, entertained mcdl- town, s, couductor, will give Its sec- um houses, ihc Bon Ton Burlesque™, 11- — , . s- imliSSo^^It^i^ieSi^JilA^lB^ Pleasing; The. burlesque last week. "All —The hViurMllous w-ere the strongest net Nocl-.ols mid Jliu 'I'en-Brook. Tho show Is Cm«TAi. (Chns.' Welsh, martiigci i.—Week Bler-aiid WnltersMhe Xorrisses V J? 'Wood Caught Up." was very funny, and the moving on last week's bill. Delia Pox. Burke and well dressed and beuiitlfnlly staged, mid Hie "/ 11 business wan big. Week of IS: I'mf l*XO:E* business pictures scored. Week of 18: Marvel 'Prince- Bemimev. World andI kings ton, Guorge B. chorus Is large nud good looking. A mill- Itobertson's dog show, West mid llnnti.ii, i vtm-taii ton,.Lconoiu Weston. Nellie Hurt, the Man- Alexander, "the girl behind the drum:" I-'o- lory drill wus u big feature of the llrst. pari. Crlmmlns und Muck, nud Chat, mid Jeunln. Gardner ulngs, George Whaleu, I'arry Woodward and rerros, aud electrogliipli made up tbn olhcrs. Gruss Widows week of JB, Washliigloii So- welali. ■Js^fflf.*Jn«ndin«w ~&i^~<failS SS moving pictures. Burlcedne. "AH For You." The caril for this week: Pat .Rooncy. uud clely Girls to follow. *-^0- uon jpraJ»s^favorites.- . Sunday concerts aro r*-* ^"jB.■; ^^%J^i^misrwfin[a v a . u i; j™,,, 0111cu - Haeketv, ' e "" tcrTr, °' ^>,,r^' , '" 1 1 n rui, .'.i llcl ' tilled bj Arlhiii- Prince. „,,.,. ,,;,,„. (,, pj.p,,,., , nu „„ K „ n -When 1 .luniinlo Comes Maniilug Home" did guml 1,'I'AII. eonipauy and cltaT," Vncludiiig several of his owu'i-omposl- ""?. cleclrograpb -_ ^ffllltf' r f llll H i li-ilnnmillil /lt^Ajfljil- Tlmplb.— The lowcii urcuestrui noctety, ik i.m ubjuiii., mnrnrHwiassw wssi business lice 7-ti '-• -Wii'v liuwn i;iisi.""illd : Borjes, couductor, will give Its sec "m houaes. 'fho Bon Ton Burlesquem, 11- — o fulr busli.-sVwe-'k of III "lien Hi" ( J&M&^'K 1 ^tiFi»~&£? i |»f,,wl'«!''.»»«?«' »«™» »^ r f l,"'s1u f J»s e was l falr 3r HaTv Brvant'^Exl.-nva' o K T»»«»'"«•• - At Hie Grand (Pedlcy « Item TfrthW Mml&, :■ »«iUcr)'--''TV roBjpd* olll. .Cburmlon was given a ,«lllst, uud Stephen Townscnd, baritone, will mifluesa sros fair. Hony Bijants Lxttava- B urcn , inaniigci-al "The Paradcrs," Dec. 11 .. .Charmlon was given a , ."W.^klepinc last week, aud others wlu- be the soloists illbBpUiCc J}r.-wore:.Upch-l-:iton Co., Juhn.D. ividSC^ 1 H con a-.'l'hurbcr und her four Hack- ,, 1 V,"-*M Marvelous Frank and Little Bob. •KHWW continues at capacity.- xS^^B. Mc^jssai ?o an toi e n r) foT ^^-;--i y^^^j^i clever show which took well, fal ga'nza Co. 18-'JU. Abcadb (deb. W. Carey, manager).—Busl- • ness' continues good. The electric novelty Xew Bedford.—At the New Bedford Tbe- targct Installed last week Is n'winner. aire (Wm. B. Cross, manager) Dot Karrol Muntios, —Ilie Pour Suuddods, a bit-at Co. came to good business week of It, Botb- tbe Boston last week, go over the Mozart ern and Marlowe SB. -i-i returns -o town for circuit Walter B, Colby, scene painter Hituawav's (T. B. Bayles. manager).— Jib Sficond. visit of the season, with MavGeb- at the Acsdcnjy, goes to Hathaway's new Itecord,breaking business for this tlmo of the e season, witu Ma m.w«. „» K n A.„f„„ tt a omsJ i« >C ar for week of 11. BUI for 18 and weok : Julie Itlug, Chus. F. Semon, Coin's dogs, Brockmau, Mack und company, Garn«l|a and Harris, Delmore aud Darrell. uud vltarrapb. Savoy (BufUngtou & Wllmath, munagers). — Standard Stock Co. produced "Broken Hearts," lo good busluess, 11-DJ. "The Game of Life" 18-*j:>. Alice Douuldson Joined the. company, and has greatly strengthened the cast. proved; good, and business was tip top. TtSriSfK'SP (Harry N. Purren, manager).— rtin M ifi?-^ CW fork Jr. Co. la how this week. oJllK. feiitured Iu "Tbc King of Ko- '.? ; flhd the olio Employs the Boston Clly mUSIJ*' IfOBT Tr*X the Oognoux. Bandy Worcester.— ^itne norccster iiicairn ., ' ' - inn west. Geo. A. selllugcr Is lo be mana- Vn.. will be dedli-iiled .Inn. aaoilNllson,,.Holman, Uaywnrd and Uayward, (Jus. F. Bock, resident manager), under the Lawrence.—At the Opera Uvuuc (Grant gcr; Jolio U. Uopkc, secretary and treasurer; Uoinaavv of Coou Hollow" Co. aitny The re-elected mayor, Bro. .lames B. Casey, was the guest 'pf honor. People from the locul theatres assisted In the festivities. ... . a Worcester.—At 'the Worcester' Theatre bud it..good audience. "A Message from Mars," fa. did watt. "Khan Holdeu 7 ' had u good sale. H, Harrison .t Parkinson Co. '.'.» and week. .PfcOl'LE's (Pcdloy & Burcli, managers).-- Tho Great Lafayette Co., at both matinee and evening performances, 10, packed the bouse. The High Flyers pleased 13. Bluck Crook Jr. Co. 10,."The Little Homestead" 17. "Rudolph and Adolph" Hi, "The Chaperons" 81. Bijou (Geo. A. Bellinger, manager I will he opened Dec. 17, and will bo one of the fourteen houses In tho Hopkins circuit. Tim opening -bill has not been definitely decided on. 'rue uenliug capacity of the house will be front twelve to fourteen hundred, und nil modern Improvements have been made, mak- ing ft one of the iii'isl up-to-date houses In (he West. Geo. A. Selllugcrls lo be manu- While Caps" played' to fulr liiisliiess- 710. llrlllNehoii phi arcs did well 11-13. I.vtili- (Mr. Muss,'-malinger).- -The Piirklini Gali-IV Girls did good bii-lue-.i week ending II. Mllli-l's ISiirlesqUers tH-'Jii. • ■'»' — Plans of WIIIIhui (illlclto. Mr. Gillette will, after this svusuti, be seen In New York, al Hie ue"d of ii stock <-nm. pauy of which be will also be stage laiiiiiigei-, nud will he eoi i nod Iu Ibc sc- leciloii of Ilie plays. Some of Ills own plays will be produced .and ruvlvuls of his old siieeesse<< will probably be niuile. Ills Anifr b-iiii tour opens In' Boston, ul tin- Colonial Theatre, (iii-lstiiius night. In "Cliuicc." <MHtl A M.w iil'iniA ihium: In Liuuhcrport. W. Vu.. will be dcdlcuicd Jup. Ii), ,by the "A- t...